2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

Page created by Sidney Sanders
2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald
Forestry for Life

                                                         ain picture)
                                n behalf of Ricky Kuru (m
                         cepts o
            Maa Parata ac

2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

       Work hard and you will do well
          Ricky Kuru was a dad at 14, and in jail at     Plus I thoroughly enjoy it and to get paid for

                                                                                                                     Multi-generational company
       18.                                               it is a bonus.”
          Today, at 46 years old, Ricky represents
       tenacity and the results of hard work after
       being named the Eastland Wood Council’s
       Skilled Forestry Professional of the Year.                                                                        Ricky Kuru and his wife Leanne have           finding skilled and trained workers for the
          He is the only person who has won the                                                                       been together 28 years. She “tidied him up       jobs.
       supreme title twice. He also collected the                                                                     a bit”, he says.                                    “Relying on people is hard. These days
       individual Roading Excellence Award.                                                                              They came to Gisborne for a job many          now you are winning if someone just turns
          Speaking from the top of a hill on a                                                                        years ago, and this was followed by an           up for work each day. I don’t know what’s
       cellphone with patchy coverage, Ricky                                                                          opportunity to go into business.                 going to happen in the future.”
       described himself as “just a worker”.                                                                             Kuru Contracting has grown into a                Ricky says he employs two “greenhorns”
          “I’m the owner but I’m one of the boys.”                                                                    100-strong team. It is a multi-generational      (novices) a year and trains them up. He says
          Ricky couldn’t make it to the awards night                                                                  company owned by Ricky that for the past         if every forestry contracting company did
       last Friday because he was working under                                                                       16 years has provided road line harvesting       the same there would be 60 more people on
       floodlights at Rawhiti Forest. He got his                                                                      and road construction services to Hikurangi      the East Coast in forestry.
       second in command Ma Parata to accept the                                                                      Forest Farms, and many others before that.          “But not all contractors are doing it — I
       award on the company’s behalf.                                                                                    He has made a lot of money and lost a         sort of feel alone.”

  7       “It’s not about winning something, it’s
       just recognition from the other people in the
                                                                                              MO                      lot of money along the way. After one bad
                                                                                                                      business deal he lost $850,000 and spent
                                                                                                                      four years paying it back before starting all
                                                                                                                                                                          Ricky feels the change needs to come
                                                                                                                                                                       from the education system to make sure the
                                                                                                                                                                       forestry industry does not get left behind.
          He is appreciative of Ma who can navigate
uce    through this new generation, as Ma knows
  CONGRATULATIONS RICKY: This is                                                                                           dow
                                                                                                                      over again.
                                                                                                                         Ricky does not give up and he gives
                                                                                                                                                                          It needs to encourage school leavers to
                                                                                                                                                                       look at all opportunities available, he says.
       a lot more about the technical stuff like         Ricky Kuru in 2013 — he says he hasn’t                       credit to “the Good Lord above”.                    Sheldon Drummond, who chaired the
       “Facebook and that Google s**t”.                  changed at all. “I’m still fat, and grey, with                  A lot has changed in the industry             awards judging panel, praised Ricky Kuru
          “I just want to be one of the boys and drive   no hair”, he says with a chuckle. But to                     recently, especially the focus on Health and     and his crew.
       a machine”                                        the forestry industry, Ricky is a top man
                                                         and one of the hardest working in the                        Safety, he says.                                    “He has diversified over the years and
          His favourites are the 80 tonne Cat digger                                                                     Ricky also re-invests in his company.         continued to develop excellence, while
       and the mechanical felling machine for            business. He employs 100 people over
                                                         four forestry crews but prefers to be “one                   In October he invested $4 million in             providing excellent service to the companies
       chopping down trees.                                                                                           equipment so he could crush his own metal        he works for,” said Mr Drummond.
                                                         of the boys” and drive the machines — he
          He leads by example, and often works more      leaves all the other stuff to his second in                  for the roads the company creates. There            “There were several others very close for
       than 100 hours a week — “all by choice”, he       charge Ma Parata. At 46 years-old, Ricky                     are four quarries (three of these are in         that overall award, but Ricky came through
       says.                                             has many working years left, and wants                       Ruatoria) they get their rock from to crush.     as a clear winner in the end.”
          “To be honest, it’s the way I was brought up   to encourage young East Coast people to                         The biggest problem the industry faces is
       by my dad. Work hard and you will do well.        join the forestry industry. Picture supplied

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                                                                                                                   CELEBRATING A VITAL INDUSTRY: Mayor Meng Foon spoke about the importance
                                                                                                                   of forestry during the awards night.   Picture by Stephen Jones Photography

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2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald
The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                                  3

                                                                                         TOOLS OF THE TRADE: Attendees at the Eastland Wood Council’s Forestry Awards event
                                                                                         last Friday were left in no doubt that this was their event.
                                                                                                                                                   Picture by Stephen Jones Photography


LAUGHS APLENTY: Master of Ceremonies (MC) Pio Terei kept the crowd
entertained throughout the forestry awards evening. Picture by Stephen Jones

                                                                   University of Canterbury
                                                                                                                       Forestry for Life
      Take up a career in
      Forestry and study with:

