2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust

Page created by Chester Mclaughlin
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
New Lodge Festival

Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
New Lodge

Page 2   New Lodge Festival 2022
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust

We are delighted to present the 2022 Greater New Lodge Community Festival

The Greater New Lodge Community Festival is where we as a community come
together to celebrate and showcase our culture, traditions and talent in a
positive, welcoming programme of activities and events.

The 2022 festival programme is a mix of, theatre, family fun days, workshops,
exhibitions, lectures, street parties, debates, sports events, film shows, literature,
and much, much more.

We hope that the diversity of the programme contains something of interest for

We wish to highlight and thank Feile An Phobail and Belfast City Council, for
their continued support.

The Festival organising committee would like to congratulate everyone,
especially local community groups, and residents who have all volunteered their
time and energy to make this year’s festival happen.

Greater New Lodge Festival Committee

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2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Adult Art Workshops –     Roller Disco             Eco Centre Piece / Wreath
Framed Family Tree                                 Making Class
                          New Lodge Youth Centre
New Lodge Arts, Ashton    Monday 1st August        The Recy
Centre                    2pm-4pm 5—11yrs          Tuesday 2nd August
Monday 1st August         5-7pm 12-17yrs           11am – 1pm
10am - 12pm               8-10pm Adults Only
                                                   Bring your creative side
Join crafter Imelda                                alive! Come along and
Truesdale to make your    Grab your glow sticks    create an Eco Centre
own framed Family Tree.   and leg warmers for a    Piece for your table or
                          blast from the past -    Wreath for your door
All materials will be     80’s music and skates    with highly experienced
provided.                 provided. Fancy dress    artists. Adults only.
Booking essential         welcome.
– please contact                                   Contact Mary Stanton,
Anne Delaney on           Places are limited so    Bridge of Hope on
07736389968 or            booking essential!       02890742255 or email
email anne.delaney@                                mary.stanton@
ashtoncentre.com          Contact Mary Stanton,    ashtoncentre.com to
                          Ashton, Bridge of Hope   book a place.
                          on 02890742255 or
                          email mary.stanton@      Places are limited so
                          ashtoncentre.com to      booking essential!
                          book a place.

  Monday 1st - Friday 5th August from 10.00am - 1.00pm
 School Uniform Distribution Days Ashton Centre (Churchill Street)
Tea & Coffee Mornings
If you don’t need a uniform, why not call
in for a cup of tea or coffee and a chat,
information will be available on family
support services.

For further information contact:
(028) 90 742 255
Supported By: The Community Launderette

Page 4                                               New Lodge Festival 2022
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Clifton Cemetery Walking   Art Workshop – Decoupage   Traditional Bread Making
Tour with Joe Baker        Keep Sake Box              with Tracey Jeffrey from
Clifton Cemetery           New Lodge Arts, Studio,    Tracey’s Farmhouse
Wednesday 3rd August       Ashton Centre              Kitchen
11am                       Wednesday 3rd August       The Recy
                           10am                       Wednesday 3rd August
Learn about such                                      1pm (£5 per person)
notables from our
                           Join us for this one off   Roll your sleeves up and
past such as Henry Joy
                           workshop with artist       get floury! Tracey Jeffery
McCracken, his sister                                 from Tracey’s Farmhouse
                           Anna O’Kane to design
Mary Anne, William                                    Kitchen will demonstrate
                           your own keepsake box
Drennan and James                                     how to make Northern
                           using decoupage.
Murray. Also visit the                                Ireland’s most loved
massive mass graves                                   traditional breads – Soda
                           Booking essential
used during the cholera                               and Potato bread.
                           – please contact
outbreak of the 1830s
                           Anne Delaney on
and the period of the                                 Now it’s your turn! You’ll
                           07736389968 or
Great Hunger which                                    make your own soda
                           email anne.delaney@
saw thousands buried                                  and potato breads in
here and learn about                                  the traditional way – no
the activities of the                                 measuring or weighing
Belfast Bodysnatchers                                 required!
and the incident which
occurred in here which                                Your breads will cook on
changed medical history                               a Griddle and from start
throughout the world.                                 to finish they’ll be ready
Maximum 20 people.                                    to eat within 15 minutes.
                                                      You’ll take home farls of
To book, please contact                               Soda and farls of Potato
Joe Baker on 07862                                    bread, or enjoy them
050918                                                with lunch, hot off the
                                                      griddle. Pre Booking
                                                      essential – please
                                                      contact Anne Delaney
                                                      on 07736389968 or
                                                      email anne.delaney@

