April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County

Page created by Edith Brown
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
April/May/June 2023

               2 Bank Street, Batavia, NY 14020 585-343-1611
     Website: www.co.genesee.ny.us      Email: ofa.dept@co.genesee.ny.us
                          FROM THE DESK OF DIANA FOX, DIRECTOR
This spring we are making some changes with how we do our surveys in order to attempt to
make it even easier to provide us feedback and information. For those that have utilized our
services you know that we send out follow up surveys in order to gather information about how
our services assisted you and provides an opportunity to share your feedback. We are adding
an additional method for being able to hear from you, which we hope will make it easier and
more likely that you will respond to our surveys. Some may want to continue to use pen, paper
and stamps, but some of you may find the new method is a better option. My front page this
newsletter is an introduction about how to use these new methods.
Let’s start with QR codes- What are they? QR codes stands for “Quick Response.” A QR code
is a scannable barcode that stores data. When you shop at a store most every item has a
barcode that is scanned and provides the cashier with the information for you to purchase an
item. QR codes are similar; being a grid that has little black and white squares or pixels.
How to use a QR code? With a scannable device, such as a smartphone, one opens the phone
camera and points it at the QR code. Pointing the phone camera scans the image and it will
either “open up” the information site or provide a link that you tap to open up the information.
There are many uses for QR codes such as: at a restaurant the menu may be on a QR code,
sometimes you can pay your bill with a QR code on the receipt, get information from a poster or
flyer that has a QR code and so on. Here at OFA we want to begin to put QR codes to use with
our surveys.
This spring you will start to see QR codes on some of our materials, including our surveys.
When you see this QR code you can use your phone camera to scan the code and it will take
you to something called “Survey Monkey.” Survey Monkey is an on-line site that allows us to
create customized surveys, polls, and quizzes.
                                                                 Director’s Article Continues on Page 7
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
2                                                                                            Gene-Senior

     ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETINGS                                             WHAT’S HAPPENING
             Office for the Aging                                Check back as we will be adding more
    Wednesdays— April 5th, May 3rd & June 7th                    programs! SIGN UP TODAY by calling the
                   2:30 pm                                       Office for the Aging at 585-343-1611.

        Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.                          MONDAY:
        Thursdays— April 20th & June 15th                         9:30am-10:30am - Arthritis Exercise
           No Meeting in May, 2023                                 ($1.50 suggested contribution)
                   2:00 pm                                        1pm-3pm - Board Game Play!

     Website Address for the Genesee                              10am-12pm - Mahjong
       County Office for the Aging
                                                                  9am-12:30pm - Quilting/Sewing Group
     www.co.genesee.ny.us                                        THURSDAY:
                                                                  10am-11am - Tai Chi - starting April
                NY CONNECTS                                        20th for 8 weeks. ($15 per class. Some
              in Genesee County                                    spots will be subsidized by the Genesee
                                                                   Senior Foundation).
                                                                  9:30am-11am - Line Dancing
                                                                    1pm-2:30pm - Young at Art
NY Connects in Genesee County is here                                 ($10 per class)
 to help you. Whether you are an older                              3pm-4pm - Yoga - starting May 12th.
     adult, person with a disability, or                             (suggested contribution $3/class)
 caregiver, we have a fair and easy way
for you to get connected to the long term                             MEALSITES (Must Pre-Register)
 care help you need. We make the hard                                     Lunch served at noon
         choices simpler for you.                                              Havenwood:
               (585) 343-1611                                                Monday through Friday
                     or                                                         Call 344-1330
           Reach us on the web at:                                      Batavia at the Senior Center:
           www.nyconnects.ny.gov                                         Monday, Thursday and Friday
This work funded through grants from NYS Office for the Aging,                   Call 343-1611
  NY Connects, Administration on Community Living, and the
     generous support of the Genesee County Legislature.                 Corfu Presbyterian Church:
                 Feeling the Stress?
           Genesee County Mental Health
Providing phone, video and in-person Sessions (accept
                  most insurances)
                 Care & Crisis Helpline
            585-283-5200 Text Line: 741741
          Mental Health Hotline (free service)
                  Call or Text 988
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                    3

