Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University

Page created by Jorge Curtis
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University

                                  JCR Guide
All information in this guide
is subject to change under
COVID-19 Restrictions.
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Welcome to the JCR!
  Hello to all new Hatfielders! Welcome to
Durham, Hatfield and to the Junior Common
 Room, more commonly known as the JCR.
This guide is meant to be an introduction to
           all things Hatfield JCR.
  Joining the JCR is the best way to throw
  yourself into life at Hatfield during your
           undergraduate degree.
  This guide should hopefully answer your
questions about the JCR and give you some
 tips and tricks of how to make the best of
         your time here at Hatfield!

                                               We hope this guide answers your
                                               questions and gets you excited
                                               about joining the JCR. If you have
                                               any questions do not hesitate in
                                               getting in touch with any of the
                                               JCR's student leaders included in
                                               the guide!

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         Hatfield JCR

Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Intro to the JCR!
    The JCR is a student run organisation in College. It is
    through the JCR that you can join College sports and
    societies. The JCR organises events such as balls and
formals. We provide peer-to-peer welfare support through
 the amazing Welfare Team. Our Communities give spaces
and support for all students in Hatfield. Membership of the
   JCR gives you access to facilities in college such as the
                 Gyms and Common Room.

The JCR also provides a lot of opportunities to get involved
and hold different kinds of positions, with different levels of
 time commitment and responsibility. Holding a position in
   college is a unique way to gain valuable skills, develop
   yourself and boost your CV but it is also a great way to
make new friends across year groups and degree courses!

 College life and the JCR are deeply intertwined. You can
 be as little or as much involved with the JCR as you want
           (maybe you are our future Senior Man!)

  The JCR is run by the Executive Committee (commonly
  called the Exec). You can read more about the different
              Exec positions on the next page!
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Meet the Exec!
                         Senior Man: Dom Cornfield                                   Vice President (Discipline): Dane Bainbridge
                      hatfield.seniorman@durham.ac.uk                                    hatfield.jcrdiscipline@durham.ac.uk

                                                   Senior Man is the equivalent of
                                                   JCR President. Dom directs the
                                                   Exec to ensure they represent                                      As VP (Discipline) Dane is Dom's
                                                   the views of the JCR. He works                                     deputy. In addition he sits in on
                                                   with College staff and JCR                                         all disciplinaries and ensures
                                                   members to ensure the best                                         good behaviour at formals.
                                                   student experience for
                                                                                                                    Charity Framework Officer:
  Welfare Officer: Shauna Townsend                              Treasurer: Tom Bracewell                                   Cassie Baptiste
hatfield.jcrwelfareofficer@durham.ac.uk                    hatfield.jcrtreasurer@durham.ac.uk                       hatfield.jcrcfo@durham.ac.uk

  As Welfare Officer Shauna is responsible for            Tom is responsible for the JCR's finances and         Cassie is our first Charity Framework
    the whole Welfare Team. They organise                 budget. As well as helping all our sports and         Officer (CFO). She is responsible for
      drop-ins, supply drops and amazing                    societies with their finances and liasing          establishing the JCR as an independent
        campaigns throughout the year.                      between the JCR and the Hatfield Trust.          charity and works closely with the Board of

   Facilities Officer: Lucy Pallent                      Communities Officer: Elise Jeffery  Sports and Societies Officer: Jack Bell
 hatfield.jcrfacilities@durham.ac.uk                  hatfield.jcrcommunitites@durham.ac.uk hatfield.jcrsportssocities@durham.ac.uk

                                                              Elise is responsible for all the wonderful     As Sports and Societies Officer (SSO) Jack
 As our Facilities Officer Lucy is responsible for
                                                            communities we have here in Hatfield, from       oversees all our sports and societies. You
   maintaining and managing all of the JCR's
                                                            LGBTQ+ to Internationals. In addition she is    can also get in touch with him if you want to
    facilities, such as the Gym, Music and Art
                                                             represents Hatfield at the Student Union.                    set up a new one!

  Events Officer: Jonathan Cherrett                              Secretary: Lizzie Irwin                       Chair: Emma Marinelli Johansen
  hatfield.jcrevents@durham.ac.uk                         hatfield.jcrsecretary@durham.ac.uk                   hatfield.jcrchair@durham.ac.uk

  Jonathan is responsible for organising the            Lizzie is our JCR Secretary. She facilitates our     As Chair Emma handles all applications for
incredible events in Hatfield. From big balls to        Formals, a Hatfield staple. As well as our Social   positions in the JCR (get in touch if you have
  smaller events in the bar Jonathan and his            Media (give her a follow @hatfieldjcr), handles       any questions) as well as chairing all the
                team do it all.                            Stash and sends out the weekly emails.              meetings, elections and referendums.