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2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Bus Trip to Kilmainham        Adult Art Workshop – Glass   Stranger Danger – Self
Gaol, Dublin                  Painting                     Defence Class with Joe
Ashton Centre                 New Lodge Arts, Ashton       Jitsu Over 18’s only
Wednesday 3rd August          Centre                       The Recy
9.30am                        Thursday 4th August          Thursday 4th August
                              10am – 12pm                  10am – 12pm

Meet at Ashton Centre,        We are delighted to offer    This popular self-defence
Churchill Street for a bus    this workshop for those      class led by Joe (Jitsu)
trip to Kilmainham Gaol.      wanting to experience        Wilson and Joseph
Over 18’s only – lunch will   the joy of creating          Wilson (Deanby Jujitsu
be provided.                  art using glass. The         Club) will equip you will
                              workshop will be led by      the basic skills to defend
Contact Mary Stanton,         local artist Anne Quail.     yourself. The class will
Bridge of Hope on                                          improve personal safety
02890742255 or email          Booking is essential         and make you more
mary.stanton@                 via Anne Delaney,            confident.
ashtoncentre.com to           07736389968 or
book a place.                 email anne.delaney@          Booking is essential
                              ashtoncentre.com             via Anne Delaney,
Booking essential as                                       07736389968 or
places are limited.                                        email anne.delaney@

Bus Trip to Kilmainham Gaol, Dublin
Wednesday 3rd August

Booking essential as places are limited.
Page 6                                                       New Lodge Festival 2022
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Mini Ninja Class with Joe     Launch of CRJ Office       New Lodge Six Massacre
Jitsu - Age 3 – 7 year olds   14 New Lodge Road,         Duncairn Art Centre
The Recy                      Pinkerton Walk Flats       Thursday 4th August
Thursday 4th August           Thursday 4th August        3.30pm - 4.30pm
1pm – 2pm                     12pm - 2pm

Do you have a little          CRJ are inviting all       It is over 49 years since
Ninja in the house?           members of the local       the killings in highly
                                                         disputed circumstances
This class teaches the        community, youth
                                                         of six unarmed local men,
children the basics of        workers, statutory         Jim Sloan, Jim McCann,
Ninja skills including:       agencies and elected       Tony Campbell, Brendan
- Standing to attention       representatives to the     Maguire, John Loughran
- Focus                       opening of their new       and Ambrose Hardy and
                                                         the severe wounding of
- Fitness                     premises. CRJI have
                                                         Charlie Carson. Despite
- Punching                    been providing a range     sustained efforts to get
- Kicking                     of services to the New     the British State to assist
                              Lodge community            in revealing the truth
Places are limited.           (training, community       about how and why the six
                                                         men died on that fateful
All children must be          safety, help, advice and
                                                         night, to this day the
accompanied by an             mediations) for over two   families continue to be
adult.                        years. The establishment   denied full disclosure. In
To book, please               of permanent premises      2021 the Attorney General
contact Anne Delaney          in the New Lodge Road      directed a fresh inquest
                                                         into the killings but with
on 07736389968 or             will help to enhance and
                                                         the introduction of the
email anne.delaney@           widen the services that    amnesty bill by the British
ashtoncentre.com              CRJI will provide in the   Government there is a
                              area.                      chance that the inquest will
                                                         never be held. The event will
                                                         consist of a photographic
                              No booking necessary.
                                                         display about the killings
                                                         .This will be followed by an
                                                         update on the progress
                                                         of the campaign for truth
                                                         and justice with Q&A
                                                         afterwards. Chaired by
                                                         John Loughran & Gary
                                                         Duffy (solicitor).
                                                         Free entry.

                                                         No booking necessary.

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2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Matilda Jr                   Matilda Jr                   Willow sculpting Class
The MAC                      The MAC                      The Recy
Thursday 4th August          Friday 5th August            Friday 5th August
2pm & 7pm                    2pm & 7pm                    11am – 1pm

New Lodge Arts are           New Lodge Arts are           This masterclass in the
delighted to present         delighted to present         ancient art of willow
their Summer Musical         their Summer Musical         crafting will support
Matilda JR!                  Matilda JR!                  you to weave willow to
                                                          create a beautiful styled
Rebellion is nigh in         Rebellion is nigh in         basket or sculpture - All
Matilda JR., a gleefully     Matilda JR., a gleefully     materials provided.
witty ode to the anarchy     witty ode to the anarchy
of childhood and the         of childhood and the         Places are limited, so
power of imagination!        power of imagination!        booking is essential.