Starting April 3 from 1:00 to 3:00 we will board              DONATIONS:
games available to play. We have Scrabble,                         Grace Renzo
Dominoes, Chess and Puzzles. Bring a group                      Suzanne Berardini
of friends or come to meet some new people.                       Diana Martino
Enjoy an afternoon of fun in                                   Lynn Hayes-Cinquino
our Community Room at the                                       Reginald Barcomb
Senior Center, 2 Bank St.,                                        Howard Wilson
Batavia.                                                      Larry and Barb Speed
                                                             Kathy and Andy Barnard
Call the Office for the Aging
                                                                  Pamela Denny
at 343-1611 to register or for
                                                                   Kathy Foster
more information. See you soon!
                                                                 Donna Genesky
                                                                  Christine King
 YOUR SUPPORT IS APPRECIATED                                       Anonymous
Because needs are always greater than the                  The Cook and Tibbils Families
funds available to meet them, the Genesee          Falcone Family Funeral and Cremation Service
County Office for the Aging (OFA) encourages
monetary donations to our not-for-profit
                                                                  THANK YOU!
Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
                                                               NAME THAT SCAM
   (May we publish your name? Yes No)              This fun-filled, interactive and informative
                                                   presentation is brought to you by the Upstate
   _________________________________________         Elder Abuse Center at Lifespan. Listen to
   (Street Address)
                                                     summertime-themed songs from the 50s
   _________________________________________           and 60s and try to “Name that Scam”
   (City, State, Zip)
                                                                   for great prizes.
Gift amount: $ __________
                                                      Thursday, May 11, 2023
In Memory of: ________________________________        Genesee County Office for the Aging,
In Honor of: __________________________________
                                                       2 Bank St., Batavia, NY
                                                      1pm — 2:15pm
Funds received will be used to support OFA            Please call to reserve your spot for this
Programs such as: Project Lifesaver (tracking          free program 585-343-1611
system for individuals with dementia), Home
Delivered Meals, Recreation/Senior Trips,               The Genesee Senior
Transportation and other services as needed.        Foundation, Inc. will also be
                                                   providing refreshments and a
Please designate contribution use:                     chance to win a prize!
   Where most needed
   For this program:
                                                                   BOOK CLUB
All donations are greatly appreciated & are tax
deductible to the extent of the law.
                                                   A book club is forming at Office for
                                                   the Aging. If you are interested in
Please make checks payable and send to:            leading or joining
       Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.             this monthly book
               2 Bank Street
             Batavia, NY 14020                          club, call
                         THANK YOU!
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                       5

                      NUTRITION NOTES— The Power of Protein
                        Submitted by: Miranda Bethin, Registered Dietitian
As we age, our bodies process protein less efficiently and need more of it to maintain
muscle mass and strength, bone health, immunity, and maintaining physical function.
Yet, over 1/3 of older adults do not eat an adequate amount of protein.
               PROTEIN TIPS:                                      PROTEIN SOURCES:
    Try to aim for eating half of your body weight            Food
                                                                                         Protein (g)
     in grams of protein per day. For example:
         Someone who weighs 120 pounds                 Chicken,
           should consume about 60 grams of                                  3 oz        28
         Someone who weighs 200 pounds                 Tuna                3 oz        22
           should consume about 100 grams of
           protein                                       Greek
                                                                             6 oz        18
    Try to spread your protein intake throughout
     the day between meals and snacks to ensure          Pinto Beans         ½ cup       11
     your body is able to use the protein you are
     consuming                                           1% Cow’s
                                                                             1 cup       8
    Increase your protein intake even more if you:
        Have a non-healing wound or pressure           Peanuts             1 oz        7
        Are in the hospital or healing from injury     Peanut
                                                                             1 Tbsp.     7
        Have a chronic or acute illness                Butter
    If you are unable to eat enough protein             Egg, Large          1 egg       6
     through food, try a supplement such as protein
     powder to mix with milk or pre-made drinks          Flax Seeds          1 oz        6
    *These recommendations DO NOT apply to
           seniors with kidney disease.                  Green Peas          ½ cup       4
       Discuss your protein needs with your
              medical professional*                      Quinoa              ½ cup       4

                          VETERANS INFORMATION SESSION
                     Submitted by: Jessica Riley, Specialist, Aging Services

