The West Growth Corridor Plan
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The West Growth Corridor Plan 36 | Growth corridor plans
Growth coRridor plans | 37
Existing Urban Urban Growth Boundary Freeway See Arterial Road Local Collector Road Principal Freight Network See Note Railway Line Rail Station Opportunity for future Rail Station Rail Stabling Principal Public Transport Network Specialised Town Centre See Note Central Activity Area Principal Town Centre Major Town Centre Industrial Business Business with Residential Residential Proposed Regional Open Space Existing Open Space Regional Active Open Space (under investigation) Biodiversity Values Landscape Values Non-urban/Utilities Potential Urban Quarry Rivers & Creeks Waterway Corridor Investigation Area Inclusion of arterial roads in the plans does not indicate a commitment to funding or declaration as a state arterial road Infrastructure items shown are indicative and will require further investigation 1:115000 @ A3 13 JUNE 2012 0 1 2 3 4 5 Base map is reproduced with permission from Melway Publishing Pty. Ltd. 2011. See Note NOTES Melton Tourism Precinct Proposed Kororoit Creek Regional Park (exact boundary to be determined) Potential location for Western Interstate Freight Terminal Proposed Werribee Township Regional Park (exact boundary to be determined) Protect the planned rail freight spur line between the OMR corridor and Melton rail line from sensitive uses by including a buffer of non-residential Protect the Boundary Road freight route from sensitive uses by including a buffer of non-residential Potential rail stabling Water management site subject to further investigation 38 | Growth corridor plans
Note See Note See Note See Note See Note Growth coRridor plans | 39
THE WEST Growth Corridor Plan 4.1 CONTEXT metropolitan service to Werribee and eventually to Creating greater local self containment, job and housing Melbourne’s western region is Wyndham Vale. Two new diversity, and improved transport one of the fastest growing in stations are proposed on the links are priorities for the western Australia. The area covered by RRL, at Wyndham Vale and metropolitan region. The West the West Growth Corridor Plan Tarneit, with opportunities Growth Corridor Plan seeks to will eventually accommodate a for four more stations in the address these priorities by: population of 377,000 or more longer term; people and have the capacity to >> Improving road, public trans- >> The proposed Outer Metro- port and freight networks accommodate at least 164,000 politan Ring (OMR) transport jobs. across the region; corridor – this will enhance connectivity between key >> Extending the western indus- The region has a strong trial node, and connecting manufacturing and logistics international transport it to a new freight terminal base, and it will continue to hubs including the Port of and the broader transport play a vital role in meeting Melbourne and Melbourne network; Victoria’s industrial and logistics Airport, and provide high needs. However, communities speed road and rail transport >> Creating a diversity of new in Melbourne’s west are heavily links for freight and people communities, well serviced reliant on the CBD and inner west across the west and north by public transport and with for jobs and services, and this metropolitan area; very high amenity by building places considerable pressure on on natural features such as >> The Melton rail line corridor the transport network. regional parklands, creeks – new stations identified at and waterways, and creating The future development of Toolern and Paynes Road, high quality town centres and Melbourne’s west will be and an upgraded station urban areas; and substantially shaped by the at Rockbank, will provide an opportunity for transit >> Creating attractive and acces- following significant transport sible locations for a wide projects: oriented development along this corridor; and range of jobs, investment, and >> The Regional Rail Link (RRL) >> The proposed Western services – including in six new project, which will provide higher order town centres. Interstate Freight Terminal at tracks to the north of Werribee Truganina. A new intermodal to carry VLine services from freight terminal will signifi- Geelong and beyond, to free cantly improve Melbourne’s up the congested Werribee freight handling capacity and line to enable an improved reinforce the economic impor- tance of Melbourne’s west. 40 | Growth corridor plans
4.2 The West Growth Corridor will play a signifi- cant role in the diversification of the broader western region over time. The Hopkins Road Business Precinct, and the Werribee Employment Precinct, together with existing and planned Principal and Major Town Centres, will provide signif- icant new opportunities for living, jobs, investment and services within the region. The region will also continue to play a vital role in meeting Victo- ria’s industrial, freight and logistics needs over the long term, whilst diversifying the employment offer of the region. Planned upgrades to the freeway and freight facilities in Melbourne’s west will reinforce its importance to the industrial sectors. Each local neighbourhood will have its own character, defined by its natural setting, and opportunities to integrate locally distinctive features into the development of the Growth Corridor will be maximised. These include waterways, hills, regional parks and open space, and biodiver- sity reserves, as well as more distant views to the hills to the West and North, and to the CBD. Growth coRridor plans | 41
