Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety

Heart of
the Arctic
JULY 21–AUGUST 2, 2022
Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
©Martin Lipman

Adventure Canada
Immerse yourself in the wonders of nature and culture. Travel
alongside scientists, historians, naturalists, cultural educators,
and artists, who share their passion and experience with you.

A    dventure Canada’s expeditions are more
     than phenomenal expeditions of a life-
time; they are lifelong learning journeys for the
                                                    in their fields—are approachable, available on
                                                    deck and at meals, and always on shore during
                                                    excursions. Our unique mix of entertainment
heart and mind. Your expedition is an immersive     and camaraderie is integral to our evening
cultural experience both on and off the ship.       concerts, daily gatherings, and learning
Our shipboard program is educational and
fun. You can join daily presentations, debates,     Each day, your onboard and onshore
and workshops that provide perspective and          programming is thoughtfully planned to make
understanding. Our expedition team—experts          the most of the local environment. Hiking,
                                                    wildlife viewing, historic sites, community visits,

our expedition team—experts in                      and Zodiac cruising are regular activities. You can
                                                    spot wildlife from the deck, take a polar plunge,
their fields—are approachable,
                                                    relax in the hot tub, take care of yourself at a
available on deck and at meals,                     stretch class, or unwind with a great book from
and always on shore during                          our onboard library. You choose the activities
excursions                                          that are best suited to your abilities and interests.

2   Cover photo by Andrew Stewart
Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
©Lee Narraway

Learn from the locals                          Safety first. Experience, foremost
Adventure Canada has a myriad of connections   You’re in good hands: our expedition team
in the regions we visit; nothing beats being   members are experienced, knowledgeable,
welcomed as an honoured guest. Esteemed        and attentive. They’ll ensure your comfort and
local guides connect you to destinations,      safety—then enlighten, inspire, and entertain you!
people, and culture—personally!

Our expedition team is at the heart of our programming—and there’s something for everyone!
Join us at presentations, workshops, discussion panels, Q & A sessions, and more.

                                                 ©D. Minty                 ©A. Gallant

 ©Jessie Brinkman Evans                          ©K. Bogner                ©K. Bogner

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
Enriching Expeditions
in Spectacular Locations

©Jen Derbach

Your personal voyage of discovery
Explore and learn about new lands and peoples as you experience the rich cultures and
fascinating landscapes we sail to. Take the road less travelled and enrich your perspective during
visits to communities, natural habitats, and historic sites that can be otherwise difficult to reach.

Our expeditions are designed to be flexible and allow us to make the best of Mother Nature’s
conditions. We often make landfall at new places and are able to share new discoveries and
local knowledge with you. Your voyage will be marked with thoughtful discussions, expert
interpretation, and the spirit of discovery.

                                                Get off the ship, get into a Zodiac!
                                                Cruise among icebergs; search for marine
                                                mammals; visit an outport community; wander
                                                remote coastlines… simply enjoy the freedom of
                                                being out on the water daily! Our goal is to get you
                                                off the ship as often as possible.

                                                Zodiacs free us from the dependency on ports,
                                                piers, and other built infrastructure. These safe,
                                                stable, versatile boats take you where the action is.
 ©Dennis Minty

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
Learn from passionate experts
                                           Why would an esteemed Canada Research Chair, for
                                           example, travel with us on a working vacation? It’s
                                           simple: they can’t resist the opportunity to engage,
                                           excite, educate, and enlighten you! Make the most
                                           of every learning opportunity, aboard and ashore,
                                           in geology, botany, marine biology, archaeology,
                                           photography, cultural history, and more!

                                           Our hand-picked experts are as excited as you are to
                                           be on board. Join them on deck searching for wildlife,
                                           share daily meals for personal indepth conversations,
                                           participate in workshops, attend presentations, and
                                           learn on the land. The Adventure Canada team has
                                           a deep love for discovery, learning, exploration, and
©Antje Springman                           growth, and is at your service.

