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Page created by Joanne Hopkins
Headlight Herald - townnews.com
June Dairy
Headlight Herald     2021
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2 • June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021

June Dairy Parade kicks off day of entertainment in Tillamook
                                                As the World Churns
                                                                   T     he 64th annual June
                                                                         Dairy Parade is on this
                                                                 year and back to a normal
                                                                                                   the route to view the proces-
                                                                                                      “Although we had planned
                                                                                                                                       “Once we saw the change
                                                                                                                                    in the OHA guidance, we
                                                                                                                                    immediately reached out
                                                                 parade like we saw prior to       for another inside-out parade,   to ODOT and the City of
                                                                 the pandemic. The parade,         we decided to change back to     Tillamook. Both have been
                                                                 sponsored by the Tillamook        normal now that guidelines       great to work with and have
                                                                 County Creamery Associa-          from the Center for Disease      already issued permits to use
                                                                 tion, will run from 11 am. to 1   Control and Oregon Health        our traditional parade route,
                                                                 p.m. on Saturday, June 26.        Authority allow us to,” said     which has space for plenty
                                                                    When recent updates to         Justin Aufdermauer, Chamber      of parade-goers, whether
                                                                 state and federal COVID-19        executive director. “We want     locals coming to watch their
                                                                 guidelines removed the            to see things get back to nor-   children’s dance groups
                                                                 requirement for masks out-        mal as soon as possible, and     perform, or visitors stopping
                                                                 doors, it removed one of the      the community deserves this.”    by to learn about Tillamook’s
                                                                 largest barriers to allowing                                       dairy industry,” Aufdermauer
                                                                 Tillamook to celebrate June          Parade Route                  said. “We see this as an op-
                                                                 Dairy Month with a tradi-            The parade route will fol-    portunity to share the June
                                                                 tional parade.                    low its usual path down Main     Dairy Parade with many more
                                                                    Now, instead of an inside-     Avenue, around the Rodeo         people than we could last
                                                                 out model as previously           Steakhouse, down Pacific Av-     year.”
                                                                 planned, the Tillamook Area       enue, then along Third Street       Although most of the
                                                                 Chamber of Commerce will          to end at Goodspeed Park.        parade will resemble pre-CO-
                                                                 revert back to “normal” with      The Chamber received the         VID-19 celebrations, this year
                                                                 a regular parade, in which        necessary Oregon Department      will feature a couple of small
                                                                 parade entries drive down the     of Transportation permits to     changes: Entries will not be
                                                                 street, while spectators line     use that route.                  judged or receive trophies,
                                                                                                                                    and there will be no grand or
                                                                                                                                    honorary grand marshal.
                                                                                                                                       “Because we only have
                                                                                                                                    one month to reorganize the
                                                                                                                                    parade, we decided to forego
                                                                                                                                    judging entries and marshal-
                                                                                                                                    ling for this year,” Aufder-
                                                                                                                                    mauer said. “However, we
                                                                                                                                    will still host the children’s
                                                                                                                                    coloring contest, complete
                                                                                                                                    with prizes for the winning
                                  100% FAMILY OWNED                                                                                    This year’s theme is “As
                                                                                                                                    the World Churns.”

            Welcome Back!
                                                                                                                                       “We are grateful for
                                                                                                                                    TCCA’s continued support
                                                                                        DIESEL                                      of the parade, and we are
                                                                                                                                    doing everything we can to
       June Dairy Festival and Rodeo!                                                                                               bring the community the best
                                                                                                                                    parade possible this year.
                                                                    Heavy Duty Truck Service & Repair                               Now it’s up to the community
                                                                                                                                    to get their entries in and get
                                                                        Trailer Service & Repair                                    ready to show off for every-
                                                                            Parts & Supplies                                        one,” Aufdermauer said.
                                                                                                                                       “We are especially ex-
                                                                                                                                    cited for the opportunity to
                                                                                                                                    include horses and march-
                                                                               405 Main Ave N                                       ing bands, which found last
                                                                                                                                    year’s inside-out model more
                                                                             Shop: 503-842-5561                                     difficult to participate in,”
                                                                                                                                    Aufdermauer said. “As we
                                                                              Fax: 503-842-6321                                     return to normal, we really
            503-842-2211 • allstarappliance.net                                                                                     hope to grow the number of
                                                                           www.TillamookDiesel.com                                  entries this year to make this
                 2111 Third Street, Tillamook      CCB #202914                                                                      June Dairy Parade our biggest
   H63641                                                                                                                           and most enjoyable yet!”
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June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021 • 3

