BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College

Page created by Jimmie Klein
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College
                                                                                      Crafton Hills
                                                                                      ‘Superheroes’ Are Using
                                                                                      Online Instruction to
                                                                                      Continue Educating
                                                                                      The Crafton Hills College (CHC)
                                                                                      Emergency Distance Education team
                                                                                      is nicknamed “DE Superheroes,” and
                                                                                      it’s no wonder why. With little time
                                                                                      to prepare, the team transitioned
                                                                                      the college to online instruction to
                                                                                      prioritize the health of both the college
                                                                                      and the greater Yucaipa communities.

                                                                                      The team is a portion of the larger
                                                                                      Educational Technology Committee
                                                                                      (ETC), and has provided ongoing
                                                                                      remote training, an organized page
                                                                                      of resources, and regular email and
                                                                                      website updates. An extended spring
                                                                                      break allowed more time for instructors

 Photo: Dr. Shohreh Rahbarnia, Dr. Kim Salt, and Daniel McCoy at spring in-service.
                                                                                      Continued on page 2.

Online Answer Center
Every problem is an opportunity for
innovation. When the campus closed
for COVID-19, Jonathan Townsend
noticed that the campus lacked a
general help line. He proposed an
online answer center, a Zoom room,
staffed throughout the day to ensure
that      students      receive    the
information they need from a live
person that they can see. Jonathan
was tasked by instructional dean
Kay Weiss to organize and maintain
this online answer center which has
run since the beginning of April and
continues each week during the
business day.
The answer center team ensures
that our students not only get the
answers and information they need
but are also met by the most important
part of our college, employees who are
committed to students and who love to
see students thrive. The answer
center is expected to continue for the      Photo: Jonathan Townsend, CHC instructional assessment technician.
duration of the campus closure.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                        May 2020 | Page 2

 Crafton Hills ‘Superheroes’ Are Using Online Instruction to
 Continue Educating continued..
 to be trained and to transition, and the     The key is to reassure one another,        “Our students have had hands on
 team plan to offer ongoing support,          be flexible, and do the best we can to     experiences and learned a lot of lab
 continuously    updated       resources,     help each other through this period.”      techniques for many labs before this
 and real-time help throughout the                                                       happened,” she said. “Keeping that
 remainder of the semester.                   In response, CHC faculty are displaying    in mind we know that we can change
                                              extraordinary flexibility, using any       the delivery of the information and
 “Crafton’s DE Superheroes have               means necessary to continue to             techniques. I have found some videos
 pulled together as a community               support one another and educate their      on YouTube with the lab technique
 so that we can all be successful in          students in difficult times.               demonstrated that was the main
 these uncharted waters,” said Brandi                                                    point of the experiment. I also went
 Bailes, math professor and EDE team          For example, chemistry professor           into my lab room and videotaped
 member.                                      and DE superhero Kelly Boebinger           myself performing some of the lab
                                              recorded a video for all of her classes    techniques or the actual experiment...
 The team is working hard to ensure           to explain the new processes and what      These videos are being shared with
 faculty’s technical success, since           to expect. Since then, she continuously    other instructors teaching the same
 some faculty are new to teaching             communicates about college updates         experiments, so our students in
 exclusively online.                          using email, and provides updates          different sections all get the same
                                              via Canvas and email when she has          information. Students will still have
 “We have emphasized that regular             developed new content for lectures,        lab reports from their lab manuals
 and effective contact with and               labs and exams - which is now fully        to turn in, they will fill in the data as
 among students is the number one             online. She also is conducting office      they are viewing the lab videos. They
 priority going forward,” said Cynthia        hours online.                              will scan the completed reports and
 Hamlett, DE coordinator and ETC                                                         submit them electronically. We want
 chair. “That includes consistent             “My goal for my students is still the      the lab experience to be as similar as
 course     announcements,      Canvas        same,” she said. “I want them to be        possible as the face-to-face class. Our
 discussion forums to facilitate group        successful. Keeping that point of view     students need these skills to move on
 conversations about course materials,        in mind during this transition has made    in their education.”
 and auxiliary forums where students          this easier. Since I have already taught
 can help each other with anything            a chemistry lecture course online, I       One challenge is serving students with
 from tech issues to the understanding        was fortunate enough to have many of       less access to distance learning than
 of course materials. We have also            the skills needed to convert the rest of   others.
 encouraged making use of Zoom for            my courses, including lab, online. Our
 conferences and virtual class meetings       Chemistry department is awesome. I         “Chromebooks are being made
 so students and faculty both will have       work with Dr. Kim Salt and Dr. Shohreh     available while supplies last to
 some ‘face time’ to help them feel less      Rahbarnia, and we work well together.      students who may not have access to
 isolated working from home.”                 We have shared ideas and even video        the necessary technology at home,”
                                              conferenced a few times to help each       said Dean Kay Weiss.
 However, the team also recognizes            other with ideas.”
 the need for individual wellness for                                                    Additionally, a limited number of
 each member of the Crafton learning          Transitioning from in-person to            computer workstations are available
 community.                                   online instruction is not without          two days a week so that students
                                              its challenges. “Due to extremely          who need computers and internet will
 “We want to connect with our                 supportive colleagues, the changes         have availability. Social distancing will
 colleagues, not just to assist with          are going as well as can be expected,”     be enforced, and each station will be
 training them on the various ways we         Bailes said. “There will always be         sanitized appropriately.
 can teach remotely,” said Gwendolyn          bumps in the road, but with a strong
 Diponio, English professor and co-           team of peer support, we are confident     Through difficult times, Crafton Hills
 chair of the Curriculum Committee.           we can handle them.                        DE Superheroes are demonstrating the
 “But also to connect with them on a                                                     strength of creativity, communication
 human level, to let them know it is ok       For Boebinger, teaching chemistry          and extraordinary empathy.
 not to aim for perfection, and it’s ok not   labs remotely is the most challenging.
 to expect perfection from students.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                        May 2020 | Page 3

