Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year

Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Serving the City of River Oaks

  82nd Year No. 21 • 817-246-2473 • 7820 Wyatt Drive, White Settlement, Texas 76108 • • May 26, 2022

Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of
From Castleberry ISD

the Year

              Amber Hollis                     Gavin Watson                  Andreya Raska                 Kristin Flewelling
   Castleberry ISD is excited to announce      did not have the support as a new teacher       pals, counselors, and even other teachers
two Teachers of the Year for each secondary    from the administration,” Hollis recalled.      joined in the celebrations and dressed alike.
campus. Teachers of the Year are nominated     Before giving up on a lifelong dream, she
and selected by their campus peers. The        decided to give another school district a try       “I want to involve the entire math
campus Teacher of the Year is announced at     for one more year, so she made the decision     department in my endeavor to create a
the campus awards ceremony held in May.        to switch to Castleberry ISD. “Now being in     school culture that celebrates mathematics.
Congratulations to the following secondary     my third year at Castleberry, I have redis-     My desire for my students and community
teachers for this achievement. One of these    covered my passion and work in a school         is to create a school culture that empowers
four teachers will be recognized as the        that I can call home.”                          students to have a positive mindset toward
Castleberry ISD Secondary Teacher of the           Hollis views mathematics as a never-        mathematics.”
Year later this month.                         ending puzzle. She strives to share this pas-
                                               sion with her students everyday by creating     Gavin Watson
Amber Hollis                                   an environment that celebrates mathematics      Irma Marsh Middle School
Irma Marsh Middle School                       at Irma Marsh. From Mathematician’s                Gavin Watson, the eighth grade CTE
    Eighth grade math and Algebra I teacher,   Street puzzles in the hallway to Math           Principles of Information Technology and
Amber Hollis, has been recognized as one       Mondays, she creates opportunities for stu-     Principles of Audio Visual teacher, has been
of two 2022 Irma Marsh Middle School           dents to fall in love with mathematics. On      recognized as one of two 2022 Irma Marsh
Teachers of the Year. Since the second         the first day of Math Mondays, students and     Middle School Teachers of the Year. A grad-
grade, Hollis has wanted to teach people       staff were encouraged to wear animal prints     uate of Liberty University with a bachelor's
and share her passion with her students.       to signify that math appears everywhere         degree in Speech Communication, who later
Hollis graduated from Angelo State univer-     including in nature, art, and architecture.     earned his master’s degree at Dallas
sity with a bachelor’s degree in math and a    Another Math Monday celebrated                  Theological Seminary, Watson became a
minor in education.                            Multiplicity Day, where everyone dressed        programmer and web developer before
    “When I first started teaching, it was     as twins, triplets, quadruplets, or as many     entering the world of education.
extremely rough. I wanted to quit because I    “twins” you could find. The assistant princi-      Watson is
                                                                                                                    (continued on page 7)
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                 May 26, 2022, PAGE 2

              Castleberry ISD Invites the Community
                                                         From Castleberry ISD

              to Celebrate the Class of 2022
              AIR & HEATING
                                           Castleberry ISD invites the community                      guests planning to attend this year’s com-
      PRECISION AIRE & HEAT            to celebrate the accomplishments of the                        mencement are encouraged to visit the dis-
“Licensed and insured for your protec- class of 2022 at this year’s graduation com-                   trict’s website for important information
tion” Warranty on all parts and labor •mencement for Castleberry High School                          regarding restricted items and other con-
Up-front pricing. No overtime charges. and REACH High School on Friday, May                           siderations.
Senior & Military discounts. 100%
                                       27, 2022 at 7:30 p.m. at Southwestern
Financing available. W.A.C. • All credit
cards accepted. Call 817-563-          Baptist Theological Seminary.                                    Southwestern Baptist Theological
COOL(2665) TACLB26642                      As all COVID-19 restrictions have been                                  Seminary
        APPLIANCE SERVICE              lifted, tickets are not required for this                        MacGorman Chapel & Performing
A- Best Appliance Repair Service year’s ceremony. Family and friends are                                          Arts Center
 Residential Appliance Repair Service  invited to enter the venue beginning at 6:30                          2001 W Seminary Drive
                  817-484-7033         p.m.                                                                 Fort Worth, Texas 76115
              Open 8:00am -5:00pm          Commencement will be streamed live
                                                                                                              ADVERTISE HERE!
             Closed on Sat. and Sun.
           Senior & Military Discounts on Castleberry ISD’s YouTube channel
                                       for the public to watch.
Accent Appliance                           Graduates, family members, and other

