Health and Safety Policy - - Dürr Group

Health and Safety Policy - - Dürr Group
Health and
 Safety Policy

                     Public Information
Health and Safety Policy - - Dürr Group
1. Principles and values
Health and safety are integral and essential                               We expect all employees to help to shape the
parts of our corporate strategy, which is geared                           continuous improvement of occupational health
to long-term value enhancement. Our health                                 and safety. At work, every employee has to
and safety strategy “STRIVING FOR                                          assume responsibility for his own safety and
EXCELLENCE IN SAFETY” is being                                             that of his colleagues.
implemented and continuously enhanced in all                               All parties involved use their professional
areas of our business activities.                                          knowledge and skills to assess hazards and
Our aim is to preserve and promote the safety                              risks. This contributes significantly to the
and health of all persons affected by the                                  success of the health and safety strategy of the
business activities of the Dürr Group. In order to                         Dürr Group.
prevent accidents at work and occupational                                 With our operational health management, we
diseases, we create a safe working                                         want to maintain and/or improve the ability to
environment and promote preventive measures                                work, willingness to perform and motivation of
to maintain employee health.                                               our employees in the long term. We inform our
We are committed to complying with all relevant                            employees about current activities and offer
laws and regulations and collaborate                                       training programs. We support our employees
constructively with authorities, institutions and                          in their health-conscious behavior and design
business partners in this regard. Irrespective of                          workplaces and organizational processes with
locally applicable legal provisions, it is the goal                        the health of our employees in mind.
of the Dürr Group to achieve a minimum                                     We regularly review the effectiveness of the
standard in line with requirements in terms of                             decisions and measures taken. Through
health protection and occupational safety in                               internal and external audits, we evaluate the
offices, production areas and on construction                              proper implementation and fulfillment of the
sites     worldwide.      Binding       framework                          specified goals and, if required, initiate
requirements are contained in the Health &                                 appropriate corrective and remedial measures.
Safety company directives of the Dürr Systems,
Schenck and HOMAG subgroups.                                               When selecting our suppliers and service
                                                                           providers, in addition to social and ecological
Executive management is responsible for                                    criteria, we also consider safety-relevant
health protection and occupational safety. All                             aspects. Supplier management and the
managers support a proper risk assessment                                  monitoring of our project construction sites are
and the implementation of appropriate                                      key elements of our health and safety strategy.
measures to prevent injuries and occupational
diseases. Our managers act as role models and                              We expect our suppliers and service providers
provide assistance at all times.                                           to comply with and disseminate the same safety
                                                                           standards to which we ourselves are

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                                                                 Public Information
2. Practice-related focus topics

2.1 Personal protective equipment                                          2.5 Workplace ergonomics
As an employer, the Dürr Group undertakes to                               When furnishing workplaces in offices and
provide each employee with the necessary                                   industrial premises, as well as when procuring
personal protective equipment in sufficient                                new machines, manufacturing and production
quantities and for personal use for activity at the                        systems, we take into account all relevant
workplace. In addition, we as a company bear                               safety, ergonomic and health-related aspects.
the costs for the personal protective equipment,
instruct our employees as to its proper handling                           2.6 Handling of hazardous substances and
and ensure its safe use.                                                       chemicals
                                                                           Compliance with laws and other legal
2.2 Product safety                                                         requirements for the protection of employees
The Dürr Group develops innovative solutions                               and the environment is a matter of course in the
and manufactures technically sophisticated                                 Dürr      Group.       Documented      process
products that ensure safe operation. Our                                   specifications and instructions regulate the
products comply with the relevant legal                                    procedure according to the situation and
requirements and also meet the highest                                     requirements in order to ensure consistent
standards in terms of health, safety,                                      conformity with the specifications. Using a
environmental protection and quality.                                      specific work process, we ensure the safe
                                                                           handling of hazardous substances and
2.3 Incident and accident management                                       chemicals at all workplaces. Based on the risk
                                                                           assessment, this process implements the local
Our processes for incident and accident                                    legal requirements in each case and includes
management ensure effective immediate                                      the periodic instruction of employees.
measures for medical first aid and limitation of
                                                                           2.7 Fire protection
Using the “5W” process and other structured                                Location-specific fire protection regulations at
methods, we analyze the causes of accidents                                all Dürr Group companies serve to prevent
and derive supplementary measures for                                      emergencies and fires. They correspond to the
accident prevention.                                                       respective legal requirements and include,
                                                                           among other things, information on hazard
2.4 Emergency management                                                   spots in the company, necessary measures for
The emergency organization in the Dürr Group                               fire prevention as well as on the reporting and
serves the purpose of dealing with possible                                alarm systems.
emergencies in an orderly and systematic                                   In the event of a fire, rules of conduct are
manner. For this purpose, we have defined an                               defined for employees and visitors (including
escalation model that distinguishes between                                reporting the fire, rescuing people, and
disruptions, emergencies and crises. The                                   attempting to extinguish the fire). In addition to
associated      organizational    roles    and                             the expert advice provided by fire protection
responsibilities are successively established                              officers, trained employees are available as fire
and documented in emergency plans. The                                     protection and evacuation assistants.
primary goal is to protect our employees, ward
off danger, maintain critical business
processes, and continue business activities. In
order to ensure that emergency plans can be
reliably    implemented      when     required,
emergency drills appropriate to the hazard
potential are necessary.

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3. Contact options
2.8 Child labor and young workers
We reject any form of child labor without                                  Questions and suggestions regarding the
exception. Within our Group, we ensure                                     Group strategy in the area of health and safety
compliance with the minimum age for regular                                can be sent at any time to Corporate Health &
employment in accordance with respective                                   Safety.
national regulations.                                                      Should you discover possible misconduct by
We oblige our suppliers and service providers                              employees of the Dürr Group or when
not to employ children below the legal minimum                             collaborating with our business partners, you
age (in accordance with ILO Convention 138).                               have the option of reporting this directly to
In addition, we expect our suppliers to ensure                             Corporate Compliance or anonymously via the
that young workers under the age of 18 do not                              Dürr Group Integrity Line.
work nightshift or overtime and are protected
from working conditions that are harmful to their
health, safety and development. Our suppliers
should ensure that the work tasks of young
workers do not interfere with their school
attendance. The service and classroom time of
young workers may not exceed a total of 10
hours per day.

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