Page created by Ian Santos
BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATIVE                         Distracted Driving, Occupant Protection/         decisions.
        SERVICES                                 Click It or Ticket, and Summer Impaired
                                                 Driving Focus.                                   The department was officially awarded
The calendar year of 2018 saw the eighth                                                          full re-accreditation in 2018 through
full calendar year in our new police station.    The department received a State 911              the Massachusetts Police Accreditation
The department again thanks the citizens of      Department Training Grant. This grant            Commission. To achieve this status the
Watertown for this wonderful facility.           allows the department to send our public         department had to meet three hundred
                                                 safety dispatchers to mandatory and              and twenty-two carefully selected
Our community room is the police                 additional enhanced training. We also            standards which address critical areas
department’s main training room and              received a State 911 Incentive and Support       such as policy development, use of
meeting room as it used almost daily. It         grant. This grant is used to purchase            force, training requirements, emergency
also serves as our back-up emergency             dispatch support equipment or supplement         response planning, records and
operation center and media press release         personnel costs to improve and enhance           communications, property and evidence
area. It is popular for town meetings,           our abilities to perform this service. This      handling, vehicular pursuits, holding
including Watertown community meetings,          grant was enhanced for this year because         facilities and budgeting. Massachusetts is
elections and related training activities. The   the department will be accepting 911 calls       one of 25 states to offer an accreditation
community room was reserved in advance           directly from cell phones. Currently, most       process for the police profession. The
one hundred and eighty-nine times over           police departments’ 911 cell phone calls         department is committed to maintaining
the year. The town generously funded new         go to the state police first and then are re-    this accreditation status and renewing
heavy duty/use and stackable tables for          directed to individual communities.              its certification again in 2021. The
our community room. Our original tables                                                           department has been a fully accredited
could not handle the extensive use and fell      The police department continued                  police department since 2015.
into disrepair.                                  its partnership with Advocates (our
                                                 state mandated health professional               The department has introduced Nuance
                                                 organization). The department has a              Dragon Speaking Naturally Law
                                                 multi-year Department of Mental Health           Enforcement version software into our
                                                 grant to provide better services to our          department. We plan on having our
                                                 citizens who are experiencing a crisis due       officers trained and able to narrate their
                                                 to mental health or substance abuse issues.      police reports while out in their cruisers.
                                                 The goal of this grant is to divert those        This will promote a safer environment for
                                                 persons experiencing a crisis from the           the officer and a quicker response time to
                                                 criminal justice system and to treatment         finish required written reports.
                                                 with mental health/substance abuse
                                                 professionals. This grant allows us to have      The department is continuing to use our
                                                 a mental health professional work directly       Meggitt Training Systems virtual firearms
   Police Department Community Room              with our officers for 40 hours per week.         training and judgement simulator for
                                                                                                  all our officers. Monies were gifted to
                                                 We have also partnered with Advocates            the department to enable this purchase.
                                                 to provide officers with Mental Health           This law enforcement virtual training
                                                 First Aid (MHFA) training in the hopes           simulation system effectively supports
                                                 of training all officers over the next three     marksmanship, judgmental training needs
                                                 years. This curriculum is designed to            and is designed to enhance the decision-
                                                 enhance the skill of officers in de-escalating   making ability of all our officers. The
                                                 tension-filled encounters with individuals       single screen configuration includes the
                                                 suffering from mental health and substance       ability to conduct both marksmanship and
                                                 use disorders.                                   video training modes to provide a multi-
                                                                                                  tiered training program. Marksmanship
                                                 The police department also continues             training ranges from basic to advanced.
                                                 to work very closely with Watertown’s            This type of judgmental training system
                                                 Wayside Multi-Service Center in order            enhances the understanding of shoot/
In 2018, The Governor’s Highway & Safety         to meet the needs of our juvenile                don’t shoot situations as well as the officer’s
Bureau granted the Watertown Police              citizens. The department has supported           corresponding use of force and type of
Department a traffic enforcement grant to        the Wayside Multi-Service Center in              force decision making process.
fund several mobilizations, such as: Winter      prevention, education efforts around
Impaired Driving Focus,                          substance use and making healthy                 The system is capable of supporting training

of multiple trainees simultaneously, using     a Watertown police officer can enforce the     RETIREMENTS:
up to eight (8) system-controlled weapons,     laws of the Commonwealth in any of the
during judgmental video training, thus         cities and towns within Middlesex County       Edward S. Kasabian            02/01/2018
allowing them to engage in team training.      that sign this agreement.                      Robert E. Knell               02/21/2018
During individual marksmanship training,                                                      David M. Gilchrist            07/31/2018
the system emulates a range-type training      The department continued its
environment where each trainee may shoot       collaboration and partnership with             RESIGNATIONS:
a different exercise, and in accordance with   the Organized Crime Drug Task Force
range safety/spacing guidelines, the system    (OCDETF - Federal) and Suburban                Brandon M. O’Neill            06/07/2018
can support training of up to four (4)         Middlesex County Drug Task Force
trainees simultaneously.                       (Regional Municipal).                          DECEASED:                           None
                                               Maintaining these partnerships are ever
The Department is maintaining our              more important as we battle the national            CIVILIAN PERSONNEL
prescription drug disposal box in the          opioid drug epidemic causing so much                  CHANGES – 2018
lobby of our station. This drop off box        distress in our communities and families.