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          ance                                                                                           White Settlement, Texas 76108
      Appli                   Reconditioned)
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             A+BBB Rated
                                                                    Benbrook News, River Oaks News and
             817-831-4000                                              White Settlement Bomber News
                                                              Publisher: Boyden Underwood,

E-CONN ELECTRIC                                                       Editor: Emily Moxley,
       Service, Remodel,                                              Classifieds: Vee Horn,
       New Construction.                                         7820 Wyatt Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76108
      Insured/BBB Accredited.
      C/C accepted. Tecl 20470

 Customer Satisfaction is Our Goal!                     
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                            May 26, 2022, PAGE 3

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Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                       May 26, 2022, PAGE 4

Register for the 2022-2023
From Castleberry ISD                                                     From Mary Isham Keith Chapter Daughters of the American

                                                                         Historic Preservation Awards

School Year
                                                                         Presented by DAR
    Online registration for the 2022-2023 school year at
Castleberry ISD is now open.
    To register a current student, log into Skyward Family Access
and complete the 2022-2023 online registration process.
    Be prepared to provide updated proof of residency, such as
current water, gas or electric bill, or rental agreement, dated with-
in the last three months, and a driver's license, state ID or consular
    For additional information regarding enrollment at Castleberry
ISD, visit the district’s website or contact your child’s campus.
    • A.V. Cato Elementary - 4501 Barbara Road; 817-252-2400
    • Castleberry Elementary - 1100 Roberts Cut Off Road; 817-
    • Joy James Academy of Leadership - 5300 Buchanan Road;
817-252-2500                                                                 Mary Isham Keith Chapter, Daughters of the American
    • Irma Marsh Middle School - 415 Hagg Drive; 817-252-2200            Revolution presented Excellence in Historic Preservation Awards
    • Castleberry High School - 315 Churchill Road; 817-252-             at their May 5 Luncheon at Ridglea Country Club.
2100                                                                         Pictured are: (l-r) Honorary Regent Gwen Boyd; Joan
    • District Administration - 5228 Ohio Garden Road; 817-252-          Crittenden who was honored for her Alabama Cemetery
2000                                                                     Preservation Project; Chapter Regent Diana Lussier; and
                                                                         Honorary Regent Joye Evetts who was honored for her work on

Regional Coordination
From North Central Texas Council of Governments                          the Chapter History & Archives and Chapter Charter Members
                                                                         Cemetery Preservation.

Committee July Meeting
                                                                             Historic Preservation is one of DAR's major objectives.
                                                                         Contact for information about DAR and its pro-
    The next RCC meeting will be hosted on Monday, July 18 at From the City of White Settlement
1:30 pm at the Pecan Grove Conference Center, 405 N. Las Vegas
Trail, White Settlement.                                                 Summer Celebration at
    For questions, contact Communications Supervisor Kyle Roy
at 817-704-5610.                                                         Veterans Park June 25
                                                                            The City of White Settlement will host a free Summer
                                                                         Celebration event on Saturday, June 25 at 6 p.m. at Veterans Park,
We Want to Hear From You!
From Suburban Newspapers Staff
                                                                         located at 8901 Clifford Street in White Settlement.
                                                                            There will be a fireworks show and more.
    Suburban Newspapers, Inc. publishes the White Settlement
Bomber News, Benbrook News, and River Oaks News weekly.
    We have a small staff and rely heavily on stories and photos
submitted by readers.
    Do you know about a great volunteer opportunity or a free pub-
lic event?
    Did your neighbor or child do something brag-worthy?
    Submissions are published space permitting and may be edited.
Send the full story and photos to

             Advertise in the River Oaks News!
                   CALL 817-246-2473
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                                                     May 26, 2022, PAGE 5

Inventor of Liquid Paper - Bette Nesmith Graham by Dr. Ken Bridges
Texas History Minute