                                If you have any questions for anyone on the Exec do not hesitate in reaching
                                               out, we are all keen to help in any way we can!!
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
It is very important to the JCR that all Hatfielders
feel welcome, supported and included in
College. We have a range of Communities you
can join to meet and connect with like-minded
people. Alongside running socials, the
communities reps advocate at a college and
university level so that all members can feel
comfortable at university.
Elise is our Communities Officer so if you have
any questions you can always get in touch with

              Find Our Communities
  General for Communities People of Colour
            @hatfield.communities                      @hatfield_poc

           Internationals                              Feminism
            @hatfieldinternationals                    @hatfield_feminists

              Adeliz, Senior                             Laura, Senior
            International Rep                            Feminist Rep
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Low-Income and State
    School (LISS)
           @hatfield.liss                              @circle_of_pride
          Hebe and Clara,
          Senior LISS Reps

                                                 Charlie, Senior
                                                  LGBTQ+ Rep

                Bailey Wardrobe

  The Bailey Wardrobe is an exciting new project offering a wide selection of
  formal wear available to any Hatfield student. Working with several other
  Bailey colleges, Hatfield’s Bailey Wardrobe offers clothing suitable for balls,
 formals and interviews, available for only the cost of dry cleaning! As well as
this clothing rental service, we will be offering a limited number of previously
owned gowns for purchase in a selection of sizes, available for less than half of
 the usual cost! To find out about this exciting opportunity to save money and
   the environment (as well as suitcase space), get in touch with the Bailey
  Wardrobe through email, head to our @Hatfield.Communities Instagram or
             directly contact Louisa Harkness, our newly appointed
          Bailey Wardrobe Manager (louisa.r.harkness@durham.ac.uk).
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Sports and Societies
Hatfield's Sports and Societies are a great way to get involved and
make friends and meet people in other years. Sports and Societies
are student-run, and can offer amazing leadership opportunities.

 Hatfield's motto is 'be the best you can be', and
this is evident in our sports clubs. They perform
 to very high standards in matches with other
      teams across the university, whilst also
       nurturing novices and encouraging
  involvement at all levels. There are so many
sports to get involved in, from Rugby to Ultimate
   Frisbee so there's something for everyone.

Hatfield also have a range of societies from the
 Lion Theatre Company to BakingSoc. There's
plenty of ways to find a new hobby or nurture
an old one! (Be sure to stop by the Freshers Fair
 during Freshers week to learn more about the
 different sports and socs you can get involved
                                            Joining Charity Committee is a great way to give
                                            back to the local community. The Charity
                                            Committee organise fundraising projects such as the
                                            Naked Calendar and volunteering projects, such as
                                            the Durham Schools Mentoring Programme. Getting
                                            involved is a great way to boost your CV.

                                            If you've got an idea for a society that we don't
                                            already have you can start your own with start-up
                                            funds from the JCR. Just contact Jack, the Sports and
                                            Societies Officer, to get the process started!

  Sports and Societies also run socials, which will be a major part of your social life as a JCR
  member. They often have fun themes, so by the end of your time a Durham you are sure to
  have an eclectic range of fancy dress outfits!

  There are also special formals for Sports and Societies such as Hatfield-Castle Day Formal
  (a day of friendly competition with University College), and Floreat Dinner which is where
  sports successes are recognised and Colours are awarded.
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
Full list of
Sports and Societies:
   Badminton               Netball
   Basketball         Parachute Games
   Boat Club             Ping Pong
  Cheerleading              Pool
    Climbing              Rounders
     Cricket               Squash
       Golf                Tennis
     Hockey           Ultimate Frisbee
 Men's Football          Volleyball
  Men's Rugby         Women's Football
 Mixed Lacrosse        Women's Rugby

                                                   Baking Society
                                                    Chapel Choir
                                                 Charity Committee
                                               Hatfield College Voices
                                                Hatfield Wine Society
                                             Kinky Jeff and the Swingers
                                               Lion Theatre Company
                                                    Music Society

      You can access links to all the sports and societies social
        media on the JCR Website (www.hatfieldjcr.co.uk)!