is available to our residents 24 hours a
day, 365 days a year. In addition, the         During 2018, the department continues to       PROMOTIONS:                         None
department also participated in the            maintain emergency EPI-Pens for adults
DEA’s 15th and 16th National Prescription      and juveniles. EPI-Pens are used for           APPOINTMENTS:                       None
Take-Back days in 2018. The department         emergency medical reactions to allergic
disposed of 300.5 pound of unwanted            events. This equipment is carried in the       RETIREMENTS:                        None
prescription drugs.                            patrol supervisor’s vehicle. All department
                                               patrol vehicles continue to carry Narcan       RESIGNATIONS:                       None
The department continued in its second         for opioid overdoses.
full year as a member of the Critical                                                         DECEASED:                           None
Incident Stress Management Team                The police facility had some repairs
(CISM). The CISM team serves as                completed in 2018. A new front entrance
regional peer support officers to assist       walkway was completed, using pavers. The            DETECTIVE DIVISION
participating law enforcement agencies in      previous stamped concrete entrance way
responding to major critical events and        had heaved and cracked, causing a major        The Detective Division is comprised of
those officers who have been affected by       tripping hazard. A new door way exit           the Investigative Unit, Licensing Unit,
these incidents. Watertown Department          landing by our sally port and rear fenced      Juvenile Unit, Domestic Violence Unit,
CISM team members responded to sixteen         driveway entrance was repaired as well.        Drug Unit, Fire/Arson Investigation Unit,
callouts for services such as death of an                                                     and the Prosecutor’s Unit. Members of the
officer, homicide, fatal accidents and grief   In 2018, our Records Department                division investigated numerous crimes,
debriefs.                                      answered 1,481 public records requests for     initiated investigations, and inspected
                                               various department records information.        licensed premises. Unit members were
The department again received generous         Such information as police incident, arrest,   involved in programs for juveniles, the
monies from the Watertown Police               accident and statistical reports.              elderly, the business community and the
Foundation to purchase an additional                                                          public.
two traditional mountain bicycles for our             SWORN PERSONNEL
patrol officers to use. These bicycles will                                                   The Detective Division has continued to
                                                        CHANGES - 2018                        work closely with other area departments,
be added to our two new electric assist
bicycles purchase in 2017 with monies                                                         including Federal agencies in the area of
                                               PROMOTIONS:                                    drugs, gaming, organized crime, sexual
from the Watertown Police Foundation as
well. This program has been well received                                                     assault, financial crimes and firearms.
                                               Wayne C. Hoiseth -                  2/26/18    Our detectives attend monthly detective
by members of the community and                Lieutenant
participating officers.                                                                       meetings where they exchange information
                                               Thomas C. Dicker -                  2/26/18    with area detectives. These meetings have
                                               Sergeant                                       provided us with valuable information
The department continues to participate in
the Middlesex County Interagency Mutual                                                       on criminal activity in our area and have
                                               APPOINTMENTS:                                  enabled us to establish relationships
Aid Agreement. This agreement allows
the police officers of the communities who                                                    with detectives and agents from various
                                               Michael W. Dello Russo            03/02/18     departments. The NEMLEC (Northeastern
have signed the agreement to exercise          Lauren A. Giordano                03/02/18
police powers in any other community that                                                     Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council)
                                               Don M. Pham                       03/02/18     task force detectives have set up an email
is also part of this agreement, with some      Kyle R. Rooney                    03/02/18
restrictions; mainly the police officer must                                                  system where information is shared
                                               Michael B. Stewart                03/30/18     on a daily basis. This tool has been
be on-duty at the time. All violations of      Collin R. Geagan                  03/30/18
the law are covered under the agreement,                                                      exceptional in identifying suspects. The
                                               Christopher M. Gaudet             10/26/18     Watertown Police Department continues
including motor vehicle violations. Thus,

its association with COPLINK, an               APPLICATIONS:                    Processed     Approved        Denied       Susp/Rev
investigative tool, which gives us access
from multiple data sources including           Firearm Applications
identification of previously unknown           License to Carry - CL A             134           134            1              0
relationships. This has become an              FID CL C                             10           10             0              0
invaluable resource for the Detective
                                               FID CL D                             0             0             0              0
                                               TOTAL                               144           144            1              0
Throughout the year, there was a               Alcohol Applications
continued effort to scrutinize reported        One Day Permits                      47           47             0              0
crimes. This strategy revealed that many
                                               Sunday Closings                      0             0             0              0
crimes that were reported were unfounded
or false and that many employees               Special Closing Hours                2             2             0              0
committed reported commercial larcenies.       TOTAL                                49           49             0              0
                                               Other Applications
In 2018, the Detective Division                Auctioneers Special                  0             0             0              0
investigated/followed-up numerous
                                               Block Party                          21           21             0              0
cases, of these cases approximately 354
incidents were closed through criminal         Constable                            1             1             0              0
charges being sought (arrest, warrants,        Entertainment                        18           18             0              0
or summons), determining that the case         Fair/Carnival                        3             3             0              0
was unfounded, closed after exhausting         Hackney Carriage                     14           14             0              0
all possible leads or at the victim/involved
                                               Hackney Driver                       62           54             8              0
persons request. Several crimes were
solved and criminal charges sought, the        Ice Cream Drivers                    4             4             0              0
following cases are a sample of significant    Livery Drivers                       10           10             0              0
crimes resulting in criminal prosecution:      Livery Vehicles                      18           18              0             0
                                               Motorcycle Ride                      1             1              0             0
  • Mt. Auburn Hospital alerted both
     Watertown and Cambridge Police            Outdoor Concert                      0             0              0             0
     Departments that an unknown male          Peddler                              8             8              0             0
     later identified as a 24-year-old male    Raffle & Bazaar                      9             9              0             0
     resident of Watertown had been
     dropped off in their Emergency            Road Race/Walk-A-Thon                10           10              0             0
     Room with multiple gunshot                Solicitor                            46           44              2             0
     wounds. The victim was later              Tag Day                              1             1              0             0
     transported to Beth Israel Hospital in
     Boston, surviving his injuries. In the    Texas Hold’em                        1             1              0             0
     days that followed, the Watertown         TOTAL                               227           217            10             0
     Police Department Detective
     Division with the assistance of the            robbery, where suspects committed         • Several other crimes involving
     Middlesex District Attorney’s Office           a violent armed robbery by means             domestic violence and sex offenses
     conducted a thorough investigation             of a knife, overtook a store clerk,          were investigated; however, we are
     that resulted in the arrest of a               taking an undisclosed amount of U.S.         prohibited by law from releasing
     19-year-old man from Hyde Park in              currency. One suspect was identified         information pertaining to the cases.
