New Line Learning Academy Y8 Laptop Programme

Page created by Corey Jenkins
New Line Learning Academy Y8 Laptop Programme
Order from 16th July to 10th October
                                                                  Web Address:
                                                                           Username: NLL821
                                                                          Password: S3cure02!

          New Line Learning Academy Y8 Laptop Programme
New Line Learning Academy Laptop Programme                                  Why the HP x360 Laptop?
The COVID-19 pandemic has provided an exciting opportunity for our          Inspire limitless learning with the HP ProBook x360 11 G5 Education
teachers to develop new ways of delivering high quality learning for our    Edition that easily flips and folds to suit all the ways pupils like to learn,
pupils through the use of technology.                                       in and out of class. Exclusive HP software tools make it just as easy for
                                                                            IT to secure and manage.
After consultation with the community we serve, we are delighted to
announce that we will be delivering a 1:2:1 device scheme for KS3           Engineered to keep pace with busy pupils
pupils. We want to continue to build on this expertise to enhance our       Deploy a device that can work if it falls off a desk , is splashed with a
curriculum offer for our school communities, both in school and at          liquid or has the power cord compressed. It resists spills and attempts
home.                                                                       to remove keys, has metal-reinforced corners, and is 122 cm drop
                                                                            tested—higher than most desks
It is our vision to ensure that every child to has access to affordable,
high quality devices which they can use in lessons and at home.             Immersive 360° multi-modal learning
                                                                            Let pupils learn the way they want—by typing, touching, writing,
Using IT safely and effectively is an essential part of everyday life and   capturing, drawing, and reading on one flexible device.
we are committed to equipping our pupils with these skills for life.
                                                                            IT-friendly manageability and security
The equipment on offer                                                      Enable pupils to move quickly between writing documents, running
Following consultation with other schools who already use different         simulations, and editing videos with the latest Intel® processors.
kinds of devices, we have selected a laptop which is best suited to
enhance the learning experience of our pupils for home learning.            Say goodbye to downtime from damage with Corning® Gorilla® Glass,
                                                                            rubber bumpers, an anchored keyboard that resists spills to 12 oz (330
These laptops are specifically designed for pupil use with a robust outer   ml), and a reinforced power port and corners in a design that undergoes
casing to ensure that they withstand all functional requirements. They      MIL-STD 810G and education testing
each have a guaranteed repair service which will cover any repairs or
replacement throughout the pupils time at school. These is no               An easy-to-grip chassis that also hides fingerprints and smudges. Say
additional cost for claims, giving complete peace of mind.                  goodbye to sticky devices with a keyboard that can be repeatedly wiped
                                                                            down with common household cleaning wipes, even while on.
What’s included?
   • HP x360 Laptop – Ruggedised and designed for pupils                    Spend more time learning with a long battery life and HP Fast Charge,
   • 45 Month Warranty                                                      which recharges the battery to 90% in 90 minutes.
   • 45 Month Guaranteed Repair Service
                                                                            Unleash creativity with the user-facing camera for recording video,
                                                                            broadcasting live, and remote collaboration.
How much does it cost?
The package offered is available for £11.50 per month over 45 months
                                                                            How do I place my order?
including all of the items above. There are no credit checks and it is
                                                                            To place your order via the portal please use the details below:
open to all pupils.
                                                                            Go to:
Parents / Carers can opt to pay via monthly direct debit over 45 months
                                                                            Username: NLL821
or a one off payment through the online ordering portal.
                                                                            Password: S3cure02!
Please note: financial support is available from school for any pupil who
                                                                            THE PORTAL OPENS ON THE 16th JULY 2021
is eligible for Free School Meals or Pupil Premium. Please follow this
                                                                            THE PORTAL CLOSES ON THE 10th OCTOBER 2021
link Payment Support Yr8 to access the financial support.
                                                                            FIRST DIRECT DEBIT ON THE 25th NOVEMBER 2021
                                                                            If your first Direct Debit fails your order will be cancelled
                                                                            Delivery is planned for December 2021
New Line Learning Academy Y8 Laptop Programme
Available for ONLY £11.50 per month
     Log onto and place your order from 16th July to 10th October
                                    Username: NLL821
                                   Password: S3cure02!
If you require assistance or have any questions then please email or call 0203 857 5630

