Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL

Page created by Cory Chambers
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
Club & Society Committee Training
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
 Every  year we train club and society officers so you’re ready to run your
  club or society.
 We’ve updated our training, so all the key information you’ll need will be
  delivered through online modules like this one. You’ll be able to do them
  from the comfort of your own home, at a time that’s convenient to you!
 There will be a short quiz at the end of each module to test your learning.
  By completing the quiz you will automatically register your completion of
  the module.
 Training
         will be available on our website throughout the year so you can go
 back over anything you need a refresher on.
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
 Get to know the Students’ Union:
    Our elected officers
    Our departments
 Your role:
    Your role and responsibilities
 How we support you:
    The Union website
    Room Bookings
    Storage, space and access
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
What  is a Students’ Union
Who leads the Students’ Union
Our staff and officers
What services does the Union offer
Meet the Activities Team
The Activities Officer and Activities Zone
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
Quick Activity
 Graba pen and paper (or your phone)…
    Write down what services you think the Students’ Union provides.
    Write down what services you think the Student Activities team provides.

 In
   the next few slides we’ll go through what a Students’ Union is, and what
 services we provide to students!
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
 A students’
            union is a charity, that is independent of the university it is associated
 with. Students’ Unions are democratic organisations – they represent the interests of
 their members.
 Students’ unions are student led. You elect your fellow students at the end of each
 year to lead on the activity we run, and decide the direction we take as an
 Usuallyyou automatically become a member of the Students’ Union when you enrol
 at UCL, but you have the choice to opt-out of joining. If you opt out you don’t become
 a member.
 Students’ Union UCL aims to advance education by promoting the interests and
 welfare of students; representing, supporting and advising students; and providing
 social, cultural, sporting and recreational activities for students’ personal
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
Each year you elect students to represent your views – full time! These students are your
Sabbatical Officers – paid members of staff at the Union. Together, we look out for students
           best interests, working with UCL to make sure your views are heard.
    The roles below will look slightly different next year – check out our website for more
                  information on changes to the way you’re represented.

 team                                                                                     Meet
Club & Society Committee Training - Students' Union UCL
 As   well as full time sabbatical officers, you elect part-time student officers who
  fulfil their roles alongside their degrees – representing your views.
 SabbaticalOfficers and Part-Time Officers work in three ‘zones’ – Activities,
  Education and Welfare & Community. These democratic structures make them
  accountable to you.
 The Activities Zone is made up of the Activities Officer, Arts Officer, Sports Officer,
  Societies Officer, Community Relations Officer and non-portfolio Sports and
  Societies Representatives.
 The Activities Zone discusses policy ideas to improve student activities at UCL,
  and makes decisions such as affiliations and disaffiliations.
 All   our officers are supported by a full time staff team who deliver our services.
Sports Clubs             Student representation
Project Active           Campaigning
                                                               The Huntley
Skills Sessions          Liberation networks
                                                               Institute Bar
                                                                                George Farha
Free, confidential and   Student-Led Volunteering            Bloomsbury         Bloomsbury
independent advice       One-Off Volunteering                Fitness            Print Room
on academic issues,      Community Research Initiative
employment, money         We’ll tell you more about some                Stone Willy’s Pizza
                         of these services in this module!              The Hanger
and other areas…
   The Students’ Union Advice Service has trained and experienced Advisors who offer free,
    confidential and independent advice on the following areas:
               extenuating circumstances, student complaints,
    interrupting or withdrawing from studies, disciplinaries, academic       The Students’ Union Advice
    misconduct and the OIA (Office of the Independent Adjudicator).          Service is located on the
            tenancy agreement checks, council tax, disputes with                    of                .
    landlords or housemates, disrepair and return of tenancy deposit.                                   :
           applications for student funding, applying for grants, welfare      Daily: 10:00 - 16:00
    benefits advice, help with budgeting, income maximisation and
    managing debt.                                                              Drop-in session:
                                                                                 Wednesday 10:00 - 13:00
                                 confidential platform to report hate
    crime/hate incidents and independent advocacy support.
   And      , including employment rights, consumer advice, personal        
    support and wellbeing (including referral to specialist services).
