Automotive 2020 Clarity beyond the chaos - IBM Global Business Services - Gerpisa

Automotive 2020 Clarity beyond the chaos - IBM Global Business Services - Gerpisa
IBM Global Business Services

 IBM Institute for Business Value


Automotive 2020
Clarity beyond the chaos
IBM Institute for Business Value
   IBM Global Business Services, through the IBM Institute for Business Value,
 develops fact-based strategic insights for senior executives around critical public
  and private sector issues. This executive brief is based on an in-depth study by
 the Institute’s research team. It is part of an ongoing commitment by IBM Global
 Business Services to provide analysis and viewpoints that help companies realize
business value. You may contact the authors or send an e-mail to
                               for more information.
Automotive 2020
Clarity beyond the chaos
By Sanjay Rishi, Benjamin Stanley and Kalman Gyimesi

                          The automotive ecosystem is in the midst of significant change, with increasing
                          challenges in consumer demands, technology development, globalization,
                          integration and collaboration. A new era is rapidly approaching in which the very
                          definition of personal mobility will change. Multi-modal transportation will become
                          increasingly common, and intelligent vehicles will cater to diverse consumer needs
                          for information, environmental responsibility and safety. Automotive companies are
                          racing to develop new business models to help them maintain responsible growth.
                          In this dynamic new age, we believe, a focus on the development of compelling
                          personal mobility solutions, retail transformation, global execution and extensive
                          partnering will be the keys to success in 2020.

                          Introduction                                       increasing demands for environmental
                          Rarely has an industry confronted the              accountability and use the technology at its
                          magnitude of multi-dimensional change the          disposal to transform the way it develops prod-
                          automotive industry faces today. Credited for      ucts and goes to market.
                          providing the foundation for economic trans-
                                                                             Indeed, the underlying and surrounding
                          formation of the developed world a century
                                                                             ecosystem of the industry is in a state of flux.
                          ago, and well under way to bringing mobility
                                                                             Automakers, along with their partners, must
                          and prosperity to the developing world today,
                                                                             respond to the changing dynamics of how
                          the industry finds itself simultaneously coveted
                                                                             automobiles will be manufactured, purchased,
                          for the employment and investment it attracts
                                                                             distributed and serviced. Consumers are
                          and disparaged for its perceived lack of envi-
                                                                             becoming more empowered and sophisti-
                          ronmental responsibility.
                                                                             cated. Their wants and needs are evolving
                          As it races toward 2020, the industry must         at an exponential pace. Basic transportation
                          learn to effectively manage the global             will no longer suffice, as consumers look to a
                          resources it has put in place, respond to          comprehensive mobility experience.

