Page created by Max Reese
       APRIL 2023 / EDITION IV

                    GOLF & YACHT CLUB
MON              TUE           WED             THU              FRI            SAT             SUN
                                                                                    1               2
                       PATIO DINING APRIL                                     Lunch / Dinner      Lunch
        Lunch          11:00A - 5:30*         Tuesday* - Sunday*
        Dinner         5:00 - 8:30            Friday - Saturday               MOVING DAY
                                              *lunch ends 4:30                 SCRAMBLE
                 Reservations are not accepted for the patio.
                   Friday - Saturday 4:30 - 5:00 Pizza Only

      3               4              5              6              7                8               9
   GOLF &           Lunch      Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner   Lunch / Dinner     EASTER
   DINING                                                                                        BRUNCH
                 GREEN JACKET GREEN JACKET GREEN JACKET GREEN JACKET                             Tap Room
                 PLAYER POOL PLAYER POOL PLAYER POOL PLAYER POOL                               Opens at 2:30
                                                                                                for Masters
                                               NINE N DINE
                                                  PAR 3
     10               11            12             13             14               15               16
   GOLF &           Lunch      Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner   Lunch / Dinner      Lunch
   CLOSED                                                                                       BIG SOUTH
                 TAYLORMADE                                                                      PRACTICE
                  DEMO DAY                                                                        #1 / #10
                                                                                                Tees Closed
                                                                                                 After 1:00

      17              18             19            20             21               22               23
GOLF / DINING       Lunch      Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner   Lunch / Dinner      Lunch
   CLOSED         NO GOLF        NO GOLF                                        PLGA PATRIOT CUP
  Big South       Big South      Big South
                                                                                Rescheduled Event
                                WONDERS.                                        Pairings on April 19

                               PLGA PAIRINGS
     24               25            26             27             28               29               30
   GOLF &           Lunch      Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner Lunch / Dinner   Lunch / Dinner      Lunch
   CLOSED          WILSON                                                       ROCK THE
                  DEMO DAY        TRIVIA                                         CABANA
                                  NIGHT                                       FOOD TRUCKS
                                                                              LTD Clubhouse
BACK PATIO                                                                          NEW MENU
                                                              SERVICE                                                                              START
              EST 2021                                     Saturday. April 1                                                         Saturday. April 1
                                                         Lunch Service Opens                                                      There will be two menus.

APRIL                                                   Friday, April 7
                                                    Dinner FRI - SAT Opens
                                                                                                                                      Lunch & Dinner
                                                                                                                                  Lunch menu serves entire
                                                                                                                                   day Sunday & Tuesday

LUNCH HOURS                                    DINNER HOURS                                                                    RESERVATIONS
Rear Patio Opens                               Patio Dining Friday & Saturday                                                  Dinner Nights
SUN              11:00 - 5:30**                WED / THU 5:00 - 7:30*
                                                                                                                               WED / THU Carolina Room
MON              Closed                        FRI / SAT          5:00 - 8:30*                                                                  5:00 - 7:00
TUE              11:00 - 5:30**                                                                                                FRI / SAT        Carolina Room
WED              11:00 - 4:30*                 * Lunch service ends at 4:30.
                                               * Dinner Menu starts at 5:00.                                                                    & Patio (limited)
THU              11:00 - 4:30*                                                                                                                  5:00 - 8:00
FRI              11:00 - 4:30*                 * 4:30 - 5:00 / Slices Pizza Only
                                                                                                                               Reservation times end 30
SAT              11:00 - 4:30*                                                                                                 minutes prior to the kitchen
                                               APRIL PATIO DINNER
* Lunch service ends. Pizza will                                                                                               closing time to ensure timeliness.
                                               Friday & Saturday Only through
be available from 4:30 - 8:00                                                                                                  Walk Ins based on availability.
                                               April. May will bring 4 nights of
* Lunch menu for the day ends
at 4:30: Wednesday - Saturday                                                                                                  PRIVATE DINING
* Dinner is not available on                      Reservations are not accepted                                                Parties of 12 or more may
Sundays and Mondays                                     for the patio and is                                                   request private dining in the
** SLICES: Twofer Pizza on                         “first come - serve” seating.                                               Patriot Room based on the
Sundays until 7:00PM / Pick Up                    “Holding tables” not allowable                                               availability. Requests must be
only. See below.                                                                                                               made one week in advance.

                                                                                                                                                                                 50% OFF
                                                                                                                                                                                Pizza Pies!
                                                                                                                                                                                Having a Party?
                                                                                                                                                                               No cooking night?
                                                                                                                                                                                  Boat Night?
                                                                                                                                                                                 Sunday Only.
                                                                                                                                                                                Take Out Only.
                                                                                                                                                                                  Plan ahead.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Starts 4.2.23

          TAKE OUT ONLY                                                                                                                          TAKE OUT ONLY
                                                                                                                                                      Last Order Availability 7PM
   APRIL SPECIAL - SUNDAYS ONLY                                                                                                                              Easter Sunday Unavailable.

                         11A - 7P*
         Buy any pizza and get 50% off a second*.
   Pick Up / Take Out Orders must be placed by 7:00P.
            Great deal anyway you slice it!
               *Second pizza at equal or lower price.
        Lunch menu closes at 4:30P on Sundays.
ONLY pizza available 4:30 - 7:00. Dinner is not available on
   Sundays. TWOFER SUNDAYS is currently April only.
 Bob Swezey / PGA General Manager

MARATHON SEASON                                                2023 –2024 Advisory Committee
Consistencies of Capabilities                                   On behalf of the ownership and East Coast Golf
                                                              Management, we would like to welcome and thank
In our world, the summer marathon is getting ready to         the following Members that have graciously offered
start. Race tactics include a good start line plan, get        their time to serve upon the Advisory Committee.
warmed up early in the race, aim for a constant pace,
take elements into consideration and be vigilant as
changes will occur to the plan. These tactics allow us to
be more proactive than reactive in setting expectations                  Sue Bailey, Kenn Byers, Paul Clark,
with all factors we know considered in advance.                      Vinnie Criscuoli, Beth Davidson, Bill Dixon,
                                                                            JoAnn Lovequist, Stu Sutliff,
These elements are important in running the course                           Kevin Toomey, Pam Vogt
over a long distance. April will bring the first steps of     __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