   The Students’ Union Volunteering Service offers a range of volunteering opportunities which help
    connect students with the voluntary sector in London. You can get involved with:
                               you can start your own volunteering project
    and get up to £750 of funding, help finding the right organisations to work
    with, and training from our dedicated staff to get your idea off the ground. The Students’ Union
                                                                                 Volunteering Service is
                                             we can help connect you with
                                                                                 located on the
    community partners or suggest volunteering opportunities relevant to
    your club or society. Our partner organisations have signed up to our        of                 .
    service standards, so it’s safe and easy to get volunteering straight away.
                                                                                  If you want to run a
                            there are lots of one-off volunteering opportunities
                                                                                  volunteering initiative
    which you and your members can get involved with while balancing other
    commitments, by just searching on our website.                                with your club or society,
                                                                                  you can contact
                                                   we can help connect not-
    for-profit organisations with academic staff and master’s students who
    are keen to research a community need in the capital.
   The Students’ Union Policy, Governance & Insight team help ensure we represent your views, and
    help you make the changes you want to see at UCL.

   We support you and           We support you          We support you to         The Policy,
    your representatives to       and your                 shape democratic          Governance &
    transform the academic        representatives to       structures, and           Insight team is
    experience at UCL.            transform your           develop active and        located on the
                                  wellbeing and the        confident student                   of
   We work with your
                                  broader student          leaders to lead our                      .
    Course Reps,
                                  experience at UCL.       democratic,
    Research Student
                                                           representative and        http://studentsuni
    Reps, Lead Department        Check out some of
                                                           campaigning activities.
    Reps and                      our campaigns                            
    Faculty Reps.                 here!                                              change
   Students’ Union UCL supports one of the largest student activities          The Student Activities
    programmes in the UK!                                                       Reception is located
                                                                                on the          of the
         We have over 330 affiliated clubs and societies.
         Over 47,800 memberships were bought.
         13,289 students have membership of a club or society.
         We’ve facilitated over 1000 external speaker events.                       :
         We supported you to run nearly 1000 online events and conferences.    Monday to Friday –
                                                                                10:00 to 21:00, and
         Nearly 10,000 tickets have been sold across student-led theatre       Saturday – 11:00 to
          productions.                                                          19:00.
         Sports clubs took part in 1280 BUCS fixtures and 995 LUSL fixtures.
         Our sports clubs won the London Varsity Series.
   The Students’ Union Student Activities team helps you to deliver a wide range of activity – run by
    and for students. One of the areas we provide support for is society activity:
                                                                              we       The Students’
           : we support you    we support a sector           offer a range of drop-    Union Societies
to run a huge range of         leading arts programme        in skill development      staff team is
activity from award            including student-led         workshops focussing       located on the 2nd
winning conferences to         productions in the            on transferable skills
weekly language classes.       Bloomsbury Theatre, and       which you can use to      floor of the
                               at the Edinburgh Fringe       run your club or          Bloomsbury
General interest societies                                                             Theatre Building.
                               Festival. Our student         society, or in your
cover: academia,
                               media groups also             future career. Topics
altruism, culture, faith &
                               produce leading               include Running           Find out our
spirituality, finance &
                               newspapers, magazines,        Events, and How to        dedicated drop-in
enterprise, politics,
                               journals, radio and film &    be a Great Leader in      hours on our
common interests and
                               TV productions.               the New Normal.           website.
university departments.
   The Student Activities team also provides support for a wide range of sporting activity:

                                    we offer drop-in beginner friendly                    The Students’
we support         activities to help you get active in a way that              we        Union Sports
some of the        works for you… Get involved:                          provide high     staff team is
best sports                                                              performing       located on the
                      Join one of our weekly sessions ranging from
clubs in                                                                 sports teams
                       Postgraduate Yoga to women’s only Barre                            3rd floor of the
London with                                                              and
                       Fitness classes. Some classes are online now!                      Bloomsbury
sports                                                                   individuals a
fixtures,             Take part in one of our social sports leagues     dedicated        Theatre
leagues, cup           from Touch Rugby to Netball. Come along on        programme of     Building.
competitions           your own or bring your friends!                   support
and large                                                                including        Find out our
scale events          Run a Project Active Session with your club or    strength and
                       society, or take part in a Project Active                          dedicated drop-
like Varsity.                                                            conditioning     in hours on our
                       campaign like This UCL Girl Can.                  sessions.        website.