4.3 LANDSCAPE, sense of place for future communi- ties. parts of the corridor in both visual and landscape ENVIRONMENT AND terms. The Werribee River Residents and visitors will be able OPEN SPACE to access the open space via a and Kororoit, Skeleton/Dry, Davis and Lollipop Creeks are The West Growth Corridor is char- comprehensive trail network that particularly important in this acterised by its grasslands biodi- will extend throughout the West regard; versity and the major waterways Growth Corridor. that connect it to inner Melbourne >> Mount Atkinson and Mount and Port Phillip Bay, as well as by a 4.3.1 Landscape Cottrell are important range of cultural heritage values. landscape features. They will These features provide significant The West Growth Corridor is be preserved and, where opportunities to address the broad characterised by a flat to undu- relevant, urban areas will needs of the region by creating lating landscape that is dissected benefit from vistas to these new active and passive recreation by a number of waterways and features from a range of areas alongside waterways and enclosed by distant views to the vantage points across the in areas with high landscape or You Yangs and Brisbane Ranges to Growth Corridor; biodiversity values. the west, and the Great Dividing >> Distant views to the CBD, You Range to the north. The key Yangs, Brisbane Ranges and The Growth Corridor Plan recog- landscape features that form part the Great Dividing Range; and nises this wide range of values. of the broader setting for urban Combined, they make up an >> Finer grained and recurring development as shown in the elements across the landscape integrated open space network for images below include: Melbourne’s west. This network such as the dry stone walls provides an important natural >> The natural drainage system and original 19th century setting for the entire western across the Growth Corridor mile grid subdivision pattern corridor and will make a major – this will form the spine will be incorporated into the contribution to the amenity and of the open space network new urban landscape where which connects different possible. 42 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west 4.3.2 Biodiversity the Urban Growth Boundary in part of the wider Kororoit Melbourne’s west. The Western Creek regional park. An The West Growth Corridor has Grasslands Reserve (totalling area of approximately 50 ha significant biodiversity values 15,000ha) will ensure the long extending to the north of the including threatened communities term conservation of this nation- Kororoit Creek will also be of Natural Temperate Grasslands of ally threatened Natural Temperate protected for conservation the Victorian Volcanic Plain. Threat- Grasslands ecosystem. to incorporate Spiny Rice- ened fauna species that utilise flower, Golden Sun Moth The following biodiversity values ecological communities as well habitat, ephemeral wetlands are recognised by the West Growth as degraded landscapes include and high quality remnant Corridor Plan: Striped Legless Lizard, Golden grassland. The finalisation Sun Moth (GSM), and Growling >> Large areas of habitat of the boundaries for the Grass Frog (GGF). Threatened for the GSM which also regional park will consider the flora species exist throughout the have confirmed records of inclusion of this area in the Growth Corridor with populations nationally important plants park; of Spiny Rice flower, and Large such as Spiny Rice Flower; >> A small but important site to Fruit Groundsel, occurring in a >> Habitat for the GGF along the the north-west of the Clarke number of locations. Werribee River, Kororoit Creek Road grasslands supports The major waterways of Werribee and its tributaries, as well as many Spiny Rice-flower in River and Kororoit Creek are Lollypop and Davis Creeks, high quality native grassland biodiversity corridors that provide and Deanside wetlands; habitat and will be protected important habitat and connec- >> The Clarke Road grasslands, for conservation; tivity through the Growth Corridor which supports one of two >> The Truganina Cemetery for species such as the Growling remaining sites of the Small and its edges contain several Grass Frog. Golden Moths Orchid in the populations of nationally world, as well as Spiny Rice threatened plant species; Two large grasslands reserves flower. This area will form are to be established outside Growth coRridor plans | 43