     Boston and a 21-year-old man from              and criminal charges are being
     Randolph, MA. Both men have been               sought.                                 The Detective Division also works closely
     indicted by a Grand Jury for multiple                                                  with our outside partners in the social
     charges to include attempted murder.       • In conjunction with the Suburban          services field to aid and assist people we
     The matter is pending before the               Middlesex County Drug Task
                                                                                            come in contact with or become aware of
     Middlesex Superior Court.                      Force, Watertown Detectives
                                                                                            that may be in need. Helping people with
                                                    conducted a narcotic/illegal firearms
  • Detectives investigated a stabbing              investigation. Search warrants were     addiction and/or other issues is a primary
     that occurred subsequent to a fatal            obtained and executed at a Riverside    focus not only of the Detective Division
     motor vehicle accident on Watertown            Street residence. This resulted         but the department as a whole.
     Street, where an adult male was                in the arrest of four individuals
     stabbed approximately seven times.             and the seizure of two handguns,        PERSONNEL CHANGES
     The victim survived his injuries, and          one shotgun, over two-hundred
     criminal charges were sought on the            rounds of ammunition, and body            • Officer Patricia Grady was
     adult suspect. Attempted murder                armor. Criminal charges included,            transferred from the patrol division
     charges are pending at Middlesex               trafficking cocaine, trafficking             to the detective division (licensing
     Superior Court.                                methamphetamine, and trafficking             and elder affairs)
  • Detectives investigated an armed                                                          • Officer Kevin McManus was
transferred from the patrol division      to court.                                     and forensic science—serves to improve
     to the detective division (prosecutors’                                                 the administration of justice in police
     unit)                                     Due to personnel cuts in the division, we     departments and agencies at home and
  • Detective Jennifer Connors was re-         currently do not have a detective solely      abroad and to raise law enforcement
     assigned from the licensing unit to       assigned to juvenile issues.                  standards, knowledge, and cooperation
     the domestic violence/sex assault unit                                                  worldwide.
                                               DOMESTIC VIOLENCE UNIT
  • Officer Lloyd Burke was assigned to                                                      PROSECUTORS UNIT
     the fire/arson investigation unit
                                               The Domestic Violence (DV) Unit was
  • The division is still working              established in 1992 and investigates over     The Prosecutor’s Unit continues to work
     understaffed as it is still down one      200 cases a year.                             effectively with the Middlesex County
     position due to budget constraints        The DV unit provides legal advice, support    District Attorney’s Office. The Prosecutor’s
LICENSING UNIT                                 and assistance to other agencies and          Unit was involved in handling over 736
                                               victims, with the emphasis being placed on    cases in 2018. The 736 cases are tracked
In order to encourage cooperation              the safety of the victim and prosecution of   from arraignment thru adjudication. Most
between the business owners of licensed        the abuser.                                   cases are seen 4-5 times over the course
establishments in the city and the Police                                                    of the year before adjudication. This
Department, with the intent to detect          In 2018 the department investigated 292       includes initial arrests, summonses and
possible violations of the laws and            domestic related incidents, which resulted    clerk magistrate hearings and all juvenile
regulations governing licenses, members of     in the arrest /summons of 102 individuals.    issues. The Prosecutor’s office also
this unit conducted inspections of various     This department also received and             handles scheduling officers for district
licensed establishments during both day        processed 111 restraining orders during       court, superior court and juvenile court.
and night time hours. Any irregularities       this year.                                    The Prosecutor’s office also handles all
observed during these inspections were                                                       evidence. This includes identifying,
investigated and appropriate action taken      The DV Officer monitors all domestic          storing, tracking and working with the
whenever deemed necessary.                     related incidents and conducts follow-        Massachusetts State Police Lab for testing.
                                               ups and contacts victims and defendants       It is also responsible for the Town of
In addition to their normal duties, the        when necessary. The DV Officer also           Watertown Drug Take Back Program.
division also conducted alcohol-related        attends round-table discussions on
sweeps aimed at curtailing teenage             a monthly basis. These meetings are              COMMUNITY AND STAFF
involvement in such activity. Package          with representatives from the District           DEVELOPMENT DIVISION
stores, clubs, and restaurants were            Attorney’s Office, victim-witness advocates
monitored and youths questioned as to          and domestic violence officers from           DIVISION STAFFING
proper identification. The success of these    surrounding cities and towns. The DV
operations is a result of the educational      Officer also publishes a domestic “Hot        In 2018, the Community and Staff
efforts of this division directed towards      Spots” list in the department’s weekly        Development Division consisted of one
the liquor establishments and the strong       bulletin and through our e-mail system,       Lieutenant and one Sergeant overseeing
enforcement action by the Watertown            which keeps officers updated with current     four sworn officers, a civilian records clerk,
Licensing Board.                               domestic related issues within the Town.      one civilian contractor and volunteer
                                                                                             civilian internship positions.