   Societies & Media Manager: Carl Salton-Cox
   Societies & Media Coordinator: Johnny Glover
   Societies Development Coordinator (Events): Dan Fow
   Societies Development Coordinator (Events): D’arcy McGuinness
   Societies Development Coordinator (Departmental): Jo Swo
   Activities Administration Coordinator: Rupinder Sandal
   Activities Administrator: Ria Sareen
   Finance Administrator (Clubs & Societies): Tanisha Veerasawmy

                Check our drop-in hours on the Students’ Union website!
   Sports Development Manager: Katie Sykes
   Sports Development Coordinator: Neal Hickey
   Sports Development Coordinator: Henry Warne
   Sports Administrator: Scott Dale
   Project Active Coordinator: Bikram Bains
   Project Active Coordinator (Post-Graduate): Andrew McClean

                Check our drop-in hours on the Students’ Union website!
 One of the full time elected officers you vote for each year is the Activities Officer.
 They’re a student who takes a year out of studying, and is paid to work for you.
 They work closely with the Activities and Volunteering teams to help us make
 decisions and make sure your voice is heard.
 Your
     current Activities Officer is Ilyas Benmouna, who will be continuing for the
 2021 – 22 academic year.
 The Activities Officer has a wide range of vital responsibilities including signing
 contracts on your behalf, authorising purchases for your group over £2000, sitting
 on awards and bids panels, representing your views to UCL, and leading the
 Activities Zone.
 The Activities Officer feeds back your views, makes decisions and sets policy with
 the support of the Activities Zone.
Why  are clubs and societies important?
Who leads our clubs and societies?
Your role and responsibilities
A timeline of your year
Getting in touch with us
   Clubs and societies develop supportive and inclusive student communities at UCL, where
    you can meet other people with the same interests.
   Students joining university can carry on taking part in their current hobbies, passions or
    interests, or develop new ones!
   You hold incredible events such as conferences, food festivals and trips abroad.
   Students can get involved with both competitive and drop-in sport and physical activity.
   Club and society activity has a positive impact on student wellbeing – students who take
    part in clubs and societies are more likely to feel part of the UCL community, and less
    likely to drop out of university.
   You and your fellow committee members become student leaders in the UCL community.
   Leading and taking part in club and society activity helps you develop new and
    transferable skills, that help enhance your CV.
   Once a year, club and society members choose who will lead their group for the next academic year
    through an election.
   Every club and society must elect a President, Treasurer and Welfare Officer. Most groups will have
    additional committee positions like Club Captain or Social Secretary.
   An outline of your activities and role descriptions for your committee positions must be outlined in
    your club or society constitution.
   After you are elected, you take office from Saturday 12th June 2021 until Friday 10th June 2022.
   Clubs and societies must have at least 30 members by 1st November, following the Welcome
    period. If you do not reach this membership requirement, your group may be disaffiliated.
   After 1st November, all students taking part in your activities must purchase membership of your
    club or society through the Students’ Union website. You cannot take part in club or society activity
    without membership after 1st November.
   Membership lapses at the end of August, and new memberships will be available to purchase from
    the 1st September.
   As principal officers, presidents and
    treasurers are ultimately responsible for        Shall hold office from the day after the end of term 3
    leading, organising and delivering club           until the last day of term 3 in the following academic
    and society activity.                             year.
                                                     Shall be a principal officer of the club or society and
   To ensure you’re fully equipped to take on        shall ensure that the club or society operates within its
    this role, you are required to complete           constitution and within these regulations.
    core training, and submit your registration      Shall call general meetings of the club or society and
    documents.                                        shall ensure that appropriate elections for the following
                                                      year’s officers take place.
   Role descriptions for compulsory officers
    are set out in the Students’ Union Club &        Shall be the primary point of contact between the
                                                      Union and the club or society members. They must
    Society Regulations.