>> The completion of the 4.3.3 Drainage Truganina South Golden Sun Moth reserve on Woods Road; Significant floodplains exist along >> The Deer Park Quarry Kororoit Creek and the Werribee Grasslands, which provides River, which are important features habitat for the Striped Legless of the Western Plains landscape. Lizard and the Spiny Rice These major waterways, together flower; with the numerous smaller tributaries and local wetlands, >> The area between the railway include areas of cultural heritage line and Western Freeway at and provide habitat for significant Rockbank supports a large native flora and fauna. population of Large-fruit Groundsel and Spiny Rice- The lower reaches of the Werribee flower and will be protected River flow through coastal for conservation; and wetlands which form part of the >> The area of high quality native Port Phillip Bay (Western Shore- grassland south of Greigs line) and Bellarine Peninsula Road will also be protected Ramsar site. Ramsar3 wetlands to conserve a very large require a high level of control population of Spiny Rice- over the quality and quantity of flower contiguous with the surface water discharge, which will Western Grassland Reserves. affect management of stormwater entering the Werribee River. The alignments of the Outer Metropolitan Ring Road (OMR) and Regional Rail Link (RRL) corri- dors will also affect waterways and flood plains. All of these issues will need to be considered in development of stormwater systems servicing the West Growth Corridor. 3 Ramsar wetlands are wetlands of international importance listed under the Conven- tion on Wetlands also known as the Ramsar Convention. The Convention was signed in 1971 at a meeting in the town of Ramsar, in Iran. The aim of the convention is to halt the worldwide loss of wetlands and to conserve those that remain. 44 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west 4.3.4 Regional Parks required to finalise the western sports with a regional catchment. and northern boundaries of the The delivery of these facilities will and Open Space Werribee Township regional park. need to be further investigated A new regional park is currently before any final decisions can be The proposed Western Grass- under development along Toolern made. land Reserves will also provide Creek, to the south of Melton. significant passive open space These parks will be connected by a Additional regional parks are opportunities. Public access to series of trails focused particularly identified along Kororoit Creek, these reserves will focus visitors along the waterways. Some of (west of Caroline Springs); and the into areas where the impact on these will form part of the MTN, Werribee Township Regional Park biodiversity can be minimised. and others will form more local on the Werribee River. The indica- trails to be provided through PSPs. Two potential locations for a tive boundaries of these parks regional active open space facility The plan below explains how are shown on the West Growth are identified, adjoining the Koro- all forms of open space will be Corridor Plan. Further biodiversity roit Creek regional park and along integrated. information is required to finalise Kororoit Creek close to the Rock- the northern boundary of the bank town centre. These facilities Kororoit Creek regional park, and are intended to meet a need for further drainage information is West Integrated Open Space Melb Airport Melton Woodgrove Melton Concept Plan Sydenham Plumpton Central Activity Area Rockbank North Toolern Principal Town Centre Toolern Vale Regional Park Rockbank South Major Town Centre Kororoit Creek Regional Park Hopkins Rd Train Station Future Station Opportunity for Future Rail Station Sunshine Western Plains Grassland Reserve Urban Growth Boundary Existing Urban Area Area Outside UGB Regional Open Space Tarneit (not all publicly accessible) Sayers Road Potential Regional Open Space (not all publicly accessible) Potential Regional Active Open Space Werribee Township Regional Park Wyndham Vale Potential Bicycle Network Principal Bicycle Network Links Werribee Employment Precinct Metropolitan Trail Network Werribee Metropolitan Trail Network Links Point Cook Coastal Park Werribee Zoo Landscape Values You Yangs Park Growth coRridor plans | 45
4.4 CREATING Each of these districts is of a sufficient size to support a Arterial roads will be grade- separated from the RRL and the COMMUNITIES Major Town Centre, and each OMR, and they will be designed can provide a mix of jobs and to minimise their impact on 4.4.1 Residential housing types/densities. the amenity and accessibility of Districts within the Connections between districts these locations. Growth Corridor will be provided by a grid of arte- Creeks and waterways will rial roads and extended public also play an important role in In the northern (Melton) section transport networks. New Major connecting these districts via the of the Growth Corridor, the Town Centres are located along Metropolitan Trail Network and OMR and the Western Freeway/ the RRL at Tarneit and Sayers local trails. Western rail line clearly define Road stations, on the Melton the larger scale residential This is particularly the case with rail line at Rockbank, and on the districts within the