Tillamook County Rodeo, Junior Teen Pageant, Sweetheart Pageant is on
   The 34th Annual Til-          Written Test at 8:30             with ticket)
lamook County Rodeo is              12 p.m. Lunch at Hidden          Following coronation:
Friday and Saturday June         Acres Greenhouse Cafe with       Pageant Reception where
25-26, beginning at 7 p.m. at    Mock TV Interviews               contestants will pick up their
the Tillamook County Fair-          2 p.m. Horsemanship           awards. Must be present to
grounds. Admission is $15        Warmups                          receive awards. Open to the
and children 10 and under are       2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Horse-      public.
$5. Family Day sponsored by      manship (Tillamook Rodeo
Sheldon Oil is Friday, June 25   Arena)                               Sweetheart Pageant
where kids 12 and under are         7 p.m. Rodeo Grand               The Sweetheart Pageant is
free when accompanied by an      Entry (entry to the rodeo with   held for one day during the
adult. Don’t miss the “Biggest   ticket)                          Miss Teen and Junior Miss
Little Show on the Coast.”                                        Rodeo Oregon Pageant. It
                                    Saturday                      is being held in conjunction
    Junior Teen Pageant             8:30 a.m. Saturday: Parade    with the Tillamook County
   The 2022 Junior Teen          judging begins                   Rodeo on June 26, 2021.
Pageant is being held in con-       Sweetheart Pageant begins        Girls eligible for the
junction with the Tillamook         1 p.m. Queen’s Luncheon       Sweetheart category should
County Rodeo this year.          @ the Tillamook County Fair-     be 4 to 8 years old by June 1.
   The pageant will begin at     grounds 4H Dorm Building            This is a fun opportunity
8 a.m. on Friday, June 25,       ($10 donation which includes     for girls who love rodeo and
and will continue through        admittance to Speech, Model-     the western way of life! There
Saturday, June 26, when the      ing, and Question Event)         is no judging and all girls
winners are announced during        2 p.m. Speeches and           receive a banner and crown.
the evening rodeo.               Modeling                         Girls are Miss Rodeo Oregon
   Location for most activi-        5 p.m. Contestant Group       Sweethearts for the day but
ties: Tillamook County Fair      Interviews with Judges           they often show up at other
Grounds 4H Dorm Building.           7 p.m. Rodeo Grand Entry;     rodeo events dressed in crown
   8 a.m. Friday: Welcome,       Coronation to be held during     and banner for fun!
followed by Interviews and       Rodeo (entry to the rodeo
Headlight Herald - townnews.com
4 • June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021

June baby basket delivered, baby born June 1
  T     illamook County Dairy princess ambas-
        sador Mariana Llamas delivered the
June baby basket to the first baby born in June
                                                  old Keityn, and 4-year-old Daxton. Grandmas
                                                  are (Granny) Mindy Chodrick and Nanci Cox;
                                                  grandfathers are Alan Wheeless and Shard
at the Tillamook Regional Medical Center in       Stober. Great-grandmothers are Susan Fugate,
honor of June dairy month.                        Gloria Schroeder, Sandra Wheeless and
   It’s a boy! Kasen Jean Stober was born at      (Nana) Diana McEachern. Great-grandfathers
6:02 a.m. June 1 to parents Noah Leelynn          are Glenn Wheeless, (Pappy) Jim Stober, Rick
Stober and Cassandra Jean Allen Stober,           Schroeder and Dale Fugate.
weighing 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches           The Tillamook County Dairy women would
in length. Siblings are 12-year-old Karisa,       like to thank everyone who donated to the
8-year-old Sophia, 7-year-old Kreelea, 6-year-    2021 baby basket.

