He Messenger February 2023 - Iowa District West
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he Messenger February 2023 A MONTHLY PUBLICATION OF IOWA DISTRICT WEST, LCMS TABLE OF CONTENTS DISTRICT NEWS * Partners in the Gospel * - please share in your bulletin and/or newsletter 1. Education, Youth, and Family Life—Rhonda Mohr 2. Mission Possible!—Rev. B. Keith Haney 3. Business Manager—Roger Curtis 4. LCEF—Carole White 5. Mission Central—Gary Thies 6. Amigos En Cristo and Gracia!—Rev. Pedro Lopez 7. Siouxland Lutheran Hispanic Ministry—Rev. Paul Flo 8. The Lamplighter—Rev. Russell Senstad MINISTRY PARTNERS Camp Okoboji Lutheran Family Service ALSO INCLUDED... Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization (ILSTO) On a Mission to Support Christ’s Mission!
CALL ACCEPTED Rev. Trevor Freudenburg, Calvary, Sioux City, to Lord of Life, Chesterfield, Missouri. CALLS DECLINED Rev. Adam Barkley, Luther Memorial, Sheboygan, Wisconsin, to Trinity-Algona/St. John- Burt. Rev. Christopher McCarthy, First-Wall, SD/Emmanuel-Creighton, SD, to St. Paul, Aurelia. COMMISSIONED MINISTERS CALL RECEIVED Joel Witt, Lutheran School Association, Decatur, Illinois, to Principal, Clarinda Lutheran School. CALL ACCEPTED Kathryn Schneider, DCE, Resurrection, Spring, Texas, to Zion, Manning. Calendar of Events February 9...Circuit Youth Representatives, St. Paul, Carroll February 10...District Stewardship Committee, Fort Dodge February 10...District Endowment Committee, Fort Dodge February 16...District Board of Directors, Fort Dodge February 23...Circuit Education Representatives, Fort Dodge Follow Iowa District West on these social media websites. www.facebook.com/ www.twitter.com/ www.youtube.com/user/ IowaDistrictWest IowaWest IowaDistrictWest Iowa District West, LCMS 515.576.7666 409 Kenyon Road, Suite B sue@iowadistrictwest.org Fort Dodge, IA 50501 www.idwlcms.org Please note: The inclusion of items from outside sources in The Messenger is for information purposes only. Inclusion of such items does not constitute District endorsement.
Heartland Lutheran Singles exists to organize activities and events for LCMS and other conservative Lutheran singles in Western Iowa and sur- rounding states. Our goal is to have positive activities which foster On a Mission friendships, teach biblical values, and encourage one another. to Support Why Should the Church Get Involved in Singles Ministry? Reason #1: The Bible's Guidance. Abraham saw to it that his son did not marry a pagan. He helped Isaac find a fitting bride. (Gen. 24:3) Jesus says the Christ’s Mission! two in marriage become one (Matt. 19:5). A unity of faith is therefore important. Paul said, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers." (2 Cor. 6:14) Truly "a prudent wife is from the LORD." (Prov. 9:14) God speaks strongly about who we marry. The Church as God's servant can help brothers and sisters in Christ to meet and encourage one another. More reasons to follow in the future. February 2023 If you are interested in joining this group, please complete the brief sur- vey at https://forms.gle/X2ZhsxBd3rDoXj3k7. 409 Kenyon Road, Suite B — Fort Dodge, Iowa 50501 515-576-7666 Fax 515-576-2323 www.idwlcms.org Results can also be emailed or called to Pastor Mark Kluzek Contact email: sue@iowadistrictwest.org (Godcares1000@gmail.com or 712-675-4617). We need to know which church (and town) you belong to, male/female, and age group: 20-39, 40-59, 60+. If you would like updates, you can share your contact infor- Updating your will this year mation. 2023 could be the year for you to review and update your will and estate plan. If you are like many individu- IOWA LUTHERAN SCHOOL TUITION ORGANIZATION (ILSTO) als, you had your attorney prepare your will many years The Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization raised $902,397 in 2022 ago. that will be awarded for the next school year 2023-2024. With your help, we were able to raise 85% of our goal. With changes in enrollment, Have you had changes in your assets? Have you had ILSTO will be able to raise $1,078,184 in 2023. Let's make our goal in changes in your family situation? What about making 2023! We need your help so that we can help many more families attend plans to transfer your farmland to the next generation? Iowa Lutheran schools. Make a donation to ILSTO and receive a 75% Iowa tax credit. Call Dewey Torkelson at 712-260-2991 for more infor- Have you included your local LCMS congregation and your other favor- mation. ite LCMS ministries in your estate plan? Maybe you need to change your executor. Hospital Chaplains Serving in Iowa District West Are you minor children now of age since you wrote your last will? Have Council Bluffs/Omaha: Rev. Michael Petri – 712-309-2622 you included a statement of your Christian faith in your will? Des Moines: Rev. Donald Boeschen – 515-278-4134 & Rev. Jim Stogdill – 515-240-7700 I can help you get ready to meet with your attorney to update your will and estate plan. My help comes to you at no cost through your congre- Calendar of Events gation’s partnership with Iowa District West. Contact me by phone, text or email and we can schedule a time to meet. February 9...Circuit Youth Representatives, St. Paul, Carroll February 10...District Stewardship Committee, Fort Dodge Happy New Year! February 10...District Endowment Committee, Fort Dodge February 16...District Board of Directors, Fort Dodge Jim Schroeder February 23...Circuit Education Representatives, Fort Dodge Christian Estate Planning Counselor 515.490.7371 For more information on Iowa District West activities, jim@iowadistrictwest.org view The Messenger at www.idwlcms.org/publications.php
