Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail

        Welcome – Tēnā koe
        For more than 150 years rail has played a vital role as an enabler of
        economic growth in New Zealand, evolving and adapting to meet customer
        needs despite significant geographical challenges and changing trends in

        In the 1800s engineers designed a rail network that could operate in New
        Zealand’s uncompromising landscape, implementing wooden infrastructure
        that ran across swamps, rugged mountains, dense forests and wide rivers,
        to connect otherwise isolated communities and industries to the market.

        Much has changed since KiwiRail’s humble beginnings in 1863. Wooden
        infrastructure has been replaced by more resilient materials and today
        we look to advanced technological solutions to ensure the safety of the
        network and our people. To this day KiwiRail’s rail network continues to
        connect businesses, communities, importers and exporters to the world.

        As history shows, rail is adept at changing its services to meet the evolving
        needs of industry. As port flows increase and commuter demands continue
        to grow, KiwiRail is developing dynamic and innovative solutions to meet
        New Zealand’s changing transport requirements.

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail

Overview of our business                        Capitals review                                  Governance review
At a glance                      4               Main North Line case study     20               The KiwiRail Board              48
Who we are and what we do        6              Financial                       22               The KiwiRail Executive Team     50
                                                 Tourism case study             25               How we are governed             52
Management review                               People                          27
Our reporting approach           9               HPHE Hotworks case study       30               Statutory review
How KiwiRail creates value      10              Assets                          31               Key Performance Indicators      56
Chairman’s message              12               Rolling Stock case study       33               Vote Transport                  58
Milestones		                    14              Skills & know-how               34               Financial statements            60
Chief Executive’s report        16               Port of Tauranga case study    35               Independent Auditor’s report    93
                                                Relationships                   36               Directory                       96
Business review                                 Stakeholder relationships       40
                                                 Tangiwai case study            42
Performance of our
business units                  18              Environment                     43
                                                 Environment case study         45
                                                Strategic outlook               47

Tim Eddy, Matt Thompson, Kevin Day, Paul Jones, Bob Day and  Jamie
                                                         Reliable.   Williams,Valuable.
                                                                   Sustainable. KiwiRail  staff working
                                                                                        | KiwiRail        with the Report
                                                                                                   Annual Integrated NCTIR2017
                                                                                                                                 | 3
Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Overview of our business: At a glance

At a glance

Highlights from FY17

                                  •     In Budget 2017, the Government announces two year funding of $450 million and a Rail
                                        Review to investigate long-term funding options
                                  •     Interislander customer satisfaction ratings reach 90% in June 2017, up from 82% June 2016

                                  •     $52 million operating surplus
                                  •     $92 million underlying operating surplus excluding $40 million impact from Kaikoura
                                        earthquake, exceeding FY16 underlying result
                                  •     $18 million productivity and efficiency savings, building on $27 million saved from initiatives
                                        in FY16

                                  •     Participation in the employee survey increases from 47% in FY16 to 74%
                                  •     12% of workforce complete in-house leadership programmes
                                  •     15% reduction in total injuries and a 45% reduction in Total Recordable Injuries Frequency
                                        Rate over three years

                                  •     $322 million is invested in renewal and upgrade of network, property and rolling stock,
                                        excluding Main North Line reinstatement
                                  •     150 new intermodal IH wagons and 15 diesel locomotives are purchased to better On-Time
                                        Performance (OTP)
                                  •     On Time Performance for premium freight trains improves by 20% year-on-year to 89%
                                  •     KiwiRail acquires Interislander ferry, Kaitaki, securing capacity to move freight and people
                                        between islands for years to come

                                  Skills and Know-How
                                  •     KiwiRail’s operational response keeps the North Island to South Island supply chain moving
                                        after the Kaikoura earthquake
                                  •     The award-winning TranzAlpine returns to service six weeks after a 300ha fire closes the
                                        Midland Line
                                  •     A 24 hour, 10 day operation delivers new rail sidings at Southdown (Auckland) container
                                  •     An intermodal solution enables road bridging while the Aratere is in dry-dock

                                  •     Reduced heavy vehicle impact on New Zealand roads of 1.1 million truck trips, saving
                                        69.5 million litres of fuel and 188,939 tonnes of CO2 emissions
                                  •     KiwiRail’s award winning fuel efficiency programme Driver Advisory System saved
                                        5.7 million litres of fuel
                                  •     93% of EECA energy saving target reached two years ahead of schedule

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Overview of our business: At a glance

                            The High Performance High Engagement team wins the New Zealand Workplace Safety Awards
                   ‘Engagement’ category, recognising the best initiative to encourage worker involvement in health and safety

      •    KiwiRail’s work with customers in the aftermath            •    The Auckland Electrification Project wins the
           of the Kaikoura earthquake, wins the Rail                       Best Project Award at the Conference on Railway
           Excellence Award at the Australasian Rail                       Excellence 2016
           Industry Awards 2017
                                                                      •    KiwiRail’s Back to Basics programme is a finalist
      •    High Performance High Engagement initiative,                    in the Skills Highway category at the 2017
           Hotworks, wins the Engagement category of the                   Diversity NZ Awards
           2017 New Zealand Workplace Health and Safety
                                                                      •    Track Occupancy is a finalist in the Work-Related
                                                                           Safety category at the 2017 New Zealand
      •    Locomotive Fuel Conservation project wins the                   Workplace Health and Safety Awards
           Large Energy User Initiative of the Year category          •    KiwiRail is a finalist for the Auckland University
           at the 2016 Deloitte Energy Excellence Awards                   of Technology Business School’s Excellence
      •    Integrated Report 2016 wins bronze and the                      in Business Support Awards in two categories:
           Special Award for Communications at the 2017                    Export Support and Government
           Australasian Reporting Awards                              •    Great Journeys of New Zealand is nominated
                                                                           for a Tourism Industry Federation Award in the
      •    TrackSAFE NZ and KiwiRail’s social/digital media
                                                                           Business Excellence category
           campaign for Rail Safety Week 2016, Conscious
           Crossings, wins eight golds at the Axis Awards             •    Great Journeys’ experience, the TranzAlpine, is
           and the overall Grand Axis Award                                rated one of the top 10 most scenic train journeys
                                                                           in the world by National Geographic.