   SMALL                                   FARM   REPRODUCTION & HERD HEALTH
   ANIMALS                              ANIMALS
                                                         Our Doctors are:
   EMERGENCIES                         SURGERY            • Dr. Tracy Solis, DVM
   pioneerveterinaryhospital.com                          • Dr. Jennifer Witt, DVM
        801 Main, Tillamook, OR 97141                     • Dr. Mark Witt, DVM

             (503) 842-8411

                                                                                                      Kasen Jean Stober, first baby born in June in Tillamook County.

                                 Celebrating the
       64th Annual June Dairy Parade
                                          As the

                                                                                                                                                              Tillamook County
                                                                                                                                                              Dairy princess ambas-
                                                                                                                                                              sador Mariana Llamas
                                                                                                                                                              delivered the June
                                                                                                                                                              baby basket to the
                                                                                                                                                              first baby born in June
                                                                                                                                                              at the Tillamook Re-
                                                                                                                                                              gional Medical Center
                                    www.sheldonoil.com                                                                                                        in honor of June dairy
                                                                                        H63646                                                                month.
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June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021 • 5

Llamas takes home 60th Tillamook
County Dairy Princess Crown                                                                                                    Follow us for the latest
  T     wo contestants
        competed for the
title of Tillamook’s 60th
                               official title sponsor. Roby’s
                               Furniture has been a long
                               time supporter of the Til-
                                                                in the Oregon Dairy Prin-
                                                                cess Ambassador Program
                                                                by covering participation
                                                                                                                          Wellness News, Tips & Inspiration.
Dairy Princess-Ambassador.     lamook dairy industry and is     and travel expenses. Llamas                              www.facebook.com/TillamookCountyWellness/
Mariana Llamas and Al-         honored to contribute as the     will join 4 other young la-                                      tillamookcountywellness.org
lison Dixson, both seniors     sponsor for the 60th year of     dies throughout the state to
at Tillamook High School       the Tillamook Dairy Prin-        promote dairy products and
went through a series of       cess-Ambassador program.         dairy farming and interact
judging activities on Sunday   Their sponsorship will help      with a wide variety of audi-
May 16th to determine who      Mariana attend and partake       ences.
would be taking home the
title and the crown.
    Candidates were judged
on an inclusive application
that covered their dairy
experience, their accom-
plishments in agriculture
organizations, and their
community and school
activities. They then pro-
ceeded to have a 15 minute
interview with the panel of               Lois A. Albright                       Christopher M. Kittell
3 judges. In this interview
candidates were asked                                                Michael B. Kittell
questions to determine their                                                 www.albrightkittell.com

dairy knowledge, how they
would handle scenarios
                                          (503) 842-6633                             2308 3rd Street, Tillamook, OR                                           H63699

when speaking to the public
and what their future plans,
hopes, dreams and aspira-
tions are. A small gathering
of family members, Dairy
Women and friends joined
to conclude the judging
activities. Here both girls
delivered a 4 minute pre-
pared speech relating to the
dairy industry and presented
a television commercial
promoting dairy products.
After the judging portion
was complete, retiring 2019
Tillamook Dairy Princess-
Ambassador, Araya Wilks
                                                                                                    Let our Experienced and Friendly Staff
opened the judge’s enve-
lope and crowned Mariana
                                                                                                    help you with your Automotive needs.
Llamas. Mariana is the
daughter of Hector and                                                                                  Auto Parts • Truck Parts • Farm and Agriculture
Erika Llamas. She is cur-
rently employed at Roby’s                                                                          Heavy Duty Parts • Lawn and Garden • Marine • Off Road
Furniture and has carried a
dairy cattle project in FFA                                                                         Paint and Supplies • Tools & Equipment • Accessories
the past 4 years. Retiring
Princess Araya received a
$1,000 Tillamook Creamery
scholarship and $2,500 in                                                                          Davison Auto Parts
other scholarship contribu-                                                                           an official NAPA dealer
tions for her service.                                                                                       for all your
    Tillamook County Dairy                                                                                                       2005 11th Street, Tillamook
Women are excited to an-                                                                               auto and truck parts!