The following is a report from the             TRAINING
Detective Licensing Division for the year                                                    The School Resource Officer Unit consists
of 2018 relative to license applications.      Detectives attended numerous training         of one officer at the High School and one
These applications were submitted for          courses throughout the year in specialized    officer at the Middle School.
investigation and report. The applications     areas of law enforcement. Detectives also
were generated by the Police Department        spoke to civic and public organizations on    The Crime Analysis Unit consists of
as well as submitted by the Town               the topic of identity fraud, burglaries and   one full time Crime Analysis and Data
Manager’s Office and the Watertown             crime prevention.                             Integrity Officer.
Licensing Board. (Note: the totals are an      Detective Lieutenant James O’Connor
estimate and may or may not reflect the        graduated from the FBI National Academy,      The Information Technology Unit consists
final total numbers.)                          Class 271. The FBI National Academy           of one full time System Administrator
                                               is a professional course of study for         position and one full time Technical
                                               U.S. and international law enforcement        Services Officer, which was partly unfilled
JUVENILE UNIT                                  managers nominated by their agency            during 2018. This position was vacant due
                                               heads because of demonstrated leadership      to attrition in the department and is to be
During the year 2018, this department          qualities. The 10-week program—which          filled during 2019.
encountered youths for various incidents.      provides coursework in intelligence
There were 161 reports generated that          theory, terrorism and terrorist mindsets,     The Jail Diversion Program/Clinician is
involved juveniles with 4 (-12) being          management science, law, behavioral           contracted to Advocates Inc. and staffed by
arrested and 15 (-6) juveniles summonsed       science, law enforcement communication,

a civilian clinician employed by Advocates      health or substance use disorders. The                    the Division, in conjunction with the
through Department of Mental Health             program focuses on creating alternatives                  task force, work to coordinate regular
funding.                                        to arrest, or criminal charges for people                 community-wide awareness meetings.
                                                whose criminal behavior is directly due to                Members of the Division have worked to
SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS AND                    mental illness or substance use disorder.                 update and maintain the task force social
COMMUNITY OUTREACH                              In recent years, a significant effort has been            media presence via its web site: watertown-
                                                exerted to engage community members                       cares.com and a Facebook page: facebook/
The School Resource Officers worked to          prior to a crisis stage.                                  watertown.ma.cares.
build relationships with students, parents
and school staff. These officers contributed    The Watertown Police Department joined                    The Division has continued its work as a
to a sense of security amongst the schools      the Police Assisted Addiction Recovery                    member of the Metro West Collaborative.
while providing guidance to students,           Initiative. This organization provided the                This organization is comprised of agencies
parents and staff. They conducted sensitive     Department grant funding to support the                   from Waltham, Newton, Belmont, Weston,
investigations, worked proactively to divert    Jail Diversion Clinician role. Subsequently               Lexington, Arlington and Watertown. The
youths from the criminal justice system         overtime funds were made available for                    intent of the group is to share information
and served as ombudsmen to needed               the clinician to conduct follow up work on                amongst the police agencies and service
services.                                       opioid related cases.                                     providers to ensure residents of these
                                                                                                          communities struggling with an opioid
The School Resource Officers and Sergeant       Recognizing that Watertown, like most                     addiction are receiving timely and effective
assigned to the Community and Staff             other communities in the Commonwealth,                    support to recovery.
Development Division regularly attended         experienced an increase in opioid
Community Based Justice meetings. This          overdoses in early 2015, the CSD Division                 As part of the Department’s continued
meeting is a collaborative between school       played a significant role in establishing                 response to the impact of substance use
personnel, public safety professionals, and     Watertown’s task force W.A.T.E.R.town                     disorder on our community, the CSD
social service providers to help identify at-   (Watertown Access to Treatment                            Division implemented a Nasal Narcan
risk youths and provide them with positive      Education and Resources). A collaborative                 program. The department was able to
alternatives to steer them away from            effort with several municipal agencies,                   maintain legal authorization from the
crime and violence. They also work with         clergy, and service entities has been                     Department of Public Health and its
the administration to assist in obtaining       ongoing to enhance public awareness                       medical director to carry and dispense
necessary services for students.                and prevent unnecessary suffering due                     Narcan. The department has partnered
                                                to substance use disorder. Members of                     with the Watertown Health Department
The School Resource Officers served as                                             2018 OPOID RELATED STATISTICS
active members of the NEMLEC STARS              (50) Opioid Related Overdoses
(School Threat And Response System)             (2) Fatal (1) was a Watertown resident at time of incident
team which serves school districts in over      (21) Narcan uses by Police (21) Narcan uses by Fire (5) Narcan uses by family
                                                *Narcan was used at a total 35 of the reported 50 overdoses. At some incidents Narcan was
sixty communities. Officer Kerry Kelley
                                                used by some combination of police, fire and family.