1 Education Youth Family Life Rhonda J. Mohr Assistant to the President 515-573-0010 rhonda@iowadistrictwest.org SAY WHAT?! – Senior High Youth Gathering Recap Submitted by DCE Thomas Wilson, Senior Youth Gathering Dean Iowa District West hosted the 2022 Senior Youth Gathering at the Airport Holiday Inn in Des Moines on the weekend of November 18-20. Under the theme of “Say What?!” over 200 youth and adults came together to participate in learning experiences, Bible studies, keynote speakers, fellowship, and worship. Most attendees were from Iowa District West; but we also welcomed youth groups from Iowa East, Missouri, and Nebraska. We were blessed to have Rehema Kavugha from LCEF as our keynote speaker. She shared with us the tool kit that we have as she dove into the theme verse from 1 Peter 3:15, “but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect.” Participants learned ways to speak to those who reject our beliefs, how we can respectfully defend our faith in a culture that tells us “no.” One of the most impactful sectionals for this year’s gathering was our servant event. Participants were able to construct appreciation packages to be distributed to local emergency agencies. This event helped them understand how they can spread gentle and respectful speech by caring for others and saying, “Thank You!” Throughout the weekend, the youth band at Shepherd of the Valley led us in song. The weekend ended with closing worship led by Pastor Alex Sloter of Peace Lutheran in Rock Rapids with Rev. Mark Kiessling, LCMS Director of Youth Ministry, giving the message. We continue to pray for all the youth and adult leaders that they can use the tools, resources offered, and the Spirit to assist them in showing their Christian faith in love and gentleness.
Make Plans to Attend the 2023 Gathering! “Ready, Set, GO!” is currently being prepared for November 17-19 in Des Moines. This year, we will welcome Pastor Travis Hartjen from Texas to guide us through our theme verse, Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.” Save the Dates Iowa Lutheran Early Childhood Conference Friday, August 4, 2023 Gloria Dei, Urbandale Theme: I Love to Tell the Story Keynote Speaker – Dr. Jeff Burkart Lutheran Teachers Conference Thursday and Friday, October 19-20, 2023 Sheraton, West Des Moines Theme: Made New Keynote Speaker – Dr. Micah Parker
2 MISSION POSSIBLE! There is Something Special about Rural Ministry I have spent most of my ministry in big metropolises but have not lived in a community of under 4,000. You know you live in a small town when the closest grocery store is 20 miles away. There is no Walmart in your city, and there are more cows than cars. Doing ministry in this context differs from the concrete jungle I left fifteen years ago. There is not the population density. I had to learn to adapt to living around corn and cows. There are some essential and unique factors that determine how fruitful your ministry will be in this context. Study the Church System Rural churches frequently have a broad sense of community and are generally led by several principal families. You can upset this delicate church system easily. Take time to master the unwritten policies that guide the system. Usually, a small group of individuals oversees the ministry's direction. Learning the Influencers They are the permission givers. They will either permit or limit what can and cannot be done. While every parish has a written set of rules, these permission-givers are the real decision makers. The pastor seeking to make change needs to sit down with the decision-makers and get their support before launching into any new ideas. You cannot make any change and survive it until you carefully define the rules, roles, rituals, and goals, which make up the system. Skipping this critical step could cause the only change taking place is you. Take the Time to Learn the Unique Story of the Community As you are learning how your church system works, you must also learn the community you have been called to serve. Every town has its own stories. It’s a unique heritage. You need to take the time to become a cultural detective. Learn how the town’s past, present, and future have shaped the town’s character. It is in this discovery phase that you may learn to love this community as much as its lifelong members do. The Stories are the Heartbeat of the Community These stories are their identity, they have formed their self-esteem. Don’t minimize those stories. Honor their past and help them discover the future direction God may lead them. Steady continuity is important for rural churches. We expect change in the urban areas. But people live in rural areas for their slow, dependable pace of change.