        An obstacle can be an opportunity for an enterprising spirit.   developed a successful acting and musical career, eventually co-
This was the case for Texas inventor Bette Nesmith Graham. What         starring with the pop group The Monkees. In the meantime, Liquid
had been an annoyance for typists led to the struggling single          Paper steadily grew.
mother creating a new tool for offices and a multi-million dollar           By 1964, the company was producing 5,000 bottles per week.
business. A single inspiration led Graham to invent the typing cor-     By 1967, the company was working out of its own factory site in
rection fluid she came to call Liquid Paper.                            Dallas. Ten years after she launched Liquid Paper, the company
    Born Bette Clair McMurray in Dallas in March 1924, she grew         was making 10,000 bottles per day and made $1 million in sales for
up in San Antonio. She was a difficult student in school as her         the first time (more than $8.7 million in modern dollars). The com-
stubborn personality led her to clash often with her teachers. As a     pany sold one million bottles in 1970 alone.
result, she dropped out at age 17 and later completed night school.         Graham moved her company into a new, 35,000-square foot
She married Warren Nesmith in 1942, and the couple had a son,           facility in Dallas in 1975. Remembering her own struggles, she
Michael, later that year.                                               made sure that the site had special amenities for her employees,
    Her husband left to serve in World War II in 1942. After his        including a library and a day care center. Employees noted that she
return, the marriage collapsed; and the couple divorced in 1946.        was practical and generous and had made emphasizing quality over
Newly divorced and having a young son to care for, she found a job      profit a focal point of the business. She established the Betty
as a secretary. Unfortunately, she did not know how to type very        Claire McMurray Foundation in 1976, named after her mother, to
well, which was a vital office skill.                                   help women in business.
    After her father’s death, Nesmith moved back to Dallas with her         As her health began to fail, Graham sold Liquid Paper to the
mother and sister. She accepted a secretarial position at Texas         Gillette Company, known mostly for selling razors, in September
Bank and Trust in the early 1950s and eventually worked her way         1979 for $47.5 million (or more than $201 million in modern dol-
to the position of executive secretary. However, she still made mis-    lars). Graham died in May 1980 at the age of 56. In spite of the
takes when typing.                                                      eclipse of the eclipse of the typewriter by the modern computer,
    Typewriter erasers were available, but their effectiveness were     Liquid Paper remains a popular product. Sometimes a simple
limited to the kind of typewriter ribbon used and often did not erase   observation and hard work can produce a multi-million dollar inno-
completely. In professions where precision were essential to            vation.
avoiding any type of legal problem, this meant absolute perfection
with any typed document. As such, even the slightest mistake
meant that the typist had to begin again. This wasted time and
paper and caused considerable frustration, from newspapers to stu-
dents typing reports to businesses eager for efficiency and perfec-
    One day, she happened to observe some sign painters. While                                                                                                               NEW
precision was important in their work as well, she noted that they
did not start over completely when they made a mistake – they sim-                                                      MILITARY-
ply painted over it. Inspired, she began applying water-based paint
to typing mistakes. Before long, other secretaries began to find out
about her correction fluid, and it soon became a hit. She steadily
refined the formula to make it dry faster and soon had a profitable                                                      BENEFIT
side business selling her correction fluid to secretaries across

    By 1956, she was filling orders full time out of her home for
                                                                            CURRENTLY SERVING MILITARY

“Mistake Out,” as she called it. Her now-teenaged son and his
                                                                                                                         AFFILIATED INSTALLATION                SPOUSES & DEPENDENTS

                                                                               MEMBERS - AND THEIR
                                                                                                                                EMPLOYEES                           OF AFFILIATED
                                                                              SPOUSES & DEPENDENTS

friends often helped fill the orders as demand steadily increased. In
                                                                                                                                                               INSTALLATION EMPLOYEES
                                                                             Undergraduate             Graduate         Undergraduate          Graduate

1958, she changed the name to “Liquid Paper,” and applied for and
                                                                                     $250               $325                 $250               $325             15% off discount

received a patent and trademark for her product.
                                                                                                                                               per credit             per credit hour
                                                                                  per credit hour    per credit hour      per credit hour        hour            Undergraduate & Graduate

    She soon received national attention for her innovation. In
                                                                                                                    For complete details visit our website.