                                           Photo: Gabriel Zavala, Crafton Hills College paramedic student.

                                          Crafton Hills College Continues to Train
                                          Paramedics Amid Pandemic
                                          The COVID-19 global pandemic is            - didactive, clinic and field.
                                          causing a strain on every part of the
                                          healthcare system, calling for “all        Zavala says that the program’s
  Photo: Child interacting with CDC       hands on deck.” Crafton Hills College      instructors are helping students to
  teacher.                                student paramedics feel the tension        stay on track to graduate on time.
                                          as well, as they navigate a strenuous      “Our program leaders are admirable,
Child Development                         paramedic program while also               knowledgeable and helpful during
                                          working the front lines in the field.      this pandemic,” he said.
                                          One paramedic student, Gabriel             Students like Zavala are gaining
Learning continues, even for our
                                          Zavala, says that the most important       increased amounts of field experience,
youngest students at Crafton Hills
                                          thing he is learning in paramedic          serving their communities alongside
College. Child development center
                                          school amid a global pandemic is           first responders.
teachers remain engaged with the
                                          adaptability. “EMS is a constantly
children and families even during
                                          changing field,” he said. “During          “Working as an EMT, serving the
school site closure due to COVID 19.
                                          times    of    worldwide     adversity,    community, and helping others in
Students are provided virtual weekly
                                          maintaining composure is the only          need is something I will not take for
activities, story times and even Zoom
                                          way to persevere, and composure is         granted,” Zavala said. “I am incredibly
meetings in an effort to continue the
                                          essential while working in the field.”     honored for the career that I have and
early learning program provided by
                                                                                     what this program continues to teach
the campus.
                                          In order to be eligible for licensure as   me.”
                                          a paramedic in the state of California,
The Crafton Hills College child
                                          students must complete the 39 units        “Paramedic school has been the
development center provides a
                                          of the certificate program, pass           most challenging and rewarding
high quality developmental and
                                          National Registry written and skills       time of my life,” he continued. “I am
educational program to serve the
                                          examinations, and meet all other           blessed to be in a program with many
college and community. Applications
                                          licensure requirements established by      other great students who I know will
for morning, afternoon, or full day
                                          the state. The Crafton Hills Paramedic     be some of the best paramedics once
care will be available June 1st for the
                                          Program offers two cycles per year,        the program is complete.”
2020-2021 school year for children
                                          and is broken down into three sections
ages 3 to 5 years.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                     May 2020 | Page 4

                                                                                      expectations; for the first time, I
                                                                                      wanted to truly learn the content,
                                                                                      and dedicate my time to excel in the
                                                                                      courses because of how committed,
                                                                                      personable, and passionate my
                                                                                      instructors were.