continued as an Assistant Commander of
this unit. The School Resource Officers
developed and applied expertise in areas
                                                                                                BY MONTH
of addressing school threats and providing
much needed services to students.                                   January (4)                        July (3)
                                                                    February (7)                       August (6)
The Division uses surveys to measure                                March (5)                          September (4)
citizens’ fear of crime and satisfaction                            April (4)                          October (2)
with the Police Department. The survey                              May (1)                            November (2)
also gives citizens an opportunity to make
                                                                    June (8)                           December (4)
recommendations on how the Department
can improve its quality of service. On
a quarterly basis, 100 random surveys                                                          AGE RANGES
are mailed to citizens who have had law                             19          27        33         40           53        76         85
                                                                                29        38         48           55        75         86
enforcement contact with the Department.                                        27        33         41           53
The Department continues to receive a                                           28        32         41           54
                                                                                26        31         48           57
positive response to the survey.                                                29        37         41           58
                                                                                28        31                      51
                                                                                28        33                      51
The Division has continued oversight                                            23        37                      58
of the Jail Diversion Program and the                                           23        37
                                                                                29        33
Advocate’s clinician position. The purpose                                      29        37
                                                                                29        32
of the clinician is to allow the Department                                     29        33
to provide better services to citizens who                                      26        32
are experiencing a crisis due to mental

2017 OPOID RELATED STATISTICS                                       were held on Tuesday and Wednesday
 (43) Opioid Related Overdoses                                                                           evenings through the summer months.
 (10) Fatal (9) was a Watertown residents at time of incident
                                                                                                         Watertown children ages eight through
 (16) Narcan uses by Police
                                                                                                         thirteen participated.
                                                  BY MONTH
                      January (3)                        July (7)
                      February (0)                       August (6)
                      March (3)                          September (3)
                      April (5)                          October (4)
                      May (4)                            November (4)
                      June (2)                           December (2)

                                                 AGE RANGES
                   21                 38               42                54          60                     Cops and Rec Athletics summer 2018
                   25                 38               43                58
                   29                 37               43                50
                   27                 32               43                54                              The Division continued its collaboration
                   29                 38               43                58                              with the Recreation Department to hold
                   28                 35               41                58
                                      35               41                58                              two “Family Movie Night” events at the
                                      39               49                                                park to the rear of the Watertown Police
                                      39               45
                                      39                                                                 Department. The events were held in July
                                      34                                                                 and August. A Disney movie was played
                                      39                                                                 at each event. With funding from the
                                      36                                                                 Watertown Recreation Department and
                                      33                                                                 the Watertown Police Department; pizza,
                                      36                                                                 snow cones, popcorn and refreshments
                                      34                                                                 were made available. Preceding each
                                                                                                         movie, face painting, games and other
to train all police officers in the proper               shooter threats. This program empowers          activities were organized for attendees.
administration of the drug. In 2018 Nasal                teachers and students with more options         Each event drew approximately 300
Narcan was successfully used by the police               in response to an armed intruder with an        people.
department at the scene of 21 overdoses                  emphasis placed on evacuations rather
to save the life of individuals ranging from             than solely locking down and attempting
nineteen to fifty-seven years of age.                    to hide. ALICE drills have been completed
                                                         in all public schools with staff and students
The Watertown Community Foundation                       and will continue on a routine schedule.
issued the Department a $1500 grant to
support the Free Community Narcan                        Outreach and training in the A.L.I.C.E.
Program for the third consecutive year.                  program have been expanded to include
This program has enabled the Watertown                   several private schools and businesses in
Police Department to put a life-saving                   Watertown including the Atrium School,
drug in the homes of individuals and                     the Jewish Community Day School, the
families in need, at no cost. In 2018                    Beacon School, St James School, Perkins
                                                                                                          Cops and Rec Family Movie Nights in July
Narcan distributed through this program,                 School for the Blind, EFGB (French
                                                                                                                     and August 2018
was used on four occasions to save the life              School of Greater Boston), Boys & Girls
of opioid overdose victims.                              Club, Watertown Town Hall personnel,
                                                                                                         The CSD Division continued its outreach
                                                         Advocates Inc., United Electric, the
                                                                                                         at the annual Faire on the Square. In
Although a high number of opioid related                 Arsenal Mall, Tufts Health, Care Group
                                                                                                         collaboration with the Watertown Health
overdoses continue to be reported to                     Parmenter and Athena Health.
                                                                                                         Department and the W.A.T.E.R.town task
Watertown Public Safety, fatal overdoses
                                                                                                         force, a “Hidden in Plain Sight” exhibit
dropped from a high of ten in 2017 to two                OTHER COMMUNITY POLICING
                                                                                                         was assembled, allowing parents to view a
in 2018, largely due to the expedient use of             PROGRAMS
                                                                                                         mock teenager’s bedroom with examples of
                                                                                                         common items used by youths to conceal
                                                         During the Summer of 2018, the CSD
                                                                                                         drug paraphernalia.