                     1    Automotive 2020
Enlightened consumers will expect their              among various industry segments threaten
      vehicles to provide information, entertainment,      critical collaborative factors such as adoption
      safety and convenience. They will demand             of common standards, information manage-
      economy, environmental responsibility and            ment and data ownership. These differences
      sustainability. To meet these demands, vehicles      provide a threat and will, if not addressed,
      will become more intelligent, offer “greener”        retard progress.
      operation and be customizable to greater “self
      expression” by buyers. As worldwide oil prices       The impact of external forces on the industry
      continue to surge, alternative powertrains will      will continue to be significant, but the leading
      dominate new production.                             influencers will be radically different from those
                                                           that affect the industry today. Technology
      Even the notion of “buying” as we know it            will continue to develop at breakneck speed
      today is expected to change. The concept of          and will accelerate innovation in the vehicle,
      personal mobility will prompt consumers to           touching everything from performance to
      purchase “transportation services” in place of       enhancements in safety and convenience.
      personal vehicles for multiple uses.                 Sustainability, already an issue, will migrate
                                                           to near the top of the list for the automotive
      The worldwide labor force will change and,           value net. Unparalleled investments will make
      by 2020, become radically different in terms         tremendous inroads for fuel efficiency, but
      of age, location and the way people work.            unbridled and oft-impractical consumer and
      Cultural awareness, diversity and adapta-            regulatory expectations will stay ahead of
      tion will be the norm. This global workforce,        possible achievement, which may lead to disil-
      with a geographically dispersed footprint for        lusionment.
      manufacturing and product development,
      will sustain and support the industry in 2020.       Consumers will also become increasingly
      The current investments in globalization will        watchful and wary about how companies
      be established and a global infrastructure will      perform outside the manufacturing and
      essentially be in place. Evolving economies          distribution processes. Corporate social
      and markets will fuel new products, services         responsibility will become markedly more
      and business models. The challenge faced             important to the consumer and will become
      by automakers will no longer be to globalize         an imperative by which automotive enterprises
      the industry, but will instead center on effective   will be evaluated.
      global integration and execution.
                                                           Ultimately, executives we interviewed felt that
      Collaboration throughout the automotive value        to be well positioned for the market of 2020,
      net will be a necessity for those intent upon        automotive companies must anticipate beyond
      succeeding. Automakers will need to develop          the expected: a new competitive landscape,
      alliances and partnerships aggressively, both        rapidly evolving technologies, a departure
      within and beyond the traditional boundaries         from the traditional ecosystem, fresh attitudes
      of the industry. Today, divergent viewpoints         about mobility and, above all, a very different

22   IBM
Automotive 2020
Clarity beyond the chaos

                  Change abounds                                                   entrants and long-time leaders, troublesome
                  The automotive industry is no stranger to                        for the sheer magnitude of this change and
                  change. New product ideas, avant garde                           the necessary organizational responses.
                  styling and innovative solutions to increase
                                                                                   Fascinating discoveries unravel as we identify
                  performance have defined the industry.
                                                                                   how industry priorities shift and new dimen-
                  Regulatory mandates, including those for
                                                                                   sions of differentiation emerge.
                  safety, fuel efficiency and emission standards,
                  continue to pose challenges. But little of its                   Industry priorities shift
                  past has prepared the industry for the whole-                    Technological progress – the development of
                  sale changes that will sweep through its ranks                   products and services that perform better, last
                  in the next 10 to 12 years.                                      longer, offer more convenience, safety, enter-
                                                                                   tainment and economy – will continue to lead
                  “In the next 10 years, we will expe-                             the list of industry priorities in 2020.
                  rience more change than in the 50
                                                                                   Beyond that, however, industry leaders see
                  years before.”                                                   a major shift (see Figure 1). Sustainability is
                  – European automotive OEM executive                              already an issue of importance and is likely
                                                                                   to remain so for an indefinite time. It will drive
                  This is both exhilarating and troublesome                        investments, product categories, and perfor-
                  news for many executives we interviewed.                         mance and convenience packaging decisions
                  It is exhilarating for the opportunity that the                  well into the next decades.
                  changing dynamics will present to new market

                   The IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study methodology
                   To determine the needs and anticipated industry response to this changing ecosystem, IBM recently conducted
                   interviews with 125 executives in 15 countries from a broad representation of automotive OEMs, suppliers and
                   influential third parties:
                    • Our interviews were global and comprehensive, covering 85 percent of the top auto companies worldwide
                      based on revenue, including all of the top 10.
                    • 69 percent of the interviews were with traditional participants in the industry (OEMs and suppliers).
                    • Other interviews were completed with:
                      - Industry associations
                      - Government economic development groups
                      - Specialty companies outside the traditional industry
                      - Academic institutions
                      - Other organizations that provide a viewpoint on the future of the automotive industry.
                   Emerging nations, such as Brazil, Russia, India and China, accounted for 27 percent of the interviews. The
                   synthesis of this rich repository of individual views, consolidated in this paper, provides clarity beyond the
                   chaos dominant in the industry today.