                                      HP x360 Flip & Touchscreen Laptop

                                                 £11.50 per month
                                           Outright purchase is also available

                                Price Includes:
                            •   45 Month Guaranteed Repair Service
                                (Repair or replacement for any damaged, faulty or stolen device)
                            •   School Software, Applications, Network Access
                            •   Ownership at end – no additional cost

                            •   Intel N4020 Processor
                            •   11.6" AntiGlare HD Flip & Touchscreen Display
                            •   4GB Memory
                            •   64GB SSD
                            •   Dual Band Wireless-AC & Bluetooth 4.2
                            •   Windows 10 Pro
                            •   720p HD camera;5 MP camera (world-facing)
                            •   Rugged & Flip Design (Turns into a Tablet)

                                             Available payment terms

                            •   45 month = £11.50
                            •   1 Payment = £517.50
New Line Learning Academy Y8 Laptop Programme
Frequently Asked Questions
Which device have you chosen for NLL pupils and why?                         Would you be launching this scheme if it weren’t for the Coronavirus
We have elected to equip our pupils with the following high-quality          Lockdown?
device: HP K12 ProBook x360 11 G5 – Celeron N4020, 11” Flip &                Yes. We have made huge advancements in IT and the use of technology
Touchscreen, 4GB, 64GB, (Includes 2nd Webcam), Windows 10 Pro                in school, all facilitated by the introduction of one common IT system
                                                                             across all areas of NLL. The devices will not just be helpful, should a
After trialling a wide range of devices, we feel that our chosen device      period of remote learning take place again: they will also be integral to
has the functionality to access the entire suite of Microsoft applications   helping pupils manage resources, keep notes, submit homework, work
and combines all the benefits of a tablet and a traditional laptop in a      in class in and work independently. Our IT strategy is a long-term and
smaller, lighter size. The specification of our chosen device will ensure    carefully thought through one.
its longevity over the lease, and we are confident that it will be a
popular choice with our pupils.                                              Under normal circumstances the approach is to introduce a 1:1 scheme
                                                                             to just year 7, 8 and 9. Pupils can then use the device for their time at
The commitment by the School to this initiative – educationally and          NLL.
financially - reflects our confidence in this scheme.
                                                                             Do I have to pay monthly?
Why not iPads?                                                               No. There is also the option to make a one off payment via the portal if
NLL adopted the IT strategy to become a fully integrated Microsoft           you wish.
School and our ambition is to become a Microsoft Showcase School.
The introduction of one common Management Information System                 If opting to pay monthly then Year 7 will have a 48 month agreement,
across NLL paved the way to design and introduce a school wide               Y8 will have a 45 month agreement and year 9 will have a 33 month
SharePoint site and move teachers and pupils to a cloud-based solution       agreemnt.
using OneDrive and the Office 365 suite of applications and products.
                                                                             There are no credit checks and the scheme is open to all pupils from
The Microsoft range of applications is world-class and will set NLL pupils   year 7 – 9 with different arrangements depending on year group.
up for the world of work or university. Pupils will leave NLL confident
with the Office 365 suite of products, which is the elite work- place        Why is the School not paying for these devices?
standard, globally. Pupils will be trained in using OneDrive and develop     The School is investing a considerable amount of money into this
practical working knowledge of cloud storage which will prepare them         scheme. The agreement with Freedom Technology is such that they
for industry – whatever route they choose.                                   oblige parents to pay a certain amount towards each device; we chose
                                                                             to opt for a smaller rather than a larger parental input, mindful of the
Apple iPads are not fully integrated with the Microsoft operating            challenges families are currently facing.
platform and would limit the potential for use in teaching and learning.
                                                                             At some schools, pupils are simply given their own device. Why not
I have just purchased a device for my son/daughter to use at home,           do this?
why should I sign up to the NLL scheme?                                      We looked very carefully into this possibility and concluded that:
No-one must opt into this scheme: it is entirely voluntary. However,         •       Such devices are much less attractive after three years, after
there are significant advantages to doing so.                                        which there is no option to upgrade.
                                                                             •       This does not usually incorporate a scheme for accidental
Although this device will have all the functionality of a personal device,           damage or warranty repairs.
it will be set up on the school system, which will enable your child to      •       The devices involved are usually inferior in quality to the one
work more effectively from home. This means that when your                           we have chosen.
son/daughter logs in from home they will have access to all the same
                                                                             •       The device is of course not given away freely in other schools:
systems and information they have at school.
                                                                                     the costs are put onto fees.
This device is very likely to become an integral part of each pupil’s        •       This delivery model is the industry standard for 1:1 device
school equipment. Pupils will be encouraged to use their device in class,            scheme in education.
file their notes electronically, and collaborate with their peers and
teachers.                                                                    What happens if I miss a payment, find that I cannot afford the
If you have your own device, we can integrate it onto our system, but        scheme or my child leaves NLL?
you will not receive the benefits of the lease, most notably the             You would have to return the device to NLL or alternatively pay the
guaranteed repair service.                                                   outstanding payments to take ownership of the device. You will not
                                                                             own the device until the final payment is made.
Will my son/daughter be able to bring their own personal device into
school to lessons if we don’t sign up to the scheme?
We will work with you to see if the device is compatible. If it is, the
school must wipe and put on the school system which may restrict
certain areas at home.
Frequently Asked Questions
My son/daughter has less than three years left at NLL but would really       How reliable are the company who are providing support – can we be
like to take part in the scheme – is this possible?                          sure that the service provided will be worthwhile?
If you are in Year 10 and starting Year 11 in September and are not sure     Freedom Technology have an understanding of the education sector
what your post-16 education route will be but would like to join the         that far outstrips other providers that we have consulted with. The
scheme for your final year in school, unfortunately we will not be           inclusion of guaranteed repair service as part of the package means that
offering you the scheme. This is to keep your learning consistent, as you    we don’t have to include a separate policy as part of the agreement.
are heading into your GCSE years.
                                                                             All devices are equipped with Windows 10 Pro, Office 365 licensing, URL
What happens to the device at the end of the lease?                          filtering, security and safe- guarding software which protects our pupils
At the end of the lease you will own the computer.                           at home and in school. Pupils and parents also benefit from a full
                                                                             protection package to cover against malfunction, damage and theft.
Who legally owns the device?
Freedom Tech owns the device until the final parental instalment is          Why are you asking parents to contribute towards the devices at all?
paid, when ownership will transfer to you. If you elect to pay upfront       On the advice of Freedom Technology, who have much experience in
you will own the device from the outset.                                     making schemes such as these work. In order for pupils to have a sense
                                                                             of ownership of the devices, we are asking families to part-fund the
How do I sign up to the scheme?                                              scheme, with the school contributing the majority as our commitment
Follow the link in the flyer to the NLL and Freedom Tech portal and sign     to academic excellence, both in and out of lockdown conditions.
up to the scheme. The portal is open until October 3rd 2021. You will
be asked to enter your direct debit details if you choose to pay monthly.    NLL have opted for the agreement with the lowest possible parental
If paying monthly, your first payment will be debited from your account      contribution for the HP, which is a high-end device. The contribution
on 25th November 2021. If opting to pay up front, your payment will          covers day-to-day support, warranty fixes the the gauranteed repair
be taken immediately.                                                        service – the monthly payment covers a complete end to end service.

