HAWK TALK February 11, 2022 - Fulton County Schools
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HAWK TALK February 11, 2022 CALENDAR AT A GLANCE 2/14 Yearbook Picture Retakes 2/18 - 2/21 President's day (No school for students) 2/28 Early Release Day (Dismissal 2:05) 3/11 & 3/14 Teacher Work Days (No Students) 3/21 Early Release Day (Dismissal 2:05)
Valentine’s day message As we approach Valentine’s Day, it is important to ensure that all homemade candy, desserts, baked goods, or other edible items are not to be sold or distributed during school hours, and that appropriate store bought items are delivered to the administration. Please know that taking this measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students with allergies, etc. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home or anything not in its original sealed package. Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school! SHOW SOME LOVE! HBMS PTA is sponsoring a socks and undies drive for families in need within our community and we d h l ! Th hF b 17th d ff NEW k d/ d t th d ti bi
near the front office. All sizes are accepted. Volunteers Needed The Learning Commons is in need of volunteers who know how to sew and have a desire to help students learn. The time commitment is short, mornings from 8:15 – 8:45. The students love to make projects with fabric and the sewing machines. Please email Mrs. Reagin if you are interested. Reagine@fultonschools.org
SHOW SOME LOVE! HBMS PTA is sponsoring a socks and undies drive for families in need within our community and we need your help! Through February 17th, drop off NEW socks and/or underwear to the donation bin near the front office. All sizes are accepted.
School Governance Council - Parents Wanted! Want to collaborate with school decision makers and share your perspective as a parent? The candidate declaration window is now open for parents who wish to run for School Governance Council. We have one parent seat up for election (the position begins July 1, 2022). Visit https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/7358 to learn more and submit your application for candidacy! The deadline is March 2. Eligibility Requirements for All Council Members · May only serve on 1 School Governance Council at a time · May NOT be an elected official of a government entity · Must be the ONLY member of their family serving on the Council · Must be 18 years of age or older Parents Must have a child enrolled at the school for the duration of the term they declare candidacy for (next school year) May NOT be an employee of the school MAY be legal guardians listed in Infinite Campus Covid Mitigation Masks are optional in all FCS buildings. Students must still wear a mask while riding the bus (per federal mandate).
Parents should report only positive cases to the Parent portal. FCS Health Services and FCBOH will continue to case investigate and provide guidance to all positive student cases and any FCS sibling(s) related to the case. Do not submit a report if you are waiting for a pending test result or for an exposure/direct contact. Click here for more information on reporting guidelines. When and why will parents receive a direct contact notification from the school? If your child is in the same class or rides the same bus as another student/staff who has tested positive, you will receive a direct contact notification. If you receive more than one direct contact notification, this means that your child has had more than one direct contact while at school. We send these notifications as soon as we are provided the details by our DPH partners. Rising 9th grade families Holcomb Bridge 8th graders will be visiting Centennial High School on Thursday, February 17th. We will depart school at 10:00 AM and return by 12:00 PM. Transportation will be provided by Fulton County Schools Transportation. This trip kicks off the transition process and serves as a preview to the electives and pathways students will choose for their high school schedules. We encourage all students to attend. If your student is not planning on attending Centennial, they should still attend as most high schools have similar programs and formats. All 8th grade students will attend the transition trip. If you prefer for your student to not attend, please contact Mrs. Kapella at Kapellak@fultonschools.org or 470-254-5280. Laptop Care Student devices (laptops) are school property and should be handled responsibly while in the care of students. We have provided direct instruction for students about how to use their laptops responsibly and are asking parents to reiterate our message of "handle with care". Students/parents must pay for
damage when it occurs to a school-issued device. This information is on our website and is being shared here, along with the device agreement letter from FCS. Laptop Care and Safety Parents/students: Students need to bring their laptops to school every day with their charger. Laptop loaners (from the Learning Commons) will only be given for school-wide testing days. (Not just a test in one of your classes). Damaged/lost device replacements will not be given until fines are paid. 1. Damaged/cracked screen - $100 2. Lost device- $250 3. Lost charging cord - $30. This includes lost iPad chargers. All fines have been added to Destiny. Laptop Care Reminders - no food or drink near laptop, keep closed when not in use, keep name on laptop and charger. If name sticker comes off, you can come to the media center and we will replace. Laptop protective covers are a great way to prevent damage.
Buy your 2021-22 Yearbook NOW! Yearbooks can be purchased at www.jostens.com for $50. Go to www.jostens.com, choose our school, and click purchase yearbook now. Download How To See Your Yearbook Photos.pdf pdf 669.9 KB
Download Como ver tus fotos del libro escolar.pdf pdf 584.0 KB Who can I contact for help? 6th Grade: Kim Kapella, Assistant Principal, 6th Grade administrator kapellaK@fultonschools.org Hannah Milligan, 6th grade counselor milliganH@fultonschools.org 7th Grade: Kenneth Greene, Assistant Principal, 7th grade administrator greeneK@fultonschools.org Raven Carnes, 7th grade counselor carnesR1@fultonschools.org 8th Grade: Jennifer Cassidy, Principal, 8th grade administrator cassidyj@fultonschools.org Hannah Milligan, 8th grade counselor last names A-K milliganH@fultonschools.org Raven Carnes, 8th grade counselor last names L-Z carnesR1@fultonschools.org Bilingual Parent Liaisons (Spanish): Julia De La Rosa DelarosaJ@fultonschools.org 470-254-5283 Maria Baron baronm@fultonschools.org 470-254-8427 School Hours Office Hours: 8:15 - 4:15 Instructional Hours: 8:50-4:05 *No checkouts after 3:45 PM
Arrival: Please do not drop off students prior to 8:20 AM. We cannot provide supervision of students prior to 8:20, therefore students may not enter until this time. Breakfast: 8:20 - 8:45 AM (Free for all students) Students should be in class by 8:50 AM. Dismissal is at 4:05 PM. Walkers/Car riders are dismissed first, followed by bus riders. Buses typically depart by 4:15 PM Car line: Students must enter/exit a vehicle at the sidewalk area. Please pull forward as far as possible to keep the car line moving. All students must be picked up by 4:20 PM. Holcomb Bridge Middle School @HolcombBridgeMS 2700 Holcomb Bridge Road, Alp… 470-254-5280 fultonschools.org/holcombbrid…
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