John Mark said, “The most important connection an incoming pastor can make is to sit with storytellers and understand the history and identity of the congregation they are called to. A congregation will only journey somewhere new when it is confident that its leaders know its story and stand in line with its history. Sometimes the gentle embracing of these stories may bring healing to a painful past.” Conclusion The following account proves that very point. Carl Geary died from a heart attack as he campaigned in a small country town. Despite his sudden death, he still polled over three times as many votes as his rival in the election in Tracy City, Tennessee. The election results did not surprise his widow, Susan Geary. “The day he passed away, people were calling with condolences and saying, ‘We’re still voting for him,’” she said. Geary was known for telling the truth and had served on the city council. He received 285 votes to his rival’s 85. I will end this article with these simple words. To understand rural America, you need to “understand the culture.” The rural culture is all about relationships and patience. Upcoming Event Title: “The Art of Neighboring” Date: March 18, 2023 Time: 9am-12pm Location: St. Paul Lutheran Church in Carroll, Iowa Content: We will cover the second part of the Great Commandment: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” We will look at what it means to be a better neighbor in our community. Who is this for: Everyone! A registration link will be shared on the District’s website under “Missions.” Rev. B. Keith Haney Assistant to the President for Missions, Human Care, and Stewardship Blog: http://alightbreaksthrough.org keith@iowadistrictwest.org 515-573-0053 (cell)
3 BUSINESS MANAGER NEWS Iowa District West Congregations’ Mission Receipts Month Ending December 2022 Anticipated Amount $116,000 Actual Receipts $141,547 Year-to-Date Receipts Anticipated Amount $1,276,000 Actual Receipts $1,293,344 Over (under) anticipated amount $17,344 Use of Mission Receipts Remitted to Synod (45%) $574,200 Balance for District programs & ministries $719,144 Total Receipts $1,293,344 Mission Receipts Compared with Last Year Month ending December 2022 $1,293,344 Month ending December 2021 $1,307,258 Over (under) last year ($13,914) Partners in the Gospel - Monthly Mission Moment What is Iowa District West? Iowa District West is the Synod in this place. IDW is one of 35 districts in the LCMS. The District consists of 166 congregations in the western half of Iowa which includes 17 circuits, 53,744 baptized members, and 42,592 communicant members. It includes 205 Ordained Ministers and 92 Commissioned Ministers. We all walk together to achieve the same mission. Your dedicated District staff encourages and assists to provide numerous services and resources that would not be accomplished if we were not in a partnership. Because of your monthly District and Synod support, we are able to serve in all the areas of mission/outreach, disaster relief, human care, education (early childhood/preschools, elementary schools, family life), youth, stewardship/gift planning, ecclesiastical administration, and leadership development. With your congregation’s mission and ministry support, we will continue to work together to carry us forward for which we have been sent. We are on a mission to support you and Christ’s mission! Stewardship Spark - by Ron Chewning - www.StewardshipAdvisors.org – 248.644.6150 SINCE GOD IS THE CREATOR, OWNER, AND RULER OF ALL THINGS, HE HOLDS US ACCOUNTABLE. “But they will give account to Him Who is ready to judge the living and the dead” (1 Peter 4:5).
Financial Quick Notes ➢ 2023 Mileage Rate: 65.5 cents per mile for all business miles driven. To read the complete IRS announcement, go online to www.irs.gov. Please note that unreimbursed mileage and other business expenses will no longer be deductible for employees. More information below. ➢ New receipt vouchers were mailed mid-January. Please use these for remittances from February 1, 2023-January 20, 2024. Donations for organizations outside the District should be sent directly to the organization. ➢ Need a Federal W-4 or other IRS form quickly? Several forms are in the Treasurer’s Manual, but you can also download the current forms directly from the IRS website. Go to www.irs.gov/Forms-&-Pubs and download the PDF file. Note the Federal W4 was completely revised in 2020. ➢ Need a Form I-9? Find the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website at www.uscis.gov/i-9. All church staff including pastors need a copy on file. ➢ State of Iowa Form W-4 (IA W-4 Employee's Withholding Certificate and Centralized Employee Registry 44-019) is online at https://tax.iowa.gov. All new employees must complete this Centralized Employee Registry Reporting Form. Questions, email idr@iowa.gov or call 515.281.3114 or 800.367.3388. ➢ The Iowa minimum wage remains at $7.25. State and federal posters are now available from the Iowa Workforce Center and can also be downloaded online for free. More information is online at www.iowaworkforcedevelopment.gov/required-employer-posters. ➢ Tax calendar: January 31 deadline… Issue Form W-2 to each employee and complete Copy A of each 2022 Form W-2 Wage and Tax Statement and W-3 Transmittal of Wage and Tax Statement to Social Security Administration. Issue Form 1099-NEC (Non-Employee Compensation) to all independent contractors/self-employed individuals or speakers (those who earned $600 or more during the year 2022). Complete Copy A of each 2022 Form 1099-NEC and Form 1096-Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S. Information Returns to IRS (mail to address on summary form or file electronically). ➢ Complete Employers Quarterly Federal Tax Return Form 941 (be sure to proof the Form 941 totals with W-3 summary statement). ➢ Form 944 is designed so the smallest employers (those whose annual liability for social security, Medicare, and withheld federal income taxes is $1,000 or less) will file and pay these taxes only once a year instead of every quarter. ➢ Submit Form W-2 information to GovConnectIowa website – (learn how). The State of Iowa Verified Summary of Payments (VSP) to the Iowa Department of Revenue is no longer required but be sure to file the final quarter report for 2022 by January 31. Questions call 800.367.3388. IRS Increases 2023 Business Mileage Rate Beginning January 1, 2023, the standard mileage rate used to reimburse workers’ business miles under an accountable reimbursement arrangement will INCREASE 3 cents to 65.5 cents per mile. The accountable reimbursement is the most favorable because the congregation does not have to report the reimbursement as compensation paid to the employee on Form W-2. The employee should document the amount, time and place, business purpose, and business relationship. Employees should substantiate miles at least every 60 days. The standard medical and moving mileage rate will continue at .22 cents per mile. The rate used for charitable deduction purposes, set by statute rather than IRS, remains unchanged at 14 cents per mile. Note - unreimbursed employee business expenses (including mileage) are not deductible. Churches may choose to reimburse a lower rate without any tax consequences. If the church chooses to reimburse at a rate higher than the IRS approved rates, the church must add the excess amount to the employee's taxable income. To read the complete IRS announcement, go online to www.irs.gov (and click on News).