Would you like to know what services and
benefits are available to Veterans and their
families? Join us at the Office for the Aging on
May 16, 2023 at 10:30am for a presentation by
Veterans Service Agency and the VA Medical
Center. Call the Office for the Aging 585-343-1611
to register or for more information. A light lunch will
be provided after the program courtesy of the
Genesee Senior Foundation, Inc.
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
4                                                                                  Gene-Senior

            GOT GROCERIES?                        CAN YOU HELP AN OLDER ADULT?
         Submitted by: Jessica, Riley,
          Specialist, Aging Services              Join AmeriCorps Seniors and volunteer

                                                     to drive older adults without other
          program to get those needed
                                                     transportation options to medical
         groceries!     This program is
         designed specifically for individuals
                                                       appointments or explore other
         who meet following criteria:               opportunities to make a difference!
                                                   Mileage reimbursement is provided.
   60 years of age and older                     If interested, please contact AmeriCorps
   With the ability to pay for own groceries             Seniors at 585-343-1611 or
   Unable to do own shopping
   Unable     to      order     via   internet

Office for the Aging is seeking volunteers
and individuals desiring assistance. Please
call ask marshall at 585-815-7979 for more

Funded by a grant from
the Muriel H. Marshall
Fund for the Aging in
Genesee County; the
fund is overseen by the
Rochester Area
Community Foundation.
NOTE: Program is not
able to use SNAP
benefits at this time.

                                                             “Do You Remember These?”
                                                              Co-hosts Connie and Charley
                                                  Listen to our radio show! Tune in to WBTA at 1490
                                                                      AM or 100.1 FM
                                                             Sundays 9:00 a.m. or 9:00 p.m.
                                                               Or listen afterward online at:
                                                       We’d love your feedback about the show!
                                                                Write DYRT@WBTAi.com
                                                    Lots of topics & music to take you back to fun
                                                      Sponsored by Genesee County Office
                                                    for the Aging courtesy of a family bequest
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
6                                                                              Gene-Senior

                       GENESEE CAREGIVER
                                                      CAREGIVER SERVICES
                                                        Submitted by: Laurie Watson,
                                                          Specialist, Aging Services
                                               If you are a caregiver of someone with a
                                               memory           impairment      and    feeling
Powerful Tools for Caregivers: In the six      overwhelmed, depressed or angry, it is time for
weekly classes, family caregivers              you to get help for yourself and the loved one
develop a wealth of self-care tools to:        that you are caring for. We offer a caregiver
reduce personal stress; change negative        support group where you can freely express
                                               yourself among people who are going through a
self-talk; communicate more effectively        similar, if not the same, experience.
in challenging situations; manage their
emotions; and make tough caregiver             Meetings focus on providing emotional support,
                                               tips for coping with behavior issues and sharing
decisions.                                     experiences.
       Genesee Co. Office for the Aging        For more information please call 585-343-1611.
       2 Bank Street                             Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of each
       Batavia, NY 14020                             month at 1pm at Genesee County
                                                   Office for Aging, 2 Bank St. Batavia
       2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
       Fridays: April 7, April 14, April 21,
       April 28, May 5 and May 12, 2023

There is no cost for this six week
Powerful Tools for Caregivers workshop;              CARING FOR A LOVED ONE
                                                        Submitted by: Laurie Watson,
however pre-registration is required by                   Specialist, Aging Services
Friday, March 31st
                                               ARE YOU CARING FOR A LOVED ONE WITH
Please note that it is strongly                        MEMORY IMPAIRMENT?
recommended that you attend all six
                                                The Alzheimer’s Association – WNY Chapter
classes. You are required to attend the            and the eight WNY Offices for the Aging,
first class in order to participate in this       including Genesee County are part of the
program. You will be provided “The                 Alzheimer’s Disease Caregiver Support
Caregiver Helpbook”, a great reference           Initiative (ADCSI). This program is funded
tool!                                            through the New York State Department of
                                               Health and designed to support caregivers and
Please call the Office for the Aging at            people with dementia in the community.
        343-1611 to register                     The core services of this program include:
                                                Caregiver Assessments, Education, Support
                                               Groups, Safety Services, Respite Services and
                                                              Legal Services
                                                      To learn more about this program,
                                                call Genesee County OFA at 585-343-1611.
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                            7