                                                      ensure that the club or society is represented at all
   You are responsible for ensuring your             relevant Union meetings.
    club or society abides by these                  Shall have ultimate responsibility for all the activities of
    regulations.                                      the club or society, including joint responsibility for the
                                                      financial affairs with the treasurer.
   Shall hold office from the day after the                   Shall hold office from the day after the end of term 3 until the
    end of term 3 until the last day of term 3                  last day of term 3 in the following academic year.
    in the following academic year
                                                               Shall be the only officer of the club or society with access to the
   Shall be a principal officer of the club or                 welfare officer funding pot and is responsible for applications
    society and shall be jointly responsible for                and initiatives using that funding. Note: expenditure
    all financial matters of the club or society.               authorisations are the responsibility of the Treasurer.
   Shall authorise and record all expenditure                 Shall be responsible for the activity specified within the welfare
    on behalf of the club or society except for                 officer remit including collaboration with other welfare officers in
    when they need to reclaim money                             creation of demographic specific activity, recording of
    themselves. In this case the president                      demographic specific membership and aware of the wider
    shall authorise this expenditure.                           Union campaigns relevant to their club or society, specified or
                                                                otherwise, on the welfare officer campaign timeline.
               The role of the welfare officer is not to       Shall complete welfare officer training.
             counsel members, only to signpost them to
            the appropriate services. Please feel free to
               contact Union staff for further advice.
   You don’t have to memorise all these dates, because we’ll stay in touch and       The Student
    remind you closer to the time!                                                    Activities
   We aim to give you advance notice of upcoming deadlines, and we expect you to Reception is
    check your emails regularly. Key information and deadlines will be emailed to you located on the
    throughout the year.                                                                        of the
   We mainly contact presidents and treasurers with key updates, information and
    deadlines. It is your responsibility to cascade this information to your members,
    and to feed back to us from your committee and members.                                    .
   Other committee members must not submit forms or complete tasks we assign
    you, unless clearly specified. This is because you receive dedicated training       Reception is
    which equips you to complete the relevant forms and tasks for your club or          open Monday to
    society. Presidents and treasurers are ultimately responsible for all activities.   Friday – 10:00
                                                                                        to 21:00, and
   To help answer your enquiries we have a dedicated Student Activities Reception,
                                                                                        Saturday –
    staffed by students like you. Our Student Activities Assistants are part time
    student staff, trained to answer your questions, or get you the support you need.   11:00 to 19:00.
   We will usually email you from                             Email as your This is the email account          first point of call. We will then be able to
    used by our Reception service, run by both our full-        make sure the relevant member of our
    time staff and part-time student staff.                     team is able to help you!
   We may occasionally call you on the phone.                 You can also call the Student Activities
                                                                Reception on 0207 679 7239.
   We will send you the Presidents & Treasurers
    Newsletter. This usually goes out weekly during term       You can drop-in to the Student Activities
    time. We send out key updates in the newsletter, so         Reception. Ask us your questions, or
    remember to read it regularly!                              book a meeting with a member of our
                                                                staff team.
   Members of sports teams will receive the weekly
    TeamUCL Newsletter.                                        Our staff team have dedicated drop-in
                                                                hours which you can find on our
   You can also follow us on social media for the latest
    news stories and updates.
   When you’re emailing us, tell us which club or society you’re contacting us on behalf of, and your
    committee position.
   Using acronyms such as UCL ABC Soc makes it more difficult for us to identify your club or society,
    so spell it out! This also applies to event names.
   We aim to respond to emails in 3 to 5 working days, but this can be longer during busy periods such
    as the start of term, and during elections.
   We deal with emails based on their urgency, and the date they are sent to us. We recommend you
    don’t respond to your own email, as your responses are grouped together under the date of your
    most recent email. It can therefore take us longer to get back to you.
   If you have submitted a webform through the Students’ Union
    website, you can log in and view the status of your form online
    at any time. Aim to submit your forms as far in advance as you
   You can also check your financial statement by logging in to our
   We completely understand that running your club or society can be challenging – almost all of our
    Officers, full-time staff, and student staff led clubs and societies at University too!