                                           Experience local culture and traditions
                                           From Arctic communities to the fishing villages of
                                           former New France, to the outports of Newfoundland
                                           and Labrador, we embrace local music, dance, food,
                                           language, and traditions, everywhere we go!

                                           Expedition travel isn’t just about what you see, or where
©Michelle Valberg                          you go. It’s who you meet and get to know.

©Dennis Minty

Wildlife encounters
Daily excursions with expert guides put you where you are most likely to see wildlife: whales and
seabirds in Atlantic Canada; muskox, seals, and polar bears in the High Arctic. Whether viewing
on deck, in the Zodiac, or learning during our presentation series, you’ll come away with an
appreciation for the fine creatures that inhabit our world. Our best practices ensure the safety and
integrity of the wildlife we have the privilege to view.

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety

Heart of the Arctic
July 21–August 2, 2022                                                          From $4,995 to $16,495 USD              Solo cabins based on availability
                                                                                per person (details p.12)
Starts: Ottawa, ON                                                                                                      Charter Flights (details p.12)
Ends: Toronto, ON

Aboard the Ocean Endeavour

                                                                                                        Itinerary Map
                                                                                                        Day 1: Iqaluit, NU, Canada
                                                                                                        Day 2: Frobisher Bay
                                                                                                        Day 3: Kimmirut (Lake Harbour)
                                                                                      Kangerlussuaq     Day 4: Kinngait (Cape Dorset)
    (Cape Dorset)
                                                                                    Kangerlussuatsiaq   Day 5: Hudson Strait
                    Kimmirut                                                        Fjord
            H                                         Iqaluit
                                                                STRAIT                                  Day 6–7: Ungava Peninsula, QC
                                                                                                        Day 8–9: Ungava Bay
     Ungava                      ST
                                                                                                        Day 10: At Sea—Davis Strait

          Island UNGAVA
                                                                                                        Day 11: Nuuk, Greenland
                                                                                                        Day 12: Kangerlussuatsiaq Fjord
                                                                                                        Day 13: Kangerlussuaq, Greenland

• Cross the Arctic Circle by ship via glorious                                                          • Discover Akpatok Island, a designated
  Kangerlussuaq Fjord (Søndre Strømfjord)                                                                 important bird area, home to up to 4.5% of
• See and learn about the Qilakitsoq mummies                                                              the global North Atlantic thick-billed murre
  at the Greenland National Museum in Nuuk                                                                population
• Seek polar bears, marine mammals, and                                                                 • Zodiac along the face of a Greenlandic glacier
  seabirds in the rich waters of Hudson Strait                                                          • Bask in the glowing Arctic light with 18-20
• Visit Nunavut’s great art communities,                                                                  hours of daylight—a photographer’s dream
  learn about Inuit art and culture from artists                                                        • Marvel at the tundra in summer bloom
  and experts

6         Itineraries may be subject to change without notice due to weather, ice, and sea conditions.
Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
©Dennis Minty

©Dennis Minty   ©Michelle Valberg   ©Mike Beedell

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
                    DAY 1: IQALUIT, NU, CANADA
                    Iqaluit, at the head of Frobisher Bay, is
                    Nunavut’s capital. A population of nearly 8,000
                    calls Iqaluit home. Local attractions include the
                    territorial legislature, igloo-inspired St. Jude’s
                    Cathedral, art shops, and more.

                    We will transfer by Zodiac to the Ocean
                    Endeavour through the Iqaluit harbour.

                    DAY 2: FROBISHER BAY
                    We’ll be on the lookout for wildlife, of course,
                    and our geologists will have you raving about
                    rocks. Expect compelling scenery, and soak up
                    the Arctic splendour as we go!

                    DAY 3: KIMMIRUT (LAKE HARBOUR)
    ©Grant Stovel
                    Kimmirut means “the heel” in Inuktitut,
    ©Dennis Minty
                    referring to an outcrop of marble across the
                    bay from the community.