                                                                                      I declared Communication Studies as
                                                                                      my major, and within two years I earned
                                                                                      my Associates Degree, along with two
                                                                                      Student Senate Scholarships and
                                                                                      Medals of Distinction. After graduating
                                                                                      from CHC in 2019, I transferred to
                                                                                      California State University, Long
                                                                                      Beach where I am currently pursuing a
                                                                                      Bachelors Degree in Communication
                                                                                      Studies. I have since joined multiple
                                                                                      campus organizations and pursued
                                                                                      leadership positions in both my sorority
                                                                                      and communications club. Building
                                                                                      genuine connections and networking
                                                                                      with those around me has played in
                                                                                      huge role in deciding what I want to
                                                                                      do once I graduate next year. I have
                                                                                      goals to work in the entertainment
                                                                                      industry focusing on communications
                                                                                      coordination or event planning.

                                                                                      My advice to current CHC students
                                                                                      is to take advantage of the resources
                                                                                      around you. Reach out to peers and
                                                                                      faculty, get involved in campus clubs
  Photo: CHC Alumna, Lorin Costello.
                                                                                      and organizations, attend workshops
                                                                                      and events on campus; your
 CHC Alumna, Lorin Costello                                                           experience at Crafton is what YOU
                                                                                      make it. Stay focused and ENJOY it
 As I prepared to graduate high school      a parking pass at a 4-year institution.
 in 2017, I was starting to feel the        It was a no-brainer at that point, and
 pressure to attend a 4-year university.    with confidence I decided that Crafton
                                                                               I look back now and I am incredibly
 I was rejected from two of my dream        was the right path for me.
                                                                               thankful for the rejection that I faced
 Universities and waitlisted for the
                                                                               along the way. In the end, it has
 third. At the time it was a hard pill to I got plugged in right away and was
                                                                               taught me to make the absolute best
 swallow, but little did I know it would  fortunate enough to join the Student
                                                                               out of where I am using what I have.
 lead me to a gem that is Crafton Hills   Senate on campus. I connected
                                                                                           Things will not always
                                                                                           go as planned, but that
                                 “Your experience at Crafton is what YOU is just an opportunity to
 I remember attending a
 SOAR day at Crafton,             make it. Stay focused and ENJOY it all.” overcome obstacles and
                                                                                           work towards something
 still waiting to hear back
                                                                                           greater than we could
 from my third-choice university, and with driven peers like former Senate
                                                                               have ever imagined.
 immediately I was blown away by how President, Valerie Johnson, and
 helpful the counselors were when they selfless advisors like Dr. Ericka
                                                                               I am more than proud to be a Crafton
 sat down with me to pick classes. My Paddock, who valued student
                                                                               Hills College Alumni, and I cannot
 potential professors had roaring 5-star needs and campus-wide success.
                                                                               thank this institution enough for
 reviews, and the cost of enrolling in 15 In the classroom, professors like
                                                                               shaping me into who I am today.
 units was just about the same price as Jimmy Urbanovich exceeded my
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                 May 2020 | Page 5

                                                                                   Ward is extremely excited to share
                                                                                   the lessons she has learned from
                                                                                   teaching at Crafton. “This is an
                                                                                   amazing opportunity to remind
                                                                                   educators of the importance of being
                                                                                   a teacher worth following,” Ward

                                                                                   The COVID-19 crisis has highlighted
                                                                                   the   essential    work    of  EMS
                                                                                   professionals, and how colleges like
                                                                                   Crafton have a key role in preparing
                                                                                   students for the profession.