   We have limited resources but also the second largest student body in the country.
   Because of the huge number of students we support, the easiest way for us to help everyone is for
    all our groups to follow the same processes and procedures. If everyone follows the processes
    outlined on our website and in this training – it speeds up everything for everyone.
   We know that sometimes you can’t plan in advance and need to submit an urgent request to us.
    We’ll do our best to help where we can, but keep in mind that other clubs and societies who may
    have submitted their requests earlier are also waiting. We’ve got a responsibility to all our clubs and
    societies, so the more notice you give us the better we can help everyone.
   When you’re submitting your requests to us – take your time, and include as much information as
    possible! Proof reading can help make sure we don’t need to follow up by email, or reject your form.
   You can give us your feedback at any point in the year, or you can effect change by voting in the
    Leadership Race in Term 2. If you’re brimming with ideas, consider running for a Sabbatical Officer
    position yourself...
The Students’ Union website
Room bookings
Post and deliveries
Space and access
Club and society development
 We   provide clubs and societies support in a wide range of areas:

 Finance                                   Sports    club management
 Democracy                                 Sports    fixture management
 Membership                                Spaces     & facilities
 Health   & Safety                         Digital   & online support
 Event   management                        Training   & development

 Most   of these areas have their own dedicated training modules, which you’ll have
 access to if relevant to your role. In this module, we’ll look further at: spaces &
 facilities; digital & online support; and training & development.
The Students’ Union website is your first point of call for all the information you need. The
President & Treasurer Hub has all the forms you need to organise your activity, and detailed
how-to-guides for the processes you need to know.
   As an affiliated club or society, you will have your own page on the Students’ Union
    website. Once you’ve completed your training, we will give you administrative access so
    you can edit this page yourself. This is a brilliant way to advertise your group to new
    students, so we recommend updating your website ahead of Welcome Week!
   Students will be able to purchase membership of your club or society from this page.
    Remember – students have to purchase membership to take part in your club or society
   As an affiliated club or society, you also gain access to an email address,
    which you can display on your webpage. You’re expected to check this weekly!
   You can also link to your social media pages on the Union website, to help students find
    out more about joining your club or society.
   We will ask you to submit important forms through the Union website – this also lets you
    track the status of the forms you have submitted.
Click on ‘Edit’ to
update your summary,
  description, social
  media details and
We recommend downloading this
                       list when you need to contact
                      your members to make sure you
                         include new members too!

      Click on
‘Members’ to view
 and download a
  full list of your
   As an affiliated club or society, you will have access to a ‘bank account’ which you can
    use for any purchases or income for your group. This isn’t like a real bank account, so you
    won’t get a debit card or account number.
   You can use the Students’ Union website to view your club and society financial
   You can add events to the What’s On calendar, and sell tickets for these events through
    the Union website.
   Membership fees and ticket sales from the Students’ Union website go directly into your
    club or society account.
   You can also use this account to make purchases and receive money such as
    sponsorship. You’ll find out more about this in our Finance module.
   Once you have completed your training and your registration documents have been
    approved, presidents are granted access to the UCL Estates Room Bookings system to
    book UCL rooms for club or society activity.
   You can find a guide to using the UCL Room Bookings system on the UCL website. You’ll
    need to log in using your UCL username and password. Once you have access to the
    system you’ll be able to search for bookable spaces and view your room booking history.
   If you have an external speaker associated with your booking, your booking will not be
    approved until your external speaker request has been approved.
   Rooms are released on a termly basis, so you will only be able to book rooms for the
    current term.
   Remember – if you don’t follow the terms and conditions for booking UCL rooms (in your
    Annual Registration Contract), your booking rights will be revoked.
   You can contact the UCL Room Bookings Team
    via email at They are
    happy to discuss any room details or queries
    you may have about rooms available, the
    process of booking rooms and guidance
    regarding future events.
   If you are hosting an event in a UCL space
    which includes attendees who are not UCL
    students, and charging an attendance fee – you
    may be charged for use of the space. Please
    email our Societies Development Coordinator
    (Events) – Dan at, and we will
    get in touch with UCL Conferencing Services to
    support you with organising your event.