the warm season and settling into a good pace as a             We would also like to thank those Members that
brief warm up. As May enters its time to start gaining a        have recently served on the committee. Their
quality stride that is consistent. Going into full sprint     assistance over various lengths of time have greatly
                                                                   contributed to creating a relationship with
early causes injuries.                                       management that is candid, transparent, unbiased and
                                                                  honest on behalf of the entire membership.
June through September is the middle of the race. In
the middle of the race we will start to see the various                    THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE
conditions of the course we predicted and in other                    Rich Adams, John Cicaloni, Laura Jennings,
cases find others not contemplated that rear them-                       Ron Pate, Karen Smith, Stacie Wilson
selves without warning. The big things we want to try
and avoid are falling down or running out of “juice”.               ADVISORY COMMITTEE PURPOSE
                                                                 The Committee is to be involved as a sounding
Both can be painful and injurious to expectations,
                                                                  board to provide advice to club management
standards and results. As the race starts lining up in
April, look inside to see how we plan to get warmed            regarding the amenities of Grand Harbor. Advisors
up through May. One step in front of another.                 help provide context to community and club history
                                                              as assistance or considerations to management. The
Our speed will pick up gradually. When June hits we            committee shall work with the General Manager as
anticipate to be at a dependable full stride. Staying with   directed and, in all things, coordinate its activities and
the pack during this part of the race is crucial. When         actions with no bias or personal agendas. They are
fall arrives we don’t stop running, but it is a chance to     representatives of all members of the club. Advisors
cool down and catch some air.                                are considered ambassadors of good will, understand-
The marathon of the summer horizon is visible. As we         ing and shared trusts that may at times be considered
get closer and closer, we will let you know what new                     confidential for periods of time.
horizons bring. As they change with every step, the                 The committee is advisory in nature only
potentials to modify the pace will show themselves.                     and has no officers or voting rights.
Easter Brunch
Sunday, April 9
10:30A - 1:30P
Adults $ 29++
12 and Under $ 19 ++                                      BUFFET SELECTIONS
4 and Under Free.
                                                          CARVING STATIONS
RESERVATIONS                                              Turkey & Filet Mignon
Reservations close April 3
RSVP is required.                                         PROTEINS
Seating time requested please.                            Salmon & Ham
Cancellations after April 4 will
be charged 50% and 100% after April 7.                    OMELETTE STATION
The earlier your RSVP is gained the better                Cooked to Order
your chances of your desired time.
Some times are sold out already.                          BREAKFAST OPTIONS
RSVP Email: kristin@grandharbor.net                       Scrambled Eggs
                                                          Bacon & Sausage
SEATING                                                   Grits
Carolina, Harbor & Patriot Dining Rooms
No seating available in the Tap Room                      VEGETABLES
or back patio for this event. Tables of up to 8           Southwestern Corn Medley
are available.                                            Red Bliss Potatoes
                                                          SHRIMP COCKTAIL BOAT
TAP ROOM HOURS / EASTER                                   SALADS
The Tap Room will be closed until 2:30P.                  Tossed Greens Salad Bar
The final round of Masters tournament                     Fresh Fruit
will be shown in its entirety starting
at 2:00PM with food & snacks available                    BREADS & BUTTER
until 5:30PM. Management will reserve
the right to close early based on the                     DESSERTS
count of patrons at 5:30PM.                               Assorted Selections

                          MIX IT UP
                          After due diligence on history; there are several stalwarts on the menu that
                          stayed put. Some others, albeit liked by some, were not enough and they missed
                          the cut.
                          MORE DEFINED - Lunch and Dinner Availability
                          There will now be a lunch menu that on most days will end at 4:30. From 4:30 -
                          5:00, only pizza will be offered until 5:00PM. In the evening there will be a distinct
                          dinner menu along with weekly specials. Not all lunch menu items will transfer
                          over to dinner. Handheld sandwiches will not be available on the dinner menu. To
                          satisfy this refinement, the kitchen’s cook line requires different product sets for
                          production purposes.
      APRIL 1             SPECIALS
                          Specials are based on being special. They are always “while supplies last”.
      Saturday            In honesty, trying to guess how many of aChuck  Wideman / GCSAA Superintendent
                                                                     special may be sold is similar to
                          flipping a coin. 50% of the time we might run out and 50% of the time we waste
                          goods. We get truck orders on Fridays. That means we get one guess on supplies.
            APRIL 4-9

      APRIL 4-7                         APRIL 6 / THURSDAY                      APRIL 6—9
   TUESDAY-FRIDAY                         NINE N DINE PAR 3               THURSDAY-SUNDAY
 MASTERS PLAYER POOL                        $12 ++ Per Player               THE TAP ROOM
                                         Includes Prizes & Buffet       The Tap Room will show all 4
  Over 4 days you can play and        If you are fan of the Masters,     rounds in their live entirety
enter a team 4 times for $5 each    you know they have a par 3 event    Thursday - Sunday. Replays of
 time. Your net score from any         on Wednesday afternoons.         Masters rounds do not occur
   one day is added to a player        Our rendition will offer all           during the event.
         randomly chosen             holes as par 3’s. The Golf Shop
        that makes the cut.             will do all pairings to mix         THE TAP ROOM
   Player names will be drawn        ladies and gentlemen based on      WILL NOT BE OPEN ON
 Friday in advance of Saturday        ABCD abilities for fun prizes     EASTER SUNDAY UNTIL
  Masters round starts by staff.                                        2:30 FOR THE MASTERS.
    All ties will split winnings.     MASTERS THEMED
                                       FOOD BUFFET                        PIZZA & PUB SNACKS
    35% of field will be paid              Closest to Pins win         Daily menu will not be available.
     in Golf Shop credits.              authentic Masters prizes.             TWOFER PIZZA
                                                                             TAKE OUT ONLY
                                                                  In the May newsletter, we
                                                                  will offer specific rules,
                                                                  policies, emergency
                                                                  actions, policies and
                                                                  reminder notes.
                                                                  • Closures
                                                                  • Weather Parameters
                                                                  • Evacuation Mandates
                                                                  • Schedules
                                                                  • Bar Seating
                                                                  • Lost & Found
                                                                  • Children / Infants
                                                                  • Floats / Toys
                                                                  • Music
                                                                  • Seat Saving
                                                                  • Activities
                                                                  • Alcohol / Coolers
                                                                  • Boat ramp use
                                                                  • More…………..

                     Lunch menu service will be available from 12P - 5:30, Saturday and

                     Sundays through Memorial Day weekend. Our first Saturday open is
                     planned for May 6. At this time, we are still in due diligence on varied
                     abilities to provide consistent dinner dining nights through the season.
                     The variables include staffing, menus, history, deliveries, grab n go item
                     options and internal guidelines on modifications for all of those nuances
  WARM UPS           thereby being proactive vs. reactive for the season. Staffing remains a
 PRE-SEASON CABANA   speedbump. We will get it figured out soon as we are trying to increase
                     staff members now to be ready in about 6 weeks. We do very much
                     appreciate your patience. We want to “get it right” the first time.