Biennial Report for an Iowa Non-Profit Corporation If not done already, it is time to complete the 2023 Biennial Report for an Iowa Non-Profit Corporation (required for every congregation). The registered agent contact at every congregation should have received an email (from business.filings@sos.iowa.gov) in early January from the Secretary of State (SOS) business services office. Go to filings.sos.iowa.gov to update your registered agent and officers (President/Director, Secretary, Treasurer). To keep your incorporation status active, you must complete this form every other year. It is important to complete this form to provide legal protection for your leaders. The final filing deadline is due March 31, 2023. For more information, contact the SOS at 515.281.5204, 888.767.8683, or email sos@sos.iowa.gov. New Concordia Plan Services Resource - Shareboard Concordia Plans has announced an exciting new online resource to help treasurers and other leaders in the church. • An online platform where ministry lay leaders can connect to share questions, answers and resources • An opportunity to educate and support lay leaders, helping them to better run their ministries, care for their workers and learn from each other • Who will use Shareboard: Congregational president, treasurer, elders, volunteer coordinator, parish nurse or wellness leaders, and school leaders • Shareboard provides lay leaders a valuable resource by helping them connect with others in similar ministry roles across the Synod to ask and answer questions, as well as discuss various topics: Ministry finances, Human resources issues, Supporting ministry workers, Managing the Call process, Board mentorship and training, Fundraising and development, and anything important to them! The tentative release date is February 15, 2023. Concordia Plans will be sharing more information soon! Submit your LCMS Statistics Report Important! It is that time again to submit your congregation’s end-of-year statistics and update your current list of lay leaders at the following website: https://lc.lcms.org. The LCMS Department of Rosters and Statistics is sending information soon (last week of January) via email regarding completing the 2022 statistics report. The report includes membership data, gains/losses, education enrollment figures, and financial information. Please be sure to share this information with the person in your congregation responsible for completing this report. If you have not received the statistical information or have questions, please email rosters.stats@lcms.org or call the LCMS Church Information Center at 888-843-5267. This statistical information is used to calculate congregational assessments for District and Synod Conventions. It also assists a wide variety of ministry efforts at the national level, as well as fulfilling the expectation of membership set forth in Bylaw 1.3.4. The deadline to submit your congregation’s information to the LCMS Office of Rosters and Statistics is March 31, 2023. The Lutheran Witness Subscription Rate The rate (including the insert) for The Lutheran Witness for May 2023-April 2024 increases to $26.16. The LW is available as an app, online, and in print. The flagship magazine of the LCMS, The LW is a monthly publication (11 issues per year) that offers Synod news, features, columns, Q & A, and more. The deadline for changes is March 1. If you have any questions, contact Concordia Publishing House circulation at 800.325.3040 option 2 or email LWSubscriptions@CPH.org. For more information or to read web-exclusive stories, you can also go to www.lcms.org/witness. Thrivent Choice Update Thrivent Choice dollars for 2022 will be expiring soon! If you are a Thrivent member, you may be eligible to participate and direct Thrivent Choice dollars to Iowa District West and other LCMS organizations. Simply go to www.thrivent.com/thriventchoice or call 800-THRIVENT (800-847-4836) before March 31 and say “Thrivent Choice.” If you have a specific ministry you want to support (a mission in the District, Joy in Ministry Scholarship Fund, IOWAY, Disaster relief/LERT, Youth Gathering, etc.) let me know the ministry and the amount. Thank you to the many members who have already supported IDW!