nounce Roby’s Furniture                                                                                                                (503) 842-4452
of Tillamook as Mariana’s
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6 • June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021

Dairy is good for the body, celebrate June Dairy Month with cold glass of milk
 F     rom fermented foods
       like yogurt and cheese
to milk and lactose-free milk,
                                 duced inflammation, reduced
                                 risk of chronic diseases and
                                 optimizing wellness.
                                                                   ing, protein, zinc, selenium,
                                                                   vitamin A and vitamin D,
                                                                   which contribute to healthy
dairy foods can help give you       The variety of nutrient-rich   immune function. And dairy
the nutrients you need to keep   dairy foods available offers      foods like cheese and yogurt
your body going strong. See      something for almost every-       also provide high-quality
what experts are saying about    one’s wellness and taste needs    protein, calcium, vitamin A, B
dairy foods’ contributions       throughout their lives. Milk      vitamins and more!
when it comes to a healthy       packs in 13 essential nutrients      Dairy foods provide about
gut and immune function, re-     in every serving, includ-         52% of the calcium, 51% of

                                                                                                    the vitamin D and 17% of the      dairy foods, are linked to     disease in adults—as well as
                                                                                                    protein consumed by Ameri-        a reduced risk of some of      improved bone health.
                                                                                                    cans. Research shows that         the most prevalent chronic
                                                                                                    healthy eating styles, which      diseases in the U.S.—type 2           Nutrient Profile
                                                                                                    include low-fat and fat-free      diabetes and cardiovascular       Did you know that real
                                                                                                                                                                     cow’s milk contains a power-
                                                                                                                                                                     ful punch of nutrients? Milk

                                                                                                                                                111 S. Miller St.,   contains essential nutrients
                                                                                                                                              Rockaway Beach,OR
                                                                                                                                                                     like high-quality protein, cal-
                                                                                                             Gifts • Clothing • Accessories      503-998-1950
                                                                                                                                                                     cium, vitamins A and D and
                                                                                                                                                                     more. These key nutrients
                                                                                                                                                                     help our bodies thrive. And
                                                                                                                                                                     eating a balanced diet, which
                                                                                                                                                                     includes fruits, vegetables,
                                                                                                                                                                     dairy, lean meats and whole
                                                                                                                                                                     grains, can help keep you
                                                                                                                                                                     healthy, including your im-
                                                                                                                                                                     mune system. Here are some
                                                                                                                                                                     nutrients in dairy foods your
                                                                                                                                                                     body needs:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Protein, which is found
                                                                                                                                                                     in milk, cheese and yogurt,
                                                                                                                                                                     helps build and repair muscle
                                                                                                                                                                     tissue and is the build-
                                                                                                                                                                     ing block of all cells in the
                                                                                                                                                                     body—including immune
                                                                                                                                                                     cells and immune-signaling
                                                                                                                                                                        • Milk and yogurt are good
                                                                                                                                                                     sources of zinc, known to be
                                                                                                                                                                     important for normal immune
                                                                                                                                                                        • Milk is a good source
                                                                                                                                                                     of vitamin A, which helps
                                                                                                                                                                     support healthy immune
                                                                                                                                                                     cells and keep skin and eyes


                                                                                                    H63695                                                           Continued on Page 8
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June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021 • 7

                                              Proud to
                                            support the
                                        June Dairy Festival
                                         & local Churners!
                                          “Come CHURN
                                        out some
                                         sticks -                                        Cowabunga!
                                         Jerky &
                                                                                 It’s the June Dairy Festival

                                                                       As the world churns, it’s been a tough 18 months, but we are
                                                                         finally beginning to see our whey through this pandemic.