                     It’s getting nicer outside. Our challenge is still staff scheduling based
                     upon capabilities of those on hand that change drastically month to
                     month through early summer because of school final exams, gradua-
                     tions, breaks, sports family vacations, marriages and other events.
                     Lunch menu service will be available until 4:30PM, Tuesday - Sunday
 PATIO LUNCH         on the back patio starting April (except Easter).
  & DINNERS          Dinner service on the back patio will only be available on Fridays and
                     Saturdays with standard operating hours through April. Please know in
 MAY DINNERS         advance that staffing is predicated on this model. Food & beverage
                     service for dinner on the rear patio will not be available on Wednesdays
 CONSISTANCY         and Thursdays in April.
                     In May we will offer dinner service on the back patio Wednesday -
CONSIDERATIONS       through Saturday. No dinners will be available at the Cabana through
   QUALITY           May. The scheduling for the Cabana is still in progess at this time.
                                          Sponsored by Grand Harbor

                        WEDNESDAY, APRIL 19 / 7:00PM
                                 INTERACTIVE CHAT
                     History of the Greenwood Genetic Center
                                   Guest Speaker
                     Dr. Rich Steet / Grand Harbor Resident
         Dr. Steet joined GGC in August 2018 as the Director of Research and Head of the
      JC Self Research Institute. His current research program, funded by the NIH and private
   foundations, is focused on defining disease mechanisms for two different classes of inherited
 diseases. This work takes advantage of cell and animal-based models and uses a combination of
   chemical, molecular, and developmental approaches to unravel the complex pathogenesis of
 disorders and explore new ways to treat them. Dr. Steet’s goals for the Research Division are to
  integrate strengths in basic science research with clinical and translational studies, to enhance
     partnerships with pharmaceutical companies that can drive therapeutic development, and
collaborate with the Clinical and Diagnostic divisions of GGC to enhance our understanding of the
                           genetic basis for birth defects and disabilities.
        In conjunction with Lander University and the Greenwood Genetic Center, the club will host
                what we hope is to become a monthly event to visit, listen, learn and share.
                                            THIS IS A FREE EVENT
      We are currently in the stages of gaining speakers in a wide spectrum of topics over the year.
               If you have ideas on what you might like in the future, please let us know.
                  PLEASE RSVP / REQUIRED BY APRL12 / kristin@grandharbor.net
     Come over and enjoy a leisurely dinner. Stay and enjoy our speaker this month from the sciences world.
       Other topics pertaining to law, travel, art, history, writing and more are being slated for the future!
               If you have an idea or would like to share your wisdoms or wonders, let us know!
                                               FREE BEVERAGE
    Come over and enjoy a leisurely dinner and you will get a free alcoholic beverage for the event afterwards.
         Dinner is not a requirement to attend the event. Event will offer free non-alcoholic beverages.
2023          APRIL 29
                                                                    Rock the Cabana

                                                                    MAY 27
                                                         Motown/Beach Music
                                                                   JUNE 24
                                                               Country Jams

     Dinner Buffet* & Game / Carolina Room 5:00 - 8:00
      $15 PP Dinner Option / $ 5 PP Game Only Option
      Please indicate number in party and Player Options
                       Club provides prizes.
* Dinner option requires 50% of players to choose this selection.
      All entry fees are inclusive of service charge and tax
               RSVP CLOSES SUNDAY, APRIL 23

                   $ 5 PP Game, Prizes
            $15 PP Game, Prizes & Soup/Salad*
                                                                  CASH or CREDIT CARD
                                                                        NO Member Charges

                          APRIL 29
                Cabana / Food Truck Night
                          5:00 - 8:00 / Last Call 8:30
“NOT EVEN BROTHERS” BAND                                 •   19th Nervous Breakdown | Rolling Stones    •   Friend of the Devil | Grateful Dead
                                                         •   867-5309 | Tommy Tu-tone                   •   Get Together | Young Bloods
                                                         •   Addicted To Love | Robert Palmer           •   Girl Crush | Little Big Town
                                                         •   After Midnight | Eric Clapton              •   Go Your own Way | Fleetwood Mac
                                                         •   Ain't Missing You | John Waite             •   Good Golly Miss Molly | Beatles
                                                         •   Air that I Breath | Hollies                •   Harvest Moon | Neal Young
                                                         •   All Along the Watchtower | Bob Dylan       •   Have I told You Lately | Van Morrison
                                                         •   American Girl | Tom Petty                  •   Helplessly Hoping | Crosby Stills Nash
                                                         •   Before You Accuse Me | Eric Clapton        •   Hide Your Love Away | Beatles
                                                         •   Best of My Love | Eagles                   •   Higher Love | Steve Winwood
                                                         •   Billie Jean | Michael Jackson              •   Honky Tonk Women | Rolling Stones
                                                         •   Blame It On Midnight | Bob Seger           •   Hotel California | Eagles
                                                         •   Blinded By the Light | Bruce Springsteen   •   How Sweet It Is | James Taylor
                                                         •   Breakdown | Tom Petty                      •   I Feel Fine | Beatles
                                                         •   Breakdown Dead Ahead | Boz Scaggs          •   I Want You to Want Me | Cheap Tick
                                                         •   Bring it on Home to Me | Sam Cooke         •   I'm on Fire | Bruce Springsteen
                                                         •   Brown Eyed Girl | Van Morrison             •   If | Bread
                                                         •   Can't You See | Marshall Tucker            •   In Your Eyes | Peter Gabriel
                                                         •   Changes in Latitude | Jimmy Buffet         •   Into the Mystic | Van Morrison
                                                         •   Comfortably Numb | Pink Floyd              •   Jumping Jack Flash | Rolling Stones
                                                         •   Crazy Love | Van Morrison                  •   Kicks | Paul Revere and the Raiders
                                                         •   Dancing in the Moonlight | King Harvest    •   Layla | Eric Clapton
                                                         •   Dixie Chicken | Little Feat                •   Learning To Fly | Tom Petty
                                                         •   Doctor My Eyes | Jackson Browne            •   Leave You with a Smile | George Strait
                                                         •   Don't Stand so Close to me | Sting         •   Lido Shuffle | Boz Scaggs
                                                         •   Don't Stop Believing | Journey             •   Listen to her Heart | Tom Petty
                                                         •   Dreams | Fleetwood Mac                     •   Listen to the Music | Doobie Brothers
                                                         •   Drift Away | Dobie Gra                     •   Little Red Corvette | Prince
                                                         •   End of the Innocence | Don Henly           •   100+ MORE!!!!!!!!!!!