Matilda has astonishing      Matilda has astonishing      Contact Mary Stanton,
wit, intelligence... and     wit, intelligence... and     Bridge of Hope on
special powers! Packed       special powers! Packed       02890742255 or email
with high-energy dance       with high-energy dance       mary.stanton@
numbers and catchy           numbers and catchy           ashtoncentre.com to
songs, Matilda JR. is a      songs, Matilda JR. is a      book a place.
joyous girl power romp.      joyous girl power romp.
Children and adults          Children and adults
alike will be thrilled and   alike will be thrilled and
delighted by the story       delighted by the story
of the special little girl   of the special little girl
with an extraordinary        with an extraordinary
imagination.                 imagination.

This is an amateur           This is an amateur
production produced by       production produced by
New Lodge Arts.              New Lodge Arts.

Tickets are £5 each          Tickets are £5 each
and available www.           and available www.
themaclive.com               themaclive.com

Page 8                                                      New Lodge Festival 2022
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
Hot August Day               Sunrise Social               Abseil down the flats
Star Neighbourhood           Cavehill (meet at Cavehill   fundraiser for local food
Centre                       Car Park, Upper Hightown     banks
Friday 5th August            Road)                        New Lodge Flats – Meave
2pm-7pm                      Saturday 6th August          House, New Lodge Road
                             Time tbc via Facebook        Saturday 6th August
                                                          All day
This very popular annual     The Sunrise Social is a      Would you like to take
cross community event        weekly Cavehill Sunrise      part in an Abseil down
will provide an afternoon    Hike. The group meet         the New Lodge Flats?
of Music and Craic for       at Cavehill Car Park on
Senior Citizens. Listen to   Upper Hightown Road.         The Abseil is a fundraiser
Elvis, Neil Diamond and                                   for local food banks and
Michael Buble, followed      Check out www.               the social supermarket.
by a Disco.                  facebook.com/
                             sunrisesocialbelfast to      All participants must
No booking necessary.        confirm time to meet.        raise a minimum of £60
                                                          to participate.
Contact Maria Valente
for more info on 028                                      To take part, please
9074 0693                                                 contact Anne Delaney
                                                          on 07736389968
                                                          or anne.delaney@

 Abseil down New Lodge flats
Fundraiser for local food banks

New Lodge Flats
Meave House, New Lodge Road
Saturday 6th August
All day
  https://www.facebook.com/newlodgefestival/                                  Page 9
2022 New Lodge Festival Programme - Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022 facebook.comnewlodgefestival/ - Ashton Community Trust
New Lodge Summer Street   Movie – Encanto            The TAMHI Cup - Football
Party                     Girdwood Hub               Tournament
Lepper Street             Saturday 6th August        Girdwood Hub
Saturday 6th August       12pm                       Sunday 7th August
1pm-4pm                                              10am – 3pm

Join us for the annual    Thorndale, Duncairn,       As part of this year’s
Street Party bringing     Kinnaird (TDK) Residents   festival The Tackling
a spectacular fun-fest    Group presents a Movie     Awareness of Mental
of comedy, music,         Day in the Girdwood        health Issues (TAMHI)
inflatables, circus       Community Hub. The         Project will The TAHMI
mayhem, walkabout         Disney musical fantasy     Cup – a football
acts to the streets       Encanto will be shown at   competition for local
of the New Lodge.         12.00 pm. Free popcorn,    teams.
An afternoon of           ice cream and soft
entertainment, fun and    drinks provided.           For further information
mischief awaits the                                  contact Joe Donnelly at
audience. So come along   No booking necessary.      joe@tamhi.org
and join in! This event
is a must for all local

No booking necessary

 Event: North Belfast Diversionary GAA Tournament

                       Date: Sunday 7th August 2022 4pm – 8 pm
                       Venue:: Clintonville Playing Fields (Cricky)
 Activity: CLG Na Piarsaigh and CLG Ard Éoin will jointly host this event,
  designed to showcase the positive impact that the North Belfast GAA
   has in supporting young adults achieve their full wellbeing potential
 (physical, emotional, mental) through their involvement in team sports.
         For more information, contact Oisín Mac An Bhiocaire at