2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

People focus for new Eastland Wood Council CE
   THE Eastland Wood Council’s new chief             Aotearoa and EIT (as a senior manager) — as        manager.”                                                 members of the community have about the
executive Kim Holland is looking forward             well as youth career development with Careers         Ms Holland recognises forestry is an                   work in the forestry industry, she says.
to working with the passionate people in the         NZ. Her most recent work experience has            important contributor to the district’s                      “It is both an exciting and challenging
forestry industry.                                   been economic development project manager          economy.                                                  time to take on the chief executive role
   She originally came to Gisborne for a year        with Activate Tairawhiti.                             “It provides jobs for a large number of                of the Eastland Wood Council, with the
in 1992 and has not left since.                         “Each of these roles has enabled me to build    our people and whanau, both directly and                  implementation of the generation programme,
   “I love Gisborne, the lifestyle, climate, the     strong cross sector relationships,” she said.      indirectly.                                               working with other stakeholders aimed at
beaches, and the people. I enjoy keeping fit,           She has prior experience in the forestry           “It is not without the employment                      meeting employment and training needs, led
pilates and yoga, and look forward to skiing in      industry with initiatives such as the Forestry     challenges — the need to develop and                      by the industry.”
winter.”                                             Industry Big Day Out. In 2015 Ms Holland           enhance a more positive image, and profile                   She is keen to work with other stakeholders
   Ms Holland’s husband is from Gisborne,            was involved with a profile on the industry        the highly skilled, technical requirements of             and develop new education to employment
and they brought up their two boys here. Her         with a video called Shideen’s Story                working in such a complex industry — today                initiatives, and ways to include whanau, to
sons are now based in Auckland, and is a                “At last year’s forestry awards I was proud     and in the future,” she says.                             improve the perceptions, and to showcase
proud grandmother of two grand children.             to see Shideen Nathan receive a scholarship           A key reason for applying for this position            career pathways and training opportunities
   She has worked in education, the tertiary/        for her further study at Toi Ohomai, as she        is that the forestry industry is taking an active         available across the industry.
training sector — including Te Wananga o             continues her journey to become a forest           and proactive approach to ensure that their                  “Everyone I have ever met in forestry
                                                                                                           workforce skill and training needs are                 is passionate about the industry, and I am
                                                                                                           articulated, providing industry led solutions,         looking forward to working with them and my

  We’ve got you covered                                                                                    and are also keen to address change through
                                                                                                           education, the perceptions that some
                                                                                                                                                                  part in promoting it,” said Ms Holland.

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                                                                                                              WELCOME ABOARD: Gisborne’s Kim Holland is excited about her new role as
                                                                                                              Eastland Wood Council chief executive.               Picture by Paul Rickard

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2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald
The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                                                            5

Prue Younger now chief executive of FICA
      FORMER Gisborne woman Prue                 governance roles in sport, health and                 and lift the profile of the forestry contractor                   As well as supporting contractors in her
   Younger is looking forward to her new         community trusts.                                     industry sector.                                                new role, Ms Younger can potentially belong
   role as the chief executive of the Forestry     As director of Public Impressions Ltd,                “I want to get as many New Zealand                            to more national groups and get closer to
   Industry Contractors Association              she has also been instrumental in the                 forestry contractors as members and                             the action of the coalition Government,
   (FICA).                                       establishment of several forestry award               improve the value they are getting out of the                   especially with the “billion trees” programme
      Chief executive of the Eastland Wood       campaigns around the country and in                   organisation. We can do more in supporting                      over the next decade.
   Council (EWC) for two and a half years,       Australia.                                            business development, training and give more                      Ms Younger says her role with the EWC
   Ms Younger said that role was a great           EWC chairman Iain McInnes said                      help around the introduction of technological                   has given her a great foundation to support
   introduction into the industry.               Ms Younger would be a great loss to the               advancement.”                                                   her new role and she thanks EWC for its
      “I was approached about the role with      council.                                                Now based in Napier, her new job will take                    valuable introduction into forestry.
   FICA and saw similarity with what I             “She has really moved the organisation              her all around the country.                                       “It is an often dangerous and risky industry
   had been doing with the Eastland Wood         forward and set the benchmark for what                  “I will still be spending some time in                        and hard as far as work goes. Everyone I
   Council. FICA is a national organisation      a wood council can achieve.”                          Gisborne. It is the region with the most                        have met loves their job and that has made
   representing forestry contractors               In her first month, the FICA website                FICA members involved.”                                         me more passionate to back them.”
   involved in the industry with harvesting,     and social media has been rebranded and
   silviculture and roading.”                    updated.
      Ms Younger has an extensive                  “We are moving very quickly to a new
   background in marketing, promotions           look,” she said.
   and event management, and has several           Her aim is to increase membership

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NOW BASED IN NAPIER: Former Eastland Wood Council (EWC) chief executive
Prue Younger says she will be getting back to Gisborne often with her new
role as Forestry Industry Contractors Association (FICA) chief executive.
Picture supplied                                                                                               Backing smart New Zealand business
                                                                                                                                     BDO Gisborne - Accounting, Tax and Advisory

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2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