   "Rising Star" winners for Best Rock Duo for 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, and 2015. Also Best Acoustic Band for
  2010, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2021. “Not Even Brothers” is Guy Workman and Pat Phillips.
  An internationally recorded songwriter, guitarist, and flutist, Guy spent seven years in Nashville where he honed his
songwriting skills. He has had four songs on the Billboard charts. Over the past seventeen years, Guy and Pat have been
   perfecting and tightening their music by playing venues all across the Southeast. Their driving acoustic guitars, tight
harmonies, and unusual mix of original and obscure classics have set them apart from other "Top 40" style bands. They
       will keep you dancing to your favorite songs all night long. Their working song list has over 200 cover songs.
Over the coming busy months of play, the
                                                Handicap Committee will be evaluating the
                                                      identification of handicap stroke
                                                    allocation per hole for both men and
                                               women. Implementation of this undertaking
                                               is slated for late 2023 or early 2024 to order
                                               new scorecards. This analysis will utilize the
                                                  USGA guidelines and coordinated with
                                                consultation from the South Carolina Golf
                                                  Association. For additional information,
                                                         please contact Roger Treat:

       7:30 - 5:00
The shop will be closed on Mondays along           Member Survey / Pace of Play

 with the golf course. The club offices are
        periodically open Mondays

      8:30 - 5:00                                                                2023 GOAL 4.0
Starting times for April will be 8:30 - 5:00
  See details inside for double tee starts      The pace of play as rated by membership is generally
           info starting in May                 positive. The pace of play is a hot topic not only here at
                                                Grand Harbor. In fact it has been a topic for almost as
                                                long as the game has existed. The pace of play is solely
   DRIVING RANGE                                attributable to several factors that include formats, weather,
                                                over crowding and in most cases; unawareness. Some may
     7:30 - Dark                                opine that the pace is dictated by ability. We would not
                                                agree because the tours on television are polar to that
           Tuesday - Saturday                   thought. Playing with haste means lower abilities can play

          7:30 - 4:30                           and do so quickly. Controlling the pace of play with staff;
                                                especially at a private club can become very contentious
                                                quickly. Here are some simple thoughts to consider. 1) Be
 The range will close early each Sunday         ready to play when it is your turn, 2) record scores at next
                                                tee, 3) limit practice swings, 4) stay away from cell phones,
   so that it may be clean picked for           5) be aware at all times of your position to the group ahead
            Monday mowing.                      and not behind. When warranted, staff will approach
                                                groups far off the pace. It’s not personal.
 NOTE: If you play - post your score.
                                                   SLOW PLAYERS LOSE FRIENDS FASTER.
                           There are no scheduled weekend
                           events for the men this month. Regular
                           games will be played on Tues / Thu / Sat

                           PLGA PATRIOT CUP
                           APRIL 22-23, 2023
                           APRIL 19 / PAIRING PARTY 5PM

 Ladies & Gentlemen Eligible / Optional Cookout

 Must have established handicap to play
 Social and Full Member event
 ABCD Scramble - Blind Draw by Golf Shop
 Entry Fee is $100* and includes prizes & cookout
 *April Fools Day! Entry fee is only $ 5 / prizes only / Cookout during play
 is optional with requests of high consideration to support for quality of
 service abilities after play.

              EASTER WEEKEND
              APRIL 7-9, 2023
              Our pricing is already better than you’ll find in the
              marketplace. On this weekend we will use the
              member preferred pricing with some “spectacular”
              savings added on when you make a purchase. Pick
              out what items you like. Then pick an egg from the
              basket at the counter. We will have discounts ranging
              from 10% - 35% inside the eggs for added savings.

              Items may not be saved in advance of the sale. Sales
              will be considered final. Reminder: All golf shop
              credits must be used by the end of the year.

               MAY 2023 ALERT!
                POOL CLOSED
        Now that we have you wondering, It is with hope to start
       Water Aerobics classes in May if the water is warm enough.
 Once started, it is the vision to have this great exercise available through
        September. Again, it’s based on the water temperatures.
Keep an eye out for an official date to be communicated in late April or early
May. The Cabana pool still has some needs to be performed before it opens.
Acid washing, patch refinements and painting the entire surface is planned.
                            Schedule upon start:
            Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00-10:00.
       The large pool will be reserved and closed during these hours
             to accommodate the class sizes we do anticipate.
   Those that like to swim laps may do so after 10:00 on these days. Laps
beforehand are not possible as the pools need to be cleaned early in the day
      daily. On other days, lap swimming is available starting at 9:00.
       Classes with Sue White / For More Information please email:
                  Men’s Golf Championship
                    Monday - Wednesday
                 Practice Round April 16 (PM)
                Competition Dates April 17 - 19

                    Grand Harbor is proud to host this event.
              In the past we hosted the Men’s and Women’s events.
       Practice Rounds Sunday afternoon. #1 and #10 tees close at 1:00PM.
           The golf course will be closed all 3 days of competition.
                     Volunteer opportunities will be announced April 2.
                     If you are interested; please see the Golf Shop staff.
                         Rules for spectators will also be announced.

As a Full Member you are automatically a member of the Myrtle Beach Golf Trail and special
            offers. For more information contact: info@golftrailmembership.com

                                               MAGNOLIA LANE
                                               Augusta National Golf Club
                           Magnolia Lane is 330 yards from the entry guardhouse to the circle in front
                              of the clubhouse. Some of the trees that line the lane date back to the
                          1850’s. The 330 yard length mirrors the depth of the Member driving range
                             that became obsolete for players today. The majestic practice facility that
                          exists now for the event was designed to replicate holes and specific greens on
                           the course. The Member practice range is still used for daily use during the
                                 year when they are open. They close the golf course all summer!
                                   April      1                  Sat                       Moving Day Scramble
                                   April      3                  Mon                       Surf N Turf Project
  MINUTES COUNT April              April
                                                                 Tue - Fri
                                                                                           Nine N Dine / Masters Par 3
                                                                                           Masters Week Challenge
   Suppose start times were 10
  minutes apart. Suppose the first April      11                 Tue                       TaylorMade Demo Day
group at 8AM played in 4 hours. If April      17 - 19            Mon - Wed                 Big South Championship
 every group that followed lost that                                                       Course Closed 3 Days
4 hour pace by just two minutes in       April 22 - 23           Sat - Sun                 PLGA Patriot Cup
   their round; what starting time                                                         Rescheduled from March
   would be the first to play in 4.5     April 25                Tue                       WILSON Demo Day
  hours? 5 Hours? A group’s spot
     on the golf course is directly
   behind the one in front. It’s not
                                         MAY GOLF EVENT DATES
  just in front of the group behind.
                                         May 4-6                 Thu - Sat                 Ladies Member-Guest
  Consider this: if a full hole exists                                                     Thursday-Reception / Cabana
 open in front of you; you may be                                                          Friday-Saturday Shotguns
 chewing up more than 2 minutes          May 11                  Thu                       Nine N Dine / 4:00 / Dinner
lost to the pace, while also creating    May 23                  Tue                       Nine N Dine / 3:00 / F&B
    a log jam behind. Keep Pace.         May 29                  Mon                       Memorial Day / AM Shotgun

                                                    TUESDAY, APRIL 25
                                  Find out why their new lines are becoming exceptionally popular
                                     due to testing and superb value! Sign up in the Golf Shop.