              3   Automotive 2020
Corporate social        FIGURE 1.
     responsibility is       Anticipated change in external forces impacting the industry, 2008-2020.
expected to become                                                                                                  61%
 a top priority for the                              Technology progress       56%
automotive industry.                                           Globalization   55%

                                                  Economies and markets        48%

                                                            New consumer       35%                                  33%
                                                 Governmental influences       34%                                  32%
                                                  Sustainability concerns      33%                                  31%


                                          Corporate social responsibility      14%                                  22%
                                                         Global labor force    13%                                  13%
                                                         Personal mobility     12%

                             Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.               2008                    2020

                           Overall, the anticipated shift in priorities                     Five dimensions of differentiation
                           reflects a move away from historic factors that                  In response to this shift in industry priorities
                           have preoccupied the industry, globalization                     by 2020, differentiation and, therefore, success
                           and governmental influences amongst them.                        will manifest itself through five key dimensions
                           Corporate social responsibility will take on                     (see Figure 2).
                           additional importance and impact organiza-
                           tional strategy in as yet unforeseen ways.
                                                                                            1. Sophisticated consumer
                                                                                            Automotive consumers of 2020 will be highly
                             Globalization, among the industry’s significant
                                                                                            informed, demanding, impatient and environ-
                             issues today, drops down significantly in priorities.          mentally conscious. They will compel a new,
                             Markets will indeed continue to emerge, but the                radically different ownership experience.
                             strategy, processes, operational roadmaps and
                                                                                            With more information at their disposal,
                             experience necessary to serve them will be largely
                                                                                            enhanced traceability and transparency
                             established. Far from today’s reality of learning,
                                                                                            throughout the value chain, consumers will
                             experimentation, and creation, the automotive
                                                                                            have more comparative shopping power than
                             enterprise of 2020 will apply this knowledge
                                                                                            ever before.
                             effectively and rapidly.

                     4    IBM Global Business Services
FIGURE 2.                                         fined personal mobility. Vehicles today are
    The five dimensions of differentiation.           purchased based on financial constraints or
                     Interdependent ecosystem
                                                      to satisfy “maximum” needs (i.e., buying a
                        Integrated enterprise         pick-up truck to fulfill an occasional need to
                                                      transport loads).

                                                        The new definition of mobility will be represented
                                                        with an innovative ownership profile – one in
                                      Sophisticated     which the purchase or lease of a vehicle provides
                                                        access to a diverse “garage” of vehicles.
                                                      The consumer of 2020 is more likely to be
                                                      interested in flexible access to different types
                                                      of transportation. Primary ownership profiles
     Source: IBM Global Business Services.            are likely to shift to the small luxury segment
                                                      in line with “median needs” (primary daily
                                                      needs). Bundled in the price would be scal-
    These new, sophisticated consumers will           able access to additional vehicles. Lifestyle
    prompt the automotive ecosystem to respond        changes will allow access to luxury or larger
    to their needs and demands by:                    vehicles during weekends, as an example,
    • Redefining mobility as we now know it           while a small, efficient vehicle will suffice for
                                                      daily commuting needs. This model would
    • Developing new and alternative finance
                                                      impact the aggregate production profile for
      mechanisms with the potential to generate
                                                      vehicle segments.
      innovative business models
    • Creating new methods to connect with and        The other part of this equation is the integra-
      retain consumers.                               tion of multiple modes of transportation. The
                                                      emergence of “mega cities” and the growth in
    “The industry has become more                     public and alternative transportation options
                                                      will be a key influencer to changing lifestyles.
    consumer driven . . . The consumer
                                                      This will necessitate the creation of a seam-
    will be dictating the terms.”                     less mobility experience between automobiles
    – Indian automotive OEM executive                 and these alternatives. The industry will need
                                                      to respond with ownership models and tech-
    Mobility redefined                                nology to integrate these options.
    As consumers become even more selective
    and demanding in their quest for satisfac-
    tion, they are changing the way they move
    about. By 2020, consumers will have rede-