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Overview of our business: Who we are and what we do

Who we are                                                           Our Vision:
                                                                     Trusted Kiwi-owned logistics partner
and what we do                                                       growing New Zealand

                               We connect people and communities

                  32 million                                    One million                                     17%
            We help commuters make                              We carry more than                    We enable passenger
             more than 32 million low-                           one million tourist                    growth of 17% in
            carbon journeys each year                          passengers each year                    Auckland (2016 /17)

                                 • Manage 18,000ha of land                               • 3,400 employees

                                 • Own more than 1,500 buildings                         • 76% union members
                                                                                         • 46 years - average
                                                                                           employee age
                                                                                         • 45% decrease in Total   • 3 long distance
                                                                                           Recordable Injury         passenger
                                                                                           Frequency Rate in         experiences
                     • Over $1b invested in renewal                                        last three years          between Auckland
                       and upgrade of rail network,                                                                  and Greymouth
                       rolling stock and property over                                                             • 160,000 passengers
                       the last five years                                                                           per year
                                                                                  • 3,090 signals
                                                                                                                   • Stops at 23 towns
     • 3,500 km of track                                                          • 1,500 public                     and cities in NZ
       operated and maintained                                                      level crossings
     • 6.6m sleepers, of which
       48% are concrete

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Overview of our business: Who we are and what we do

                                                We keep freight moving

                    18 million                                         16%                                         25%
                   We move 18 million                          We carry around 16%                          We transport
                    tonnes of freight                         of New Zealand’s total                       around 25% of
                       each year                             freight task (tonnes-km)                   New Zealand’s exports

                                                                    • 3 ships
• 98 tunnels                                                        • 750,000 passengers
• 1,322 bridges                                                     • 4,000 sailings per year                  • Reduce heavy
                                                                                                                 vehicle impact by
                                                                    • 1 million net tonnes                       more than one million
                           • 4,578 wagons
                                                                      of freight carried per                     truck trips per year
                                                                                                               • Every tonne of freight
                                                                                                                 carried by rail is
                                                                                                                 a 66% emissions
                                                        • 244 locomotives                                        saving over road

                                                        • Average locomotive
                                                          age 30 years
                                                        • 91% of all freight
                                                          arrives on time

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Management review: Our reporting approach

                                                                                  James Gobbe, Senior Track Maintainer, Christchurch

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Management review: Our reporting approach

Our reporting

This is KiwiRail’s second Integrated        transport system and in the health of            invest and demonstrates how it creates
Report, which uses the International        the economy, our communities and                 value through reliable, sustainable and
Integrated Reporting Council’s (IIRC)       people. Reliability is about meeting our         cost-effective services.
framework to explain KiwiRail’s             customer promise and empowering
                                                                                             This year there is a strong focus on
business performance.                       our people to succeed. Sustainability
                                                                                             the reporting capital areas of People
                                            explains how rail can create enduring,
It sets out to provide in-depth                                                              and Environment, to reflect the
                                            long-term value and explores more
information about our relationship                                                           growing importance and influence
                                            than just KiwiRail’s environmental
with stakeholders, what we do in our                                                         of these activities on our day-to-day
                                            credentials, encompassing the safety
business and our role as an enabler of                                                       operations. These areas are growing
                                            and Zero Harm of our people and the
growth in New Zealand for the year to                                                        and changing in line with evolving
                                            public. KiwiRail’s value lies in our role
30 June 2017.                                                                                business and customer needs and are
                                            in growing our customers and the
                                                                                             at different stages of development and
Within the report we demonstrate how        economy, in working closely with our
we create value for our stakeholders,       agency partners on New Zealand’s
our customers, and our business in          future transport needs and in our                In People, we discuss the successful
the short, medium and long term. The        long-term ability to deliver for all New         application of a Zero Harm culture
report also covers key material issues,     Zealanders.                                      across all levels of KiwiRail and the
the issues that are most important                                                           development of visible health and
                                            This report is also designed to provide
to KiwiRail and its stakeholders:                                                            safety leadership and ownership. We
                                            an overview of KiwiRail activities, to
customer relationships, financial                                                            also detail our desire to drive greater
                                            describe how each capital contributes
performance, work health and safety,                                                         diversity across the business.
                                            to our strategy and to provide a
operational efficiency, energy and
                                            transparent assessment of overall                We also delve deeper into material
carbon emissions, transport resilience,
                                            performance, future prospects and                issues, environmental and social
commercial focus, employee relations,
                                            risks in relation to finance, people,            values, and we discuss what each
and public safety.
                                            assets, knowledge, relationships and             issue means to our stakeholders.
Our title, ‘Reliable. Sustainable.          the environment. Each area has an
                                                                                             More information on the Integrated
Valuable.’ highlights the integral role     overview of our activities describing
                                                                                             Reporting framework can be found at:
KiwiRail plays in New Zealand’s             how that area contributes to our
                                            strategy to simplify, standardise and

Statement of
                                                    We, the Board of KiwiRail,                    Audit New Zealand has provided
                                                    acknowledge our responsibility                a statement of assurance for the
                                                                                                  financial statements in this report,

                                                    to ensure the integrity of this
                                                    Integrated Report. In preparing and           but we have not sought external
                                                    approving the content of the report,          assurance of the contents of this
                                                    we are confident that it aligns with          Integrated Report.
                                                    the principles of the International
                                                    Integrated Reporting Framework.

                                                    Trevor D Janes                                 Dame Paula Rebstock
                                                    Chairman                                       Deputy Chair

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Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable - REPORT 2017 - KiwiRail
Management review: How KiwiRail creates value

How KiwiRail
creates value
                                                                    Growing a                        resilience
                                                                 highly-engaged,                     to the NZ
                                                                     safe and                        transport
           Our                                                      productive         Supporting     network
         inputs:                                                    workforce          customers
                                                                                      to grow NZ’s

       Financial                                         :
                                            v   isi
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                                              US ISTIC ING
         People                           T R   G
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                                                                                          We move people
       Skills &
                                                                                    Our strategy:

     Relationships                                                                    Simplify


10    | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Management review: How KiwiRail creates value

                           world class               Providing a
                             tourism                 sustainable                                                   Our
Facilitating               experiences                transport
 efficient                                           alternative
 flows to/                                          and reducing
from ports                                           emissions*

                                                                               people and
                                                                                places by


and freight
       Our values:

                                                       *Around 16% of all total freight task carried,
                                                       under 1% of all transport emissions

                                                         Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   11
Management review: Chairman’s message