                                                                                                    APRIL 11
                                                                                                    Come out and see
                                                                                                    why some of the very
                                                                                                    best are playing some
                                                                                                    of the very best new
                                                                                                    equipment on the
                                                                                                    market. Sign up in the
                                                                                                    Golf Shop.

 Well at least sometimes. This is a kindly reminder that the golf course is closed to all play from sun up to sundown on Mondays.
        Please help us help you. Being closed Mondays is not uncommon. More so it is the “norm” for truly private clubs.
  Being closed creates many opportunities for us to accomplish tasks we cannot perform on the other active 6 days available.
               How do we know some are still playing? There are many eyes on the course on Mondays. We know.
                                Your cooperation is advance is greatly appreciated.
Chuck Wideman / GCSAA Superintendent

Cart path repairs that were planned are almost
completed for this year. We are aware that more
will need to be done. This will become an annual
consideration year after year.
Approximately 650 linear feet was planned for the
cart path repairs this year. This equates to about
5,600 s/f and a total cost of over $65,000 of the
2023 capital expenditures we planned and
communicated in advance for this year. Additional
repairs will occur year after year due primarily to
tree roots. More trees will come down each year as
their roots are the primary causes of cart path
Chemical and fertilizer practices are now in full
processes through October. Soil temperatures will
soon maintain a constant 65 degrees on a 24 hour
basis. The grass will “take off” this month. Several
strong post-emergent chemicals have been applied
to the Poa Annua as previously communicated.
Some turfs will be aerated or verticut regularly.
Some will get extra attention through early sum-
mer to “push” growth and for golf car traffic com-
paction relief. Post emergent chemicals will be
sprayed only in conditions or with products that
will not burn turfs or kill roots.
We have more than several drain junctions we will
work on through May. We can repair them and get
sod or coverings on them now that will aid in rout-
ing water or erosion controls.
It will take approximately one month of non-use for
it to be ready for play in early summer. We
anticipate it being open in May, but weather will
tell us.
Green grass is not always healthy over time. This
year we are focused upon getting the soils in better
conditions to absorb nutrients and additives for
the future. Through regular practices the roots
get stronger and search for food more avidly.

                                        DOUBLE TEE EXPLAINED
Instead of using the just the first tee to start play, a double tee allows play to start simultaneously
from the first and tenth tees over a period of approximately 2 hours. Those that tee off # 1 will then
play the back for their second nine. Vice versa, groups starting on hole #10 will turn and play the
front nine as their second. With this model, what took 4 hours of starting times is reduced to two
hours with the same amount of players. This model is used weekly for Thursday and Friday rounds
at weekly PGA and LPGA Tour events. It can also be used when it is known that afternoons will
bring rain. In this matter, more players get out on the course faster to beat the weather.

                                  - DOUBLE TEE ADVANTAGES -

ONE           By using a double tee system on weekdays, we can get more members on the
              course earlier when the temperatures are typically cooler in summer months. We can
              get an equal amount of players on the course by 9:30 as would have taken until 11:30
              with a one tee start. Get out earlier - get in earlier.

TWO           The pace of play can be better controlled. If a group is slowing one side, it won’t affect
              the course for the entire day including late morning and afternoon times.

THREE         It allows food & beverage to ramp up and ramp down quickly for lunch at the club
              house. This will then create some availability of a few to join other staff at the Cabana
              as needed during the heat and those enjoying the pool.

                                          - EXPECTATIONS -

PACE          The pace of play is expected to become more consistent. A group teeing off #1 that
              plays in 1:30 on the front nine will end up hitting a wall at #10 where players are still
              teeing off for their morning rounds. Steady pace wins the race.

              Rounds should not exceed 4:15 that includes a clubhouse break. Your goal is to
              average 13 minutes per hole. Your spot on the course is directly behind the group
              ahead and not just in front of the group behind. Play with haste and undue delay.

GROUPS        The MGA and PLGA play on weekdays will utilize the first tee. Others that desire to
              play in the mornings on weekdays will start on hole #10 unless added times exist on
              hole #1 that particular day. Staff reserves the right to modify for needs without notice.

TIMES                                        - MORNING -
                       7:30AM - 9:22AM / 8 minute intervals / #1 and #10 Tees

                                          - AFTERNOONS -
                         12:00PM - Close / 10 minute intervals / #1 tee only
                  Note: 9 hole times can be made from 12:00PM - 1:00PM on #10