Page 10                                                New Lodge Festival 2022
Positive me = Positive us   Colour Run                  Gloves off at Girdwood –
Health & Wellbeing Day      Girdwood Hub                Junior Boxing event and
Girdwood Hub                Sunday 7th August           Massive Family Fun Day
Sunday 7th August           3pm                         Girdwood Hub
12pm - 4pm                                              Monday 8th August
                                                        12pm - 4pm
Come along to our           Grab your trainers and      Come and support this
Health & Wellbeing event    get along to the Colour     boxing tournament for
in Girdwood Community       Run at Girdwood Hub –       youth boxers from across
Hub.                        fun for all the family.     North Belfast delivered
                            Contact                     in partnership with local
Take time out to relax      nbhroombooking@             boxing clubs located in
and unwind with a few       hotmail.com for             areas.
of these services:          more information.
• Massage                   Registration essential.     The event will also
• Reiki                     First 100 registered will   include an inclusive
• Yoga                      get a free t-shirt!         family festival with
• Hair and Beauty                                       inflatables, performers,
• Range of therapists                                   music, food and much
Children’s entertainment
will be included at the                                 No booking necessary
event.                                                  Family friendly event!

No booking necessary.

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Community BINGO           Photography Workshop @        Film Launch – ‘See Me Not
New Lodge Youth Centre    The Waterworks                My Label’
Monday 8th August         The Waterworks – Queen        Duncairn Art Centre
7pm                       Mary Gardens Entrance         Tuesday 9th August
                          (Antrim Road)                 5.30pm
                          Tuesday 9th August
                          11am – 1pm
Join the New Lodge        Are you a keen                New Lodge Arts are
Youth Centre for a        photographer at heart?        delighted to launch their
family friendly Bingo     Learn the skills you need     recent film ‘See Me Not
night! Contact            to use your own mobile        My Label’ produced
sean.mcmullan@            phone to take the             by Belfast Bohemian
ashtoncentre.com or       images of the beauty on       Productions. The short
phone 028 90751358 for    our doorstep. All photos      film gives an insight
more information and to   will be printed and           into the 174 Trust Youth
register.                 framed for an exhibition      Disability Project.
                          and for you to keep.
                          Lessons will be facilitated   No booking necessary.
                          by experienced

                          Booking is essential as
                          places are limited.

                          Contact Mary Stanton,
                          Bridge of Hope on
                          02890742255 or email
                          ashtoncentre.com to
                          book a place.

                                                         Tuesday 9th August

Page 12                                                   New Lodge Festival 2022
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Family Bike Rave             The Darker Side of          Newcastle Bus Trip
Departing Girdwood           Belfast’s History           Meet at Ashton Centre at
Tuesday 9th August           Meeting place: Outside St   10am.
7pm                          Anne’s Cathedral            Wednesday 10th August
                             Wednesday 10th August
Grab your glow sticks        Take a tour around the      Come along for a day
and whistles and join us     old Half Bap area and       out to Newcastle! Meet
on this epic Bike Rave       learn about how life was    at Ashton Centre,
through the streets of       for the vast majority of    Churchill Street - lunch
North Belfast listening to   Belfast citizens during     will be provided.
some funky discos beats      the Victorian period.
and 90’s dance classics.     Murders, transportation,    Booking is essential, as
Fancy dress/neon             execution and let’s not     places are limited. Over
accessories preferred!       forget about killing rats   18’s only.
Bicycles/Helmets can         with your bare teeth.
be provided if needed.       Maximum 20 people.          Contact Mary Stanton,
Organised by New Lodge                                   Bridge of Hope on
Arts.                        To book, please contact     02890742255 or email
Please contact anne.         Joe Baker on 07862          mary.stanton@
delaney@ashtoncentre.        050918                      ashtoncentre.com to
com 07736389968 to                                       book a place.