    The Financial Assistance, Library Visits,     Director’s Article Continued from Front Page
  Handyman, Home Visitation, Transportation
and Got Groceries? Programs are funded by a       When we mail out our surveys you will begin
 grant from the Muriel H. Marshall Fund for the   to start seeing the QR code that will link you
Aging in Genesee County; the fund is overseen     to the Survey Monkey, and that will allow you
      by the Rochester Area Community             to give us your feedback- all without having to
                                                  put pen to paper or use stamps! Of course, if
     LIBRARY VISITS PROGRAM                       you prefer to answer our surveys with pen,
 Submitted by: Lucine Kauffman, Coordinator       paper and stamps, that option will remain.
                                                  Either way, we look forward to hearing what
Many of us are fortunate to have fond             you have to tell us as you return those
memories of visiting the library. But what if     surveys! As always, if you have questions,
you were no longer able to travel to the          please give our office a call - we are happy to
library due to a long or short term illness;      help!
a lack of transportation; a disability; or         Please try out the QR code on page 9 of
caregiver duties? For many of our county’s              this newsletter and take our
older adults, being cut off from the library              Legal Assistance Survey.
leaves a huge hole in their lives.        The
books, music, movies, and magazines that
once brought them pleasure and enriched                  SAVE THE DATE—June 19th
their lives are no longer easily accessible.               Intergenerational Event
                                                           Trinidadian Steel Drums
The Library Visits Program at the Richmond
Memorial Library brings library services to       Most kids are off from school on Monday, June 19,
Genesee County residents who are 60+              2023 in observance of Juneteenth. Many
                                                  grandparents or neighbors are watching the kids!
years old and unable to visit the library.        Why not come to the Office for the Aging for fun
Through personalized visits, LVP staff and        and interactive event!
volunteers bring the library to older adults
                                                  Ted Canning will bring the Trinidadian steel pan to
so they can remain independent and                you, and you to the steel pan. Follow the creation
engaged.                                          of the steel drum, or “pan,” from its roots to its own
                                                  distinct musical tradition, and see how people
And now, thanks to a grant from the Ralph         came up with the idea of making musical
C. Wilson, Jr. Legacy Fund administered by        instruments on oil barrels. Through the story of the
the Community Foundation for Greater              Trinidadian steel pan, learn how music grows and
Buffalo, we are able to deliver library           changes      as   it    flows    between      different
                                                  cultures. Have fun        playing together in a steel
services to caregivers—volunteer, paid, or        band!
a family member, regardless of age.
                                                  This is a free event but registration is necessary as
Together, we are making           NEW     fond    space is limited! If you are age 60+ and would like
memories of the library!                          to bring your grandchild or other young one (of
                                                  any age) please plan on attending this fun
If you or someone you know
needs     our  services—or                        The event will take place at the Genesee County
                                                  Office for the Aging, 2 Bank
would like to volunteer--                         Street, Batavia from 1-2pm.
please call ask marshall at                       Refreshments       will   be
585-815-7979    or    email                       provided. Call the Office for
                                                  the Aging at 585-343-1611 for
askmarshall@co.genesee.ny.us                      more information or to
                                                  register. SPACE IS LIMITED
                                                  so call today!
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
8                                                                                      Gene-Senior

                     Submitted by: Maureen Estabrooks, Specialist Aging Services
Genesee County Office for the Aging with be distributing Farmers’ Market Coupons again this
summer. We expect to begin after July 1, 2023. The schedule is included below. If you live in
subsidized senior housing, a flyer will be posted with the date/time our staff will be at your location.
Starting Tuesday, August 1, 2023 walk-ins will be accepted at Office for the Aging, 2 Bank St.,
Batavia; no appointment necessary. Listen for announcements on WBTA and look for ads in the
local newspaper, Pennysavers and online media outlets. Do not forget to check the Office for the
Aging’s website at https://www.co.genesee.ny.us and Office for the Aging’s Facebook page
https://www.facebook.com/GCOfficefortheAging for information. You can also call the office at (585)