6 AMAZING MISSIONARIES FROM WESTSIDE, IOWA ARRIVE AT THE LORD’S MISSION CENTRAL! The Lord truly calls totally “NOT NORMAL” people to visit HIS Mission Central. This was the case on Tuesday, December 27 when we welcomed missionaries Nate and Jessie Blackford and their children Vivian, Naomi, and Garrett from Westside, Iowa! They came to see what God is doing with an old set of farm buildings in the middle of nowhere! This family was able to tour the office, the Ministry Center, the Lord’s Creation Theater, and the Barn Museum. We finished with a special prayer in the little wayside prayer chapel. They also had the chance to see the “resurrection spot” of old Missionary Gary! It was a very wonderful time to see how a young Christian family has been able to provide a true Christian education at home for their three children. Missionary Gary quizzed the children about our Jesus and was encouraged when they answered every question correctly! Home Christian education is where mission work really starts! This special family is pictured in the office with our Boss in the background. It was a day that Old Missionary Gary will never forget! MORE “NOT NORMAL” PEOPLE COME TO VISIT MISSION CENTRAL! Who would drive 4.5 hours to visit a place called MISSION CENTRAL in the hills of Western Iowa? That’s what our dear friends, Hugh and Marie Schaffer, did on Tuesday, December 6. These folks live in Ohio and had traveled to Minneapolis to be with family. Realizing it was “only 4.5 hours” away, they drove to Mission Central for a tour of this MIRACLE place. The Lord provided a beautiful day for their trip. It was a JOY to have these long-time friends come to see what the Lord is doing here in the middle of nowhere! Hugh and Marie are pictured in front of our Boss in the office of old Missionary Gary and in the little chapel with Jesus! It was a day we won’t forget.
AMAZING GROUP COMES FROM MT. CALVARY AT INDIANOLA, IOWA FOR SPECIAL TOUR! It was cold, oh so cold, on December 3! Who would come out on such a cold morning? Who would get up at 4:30 a.m. and drive to a place in the middle of nowhere called MISSION CENTRAL? It was such a long trip, but God truly “calls His NOT NORMAL people.” Under the direction of Missionaries Jeret and Caroline Koenig, a large group from Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church of Indianola, Iowa came to spend the day touring the Lord’s Mission Central. The full tour included a noon lunch prepared by Maxine and her helper Joan Chandler. The pizza was donated by some very special friends. It was certainly a day that these folks will never forget! Mission Central – LCMS World Mission 40718 Highway E16 Gary Thies (gary.thies@lcms.org) Mapleton, IA 51034 www.missioncentral.us 712-882-1029
MISSION CENTRAL EVENTS PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Rev. Gustavo and Ruth Maita Family Puerto Rico Saturday, June 3, 2023 1 PM Rev. Walter & Robyn Steele Kenya East Africa Saturday, June 10, 2023 1:30 PM Rev. Dr. Gerald & Heidi Paul Cayman Islands Saturday, June 10, 2023 1 PM Rev. Jonathan Clausing & Family Tanzania East Africa Saturday, July 8, 2023 1 PM
Rev. Dr. Steve Oliver & Family Taiwan Saturday, July 15, 2023 1 PM Rev. Michael Paul & Family Taiwan Saturday, July 22, 2023 1 PM
6 !AMIGOS EN CRISTO and GRACIA! News from Las Iglesias Evangélicas Luteranas Amigos en Cristo in Denison and Gracia in Storm Lake Pastor Pedro Lopez Hello everyone, Feliz Año Nuevo! Happy and blessed New Year to all, it is a great pleasure and privilege to write about our efforts and plans for outreach to the Hispanic commu- nity in this new year, same challenges new opportunities! We are gearing up to continue the ESL classes in different parts of our District to meet new people and invite them to be part of our Hispanic ministries. We are putting every- thing together with God’s help and His children around our churches to develop our second session with the ESL pro- grams, start citizenship classes, so that we can meet new people in the different places where God is opening new opportunities. Last year was a great time to revive some of the events that Rev. Pedro Lopez had taken place years ago in the Hispanic Ministry, oppor- tunities to get together as congregation and people of God, Assistant to the President Missionary at Large to work together in helping others, to meet new people from different churches and have fellowship as we did pedro@iowadistrictwest.org events and programs to serve the less fortunate, to visit 571-606-7600 (cell) great churches and their members that were eager to hear and learn more about the ever growing Hispanic communi- ty and the challenges it brings to our church at large.