The culture of an
organisation is
brought to the fore
in the face of crisis
and challenge and
I want to thank
KiwiRail’s 3,400
people for their
immense efforts                                     It has been an extraordinary 10 months
                                                    since I joined the KiwiRail Board on
                                                                                                event is testament to the skills of all
                                                                                                those involved and the support that
this year.”                                         1 November 2016, just a fortnight
                                                    before the Kaikoura earthquake hit,
                                                                                                has been received from our customers
                                                                                                and stakeholders.
                                                    devastating our rail network in the
                                                                                                The speed of KiwiRail’s recovery was
                                                    South Island.
                                                                                                assisted by the Government’s early
                                                    I took over the Chairman’s role from        and welcome commitment to fund
                                                    John Spencer who had spent six years        any uninsured portion in our rebuild
                                                    at the helm of KiwiRail. John, more         costs. In Budget 2017 two years’ of
                                                    than anyone, knows the intestinal           Government funding was confirmed,
                                                    fortitude required of our people this       with the promise of longer-term funding
                                                    year as they tackled the biggest rebuild    through a Rail Review to ensure
                                                    of rail since World War II. It has been a   KiwiRail is operating on the most
                                                    privilege for me to be part of it.          sustainable footing possible.
                                                    As this publication goes to press,          The challenge of running a business
                                                    the Main North Line from Picton to          that invests in multi-decade assets
                                                    Christchurch is carrying some of its        on a year-by-year funding basis
                                                    first freight loads on services at night,   should not be underestimated and I
                                                    while we work with our NZTA partner         am pleased that the Government is
                                                    in the North Canterbury Transport           recognising and addressing this issue.
                                                    Infrastructure Recovery (NCTIR)
                                                                                                The earthquake may have defined
                                                    alliance on the continuing rebuild of the
                                                                                                much of our year, but it does not define
                                                    road and rail during daylight hours.
                                                                                                our business. The results to 30 June
                                                    This partnership has highlighted just       2017, impacted as they are by the
                                                    how important an integrated transport       disrupted freight flows and tourism
                                                    network is for New Zealand. We are          services in the South Island, are
                                                    stronger together, road and rail, and       testament to the success of KiwiRail’s
                                                    this alliance is paving the way for even    strategy and the transformation of the
                                                    greater collaboration in future.            business in recent years.
                                                    That we could run freight just 10           We have achieved a creditable $52
                                                    months after that dramatic natural          million operating surplus. If the impact

12   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Management review: Chairman’s message

of November’s earthquake and                However, the revenue impact of that               thank KiwiRail’s 3,400 people for
resulting decrease in revenue and           event has effectively been absorbed by            their immense efforts this year.
increase in costs is taken into account,    the business – testament to the strong            Our valued customers have also
a $92 million Earnings Before Interest,     operational platform that Peter Reidy             shown remarkable support for the
Taxes, Depreciation and Amortisation        and his management team have spent                organisation, even as their own
(EBITDA) would have been achieved.          the past three years building.                    businesses were disrupted by events.
That underlying operating surplus,
                                            Productivity and efficiency gains, more           Those customer relationships and
which takes into account the
                                            reliable services for our customers,              partnerships will be a key part of our
earthquake’s $40 million impact, meets
                                            strong partnerships with New Zealand’s            next 12 months as we look to continue
our commitment to Government and
                                            ports for our importers and exporters             our strategy to simplify the business,
is ahead of budget, forecast and last
                                            and the ability to adapt to the changing          standardise our operations and invest
year’s underlying $86 million result.
                                            nature of international freight through           in our people. Rail is of growing
One of the earthquake’s stranger            the “big ships” now plying our waters,            importance to New Zealand in both our
effects is that it has increased            have all set the organisation in good             congested cities and for the efficient
asset impairment. An accounting             stead for the challenges faced.                   movement of freight, as has been seen
requirement of the organisation                                                               by the events in the South Island this
                                            The importance of safety for our
means capital expenditure is written                                                          year.
                                            people and the public is always top
off each year, which consequently
                                            of mind at KiwiRail, and is as critical           We look forward to embracing the
values assets at substantially below
                                            for the Board as it is for our frontline          challenges of the 12 months ahead.
replacement cost.
                                            workers. Some good results in injury
This treatment has never been more          reduction have been recorded this
anomalous than this year as we have         year, building on previous years’ work,
written off all of the earthquake rebuild   but there is always more to do and
costs, despite it delivering significant    it will continue to be a focus of our
value to New Zealand.                       High Performance High Engagement
                                            programme of work with our union
When a large forestry fire took out
KiwiRail’s award-winning TranzAlpine
service just three months after             The culture of an organisation is                 Trevor D Janes
November’s earthquake, it appeared          brought to the fore in the face of                Chairman KiwiRail
nature was working against us.              crisis and challenge and I want to

                                                              Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   13
Management review: Milestones


                                                   • KiwiRail and the Rail and

                                                     Maritime Transport Union sign
                                                     a joint High Performance High
                                                     Engagement Charter to guide
                                                     future engagement and projects            • A 7.8 magnitude earthquake
                                                                                                 strikes Kaikoura suspending
                                                   • The 007 bridge programme
                                                                                                 the freight and Coastal Pacific
       July                                          replaces eight timber bridges
                                                     along the North Island Main
                                                                                                 services on the Main North Line
                                                     Trunk (NIMT)                              • KiwiRail signs an agreement
     • KiwiRail signs an agreement                                                               with the Energy Efficiency and
       to purchase 15 diesel                                                                     Conservation Authority (EECA)
     • Road-bridging successfully
       fulfills customers’ needs
       when the Aratere’s dry dock
       leaves New Zealand without
       a rail enabled ferry for the
       first time in 56 years
                                                               October                                   December
                                                           • Napier Port signs an                     • KiwiRail enters the coastal
                                                             agreement for a log service                shipping freight market with
                                                             between Napier and Wairoa,                 NZ Connect which operates
                                                             signalling the reopening of the            between Auckland and
                                                             Napier/Gisborne line                       Christchurch

                                                           • The arrival of Aotea Maersk              • The Northern Explorer passes

                 August                                      marks the beginning of “big
                                                             ships” in New Zealand waters,
                                                                                                        the one million kilometre mark
                                                                                                        since commencing service in
                                                             to meet increased demand                   June 2012
             • The opening of the                            KiwiRail upgrades services to
               Waingawa transport hub                                                                 • KiwiRail decides to replace
                                                             and from the Port of Tauranga              electric locomotives with
               in Wellington takes 16,000
               trucks off roads per annum                  • KiwiRail signs an agreement                diesel locomotives on the
                                                             for 150 new intermodal IH                  NIMT enhancing reliability and
             • Two Auckland –                                wagons                                     efficiency
               Whangarei freight services
               are consolidated into a
               single service, maximising
               operating efficiencies


14   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Management review: Milestones

                                              March                                         • KiwiRail purchases
                                                                                              Interislander ferry, Kaitaki,
                                            • The Midland Line reopens
                                              and the TranzAlpine                             securing capacity to move
                                              returns to service six                          freight and people between

  January                                     weeks after the 300ha fire
                                            • A three-year project
                                                                                              islands for years to come
                                                                                            • The Coastal Pacific, Northern
                                              to strengthen the line                          Explorer, TranzAlpine and
• The first work train
  since the earthquake                        between Castlecliff and                         Interislander tourism journeys
  transports equipment                        Port Taranaki commences                         are rebranded as The Great
  along the Main North                                                                        Journeys of New Zealand
  Line between Grassmere
  and Clarence River

                                                       • Railbike Adventures wins
               February                                  the bid for the Wairoa
                                                         – Gisborne section of the
                                                                                                         • The Clarence Bridge
                                                                                                           reopens on the Main North
                                                         Napier/Gisborne Line                              Line enabling the first work
            • A 300ha fire results in
              the cancellation of freight              • Ventilation, track and                            train since the earthquake
              and passenger services                     communications upgrades                           to travel from Kaikoura to
              on the Midland Line                        strengthen resilience in                          Picton
                                                         the Kaimai Tunnel, on the
            • The Discovery Channel                      route between Auckland –                        • KiwiRail commences
              airs a Megatrains                          Hamilton – Tauranga                               e-learning, providing our
              episode about KiwiRail                                                                       people with the tools needed
              internationally                                                                              to develop their skills
                                                                                                           anywhere, anytime