Get Safetree Certified urges Raywood Contracting
   THE first Gisborne harvesting contractor           and safety practices. It has been independently                               audit went beyond the paperwork, with a large       to crew members, and going through questions
to become Safetree Certified throughly                assessed by an auditor as meeting industry good                               part of it being on-site and interacting with the   with relevant crew members regarding specific
recommends the scheme.                                practice standards.                                                           crew.”                                              critical risk areas.”
   “It is setting a benchmark for our industry           Mr Diack said Raywood had previously been                                     Certification has meant much more than a            Mr Diack said the crew had a “really good
and I think we should support it,” says Kelvin        tertiary accredited under the ACC Workplace                                   qualification.                                      culture” and the audit confirmed this.
Diack of Raywood Contracting.                         Safety Management Practices (WSMP)                                               “It has given our crew a huge sense of              “The men know the work they do is high
   He says a lot of Gisborne contractors would        Programme which has now ceased.                                               achievement. This audit was not just about the      risk. They look out for each other and work
be well placed to achieve certification.                 “We had been to a couple of seminars and                                   paperwork — it was good for the crew to show        hard to achieve a high safety standard. The
   “I would like to think that over the next year     had heard about the Safetree Certificate scheme                               the auditor what we do on-site and to talk with     sense of achievement from being recognised for
to 18 months quite a few Gisborne contractors         that was coming and wanted to support this                                    him about their point of view.”                     this is a huge boost for them.”
will be on the certification register. I would also   Safetree initiative to improve forest industry                                   Mr Diack said it was great to have a national       The certification was not just about health
like to see the forest owners and companies           safety and professionalism.                                                   industry standard. He was also pleased that his     and safety. It was also about the people and how
encourage and support their contractors to               “Last year our faller became certified under                               company was achieving their certification to        they interact and manage health and safety on
achieve certification.”                               the Safetree Faller Certification and the crew                                that standard.                                      site.
   The certification means the company now            was keen to apply for the Safetree Contractor                                    “We can always improve, and that will be our        “Key to a safe workplace is having a good
has an official stamp of approval for its health      Certification. We also liked the idea that this                               aim for the next audit.”                            crew culture and this audit looks at that aspect.
                                                                                                                                         He added that the online application was          “There is no financial gain from achieving
                                                                                                                                      not difficult — it just involved questions        Safetree Contractor Certification — but it
                                                                                                                                      regarding equipment, insurance, employment        will hopefully help to lift safety standards and
                                                                                                                                      and incident statistics.                          professionalism in the forestry industry, and
     Conference 2018 DANA                                                                                                                Because it was a new programme there
                                                                                                                                      was a limited number of auditors registered,
                                                                                                                                                                                        everyone in forestry will benefit from that,” said
                                                                                                                                                                                        Mr Diack
     & Field Trip NZ Forest / Wood Products                                                                                           so there was a wait of a few weeks before an
                                                                                                                                      auditor was available, Mr Diack said.
                                                                                                                                                                                           Contractor certification is one of three key
                                                                                                                                                                                        initiatives run by the Forest Industry Safety
                                                                                                                                         “We then spent about half a day with the       Council (FISC) on behalf of the industry.
                                                                                                                                      auditor in the office going over our health          FISC also runs the safetree.nz website, which
     30 September – 03 October 2018 | Wairakei Resort | Taupo | NeW ZealaNd                                                           and safety system and supporting paperwork.       provides tailor-made safety information to those
                                                                                                                                      The second half of the day was spent with         working in forestry.
                                                                                                                                      the auditor on site, looking at how we worked        This year, FISC will focus on promoting and
     Does the New Zealand Industry Have to                                                                                            as a crew and how we managed risks, talking       embedding the certification schemes.
     be World Class to Compete in the World?
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        Other Major Export Industry panel: kiwifruit, wine & avocado
        Field Trip site visits, including sawmill, wood pellet mill,
        geothermal power station, post & pole yard, a brand new
        hi-tech innovation site — plus 1–2 more sites (in progress)
                                                                       International Forest
        Pre-Conference: Fishing Trip, Dinner Cruise on Lake Taupo       Industry Advisors

   Register at: www.danaevents.co.nz/2018taupo/ or contact Julie Bell: admin@dana.co.nz

                   Williams & Wilshier Ltd

                                                                                                                                      CERTIFIED: First in the region to get their ticket, the Raywood Contracting crew of
                                                                                                                                      (from left) Brian Takoko, Phillip Cosgrove, Ben Delegat, Nukumai Jensen, Reuben
                                                                                                                                      Takoko and Kelvin Diack recommend Gisborne forestry contractors become
                                                                                               Pic: Strike Photography

                                                                                                                                      Safetree Certified.                                           Picture by Paul Rickard

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2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald
The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                   7

               SIGNIFICANT SECTOR:
             Activate Tairawhiti general
                    manager economic
              development Steve Breen
             says opportunities abound
                              in forestry.
                         Picture supplied

