2018 Warehouse Safety Conference - February 21, 2018 Centre for Health & Safety Innovation 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON - Workplace Safety ...

Page created by Marion Cook
2018 Warehouse Safety Conference - February 21, 2018 Centre for Health & Safety Innovation 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON - Workplace Safety ...

                      REGISTER EARLY & SAVE!

                      February 21, 2018
                      Centre for Health & Safety Innovation
                      5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON

In Partnership with
2018 Warehouse Safety Conference - February 21, 2018 Centre for Health & Safety Innovation 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON - Workplace Safety ...
                                   Why Attend?
                                   Customized Sessions                Network With                         Extend Your Learning
                                   This conference focuses on the     Warehousing Peers                    Attend our post-conference
                                   health and safety needs of your                                         workshops on February 22
                                                                      Meet and collaborate with
                                   warehouse/distribution centre.                                          and further explore specialized
                                                                      warehousing and wholesale
                                   Find out what’s new, learn                                              warehousing topics.
                                                                      professionals from your area.
                                   about recent legislation, how to
                                                                      Learn new ideas, find solutions
                                   avoid hazards and more. Gain
                                                                      and share knowledge.
                                   valuable insight with sessions
                                   and workshops selected by an
                                   expert planning committee.

                                   Who Should Attend?
                                   ƒ Occupational Health & Safety managers and supervisors
                                   ƒ Warehouse, maintenance and transportation managers and supervisors
                                   ƒ Health & Safety committee members

                                   Register Now
                                     EARLY BIRD RATE                                                      REGULAR RATE
                                     Register on or before January 23, 2018                               After January 23, 2018

                                     $399 + HST                                                           $499 +   HST

                                     OPTIONAL: Post-Conference Workshops                                  VOLUME DISCOUNTS
                                     Add to your conference fee                                           5%    6 – 9 registrations
                                     Workshop 1: Managing Pre-Start Reviews $199 + HST                   10%   10 – 15 registrations
                                     Workshop 2: Managing Machine Safety           $199 + HST             15%   16 – 20 registrations
                                                                                                          20%   21 or more registrations

                                   NOT SURE WHO IS ATTENDING?
                                   Register early to take advantage of our Early Bird rates! WSPS will
                                   reserve your organization’s spaces and you can send us the names later.

                                   REGISTRATION RATES                 SPACE IS LIMITED                     PAYMENT METHODS
                                   Includes continental breakfast,    We reserve the right to make         ƒ Cheque
                                   keynote speakers, lunch and        venue and date changes                 (made payable to WSPS)
                                   conference sessions. The early     with notice, speaker changes         ƒ Visa, Mastercard, AMEX
                                   bird rate cannot be combined       without notice and to cancel an
                                   with any other discount or         event due to low registrations.      ƒ Invoice (approved credit only)
                                   special offer. Volunteer, safety   No refunds or cancellations
                                   group, volume discounts and        accepted after February 13, 2018.
                                   any other discounts or special     Substitutions welcome.
                                   offers cannot be combined
2018 Warehouse Safety Conference - February 21, 2018 Centre for Health & Safety Innovation 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON - Workplace Safety ...
Conference at a Glance
Wednesday, February 21, 2018                         Program subject to change without notice.