THOUGHT       If a group saved just one minute per hole to play, a 4.5 hour round turns into an
              acceptable pace with very little effort. Being “able” and ready plays a big part in setting
              the pace. According to the USGA: A player should make a stroke in no more
              than 40 seconds (and usually in less time) after the player is able to play
              without interference or distraction…… easy, just be ready to play when it’s
              your turn to play. Then follow it with haste and do it again.
                      We will cover some of the knowledge we garnered from the 2022 Member Survey this month. For
                      statistical purposes, we can derive numerical values from the majority of the questions. There is no
                      universal scale for analyzing these numerical results. There are however many platforms that utilize
                      the rating scale below to judge qualitative and quantitative results. This is the scale we will use in
                      setting baselines, goals and actions for 2023.
                                                             Survey Item                 2022 Actual / 2023 Goal     2022 Ratings
         1.0 - 1.8          Very Negative                    Cart Paths                  2.12 / 2.6 +                Negative +
                                                             Tees                        3.45 / 3.7 +                Moderate +
         1.81 - 2.6         Negative                         Tee Complexes               3.45 / 3.7 +                Moderate +
         2.61 - 3.4         Moderate                         Roughs                      3.67 / 3.9 +                Positive
         3.41 - 4.2         Positive                         Greens                      3.97 / 4.1 +                Positive +
         4.21 - 5.0         Very Positive                    Fairways                    3.98 / 4.1 +                Positive +
                                                             Bunkers                     4.04 / 4.2 +                Positive ++
In setting numerical goals that can be measured year over year; we deduct the current rating from 5.0 (perfect). Numerical goal
numbers are derived by taking the current score and deducting it from the number 5 (perfect). Ratings for the course items resulted
from answers offered by 75% of the total responses (173/240). Of that, approximately 65%+/- of those responses came from Full
Members. 15%+/- that took the survey marked not applicable on golf course items.
Example: 5.0 - 3.85 (below) = 1.15 variance. This variance determines the gap of “improvement” available to set measurable and
realistic goals. Trying to set a percentage of a goal based upon the actual baseline score does not work over time as it would even-
tually exceed the ceiling number of 5. Using the baseline number of 3.85 for the overall golf course satisfaction (below), we are
setting the goal as follows for 2023. The 1.15 variance x 15% = .17. Adding the (.17) to 3.85 sets a goal of 4.0+ for this year. Unfor-
tunately, drastic changes do not occur over night but do happen step by step by sticking to plans. As an example, the bunkers
were the highest rated factor on the golf course at 4.04. That rating can most probably be attributed to the $750K it took in 2021 to
get them completely renovated. The most common comment about bunkers; “all players need to learn to rake a bunker properly”.
Goal for bunkers is to gain a very positive rating of 4.2 for 2023.
2023 PLANS
Cart Paths - Ratings were not good as expected. Our repair schedule for this year has been noted as replacing approximately 650
linear feet; with 8 square feet (width) per linear foot. This adds up to about 5,600 square feet of path this year at a cost north of
$65,000. Each year more will need to be done as we have noted previously in the newsletters and within discussions with many.
Fixing all needs of the paths at once is not feasible. Cart path repairs for this year should be completed by the end of April.
Tees and Tee Complexes - Treating crabgrass and other weeds on tees and elsewhere is a priority. With additional chemical ap-
plications and fertilizations: we will treat these specific areas and others through summer (high turf stress periods). Using chemicals
for these weeds can harm the Bermuda turfs just coming out of dormancy and therefore the window for use of chemicals close. We
will also concentrate on some aesthetics around tee sign / trash can locations. Some of the tee locations will need added trees cut
down so they can sunlight. Other than the items noted; the aeration of greens, tees and fairways this June will be the most benefi-
cial to all the turfs. Years of thatch in some areas prohibit supplements from getting to the root stems. These areas get compacted
and the weeds like that too. June will bring a closure for one week for aerifications of greens, tees and fairways (new this year).

For more elaboration on the greens, please refer to GREENSPACE inside the newsletter.

                       3.85 2023 GOAL 4.0
                                                                                        Chuck Wideman / GCSAA Superintendent
                       1.0 - 1.8          Very Negative         Survey Item                 2022 Actual / 2023 Goal     2022 Ratings
                       1.81 - 2.6         Negative              Lunch Menu                  3.85 / 4.0                  Positive
                       2.61 - 3.4         Moderate              Dinner Menu                 3.62 / 3.9 +                Positive
                       3.41 - 4.2         Positive              Food Quality                3.97 / 4.1 +                Positive
                                                                Food Quantity               3.67 / 3.9 +                Positive
                       4.21 - 5.0         Very Positive         Hours                       3.24 / 3.5 +                Moderate
                                                                Value                       3.46 / 3.7 +                Positive
                                                                Staff Service               4.24 / 4.4 +                Positive ++++

                      3.75   2023 GOAL 3.9+

Overall the responses were positive. When it comes to our overall rating, 65% rated food and beverage as good or excellent
while 28% responded as average. 93% rated food and beverage at least average or better. Goals noted use the same methodolo-
gy as described in the golf course ratings. We want to make sure that our goals are measurable and attainable. Being proactive
rather than reactive allows boundaries to be set so most “gray” areas get eliminated. We want average to move up.
Average is the worst of the best...or best of the worst.

                               Menus - we plan to change menus for lunch and dinner more regularly. Selections for dinner hours will
                               be modified with some lunch items not available after lunch hours. These periods coincide with
                               seasonal adjustments. A few items that are healthier habit items are on the menus. This month, we will
                               change for the period of April - June. Specials will be added under knowledge they are “while supplies
                               last”. Selling out greatly reduces threats of potential waste if they were guaranteed. Waste is always a
                               consideration in menu designs for ala carte and buffets. Waste can be expensive.
                               Food Quality - we are very pleased with this rating. Our food is considered well above average. We

4.42                           will continue to purchase fresh goods as often as possible vs. frozen needs.
                               Food Quantity - comments ranged from “too much” to “not enough”. Our quantities need consistency..
                               Staff Service - this was one of our highest rated line items. There is some wiggle room for improve-
                               ments. With that said; F&B and other department staffs will be attending a variety of different depart-
                               mental staff educational meetings this year to keep moving forward. Knowledge is a good thing.
Value - Over the past 2 years and more so last year, prices for everything went up at historical levels. As an average, food catego-
ries jumped 12%. Some products increased as much as 66%! This isn’t news because even our personal household purchases
were affected. Because of these hikes, our prices were moderately increased recently to maintain minimal metrics on goods. This
year’s economic forecast has prices increasing another 6-8%. We will continue to focus upon the quality and service aspects of the
value quotient. Experience (food, service, atmosphere) minus Expense (menu pricing) = Value.
Hours - A variety of factors influence scheduling. They include a very small market size (membership only), dining frequency
habits (surveyed), seasons, staff size, holidays, school schedules, dual facility capabilities, expense controls, industry comparisons,
national statistics and historical sales. Dining frequency habits of the membership are very similar to national statistics as refer-
enced last month. Human capital capabilities are limited by the same small market and is seasonably influenced. In comparing oth-
er private club dining hours, ours are very competitive in comparable industry sets. Particularly to the question, “If we added anoth-
er night of dining, would you personally frequent the club more or the same as your currentChuckhabits?.
                                                                                                   Wideman 19%  indicated
                                                                                                             / GCSAA      yes they would.
Because we know the dining frequencies of the membership through the same survey, we do not believe opening another dinner
night is prudent at this time. Sales from the other 80% from 4 nights would be diluted through 5 nights. A fifth night (+25%) would
add a considerable amount of payroll hours that are already very valuable for solutions to all factors noted.
Dinner Dining Out Average Cost - includes meal, drinks, gratui-
                                                                            ty, taxes. Using the two primary and very similar variables of $40
                                                                            -$60 and $60-$80, the average is just slightly above $50-$70.
                                                                            Centering in, that produces an average of approximately $60+ for
                                                                            almost 70% of the membership. Equating that average to our
                                                                            pricing; it indicates an average of approximate purchases of $45-
                                                                            $50 plus service charge and tax here

                                                                            Dining out more if we opened another night. 1 of 5 indicated
                                                                            “more”, Simply, we can’t justify opening another night. The 80%
                                                                            that noted “the same”, would simply spread their spending out
                                                                            over 5 days instead of 4. Staff levels would not change the other
                                                                            4 nights and would significantly affect costs for an added evening
                                                                            payroll from adding another night . As noted elsewhere, staff
                                                                            levels are already a challenge. We do not compare hours of
                                                                            public retail outlets as their business models are very different
                                                                            than that of a private club amenity.