   We have a number of rooms available in the Students’ Union which can be booked for club or
    society activities and events.
   Union rooms can only be booked by a club or society president or treasurer, and bookings must
    only be used for club and society activity.
   You can either make a ‘block’ booking – which is a regular booking during term time, or an ‘ad-hoc’
    booking – which is a one-off booking.
   If you breach the terms and conditions of using Union rooms, your room booking privileges will
    be revoked.
   You can find details of the rooms we have available (including capacity, equipment and opening
    times) on our website. The availability of these rooms is subject to change. Additional rooms may be
    added later in the year, so keep an eye out!
   Ad-hoc (one off) bookings can be made through SimplyBook online: You will be given access to SimplyBook once your
    registration documents have been approved.
   Clubs and societies can request a ‘block booking’ (regular booking) once a term. We will email you
    a form to complete closer to Term 1. Please note, due to the high demand for rooms, you are not
    guaranteed to receive the booking you request.
   When making a block booking you are allowed to request a maximum of 6 hours of block bookings
    per week. Due to the high demand for rooms, we cannot guarantee 6 hours of bookings per week
    for all clubs and societies.
   If you have booked a room, but no longer require the booking, you must notify as far in advance as possible.
   Once you’ve made a booking, you’ll be able to pick up the keys for the room you’ve booked at the
    Student Activities Reception.
   As with UCL rooms, external speakers must be approved in advance of your booking.
   Once block bookings have been allocated, you can view a live timetable of the spaces we have
    available on our website. Check our timetable before getting in touch to make ad-hoc bookings.
   Block bookings are shown in blue, while ad-hoc bookings are show in green. White spaces show
    room availability, while grey spaces show when rooms are not available to book.
You can also book    Sports Clubs additionally   The Students’ Union also has two small
                 ,   have access to                             which can be booked by any
            and              in the Students’    member of the Union.
the                  Union gym –
                                                 Each room has an upright piano, and is located
     for club and            , which can be
                                                 above the Huntley Bar in the Lewis Building.
society events       used for core activity.
online.              Block bookings for these    Bookings can be made by contacting the
                     spaces will be allocated    Student Activities Reception (by email, phone or
Find out more
                     at the beginning of the     dropping in).
about the Union
bars and cafés                                   These rooms are only suitable for individual
available to book,   Ad-hoc bookings can be      practise, and cannot be booked by clubs or
and our online       made by emailing            societies for group practise. Music Practise
booking forms        Bloomsbury Fitness          Rooms can be booked for a maximum of 6 hours
over on our          Team Leader – Ashley at     per week, and cannot be booked more than 1
website.            week in advance.
   Where possible try to book rooms in advance –             Never block fire exits or escape routes.
    popular rooms are often booked early.
                                                              You must leave the space at the end of your
   UCL Estates can provide portering and A/V                  booking – not finish your activity at this time.
    support for UCL rooms. You can also book A/V
                                                              Respond positively to requests from users of
    equipment for Union spaces from the Student
                                                               spaces nearby.
    Activities Reception.
                                                              Alcohol is not permitted at club or society
   Cooking food in UCL spaces is prohibited, and
                                                               room bookings.
    serving food is not allowed in lecture theatres.
                                                              If you book an external venue or space,
   You can only book rooms through UCL Estates for
                                                               never sign the contract yourself otherwise
    club and society activity. If you use the UCL
                                                               this makes you personally liable. The Union
    Estates Room Booking system to book rooms for
                                                               should sign all contracts on your behalf.
    external organisations you will be charged.
                                                              If you breach the terms and conditions of
   Don’t move equipment or furniture between rooms
                                                               using Union or UCL rooms, your room
    without permission. Remember to return furniture
                                                               booking rights will be revoked.
    to its’ original set up at the end of your activity.
   Clubs and societies also have access to dedicated storage spaces for equipment.
   While most storage space has already been allocated to those clubs and societies who
    require it, there is some limited space remaining. You can submit a request for storage space
    by emailing
   If you have dedicated storage space we will be in touch with further information. Presidents
    and treasurers of clubs and societies with storage space will be able to access these spaces
    during our opening hours.