                                                                Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   15
Management review: Chief Executive’s report

Chief Executive’s

KiwiRail will
invest to build
an efficient and
reliable operating
platform with a
highly engaged
and productive
team focused on
customer growth                                     There is an overused sporting axiom          across the Strait without a rail enabled
                                                    that describes a match as a “game of         ferry.
strategies and the                                  two halves”. I’m loathe to repeat it but
                                                                                                 Months of planning meant we were
safety of all”
                                                    if ever a year deserved that cliché, it
                                                                                                 heading into a peak season having
                                                    has been this year in review.
                                                                                                 reduced speed restrictions by 45
                                                    When we kicked off last July 1, all of       minutes on the North Island Main
                                                    the key rail and ferry system elements       Trunk Line, with our highest wagon
                                                    were in place to produce what our            availability in years.
                                                    teams expected to be a record
                                                                                                 Our people were focused and
                                                    peak freight and passenger year for
                                                                                                 driven, the result of two years’ work
                                                                                                 to transform our organisation into
                                                    We had made significant progress in          a customer-focused, commercially
                                                    standardising our train fleet, simplifying   driven business helping to grow our
                                                    our asset maintenance and train              customers and the New Zealand
                                                    planning and investing in the network        economy.
                                                    to ensure the best reliability for our
                                                                                                 The whistle blew when the 7.8
                                                    customers, lifting the average On-Time
                                                                                                 earthquake struck near Kaikoura
                                                    Performance (OTP) by 22% in the four
                                                                                                 just after midnight on November 14.
                                                    months of FY17.
                                                                                                 What ensued as the dust settled,
                                                    Tourism was booming with rail                fundamentally changed not only that
                                                    passenger numbers up 12%. Our                peak season, but our year and our
                                                    partnerships and commercial                  priorities: New Zealand’s supply chain
                                                    arrangements with ports were paying          was disrupted, Wellington’s port closed
                                                    off with the Port of Tauranga tracking       and our domestic freight revenue was
                                                    19% up in volume. Interislander              impacted in the South Island. We had
                                                    customer ratings were up and we’d            to close our successful Coastal Pacific
                                                    successfully completed a drydock for         rail journey for at least 12 months and
                                                    our Aratere ferry – the first time in 56     we were facing the biggest rail rebuild
                                                    years that we’d kept freight moving          in generations.

16   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Management review: Chief Executive’s report

Our response to that natural event            to find solutions to the challenges they          (HSAT) and introducing lead indicators
required innovation at speed: our             – and we – faced. The investment we               to stimulate health and safety as
teams got two Cook Strait ferries up          had made prior to the quake to build              everyone’s responsibility. Our ambition
and running within 24 hours, beginning        an efficient and reliable operating               is still to be one of New Zealand’s
plans for our first coastal freight           platform made that work possible                  leading health and safety organisations
shipping service NZ Connect from              but I thank them for their patience               and that goal will be a key strategic
Auckland to Lyttelton. We opened a            and encouragement as we worked                    focus in the next 24 months.
new inland freight hub in Blenheim            to get the Main North Line (MNL)
                                                                                                As we rebuild from this unexpected
for customers to enable the transfer          reopened in a limited capacity, months
                                                                                                six months of disruption, challenge
of freight from rail to road so it could      ahead of schedule, and to rebuild the
                                                                                                and opportunity, our long-term vision
still reach Christchurch through the          Midland Line after Waitangi weekend’s
                                                                                                remains: KiwiRail will invest to build an
inland routes. We shifted passenger           unexpected fire.
                                                                                                efficient and reliable operating platform
carriages to the North Island and
                                              We are heading into a new financial               with a highly engaged and productive
brought our key freight customers
                                              year in better shape than most                    team focused on customer growth
together in Auckland to plan for the
                                              expected, but there is still a lot of work        strategies and the safety of all.
next 10 months of disrupted service.
                                              to be done.
                                                                                                As the second half of this year closed
The results of that work and the
                                              Like many organisations which are                 out, the public support KiwiRail
organisation we had built for success
                                              some way down the road to health                  received has been overwhelming. New
prior to the earthquake can be seen
                                              and safety success, our focus on                  Zealanders have embraced the MNL
in the numbers reported in this
                                              awareness, education and cultural                 rebuild and recognised the benefit that
publication - an operating surplus of
                                              change over the past two years has                our critical infrastructure plays in our
$52 million despite the earthquake’s
                                              paid dividends in reducing safety                 transport system to help New Zealand
$40 million impact on our freight
                                              incidents. KiwiRail has achieved                  grow.
and passenger revenues; On-Time
                                              significant reductions in Total
Performance that is still 20% up year                                                           I am pleased that our people have
                                              Recordable Injuries Frequency Rate
on year for our premium trains; growth                                                          continued to drive the business
                                              (TRIFR), medical injuries and Lost
in forestry and ports; productivity and                                                         forward for New Zealand through every
                                              Time Injuries Frequency Rate (LTIFR),
efficiency gains of $18 million building                                                        challenge this year and committed to
                                              meeting its targets and celebrating that
on the $27 million achieved the year                                                            a continuing improvement focus for
prior, and signs that our tourism                                                               future generations.
revenue will return with gusto when the       But in the past year those
Coastal Pacific is back.                      achievements have levelled off and
                                              we need the next intervention to make
It is an incredible testament to the
                                              a step-change in the organisation,
skills and determination of our people
                                              empowering our people to see safety
that these results have been achieved
                                              as a capability not an outcome. Our
in such a challenging year, and
                                              focus is systems and people, building
that through this time our employee
                                              our risk management and assurance
engagement measures have risen
                                              for our critical risks and independent            Peter Reidy
so dramatically, with participation
                                              key controls to reduce risks if our               Chief Executive KiwiRail
increased by 27%.
                                              processes and assets fail. We are
It is a year in which we have had to          also engaging our people through our
work closely with our freight customers       local Health & Safety Action Teams

                                                                Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   17
Business review: Performance of our business units

Performance of
our business units
                Freight                                        Interislander                              Tourism