                    Art aficionados may know the hamlet as Lake
                    Harbour, home to one of the first Hudson's
                    Bay Company outposts on Baffin Island. Art
                    has played a major role in putting Kimmirut
                    on the map. The hamlet of approximately four
                    hundred is known for its ivory scrimshaw and
                    jewellery making. The blooming tundra offers
                    easy walking.

                    DAY 4: KINNGAIT (CAPE DORSET)
                    Kinngait was ground zero for the Inuit art
                    market. In 1959, the West Baffin Eskimo
                    Co-operative was established—the oldest
                    professional Inuit printmaking studio in Canada.

                    Old and new generations of outstanding
                    artists, carvers, and printmakers continue to
                    make Kinngait a proud centre for Inuit art. We’ll
                    visit studios and meet the artists here—an
                    opportunity to purchase outstanding works.

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety
and humpback whales, as well as the seabirds
                                                                 that are sure to accompany our ship.

                                                                 DAY 11: NUUK, GREENLAND
                                                                 Nuuk, the capital of Greenland, bridges old and
                                                                 new. The old harbour includes many buildings
                                                                 dating from Danish colonial days, while
                                                                 contemporary Nuuk is known for art, shopping,

                                                 ©Dennis Minty
                                                                 pubs, and cafes.

                                                                 The Greenland National Museum is one of
                                                                 Nuuk’s many outstanding features; the world-
DAY 5: HUDSON STRAIT                                             famous Qilakitsoq mummies rest here.
Today we'll navigate the icy, fast-moving waters
of Hudson Strait. Join our expedition staff on                   DAY 12: KANGERLUSSUATSIAQ FJORD
deck, scanning for polar bears, walrus, whales,                  West Greenland’s complex coastal waterways
seals, and seabirds.                                             include glaciers, islands, and fjords against
                                                                 a towering mountain backdrop. The waters
DAY 6–7: UNGAVA PENINSULA, QC                                    are relatively warm here, due to the West
Along the Ungava Peninsula, we explore an                        Greenland Current and the subarctic location.
area of treeless tundra rich in geology and                      We’ll explore this sublime landscape by ship
flora. We’ll enjoy hiking and a Zodiac cruise.                   and by Zodiac.

DAY 8–9: UNGAVA BAY                                              DAY 13: KANGERLUSSUAQ, GREENLAND
Large and shallow, Ungava Bay is a rich                          In the early morning we’ll complete our
ecosystem and home to a variety of wildlife,                     overnight journey up Kangerlussuaq Fjord
including an endangered beluga population and                    (Søndre Strømfjord)—a 190-kilometre-long
Canada’s largest number of breeding thick-billed                 fjord surrounded by mountains and glaciers,
murres. Here we’ll use our Zodiacs to scout the                  bisected by the Arctic Circle.
shorelines and any outlying ice with hopes of
seeing polar bears, walrus, and other marine                     Kangerlussuaq, the settlement at its head, is
life. We’ll pay a visit to uninhabited Akpatok                   a former U.S. Air Force base and Greenland’s
Island, the biggest island in Ungava Bay, at over                primary flight hub. We’ll transfer to shore by
nine hundred square kilometres. It’s named for                   Zodiac, then bus to the airport for our charter
the akpait—the thick-billed murres—that nest                     flight to Toronto, ON.
on ledges of Akpatok’s lofty cliffs.
                                                                        Multi-Trip Promotion
DAY 10: AT SEA—DAVIS STRAIT                                             Extend your voyage—join us on board High
Our expedition staff will deepen your                                   Arctic Explorer, August 2–13, and save 10% off
understanding of the Arctic as we steam across                          the berth cost with our Multi-Trip Promotion.
                                                                        Can be combined with the Early Booking
the Davis Strait towards Greenland. Enjoy
                                                                        Bonus, Free Single Supplement, and League of
workshops, watch a documentary, and get out                             Adventurers Loyalty Rewards Program.
on deck! Keep your binoculars ready for minke                           Call for details.