   Keys are available at the Student Activities Reception. You’ll need to provide your UCL ID
    Card as a deposit to book out any storage or room keys.
   If you would like any additional committee members to be allowed access to your storage
    space, please email to request this.
   Access to spaces is subject to change in line with Covid-19 regulations. We’ll update you by
    email to let you know of any changes you need to be aware of.
                                            Jazz & Folk Cupboard
                                            Small Society Storage Room
   Archery Range
                                            Music Cupboard
                                            Sports Storage
   Costume Cupboard
                                            Lockers
                                            Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room C
                                            Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room D
                                            Bloomsbury Fitness Storage Room E
Please check our website for more
information about all of these spaces.      Mountaineering Cupboard
   Club and society presidents and treasurers can have post and deliveries for their group sent to the
    Student Activities Reception. We can temporarily store items in our parcel store, for you to collect
    after delivery.
   Once your parcel has arrived, we will notify you by email. Once we have notified you, you must
    collect your parcel as soon as possible.
   Your members cannot collect individual items from a larger order from the Activities Reception, it is
    your responsibility to distribute any items you order.
   When having items delivered to the Activities Reception, please use the following postal address:
                  Student Activities Reception (2nd Floor)
                                                                        Remember to
                  Bloomsbury Theatre Building                          clearly indicate
                                                                    we’re based on the
                  15 Gordon Street                                   second floor of the
                                                                    Bloomsbury Theatre
                  London                                              Building, to avoid
                                                                       lost deliveries!
                  WC1H 0AH
   We have dedicated staff on hand to help you develop your club or society, and help
    improve the events and activities you run.
   As well as one-to-one support, we’ll run additional Club & Society Committee Training
    workshops throughout the year, which will include sessions such as Safeguarding.

   You can book a one-to-one meeting with         You can book a one-to-one meeting with
    Johnny, Dan, D’arcy or Jo to discuss            Neal or Henry to discuss your club
    opportunities for your society, your            development plan, and your aims and
    development plan, and how to develop            objectives for the year.
    your events.                                   Email or call our
   Email or call our       Reception service to book your
    Reception service to book your                  appointment.
   At the end of the year we host awards ceremonies to recognise and celebrate your hard work and
    achievements! You can nominate your peers for awards and colours in these categories:

   With thousands of students involved in our Activities programme, winning an award is a huge
    achievement which recognises you have gone above and beyond for your group or the wider UCL
    community. It’s definitely something to put on your CV to make you stand out from the crowd and to
    demonstrate the skills you have exhibited as a club or society officer.
   We have a huge range of awards for both individuals and groups, from a commendation for your
    involvement in a club or society, to an award for best sports club, society or arts society of the year.
    Each year a panel of elected students decides who wins these awards, and we even give a select
    few students Honorary Life Membership of the Union!
   The Welcome Fair aims to introduce new students to your activities, help you gain more
    members and welcome UCL students to our incredible community.
   We’re aiming to have both an online and in-person element to our 2021 Welcome Fair.
   Our main priority will be to provide opportunities for your club or society to showcase your
    activities to new (and old) students.
   More than ever our welcome programme will be student-led, with clubs and societies
    delivering activities for students to get involved with. We’ll be on hand every step of the
    way to support you with this.
   As soon as we have more information we’ll let you know, so keep an eye on your emails
    over the summer. In the meantime think about the events you can run or the digital
    content you can create to engage more students. Get in touch if you’d like to chat to our
    staff team about your ideas!
   We’re still not completely sure how the next academic year will look, but we’ll continue to
    work closely with UCL to make sure you can deliver both in-person and online activities
    for your members.
   Some of the information in this training module such as our opening hours and room
    bookings system is subject to change, but we’ll keep you updated.
   We’re looking to re-open the Activities Reception and as many of our spaces as possible
    for you, so you’ll be able to use our dedicated spaces for some of your activities over the
   Keep an eye on your emails in the lead up to September, because we’ll email you about
    all the important information you need to know – room bookings, Welcome Fair, Grant
    funding applications, in-person activity and more!
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