    July 6, 2023     Genesee County Office for the Aging, 2 Bank St., Batavia     10am-12pm
    July 7, 2023     Genesee Country Farmers’ Market, Alva Pl., Batavia           10am-12pm
    July 10, 2023    The Goose, 33 South Main St., Oakfield                       10am-11am
    July 14, 2023    Genesee Country Farmers’ Market, Alva Pl., Batavia           10am-12pm
    July 17, 2033    Genesee County Office for the Aging, 2 Bank St., Batavia     10am-12pm
    July 21, 2023    Genesee Country Farmers’ Market, Alva Pl., Batavia           10am-12pm
    July 22, 2023    LeRoy Farmers’ Market, Trigon Pk., LeRoy                     9:30-11:30am
    July 24, 2023    Genesee County Office for the Aging, 2 Bank St., Batavia     10am-12pm
    July 28, 2023    Genesee Country Farmers’ Market, Alva Pl., Batavia           10am-12pm
    July 29, 2023    LeRoy Farmers’ Market, Trigon Pk., LeRoy                     9:30-11:30am
    Aug. 5, 2023     LeRoy Farmers’ Market, Trigon Pk., LeRoy                     9:30-11:30am

                                    GETSETUP DEMO DAYS
                    Submitted by: Courtney Iburi, AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Director

Have you heard about GetSetUp, the online learning community created specifically for
older adults? It has hundreds of live and previously recorded classes to keep older adults
mentally, physically and socially active. New York State Office for the Aging partnered with
GetSetUp to bring online learning opportunities to NY’s older adults at no charge! There’s a
wide variety of topics to discover from learning new technology skills in the “iPhone
(or Android) Smartphone Basics” classes, to creating new dishes with “Healthy Breakfast
Ideas and Recipes”, to participating in “Cardio Dance” or “Exercises that Boost Mental
Health” and learning to meditate. All of this and more is at your fingertips (for free!) from the
comfort of your own home.
Give GetSetUp a try by visiting their website: https://www.getsetup.io/partner/NYSTATE or
for a hands-on introduction, come to our office for a
GetSetUp Demo Day on:
   Monday April 17th from 11:00-12:00
   Tuesday May 9th from 1:00-2:00 or
   Wednesday June 14th from 11:00-12:00.
Calling ahead at 343-1611 to register is helpful,
but not required. GetSetUp, you’ll be happy you did!
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
Gene-Senior                                                                                      9
                      2023 LEGAL ASSISTANCE SURVEY
    Please return to OFA, 2 Bank St., Batavia, NY 14020 or call 585-343-1611
Are you aware that the Genesee County Office for the Aging offers Legal Services to Genesee
County residents age 60 years and older? _____ Yes _____ No

How likely are you to refer someone to the Genesee County Office for the Aging for Legal Services?
____ Very Likely ____ Likely ____ Not Likely ____ Not Very Likely ____ Not Sure

Please rank what you believe older adults need more information about, number "1" being the top
____ Substitute Decision Making: Power of Attorney, Health Care Proxy/Living Wills.

____ Health Care: Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance and Long Term Care

____ Consumer Protection: Debt and creditor issues, ID theft, scam-protection.

____ Housing: Eviction defense and landlord/tenant issues.
                                                                                    (Complete this
____ Ombudsman Program: Advocacy for nursing home residents.                         survey using
                                                                                    the QR Code)
Please add suggestions for other Legal Services Programs or additional comments:


           3-D-5-5    For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.lpicommunities.com                14-0475
April/May/June 2023 - Genesee County
We deliver library services
                                                       to older adults in Genesee
                                                       County who are unable to
                                                            visit the library.

Richmond Memorial Library
343-9550 option 6 • LibraryVisits@nioga.org
An ask marshall program of the Muriel H. Marshall Fund at Rochester Area Community Foundation

 Catholic Charities Free Home Visitation Program offers weekly 1 hour
    in person visits or phone call to homebound older adults age 60+.
Seeking volunteers interested in making a difference in the life of a senior.
Give just one hour of your time a week playing cards, crafts or just talking.
                Contact Catholic Charities (585) 343-0614

                                                                                                      LET’S GROW YOUR BUSINESS
                Co., Inc
      Established 1915
                                                                                                    Advertise in our Newsletter!
Visit our shop & showroom
      37 Myrtle St., LeRoy                                                                               CONTACT ME Jules Rosenman
         David Carlsen
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                Richard Wendt | 343-2400
                                  Fax: 343-2401

                 One State Street, Batavia
             Subsidized Senior Housing Complex
         Serving Genesee County Since 1981
         We are accepting applications and some apartment types
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                    Call or visit our website for more info.                                                                     Compare multiple plans
           Come to the Best Senior Housing in Genesee County!                                                                    Jacky Smith Insurance Agency
     Conveniently located in Downtown Batavia. Rent based on Income.
     Serving low income seniors 62+ or Disabled (w/ Impaired Mobility)
                      Call or email: info@wtBatavia.com

            Managed by VJ Gautieri Constructors, Inc.