1958, General Electric placed the first large corporate order, for
400 bottles. At that point, she started offering Liquid Paper in dif-
ferent colors as not all documents were on white paper.
    Changes came to her personal life as well. She married Robert
Graham in 1962. Her son, Michael Nesmith had grown up and
                                                                                                                                   Learn more about your benefits at
                                                                          No official endorsement by the US Military is implied.        
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                 May 26, 2022, PAGE 6

                                           Castleberry High School
                                                Class of 2022
Emmanuel Ifeanyi Abamba        Jeremy Gael Corrales          Galilea Hernandez             Mackenzie Grace Nurss *      Valeria Salas
Alonzo Abreu                   James Cruz                    Juan Hernandez JR             David Eliezer Olguin         Alyssa Salazar
Kevin Aguilar Lujan            Drew Jacob Daffern            Leslie Kayla Hernandez        Raymond Ordonez *            Brianna Anai Salazar
Abigail Lea Aguilar *          Nathanl Ray Davison           Steve Hernandez JR            Gustavo Ramon Ornelas        David Salazar
Alexander Angel Aguilar        Kayla Kerime De La Fuente     Homero Antonio Herrada        Markis Adan Ornelas          Jonathan Daniel Salazar
Rogelio Cruzito Aguilar *      Joseph Matthew De La Rosa *   Angel Aamor Herrera           Marquez Santiago Oropeza     Samantha Stephany Salazar *
Emily Vianey Alba              Donovan Alexis Delgado        Adriana Hinojosa              Gaston Ortega Chavira        Erick Salazar-Cortes
Kenny Alonso                   Armando Diaz *                Trinity Alexis Huerta         Aylin Ortega                 Chaylee Grace Salinas
Gabriel Anthony Alviar         Luis Manuel Diaz              Angel Armando Hurtado *       Brian Ortiz Mendoza          Adrian Sanchez
Bryan David Andrade            Lizbeth Duenas                Makala Beth Ingram            Ezekiel Pascual Ortiz *
                                                                                                                        Alizay Nevaeh Sanchez
Juan Manuel Armendariz JR      Bianca Bianeth Erazo          Jayden Earl Ivy               Melanie Remedios Ortiz
                                                                                                                        Uziel Sanchez
Carlos Omar Avila Galvan       Jordi Escobedo *              Joshua Mike Jaquez            Valeria Alexandra Ortiz
                                                                                                                        Jesus Serafin Sandoval
Marcus David Avila             Lilyanna Espinosa *           Tiffany Anita Jasso           Jacob Alexander Palomino
                                                                                                                        Laisha Leticia Sandoval
Danielle Noemi Badillo         Ethan Nathaniel Esquivel      Brianna Raye Jimenez          Dominic Andres Payan
Abigail Baez                   Miguel Angel Federico         Jessica Lara                  Adrian Michael Ted Perez     David Sarmiento
Galen Klonaris Bailey          Giselle Flores *              Blaize Holden Lasher          Andrew Axael Perez           Jade Michelle Sauls
Sara Brianna Barboza           Jim Frias                     Yanis Limon                   Emiliano Perez               Cameron Luke Sheppard
Joshua Anthony Barrios         Juan Jose Galaviz JR          David Linan                   Katie Renee Perez            Dannae Sifuentes Ruiz *
Jaylinn Barron                 Adrian Jose Gallegos          Jaddeliz Annette Loera        Osiel Alejandro Perez        Brianna Sigala