Heart of the Arctic JULY 21-AUGUST 2, 2022 - SMALL-SHIP EXPEDITION - Widgety

The Ocean Endeavour

                                                    ©Michelle Valberg

Capacity: 198 passengers
Length: 137 metres (450 ft.)
Registry: Bahamas

The Ocean Endeavour is the perfect
vessel for expedition cruising.
Outfitted with twenty Zodiacs,
advanced navigation equipment,
multiple lounges, and a top deck
                                           DECK 9
observation room, she is purpose-built
for passenger experiences in remote
environments. The Ocean Endeavour
boasts a 1B ice class, enabling her to
                                           DECK 8
explore throughout the polar summers.
Launched in 1982, she has had numerous
upgrades, most recently in 2016.

                                           DECK 7
At 137 metres in length, the Ocean
Endeavour has plenty of interior and
exterior space. Ample deck space offers
comfortable lounge chairs, a swimming
pool, two saunas, and a hot tub. The       DECK 6
spacious interior allows for varied
workshops and presentations to occur
simultaneously. The three lounges
aboard the Ocean Endeavour are optimal     DECK 5

locations for seminars, events, parties,
and conversation.

                                           DECK 4

Category 9 – Deck 5

   CATEGORY 10 SUITE                       CATEGORY 9 JUNIOR SUITE
Deck seven: forward-facing pic-          Deck five: picture windows, unobstructed view; matrimonial bed, sitting
ture windows, unobstructed view;         area — approx. 270 sq. ft. Deck seven forward: forward-facing picture
matrimonial bed, private bath with       windows, unobstructed view; matrimonial bed, sitting area, private bath
full tub, refrigerator — approx.         with full tub, refrigerator— approx. 290 sq. ft.
310 sq. ft.

Deck five: two picture windows, unobstructed view; two lower berths, sit-
ting area — approx. 210 sq. ft. Deck seven forward: forward-facing picture
windows, unobstructed view; matrimonial bed — approx. 180 sq. ft., private
bath with full tub. Deck seven midship: picture windows, partial obstruc-
tion; matrimonial bed, private bath, refrigerator — approx. 190 sq. ft.            Category 8 – Deck 5

 Category 7 – Deck 8                                Category 6 – Deck 4

   CATEGORY 7 SELECT TWIN                            CATEGORY 6 COMFORT TWIN
Deck five: picture windows, unobstructed          Deck four: two porthole windows, unobstructed view; two lower
view; two lower berths, approx. 190 sq.           berths — approx. 175 sq. ft. Deck seven: picture window, partial
ft. Deck eight: oversize windows, partial         obstruction; two lower berths — approx. 135 sq. ft. Deck eight:
obstruction; matrimonial bed, private bath,       picture windows, obstructed view; matrimonial bed, private bath,
refrigerator — approx. 145 sq. ft.                refrigerator — approx. 160 sq. ft.

   CATEGORY 5 MAIN TWIN                                         CATEGORY 4 EXTERIOR TWIN

Deck five: picture window, unobstructed view; two           Deck four: porthole window, unobstructed view; two
lower berths, private bath — approx. 115 sq. ft.            lower berths, private bath — approx. 100 sq. ft. (twin) /
                                                            90 sq. ft. (single).

   CATEGORY 3 INTERIOR TWIN                 CATEGORY 2 TRIPLE                      CATEGORY 1 QUAD
Deck five: interior cabin, two lower     Deck four: interior cabin, three       Deck four: interior cabin, four
berths, private bath — approx. 125       lower berths, two private baths        lower berths, private bath
sq. ft. (twin) / 110 sq. ft. (single).   — approx. 200 sq. ft.                  — approx. 240 sq. ft.