5   Automotive 2020
New finance mechanisms          In some geographies, there is an alarming change       Usable battery (lithium-ion) life for automo-
                                in the century-long love affair with the automobile.   tive applications is estimated at about 10
       will be required to
                                                                                       years. Interestingly, this battery will have an
  make battery-powered        Passion for automobiles is on the decline,
                                                                                       even longer life for non-automotive applica-
  powertrains affordable      somewhat driven by environmental concerns,
                                                                                       tions, such as its energy storage potential for
          for consumers.      but also due to changing lifestyles. While
                                                                                       power grids. The average vehicle in the devel-
                              newly affluent populations in emerging
                                                                                       oped world is financed for 3-5 years and the
                              markets aspire for their first experiences with
                                                                                       emerging world is expected to follow suit. The
                              the automobile, established customer bases
                                                                                       opportunity to split the vehicle from the battery
                              may weaken.
                                                                                       for purchase/lease/finance purposes is a real
                                                                                       option. Discreet amortization schedules for the
                              “Personal mobility is attitude                           two would make battery technology afford-
                              flexibility.”                                            able and help increase proliferation of hybrid
                              – European automotive association executive              and electric powertrains by neutralizing the
                                                                                       premium that is currently charged.
                              Financing evolved
                              It is evident that the “garage” approach will            Retention transformed
                              impact vehicle financing models. Offerings               Perhaps the most significant change facing
                              will include predefined access to a broader              the industry will be a shift in consumer buying
                              selection of vehicles included in the monthly            criteria that goes beyond – and, in fact, is unre-
                              payments. Enhanced services (dealer or third-            lated to – vehicle performance (see Figure 3).
                              party based) would make it a more attractive             The increased emphasis on environmental,
                              cost and convenience alternative to the                  safety, personalization, traffic congestion and
                              current rental model.                                    alternative transportation will have a major
                                                                                       impact on how and what people choose for
                              The advent of alternative powertrains – in               their mobility needs. Traditional criteria such as
                              particular the anticipated growth of battery             price, reliability and brand will have much less
                              technology – will also require new finance               an impact in the decision process of the future
                              mechanisms. The cost of batteries, unless                consumer.
                              compensated via these innovative mecha-
                              nisms, will be a significant barrier to rapid            Automotive dealerships may have the most to
                              penetration across all segments. Executives              gain or lose by how they communicate their
                              we interviewed estimate battery cost to be               value. New retail models will emerge. Vehicles,
                              as high as 10-15 percent of the total cost of            conceivably, could be sold directly to the
                              vehicles in certain segments, significantly              consumer, outside today’s brick-and-mortar
                              higher than current internal combustion engine           outlets. In certain markets, like the United
                              configurations.                                          States, dealers enjoy regulatory protection.
                                                                                       Emerging markets are not likely to adopt these
                              While this need will likely spawn a multi-               restrictive practices.
                              tude of innovative solutions, our interviews
                              revealed one particular scenario of promise:

                        6    IBM Global Business Services
FIGURE 3.                                                          2. The intelligent vehicle
     Change in vehicle buying criteria 2008-2020.                       Innovation drives the automotive industry
                       Fuel efficiency                                  today, prompting automakers to differentiate
                          Eco-friendly                                  products and services by increasing perfor-
                    Traffic congestion                                  mance, reliability, economy and options. The
                                                                        vehicles of the near future will be “intelligent.”
                                                                        Electronics will bring new capabilities to
                                                                        every part of the vehicle. New technologies
    Alternative transportation modes
                                                                        will provide for greater assistance in naviga-
          Lifetime cost of ownership
                                                                        tion, enhanced driver information about the
                                                                        vehicle, its environment and vehicle connec-
                                                                        tivity. Consumers, with a plethora of electronic
                                Other                    Substantial
                                                                        devices that inform them, entertain them and
                                                         Limited        keep them safe, will find themselves enjoying
                  Values of company
                                                                        the overall experience of their vehicles.
                                                                        Connectivity and lifestyle trends will change
                                      0             1          2        the way cars are used. This “experience” will
                                 Unchanged       Moderate Significant
                                                                        be a key differentiator in attracting consumers,
     Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.                          especially in the areas of driver assistance,
                                                                        safety and service.