Kassandra Nataly Bazan         Elexis Michaele Gallegos *    Bryan Lopez                   Angelli Pintor               Christopher Giovanni Sigala
Natalie Alyssa Berton          Liliana Gabriela Garces       Uriel Lozano                  Arabella Nicole Platz        Anahi Aliyah Silva
Kalub Micheal Wayne Blanton    Alexis Xavier Garcia          Omar Fabian Lujan *           Elaine Marie Prado           Stephanie Silva
Roberto Agustin Bourbois III   Esvaidy Xitlaly Garcia        Juan Angel Maciel             Marisol Ramirez Belmares     Angel Nacole Stein
Abigail Leigh Brady            Haidy Sheyla Garcia           Vanessa Marquez               Flor Adriana Ramirez         Josephine Morgan Stowe
Jayden Austin Britton          Maria Celeste Garcia          Camille Nicole Martinez       Jacob Sebastian Ramirez *    Marvin Anthony Terry
Mya Shae Brown                 Melissa Garcia                Chloe Noelle Martinez *       Joseph Anthony Ramirez       Daniela Tierrablanca
Aidan Cassidy Bryan            Brandon Cesar Garibay         Eric Ray Martinez *           Fabian Ramos Contreras       Isabella Juliet Torres
Diego Alejandro Caballero      Skyler Mo'ique Gauno          Isabel Serina Martinez *      Jesse Ramos                  Litzy Michelle Torres
Rodriguez                      Christian Gomez               Lizbeth Martinez              Jamiere Ramone Reid          Sherlyn Torres
Diego Alejandro Calderon       Samantha Gomez                Lilah Nicole Mayes            Stephanie Renk               Bianca Monique Torrez
Jacob Scott Campbell           Brooklynn Rae Gonzalez *      Faithlyn Nicole McPherson *   Jacob Rivera
                                                                                                                        Karolina Celis Tovar
Juan Cano Palomares            Daniel Eduardo Gonzalez *     Mia Esmeralda Medina          Arleth Rodriguez
                                                                                                                        Alessandra Vaca
Jisselle Monique Cantu         Melissa Gonzalez              Daisy Alejandra Mendez        Carrisa Paige Rodriguez
                                                                                                                        Anthony Dewayne Valadez
Daniel Carmona                 Neithan Gonzalez *            Javier Mendez JR              Gael Emiliano Rodriguez
                                                                                                                        Ralph Ethan Vargas
Trenton Michael Carrell        Leslie Guereca                Jaqueline Mendoza             Jazmine Rodriguez
Cassandra Sofia Casillas       Brandon Isaiah Guerrero *     Esteban Mercado               Lilianna Mae Lyn Rodriguez   Tanya Vasquez
Alejandra Castillo             Jazmine Lizbet Guerrero       Rosemary Ashley Merino        Matthew Eli Rodriguez        Clarissa Anabel Veliz
Erika Isabel Cedillo           Suleima Alejandra Guerrero    Angel Jovani Molinar          Omar Fernando Rodriguez      Jacqueline Zaira Veloz
Samantha Marie Celestino       Melany Gutierrez              Micah Nathan Robert Montes    Graviel Romero III           Alondra Elvira Villafranca
Leobardo Chairez               Michelle Gutierrez            Joanna Mora                   Leslie Daniela Ruiz          Isaiah Raymond West
David-Anthony Chavez           Paola Gutierrez               Valeria Morales Tovar         Claudia Alexandra Salas      Abigail Renie Wheat
Jocelyn Natalie Chavez         Aubrey Nicole Hartford *      Karina Moreno                 Daniel Genaro Salas *        Ka'Ryan Janai Williams
Rusel Anthony Clark            Alonso Javier Hernandez       Kiyomy Motomochi *            Eric Salas JR                Zackery Wood-Barnett
Edwin Azahel Coronado          Eduardo Gamaliel Hernandez    Jonathan De Jesus Navarro     Jesse Junior Salas           Leslie Ann Zambrano
                                                                * REACH Graduates