 The Darker Side of Belfast’s History
 Meeting place: Outside St Anne’s Cathedral
 Wednesday 10th August

Page 14                                                    New Lodge Festival 2022
‘That’s What She Said’      Teddy Bears Picnic          ‘I’ll Tell Me Ma’– Theatre
Young Women’s Event         North Queen Street Park     Show
Girdwood?                   Thursday 11th August        University of Ulster (25-
Wednesday 10th August       2pm-4pm                     51 York Street) – Birley
7pm                                                     Building
                                                        Thursday 11th August

The event will bring        If you go down to the       A one-woman show
young people from           park today….                charting the adventures
different youth centres                                 and misadventures of
across North Belfast        … you will be sure to       four generations of
together to explore         have a great day out as     West Belfast women!
female issues whilst        the Teddy Bears’ Picnic!    Trisha (a 60-something
also aim to empower                                     with a passion for
young women to make a       North Belfast’s youngest    writing), Chelsea Marie
difference in their youth   residents, their families   (an air stewardess
centres.                    and carers can enjoy        extraordinaire with a
                            a day out in North          tangled love life), Davina
Contact Sean Mc Mullan,     Queen Street Park,          Corrina (a 16-year-old
New Lodge Youth Centre      with fun, games and         schoolgirl with the taste
on 028907451358 or          entertainment. Bring        for the high life and
email sean.mcmullan@        along your favourite        Russian vodka) and
ashtoncentre.com for        Teddy Bear! Free entry!     Granny Eileen (fighting
more info.                                              the cruel blows of fate)
                            Contact Mary Stanton,       are all struggling in their
                            Bridge of Hope on           own ways to deal with
                            02890742255 or email        changes in their lives
                            mary.stanton@               and find a way forward.
                            ashtoncentre.com to         An hilarious, touching
                            book a place as places      and entertaining show
                            are limited.                not to be missed!

                                                        Tickets are £10 each
                                                        and available from

  https://www.facebook.com/newlodgefestival/                                 Page 15
Picnic in the Park        Youth Talks Back –          Scribes @ The Duncairn
Star Neighbourhood        Celebrating International   Duncairn Art Centre
Centre                    Youth Day                   Friday 12th August
Friday 12th August        Houben Centre               7pm
11am-1pm                  Friday 12th August
Join us for a picnic in   Young people from           Award-winning novelist,
the park at The Star,     across Belfast will be      playwright and Paul
                                                      McVeigh is no stranger to
an event for preschool    debating with a panel of
                                                      producing anthologies.
aged children. There      political representatives   Following on from the
are limited spaces so     and decision makers         success of Belfast Stories
booking The Star is       on issues and matters       which he co-edited,
essential.                directly affecting the      McVeigh has delivered
                                                      once again with ‘The 32’,
                          lives of young people.
                                                      described as an ‘intimate
All children must be      Chaired by Tori Watson,     and illuminating collection
accompanied by an         UTV Journalist. Panel       of memoires and essays
adult.                    TBC.                        that celebrates working-
                                                      class voices from the island
                                                      of Ireland’.
Contact Maria Valente     Part of Féile an
for more info on 028      Phobail’s Community         A number of contributors
9074 0693                 Engagement and Youth        from the book will
                          Arts Programmes,            participate in the Scribes
                          supported by Esmée          event, chaired by the book’s
                                                      editor Paul McVeigh.
                          Fairbairn and
                                                      Without these working-
                          Department of Foreign       class voices, without the
                          Affairs                     vital reflection of real lives
                                                      or role models for working-

 Youth Talks Back
                                                      class readers and writers,
                                                      literature will be poorer. We
                                                      will all be poorer.
                                                      This event is hosted by
 Celebrating International Youth Day                  Stories@theDuncairn, a
                                                      volunteer-led, community
                                                      literary project, in
 Houben Centre                                        partnership with the
                                                      Greater New Lodge
 Friday 12th August                                   Community Festival and
                                                      Féile an Phobail.
 1pm                                                  All welcome!