  @team_hatfield                          Team Hatfield
  @hatfieldcharitycommittee               Hatfield College Charity Committee
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
                               Subject to change due to COVID

      Events at Hatfield are some of years biggest high points!
  From weekly Formals, Balls and smaller events in the Bar there is
               always something to look forward to!
Tip: Purchasing the levy and being a JCR member lowers the cost of
                             event tickets.
 If you want to rent low cost formal wear do get in touch with the
                 Bailey Wardrobe Manager, Louisa.

                     College Formals
     Formal dinners are a huge part of life at Hatfield and JCR members get a
     discount on attendance as the JCR heavily subsidises formals. They're an
   occasion for our community to get together to celebrate College life, pass on
       news, and often have a theme or focus. Some formals are followed by
                            entertainment in the bar!

 Formals at Hatfield are surrounded in
 tradition, from spooning to a Latin Grace. You
 might find some of the traditions a bit weird at
 first but you'll get used to them soon enough!
 It's also a tradition to head to the bar after
 formal to sing college songs and play games at
 the Sessions Table. The dress code for formal
 dinners is smart with gowns.

                                                    The JCR subsidises all formals. Formals are
                                                    facilitated by the JCR Secretary (Lizzie), so if
                                                    you want to get involved in helping to
                                                    organise them, consider applying to be a
                                                    Junior Secretary! You can also apply to be a
                                                    Junior Events Rep if you want to help
                                                    organise Post-Formal Entertainment. Check
                                                    the opportunities section of the guide to see
                                                    how to apply!
Hatfield College - JCR Guide 2021-2022 - Durham University
                                   Subject to change due to COVID

 Balls are the biggest events in college. They are a great chance to put on a fab
outfit, hang out with your friends and make memories for life! Because of the
 lack of big events like Balls this past year we are hoping to put on some of the
best Hatfield has ever seen! Putting on a ball takes a lot of manpower so if you
are interested in joining any of the committees have a look at the "Get involved"

 Michaelmas Ball is, as the name suggests,
 held in Michaelmas Term, and priority for
 tickets goes to Freshers.

 Lumley Ball is finalist priority and also held
 in Michaelmas term at the beautiful Lumley

 Lion in Winter Ball (LiWB) is the highlight
 of the year, held in Epiphany Term. It's open
 to all Hatfielders, lasts 12 hours and is packed
 with fun ents like mini-golf and a silent disco.
 There's also a Survivor's photo and breakfast
 for everyone who makes it to 6am!

                             Other Events
Throughout the year the JCR puts on other
events. Hatfield Day is a full day party and great
way to celebrate your College Pride, get "College
Married" and start the summer. Hatfield Sessions
is our very own Beer Festival (think Oktoberfest
but in summer). The Hatfield College Charity
Fashion Show is not only a fun event but also a
way to give back as the proceeds go to charity!
We also organise smaller events such as
Eurovision Screening and Quiz Nights in the bar.
Make sure to make the most of the amazing facilities in College! There's
places to socialise, relax and work out, so we've basically got it all. It's all
 maintained by our amazing Facilities Team, led by Lucy, so if you have
any suggestions then get in contact with her, or apply to join as a Junior.

 Here at Hatfield we have two gyms, one for weights and one
  for cardio. Access to the gym is included in the JCR Levy.
   Maybe we're biased, but we think they're the best on the
Bailey! You can find the gyms at the bottom of G Stairs in Pace
 block. Going to the gym is such an amazing way to manage
     your mental health and burn off steam at university,
especially when you have deadlines and you're starting to get
                         quite stressed.

  The Facilities Team is also working hard on introducing
beginner's hours soon, so everyone has the chance to use the
gym with confidence! You'll need an induction to get started
      in the gyms, this happens in Michaelmas Term.

    The opening hours are subject to change due to COVID
    restrictions so keep an eye out on your emails and the
     Facebook group for more information! There may be
volunteering opportunities to help run the gym, so keep an eye
                        out for details!

          Art and Music Rooms
     If you're musical, there are bookable spaces in college for you to practice. You can
   either use the main Music Room (bottom of E Stairs) or the Chapel (with an organ and
   a piano). There is also a Grand Piano in the Dining Room. The College Handbook gives
            details on how to request permission to be on the approved player list.
     You can use the Art Room (bottom of A Stairs) from 08:30 - 21.00. You can also go
                                    along to Hatfield Create!
Burt Room Bar and Café
The Burt Room is a Café and working space by
day and our College Bar by night. During the day
its a lovely space to work with your friends with a
coffee or just for a break and a chat (make sure you
get a loyalty card!). In the evenings, the Bar is the
place to be if you want to socialise. It's usually
quite busy so has an amazing buzz, plus its very

The Burt Room has a number of fun things to do
including darts, pool and table tennis. It also has a
bookable space for group study/ meetings called
the Little Burt Room.