Early Booking Bonus Available!
                                                                                 To learn about your saving options please
Expedition and Charter                                                           contact us or your preferred travel advisor for
                                                                                 more details.

Flight Prices                                                                    Can be combined with the Free Single Supplement,
                                                                                 Multi–Trip Promotion, and League of Adventurers Loyalty
                                                                                 Rewards Program.

                                                                        CABIN CLASS CATEGORIES
  EXPEDITIONS                 DAYS
                                        10        9        8        7        6        5        4        3        2        1

  HEART OF THE ARCTIC                $16,495 $15,195 $13,895 $12,595 $11,295       $9,995   $8,695   $7,395   $5,995   $4,995
  JULY 21– AUGUST 2, 2022

                                13    Northbound Charter Flight: Ottawa, ON to Iqaluit, NU. Early-morning departure.               $945

                                      Southbound Charter Flight: Kangerlussuaq, Greenland, to Toronto, ON. Evening arrival.       $1,350

 Canadian residents may opt to take advantage of Adventure Canada’s in-house exchange rate (fixed quarterly) and pay for
 their voyage in Canadian dollars, if desired. Contact your preferred travel advisor for more details.

*Passage aboard the Ocean Endeavour *Applicable taxes and credit card fees *Complimentary expedition jacket *Contribution
to Adventure Canada’s Discovery Fund *Special access permits, entry, and park fees *Expert expedition team *Guided
activities *Sightseeing and community visits *All Zodiac excursions *Port fees *Pre-departure materials *Educational program
*Nikon Camera Trial Program *Interactive workshops *Evening entertainment *All shipboard meals

*Commercial and charter flights *Program enhancements/optional excursions *Gratuities *Personal expenses *Mandatory
medical evacuation insurance *Additional expenses in the event of delays or itinerary changes *Possible fuel surcharges and
administrative fees *Pre- and post-trip hotel accommodation

             TICO Reg# 4001400/5002 1860

As a registered Ontario company, we are licensed to sell travel packages through the Travel Industry Council of Ontario
(TICO). Adventure Canada is required to keep all customer deposits in Client Trust Accounts and may only use the funds
once the trip has begun, or to make a deposit to an operator on behalf of the client. Our Client Trust Accounts are subject
to audit by a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) on an annual basis and are regularly inspected by TICO auditors.

Specials and Incentives
                                         Available exclusively aboard Ocean Endeavour
                                         expeditions, excluding Antarctica

                                                   Free Single Supplement
                                                   For those who prefer not to share, we have a
League of Adventurers
                                                   limited quantity of cabins in category 3 through to

                                                   category 7 with no single supplement! Once these
                                                   cabins are sold, the single supplement fee is 1.5
                                                   times the berth cost. Single occupancy in categories
Exploring with Adventure Canada                    8–10 is available at full double-occupancy rates. Can
just got better with our exclusive                 be combined with the Multi-Trip Promotion, League
loyalty program: The League of                     of Adventurers Loyalty Rewards Program, and 2022
Adventurers.                                       Early Booking Bonus. Subject to cabin availability.

The number of people who keep
                                                   Multi-Trip Promotion
travelling with us continues to grow
and, in response, we want to thank                 Receive 10% off the berth cost when you book
our returning clients by offering                  more than one 2022 Ocean Endeavour expedition
special rewards and benefits. As a                 (excluding Antarctica). Can be combined with the
past traveller you are automatically               Early Booking Bonus, Free Single Supplement, and
a valued member of the League and                  League of Adventurers Loyalty Rewards Program.
eligible for special rewards.

                                                   Family Friendly
                                                   Children four years old and younger pay only for
When booking your second
                                                   charter airfare—and children two years and younger
to fifth shipboard expedition
                                                   travel free! Children must be accompanied by a
operated by Adventure Canada
                                                   full-fare adult. Can be combined with the League of
SAVE 10%                                           Adventurers Loyalty Rewards Program.