                                                                                   “This field is exhausting, mentally
                                                                                   and physically,” Ward remarked,
                                                                                   recognizing that students are tasked
                                                                                   with walking into a total stranger’s
                                                                                   worst day of their life. Ward is proud
                                                                                   that Crafton’s program prepares
                                                                                   students to deal with the toll on their
  Photo: Amanda Ward with CHC Paramedic students.                                  well-being and the importance of
                                                                                   mental resilience.
 Crafton Emergency Medical Services                                                The CHC paramedic program is a
 Professor Selected to Share Knowledge at                                          rarity, as it includes an entire course
                                                                                   dedicated to helping students
 Prestigious Conference                                                            manage the human aspects of this
                                                                                   career field. Ward hopes to help other
 Amanda Ward, Emergency Medical            This     prestigious    conference      professionals while representing
 Services Professor at Crafton Hills       offers cutting-edge training and        Crafton’s Paramedic program at EMS
 College, was recently selected to         professional development sessions       World Expo.
 present at the EMS World Expo in Las      including Professor Ward’s session,
 Vegas. This is the largest event of its   Be a Teacher, Preceptor, or FTO         Currently the EMS World Expo is
 kind attracting more than 6,000 EMS       Worth Following!                        proceeding as planned for September
 professionals from all over the world.                                            2020.

                                           One Book One College
                                           One Book/One College at Crafton         wide conversation, creativity, and
                                           Hills is a college-wide reading         community. The group has received
                                           initiative with the main purpose of     nominations and will be selecting
                                           bringing together the Crafton Hills     a book based on the following
                                           campus community through the            criteria: Addresses issues of equity
                                           reading of a common book focused        and inclusion, is relevant to the
                                           on equity and inclusion. This           current CHC student population,
                                           year, students, faculty, staff, and     inspires critical dialogue and an
                                           administrators will select and read a   opportunity to test one’s own ideas,
                                           common book. The One Book/One           is interdisciplinary, has a message
                                           College task force in collaboration     that can develop empathy, can
                                           with the Professional Development       build community amongst students
                                           committee will hold a series of         and staff, and is accessible.
                                           free events to encourage college-
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                         May 2020 | Page 6

  Photo: Fernando Flores.                      Photo: Suzanna Smit.                        Photo: Eric Zaragoza.

 Virtual Student Awards
 Each year, Crafton Hills College faculty     rather than having student recipients       them. These students come from all
 and staff honor the best and brightest       and their families for dinner, the Office   walks of life and stand out from their
 students from their programs with a          of Student Life awarded the recipients      peers for a variety of reasons. Whether
 Student of the Year award. Historically,     virtually through a newly designed          they have the highest grade or the
 the awards are presented during the          webpage and emailed certificate.            strongest work ethic, are the first to
 Student Recognition Dinner organized                                                     help others or exhibit some other
 by the Office of Student Life. This event    Each student is listed on the Crafton       exceptional characteristic, the College
 is always a highlight of the year, kicking   Hills College website under latest          is extremely proud of these students
 off the spring celebrations at Crafton.      news with a photo, the department           and their contributions to our campus
 This year was a little different with        recognizing them, and a quote from the      community. Pictured above are three
 COVID-19 required social distancing,         faculty or staff member who nominated       of this year’s recipients.

                                                                                          Student Needs Survey
                                                                                          As we transitioned to online instruction
                                                                                          and services at Crafton Hills College,
                                                                                          we asked students to respond to
                                                                                          an online survey about the recent
                                                                                          COVID-19 pandemic related changes.
                                                                                          Their responses are being used to
                                                                                          help Crafton Hills College develop
                                                                                          interventions and offer additional
                                                                                          support.    Students      were     asked
                                                                                          questions related to online student
                                                                                          services, training needs, technical,
                                                                                          personal, and financial support, and
                                                                                          campus communications. There were
                                                                                          827 surveys collected. The results of
                                                                                          this survey will inform decisions to help
                                                                                          students achieve their educational
                                                                                          goals amidst this time of national
                                                                                          emergency. As an example, please
                                                                                          refer to the graph of self-reported
                                                                                          personal student needs.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                        May 2020 | Page 7

  Photo: CHC cadets practice rappelling.                           Photo: CHC cadets practice extrication.