 Freight remains the biggest                          Interislander is an extension of State   This year KiwiRail rebranded its
 income earner for KiwiRail and                       Highway One, linking road and rail       acclaimed Scenic Journeys the
 contributes 58% of total operating                   networks between Auckland and            TranzAlpine, Coastal Pacific and
 revenue. Volumes of freight were                     Christchurch. In 2016/17 the ferries     Northern Explorer rail journeys
 significantly affected by the Kaikoura               carried more than one million net        and Interislander ferries under
 earthquake in 2016/17, when                          tonnes of freight and transported        one streamlined service, “The
 Centreport sustained damage to                       more than 750,000 passengers.            Great Journeys of New Zealand”.
 its infrastructure and roads and                                                              The experiences are continuing
                                                      This year 85% of sailings were
 rail closed in the South Island,                                                              to gain national and international
                                                      on or ahead of their scheduled
 changing freight flows across                                                                 recognition with all three rail
                                                      arrival times resulting in continued
 the country. These disruptions                                                                services receiving a Certificate of
                                                      improvement of Interislander’s
 were partially offset by continued                                                            Excellence from Trip Advisor and
                                                      customer satisfaction ratings, which
 growth in forestry freight volumes                                                            regularly topping lists of the best
                                                      were 90% as at June 2017.
 and KiwiRail’s drive to support                                                               long-distance rail services in the
 port growth through strategic port                   The Kaikoura earthquake had a            world.
 partnerships.                                        significant effect on passenger and
                                                                                               Great Journeys’ rail services
                                                      rail freight volumes, as some tourists
 KiwiRail works closely with its port                                                          were impacted by the Kaikoura
                                                      avoided the upper South Island and
 partners to progress new rail-served                                                          earthquake in November 2016 and
                                                      freight shifted from rail to trucks.
 operations. Rail infrastructure such                                                          the Midland Line fire in February
                                                      During this period, Interislander saw
 as intermodal hubs, will see more                                                             2017. The earthquake resulted
                                                      an increase of 67% in commercial
 customers and ports using rail as an                                                          in the cancellation of the Coastal
                                                      vehicle activity and a decline in
 integral component in their supply                                                            Pacific for the remainder of the
                                                      passenger numbers of 6%.
 chains, leading to overall efficiencies                                                       2017 season and the fire saw the
 that will support the positive growth                In June 2017, KiwiRail purchased         TranzAlpine suspended for six
 of New Zealand’s ports.                              the Kaitaki ferry which was              weeks. As a result, revenue for our
                                                      previously leased until 2020,            long-distance passenger services is
 Reliability for freight customers
                                                      ensuring that it has the capacity to     down 23% compared to June 2016.
 remains KiwiRail’s core strategic
                                                      move freight and people between
 focus, with a number of                                                                       In spite of these events, demand
                                                      islands while continuing to work on a
 improvements implemented over                                                                 for Great Journeys’ experiences
                                                      long-term fleet strategy.
 the last year under the strategy                                                              remains high and gives the business
 to simplify train plans, improve                                                              confidence that the 8% growth seen
 network reliability and invest in new                                                         before the Kaikoura earthquake is
 rolling stock. This sustained focus                                                           sustainable in the longer term.
 has resulted in KiwiRail’s On-Time
 Performance (OTP) average for all
 freight trains increasing to 91% in
 FY17 from 83% in FY16.

18   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Business review: Performance of our business units

         Infrastructure                                         Property                                        Rolling stock

 KiwiRail continues to align its                     KiwiRail is driving a commercial                 KiwiRail is transitioning to an
 infrastructure investment priorities                approach to the property portfolio               intermodal asset base, providing
 with customer needs and freight                     it manages, with more than 1,500                 customers with flexibility within the
 demand. Over the last 12 months                     property assets and over 8,000 third             transport system when moving
 the organisation invested $185                      party interests in its land.                     goods around New Zealand and
 million in the renewal and                                                                           beyond. More than half of the wagon
                                                     Over the last 12 months KiwiRail
 upgrade of network including                                                                         fleet is now intermodal and in the
                                                     has continued to review its property
 work to upgrade the Kaimai                                                                           year ahead KiwiRail will embark on
                                                     portfolio, to ensure that lease and
 Tunnel, Makatote Viaduct and the                                                                     a rolling stock fleet renewal strategy
                                                     licence arrangements are managed
 Southdown Container Terminal in                                                                      to ensure the optimisation of its
                                                     in a fair and commercial manner,
 Auckland.                                                                                            assets for customers.
                                                     and has partnered with a number
 KiwiRail continues to focus its                     of customers to lease land for new               In FY17 our diesel locomotive
 investment on growth corridors                      rail served operations adjacent                  reliability programme made
 including the freight critical                      to rail yards. These initiatives                 pleasing progress, with locomotive
 Auckland-Hamilton-Tauranga                          have enabled KiwiRail to improve                 availability at 95% and wagon
 route with targeted infrastructure                  the efficiency of customers’                     availability at 90%. KiwiRail also
 investments that will support                       supply chains and to generate                    undertook initiatives to standardise,
 growing volumes at New Zealand                      income growth through long term,                 simplify and invest the rolling stock
 ports.                                              sustainable, leasing arrangements.               area: investing in control, asset
                                                                                                      procurement and maintenance
 Continuing to maintain and upgrade                  The revised FY18 KiwiRail property
                                                                                                      specific teams, and continuing its
 urban metro rail networks in                        strategy focuses on protection of the
                                                                                                      development of a 10 year fleet plan
 Auckland and Wellington to enable                   active rail portfolio and increasing
                                                                                                      to meet forecast freight growth.
 passenger growth is a key area of                   revenue from this land, streamlining
 focus for KiwiRail. In 2018 work will               the grant and encroachment                       In June 2017, 150 new intermodal
 begin to upgrade the Wellington                     processes, optimisation of the yard              IH wagons arrived in New Zealand,
 Metro, increasing network resilience                and terminal assets and maximising               adding to the 1,200 wagons
 by removing speed restrictions and                  the release of capital from non-                 purchased since 2008 and 15
 improving reliability for passenger                 active rail land.                                additional diesel locomotives were
 and freight customers.                                                                               purchased in August 2016. The
                                                                                                      addition of new rolling stock to
 In Auckland, the key focus will
                                                                                                      KiwiRail’s ageing fleet is crucial for
 be the on-going consideration of
                                                                                                      the improvement of asset reliability
 the wider transport requirements
                                                                                                      and On-Time Performance, two
 including how best KiwiRail can
                                                                                                      factors which are key criteria for
 work with key stakeholders to
                                                                                                      customers as they look to move
 reduce congestion, improve network
                                                                                                      more freight onto rail.
 resilience and better freight flows to
 and from the Ports of Auckland and
 Port of Tauranga (see p.35).