As a result of these meetings, the                       Division collaborated with the Recreation
Watertown Public Schools have continued                  Department to coordinate street hockey
                                                                                                         The CSD Division and the Recreation
with the ALICE (Alert-Lockdown-Inform-                   and basketball athletic leagues. The “Cops
                                                                                                         Department continued the Cops & Rec
Counter-Evacuate) approach to active                     & Rec” basketball and street hockey games
                                                                                                         afterschool program at the Watertown

Middle School. This program gave                                                               police and fire assets to the scene of the
police officers an opportunity to interact                                                     emergency.
with students while playing dodgeball,
basketball, floor hockey and flag tag                                                          Also, effective July 1st, 2012 all 911 call-
football after school on Wednesdays and                                                        takers must receive 16 hours of State
Fridays throughout the school year.                                                            911 approved training per year. The
                                                                                               department’s Training Division has been
The Division has continued its efforts                                                         working tirelessly to ensure that all of these
in support of the Kingian Nonviolence                                                          new requirements are met.
community training. Officers provide
instruction at two-day Kingian                                                                 The Division also continued training
Nonviolence courses. Principles from the                                                       with the Meggitt L7 Firearms Training
Kingian Nonviolence curriculum have                Successful re-accreditation assessment      Simulator. The FATS machine is a firearms
also been shared with all members of the                         June 2018                     virtual training simulator that emulates the
Watertown Police Department through                                                            workings of an actual firearm without the
annual training on the prevention of            DEPARTMENT TRAINING                            cost of ammunition. The machine is able
biased policing.                                                                               to render real world judgment scenarios
                                                TThe department ensured that its officers      with variable outcomes to help train
The CSD Division collaborated with              attained the legislative 40-hour minimum       officers in use of force encounters and how
the School Department, the Recreation           mandatory annual training requirement          to appropriately make those judgment
Department and the Watertown Boys &             by contracting with the Lowell Police          calls. All members of the department
Girls Club to plan and execute the Martin       In-Service academy to provide in-service       have experienced training on the FATS
Luther King, Jr. tribute mural at Saltonstall   training to all Watertown officers. In         machine. The training is designed to
Park in April of 2018. Civil Rights leader      accordance with accreditation standards,       reinforce knowledge of the department’s
Dr. Bernard Lafayette attended a ceremony       the department ensures all members             policy on Use of Force and Response to
for the mural’s revealing on June 7th, 2018.    are further prepared for their roles           Mental Health Calls. The training also
                                                by coordinating training on eighteen           emphasized the use of de-escalation
                                                additional topics. The department              techniques.
                                                continued its production of internal
                                                trainings which were incorporated into the     All members of the department underwent
                                                department’s various software technology       training to reinforce understanding of
                                                mediums (i.e. PMAM Training and Digital        the “Response to Active Threats” policy.
                                                Headquarters information share program)        This training was coordinated by the
                                                to enhance and go beyond state mandated        CSD Division and two members of the
                                                training.                                      department who have served with the
                                                                                               NEMLEC SWAT team for over ten years.
                                                The department also modified its firearm       The curriculum included reinforcement of
                                                training regimen. By breaking the typical      de-escalation tactics, reinforcement of the
 Kingian Mural at the Watertown Boys &          8-hour training session into smaller two-      key components of the Incident Command
     Girls Club completed April 2018            hour blocks the department was able to         System, a review of the evolution on
                                                qualify its officers in the various firearms   response to “active shooter” scenarios,
ACCREDITATION                                   (i.e. Glock 40 pistols, AR15 rifles and        tactics to help enhance officer’s safety and
                                                less-lethal shotguns) while minimizing         instruction on the ALICE program to
As planned, the department underwent a          overtime expenditures.                         dovetail with the training received by the
successful re-accreditation assessment in                                                      schools and businesses in Watertown.
June of 2018 and renewed our accredited         Effective July 1st, 2012, state regulations
status. The department has continued            require that all 911 answering points          In addition to the aforementioned training,
its review of the department’s policies         begin following Emergency Medical              various officers have also attended training
and procedures. Hundreds of pages of            Dispatch (EMD) procedures. EMD                 sessions in the following areas: street
written policy have been carefully combed       allows the 911 call-taker to provide life-     drugs, drug interdiction vehicle stops,
through to ensure that they are up-to-          saving instructions to the caller over the     evidence collection and preservation,
date and consistent with the department’s       telephone increasing the chance of survival    community policing, ALICE/school safety,
facility and standards. This process shall      and reducing the severity of injuries while    active shooter response, legal updates,
continue to ensure that the policies remain     the patient waits for emergency personnel      anti-bias, sexual harassment and many
updated and consistent with accreditation       to arrive on scene. The department has         other trainings.
standards. A continual effort will be           contracted with Armstrong Ambulance
required in order for the department            Service to provide EMD support for             INTERNSHIP PROGRAM
to maintain compliance with all three           medical 911 calls. Under this contract
hundred and twenty-two standards and be         Armstrong handles the medical call             The college internship program continued
re-accredited in 2021.                          while WPD civilian dispatchers deploy          successfully in 2018 with a total of six

interns going through the program by           retention of department booking videos.        of the year to address increased activity
the end of the year. The Department has        This will allow for greater retention          due to crime trends, holidays, special
partnered with Northeastern University,        periods of approximately 1 year for            events, and recreational events at parks
UMass Boston, Westfield State University       booking recordings; these records may be       and playgrounds. Patrols were increased
and other area colleges to greatly expand      requested by courts and attorneys’ months      during peak shopping periods in the
its internship program. College students       after an event or occasion. Original data      business districts of Watertown. This was
interested in a law enforcement career         retention was limited to 30 days.              accomplished by using motor patrol, foot
are carefully selected to work with the                                                       patrol, and the use of motorcycles and
department, under the guidance of the                   BUREAU OF FIELD                       bicycles. The Patrol Division works in
Community & Staff Development Division.                   OPERATIONS                          concert with other divisions in the Police
These interns are unpaid and help augment                                                     Department and outside public and private
many of the department’s endeavors while       PATROL DIVISION                                agencies within the area to accomplish
gaining important knowledge and insight                                                       the objective of providing the most
into the law enforcement profession            The primary mission of the Patrol Division     effective deployment of personnel possible.