7:30 amRegistration

8:00 – 9:00 amOpening         Keynote               12:30 – 1:30 pmLunch         Presentation
                                                        MANAGING THE IMPACT OF LEGALIZATION
  How can an organization possibly achieve
  health & safety excellence when they truly            Medical marijuana in the workplace is an
  don’t even know what it is? Most companies still      emerging and highly contentious issue. With the
  believe that having “ZERO” injuries / incidents       Federal Government announcing plans to legalize
  means excellence? In this session, Jeremy will        Cannabis for non-medical recreational use in 2018,
  challenge your mind and give you some great           employers are seeking answers to their many
  best practices, so that you can go back to your       questions and concerns. What changes will have
  organization and help them define the true             to be made to existing policies and procedures?
  meaning of health and safety excellence.
                                                        What if employees’ recreational use off-duty
  Jeremy Shorthouse, Manager Environmental              affects workplace performance? This session is
  Health & Safety, Molson Coors Canada                  aimed at helping employers to understand the
                                                        changes, the implications to health and safety,
                                                        and to provide guidance on how to manage these
                                                        challenges in safety sensitive industries.
9:15 – 10:30 amSeries     1
                                                        Dan Demers, Senior Manager, Strategic Business
  What’s New in Warehousing Equipment?
                                                        Development, CannAmm
  Rick de Jong, Director of Engineered Solutions
  Ideal Warehouse Innovations Inc.
  Chuck Leon, Technical Specialist, WSPS
                                                     1:45 – 2:45 pmSeries        3
  Lift Truck Safety Management:                         A Day in the Life of a Warehouse Supervisor
  Protect Your Staff. Reduce Your Risk.                 Michael LaSelva, National Account Manager, WSPS
  David Mustard, Consultant, WSPS
                                                        Human Factors in Pedestrian Safety
  The Convergence of Robotics in Warehousing            Panel Presentation:
  Robert Vomiero, Machine and Robotics Safety           Norm Kramer, Consultant, WSPS
  Specialist, WSPS                                      Brian McInnes, Ministry of Labour
                                                        Don Patten, Ergonomist, WSPS
10:45 am – 12:00 pmSeries       2
  Don’t Let Your Racks Put Your                         Warehouse Truck Traffic Control:
  Company and Workers at Risk:                          A Case Study
  Regulations and Standards That Apply
                                                     3:00 – 4:00 pmSeries          4
  Tony Mulholland, P.Eng, Owner, Rack Network
                                                        Manual Material Handling: Recognize,
  Security in Warehousing                               Eliminate and Control
  Jim Rovers, Senior Vice President, AFIMAC Global
                                                        Steve Kelly, Manager, Safety & Security
  Sleep Loss and Fatigue in Shift Workers               American Eagle Oufitters
  Dr. Stacy Irvine, Founder and Co-Owner                Sean MacCormack, Consultant, WSPS
  Totum Life Science                                    Working at Heights in Warehousing
                                                        Dan Dukoff, President & CEO, Safetech
12:00 pmLunch
                                                        Commercial Vehicle Operators Record,
                                                        Never Leave Home Without it!
                                                        Brad Bird, Training Consultant, IHSA

To register or for more information:
WSPS.CA/Warehousing1 877 494 9777
MORE                        Post-Conference Workshops
                               Optional post-conference training courses will be offered
 WORKSHOPS                     for Conference attendees. Choose one or both courses.
     Feb. 22                   Registration to the training course(s) must be done separately from
                               the conference registration.

                               Thursday, February 22, 2018

    8:30 am – 12:00 pm                                                      1:00 – 4:30 pm
    Managing Pre-Start Reviews                                              Managing Machine Safety
    Michael Wilson, Technical Specialist, WSPS                              Michael Wilson, Technical Specialist, WSPS
    Exposure to the hazards associated with                                 Robots can introduce significant hazards if
    safeguarding devices that signal a stop can                             they are not properly safeguarded during
    result in serious injury, illness or fatality as well                   operation or locked out during maintenance
    as costly liabilities for employers. This course                        and repair. If proper precautions are not
    helps participants understand the legal                                 exercised when operated under manual control,
    requirements for pre-start health and safety                            the result can be costly. The purpose of this
    reviews (PSRs), assess whether or not a PSR                             half-day course is to provide learners with the
    is required while providing practical tools and                         knowledge to recognize, assess and control
    resources to support compliance.                                        risks related to the hazards of industrial
                                                                            robots and robot systems.

    To register or for more information:
    WSPS.CA/Warehousing                                              1 877 494 9777

Workplace Safety & Prevention Services™ is the largest                                        5110 Creekbank Road
health & safety association in Ontario, responsible for                                       Mississauga, ON L4W 0A1
more than 165,000 member firms across the agricultural,                                        1 877 494 WSPS (9777)
industrial/manufacturing and service sectors.                                                 T   905 614 1400 | F 905 614 1414
                                                                                              E   customercare@wsps.ca


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