                        3-D-5-5            For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.lpicommunities.com                                                        14-0475
BERGEN MEADOWS APTS.                      Consumer Directed Choices (CDChoices) is a premier
    6619 N. Lake Rd.                      provider of self-directed home-care services. Through this
    Bergen, NY 14416                      New York State Medicaid-funded program, you hire your
        585-494-2168                      own caregivers to provide you with quality care.

  Apartments for Seniors 62 yrs or           What sets CDChoices apart?
over, or Disabled regardless of age.
 One-bedroom includes appliances,            - Specialize exclusively in consumer-directed
 off-street parking, laundry on-site.        personal assistance
           TDD Relay 711
                                             - Offer highest pay rate to caregivers
                                             - Provides your caregivers with health, dental,
                                             and vision benefits                                           Contact Us Today
                                             - Consumers control their caregiver’s rate
                                                                                                         518-464-0810 ext. 120
                                             - Sign-on bonuses of up to $500 for caregivers
                                                                                                        Email: Info@CDChoices.org
                                             - Help new consumers effectively manage caregivers
                                              through a peer mentor
                                                  Don’t have a caregiver? No problem. When you enroll with CDChoices, you receive
7070 Telephone Rd, Pavilion, NY 14525               exclusive access to our Workforce Recruitment Portal, where you can choose
       (585) 252-3900                                             from over hundreds of caregivers looking for work.

     We Have a Beautiful Apartment Just for You!
         240 Richmond Ave., Batavia | (585) 344-1260
                    Includes Service Coordination Services
             145 Park Rd.., Batavia | (585) 343-2804
                  For Seniors 62+ and Disabled
             Pay only 30% of adjusted income as rent
           GVRPC Inc (585) 658-4870 / TTY 800-662-1220

                                                     J. Leonard
                                          Funeral Home, LLC
                                           2 Bogue Avenue, Batavia, NY
                                               Ronald Konieczny II
                                               Director & Proprietor

                    3-D-5-5         For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.lpicommunities.com                                       14-0475
This Newsletter is funded through grants from the New York State Office for the Aging, Administration on Community Living, and the
generous support of the Genesee County Legislature. SUGGESTED CONTRIBUTION - $5.00

GENESEE COUNTY OFFICE FOR THE AGING                                                                                                            PRE-SORT STAND-
Batavia - Genesee Senior Center                                                                                                                       ARD
                                                                                                                                                 U.S. POSTAGE
2 Bank St.                                                                                                                                            PAID
Batavia, New York 14020                                                                                                                          Batavia, N.Y. 14020
                                                                                                                                                PERMIT NO. 194

                                                                                                                              OR CURRENT RESIDENT

                                                  Robert W. Mattice
                                                 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
                                                               Cell: 585.507.7392
                                                             Office: 585.343.8434

                                                      6 Ellicott Avenue, Batavia, NY

       • Long Term Care Planning                 C.B. Beach &
     • Crisis Event Asset Protection
      • Wills & Powers of Attorney
                                                Son Mortuary, Inc.
            • Estates & Trusts                         P.O. Box 338
                • Real Estate
                                                      4-6 Main Street
113 W. Center Street,    6409 Dysinger Road,
 Medina, New York        Lockport, New York          Corfu, N.Y. 14036
       14103                   14094            Phone 585-599-4520
(585) 798-2250          (716) 638-7026          THE FOURTH GENERATION SERVING
         wsmelderlaw.com                                  OUR COMMUNITY

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                                                   We’re local help for your insurance needs!

                                                                                           212 East Main Street, Batavia | 585-469-1563   Maintenance Free Living
                                                                                                 LegacyMedicareInsurance.com                Call Megan today:
                         Diana M. Wagner                                                                                                       585-813-5611

                       3-D-5-5             For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • www.lpicommunities.com                                                             14-0475
You can also read