                                                       Good Luck, Graduates!
                                                    SUBURBAN NEWSPAPERS, INC.
                                                                   Publishers of the
                                                       White Settlement Bomber News,
                                                    River Oaks News and Benbrook News
                                                     Publisher - Robert Boyden Underwood III
                                                      Editor - Emily Moxley, BHS Class of ‘03,
                                                  Venita Dill, Denise Honeycutt, John English and
                                                                     John Loven
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                               May 26, 2022, PAGE 7

                                                                                                             (continued from page 1)

always thinking of ways to show the                              ing students find their way into the health-      UTA Nursing School, Flewelling connects
process of creating a real-world project for                     care field by offering them educational           her students with the healthcare community
his students. From creating storyboards to                       opportunities enhanced by my real-world           to extend her lessons beyond the classroom
shooting B roll, Watson involves his stu-                        experience in healthcare, and it has been a       walls and help build a foundation of leader-
dents in every step of the audio visual                          dream of mine to teach Health Science for         ship and success in the future. “So much of
process. “Anytime I can get a student or stu-                    many years.”                                      healthcare is learned through the ability to
dents involved, it is a win, and it helps foster                     Through the Health Science courses at         actually do the task yourself, and that is
a culture of ‘We Got This’ in our little class-                  Castleberry, she teaches students valuable        often difficult to do in a classroom setting,”
room,” he says.                                                  hands-on patient care skills that will allow      she says. “Throughout all aspects of educa-
    Watson considers himself a profoundly                        them the opportunity to obtain employment         tion, I think students learn best from the
introspective person, never static or satis-                     in the healthcare setting as they further their   real-world application, and these opportuni-
fied, who is always trying to better himself.                    education. “I am thoroughly excited to            ties to interact with the healthcare commu-
“I grew up in an environment where my par-                       watch our Health Science program expand,          nity have provided that for my students.”
ents were not proponents of education; also,                     and I look forward to many years of teach-
I found myself in a time when those stu-                         ing our Castleberry Lions and helping them        Andreya Raska
dents with learning disabilities and who                         grow into the healthcare heroes of tomor-         Castleberry High School
acted out were deemed failures, and I                            row!”                                                 Andrea Raska, journalism teacher, has
responded as such.”                                                  Flewelling’s favorite lessons are those       been awarded one of two 2022 Castleberry
                                                                 that teach her students how to perform            High School Teachers of the Year. She
Kristin Flewelling                                               hands-on patient care skills. “Students enter     received her Bachelor of Arts in
Castleberry High School                                          my classroom at the beginning of the school       Communication from Texas A&M
   Kristin Flewelling, CTE Health Science                        year with minimal knowledge, at best, of          University – Corpus Christi in 2011, and
Teacher, has been named one of two 2022                          how to properly care for a patient with med-      received her teaching certification from the
Castleberry High School Teachers of the                          ical needs,” she says. “Many of them are          University of North Texas in 2014. Raska
Year. A graduate of The University of Texas                      intimidated by the magnitude of accepting         has been teaching since 2014 and has spent
in Arlington, where she earned a Bachelor                        responsibility for a patient.” To calm their      her entire teaching career at Castleberry
of Science in Nursing, Flewelling is a                           fears and intimidation, she reminds students      High School.
Registered Nurse with clinical experience in                     that they are going to take it one step at a          In 2016, Raska took over as the year-
Pediatric Nursing. Before becoming a                             time, that she is confident in their ability to   book adviser for Castleberry High School.
teacher, Flewelling was employed as a                            succeed, and that making a mistake is sim-        In six years she has taken one single year-
Pharmacy Technician and Nurse for a com-                         ply proof that they are trying. Thus, she         book class and turned it into an entire jour-
bined fifteen years. In addition to teaching                     begins students’ education by laying a solid      nalism program consisting of entry level
high school, she continues to work as a                          foundation.                                       journalism courses, advanced broadcast
Pediatric Nurse. “I have a passion for help-                         Flewelling begins with the basics, such       journalism, photojournalism, and advanced
                                                                 as how to make a bed, how to operate the          yearbook. “My main goal for my students is
                                                                 controls on the bed, and how to dress a           to learn all of the skills needed to move up
                                                                 patient and assist them with eating or brush-     to any advanced journalism course,” says
                                                                 ing their teeth. This fosters confidence with-    Raska. Raska supports the students of CHS
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                                                                 in her students before they move on to more       by attending and photographing dozens of
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                                                                 and Venipunctures. Flewelling teaches a           year.
                                                                 reverence towards even the “simple skills,”           In the classroom, Raska’s main focus is
                                                                 explaining that every aspect of patient care      giving her students the tools and skills need-
                                                                 is meaningful and challenging in its own          ed to create student-centered publications
                                                                 right. “To a patient who is sick and vulnera-     they can take pride in for years to come.
                                                                 ble, the act of simply assisting them with        “When it comes to the actual yearbook, I
                                                                 brushing their teeth can literally be life-       believe it’s the students’ book. I want them
                                                                 changing in that moment for both the              to take ownership of their ideas and designs,
                                                                 patient and the caregiver. Above all else,        and I want them to walk away from their
                                                                 empathy is taught every step of the way!”         time as a yearbook staff member with pride
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                                                                     Through collaborations with organiza-         that they created something all on their
                                                                 tions such as Carter Blood Care and the           own.”
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Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
Suburban Newspapers, Inc.                                                                                                    May 26, 2022, PAGE 8

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               Three Day Weekend Forecast

                                                                         Friday, May 27:
                                                         AM - Sunny; high near 89. S/SW wind 5-10mph.
                                                    PM - Mostly clear; low around 68. S/SE wind around 10mph.

                                                                       Saturday, May 28:
                                         AM - Sunny; high near 95. South wind 10-20mph, with gusts as high as 25mph.
                                                             PM - Mostly clear; low around 71.

                                                                         Sunday, May 29:
                                                                        AM - Sunny; high near 95.
                                                                      PM - Mostly clear; low around 74.

                                       Extended Forecast Click Here
Castleberry ISD Recognizes Secondary Campus Teachers of the Year
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