  in good
   IMPRESSIVE scope and size continues            demonstrated by Eastland Community Trust’s          Overall, the general economic state of the                                   seeing an increase in economic activity. This is
to raise the profile of regional forestry says    (ECT) major investment in the ex-Prime            region is currently positive, says Mr Breen,                                   being reflected in upward trends in real estate
Activate Tairawhiti general manager economic      sawmill site and consequential businesses like    with forestry playing a major part in its                                      prices.
development Steve Breen.                          Wet Gisborne Limited and Far East Sawmill         progression.                                                                      “It is all a result of the growing interest in
   “The scale of plantation forests coming up     that this is attracting.                            “We have had a good season for sheep and                                     living, visiting and working in this region.
for harvest here, means forestry continues to        “Since the purchase of the Prime Site, Far     beef, there has been a rise in tourism activity                                People are coming here because there is work
cement its place as a significant sector within   East Sawmill has employed 40 staff so that is     and investment into horticulture and wood                                      and opportunity, and that is a big plus for
our region.”                                      40 new jobs for Tairawhiti locals. This number    processing. Across all these sectors we are                                    Tairawhiti.”
   Mr Breen says a few years ago forestry         is projected to grow.”
might have flown a little under the radar but        Wet Gisborne Limited employs 20 staff.
its increasing size now makes it an undeniably       Mr Breen says an important piece of the
major economic presence.                          puzzle is the work being done to develop
   “The opportunities from forestry will          a regional Wood First Policy — creating
only continue to rise in the region as people     the right environment within the region
see the activity generated, the logs, the port    to support investment into forestry and
expanding, even signage around the city —         value-added wood products, through further
the visibility is growing as harvests come on     processing.
stream.                                              “If we can encourage more use of wood
   “Now is the opportunity for maximising the     and wood products, particularly in the
returns to the region from the harvest through    construction industry, then we are creating
more jobs for locals and a healthier economy.”    demand and giving industry the confidence
   Mr Breen says the industry is investing        to invest here — that is where Activate                                        For over 45 years we’ve been making it easier for
in itself by growing a skilled worker base        Tairawhiti is supporting Gisborne District                                     New Zealanders to get the things they need.
through the launch of Eastland Wood               Council (GDC) and working with the
Council’s Generation Programme — making           industry, to develop an effective policy.”            For over 45 years we’ve We
                                                                                                                                 beenoffer personal
                                                                                                                                       making             andfor
                                                                                                                                                   it easier     business lending including
real and practical steps towards attracting and      “The same challenge between creating                                        pre-approval
                                                                                                                                      For over 45 so  you
                                                                                                                                                  years      know
                                                                                                                                                         we’ve        exactly
                                                                                                                                                                been making      howformuch you
                                                                                                                                                                             it easier
supporting people coming into the industry.       value-added over commodity-based products             New Zealanders to get the   things   they    need.
                                                                                                        For over 45 years we’ve been making
                                                                                                                                 have to work
                                                                                                                                      New      it easier
                                                                                                                                           Zealanders   to for
                                                                                                                                                           get the things they need.
Supporting industries are also gearing-up,        can be seen across the region, says Mr Breen.         We offer personal and business    lending      including
with the transport sector also working to            “The agriculture sector has been very               New Zealanders to get the things
                                                                                                                                       We they   need. and business lending including
                                                                                                                                          offer personal
bring more drivers into the industry to meet      invested in value-added production,                   pre-approval so you
                                                                                                        We offer personal  andknow  exactly   howincluding
                                                                                                                               business lending       much
                                                                                                                                                     so       youexactly how much you
                                                                                                                                                        you know
                                                                                                                                      haveover  45 years
                                                                                                                                            to work with.we’ve been making it easier for
demand.                                           horticulture is seeing a move to higher value         have to workso
                                                                                                        pre-approval with.          06New
                                                                                                                        you know exactly868how8490muchtoyou
                                                                                                                                            Zealanders    get the things they need.
   The longer-term opportunity is to secure       crops such as pipfruit and kiwifruit and                                            We  offer personal and business lending including
more higher value local wood processing,          tourism is starting to develop commercial             have to work with.          152 Ormond        Road
                                                                                                                                          06 868 8490
                                                                                                                                                                     pre-approval so you know exactly how much you
hence the move to attract and generate more       experiences that visitors value and are                                                                        152
                                                                                                              06 868 8490                                     have toOrmond
                                                                                                                                                         mtf.co.nz/gisborne  Road
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                                                                                                         Terms, conditions and lending criteria apply.               Terms, conditions and lending criteria apply.

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2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

The journey of a log
                                                                                Arrival                                          one company; and PFP183202 was handled
                                                                                                                                 by ISO.
                                                                                   Log PFP183202 travelled down Kaiti
                                                                                                                                    The first job for ISO staff was to measure
                                                                                Beach Rd on one of the 150 trucks that visits
                                                                                                                                 the width of PFP183202 while it was still
                                                                                Eastland Port every day. Before entering

at Eastland Port
                                                                                                                                 on the truck. Known as scaling, two people
                                                                                the port the truck was driven onto a weigh
                                                                                                                                 worked together standing on specially
                                                                                bridge - a huge set of scales for trucks. The
                                                                                                                                 designed gangways to safely reach it. Four
                                                                                driver leaned out the window and swiped an
                                                                                                                                 trucks can be scaled simultaneously taking up
                                                                                electronic tag past a machine. This activated
                                                                                                                                 to 10 minutes per truck.
                                                                                the scales and the truck and its load were
                                                                                                                                    PFP183202’s information was taken to
At Eastland Port we’re often asked ‘what happens to the logs when they get      automatically weighed. The port gates then
                                                                                                                                 the nearby scaling station office where an
there?’ So earlier this week we followed the journey of one log to find out.    opened.
                                                                                                                                 ISO staffer generated a barcode tag. The
Eastland Port is New Zealand’s most efficient log port, and around 12,000       Marshalling and scaling                          marshalling staff stapled the tag to the log
                                                                                   Log PFP183202 was driven into the             officially giving PFP183202 its name.
cubic metres of logs are trucked in, marshalled, and exported to China,
                                                                                marshalling and scaling station area where       Unchaining
Korea, India and Japan every day.                                               staff from either ISO or C3, receive cargo.
                                                                                                                                    Log PFP183202 was then driven into one
On port, the gritty and demanding business of getting the logs from truck to    ISO and C3 provide marshalling and
                                                                                                                                 of the five unchaining lanes where the driver
                                                                                stevedoring services directly to exporters and
ship is the shared responsibility of three companies: Eastland Port, ISO, and   shipping companies. A log will be handled
                                                                                                                                 (a male on this day), removed the chains from
C3. Here’s what happens told through the journey of log: PFP183202.             during its entire journey at Eastland Port by
                                                                                                                                                          (continued over page)

 PFP183202 IS BARCODED AT THE SCALING STATION.                                   ISO’S PAUL COKER ALONGSIDE PFP183202

     OVER 10 YEARS
    In the 12 months since the last awards we have                         Congratulations to all of the award winners’
    been busy
    • 66 vessels loaded at Eastland Port ‒ over 5 vessels
      every month
    • Over 3 million logs received, stored, shipped and
    • Over $10 million in fees paid to Eastland Port
    • $181 million paid to forest owners with market
      leading prices
    • No lost time accidents on the port in our operations                                                                                                           15564-01

                   Contact: Peter Clayton, peterc@pfpltd.co.nz, 027 209 8058
2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald
The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                                                         9