 Tillamook Country Smoker has                                          Celebrations are still a little different, but we will all be able to
                                                                     gather soon. Let’s grab a cowbell and celebrate, safely of course!

IMMEDIATE OPENINGS                                                   We may be milking it, but we are udderly delighted to celebrate
                                                                        with our community and please be sure to follow all social
                                                                     distancing and mask-wearing guidelines. Your Dairy Godmother
                                                                           says that is the healthy whey to participate this year!
ALL CDC GUIDELINES TO KEEP TEAM MEMBERS SAFE                           Like the cows in our community, the staff at Tillamook County
                                                                          Community Health Centers are outstanding in their field.
 • All Shifts:              • All Departments                               It’s time for more cowbell, everybody, more cowbell!
   Weekday/Weekends            o Manufacturing
    o Day                      o Smokehouse                                                                            #vaccinessavelives
    o Swing                    o Quality Assurance
    o Night
               Please call Maggie Halsey
               at 503-374-0724, ext. 419

       500 Hiring Bonus
                Apply Today!

                  8335 North Hwy 101
                   Bay City, OR 97101
                                                                   To schedule an appointment, please call:
                  OR EMAIL TO:                                                       Se habla español
            maggie.halsey@tcsjerky.com                                         801 Pacific Avenue • Tillamook
                  Se Habla Español                                         503-842-3900 • 800-528-2938 • TTY 711
            EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER                                              www.tillamookchc.org
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8 • June Dairy Festival and Rodeo Event Guide 2021

                                     • reduced blood pressure          Lactose Intolerance
                                     • neutral to lower levels of       Lactose intolerance
                                  inflammation                      can be a barrier to dairy
                                     • improved bone health.        consumption and can
Continued from Page 6                                               put people at risk of
                                        Dietary Guidance            not getting the nutrition
healthy.                             Dairy nourishes life, help-    their bodies need. The
   • Calcium, phosphorus          ing people thrive throughout      good news is that living
and vitamin D help build and      their lives. Dairy foods are      with lactose intolerance
maintain strong bones and         included in all of the healthy    doesn’t mean you have
teeth.                            eating patterns recommended       to give up your favorite
   Dairy foods also contain B     by the Dietary Guidelines for     dairy foods. Did you
vitamins, which can help your     Americans (DGA), which            know that each person
body convert food into fuel:      are linked to reduced risk        with lactose intolerance
   • Vitamin B12 — milk,          of chronic diseases. Dairy        is likely able to toler-
cheese and yogurt                 foods also are included in        ate varying degrees of
   • Riboflavin (vitamin B2)      recommendations for pre-          lactose? It is all about
— milk and yogurt                 natal and maternal health,        understanding how much
   • Pantothenic acid (vitamin    and yogurt and cheese are         lactose is in the foods you
B5) — milk and yogurt             recommended as complemen-         love and how much you
   • Niacin (vitamin B3) —        tary foods to human milk or       can handle at once. For
milk and cheese                   iron-fortified formula starting   example, there is lactose-
   The body of research sup-      at age 6 months, with whole       free milk, which is real
ports eating dairy as part of     milk, plain reduced-fat yogurt    milk with milk’s nutrients,
an overall healthy diet to help   and reduced-fat cheese at age     just without the lactose.
reduce the risk of chronic        appropriate servings from             No matter how you en-
diseases. A growing number        12 to 23 months. There are        joy it, eating dairy as part
of studies indicate that eating   options in the dairy case for     of a healthy meal plan
dairy foods is associated with:   almost everyone—including         can help you keep your
   • a lower risk for type 2      lactose-free or low-lactose va-   gut and immune function
diabetes and cardiovascular       rieties for those with lactose    healthy with a powerful
disease                           intolerance.                      package of nutrients that
                                                                    are hard to replace.

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