                                                                            Dinner dining out frequency. When looking at the percentages of
                                                                            frequency, those that dine out at least once per week is about
                                                                            55%. On the flip side, almost 45% dine out for dinner just a few
                                                                            times or less per month. This is also an indicator that we must
                                                                            considered when designing our scheduling of operations.

                                                1.0 - 1.8           Very Negative
                                                1.81 - 2.6          Negative
                                                2.61 - 3.4          Moderate
                                                3.41 - 4.2          Positive
                                                4.21 - 5.0          Very Positive

             4.42                                    4.24                        3.97                                3.85
          SPARKLING CLEAN                           BREWS NEWS               SPIRITS OF THE LAKE                     WINE IS FINE
This is one of the highest rated items on    Of our alcoholic beverage      This is also a good rating       Wine follows our other
the survey. Our goals this year are not      sales, beer accounts for       as 30% of our sales are          lines of beer and liquor and
just maintaining this high standard of       45% of annual volume.          liquor.                          accounts for 25% of sales.
health and safety in the clubhouse, but to
also focus upon other amenities for          This is very positive. The     Recently we introduced a         Albeit a positive rating, we
continued improvement.                       variety of drafts and pack-    new line of spirits from         are in midst of refining
                                             aged products here are         Cape Fear Distillery.            what sells and does not.
These include the Cabana dining areas,       varied to offer a wide
restrooms, docks and poolside. It also       spectrum for hops lovers.      They have been widely            Look for some good stuff
includes the aquatic centers at The                                         and avidly accepted.             coming in once in awhile.
Plantation and Retreat. The fitness /        Beer prices jumped just                                         Remember that you may
tennis center will garner more attention     over 10% last year due to                                       bring your own for dining
too. And certainly not last are the          grains, shipping and supply                                     at the club for a small
restrooms on the golf course that require    chain challenges.                                               corkage fee.
daily cleaning.
To probably nobody’s surprise is that the Cabana is the hot
spot over the summer. In the past, we have been very reactive
in scheduling and service availabilities. Some of these
challenges remain unavoidable. This year we are taking tracts
to set some expectations and standards early that are “black
and white”. “Gray” areas have existed. That is what we want to
eliminate this year.

We have plenty of great ideas already being planned for
summer by the lake. One of the things we can tell you now is
that live entertainment will become a regularly planned event.
With over 75% of the membership visiting the Cabana at least
once per week; that is a bunch to feed! So, look for some
nights where food trucks visit the lake. As this takes some
pressure off the kitchen, look for some other specialty dining
events at the clubhouse on food truck nights. We have a few
other surprises being researched so those will remain behind
the curtain for now. Announcements will be made in newslet-
ters well in advance. Results below are moderately positive,
but need work. It’s obvious we need to really concentrate on
cleanliness this year!        1.0 - 1.8 Very Negative
                            1.81 - 2.6 Negative
                            2.61 - 3.4 Moderate
                            3.41 - 4.2 Positive
                            4.21 - 5.0 Very Positive

              3.44                                     3.60                         3.98                                3.44
CLEAR AND CLEAN / GOAL 4.0                    LOUNGING / GOAL 3.90            CHILLING / GOAL 4.15           BETTER BATHS / GOAL 4.0
There will much more emphasis placed          We are ordering added           As nice as it already is at    This rating is simply not
on the Cabana this summer. We are try-        chaise lounge chairs for this   the Cabana, we believe we      acceptable. Besides these
ing to plan a schedule that accommo-          season. Along with new fans     can add some flare             restrooms, we will be placing
dates both the clubhouse and the pool         for the Cabana, TV’s and        through the year. We are       a much higher focus upon all
complex. Cleaning is a paramount for          some umbrellas, we hope to      not quite sure what that       cleaning and sanitation this
this complex as many visit regularly over     see this number jump.           might entail, but we have      year.
the summer especially when kids and                                           many brains thinking
grandkids visit. Recently, four managers      There will be some func-        about it.                      In that the Cabana presents
became Certified Pool Managers. If one        tions that we intend to host                                   some added challenges
is not here - we have it handled.             that might require a request    Whatever it is we do           simply because of use,
                                              to have members bring lawn      decide, we want to make        warmer air and wet traffic; we
It’s a high improvement goal, but it is       chairs to make sure we can      sure we can do it with a       will be checking on them
believed that we can and should set our       handle all we anticipate.       focus on regularity, quality   regularly and consistently
expectations much higher this year this                                       and sustainability.            through the day.
                         1.0 - 1.8       Very Negative    The results for our managers was very positive! Because they
                         1.81 - 2.6      Negative         are personal and private ratings; individual ratings will not be
                         2.61 - 3.4      Moderate         available. We can tell you that the ratings ranged from 4.17 -
                         3.41 - 4.2      Positive         4.54. The average was 4.37 and the median was 4.43. These
                                                          ratings are exceptional with wiggle room to move up.

                                      Over the winter, the entire team has been involved in more depth of modeling,
                                      responsibilities, abilities, accountability and ties to goals that are attainable and
                                      measurable. They are active in learning more skills, gaining new levels of confi-
                                      dence, certifications and understanding on how important each department is to the
                                      others all the time. Narrow it down and we aspire to be leaders coaching new
                                      leaders that see big picture values that trickle into care…..like families.

                                      As we progress into the seasons where all amenities become active, our combined
                                      abilities will help us become more proactive and very responsive to avoid the pit-
                                      falls, challenges and some times chaos created from “shooting from the hip” reactiv-
                                      ity. Albeit reactivity is important in crisis management situations, our goal is avoid
                                      curb these realities. From management’s perspective, we know we have an A
                                      Team especially after you telling us. THANK YOU!!!!
                                      Lastly, thanks to all that offered comments. There were some great ideas and
                                      comments. More than a few will help us set our sights on specific targets.

