Home Learning Policy Last Review Date

Page created by Randall Pena
Home Learning Policy Last Review Date
Home Learning Policy

Last Review Date:      September 2021

Approved by Governors: 06/12/21

Next Review Date:      September 2022

Reviewer:              G Pritchard

                            HOME LEARNING POLICY
       Research by the Education Endowment Foundation 1 confirms that homework has a
           positive impact upon learning resulting in five months additional progress.

Learning at home is an important part in ensuring student progress and we expect all students at Selly Park Girls’
School to complete the work that is set. Completing the work and handing it in on time is a valuable and essential part
of a successful school experience.

Home learning is set for the following reasons:

      ✓   revisit and review work done through completion of set tasks
      ✓   check that the student has understood the work covered in the lesson
      ✓   apply and practise skills, e.g. developing essay writing skills
      ✓   extend knowledge through further research and additional reading
      ✓   provide extra practice of what has been done in the lesson
      ✓   catch up with missed work, if necessary
      ✓   complete coursework assignments
      ✓   prepare for future learning

The benefits of learning at home for students are as follows:

      ✓   to improve and develop personal organisation and time-management
      ✓   to increase self-discipline and the ability to set realistic goals
      ✓   to take responsibility for their own learning and encourage greater independence
      ✓   to complete activities using resources from outside school, e.g. libraries/ museums

Amount of time- all subjects

All students are expected to complete home learning tasks for their respective subjects as below:

      Year 7 to 9          20 minutes on                         5 hours 20 minutes a fortnight
                              average                              2 hours 40 minutes a week
     Year 10 to 11         30 minutes on                         5 hours 30 minutes a fortnight
                              average                              2 hours 45 minutes a week

During the academic year, students may need to complete more detailed home learning tasks which may take longer.
For example Year 11 students from time to time will be expected to complete detailed exam questions with a view to
preparing them for their exams. Students will always have at least 48 hours to complete the task set.

The home learning timetable will be published and shared with pupils, staff and parents and will be available on the
school website.

Role of Parents/Carers

Your daughter is expected to record her home learning by writing it down in her school planner. Parents are
expected to check the planner and sign it every week. Teachers will also record home learning on Class Charts and
attach resources that are needed. If your daughter is regularly saying that home learning has not been set or if there
is too much or too little, please contact her form tutor, her Head of Year or write a note in her planner to let them
know that you are concerned.

If your daughter is absent from school, through illness, homework must be caught up as well as class work. Below is
further guidance:

            ✓ Try to make sure that there is a suitable place for her to work at home (a quiet place where she can
              concentrate), or encourage her to use our library or to attend the homework club in school.
            ✓ Try to take an interest in the tasks to be done rather than just insisting on its completion.
            ✓ Help, where appropriate.
            ✓ Help with time management so that learning is not left until the last evening before the deadline but
              equally make sure she is not spending too long on a piece of work
            ✓ Keep her positive by being interested in her work and by giving lots of praise when work is
            ✓ Check the home learning task via the Class Charts app, you will also be able to access resources

If we at school and you at home, work together to help with your daughter’s learning at home, then she will achieve
better grades in her examinations.

Study support

    •   The school library is open from 8am, it is a quiet place for your daughter to work and research and if
        necessary to ask for help with her work.
    •   Home learning club is available after school from 3.00pm-5.00pm where your daughter can complete her
        home learning with staff supervision.

Home Learning policy and procedures

            ✓ all students must write their home learning tasks in their planner
            ✓ all students signpost home learning in their books using a purple pen e.g. writing home learning with
              purple pen and then completing the set task in normal ink
            ✓ subject teachers should be proactive in ensuring home learning tasks are written into student
              planners and recorded on class charts
            ✓ re-enforce home learning tasks as necessary throughout lesson
            ✓ subject teachers will use class charts to record home learning and provide resources
            ✓ students and their parents will be able to check home learning via class charts
Sanctions for non-completion of home learning

Teachers will always try to be reasonable and recognise that students need to learn how to organise their work load.