corridor. the Kororoit Creek, which will PPTN, at Leakes Road (Rock- provide an important east-west In the southern (Wyndham) bank), and Hume Drive. Each link between communities across section of the Growth Corridor, a is centrally located within its either side of the OMR. series of residential districts are district, and will be accessible by located along the regional rail multiple transport modes. link corridor. West Community Melb Airport Concept Plan Melton Central Activity Area Melton Woodgrove Sydenham Plumpton Principal Town Centre Rockbank North Toolern Major Town Centre Rockbank South Train Station Future Station Hopkins Rd Opportunity for future Rail Station Urban Growth Boundary Sunshine Existing Urban Area Area Outside UGB Constrained Land Local Neighbourhood Tarneit Sayers Road New Residential Districts Wyndham Vale Werribee Employment Precinct Werribee 46 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west 4.4.2 Character and Creeks and waterways will also 4.4.3 Rockbank provide alternative connections Identity between communities via the The existing low density town- The sense of place for each MTN. ship of Rockbank is located of these communities will be between the Western Freeway Opportunities exist to ensure created from natural features, and the Melton rail line. The that some of the arterial road particularly local wetlands, relationship between the area routes are designed to have waterways and creeks such as bound by Paynes Road, the a strong boulevard character. Werribee River, Kororoit Creek, Western Freeway, Hopkins Road This will potentially require Davis Creek, Skeleton/Dry Creek and the rail line presents signifi- such routes to have a wider and Lollipop Creek. cant design challenges. Oppor- cross section to allow for tree tunities exist to enable this area The town centres at Tarneit, planting and wider medians. to be redeveloped to a more Sayers Road and Leakes Road The key route for consideration transit oriented form of develop- (Rockbank) adjoin or are near to of such treatment is the north- ment over time. Great care will waterways, and can be designed south connection between need to be taken to ensure that so the waterways are integrated the Wyndham and Melton, any new infrastructure projects, into the character of the town. i.e. Hopkins or Tarneit Roads. including grade separations, Hopkins Road specifically will rail line upgrade and stabling play a vital role as it will link the and the OMR enable continued Sunbury/Diggers Rest Corridor access to the precinct, and do through to the West Corridor not unduly impact on amenity. all the way down to Werribee This area will be planned as part ensuring the connection of resi- of a broader PSP. dents to jobs and town centres. Leakes or Dohertys Roads, and Taylors Road or Hume Drive provide the opportunity for a similar treatment in an east-west direction. Character and identity in this corridor is also provided by areas such as the Warrensbrook Fair Tourism Precinct, the Rockbank Beam Wireless Station and the Deanside complex of buildings. The opportunities provided by features such as these to create a distinctive character for the west should be maximised. Growth coRridor plans | 47
4.4.4 Regional profit providers. Primary care range of non government organ- services are mainly provided by isations. Significant growth is Community, Health and general practitioners. Commu- being delivered at the Sunshine Education Services and nity health services provided Hospital site, and services at Facilities by ISIS Community Health at Werribee Mercy Hospital are also Brimbank, and Wyndham and being expanded. Victoria University is the main Djerriwarrh Health Service at provider of campus based Additional residential aged Melton, Bacchus Marsh and Caro- post compulsory education in care capacity will be required line Springs, deliver a range of Melbourne’s west. The University to provide for an expanding primary health care services. of Ballarat, Deakin University and and ageing population in Gordon TAFE also have a pres- Western Health is the major Melbourne’s west. ence in the region, and there are public provider of acute and sub Strategic planning will take also specialist research focused acute health services for western account of interface communi- facilities, including the Univer- metropolitan Melbourne. It ties on the metro-rural fringe, sity of Melbourne’s veterinary provides a range of health consider the need for health hospital and the RMIT flight services from three hospital and medical precincts in major school at Point Cook. campuses in Footscray, Sunshine centres and include a focus on and Williamstown. Djerriwarrh These facilities are spread across the potential for co-location of Health Service provides a local the region and are in reasonable services. hospital in Bacchus Marsh and proximity to the Growth Corri- a superclinic at Melton. Ballan More comprehensive and dors. Whilst it is not anticipated District Health and Care provides specialist education, health that a new campus for post services including a GP Super and