                                               is to serve Watertown’s citizens through       Computer data is analyzed to assist in the
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT                    a cooperative effort and to protect their      deployment of police officers to areas in
                                               property through enforcement of laws           need of police attention.
In September of 2017, the department           and highly visible deterrent activities. The
successfully completed its transition          officers of the Patrol Division represent      The Patrol Division, as well as the entire
to the new 911 system managed by               the department’s first response to all         Police Department, is committed to
General Dynamics. As a result of this          emergencies and most calls for service.        Community Policing. One of the goals
transition all 911 trained staff required to   In 2018 the department was able to fill        of Community Policing is to build a
undergo recertification training ahead of      six existing opening by hiring Michael         partnership between the police and the
deployment. The training was completed         Stewart, Kyle Rooney, Don Pham, Lauren         community, encouraging interaction
successfully and was funded through the        Giordano, Michael Dello Russo and Collin       between the two so that we can solve
State 911 Department.                          Geagan. Ms. Giordano will be the twelfth       community problems together. This
                                               female officer in the department.              partnership also allows the community
As part of the 911 upgrade process, the                                                       to let the police know what concerns
department expanded its E911 service           During 2018, the Patrol Division               they have and which issues they feel are
to Watertown by accepting 911 cellular         responded to 26,096 calls for service          important and would like addressed.
calls. Previously, 911 cell calls would be     and or motor vehicle stops. These calls-       Officers receive training in Community
received by Massachusetts State Police and     initiated investigations and events that       Policing and are encouraged to increase
then routed to dispatch. This switchover       resulted in 306 arrests, 79 persons being      their interaction with the citizens on their
will improve response time to emergency        placed in Protective Custody and 373           respective patrol routes. Officers are also
events. In addition, in December of 2018       summonses being issued. These numbers          relieved of their assignment for a portion
we began our 911 enhancements to accept        do not reflect all of the officer-initiated    of their shift to work with the community
text-to-911 features.                          contacts made by patrol officers during        on various issues and problems.
                                               the course of routine patrol. Officers also
The department went live with its new          responded to 197 calls involving mental        When Chief Lawn was appointed Chief
website design in December of 2017 and         health issues. Officers also responded to      of Police, one of his first priorities and
continues to train personnel in it use and     50 opioid related overdoses. This does         changes he made was bringing back
roll out content changes. However, in          not take into account overdoses by other       community policing programs. Chief
2018, due to a lack of IT personnel several    drugs.                                         Lawn is committed to these programs and
projects for the website are slowly being                                                     improving upon the close relationship the
worked on.                                     Heavy emphasis by the Patrol Division          department has built with the community.
                                               was also placed in the enforcement of
In late 2018, the IT Unit completed its        traffic regulations in keeping with the goal   In 2018, the department once again offered
research into replacement of the mobile        of moving traffic safely and efficiently on    a Citizen’s Police Academy to its residents.
data system (MDS) that allows officers         the streets of Watertown. Officers and         This eight-week program “Understanding
to receive dispatch call records and           equipment were assigned to monitor and         through Education” is designed to educate
write reports while in the cruiser. The        enforce traffic rules and orders when          residents about what their police do and
current system is approaching 9 years          necessary in keeping with this goal.           why they do it. Residents also get to meet
of service and we are hoping to replace                                                       many officers during the class and both
the equipment by summer of 2019 once           Officers were also assigned to “hot spots”     get to know each other. The department
funding is approved and allocated by the       for enforcement. These locations are where     and its officers also get to learn what issues
town.                                          a large number of accidents or violations      the residents see as important. This is all
                                               occur, or where there are numerous             intended to bring about a closer working
In November of 2018, the IT unit               complaints by citizens.                        relationship.
coordinated the installation of an extended
video storage server to enhance data           Patrols were adjusted during the course        The department also brought back

mountain bikes for officers to use. This     RRT officers have also participated in two     year alone. These dispatchers are also
allows officers the ability to access        Presidential Inauguration security details     required to make contact with the Registry
locations a police vehicle cannot navigate   in Washington D.C.                             of Motor Vehicles to obtain vehicle
and makes officers more approachable                                                        information and confirm warrants on
by its residents, rather than being in a                                                    wanted individuals.
car where residents may be reluctant to
approach and interact with officers.                                                        Off the E911 calls received by Watertown
                                                                                            dispatches, 2,408 were answered, 77 were
                                                                                            “abandoned” meaning the caller hung up
                                                                                            prior to the call being answered. Of the
                                                                                            E911 calls
                                                                                            received, 48.37 % were wireless. The
                                                                                            average time to answer all E911 calls is
                                                                                            00:03.7 seconds. The average duration of
                                                                                            all E911 calls received in 2017, was 1:45.6

                                             NEMLEC RRT Unit Off. Rick Munger and                   TRAFFIC DIVISION
                                                     Off. Mark Leitner.

  Off. David Cobe with an electric police    In 2018 the following NEMLEC units were
             mountain bike.                  called upon the number of times listed
    MASSACHUSETTS LAW                        SWAT                            4 Call Outs
                                             RRT                             4 Call Outs
   ENFORCEMENT COUNCIL                       Motorcycle                      4 Call Outs
       (N.E.M.L.E.C.)                        STARS                           3 Call Outs

                                                       PUBLIC SAFETY

The Watertown Police Department
                                                                                            Motorcycle officers Officer Charles Samios
continues its membership and
                                                                                            and Officer Rod Mendez at NEMLEC Unit
commitment with the North Eastern
Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council
(NEMLEC). NEMLEC is a group of 61
                                                                                            In 2018 the Watertown Police Department
cities and towns that share resources.