                                                                     Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   19
Case study: Main North Line

                    Main North Line (MNL)
Case study

                                                                    Staff on the Main North Line worked long hours in difficult conditions, often far
                                                                                                from home. Maungamaunu, just north of Kaikoura

                                 On 14 November 2016, mountains moved,                          of the South Island, and NZ Connect, our first
                                 tracks twisted, tunnels cracked and bridges                    coastal shipping service, integrated road and rail
                                 shifted when a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck                 links between Auckland and Lyttelton. Our quick
                                 Kaikoura just after midnight. In the immediate                 customer-centric response won the Freight Rail
                                 aftermath, all passenger and freight rail services             Excellence Award category at the Australian Rail
                                 across New Zealand stopped, and Interislander                  Industry Awards in July 2017.
                                 sailings were anchored for 48 hours. At the heart
                                                                                                The skill of our workforce and the strength of
                                 of Kaikoura, where the effects of the earthquake
                                                                                                our partnerships with NZTA through the North
                                 were most devastating, the land rose up by 1.5
                                                                                                Canterbury Transport Infrastructure Recovery
                                 metres sweeping the tracks of the Main North
                                                                                                (NCTIR) alliance enabled us to expedite MNL
                                 Line (MNL) towards the sea, resulting in 750
                                                                                                repairs. Teams of world-class engineers moved
                                 separate worksites, more than 90 slips and
                                                                                                across the country to Kaikoura to progress the
                                 landslides, and damage to 21 tunnels and nine
                                                                                                reinstatement of the line through accelerated
                                 bridges between Christchurch and Picton.
                                                                                                bridge, signal and tunnel designs, condensing
                                 KiwiRail acted quickly to lessen the significant               processes that typically take several months,
                                 impact of broken freight links for its customers.              into weeks. This expedited the physical rebuild,
                                 While two of our ferries were back in operation                enabling work trains to operate on sections of
                                 within 48 hours of the event, the MNL required                 the line from January 2017 to assist road crews
                                 the biggest rail rebuild in New Zealand since                  in the rebuild of State Highway One, delivering
                                 World War II. The line, which typically carries                building materials to remote locations, and
                                 one million tonnes of freight per annum, is a                  preparing the line for freight trains.
                                 critical transportation link between the North and
                                                                                                Just 10 months after the earthquake devastated
                                 South Islands and is vital to the success of our
                                                                                                the MNL, restricted, freight-only services,
                                 customers’ operations.
                                                                                                are operating again, providing much needed
                                 To enable freight flows between the islands,                   capacity and resilience to New Zealand’s
                                 KiwiRail established two new freight options                   transport system, while taking 2000 trucks
                                 for our customers within weeks of the quake.                   per month off the vulnerable alternate routes
                                 The Blenheim freight hub ensured the smooth                    and continuing to assist in the rebuild of State
                                 transfer of freight from rail to road at the top               Highway One.

             20   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Case study: Main North Line

       Bridge 90, which crosses Boundary Stream just north of Ferniehurst, was so badly damaged it had to be demolished

    Main North Line                           >1,500                              Within six months of the
    reinstatement                         people involved                         earthquake:
    key statistics                         in the project
                                             150,000                              damaged rail sites fully repaired
                                       average person hours
                                        worked each month                         50%
                                                                                  track repairs required for a restricted
                                               150km                              opening of line were complete
                                             line tamped
                                               5,000                              of slips (372,788 cubic metres) had
                                            new concrete                          been cleared
                                            sleepers laid
                                                                                  Work trains running
                                                5km                               between the following routes:
                                           track realigned                        • Christchurch and Claverley
                                                                                  • Picton and Mirza
                                               12km                               • Claverley and Oaro
                                       track has been rebuilt                     • Mirza and Wharanui

                                                          Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   21
Capitals review: Financial

KiwiRail has achieved significant productivity                                                       Highlights
and efficiency improvements over the last two
years, despite the challenges of the November
                                                                                                       Operating surplus
2016 earthquake and Midland Line fire”
Minister of Transport, Hon Simon Bridges                                                                 $92m
                                                                                                  Underlying operating surplus

                                                     improvement on the underlying FY16
                                                     results of $86 million, and exceeds
     Our Financial Capital                           KiwiRail’s SCI target of $80-$85              Productivity and efficiency
                                                     million for a second year running.                     savings
                                                     A key part of KiwiRail’s strategy is to
                                                     simplify our business, standardise our
                                                     assets, and invest in our people. We
                                                     continue to work with teams across
     Operational Revenue                             the organisation to identify a range of
                                                     productivity initiatives, that will enable
                                                     the delivery of a more efficient and                 $40m
                                                                                                     Earthquake impact on
  Government Investment                              effective service to our customers and
                                                     shareholders. In FY16 productivity and            operating surplus
                                                     efficiency initiatives resulted in savings
                                                     of $27 million and in FY17 productivity
           Grant Funding                             initiatives delivered a further $18
                                                     million in savings, a reflection of
                                                     KiwiRail’s commitment to efficient
                                                     services for our customers and
     Asset Sale Proceeds                             shareholders. Key initiatives included:
                                                     continuing to target efficiencies in
                                                     labour, materials and fuel spend,
                                                     and simplifying our train plan.
           Debt Funding
                                                     Rail Review
KiwiRail has made significant                        In Budget 2017, the Government
achievements throughout a                            announced a rail review which will
challenging year while continuing                    assess KiwiRail’s operating structure
to operate in a commercial manner                    and longer-term capital requirements.
for its shareholders. The FY17                       At the time of the announcement
result shows a $52 million operating                 Transport Minister, Hon Simon
surplus achieved despite $40                         Bridges stated that the review will
                                                     provide KiwiRail with a “long-term,
million revenue and cost impact
                                                     transparent, sustainable model.”
from the Kaikoura earthquake.
                                                     The review is an opportunity to
This year KiwiRail’s focus was on
                                                     highlight KiwiRail’s role in an
achieving underlying financial targets               integrated transport system delivering
and managing costs with the reduced                  for New Zealand. It will look at rail’s
available cash flow. The business                    purpose and will establish a position
was able to absorb the impacts of                    on KiwiRail’s role within an integrated
the Midland Line fire ($9 million)                   transport system. The review will
and reach an underlying operating                    also investigate the wider benefits
surplus of $92 million. This is an                   of transporting freight by rail.

22    | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Capitals review: Financial

                                                    Financial statements
                                                    The financial statements are included from page 60 onwards and
                                                    detail the financial performance for the year and the financial
                                                    position at 30 June 2017.
                                                    Notes which may be of particular interest to our readers are:
                                                    Note 2 – Revenue provides the split of revenue between business
                                                    Note 3 – Operating Expenses shows KiwiRail’s key operating costs
                                                    Note 9 (c) – Impairment explains why KiwiRail impairs $296 million
                                                    of railway infrastructure assets
                                                    Note 26 – Financial Risk Management Policies and Objectives
                                                    explains the financial risks KiwiRail faces, how these risks impact
               On August 8 2017, just north of      the financial statements and how KiwiRail manages these risks
              Kaikoura, KiwiRail linked the line    Note 27 – Impact of earthquake outlines the earthquake impacts
          between Picton and Christchurch for       on the financial statements
            the first time since the earthquake