(from previous page)                                Once unloaded, the driver was given the all              minutes. IVS Sunbird was guided out to sea
                                                 clear to leave, which he did, via the trailer lift          by Eastland Port’s marine team on Tuesday as

his truck and trailer. He called up an ISO       area. Truck drivers are on port a total of 30-90            she headed for Tauranga. It will take 18 days
marshaller on a hand-held RT to let him          minutes per visit.                                          to sail to Lanqiao, China, where PFP183202
know what grade of logs he had, and received                                                                 will be unloaded and taken to a factory to be
instructions where to drive next.                Transfer to ship                                            peeled and turned into high quality veneer for
                                                    PFP183202 sat on port for four days. Most                the local furniture industry.
  Eastland Port is divided into bays and
blocks. Log PFP183202 was driven to bay
                                                 logs wait between two to eight days for the
                                                 correct ship to come in.
                                                    IVS Sunbird berthed on a Sunday. Log
                                                                                                             Records broken
                                                                                                                Last year Eastland Port, C3, and ISO
                                                                                                                                                                      Did you know?
three where it was met by ISO operators          PFP183202 was taken from its stack by a high                shifted nearly three million tonnes of logs               178 ships berthed at
driving pivot loaders and material handling      lift machine and placed onto a shuttle truck                breaking all previous records for wood
high lift machines. A pivot loader is a front    trailer on Monday. These trucks, synonymous                 exported. That record was testament to the
                                                                                                                                                                      Eastland Port last year.
end loader with a grapple instead of a bucket.   with airports and ports, are specially designed             hard work and cooperation of everyone                   They were comprised of logging,
A high lift machine has a long boom so logs      tractor units with trailers. Once on the shuttle            on port. Eastland Port general manager
can be shifted from low to high places.                                                                                                                             produce, fertiliser and cruise ships.
                                                 truck PFP183202 was scanned by one of ISO’s                 Andrew Gaddum says the port’s logistics and
  PFP183202 was stacked as part of a neat        stevedores then driven alongside IVS Sunbird.               efficiency are a competitive advantage and
log pile between custom-made bookends.              PFP183202 was picked up in a group of                    everyone is always working to improve. The
This part of the process took just five to six   logs by the ship’s crane and dropped carefully              fact that there were no significant safety issues
minutes and the truck driver stayed in his cab   into the hold. PFP183202’s journey from                     identified or reported during the year was a
the whole time.                                  its log stack to the ship’s hold took just 15               credit to everyone.

 PFP183202 MAKES ITS WAY TO THE SHIP VIA AN ISO SHUTTLE TRUCK.                                                IVS SUNBIRD BEFORE SHE CAME INTO PORT.

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                                                                                                               FOREST OWNERS
                                                                                                               Do you have trees near or ready for harvesting?

                                                                                                             The forestry industry is enjoying one of the strongest market cycles in a long time. To take
                                                                                                             advantage of this don’t delay, get in touch with us to secure a harvesting crew this season. FOMS
                                                                                                             are ACC Tertiary Accredited, we have a range of sales options and payments are guaranteed.
                                                                                                                    We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners and nominees
                                                                                                                                     and recognise their effort in the forestry industry.

     107 Aerodome Road, Gisborne • Ph 867 8483                                                                 Contact us for a free forest assessment. Ph Jason Blair 0274 921 078 office 06 323 5621 or

                                                                                                                email jason.blair@foms.co.nz. View our website for further information www.foms.co.nz
2018 Forestry for Life - www.eastlandwoodcouncil.co.nz - Gisborne Herald

Graduate boost with Generation Programme
   UP to 60 forestry graduates could be placed        Employment Minister Willie Jackson said
in sustainable and high-paying forestry jobs       the Generation Programme would be the first
each year as a result of new Government            initiative to benefit from the Government’s
funding to support an Eastland Wood                $13.27 million employment scheme.
Council (EWC) training programme.                     The scheme targets high levels of youth
   EWC’s Generation Programme will                 unemployment in Tairawhiti, Te Taitokerau,
receive $220,000 from the Government’s He          Eastern Bay of Plenty and Hawke’s Bay.
Poutama Rangatahi employment scheme and               “This is the start of our commitment to
an additional $60,000 from the Ministry of         support the Tairawhiti community,’’ said Mr
Social Development (MSD).                          Jackson.
   The Generation Programme is a three year           Former EWC chief executive Prue Younger
pilot programme that will provide a pipeline       said the Generation Programme would take
of attraction, recruitment, training and           students into the forestry base camp for a
retention into the Forest industry.                month.
   A key component of the programme                   Students would study for 30 hours each
includes the Forestry Base Camp Induction          week and receive ‘‘a huge introduction into
Course aimed at providing comprehensive            the industry”.
entry level training.                                 “It is really just holding kids’ hands to make
   The programme will provide mapped               sure they’re ready to step into the big wide
career pathways for trainees to opt into the       world.”
strand that interests them such as silviculture,      Students would then engage with a
science, management, transport and logistics,      employer in a “buddy-type” situation.
port, infrastructure, roading and engineering.        They would be paid and released for part-
   Along with ongoing pastoral care and            time courses in local training organisations
support which is a critical element for the        and gain work experience in their first year.
success of the Generation Programme,                  Students would continue training with their
both from an employee and an employer              employer, in their second year.
perspective.                                          “After two years there won’t be much you
   Once trainees are in the Generation             won’t know about the industry.
Programme they will transition into paid              “You will be qualified.
employment with a certified employer and              You will be well paid and have some dollars
will have both on-site and off-site training.      in your back pocket.”
   Their journey through the programme                Ms Younger said the Generation
will be supported with pastoral care and           Programme would produce 12 graduates in
mentoring to ensure successful outcomes, for       the first year, 30 in the second and 60 in the
the employee and the employer.                     third.