This year we plan to work harder and help places and regions around the District to see and take the opportunities God is bringing to us in the form of new immigrants coming to our land. Remember if we don’t do it, others will, and as sad as it is, even non-Christians. Therefore, we have to be ready, so please join us as we pray and work together in how we will do that. We are inviting you all to be part of possible new committees around the district to help us think and put into action our outreach in new areas where Hispanic ministries will take place. Remember, this is our Hispanic Ministry. Thanks for everything you have done and for what you will con- tinue to do. Please pray for the Churches in Denison, Storm Lake and the new contacts in Hartley, Carroll, and Harlan. Again, “gracias” for your prayers and support. Gracias and bendiciones, Pastor Lopez
Pastor Paul Flo pastorpaulflo@gmail.com February 2023 SIOUXLAND LUTHERAN HISPANIC MINISTRY Epiphany W Prayers ith the busyness of • For the success of the holidays Rolando’s behind us, foundation, which things are returning to would provide their normal pace, which wheelchairs to gives us a chance to catch Peruvians in need. our breath and reflect on the significance of the • For Valia as she Epiphany season. prepares to return from Cuba. Epiphany is a Greek word that means • For Carmen’s kids, revelation or Teresa, Luis, and manifestation. This leads Leo. us to ask, “What, exactly, is being revealed?” • For Yessenia’s son Answer: Jesus reveals himself as God. His humanity needed living in Mexico, no proof—that was obvious to all who saw Him. That this Juan Carlos. young man from Nazareth was God in the flesh, however, did For the Calendar need proving. And so, through the Epiphany season, we highlight the signs and wonders performed by Jesus, which Our next quarterly revealed His true identity as Savior of the world. Siouxland Hispanic The story of the Magi has, for some time now, been Ministry meeting will associated with The Epiphany of our Lord (which always falls be Tuesday, March 7 on January 6). Gentiles come from the east to worship Jesus as at 6:30 pm. the King. Throughout His public ministry, Jesus increasingly Add it to your reveals the truth that He is God not only of the Jews but also of calendar and come the Gentiles—from the east and all directions. As St. Paul join us! writes, the true sons of Abraham are not those who share his genetics, but his faith in the promise. “So then, those who are of faith are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith” (Galatians 3:9). Thank the Lord for this Epiphany! Hope Lutheran Church 218 West 18th Street South Sioux City, NE 68776
Pastor Paul Flo pastorpaulflo@gmail.com February 2023 Pictured on the Supporting first page is Jorge Siouxland Hispanic and his family Ministry from Nicaragua. They invited me to Thank you to the many a baptismal party. Even though they congregations and are members of the individuals who Catholic Church, continue supporting us they have been with such generous asking me more questions about the gifts. If financially doctrinal supporting a specific differences and ministry is something why they matter. They have become good friends and I look forward to seeing you or your how our Lord uses this relationship and these conversations to congregation have clarify the Gospel for them. been considering, Pictured above are Imelda and brother Daniel from please keep us in mind. Guatemala. I have been teaching them the Bible stories for some time now and am always surprised by the deep Don’t forget to add us questions and connections that Imelda makes even though to your daily prayer she’s only 12 years old. Daniel is usually more interested in sitting by my side on the couch and playing with the cross list! around my neck, but he enjoys listening to the “big people” learning. Interested in To the right is the beautiful Supporting? lady that the Lord has sent If you’d like to support my way and who has said “yes” to my proposal! Jenna our Hispanic ministry in and I are getting married in Siouxland, please send May of 2023. Her parents, aid to the address on Joe and Julie, threw a lovely engagement party at a local the bottom of the page. wine bar. In spite of the bad You can make checks weather, many showed up to payable to Hope support us. We are excited to Lutheran Church with get started with life together! “Hispanic Ministry” on That’s it for now. Until the memo line. next month, may our Lord Thank you! bless you and keep you! —Pastor Paul Flo— Hope Lutheran Church 218 West 18th Street South Sioux City, NE 68776
Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, was headed for a cross, and they would have to be prepared to go I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Moses and one with Him. Instead, these three were ready to shoot it out in the for Elijah.” While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered streets. them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, whom I We’ve come to think of these three as Jesus’ favorite disciples, love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!” Matthew 17:4-5 His most faithful disciples. His closest friends. But they were also the disciples who were most in conflict with Him. That doesn’t A Godly Interruption mean they didn’t love Jesus. We know what that’s like. We know He was interrupted. Peter was in the middle of saying some what it is like to love Jesus and yet conflict with Him. You know things when he was interrupted. Was he interrupted because he what it’s like to be fully aware of what God expects you to do and was simply talking too much? Peter was a talker. He was chatty. I yet not follow through with doing it. Or, you know the