                The Bar and Café are both student run, so there are opportunities
               throughout the year to apply for a paid position as bar or café staff!

The Common Room and more
                                        The Common Room is a great quiet space to
                                        relax with friends. There are lots of sofas, a
                                        TV, a PS4 and board games so it's a good
                                        place to spend a night in. You can find the
                                        common room at the bottom of E
                                        Stairs. There is also a common room in
                                        Palmer's Garth accommodation block!

                                        There are many other facilities in college: the
                                        computer room, library and reading rooms,
                                        which are at the bottom of B and C stairs are
                                        a great place to work.

  There's lots of ways to get involved in the Hatfield Facilities Team, from being a
Junior, to a being a Tech Rep (a paid position!), to being an environment rep, so make
 sure to check out the opportunities section of this guide to find out when and how
                                    you can apply!
     Team Welfare is a group of Hatfield students who are dedicated to
  ensuring each and every Hatfielder gets the most out of their time here.
  We understand that the university experience is different for everyone
    and by running drop-in hours, providing free supplies and running a
  variety of relevant campaigns we aim to make every member of the JCR
 feel as comfortable as possible. Joining Team Welfare is a great way to get
   involved, so check the opportunities section of this booklet to see how
                             and when to apply!
                                                                        Hatfield Welfare
                      Assistant Welfare Officer:
                             Connie Brown

Drop-in hours are a safe space for students to have a confidential*
  chat with a Nightline trained student Welfare Rep. Drop-ins are
   usually held in a discrete location in college 5-6 times a week.
 However, we are looking at expanding the accessibility of online

Drop-in hours are also the perfect opportunity for you to obtain lots
  of free supplies such as condoms, pregnancy tests, stationery,
   earplugs, and many other necessities as a student! And if we
 haven’t already given you enough reasons to pop along and say hi,
 drop-ins are also the perfect chance to grab a cup of tea and some
 food (we have lots of it, and you can even request us to stock your
                           favourite snacks!)

 The times for drop-in hours can be found in the Weekly Welfare
 email and on the Hatfield JCR Facebook page. They may be held
         over Microsoft Teams due to social distancing.

    *Please ask one of our reps to see the confidentiality policy.
Welfare Campaigns
    Campaigns are all about raising awareness around
    mental health issues and promoting wellbeing in
Hatfield. Run by our fantastic Campaigns reps, campaigns
are a core part of Hatfield life, with campaigns such as the
 12 Days of Welfmas and SHAG (Sexual Health Awareness
 and Guidance) being the highlight of many Hatfielders’

There are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved
   in our campaigns whether this is by attending our
themed formals, smoothie afternoons in Pace Kitchen or
           by joining us in one of our podcasts!

                            Living Out
                                           Some Hatfielders live out in their first year and
                                           most Hatfielders move out of college
                                           accommodation when it comes to progressing
                                           into their second year. Our Livers Out Reps
                                           are here to ensure that you stay connected to
                                           College. They are responsible for publishing
                                           our living out guide, cookbooks, hosting
                                           housing forums as well as organising College
                                           Family events, formals and brunches!

                                           Our Livers Out Reps are also here to support
                                           our livers abroad students and keep in touch
                                           regularly via email to ensure that students still
                                           feel a part of the Hatfield community. They
                                           also host drop-in hours outside of college in
                                           more accessible locations for livers out such
                                           as the Billy B or local cafés.
Tea and Toast
Perhaps Hatfield’s greatest celebrated post-
 formal event, run by volunteers, between
midnight and 2 am, students make tea and
   toast for Hatfielders whether they are
 coming back from a night out or have been
up late working and fancy a snack and chat.
   If you want to find out how fast we can
   spread Biscoff onto toast, or how much
   whipped cream you can put onto a hot
  chocolate, then make sure to pop down
every night after formals! The way Tea and
Toast is run may be subject to change due to
   COVID so keep an eye on the Facebook

                    Student Support
Hatfield prides itself on is its highly valued welfare and support system so there are
plenty of support options for you to access:

College Student Support:
Katie Stobbs (Assistant Master): hatfield.asstmaster@durham.ac.uk
Brenda Mitchell (Student Support): hatfield.studentsupport@durham.ac.uk

University Support:
You can self-refer to the counselling service by contacting them at
counsel.service@durham.ac.uk or by calling 0191 334 2200

Durham University Nightline are a confidential listening and information service open
from 9pm-7am every night of term. Their phone number can be found on the back of your
campus card.