 Fire Academy Through the Fire and Flames
 Amid campus closures and stay-at-           Crafton Hills faculty adjusted for         Because firefighting is a physically
 home orders caused by the COVID-19          COVID-19 safety requirements by            demanding      profession,    strength
 pandemic, the Crafton Hills Fire            limiting groups of students, adjusting     and physical stamina are required.
 Academy has continued to meet               instructional methods, and increasing      Maintaining these rigorous training
 and train students who will join the        cleaning of equipment and surfaces         requirements for the program were
 front lines with other first responders     between each training exercise.            also challenging during the pandemic.
 fighting fires and saving lives. Against    Students were split into three groups
 all odds, 29 cadets will complete their     for instruction. Each group met in their   “Our students must meet certain
 Fire Academy training in mid-May.           own classroom and maintained 6 feet        physical requirements before they are
                                             social distancing while instructors        accepted to the Academy,” Chief Alder
 Despite        these        overwhelming    used live stream and Zoom technology       said. “This program has a kinesiology
 circumstances and challenges to             to share classroom information with        and physical training component that
 instruction, Crafton Hills College is the   students before going out into the         requires our students to meet each
 only college Fire Academy in California     field. Alder also added, “the cadets       morning for a series of conditioning
 that continued their 16-week training       and instructors perform temperature        workouts to prepare them for the
 program while also adhering to and          checks twice a day and will continue       day-to-day tasks of a professional
 maintaining the strictest                                                                          firefighter.”
 of         social-distancing
 guidelines. All 29 students        “These students have persevered                                  Fire Academy instructors
 have        earned       their
 firefighter 1 certificates.
                                     and earned their firefighter 1                                  were able to continue
                                                                                                     this regimen with our
                                 certificates despite even more intense                              students by monitoring
 “It is truly exceptional how                                                                        them through the Strava
 our college president, Dr.     circumstances than most of our cadets.”                              activity tracker app. “Our
 Kevin Horan, our Trustees,                                                                          instructors even took the
 our administration, and our faculty         to do so throughout the remainder of       physical activity component of our
 have stepped up to keep our program         the academy.”                              training into consideration and hosted
 going,” said Michael Alder, Chief,                                                     Zoom or Facetime workouts, Strava
 Crafton Hills College Fire Academy.         “We also had a friend of one student       activity check-in’s, etc. to make sure
 “In the face of many uncertainties,         who heard that we needed masks,”           that students were staying in shape
 everyone was adamant that we should         Alder said. “She volunteered and           despite our stay-at-home order.”
 keep going, meet the needs of our           made masks for all students, faculty
 firefighting workforce and complete         and staff in our program so that we        Applicants for municipal firefighting
 training for these students in advance      could continue to meet safely and          jobs generally must pass a written
 of the 2020 fire season.”                   protect everyone as requested under
                                             COVID-19 guidelines.”                      Continued on page 8.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                       May 2020 | Page 8