feeling of bet his wife had to interrupt him a few times. You know, questioning God’s Word on certain things. You may be wondering lightheartedly. Is that what happened here? Did someone just whether what you believe is really in agreement with what Jesus suddenly turn off Peter’s mike, lightheartedly? No. This was a teaches and thinking that maybe it’s not. Or, you know how it feels serious interruption. We’ve seen this type of thing before in our to question His judgment, to ask why, to second guess the own life. Think of events like; Pearl Harbor, President Kennedy’s decisions He’s made in your life. You know what it is to love Jesus assassination, the Space Shuttle Challenger, the Fall of the Berlin and yet be in conflict with Him. It calls for a serious interruption. wall, the 9/11 attacks, and the list goes on. Those were serious Imagine being there with Peter, James, and John. In the middle interruptions in our day-to-day life. of all their busyness, Jesus interrupts His ministry. He interrupts This interruption of Peter was that kind of serious and more. His teaching and healing. He interrupts what He’s doing. He We have come to think of Peter, James, and John as Jesus’ three interrupts what you’re doing. He interrupts everything to lead you favorite disciples. His three most faithful disciples. Perhaps they four, Peter, James, John, and you, up a high mountain. On the were. But maybe there was a different reason that Jesus wanted high mountain, it’s as if a curtain is pulled back. You see Jesus’ them to see His transfiguration. Not that they didn’t love Jesus. face radiant as the sun and His clothing dazzling white. Peter and But Peter, James, and John had begun to “protect” Jesus. The the others may not get it, but you do. He’s pointing you to the plan was for Jesus to go to Jerusalem with every intention of His cross. Here on the high mountain, the Son of God is revealed in being killed and raised from the dead in three days. Jesus had just glory, but there on the cross the Son of God is revealed in shame. announced this to the disciples right before the climb up Here on the high mountain, His clothing is dazzling white, but Transfiguration Mountain. What was Peter’s reaction? Both there on the cross He is stripped of all clothing. Here on the high Matthew and Mark report that Peter, the same guy who later mountain, He is flanked by Moses and Elijah, but there on the would take up a sword to defend Jesus in the Garden of cross He has criminals on either side of Him. In that moment you Gethsemane, then rebuked Jesus, “This shall never happen to see it. You get it. You have an inkling of how far God will go to you!” Shortly after the Transfiguration, Jesus and the disciples finally get you home and your loved ones and your enemies. That were heading through a Samaritan village. The Samaritans would enables you to listen to Him. Not necessarily end your conflict with not let Jesus pass through their village. James and John, the Jesus right away. But His death and resurrection for you enable same guys who would later ask Jesus if they could be on His right you to listen to Him. To continue to seek in His Word for what He and on His left. They asked Jesus, “Do you want us to call down wants you to do, for what He wants you to believe, for what He fire from heaven to destroy these Samaritans?” They weren’t wants you to accept. getting it. Peter, James, and John were just not getting it. Jesus
THE LAMPLIGHTER This listening to Jesus was the second glorious interruption that Peter, James, and John experienced. The first one, Jesus’ Transfiguration, almost blew right past Peter. He starts yammering about building three tents, so God interrupted him, coming in a cloud of glory. This is not just another prophet, God told Peter. This is not someone you have to protect. “This is My Son. My Chosen One. Listen to Him.” It would not be the last time Peter would need for God to interrupt him. There would be the rooster crowing to interrupt Peter’s denials. There would be the glorious interruption of Peter’s grieving on Easter morning when Jesus rose from the dead. There would be the glorious vision of a special picnic to encourage Peter to go and eat at the home of an unclean Gentile centurion and receive that man and his family as fellow disciples. There would be the glorious interruption of Paul getting in Peter’s face when later Peter would again not sit down Theme: “A Godly Interruption” Matt. 17:4-5 to dinner with Gentile Christians. In other words, there would be yet other times in his life when Peter found himself in conflict with Jesus. February 2023 That does not mean you will never be in conflict with Him. It A Publication of The Lutheran Service Auxiliary, means that when you come into conflict with Jesus, He will interrupt you. He will point you to His cross and resurrection to Sioux City, Iowa remind you of the very depth of how serious He is about getting you and yours home. The Good Shepherd Hour airs every Sunday morning on the following radio stations: Prayer: “I thank you, my Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, Your dear Son, that You have kept me this night from all harm and danger; and I pray that You would keep me this day also KSCJ – 1360 AM & 94.9 FM Sioux City at 8 a.m. from sin and every evil, that all my doings and life may please KLEM – 1410 AM & 96.9 FM Le Mars at 8 a.m. You. For into Your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let Your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe KAYL – 101.7 FM Storm Lake at 8:30 a.m. may have no power over me. Amen.” KVFD – 1400 AM Fort Dodge at 8 a.m. Pastor Russell Senstad Main Street Living airs Sunday mornings on KCAU Redeemer Lutheran Church, Sioux City, IA Channel 9 at 10:30 AM & Programming at 10 AM. 8