            Proud to support
       the Eastland Wood Council
            Forestry Awards

                         P O Box 2042, Gisborne 4040                                                                  TRAINING THE INDUSTRY: The new Generation Programme in Gisborne would
                      Phone 06 867 9179 • Fax 06 863 1011                                                             produce 12 graduates in the first year, 30 in the second and 60 in the third.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Picture by Paul Rickard
                              www.ernslaw.co.nz                                           150527TT021TC
                                                                                                                        The decisions made at harvesting can make or break your
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                                                                                                                        The decisions             madePFatOlsen             Ltd is your
                                                                                                                                                                   harvesting           can make ‘one-stop  or breakshop’your for…
                                            forestry repairs                                                            TheHarvesting
                                                                                                                                   investment. & made
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                                                                                                                                       management  marketingPF Olsen Ltd is your ‘one-stop shop’ for…
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                                                                                                                                       management made
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                                                                                                                                                              photography               can    make         ormanaged
                                                                                                                        The   decisions
                                                                                                                        forest     investment. &  made
                                                                                                                                                   marketingPF at
                                                                                                                                                     can produce
                                                                                                                                                               at  harvesting
                                                                                                                                                                     significant value
                                                                                                                                                                   harvesting           can
                                                                                                                                                                                           and make
                                                                                                                                                                                                returns ifor
                                                                                                                                                                                               make         or  break
                                                                                                                                                                                                                break      your
                                           • Full hauler conversions                                                         Forest
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                                                                                                                                      Gisborne    made
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                                                                                                                                                             ensure you     Ltd
                                                                                                                                                                        maximise   is
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                                                                                                                        The   decisions
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                                                                                                                                            services  andPF
                                                                                                                                                  consultancy  atOlsen
                                                                                                                                                             health         Ltd is your
                                                                                                                                                                       & safety         can make ‘one-stop  or breakshop’your for…
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                                           •   Light engineering                                                           compliance
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                                                                                                                                            and  health
                                                                                                                                          aerial        & safety
                                                                                                                                                 photography                          for
                                                                                                                                                                                      For woodlot    harvesting and
                                                                                                                                                                                           a free, no-obligation         forest
                                                                                                                           Valuations  &
                                                                                                                                       &  marketing
                                                                                                                                     and  aerial  photography
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                                                                                                                           Valuations  &
                                                                                                                                     and  consultancy
                                                                                                                                       &tree      photography
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                                                                                                                                                                                                                   contact    our
                                           •   Certified welding                                                           Environmental
                                                                                                                           High    safety
                                                                                                                           Forest insurance
                                                                                                                           Overlay          and
                                                                                                                                           and   health
                                                                                                                                    3A Applications     & safety
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                                                                                                                                                                                      For woodlot    harvesting and
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                                                                                                                           Environmental    and
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                                                                                                                                            and         & safety
                                                                                                                                                        services                      Gisborne    office  on  06  868  5426.
                                                                                                                           compliance         provision& safety
                                                                                                                                                 health                               management       services, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   contact    our

                                            Phil Law
                                                                                                                                    3A Applications                                   for  woodlot harvesting            forest
                                                                                                                           Valuations  &tree
                                                                                                                           Environmental  consultancy
                                                                                                                                            and  health services
                                                                                                                                                        & safety                      Gisborne
                                                                                                                                                                                      management  office  on  06
                                                                                                                                                                                                       services,  868  5426.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   contact    our
                                                                                                                           High quality
                                                                                                                           Overlay            stocks
                                                                                                                                    3A Applications                                   For a free, no-obligation appraisal
                                                                                                                           High quality
                                                                                                                           High quality
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                                                                                                                           Carbon  forestry and
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The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                         11


                                                                                                                    ain picture)
                                                                                               lf of   Ricky Kuru (m
                                                                                  cepts on beha
                                                                     Maa Parata ac

                                            Eastland Wood Council
                                Skilled Forestry Professional of the Year Award

                                                Ricky Kuru
                                                 Kuru Contracting


                                2018 Winners

                                Congratulations to you all…

         NZ Apprentice                   Trainee           Training Company/Contractor
       of the Year Award           of the Year Award              of the Year Award

        Georgia Paulson
        Blackstump Logging
                                     Rick Te Whiu
                                    Knowles Family Trust
                                                               Pride Forestry Limited
                                                                 Stacy & Penny Habib

      Forestry Excellence         Roading Excellence          Harvesting Excellence
       of the Year Award           of the Year Award           of the Year Award

       Edward    Tuapawa
       Pride Forestry Limited
                                       Ricky Kuru
                                     Kuru Contracting
                                                                  Nortyn Willis
                                                                   Down n Out
The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                           13

               Distribution Excellence               Wood Processing                         Construction Excellence
                 of the Year Award                   of the Year Award                         of the Year Award

                         Paul  Coker
                         ISO Limited
                                                       Loncey  Crawford
                                                       East Coast Lumber
                                                                                                     Brian Deam
                                                                                               Big Bark Loading Contracting

                   Faller Excellence               Pavement Excellence                  Outstanding H&S Management
                   of the Year Award                of the Year Award                         of the Year Award

                           Les Tidy
                            Pakiri 26
                                                      Kieren McCarthy
                                                   Big Bark Loading Contracting               Stubbs Contractors Limited
         Outstanding Regional Service           Outstanding Environmental                            Contractor
        Performance of the Year Award          Management of the Year Award                      of the Year Award

                         ISO Limited            Mangatu Blocks Incorporation               Big BarkTony
                                                                                                     Loading Contracting

                                                                                  All photos supplied by Stephen Jones Photography

                                       Sponsors 2018
     Building Professionalism in

The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                             15