Wider support:
Samaritans Durham - 0191 384 2727
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) - 0800 585858
Confidential CASH (Contraception and Sexual Health) clinics - 0191 386 8456

See our signpost booklet on the Hatfield JCR website for more links.
            One of the most valuable aspects of being a JCR Member is being able to
           contribute to the College community as well as take on some CV boosting
        opportunities and responsibilities. There's something for everyone and you can
          apply to get involved the moment you arrive at Hatfield. Junior roles are an
         especially good starting point if you've never had a JCR position before, but if
         you're keen to take on more responsibility there are plenty of senior roles you
         can apply for. To apply for positions you'll have to submit a manifesto so make
                             sure to use the tips below to help you!

        Why Should I Get Involved?
   Zach Nezianya - Welfare Team
   Coming to university is a daunting experience for a lot of people but
   one thing I’ve realised is that at Hatfield, you’re not coming to a new
   place, you’re coming home. The Hatfield community is a family and
   being a part of the JCR helps you get to know this family. Our JCR
   meetings are family meetings and our JCR events are family reunions.
   Not only can you meet wonderful people through the JCR, but with the
   abundance of talent we have within our college, you can learn new skills
   here as well.

                              Rosie Nicholls - Welfare Team
                              In my first year, I applied to be on Hatfield’s Welfare team and was given the
                              role of Junior Supply Rep. It was a new role in the team, and so I had the
                              chance to really shape it and take ownership of the position! I would
                              encourage anyone and everyone to apply for a position in the JCR; it is a
                              fantastic way to develop your skills and discover new ones, and most
                              importantly you meet some wonderful people – even via Zoom our Welfare
                              meetings were brilliant! Try not to be intimated about applying as a Fresher
                              – I asked lots of questions about the application process (writing a manifesto
                              etc.) and the JCR members were only too happy to help me. From Welfare, to
                              finance, to event organisation or charity work, there are loads of JCR areas
                              and positions you can apply for – it was a definite highlight of my first year at

Sophie Cowie - Summer Ball Committee
Getting involved with the JCR is a great way for people of all backgrounds
to use their voice, act as a spokesperson, meet new people and have fun!
What Can I Apply For?
    Michaelmas Term                        Epiphany Term                         Easter Term
       Junior Welfare Reps                Senior Post Offer Visit                  Senior Freps
         Junior Treasurers                       Day Reps                              Freps
        Junior Events Reps               Post Offer Visit Day Reps           Sports and Socs Seniors
        Junior LiWB Team                                                    Assistant Welfare Officer
    Junior Lumley Ball Team                   Exec Elections:                  Senior Welfare Reps
         Assistant SU Reps                      - Senior Man                 Senior Campaigns Reps
      Junior LGBTQ+ Reps                       - VP Discipline                Senior Livers Out Reps
          Junior POC Reps                    - Welfare Officer           Senior Male Mental Health Reps
    Junior International Reps                    - Treasurer                   Senior LGBTQ+ Reps
          Junior LISS Reps                 -Charity Framework                Senior International Rep
      Junior Feminist Reps                         Officer                     Senior Feminist Rep
      Mature Students Reps                   - Facilities Officer                Senior POC Rep
     Sports and Socs Juniors              - Communities Officer                  Senior LISS Rep
       Nepal Project Chair                  -Sports & Societies             Bailey Wardrobe Manager
      Tech Team Manager                            Officer                     Senior Events Team
     Facilities Team Juniors                  - Events Officer                      LiWB Chair
        Environment Reps                         - Secretary                     LiWB Treasurer
         Secretary Juniors                         - Chair                      Lumley Ball Chair
                                                                                  Sessions Chair

                                        Throughout the Year
                    Toastie Bar Volunteers, Tea and Toast Volunteers, Tech Reps (paid),
                             Bar Staff (paid), Café Staff (paid), Vacant Position

                          Vacant Positions
 If a position goes unfilled after being opened the first time around it becomes vacant. This means
you can apply for the position at any time, and not have to stick to a deadline. This is perfect if you
  missed applying the first time around. The vacant positions will be advertised on the Website as
                               well as on printed publications in College.
 If you have any questions about applying for vacant positions you can always ask the Chair or the
                                         relevant Exec member.