When will the device arrive?                                                 I am concerned that my son/daughter spends too much time in front
Once you have registered with the portal, the devices will be delivered      of a screen, and I don’t want them to do more of this at school. Is this
to school and the NLL IT Services Team will issue pupils with their device   the right decision for NLL?
and set pupils up on their device in school ready to take home for           The IT strategy is to enhance the learning experience not replace it –
Christmas.                                                                   our pupils will still be equipped with all the traditional skills that a NLL
                                                                             provides but also ensures that our enterprising pupils are pre- pared for
What happens if I do not sign up to the scheme and then change my            the future. Through the adoption of Microsoft Education packages, we
mind, can we join the scheme later in the year?                              are working hard to ensure that the huge amount of progress made
Unfortunately, no. The portal to sign up to the scheme usually opens         during the remote learning period is built on and developed in the
once a year, this is to ensure that the 3-year leases all renew at the       classroom. Our aim is to ensure that the use of technologies such as
same time and to ensure that pupils aren’t continually coming to the         Class Notebook and Teams enhances the learning experience at NLL,
end of their leases throughout the academic year. The highly                 encourages collaboration and creates a seamless link between school
competitive price we have secured for these devices fluctuates with          and home.
demand and uptake and Freedom Technology cannot guarantee the
monthly payment in any future portal openings.                               Will this device help my son/daughter keep their notes in order?
                                                                             Yes. While we will continue to teach outstanding lessons in the
The Freedom Tech portal will most likely open again at the same time         classroom, the device and move to cloud storage will provide an online
next year for the new upcoming Year 7 pupils at which point other            record of resources used in lessons and easy access to the entire school
pupils will be welcome to sign up. This approach is not in the control of    system. This will be invaluable for pupils who have missed lessons,
NLL but is the way the scheme operates successfully in hundreds of           misplaced a file or their notes or left that all - important homework in
other schools.                                                               their locker! This is the way that university teaching and learning has
                                                                             developed and will prepare our pupils for higher education and
How have the school ensured value for money when selecting this              independent study.
A team of senior leaders, supported by Governors, have spent time            How will NLL ensure my son/daughter is safe online when using a
investigating numerous different options, from a wide range of               device in school and at home?
suppliers. We have consulted several other schools nationally, building      All devices are equipped with the most up to date safeguarding
a picture of what works in schools similar to NLL and what does not. We      software which ensures that pupils can use the internet safely at home
found from all our research that Freedom Technology are not only the         and in school.
most widely used leasing company in education but also the most
experienced in 1:1 device schemes. The service agreement and range
of suppliers they source from has given NLL a range of competitive
quotes to select the very best devices from and confidence from other
schools that we are in safe hands.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will my son/daughter be able to use their device for personal and            How do I claim for warranty, accidental damage or theft?
school use?                                                                  You will be provided with policy documentation detailing what is
Yes. At NLL we firmly believe in educating our pupils to use their devices   covered. The New Line Learning IT Team will provide a replacement
safely and sensibly through our safety and pastoral programmes.              device from spares stock held in School. Pupils will use this loan device
Therefore, pupils will be able to use their devices as they would at home    whilst theirs is away being repaired.
but will be expected to adhere to school rules as normal when in
lessons.                                                                     What is the excess on claims?
                                                                             There is no excess on the either the accidental damage, theft or
I would like to buy additional accessories for my son/daughter’s             warranty protection. This is a huge benefit of this scheme.
device, is this ok?
Yes, this is fine. Additional accessories such as the pen would not be       If I have any further queries, who can I speak to?
included in the warranty package and should be insured through               If you have any queries please email
personal home insurance plans in case of loss.                               clearly stating your son/daughter’s name and year group in the title of
                                                                             the email and somebody from the team will get back to you.
If most pupils have an identical device, how will you ensure that they
don’t get mixed up?
When we onboard pupils we are going to encourage them to set their
lock screen as a picture of themselves or something which easily
identifies them should they misplace their device around school. Pupils
are also welcome to use stickers or a named case to ensure their device
is easily recognised.