            ✓ Extensions to the time limit may be allowed if the teacher feels that the reason for non-completion
              was unavoidable
            ✓ Students who are late with homework or present inadequate work will be given 24 hours to rectify
              this and this will be recorded by the teacher as a D2. The student will lose one house point.
            ✓ If the student then fails to present adequate work within the 24 hour time period, they will be given
              a departmental detention (D4) for either a lunchtime or after school. The pupil will lose another two
              house points.
            ✓ Failure to attend the departmental detention will result in a C4 after school detention and a further
              loss of two house points
Guidance for teachers

 Type of task                     Guidance
 Home learning tasks should be    Extension material available to give additional knowledge/information to
 differentiated and appropriate   develop level of understanding.
                                  Re-enforcement to allow practice. Individual tasks for weaker students e.g.
                                  brainstorm rather than extended writing.
 Open ended tasks                 Ensure range of materials for all abilities.
                                  Differentiate the quantity; more for extension.
                                  Ensure structure available to help weaker students – headings, paragraphs,
                                  writing frames.
 Examination questions            Collate banks of questions grouped in topic areas.
                                  Use mark schemes for self-marking/group work activity.
                                  Encourage pairs of students to mark each other’s work.
                                  Build a bank of exemplar answers to be used with groups in following years.
                                  Practice at unpicking questions – what do they mean?
 Use of media e.g. directed TV    Teachers ask for family signature to confirm viewing and reading
 viewing Reading tasks i.e. a
 number of pages in a book
 Practical experiment tasks to    The structure needs to be explicit for weaker students
 be written up for homework
 Essay drafting - Write up in     Use of writing frames
 best at home
 Online learning tasks            Ensure it is accessible to all and can be completed in school in the LDC if needed
                                  (also consider student IT access at home)

   ✓ All teachers will take into account any student needing differentiated work.
   ✓ Home learning tasks should be part of schemes of work and the development of these should be by subject
     teams to share good practice.
   ✓ All teachers should be consistent and expect home learning to be completed on time and should respond if it
     is not.
   ✓ In subjects that have only one lesson per week, class work and home learning books could be separate.


Monitoring and Evaluation

 Who                    How                                                    When
 Students               To log all home learning in planners                   Daily
 Subject teachers       Ensure feedback is provided to students regarding      As required according to school
                        their homework tasks                                   marking policy.

 Subject teachers       Check completion of work                               Sanction according to this policy
 Form Tutors            Check use of student planner                           Fortnightly record on tutor tracker
                                                                               sanction according to tutor sanction
 Form Tutors            In mentoring sessions check students are coping with   On the annual progress days
                        overall home learning
 Form Tutors            Monitor the setting of home learning according to      Spot checks during form time
 Heads of               Check home learning has a clear relationship with      Half Termly Class Charts Monitoring
 Department             class work – to solidify learning and with defined     to be provided by AHT Assessment
                        objectives                                             Sanctions as per this policy
Heads of            Check exercise books for feedback from staff           Half Termly Class Charts Monitoring
Department                                                                 to be provided by AHT Assessment
                                                                           Sanctions as per this policy
Heads of Year       To check students are completing homework              Half Termly Class Charts Monitoring
                                                                           to be provided by AHT Assessment
                                                                           Sanctions as per this policy
Heads of Year       To monitor the manageability and appropriateness       Termly Class Charts Monitoring to
                    for individual students                                be provided by AHT Assessment
Senior Leadership   To check students are completing homework              Half Termly Charts Monitoring to be
Team                                                                       provided by AHT Assessment
                                                                           Sanctions as per this policy
Senior Leadership   Evaluate quality by spot checking students’ work       Termly Charts Monitoring to be
Team                                                                       provided by AHT Assessment
Parents             Check diary and Class charts for setting of homework   Weekly
                    as per school policy and timetable.                    Notes to tutors and staff can also be
                                                                           written in the diary.
Parents             Monitor completion by daughters                        Weekly
                                                                           Signature required in diary.
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