                                                                                            Traffic Division conducted traffic
These NEMLEC cities and towns have a
                                                                                            enforcement activities throughout
combined SWAT Team (Special Weapons
                                                                                            the Town at a reduced capacity of two
and Tactics), RRT Team (Regional             There are nine Public Safety Dispatchers       patrolman positions due to budget cuts.
Response Team), a School Threat              that answered over 26,347 calls. The
Assessment Response team (STARS) and         dispatchers answer all calls for assistance    The Traffic Division has two patrol cars
a motorcycle unit that will respond to       for both the Watertown Fire Department         and four Harley Davidson motorcycles
any member community on a moment’s           and Police Department. The dispatchers         assigned to it. Officers operating these
notice. NEMLEC Motor Cycle Unit,             come under the Patrol Division of the          motorcycles attended either forty hours
RRT & SWAT teams train monthly and           Police Department. They are the first          of instruction at the Boston Police
are on call to NEMLEC communities to         point of contact for all citizens requesting   Motorcycle Training Academy, the
assist with emergency situations. In the     assistance or directions from either           M.B.T.A. Motorcycle Training Academy
past, Watertown Police Officers assigned     department. The dispatchers answer all         or an eighty-hour course sponsored by the
to these units, assisted the Boston          E-911 calls, which totaled 2,485 calls in      Northeast Massachusetts Law Enforcement
Police Department with security for the      2017 and are responsible for dispatching       Council (NEMLEC).
Democratic National Convention and the       all fire apparatus and ambulances when
Red Sox World Series baseball games and      required. They also dispatch all police        The Traffic Division has a Commercial
parades. They also assisted Boston Police    cars to service and emergency calls, which     Vehicle Enforcement Unit. This unit
with Patriots Super Bowl Parades. The        amounted to 26,347 calls for service last

increases the safety of the motoring            measurement, these trailers also measure        1979 Civil Fines
public and contributes to maintaining           traffic volume. The reports generated by        4297 Warnings
the integrity of the town roadways by           these radar units are used to aid the Traffic
inspecting commercial vehicles and their        Commission in their efforts to determine
drivers for safety, equipment, and weight       the level of traffic compliance in particular   51 OUI:
compliance. This unit consists of one           areas. The speed signs have been effective
officer who is trained and certified by         tools in reducing vehicle speeds in              •   34 OUI Liquor
the U.S. Department of Transportation           problem areas. The Traffic Division also         •   12 OUI Liquor 2nd Offense
(D.O.T.) as a federal motor carrier             uses a portable electronic variable message
inspector. This officer is also trained         sign to display important traffic and safety     •   4 OUI Liquor 3rd Offense
and certified by the U.S. Department of         information to motorists.                        •   1 OUI Liquor 4th Offense
Transportation to conduct inspections of
commercial vehicles carrying Hazardous          The Traffic Division also supervises            88 Suspended/Revoked Licenses
Materials.                                      twenty-one full time and three alternate        103 Operating W/O License
                                                school crossing guards. These supervisors
The Traffic Division is responsible for the     are responsible for traffic control and the     384 Major Accidents and 622 Minor
Detail Office. The Detail Office consists       safe passage of schoolchildren and families     Accidents
of one officer who is responsible for           in and around the public schools.
scheduling details and overtimes, billing
                                                                                                 • 244 MV in transport
companies and collecting money owed.            In 2018, The Traffic Division received           • 4 Collision with another movable
This Officer also covers routes during          $12,000 in Grants from the Executive                 object
personnel shortages, conducts community         Office of Public Safety and The Governor’s       •   64 Collision with Parked Vehicle
policing activities and is available to         Highway Safety Bureau to conduct one
respond to emergency situations as              “Click it or Ticket” mobilization. This          •   5 Collision with Curb
needed.                                         allowed the department to conduct high           •   6 Collision with Tree
                                                visibility enforcement in an effort to
The Traffic Division supervises one full-       increase seat belt usage. The Department
                                                                                                 •   9 Collison with Utility Pole
time and one part-time civilian parking         also participated in two “Drive Sober            •   9 Collision with pole or support
enforcement officers. These civilian            or Get Pulled Over” mobilizations to             •   1 Collision with median barrier
positions allow police officers to dedicate     target and reduce drunk driving and one
their time to other police duties.              ‘Distracted Driver’ mobilization focused         •   1 Collision with Ditch
                                                on people texting while driving.                 •   *18 Collision with Pedestrian
Between January and December
2018, the Traffic Division conducted            In the Year 2018, the department issued          •   10 Collision with unknown/fixed
surveys, studied speed and traffic flows,       the following motor vehicle citations:
and conducted investigations for the                                                             • 7 Collision with Bicyclist
Watertown Traffic Commission. This              TRAFFIC                                          • 3 Other Non-Collision
information was used by the Traffic
Commission in their determination for the       23,989 Parking citations                         • 2 Other
addition, replacement, or deletion of traffic   6,618 Total moving citations
signs, rules and regulations.                                                                   *One fatal pedestrian accident
                                                                2018 Data
The Traffic Division has three portable
RADAR speed display signs. These signs          6,618 Citations
are portable speed feedback units that
display the target vehicle speed on a 3’ x      111 Arrests
3’ display window. In addition to speed         230 Criminal Complaints

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