       Economic Value of Rail
       Rail freight delivers a range
       of benefits to New Zealand
       which are not recognised when
       undertaking traditional “return
       on investment” analysis of                                                  Helping commuters
       expenditure on the rail network.            Reducing heavy vehicle                                           Avoiding over
                                                                                    make 32 million
                                                    impact by more than                                           188,000 tonnes of
       These benefits include a range of           one million truck trips
                                                                                  low–carbon journeys
                                                                                                                  carbon emissions
       positive outcomes that would not                                                 each year
       be possible without rail and are
       considered to be items that would
       incur costs for other parties in
       the absence of rail freight. These
       represent the value of rail, rather
       than a narrow view of the cost of
       rail. Benefits of rail include:
       • reduced ongoing road                            Avoiding approximately
                                                           69 million litres of                  Reducing congestion,
         maintenance costs                                                                       making our roads safer
                                                         diesel consumption by
       • a safer national transport                           road freight
         network for New Zealanders
         to connect, work and travel
       • reduced traffic congestion
         which saves millions of hours
         in lost productivity
       • reduced CO2 emissions
       • a resilient transport network                                                                       Creating long–lasting
                                                    Contributing to           Helping community
                                                                                                          two–way relationships with
         that underpins New Zealand’s               New Zealand’s             groups, schools and
                                                                                                           customers, suppliers and
         growth in overseas trade                  economic growth           sports groups to travel
                                                                                                              other stakeholders

                                                             Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   23
Capitals review: Financial

Outlook and challenges                                to the change in international freight    effect from falls in bulk freight such
                                                      flows and “big ships” by investing        as steel and gas. Passenger volumes
67% of KiwiRail’s revenue in
                                                      in infrastructure to receive larger       on the Interislander also took a hit
FY18 is expected to come from
                                                      ships. KiwiRail is supporting parties     as tourists avoided road travel to
rail freight and Interislander
                                                      that are investing in inland ports to     Christchurch, and the Coastal Pacific
commercial vehicles
                                                      be ready for the expected customer        tourism service was cancelled.
The current outlook for coal, forestry                growth (see more on p.36).
                                                                                                Our focus is to work with our NZTA
and milk-based products is positive
                                                      18% of KiwiRail’s revenue in FY18         partner in the NCTIR alliance to
and volumes have lifted. To support
                                                      is expected to come from tourism          get the Main North Line back to full
increasing demand from these
                                                                                                freight capacity, benefitting South
sectors, KiwiRail has continued to                    International tourism is forecast to      Island consumers due to reduced
drive a strong partnership strategy                   grow and KiwiRail is actively targeting   supply chain costs. The Government’s
with New Zealand’s exporters and                      strategic partnerships with other         commitment to fund the uninsured
ports, leveraging our ability to move                 tourism operators that will support       balance of the Main North Line
large volumes of freight as customers                 and enable the growing demand             reinstatement is critical, as without
experience growth. KiwiRail is                        for services. KiwiRail’s tourism          this funding KiwiRail would be unable
developing long term strategies in                    strategy is discussed on p.25.            to undertake the project. The line
preparation for expected increases
                                                                                                is a critical part of New Zealand’s
in coal export volumes and the ‘wall                  We will continue to focus on
                                                                                                transport network, carrying around
of wood’, which is predicted to reach                 the on-going reinstatement
                                                                                                one million tonnes of freight annually
peak harvest in 15 years’ time.                       of the Main North Line as a
                                                                                                before the earthquake. Reopening
In September 2017, KiwiRail reset                     critical strategic project
                                                                                                the line will not only lower the cost
prices on key domestic corridors to                   The devastating Kaikoura earthquake       to customers of moving freight
optimise freight services and to lift                 had widespread revenue and cost           between the islands, it will reduce
contribution. The new prices, whilst                  impacts for KiwiRail as freight flows     greenhouse gas emissions as every
remaining a competitive option                        around New Zealand changed, along         tonne of freight carried by rail is a 66%
compared to road, secure a fair return                with the effects on passenger services    emissions saving for New Zealand.
for the services provided. It will reward             on the Interislander ferries and rail     Strong customer demand is expected
customers booking return journeys,                    tourism journeys. The $40 million         once the line is again fully operational
removing the costs incurred when                      impact is made up predominantly of        as freight forwarders have had to use
repositioning empty equipment.                        domestic freight revenue loss as the      vulnerable alternate road routes while
                                                      Main North Line closed, plus some         the Main North Line was being rebuilt.
New Zealand ports are responding

                                                  KiwiRail brought in a 132-wheel transporter to tackle the huge job of moving two
                                           locomotives, each weighing 102 tonnes, that were stranded by the Kaikoura earthquake

24    | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Case study: Tourism


                                                                                                                                               Case study
Tugane Rosson, Customer Services Manager, Interislander

                        KiwiRail’s passenger tourism journeys                In 2017, KiwiRail rebranded its tourism
                        have experienced double digit growth                 experiences under The Great Journeys
                        in recent years and continue to deliver              of New Zealand moniker, maximising our
                        strong economic benefits to the country’s            unique position as a connected journey
                        regions. Our connected journey strategy              throughout the country. This provides
                        encourages tourists to explore out-of-the-           wholesalers with the opportunity to bundle
                        way destinations, boosting regional towns            all of our services in a single sale and
                        and cities.                                          enables our customers to travel seamlessly
                                                                             from Auckland to Greymouth using a
                        Coastal Pacific, Northern Explorer and
                                                                             streamlined booking service.
                        the TranzAlpine rail journeys, along with
                        our Interislander ferry services, give               The strategy is closely aligned with the
                        international visitors an otherwise unseen           Government’s Tourism 2025 - Growing
                        view of New Zealand’s remote landscapes.             Value Together plan which encourages
                        Our services are in high demand from                 organisations to support regions as visitor
                        international visitors and domestic                  numbers increase. KiwiRail is partnering
                        tourists alike, outpacing the national               with local tourism operators to provide our
                        growth average. The economic benefits                customers with premium experiences and
                        of our experiences are most keenly felt in           packages in areas where our passenger
                        smaller towns, such as Greymouth, where              services operate. This will ensure that
                        businesses including hotels, restaurants,            we offer high quality activities that attract
                        and car hire companies rely on train                 visitors to the regions all year round while
                        passengers. West Coast Tourism estimates             increasing demand for our Great Journeys
                        that the TranzAlpine brings in excess of             experiences.
                        $15 million per annum to the region.

                                                          Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   25
Capitals review: People

                                     Wayne Sullivan was the driver stranded in his locomotive when the earthquake struck in
                               November last year. Just 10 months later, he drove the first freight service back into Christchurch

26   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Capitals review: People