When booking your sixth or more
shipboard expedition operated by                   Save 30% under 30
Adventure Canada
                                                   Save 30% on the berth cost for travellers under thirty
                                                   years of age. Can be combined with the Free Single
                                                   Supplement and League of Adventurers Loyalty
• League of Adventurers                            Rewards Program.
  welcome package
• Early notifications of upcoming
  promotions and events                            Price Guarantee
• Exclusive gifts                                  If Adventure Canada reduces the price of the berth
• Onboard gift shop discounts                      portion of the fare of any expedition more than 120
                                                   days prior to departure, previously booked clients
                                                   may claim the lower rate. For more information,
Terms and conditions apply.                        please visit adventurecanada.com/price-guarantee.

Program Enhancements
Aboard the Ocean Endeavour
We’re pleased to provide the following optional program enhancements to
help you make the very most of every day—in your own way!

Expedition               COMPLIMENTARY                Nikon Camera                  COMPLIMENTARY

Jackets                                               Trial Program
©Michelle Valberg

                                                      ©Kristian Bogner

You will receive a complimentary expedition                           Travellers aboard Ocean
jacket to keep you protected from the                                 Endeavour expeditions will
elements. Designed specifically for expedition                        be able to use precision,
travel, your jacket is waterproof and windproof.                      professional-quality photography
This jacket is yours to keep as a coveted and                         equipment courtesy of the
useful memento of your adventure.                     onboard Nikon Camera Trial Program. Together,
                                                      we empower our guests to create truly dynamic
                                                      images and tell vibrant stories.
Qajaq/Kayak                  PAID

   ©Martin Lipman                                     Biking             PAID

                                                      Experience communities and landscapes at
                                                      your own pace! For fitness enthusiasts and
                                                      independent explorers, we carry a fleet of
                                                      Kona mountain bikes. These multi-geared,
                                                      all-purpose bikes are available during select
                                                      community excursions.

Explore at sea level in small groups with our
experienced kayak guides. We offer excursions
on double kayaks, as well as the essential gear for
safety and comfort.

Upcoming 2023 Expeditions
                    Contact Adventure Canada or your preferred travel advisor for early access!

©Andrew Stewart                               Scotland Slowly
                                              June 2023

                                              In the isles of Scotland, the past is present. Rugged ruins
                                              and ancient villages. Hear music and stories, and revel in
                                              wildlife. Absorb the scenery. Immerse yourself in history.

                                              Scotland, the Faroe Islands,
                                              & Iceland: North Atlantic Saga
                                              June 2023

                                              Sample the unique cultures of Scotland, the Faroe Islands, and
                                              Iceland with our generous local hosts on this epic journey.

©Michelle Valberg                             Iceland Circumnavigation
                                              July 2023

                                              At the edge of the Arctic Circle, Iceland is unique in every
                                              way. Active volcanoes and glaciers make every landscape
                                              awe-inspiring and hiking sublime.

                                              Iceland to Greenland:
                                              In the Wake of the Vikings
                                              July 2023

                                              Sail west, like the Vikings: spectacular, surprising Greenland
©Jessie Brinkman Evans                        awaits! Photographers, birders, and hikers will be in awe.

                           As a registered Ontario company, we are licensed to sell travel packages through the
                           Travel Industry Council of Ontario (TICO). Adventure Canada is required to keep all
                           customer deposits in Client Trust Accounts and may only use the funds once the trip
TICO Reg#:
4001400/5002 1860          has begun, or to make a deposit to an operator on behalf of the client. Our Client Trust
                           Accounts are subject to audit by a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) on an annual
                           basis and are regularly inspected by TICO auditors.

55 Woodlawn Avenue, Mississauga,
ON, L5G 3K7, Canada, TICO Reg# 4001400

Please call us at 800 363 7566 or
download and submit the registration
form at our secure site

Call your Travel Advisor for more        Your Travel Advisor
information on how to book a trip.

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