      Regardless of the regulatory environments, the                    Glimpses of technologies that will shape the
      traditional value definition for dealerships is                   vehicle of 2020 are becoming visible today.
      expected to decline significantly. Erosion of long-               Telematics is coming of age. Active safety
      established regulatory protections over time is a                 technologies that sense and respond to
      likely reality, as consumers become intolerant of                 driving behaviors and road conditions are
      inflexibility.                                                    becoming common in mid- to upper-tier
                                                                        vehicles in the developed world. Entertainment
    Dealerships, especially large dealer groups,                        choices and navigation have seen rapid
    have begun to recognize this threat. Prosperity                     adoption in recent years. And powertrain
    will be reserved for those that focus on                            innovations are making their way out of engi-
    customer intimacy and robust relation-                              neering workstations and into vehicles around
    ship management supported by intense                                the world.
    information management, a wide range of
    personalization offerings and new heights of                        The extension of this vision for the vehicle of
    service. Technologies, including telematics and                     the not-so-distant future reveals an autono-
    remote prognostics, will allow dealerships to                       mous vehicle smart enough to sense its
    provide a “sense and respond” approach to                           surroundings and navigate through traffic
    building customer loyalty.                                          safely and efficiently, all the while allowing its
                                                                        occupants the luxury of personalized comfort
    Irrespective of which scenario eventually                           and convenience. Ultimately, this vehicle would
    plays out, it is clear that dealers are now at a                    represent a seamless transition from life within
    crossroads. They should look to develop and                         the vehicle to life outside it.
    implement programs and services that will
    re-establish and maintain their value to the

7   Automotive 2020
Some degree of      Can we expect significant progress by 2020                               Battery technology will be ubiquitous.
                         towards this vision? Absolutely! Is this vision                          Lithium-ion technology holds the most promise
   hybridization will
                         achievable in its entirety by 2020? Probably                             and will see considerable investment and
    be evident in all
                         not.                                                                     growth.
vehicles produced in
  2020 and beyond.       The vehicle of 2020 will be characterized by                             Micro, mild and full hybridization is undergoing
                         several significant developments that, although                          extensive development today. All new vehicles
                         implemented in incremental steps over the                                in 2020 will have some level of hybridization.
                         next 12 years, will make it remarkably different                         • Micro hybrids with stop-start capability and
                         from today. A fierce focus on innovation across                            regenerative braking hold the potential
                         the broad automotive landscape will be                                     to make sizeable contributions to carbon
                         concentrated on software, electrical systems,                              emission reduction and lower fossil fuel
                         electronics, engine and auxiliary systems, and                             consumption. Current projections include
                         powertrain (see Figure 4).                                                 estimates of up to 10 percent reduction in
                                                                                                    carbon emissions and fuel savings of up
                                                                                                    to 13 percent under certain driving condi-
                           FIGURE 4.                                                                      1
                           Level of innovation in various aspects of the
                           vehicle by 2020.                                                       • Mild hybrids, designed to provide extra
                                               Software                                             power as needed but incapable of propel-
                                                                            How can we assist
                                     Electrical systems                     the occupants?          ling the vehicle alone, are gaining attention,
                          Engine and auxiliary systems                                              with several OEMs announcing agreements
                                                                           How will the vehicle
                                             Powertrain                    be powered?              to collaborate and develop this technology.
                                Body structure (frame)                                            • Full hybrids, not unlike some vehicles avail-
                                                Interior              What is de-
                                                                                                    able today (powered exclusively by the
                                                 Chasis               emphasized?                   electric motor under certain operating
                                   Body exterior (skin)                                             conditions) will continue to see extensive
                                                                                                    development. Alternative financing models
                                                         1 2 3         4    5
                                                       Low                 High                     will fuel the affordability of this technology
                                                                                                    for consumers.
                          Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.
                                                                                                  Hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles will remain a viable
                                                                                                  alternative, but even optimistic projections
                         The resulting vehicles will be characterized by                          put only a small fraction of vehicle produc-
                         the following:                                                           tion migrating to this technology (less than
                                                                                                  1 percent of vehicles in the United States,
                         The green vehicle                                                        according to a study by the U.S. National
                         Executives we interviewed project an unam-                               Research Council).