Page 16                                                 New Lodge Festival 2022
Across the Barricades       Sunrise Social               Waterworks Summer Fun
Crumlin Road Gaol           Cavehill (meet at Cavehill   Day
Friday 12th August 2022     Car Park, Upper Hightown     Waterworks Park
8pm                         Road)                        Saturday 13th August
                            Saturday 13th August         12pm-3pm
                            Time tbc via facebook
New Lodge Arts Senior       The Sunrise Social is a      The New Lodge Arts
Drama group presents        weekly Cavehill Sunrise      Event Management
‘Across the Barricades’.    Hike. The group meet         Team are back and
Kevin and Sadie just        at Cavehill Car Park on      will be running their
want to be together,        Upper Hightown Road.         annual Summer Fun
but it’s not that simple.                                Day in the Waterworks
Things are bad in           Check out www.               Park. Bring the family
Belfast. Soldiers walk      facebook.com/                along to enjoy the fun
the streets and the city    sunrisesocialbelfast to      and be entertained by
is divided. No Catholic     confirm time to meet.        walkabout performers,
boy and Protestant girl                                  make your own arts and
can go out together –                                    crafts and end the day
not without dangerous                                    searching for clues with
consequences . . .                                       our very own treasure
Across the Barricades is                                 hunt. Free event.
part of Joan Lingard’s
ground-breaking Kevin                                    For more information
and Sadie series, the                                    contact Orla Hawkins on
sequel to The Twelfth                                    02890742255.
Day of July.
Tickets are £5 each and                                  No booking required.
available from www.
                             Waterworks Summer Fun Day

                             Waterworks Park
                             Saturday 13th August
  https://www.facebook.com/newlodgefestival/                               Page 17
Traditional Irish Rowing   Feile Unplugged at the      Indian Community Centre
Waterworks Park            Waterworks                  – Tour / Food / Indian Dress
Saturday 13th August       Waterworks Park             / Music
12pm-3pm                   Saturday 13th August        Indian Community Centre
                           12pm-3pm                    Saturday 13th August
                                                       12pm-4pm (tour starts
                                                       every 30 mins)
Traditional Irish Rowing   Féile Unplugged returns
at The Waterworks          to deliver a fest of live   Come along and
                           music featuring some        experience Indian
An open day with some      of the best emerging        Culture at the Indian
of the most beautiful      young talent this city      Community Centre.
traditionally made Irish   has to offer. You can       Take a tour around
boats. Try your hand       enjoy this live concert     The Lakshmi Narayan
at rowing a range of       whilst participating in     Mandir, the only Hindu
boats built by our Boats   the fun day or rowing       temple in Northern
without Boundaries         activities. Line up to be
project, supported by                                  Ireland, located on the
                           announced.                  ground floor of Indian
Lough Neagh Boating
Heritage Association and                               Community Centre.
                           Part of Féile’s             Taste some of the
Meitheal Mara. Boats
                           Community                   delights of Indian cuisine
will include Dunfanaghy,
Tory and Gola Island       Engagement and Youth        and listen to sounds of
Curachs, and Lough         Arts Programme              India.
Neagh Cots. Instruction
and safety equipment                                   Booking essential.
provided. A rotational
system will be in place                                Please contact
for use of the boats. No                               Anne Delaney on
booking required, first                                07736389968 or
come first serve basis.                                email anne.delaney@
In partnership with New                                ashtoncentre.com
Lodge Arts and part of
their Family Fun Day.

Part of Féile’s
Engagement and Youth
Arts Programme

Page 18                                                  New Lodge Festival 2022
Multi-Cultural Event        The Sensational 70’s
Alexandra Park              Superstars
Sunday 14th August          Crumlin Road Gaol
1pm-4pm                     Sunday 14th August

North Belfast is a          The SENSATIONAL 70S
beautifully woven           SUPERSTARS with their
patchwork of culturally     Tributes to SMOKIE and
diverse communities.        BAY CITY ROLLERS..play
Come to our family fun      Crumlin Road Gaol on
day and experience          Sunday 14th August as
this rich cultural          part of The NEW LODGE
tapestry through music,     FESTIVAL
food, art and dance.
Entertainment for all the   Don’t miss this Brilliant
family.                     tribute to the era that
                            taste forgot!!
Free event – everyone
welcome!                    Big hits! Big heels and
                            Big hair!!!
Contact Alanna McGarry
on 028 90742255 for         You might just find out
more information.           who the fxxk ALICE is
                            and if you’re lucky you’ll
                            have a SUMMERLOVE

                            a BIG bonus is the show
                            features MICKY SANDS
                            FROM THE CHEVYS !!!

                            Tickets are £10 each and
                            available from www.

  https://www.facebook.com/newlodgefestival/             Page 19
New Lodge Festival would like
              to thank and acknowledge
              all our partners and funders.

Monday 1st August - Sunday 14th August 2022
You can also read