                                                                                     A word from the chair
                                                                                       THIS region’s forestry awards have                 With about 500 people coming this year,
                                                                                     become a highlight on the local industry          the awards were about the only time in the
                                                                                     calendar, says Eastland Wood Council              year that just about everyone in the local
                                                                                     chairman Iain McInnes.                            industry got together.
                                                                                       Numbers attending have more than                   It was an opportunity for those who just
                                                                                     doubled since the awards were instituted nine     got out and got on with their jobs to network
                                                                                     years ago, he said.                               and compare notes.
                                                                                       As well as rewarding excellence in the             “It’s a great chance to recognise the
                                                                                     industry, the gala event was becoming             efforts.”
                                                                                     another way for contractors to reward their          The local awards have proved so successful
                                                                                     crews.                                            that other regions are now following suit.
                                                                                       “It is really pleasing to see the number of        Mr McInnes said that Northland,
                                                                                     contractors who get a table and bring their       Southern North Island and now Mount
                                                                                     crews along to the awards, so it is not just      Gambier in Australia were also running
                                                                                     forest company staff,” he says.                   forestry awards.

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                                                                                                                                                                Corporation Japan.
                                                                                                                                                         integrated trading comp
                                                                                                                              In business for 400 years and coun
                                                                                                      An integrated trading company, operating
                                                                                Summit Forests, a subsidiary company
                                                                                                                   as parta of
                                                                                                        Summit Forests,       subsidiary   company of   Sumitomo C
                                                                                              trading company,
                                                                                                        In business
                                                                                                           Head of   operating
                                                                                                                   Export and          as
                                                                                                                              400 company, part
                                                                                                                                    years and
                                                                                                                           trading     Operations of the  Sumito
                                                                                                                                                operating as part of
                                                                                                                                 In business
                                                                                    M: 021 244 7373 | E: paul.burridge@summitforest.co.nz         for 400   yearsforan
                                                                                                                                          | W: www.summitforests.co.nz
                                                                                                                                                      In business      40
                                                                                                                        Paul Burridge Head16636-01        of Expo
LOOKING FORWARD TO A BIG NIGHT: Eastland Wood Council chairman Iain                  Danny Boyle Eastland Regional Manager M: 021 193 7572
McInnes says 500 people are coming to the 2018 forestry awards.                                 M: 021Paul244Burridge
                                                                                                                7373 |W:
                                                                                  E: danny.boyle@summitforest.co.nz      E:  paul.burridge@summitfo
                                                                                                                          Head of Export and Regional Operations
                                                                              Paul Burridge
                                                          Picture by Liam Clayton
                                                                                        M: 021 244   of Export
                                                                                                   7373         and Regional Operations | W: www.summ
                                                                                                        | E: paul.burridge@summitforest.co.nz
                                                    M: 021 244 7373 | E: paul.burridge@summitforest.co.nz | W: www.summitforests.c

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Unsung heroes of the forestry sector — roadies
  FORESTRY roading crews have sometimes              “Without trained people the industry would          it’s wet.                                         Six of them will be doing the level 4 Forestry
been the unsung heroes of the logging sector,     not be as successful as it is.”                            “Communication is huge as the plan can        Earthworks course this year as soon as it
which is why contractor Kim Cranswick                As well as the challenges of rugged hill            change at a moment’s notice. We depend on         becomes available.
welcomes two new awards for roading in this       country, forestry roading crews need to be             digital radios to ensure adequate coverage is        The training is on the job through
year’s Forestry Awards.                           always one step ahead of harvesting schedules,         achieved throughout the region.                   infrastructure training organisation Connexis.
  As well as the Eastland Port Roading            which sometimes means long hours and                       “Safety is paramount and all our staff are    Former forestry contractor Tama Koia is the
excellence award, there will be awards for        operating machinery outside the hours of               equipped with personal locator beacons.           local trainer and assessor.
excellence in forestry roading construction and   daylight.                                                  “No-one is put in a position where they          Connexis Hawke’s Bay account manager
excellence in roading pavement.                      The roads need to be suitable for loaded            are not fully comfortable — they are always       Grant Radovanovich oversees the local
  “Without those roads no logs would reach        logging trucks in all weather.                         buddied up with an experienced operator — it      programme and helps keep those doing the
the port,” he says.                                  Forestry managers like P.F. Olsen and               can take years of experience for them to drive    training on track.
  These are no ordinary roads. They are forged    Logic plan the roads but some tweaking is              any machine in any condition. The ability to         Although some were initially a bit dubious
over some of the roughest and steepest terrain    often required on the ground, depending on             identify soil types is a major component in       about the course, the rewards outweighed the
this region can offer, along with with some       conditions encountered.Mr Cranswick is a               building a suitable sub-base — we throw the       extra effort, says Mr Cranswick.
hugely varied geology.                            stickler for the 10-12 percent maximum uphill          rubbish away and import superior material.”          “The guys develop a real appreciation for
  “We can be carving through hard rock one        loaded gradient.                                           Because of the expertise required Mr          their work and the environment.”
minute and around the corner it might be really      “If the gradient is 14 percent, a loaded truck      Cranswick is big on on-going training, even for      Mr Cranswick nominated four of his men for
soft and sloppy,” he says.                        will inevitably run out of traction, especially if     experienced operators. His company Cranswick      the awards this year.
                                                                                                         Enterprises has already put 11 of its people         One of his employees, Larry Shoemark, won
                                                                                                         through a Level 3 Forestry Earthworks course.     the overall award in 2015.