Standing for Supporting Hatfielders’ Academic Progress & Employability, SHAPED is a Hatfield
      personal development programme that aims to help mature academic, personal and
  interpersonal skills, so students are ready for the world by the end of their degree. SHAPED
organises of talks, events, and workshops covering academia, student life, and employability.
                                 It's student run so get involved!

                                              @hatfield.shaped               Hatfield SHAPED
How To Apply
To apply for a JCR position, once it has opened, you'll need to send a manifesto over to
 Emma (the JCR Chair) at hatfield.jcrchair@durham.ac.uk before the deadline. Most
  positions will also require an interview too, but they're nothing to stress about - it's
 really just an informal chat. It's an easy process and there will be an opportunity for
                                     feedback at the end!

 There will be details about the position on the Facebook page when it opens and you
  can always either contact the Chair or the relevant Exec member to ask questions
   before you apply. Asking questions shows you are interested and engaged and
                               everyone is happy to help!

Here are some example manifestos to give you a starting point when you're applying for
   JCR positions, but remember to make it your own and show off your personality:
JCR Democracy
  One of the goals of the JCR is to represent Hatfielders at a college and
 university level, so our democratic processes are really important. From
JCR meetings, to referendums, to the election of Executive Committee, all
 members have the opportunity to have their say and shape the direction
 of the JCR. The JCR thrives if as many people as possible get involved; it
     is what the current students make it, so make your voice heard!

                       JCR Meetings
JCR Meetings (also known as OGMs - Ordinary
General Meetings) provide an essential time for the
JCR to scrutinise the work of the Exec, and to debate
key college and University issues. It is your
opportunity to voice your opinions and engage in
debate about how we can improve our College. On a
lighter note, its a really great opportunity to have a
drink with friends and meet people in other years, so
definitely come along!

They happen two to three times a term, and there's a
chance to submit your own motion if you want to
change something in college!

       What's Going On At The
Last year the JCR held a referendum on whether or not to become an independent charity
and we are currently working to be fully independent from the university framework. Our
  Charity Framework Officer Cassie is working hard along with the Senior Man, Student
 Trustee and the rest of the Board of Trustees to make sure everything is in order for the

  Do make sure you come along to the first OGM of term on October 3rd (last Sunday in
      Freshers Week) to have your say on college matters and voice your opinion!
Submitting An OGM Motion
Why submit a motion?                           Where do I start?
The Ordinary General Meeting is the        If there is something you want to change
highest decision-making and policy-        about the JCR, check the Standing
setting authority of the JCR.              Orders on the JCR website to inform
Submitting a motion gives you the          yourself on the status-quo.
opportunity to have any issue that you     Next, have a think about what action
want to change about the Hatfield JCR      should be taken to facilitate this change
debated, voted on and implimented if       and what considerations should be made
successful.                                when debating the issue.

All JCR members can submit motions
regardless of previous involvement. It's
a way to get your voice heard and           What do I put in the
makes sure that those who represent
the JCR, such as the Exec Committee,             motion?
understand the views of members.
The deadline for submission is always 4
days before an OGM at midday.              Motions must be presented by at least
                                           two members, so make sure you have a

Here is an example:
                                           In the 'this JCR notes' section you
                                           should detail the issue you see with
                                           the status quo, and any background
                                           you think is useful.

                                           In the 'this JCR believes' section you
                                           should detail how you would solve this
                                           problem and how you think it would
                                           improve college life.

                                           In the 'this JCR resolves' section,
                                           summarise the motion and the changes
                                           it would instigate. Make sure to be
                                           clear as if the motion passes it will be
                                           written into the Standing Orders.
The Levy

                      Message from Senior Man Dom:
     Being involved with the JCR (Junior Common Room) during your time at
Hatfield can definitely help enrich your student experience whilst at university.
You'll get the opportunity to come along to formals, play in sports teams, enjoy
all the facilities, sit on committees or even run for office to represent the views
   of your peers! You can even help organise our large events such as Lion in
   Winter Ball or Hatfield Day, which not only looks good on your CV, but will
  connect you with so many people throughout college; getting involved with
                        the JCR is truly a rewarding experience.

 Now that you have read all about the JCR and what you will get from being a
   member we hope that you want to join! You can only gain all the benefits
outlined in this guide if you pay your levy and become a Hatfield JCR Member.
    Membership costs £240 and covers your entire undergraduate degree
(regardless if it is 3 or 4 years). If you have any questions about the levy get in
  touch with Tom, the JCR Treasurer at hatfield.jcrtreasurer@durham.ac.uk.
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