community facilities would compulsory education will Clinic. normally be located in the higher be required in the west in the order town centres, including foreseeable future, additional The Werribee Mercy Hospital the existing Sydenham Town community based facilities will serves the Wyndham corridor, Centre such as Werribee Plaza, be needed over time. as well as neighbouring areas. and centres identified at Toolern, Residents of this Growth Corridor Primary, secondary and Tarneit and Manor Lakes also access Sunshine Hospital, tertiary health services, Western Hospital and other inner both hospital and commu- metropolitan specialist hospitals nity based, are provided by for tertiary and state-wide health a combination of state and services. Tertiary mental health commonwealth government services are provided at a range and private including not for of locations in the west and south west by Melbourne Health, the Royal Children’s Hospital, Werribee Mercy Hospital and a 48 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west 4.5 EMPLOYMENT 4.5.1 Town Centres The Wyndham Vale, Sayers Road and Tarneit town centres will Melbourne’s west does not A wide range of businesses and be designed to integrate with generate sufficient employment job opportunities will emerge over the Regional Rail Link stations. to provide for the job needs of its time in the Principal Town Centres Tarneit Town Centre in particular rapidly growing population. As at Werribee, Toolern, Sunshine and will play an important strategic a result, Melbourne’s west has a Sydenham. role because it is central to the strong reliance on the CBD and southern part of the corridor and inner west for jobs and services. The Toolern Town Centre will is located with the intersection be the primary centre for the Over time, the West Growth of Leakes and Derrimut/Hopkins north western portion of the Corridor will achieve greater local roads and the proposed Tarneit West Growth Corridor, as well job self containment. In total Station. as the regional hinterland, this Corridor has the capacity to including Bacchus Marsh. It is accommodate between 164,000 well connected to the Growth 4.5.2 Employment and 202,000 new jobs across a Corridor, and to regional areas by Precincts range of employment sectors and the Western Freeway and Western locations. rail line and the PPTN along Ferris The West Growth Corridor Plan road. makes provision for: This will be achieved in a variety of ways, including new invest- The Major Town Centres across >> 3,960 gross hectares of ment and job creation including the northern (Melton) part of the industrial land; in existing and planned town corridor are well connected to >> 1,410 gross hectares of centres, business precincts, and Toolern, Sunshine and Sydenham business land; and industrial areas. via the main rail line and the PPTN. >> Around 100 gross hectares of Werribee Town Centre will be the additional land could also be primary centre for the southern provided for a range of local (Wyndham) half of the corridor. industrial and commercial Together with the Werribee activities across residential Employment Precinct, this centre PSPs. These will be identified will be a focus for a wide range of as required through the PSP jobs and services for the Growth process. Corridor and the broader region. The established Werribee Plaza also performs an important sub- regional retail role. Growth coRridor plans | 49
The Western road and rail from the Ports of Werribee Industrial Node Melbourne and Geelong to other Employment Precinct parts of Australia. The Growth Corridor Plan identi- The 730 (gross) hectare Werribee fies a 1,510 (gross) hectare exten- The land that forms part of this Employment Precinct is currently sion to the Western Industrial precinct south of Boundary Road home to a number of research Node, which would be accessible has a depth of 400m. This precinct and development organisations by a new freeway link between should provide a suitable land use including CSIRO Food and Nutri- the Western Ring road and the buffer between the terminal and tional Sciences, Victoria University, OMR. The precinct will have ready residential uses further south and Melbourne University Veterinary access to rail freight, and could could consist of light industrial Clinic, the Dairy Innovation Centre accommodate a major new freight and service industry type uses. and Agrifood Technology. terminal, to enable the transfer The Precinct has the potential of interstate freight between to create a major higher skilled “white collar” employment hub for the west, linking to the existing Werribee City Centre. Residential development can also be accom- modated. West Employment Melb Airport Concept Plan Melton Central Activity Area Melton Woodgrove 4 Sydenham Principal Town Centre Plumpton Rockbank North Toolern Major Town Centre Train Station Rockbank South Future Station Hopkins Rd 3 Opportunity for future Rail station Urban Growth Boundary Sunshine Existing Urban Area 1 Area Outside UGB Constrained Land Industrial Tarneit Existing Industrial Sayers Road Business Business with