KiwiRail is one of New Zealand’s
largest employers with 3,400 people
                                             company strategy and vision as well
                                             as increased opportunities for career                      Highlights
in 50 towns and cities across the            growth.
country. We share a long and proud
history with our people, many                Zero Harm                                                         74%
of whom are the third or fourth              KiwiRail’s people culture is                         Participation in employee survey
generation of their family to work           underpinned by our commitment to

in rail.                                     Zero Harm, which keeps our people
People are vital to the success              healthy and safe, and our business
of our organisation as we                    and the environment sustainable. Zero                Of workforce completed in-house
transform to a customer-focused,             Harm has been implemented at every                       leadership programmes
commercial business that helps               level of the organisation, from the
grow New Zealand. The significant            frontline to the Executive Team and
improvements made to KiwiRail’s              Board, and is valued as a proxy for
                                             leadership within the organisation.
performance in recent years are                                                                  HPHE initiative wins Engagement
a testament to the skills of our             Engagement with our people is key to               category at New Zealand Workplace
workforce, our strategy to standardise                                                                Health & Safety Awards
                                             developing procedures and initiatives
our business, simplify our operations        that improve worksite health and
and invest in our people.
                                             safety. Our Health and Safety Action
In 2017, several members of the              Teams (HSAT) engage with our
KiwiRail leadership and operational          frontline people to facilitate a strong
teams were finalists in national             safety culture at local places of work
                                                                                                         Addressing levelled off
                                             and our leaders are encouraged to
awards, reflecting KiwiRail’s focus to
attract, retain and develop world-class      place Zero Harm at the forefront of                        Injury rates
talent across the business.                  day-to-day work activities. Our goal
                                             is to ensure that our employees and
Areas for focus in the next 12               contractors get home safely at the end
months include a greater emphasis            of their day.
on communication with people
leaders throughout the business, a           We continue to invest in our people,
stronger focus on communicating              safety initiatives and systems, to

                                          Our workforce statistics

                                                  63%                  37%
                                     new appointments                  new appointments

                                           48 years                    41 years                                Women
                                             average age               average age                            15%
                                           15 years                    7 years
                                          average service              average service
                                                  97%                  94%
                85%                permanent contract                  permanent contract

                                                  78%                  22%
                                          Executive Team               Executive Team

                                                              Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   27
Capitals review: People

                           Fitting of Self Contained Self Rescuer units in the tunnel simulator during Tunnel Operations training

deliver notable reductions in the                   Diversity                                     KiwiRail this year established a
number of mainline derailments year-                                                              National Diversity Council, which will
                                                    KiwiRail is committed to being an
on-year since 2012, as well as our                                                                address the potential skills deficit in
                                                    inclusive and diverse workplace with
Total Recordable Injury Frequency                                                                 2027. We have also implemented a
                                                    a workforce fit for the future needs
Rate (TRIFR) and Lost Time Injury                                                                 KiwiRail graduate programme, which
                                                    of our industry. Currently, our legacy
Frequency Rate (LTIFR). In the past                                                               will focus on recruitment and retention
                                                    workforce comprises of just 15%
three years TRIFR decreased by an                                                                 of a younger workforce.
                                                    women and our average worker age is
impressive 45% and in the past 12
                                                    46 which could lead to a skills deficit
months KiwiRail has seen a 15%
                                                    in the next decade as a number of our         High Performance High
reduction in total injuries and a 3%
                                                    skilled workers retire.                       Engagement
reduction in the TRIFR, building on
                                                                                                  The High Performance High
reductions in the previous two years.               Senior women in the organisation
                                                                                                  Engagement (HPHE) programme,
                                                    were boosted by the Executive Team
To improve safety capabilities, KiwiRail                                                          a joint project with KiwiRail’s union
                                                    increasing to 22% (two out of nine)
engages leadership through training                                                               partners, empowers our frontline
                                                    this year and the number of women in
programmes such as Just and Fair                                                                  people to find solutions to the
                                                    leadership roles across the business
Culture and the Core Leadership                                                                   challenges facing our business.
                                                    increased to 25%. We are developing
programme which provides mid-level
                                                    KiwiRail’s Diversity and Inclusiveness        HPHE raises productivity, improves
and senior leaders with the skills they
                                                    Strategy to establish initiatives that will   safety, engages employees and
need to progress as a Zero Harm
                                                    lift the profile and number of women in       strengthens our customer commitment
                                                    the workplace.                                through enhanced performance and

28   | Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017
Capitals review: People

more effective processes. The            advises the business of appropriate
results of early HPHE projects           ways to implement Māori culture
are already making a difference          into our day to day activities. TKM                 Every month managers
in our worksites, from small scale       is a key part of our public activities
improvements to processes that           and regularly performs karakia                      visit all the teams in
focus on larger logistical procedures.   (blessings), powhiri (welcoming                     their patch to share
A good example of HPHE methods           ceremonies) and te pure (ritual
being used to find a solution to         cleansings of sites and machinery)                  information that’s
frontline issues is the Hotworks         at our events.                                      relevant and which
safety programme which won the
Engagement category of the New
                                         KiwiRail’s Toi Toi Maori Leadership                 shows how what we do
                                         Programme gives staff members
Zealand Workplace Health and
                                         exposure to a Te Ao Maori learning                  plays a big part in the
Safety Awards (see more on p.30).
                                         environment using Kaitohutohu                       success of KiwiRail.
                                         (mentors) to aid the personal and
This year the Rail and Maritime
Transport Union (RMTU) and               professional development of the                     It’s important to let
KiwiRail HPHE Governance Council         programme’s Tauira (cadets).                        them know the positive
developed an HPHE Charter to
provide a solid governance structure
                                         Employee survey                                     impact their work has
to the programme that will guide         The KiwiRail annual employee                        for our customers and
                                                                                             for our company.”
engagement and projects.                 survey is used to measure
                                         our people’s engagement and
KiwiRail continues to learn from Air     satisfaction levels and to assess                   Henare Clarke, North Island
New Zealand, the only other New          potential areas of improvement                      Network Services Manager
Zealand organisation to implement        across the business.
the programme in such depth,
                                         Internal communications and
and to invest in HPHE training for
                                         leadership around the survey have
delegates and managers.
                                         been improved and participation
                                         increased from 47% in 2016 to 74%
Providing leadership and
                                         in 2017. This result reflects the pride
training                                 and passion our people feel for
KiwiRail actively invests in the         their work, their colleagues and the
leadership and training development      purpose of our business.
of our people. This drives employee
engagement across the business,          Outlook: Workforce planning
and enables better prospects by          Digital disruption is shaping and
extending the capabilities of our        transforming society and industry
workforce.                               globally. To successfully adapt
Leadership development                   to changes in rail, freight and
programmes include Diversity NZ          engineering technology KiwiRail
Award finalist Back to Basics, which     must plan and prepare for artificial
focuses on long-term business            intelligence, big data and the
issues for KiwiRail while addressing     automation of processes.
the literacy and numeracy learning       KiwiRail is seeking ways to prepare
needs of our people.                     our workforce for the rapidly
In response to the global trend          changing future of the logistics
of digital transformation, KiwiRail      industry as technology disrupts
has modernised our courses by            traditional work patterns, including
developing an e-learning platform        investment in programmes that
that provides our people with the        expand transferrable skills of our
tools needed to develop their skills     people.
and capabilities anywhere, anytime.      KiwiRail is also developing initiatives
                                         to attract new and diverse talent
Ahurea - Culture                         who will broaden the skill set of the
Our Māori network, Te Kupenga            business and meet the future needs
Mahi (TKM), helps our people to          of our customers.
reconnect with their whakapapa and

                                                             Reliable. Sustainable. Valuable. | KiwiRail Annual Integrated Report 2017   |   29
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