                         biguous picture of the vehicle powertrain by
                         2020. Alternative power will see continued                               “Energy storage is in the heart of
                         innovation for years beyond 2020.
                                                                                                  the next generation of efforts for
                                                                                                  fuel economy.”
                                                                                                  – U.S. specialty company executive

                   8    IBM Global Business Services
Our respondents were uniformly skeptical on            It is evident that the substantial investments
    this front. But success for this still-emerging        made will start to pay dividends. The global
    technology will depend on generating, trans-           portfolio of new vehicle production will show
    porting, storing and distributing fuel efficiently.    noteworthy advancement. Our study reveals
    This will be no small task for an element with         that traditional fossil fuel-based vehicles are
    the properties of hydrogen. The added chal-            anticipated to make up 65 percent of new
    lenge of building an entirely new infrastructure       vehicle production, average levels of CO2
    may be cost prohibitive, at least by 2020.             emissions are expected to reach 97 g/km and
                                                           vehicle recyclability is estimated to be at 88
    Ethanol must undergo rapid evolution for               percent.
    global application and proliferation. Food-
    based ethanol is clearly not a viable alternative       Overly optimistic expectations, regulatory
    and there is already a chorus of vocal dissent          pressures and often impractical hopes will not
    across all population spectrums because of              cease to affect the industry. These can lead to
    the obvious conflict. Next generation ethanol,          disappointment and undue government inter-
    cellulosic and waste based, has the potential           vention. Worse, these regulatory constraints could
    to see widespread acceptance. Infrastructure            become the new battleground between economies
    readiness costs for higher ethanol content              trying to attract the industry versus those
    fuels remain a sizeable hurdle. Provision of            perceived as penalizing growth. A careful balance
    next generation low-ethanol content fuel                must be achieved between the possible and
    utilizing the current distribution infrastructure is    probable across all geographies, both emerging
    feasible and holds promise.                             and developed.

    The all-electric, plug-in battery-powered              The concept of total carbon footprint is
    vehicle will be a reality by 2020. A range of 100      increasingly the focus and will drive key deci-
    miles is already within reach, enough to satisfy       sions between now and 2020. Sustainability
    needs of large population sections. OEMs are           will be defined and broadly understood as
    investing sizeable resources to making these           a reflection of total carbon used in manu-
    a reality.                                             facturing and distributing across the entire
                                                           value chain. This will pose some challenging
    An analysis of the anticipated progress
                                                           choices. Satisfying consumer demand for
    towards green reveals interesting projections
                                                           electric power in certain geographies, as an
    (see Figure 5). We looked at progress in fossil
                                                           example, is a high-carbon proposition (power
    fuel, carbon emissions and recyclability.
                                                           generation based on coal).

9   Automotive 2020
The connected vehicle          FIGURE 5.
                                 Executive ratings of the global portfolio of new vehicle production in 2020 with regard to producing
   will allow automated          environmentally friendly vehicles.
 response to developing                    Fuel (percent of total fuel is based on fossil fuels)
                                             2008                                    2020
    traffic situations and
  will provide increased                      95%                     80%                    60%                 40%            20%             0%
safety, driver assistance                                                             65%
                                           Air (average level of CO2 emissions per vehicle in g/km)
  and enhanced service.
                                              2008                                       2020

                                              160g                          130g                   100g          70g            40g             0g
                                           Recycleability (average percent of the vehicle is recyclable)
                                              2008                                                     2020

                                              75%                    80%                     85%                 90%            95%            100%
                                 Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.