What happens if we don’t sign up to the scheme and my son/daughter
does not have access to a device in lessons and other pupils do?
All of the advice and our own research all indicates that the more pupils
that have access to a device, the more impact it has on learning in the
classrooms – this is why we have worked hard to provide a device with
such high specification at such a competitive price for parents. We
would be delighted if all of our pupils opted into the scheme. However,
we accept that not all parents will want to join the scheme, particularly
if pupils only have a short time left with us at school. Therefore, in the
short term, we plan to maintain computer labs and teachers will cater
for pupils who choose not to opt-in to the scheme in their lessons
through the use of alternative computers. Text books and other
resources will be available.

What happens if my son/daughter damages the device or it breaks
This is covered by the Guaranteed Repair Service provided by Freedom
Technology. In the event of a device being damaged, breaking down or
stolen then Pupils are required to take the device to the IT department
at New Line Learning Academy. The IT Team will log the support ticket
with Freedom Technology and issue your son/daughter with a
temporary replacement whilst theirs is away being repaired. The
Freedom Technology helpdesk is open from Monday to Friday between
8AM and 6PM.

What support will NLL provide to ensure that my son/daughter uses
the device properly and gets the most out of it?
A comprehensive programme of training will be implemented for all
year groups and teachers to ensure the devices not only ease home
learning but also develop learning in classrooms. We also fully expect
our enterprising pupils to lead the way in the use of new technologies
and look forward to working with them to ensure we implement the
strategies which work for them.
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