                                                                                                           HARD YAKKA: Roading contractor Kim Cranswick has nominated four of his staff
                                                                                                           for excellence in forestry roading construction and excellence in roading pavement
                                                                                                           at this year’s forestry awards.                                      Picture supplied

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The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                   17

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                                                               KEEPING THE LAUGHS COMING: Pio Terei was master of ceremonies at the
                                                               forestry awards this year.                                Picture supplied

                                                                  FRONTING the forestry awards                  He then made a more serious impression
                                                               ceremony is much loved New Zealand             for his part in TVNZ’s Intrepid Journeys
                                                               headline actor and presenter Pio Terei,        India, for which he earned praise for his
                                                               whose wit and insight is guaranteed to         witty yet informative commentary.
                                                               entertain and inspire.                           His next big show was Big Saturday
                                                                  Pio’s appearances as a comedian, actor,     Night In, featuring New Zealand musicians
                                                               radio show host, musician and performer        sometimes accompanied by Pio himself,
                                                               over the last decade have established him as   who is also a talented musician.
                                                               one of New Zealand’s most popular emcees         Pio also hosts his own fishing show,
                                                               and speakers.                                  Tangaroa with Pio, on Maori Television.
                                                                  He has a broad background in television,    He is also well known as a presenter and
                                                               first coming to public attention in 1995       spokesperson for The Parenting Place and
                                                               when he led his own TV3 comedy, Pete and       his No Sweat Parenting / Manaaki Whanau
                     CONTACT                                   Pio, with fellow comedian Peter Rowley.
                                                                  His own show, Pio, featured similar New
                                                                                                              shows around the country and on Maori

                 STEVE McCAFFERTY                              Zealand humour. This was followed by a
                                                               TVNZ comedy series, The Life and Times
                                                                                                                As a comedian, Pio has twice won the
                                                                                                              New Zealand Film and Television Awards
                                                               of Te Tutu, an 1800s Maori chief.              for Best Comedy Programme.
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The Gisborne Herald • Friday, May 25, 2018                                                                                                                                                  19

New judge on the block: Dan Fraser
   DAN Fraser is the Tairawhiti regional       of the fence putting forward a lot of worthy         “Our loggers are getting well paid these      exciting work in progress.”
manager for forest management and              nominees,” he said.                                days, but they probably don’t get much in          Mr Fraser says of the calibre of this
investment company Forest Enterprises which       But this year will be Mr Fraser’s first as a    the way of other rewards. The EWC Awards        year’s nominations, “the level of excellence
manages over 10,000ha of forests in Gisborne   judge and he is enjoying being part of the         are a fantastic way to provide recognition in   has really shone through. All nominees are
on behalf of their investors.                  process on the inside, looking out.                the community to those at the front line of     recognised by their peers for their standards of
   As a former manager for a local corporate      “We are looking for excellence — people         forestry.”                                      performance and are highly important to the
firm employing many logging crews in this      who are outstanding in their field.”                 The industry has evolved a lot in terms of    forest industry and therefore the Tairawhiti
region, Mr Fraser is no newcomer to the           Dan has always been passionate about            innovation, mechanisation, environmental        community.
Eastland Wood Council (EWC) Forestry           building successful teams and creating an          competence, health and safety. Forest              Many categories have multiple people who
Awards.                                        environment that allows people to achieve          companies, contractors and employees on the     in other years may have been winners. There
   “Up to now, I have been on the other side   standards of excellence.                           East Coast have really lifted the bar.          have been some tough decisions for the judges
                                                                                                    “These changes were essential; they           to make. I urge those who miss out this year
                                                                                                  continue to be a huge challenge but also        not to give up and to try again next year.”

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FIRST TIME: Forest Enterprises Tairawhiti regional manager Dan Fraser looked
forward to judging the EWC Forestry Awards.               Picture by Paul Rickard
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                                                         Awards in 2018. For expert advice on lubricants for forestry, talk to the team at AP Hydraulics on
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Meet the award judges: Sheldon Drummond
   FEW people would be as well qualified to      some nine years ago.                                     their integrity and how they were carrying the      “There is a large market for wood products
judge the regional forestry awards as Sheldon       They wanted to model the competition                  industry forward.                                 but we are only as good as our people,” he said.
Drummond, who has been a driving force           along the lines of the Golden Shears and                    Forestry was now the country’s third largest     “I have spent my life in forestry and I like to
behind the industry since he first graduated     Farmer of the Year awards to promote the                 export earner.                                    see people excel.”
from Rotorua’s forestry school in 1978.          image of forestry in a bid to start attracting           It was the only industry with the ability to        Sheldon Drummond is these days focusing
   As a logger, he was the first person to put   the right people.                                        balance New Zealand’s carbon emissions, as        more time on his quarrying interests. But
logs through the Gisborne wharves. He was           “I wanted to get away from the idea a lot of          well as providing the lowest energy and most      he maintains an active involvement with
the man behind timber processing in Gisborne     the public had that people working in forestry           sustainable building products on earth.           forestry as a forest consultant and member of
when he spearheaded the Juken Nissho Mill at     were only a bunch of hucks.                                 But it would take experience and innovation    the NZ Forest Research Association (Scion
Matawhero as well as significantly expanding        “You actually need to be quite professional           to take the industry forward.                     — a Crown Research Institute dedicated to
the company’s plantings in the region.           to be in the industry,’ he said.                            The awards were designed to recognise and      improving the international competitiveness of
   He teamed up with fellow Gisborne                The awards were based on recognising the              celebrate the stars who were helping forge the    the New Zealand forest industry.)
forestry managers Nick Bunting and Paul          training and qualifications of people working            improvements that were paramount to the
Ainsworth to establish the forestry awards,      in the industry, their conduct, professionalism,         industry’s success.

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                                                                                                            graduated from Rotorua’s forestry school 40 years ago. “I have spent my life in
                                                                                                            forestry and I like to see people excel,” he said.           Picture by Paul Rickard
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