Residential Wyndham Vale Western Industrial Node 1 Werribee Werribee Employment Precinct 2 Employment Precinct 2 Hopkins Road Commercial Precinct 3 Werribee Melton Highway Industrial Precinct 4 50 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west Hopkins Road also benefit from the local amenity be explored, and opportunities Business Precinct provided by Mt Atkinson and the for its potential future provision local conservation reserve. The preserved. The Hopkins Road Business Hopkins Road Precinct will accom- Precinct is strategically located modate a 400 (gross) hectare Toolern Employment to contribute to the achievement of a greater diversity of employ- business precinct comprising Precinct a mix of business uses (such as This Precinct has direct access to ment opportunities in the West office parks, research and develop- Growth Corridor. The Precinct the Western Freeway and Melton ment) together with conventional, rail line. It will be serviced by a is 590ha in total area (from the medium and higher density resi- Melton highway to the conserva- high amenity mixed use precinct dential uses. It will also comprise and Principal Town Centre at tion reserve south of Mt Atkinson) a 120 (gross) hectare industrial and it provides opportunities to Toolern and will be readily acces- precinct between the Western sible to the PPTN by a new rail integrate a mix of higher density highway and the Melton rail line residential and employment uses station and a north-south public and a 65 (gross) hectare commer- transport connection. which have potential to directly cial precinct along Hopkins road. connect to the arterial road Around 470 (gross) hectares of system, the future OMR/Western The layout of these uses will need industrial land is located within Highway interchange and the to respond to the interface with the Precinct, as well as 120 (gross) designated PPTN. The Precinct will the existing Quarry, the railway hectares of mixed use employ- line, OMR, freight spur line and the ment activities, located around the Western Highway, to ensure non Melton harness racing facility. sensitive uses are located away from these facilities. In particular, Melton Highway the planned rail freight spur line between the OMR corridor and Industrial Precincts Melton rail line will be protected A new 325 (gross) hectare indus- from sensitive uses by including a trial precinct is identified along buffer of non-residential uses. the northern part of the OMR. With two interchanges onto the A small Specialised Town Centre OMR (at the Melton Highway and will be located in the Precinct to Taylors road), the Precinct will support the business activities have direct freight access to the and provide amenity for residents metropolitan area, the Port of and workers. The ability for this Melbourne and regional Victoria. precinct to succeed as a higher order employment location The Precinct will be serviced by will depend on, amongst other the PPTN along Hume Drive, and factors, its accessibility which will will be close to two identified require careful planning at the Major Town Centres at Plumpton PSP stage. A future PSP will also and Leakes Road (Rockbank). need to ensure that any residential community within this location is of sufficient size to operate as South West Quarries a self-contained neighbourhood, Industrial Node supported by transport, open This Precinct has direct access to space and community infrastruc- the Princes Freeway via the OMR. ture. Careful planning and analysis This area consists of approx 350 of catchments for services will, (gross) hectares of industrial land therefore, be required. and will require careful planning Although there are no plans to to ensure uses do not impact provide a station in this loca- adversely on the future opera- tion during the timeframe of the tions of the quarry and also the Corridor Plan, there is potential surrounding residential area. for a Hopkins Road rail station in the longer term which could Growth coRridor plans | 51
4.6 TRANSPORT >> A reservation exists for the extension of the existing higher density and mixed use development opportunities along 4.6.1 Public Transport metropolitan rail line from these rail lines. Werribee to Wyndham Vale; These three rail spines are Urban development in and supported by public trans- Melbourne’s west will be >> Construction of the RRL, with port networks identified in the supported by three main rail new stations in the short term Corridor Plan to link the two parts spines: at Wyndham Vale and Tarneit, of the Growth Corridor through >> Planning for rail services and and planning for stations at the western industrial node. The station development along Truganina, Davis Road, Sayers northern part of the Corridor is the Melton rail line, including Road and Wyndham Vale served by an identified PPTN that multi modal integration, to South in the longer term. links districts north and south of support Principal and Major The development of new rail lines the Melton Rail line to stations Town Centres, as well as to Melbourne and Avalon Airports and town