                                                         2023 PROJECT UPDATES
                                                         At the December Annual Member’s Meeting we highlighted the
                                                         following plans for projects this year. They included cart path
                                                         repairs, dock repairs, dock floats, dock waterlines, new pickleball
                                                         courts, Cabana repairs, new artificial practice tee, tree removals,
                                                         golf course golf cart bridge replacements, indoor acoustical panel-
                                                         ing, additional pool furniture and fixture upgrades, refinished bar at
                                                         the Cabana, Cabana deck board repairs, new John Deere equip-
                                                         ment fleet, new Club Car golf cart fleet and some landscape en-
                                                         Some have been completed, some are still underway and all are
                                                         in planning. Since that time, we have added a few items. In the
                                                         very near future, the fitness / racquet house will have the exterior
                                                         painted as will the Cabana pool surface. We are also in the midst
                                                         of adding a permanent green tee on hole 8. Some other
                                                         considerations are being discussed. We will let you know.
2023 PROJECT FORECAST                                    New flooring in the golf course restrooms along with some
Committed capital funding                   $200 ,000+   painting was added. We will also be forecasting the potential of a
Added Ops funding*                          $ 60,000++   new HVAC unit for the clubhouse upstairs. We are also research-
Total                                       $ 260,000+   ing our abilities to consider repairs to the steam rooms possibly
                                                         later in the year or early next year.
The culmination of our abilities result from continued
support of many volunteers, committees, member           As the year progresses, we will better know if adding more
activity, shared costs with HOA’s, measurable            projects can be accomplished. There are many milestones we
metrics, operational efficiencies and returns on the     need to pass first.
investments will add capital each year for continuous
growth, stability and opportunities.
                      If you’ve not been to the Golf Shop lately, there are plenty of goodies with more arriving every
                      day. The ratings for the golf operations were very positive. We have set some lofty goals for this
                      year. Wer truly believe that a rating across the board with 4.5 for all is attainable. The staff did a
                      very admirable job through all of last year with the many changes that occurred.

 This is a great rating. To elevate this rating, we believe all staff should be fully aware of all events at the club
 including social activities. Some added attention by the staff is related to the items below include being more
 on top of the driving range and pace of play every day.
 Another great rating. To elevate this rating, greater emphasis will be placed on providing hands on service in
 the parking lot in addition to items, when able to clean clubs on personal carts parked outside when mem-
 bers are dining after play.

 EVENTS / 4.21 RATING / 4.5 GOAL
 This is another rating that is very positive. We could not really gain a sense of what improvements might be
 needed except to note that some members described slow play and players raking bunkers and sanding div-
 ots during events. We do plan on upgrading some tournament additives and presentations for events this
 year. The smallest of details make the biggest differences.

SHOP CLEANLINESS / 4.44 RATING / 4.5 GOAL - “time to lean is time to clean” / see below.
This is a tribute to the staff maintaining a great standard between the large activity they serve over the year.
“Time to lean is time to clean”.
The addition of the article tee line will help us maintain the turf areas that get a great degree of action over the
year. We are considering closing the turf tee on weekday afternoons in the summer as activity wanes in the
heat of the day. This is also an opportunity to ensure we are getting practice divots filled with some topdress-
ing sand added in now and then.
             THESE REMINDERS

              MAY 4 - 6, 2023
        The theme this year coincides with
       the Kentucky Derby on May 6. The
         PLGA officers and members of
          committees have been active in
        planning this event all year and we
         thank them for their hard work.
        This is the premier ladies event of
       any year. From a poolside welcome
     reception at the Cabana on Thursday
        night, to other emals and contests
      through Saturday afternoon, entrants
           will enjoy a great experience.
              START TIMES
       The golf course will be closed on
         Friday and Saturday until 2:30.
     At that time we will open both the first
         and tenth tees for starting times
               between 2:30 - 4:30.
         Advance starting time privileges
             are in effect at all times.

     DANGER RANGER! Bob / GM Request
     Club management has received numerous complaints about the operation
of   golf cars on community roads and on club property. A big reminder each
     year as more cars come out of garages and more guests being welcomed for
     the summer is; golf “carts” are in fact cars without safety features like autos.
     Rules of the Road dictate stopping at signs on roadways and when crossing
     roads inside the golf course routing. People unfortunately die each year in
     golf car accidents. I personally know some involved with crashes that have
     resulted in death, brain trauma and lengthy hospital stays for people of all
     ages. It’s just kids. Let’s all stress safety. If not just for you, but maybe more
     importantly for others! Thanks! As they say in Florida; “Arrive Alive”.

200 Grand Harbor Blvd.                                CLUB ADVISORY COMMITTEE
Ninety Six, SC 29666                                  Sue Bailey
                                                      Kenn Byers
                                                      Paul Clark
(864) 543 - 3203          (Clubhouse)                 Vinnie Criscuoli
(864) 543 - 2000          (Golf Shop)                 Beth Davidson
(864) 543 - 3139          (Maintenance)               Bill Dixon
(864) 407 - 4723          (Cabana - Seasonal)         JoAnn Lovequist
                                                      Stu Sutliff
(864) 407 - 4730          (Sports House)              Kevin Toomey
(864) 543 - 2255          (Real Estate / Office)      Pam Vogt
(864) 543 - 2011          (Membership/Admin)
                                                      PLANTATION HOA
CHASITY DAVIS                                         President
Grand Harbor Real Estate / Office Director            MaryEllen Valaitis
                                                      RETREAT HOA
KRISTIN KELLEY                                        President
Member Services Manager                               Todd Bailey
                                                      GRAND HARBOR POA
CHUCK WIDEMAN                                         President
                                                      David Buckshorn
GCSAA Superintendent
chuck@grandharbor.net                                 CANOE BAY HOA
JONNY WALSH                                           Tom Cioffi
Executive Chef / Kitchen Manager
jonny@grandharbor.net                                 EMERGENCIES                      CALL 911
                                                      Life & Property Threatening. Fire. Health. Safety
House Services Manager                                NINETY SIX POLICE DEPT
daniel@grandharbor.net                                Non Emergency
                                                      (864) 543 - 3122
First Assistant Golf Professional                     NINETY SIX FIRE DEPT
caleb@grandharbor.net                                 Non Emergency
                                                      (864) 543 - 4352
PGA General Manager &                                 GREENWOOD POLICE DEPT
Director of Golf                                      Non Emergency
bswezey@eastcoastgolfmanagement.com                   (864) 942 - 8401
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