Register Youth & Family for Camp this summer at campokoboji.org
Administrative Office 409 Kenyon Road, Suite C Fort Dodge, IA 50501 info@lutheranfamilyservice.org LutheranFamilyService.org P r o c l a i m G o d ’ s Tr u t h f o r L i f e ! It’s official—2023 is the Year of Jubilee! Just as the 50th year was a grand year for God’s people of Israel, January 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision. Thanks be to God the Supreme Court overturned that ruling! Sound the trumpet! Join fellow life advocates in cele- brating and praying at the 2023 Prayer Rally for Life Feb. 6 in the Iowa Capitol Rotunda. Rev. Dr. Jim Lamb is the featured speaker at 12PM, and optional lobbying training provided at 11AM. No registration needed; hope to see you there! The 2023 LCMS Pastors’ Day on the Hill event is Feb. 23 at 9AM at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church in Urbandale and the Iowa Capitol. Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, and life advocates from Lutheran Family Service, will speak to God’s truth for life and current legislative issues impacting Iowa. Meet Iowa’s LCMS legislators and State Treasurer, and other legisla- tors to discuss life matters, uplift and pray with them. Encourage your Pastor to attend. God is good and the author of all life! LutheranFamilyService.org
Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization 2023 ANNUAL REPORT (Year 2022) The Iowa Lutheran School Tuition Organization is the Student Tuition Organization (STO) created by Iowa District East and Iowa District West in 2007 as part of the Educational Opportunities Act passed by Iowa Legislature. ILSTO consists of 14 Lutheran schools located in Iowa providing a faith-based education to over 1,300 students each year. ILSTO awards tuition grants to eligible families while providing donors with an Iowa income tax credit certificate worth 75% of their gift. $902,396.94 Total amount raised in 2022 was 85% of our goal for tax credits. Please consider a gift today so families can attend a Lutheran School. In 2021, ILSTO awarded $766,536 in tuition assistance These funds were awarded to families for 2022-2023 School Number of Dollars School Number of Dollars Recipients Recipients IDW IDE Boone 43 $28,570 Cedar Falls 78 $113,485 Clarinda 52 $76,929 Cedar Rapids 67 $87,839 Denison 52 $27,829 Davenport 137 $155,829 Fort Dodge 56 $45,420 Latimer 24 $21,429 Paullina 22 $15,195 Newhall 51 $70,336 Sioux City 16 $13,377 Readlyn 14 $3,644 Spencer 43 $67,902 Williamsburg 44 $38,752 Total Distributed $766,536 424 699 $1,097 $1,500,000 Number of Number of Average $ Total demonstrated families students awarded need throughout ILSTO receiving receiving with ILSTO Lutheran Schools ILSTO funds ILSTO funds funds
2022-2023 Enrollment in ILSTO Other Ways to Give Lutheran Schools in Iowa RMD IRA Distribution • For those 70½ or older or 72 depending on birthdate. Trinity Lutheran School • Satisfy some or all of your required minimum distribution for the year. Boone, IA 95 • Make sure to consult your tax professional before you make your distribution. Valley Lutheran School Cedar Falls, IA 118 Stock • Donor or broker notifies the ILSTO program manager of their intent to Trinity Lutheran School donate stock. Cedar Rapids, IA 190 • Donor or broker initiates transfer of the stock after obtaining ILSTO account information for transfer. • ILSTO assumes ownership of the stock and sells it for market value. Clarinda Lutheran School • The donor receives an Iowa tax credit equal to 75% of the average Clarinda, IA 80 value of the stock on the date of donation. • Generally, the donor does not recognize the gain from the sale of the stock for federal or state income tax purposes. Trinity Lutheran School Davenport, IA 279 • Donor receives appreciated stock value for the 25% federal itemized deduction and the 75% Iowa tax credit. Zion Lutheran School Grain Denison, IA 76 • A donor gifts bushels of grain by completing a “Transfer of Ownership” form available from the ILSTO. St. Paul Lutheran School • Program Manager will open an account with the elevator in Fort Dodge, IA 74 anticipation of the grain donation. • The farmer must deliver grain to the elevator or currently hold grain in their name to provide proof of production. St. Paul Lutheran School Latimer, IA 31 • Contracted grain sales will not be accepted as a grain donation. • The farmer must transfer ownership title of the commodity to ILSTO. • The ILSTO staff must make the final decision to sell the grain. Central Lutheran School • The donor receives an Iowa tax credit equal to 75% of the value of Newhall, IA 116 the grain on the date of donation. • The donor does not recognize the income from the sale of the grain while also receiving Iowa tax credit from this program Zion-St. John Lutheran School • Donors are encouraged to contact their tax accountant for further Paullina, IA 57 clarification. Community Lutheran School Thrivent Choice Dollars Readlyn, IA 29 • ILSTO can now accept Choice Dollars from Thrivent Members • No tax consequences St. Paul Lutheran School Donor Advised Fund Sioux City, IA 32 • ILSTO cannot accept contributions from donor advised funds. Iowa Great Lakes Lutheran School Spencer, IA 94 Lutheran Interparish School Williamsburg, IA 92 TOTAL NUMBER OF DONORS IN 2022 235 TOTAL NUMBER OF ILSTO Largest Gift: $125,000 1,363 LUTHERAN STUDENTS Smallest Gift: $50 How much did donors donate in 2022? $20,001+ = 4 $10,000 – $20,000 = 20 Total 1,361 $5,000 – $9,999 = 20 $1,000 – $4,999 = 129 $500 – $999 = 23 Below $500 = 39 Box 176 DEWEY TORKELSON (712) 260-2991 Iowalutheransto.com Terril, IA 51364 PROGRAM MANAGER
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