 Fire Academy Through the Fire and Flames continued..
 exam; physical test of strength,          higher than normal employee turnover         new firefighters will be hired annually,
 physical stamina, and agility; and a      due to the Baby-Boomers that are             with 100 of those each year in the
 medical examination that includes         exiting the workforce for retirement.        San Bernardino and Riverside area.
 drug screening and a psychological        This has left a large workforce void         Employment of firefighters is expected
 test; a lie detector test and an oral     that needs to be filled. The Crafton         to increase slightly faster than the
 interview. Those who receive the          Hills College Fire Academy and Fire          average for all occupations. Labor
 highest scores in all phases of testing   Technology Program are fully prepared        Market Source: State of California
 have the best chances for employment.     and committed to continuing to meet          Employment Development Dept.
 The completion of community college       that demand and professionally
 degree in fire technology, and the        educating and training these future          “These students have persevered
 completion of a community college Fire    firefighters.                                and earned their firefighter 1
 Academy Program may significantly                                                      certificates     despite   even    more
 improve an applicant’s chances for        “I shared with our cadets that they          intense circumstances than most
 appointment.                              would be in a unique position upon           of our cadets,” said Alder. “It truly is
                                           completion of the program,” said Alder.      extraordinary how our administration,
 “Not only are the physical requirements   “The job outlook is very favorable, and      faculty, staff and students have worked
 of these cadets demanding, but their      they will not be competing with other        together to be successful during these
 coursework is also very challenging,”     applicants as they normally would at         challenging times. I am so proud of
 Alder added. “All students must pass      this time of year. I shared this statistic   how everyone pulled together. These
 a series of competency exams in three     with the students, and I believe it          cadets will graduate with honor and
 main categories - firefighter skills,     was a pivotal moment that motivated          they have exhibited the can-do,
 hazardous materials, and wildland.        them to keep going, work hard and            persevering attitude and character
 These exams alone are stressful, but      complete the program in the face of          that all amazing firefighters show.”
 adding the pandemic component             these circumstances.”
 drives the stress level even higher.”
                                           In California between 2014 and 2024 it
 The fire service has been experiencing    is expected that approximately 1,200

                                                                                        Welcome Custodial
                                                                                        Supervisor, Rene Sampay
                                                                                        Rene Sampay joined the CHC team in
                                                                                        April, bringing with him over 15 years
                                                                                        of experience in educational custodial
                                                                                        operations. Rene is looking forward to
                                                                                        building professional relationships with
                                                                                        his team, and his priority is to “meet
                                                                                        APPA cleaning standards at a level 4
                                                                                        or above.” To meet these standards,
                                                                                        all custodial staff are being trained on
                                                                                        proper floor care, routine maintenance,
                                                                                        and daily cleaning operations. During
                                                                                        this period of the COVID-19 pandemic,
                                                                                        all areas on campus are being
                                                                                        thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
                                                                                        systematically. Once they have
                                                                                        completed a building, they lock it up
                                                                                        and monitor the usage to determine
                                                                                        if any additional services are needed.
                                                                                        Rene’s wife, Shana, is an educator in a
                                                                                        K-5 elementary school and the couple
                                                                                        have two sons, Daymonne who is 18
  Photo: Rene Sampay, CHC Custodial Supervisor.                                         and Jayden who will be 7 in May.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
Crafton Hills College                                                                                   May 2020 | Page 9

  Photo: Robert McAtee and fellow Rotarians.                   Photo: Sherri Wilson’s sewing station.

 Crafton volunteers helping our community respond to COVID-19
 Robert McAtee volunteered with            using her sewing machine to assemble    and add some cheer to the look. In
 the Rotary Club of Fountain Valley        masks for health care workers at        addition, Sherri and her sister have
 to assemble 55,745 face shields to        Arrowhead Regional Medical Center.      made over 60 additional cloth masks
 be delivered to various hospitals in      She started by making masks from        for the hospital, friends, and family.
 California. This work was done at         HEPA vacuum bags which give             She offered, “if you know of people
 seven different locations over a three-   protection almost as good as the N95    who need a cloth mask, I can make
 week period.                              masks. She also made several covers     some more.”
                                           for the duckbill style N95 masks to
 Retired math Professor Sherri Wilson is   keep noticeable soil off the masks

                                                                                   Crafton Hills College
                                                                                   New Student Saturday
                                                                                   On Saturday, April 25th, students were
                                                                                   able to meet with a counselor virtually
                                                                                   to complete a two-semester ed plan
                                                                                   and get assistance with registration.

                                                                                   Other student services available
                                                                                   were Financial Aid, Admissions and
                                                                                   Records, and the Free College Promise
                                                                                   Program. Almost 100 students received
                                                                                   the help they needed to enroll and
                                                                                   register. Thank you to all members of
                                                                                   our student services team for helping
                                                                                   our new students over the weekend.

                                                                                   Photo: Courtney Hogate, former CHC
                                                                                   student and Promise Professional
BOARD OF TRUSTEES REPORT - Crafton Hills College
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