centres. strategically located park and are currently under investigation. ride facilities; The Growth Corridor Plan focuses West Public Transport Melb Airport Concept Plan Melton Central Activity Area Melton Woodgrove Sydenham Principal Town Centre Plumpton Rockbank North Toolern Major Town Centre Train Station Rockbank South Future Station Hopkins Rd Opportunity for future Rail Station Urban Growth Boundary Sunshine Existing Urban Area Area Outside UGB Business Business with Residential Metropolitan Demand Tarneit Sayers Road Regional Demand Subregional Demand Other Major Demand Wyndham Vale Werribee Employment Precinct Werribee 52 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west Planning for higher capacity 4.6.2 Arterial Road public transport, initially in the form of SmartBus type services, Networks but with the potential to be The Growth Corridor Plan upgraded to a higher capacity proposes the development, over transport mode, will be under- time, of a new grid of north- taken. south and east-west arterial A network of potential local bus roads, crossing the OMR and the routes will be planned as part of Western rail/freeway corridor. preparation of PSPs. These roads will provide critical linkages between communities, and to housing, jobs and services. The following parts of the arterial road network require further planning over time: >> The east-west arterial road network across the OMR, north of the Western Freeway, including a possible new interchange and a potential crossing to service the PPTN; and >> The future arterial road network and its relationship with the Princes Freeway and the RRL. Growth coRridor plans | 53
4.6.3 Planning for Future rail proposals include Parts of the arterial road and rail the Western Interstate Freight network in Melbourne’s west will Freight networks Terminal-Deer Park-Sunshine- be planned to carry freight as a The rail freight network in the Jacana rail line and the Outer key function. Critical parts of the west comprises rail corridors of Metropolitan Transport Ring road freight network include: significance, including: Corridor. >> Western Freeway >> Tottenham-Newport-Altona- The rail freight network is >> Princes Freeway Geelong corridor (including supported by terminals, rail yards and maintenance facilities, >> The Outer Metropolitan Ring Melbourne-Adelaide-Perth Transport Corridor mainline); including: the Altona intermodal terminal; Spotswood intermodal >> Boundary Road >> Tottenham-Sunshine-Melton- Ballarat corridor; terminal; Altona North intermodal >> East-West Link terminal; Spotswood Locomo- >> Palmers Road >> Sunshine-Sydenham-Bendigo tive Maintenance Centre; and the corridor; Tottenham rail yards. >> Sunshine-Brooklyn-Newport corridor including the Sunshine grain terminal and Hanson’s quarry terminal. West Freight Concept Plan Melb Airport Melton Central Activity Area Melton Woodgrove Sydenham Principal Town Centre Plumpton Rockbank North Major Town Centre Toolern Train Station Rockbank South Future Station Hopkins Rd Opportunity for future Rail Station Urban Growth Boundary Sunshine Existing Urban Area Area Outside UGB Constrained Land Industrial Existing Industrial Tarneit Sayers Road Freight Demand Wyndham Vale Werribee Employment Precinct Werribee 54 | Growth corridor plans
Growth Corridor Plan : Melbourne west The West Growth Corridor Plan also makes provision for 4.7 OTHER a Western Interstate Freight INFRASTRUCTURE Terminal within the Western The West Growth Corridor Plan Industrial Node. The precinct recognises and protects a range between Boundary and Middle of existing and prospective infra- Roads has been identified as a structure facilities including a site preferred location for this facility. identified for a future electricity Major distribution centres are terminal station at Mount Cottrell, expected to locate within and between Boral’s Deer Park quarry adjacent to the terminal area. and the OMR and a number of transmission easements. There is also the potential for a new Port Shuttle terminal in this It ensures that approved location. and operational quarries are protected from encroachment by sensitive land uses and identifies industrial or commercial devel- opment activities adjacent to existing Holcim and Boral quarry sites within/adjacent to the UGB. On that basis, these precincts could be rezoned from Farming Zone to Urban Growth Zone. Any buildings proposed within 200m of the title boundary of these quarries will be subject to a risk assessment to be undertaken at PSP stage, to ensure that the impact of rock blasting is accept- able. The Growth Corridor Plan ensures that approved and operational landfills referred to in The Metro- politan Waste and Resource Recovery Strategic Plan and potential organic waste treat- ment/recovery are protected from encroachment by sensitive uses. Any development within 500m of the putrescible landfill sites at Werribee and Deer Park will be subject to an environmental audit to ensure that any potential land- fill gas migration is mitigated. Growth coRridor plans | 55
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