                               The connected vehicle:                                                         vehicle will enhance the driving experience in
                                                                                                              three specific areas: safety, driver assistance
                                 The vehicle of 2020 will be a communications                                 and service.
                                 wonder. As another node on the Internet, it will
                                 connect with other vehicles (V2V connectivity), the                          Safety – Creating safer driving conditions
                                 transportation infrastructure (V2I) and to homes,                            will be the predominant contribution of the
                                 businesses and other sources (V2x).                                          connected vehicle. Connectivity will give the
                                                                                                              driver access to extensive information about
                               Sensing capabilities, software and wire-                                       congestion, accidents, road conditions, work
                               less communications will enable the vehicle                                    zones, weather changes and hazards. It will
                               to detect road conditions, recognize other                                     enable vehicles to communicate with others
                               vehicles and pedestrians near its space and                                    in proximity, warning of such things as unsafe
                               sense environmental changes. The vehicle will                                  lane encroachment or impending collision.
                               then have the capability to either self correct                                Connectivity will also allow sensors in the
                               or communicate information back to the driver.                                 infrastructure to regulate traffic according
                                                                                                              to conditions. Emergency vehicles may
                               Connectivity will allow vehicles to respond                                    command the infrastructure to stop or move
                               to developing traffic situations, find alternate                               all traffic in its path; cars may be stopped
                               routes and anticipate impending collisions.                                    or moved to avoid an intersection violation.
                               Telematics will enable the vehicle to diagnose                                 Technologies, such as regenerative braking,
                               operating problems and self heal. Built-in                                     will be leveraged beyond their core intent to
                               speech recognition capabilities will result in                                 relay congestion patterns to other vehicles and
                               more voice commands by the driver and fewer                                    enable active responses.
                               manual processes. Overall, the connected

                         10   IBM Global Business Services
Driver assistance – Personalization will be a                            Service – The connected vehicle will be
     defining trait of the connected vehicle. It will                         able to use realtime remote diagnostics
     provide age-focused assistance for drivers                               and prognostics to assess operating condi-
     and will offer help according to personal                                tions and affect some degree of self-repair.
     driving habits and driving maturity. Consumers                           Software and other service patches to elec-
     can expect their vehicles to offer limited self-                         tronic systems will be automatically delivered
     driving capabilities, such as autonomous                                 to the vehicle, keeping it updated with little
     parking, depending upon rate of adoption                                 consumer involvement. Warranty information
     and regional regulatory acceptance. The                                  will be communicated as appropriate. OEMs
     connected vehicle will be able to optimize                               and dealers will be able to offer more compre-
     routes based on fuel economy, realtime                                   hensive customer relations management by
     changes in traffic conditions and minimal                                maintaining, with consumer agreement, vehicle
     tolling. The vehicle will become an exten-                               usage data and consumer preference profiles.
     sion of lifestyles, with entertainment solutions                         Service alerts, scheduling and notifications will
     (streaming audio, video and communica-                                   be offered based on operating behavior infor-
     tions) that allow seamless transition between                            mation transmitted from the vehicle.
     mobility, office and home. Consumers will
     have drive-through convenience, with remote
     ordering and payments. A multitude of service
     offerings will grow from vehicle connectivity.

       Applications well under development today and projected to be pervasive in all new vehicles
       by 2020
       • Intersection control violations
       • Lane/road departure
       • Road surface and pavement conditions
       • 360/distance vision
       • Active suspension and stability control.
       Driver assistance
       • Dynamic route guidance and navigation
       • Motorist information on incidents, special events, weather and work zones
       • Data downloads (entertainment, media, home network, personal preferences)
       • Recovery of stolen vehicles
       • Electronic payments including toll, drive-through, parking, road pricing.
       • Remote vehicle diagnostics
       • Remote vehicle prognostics and self healing
       • Transfer of vehicle data based on warranty
       • Customer relations management including vehicle use profiles and dealer use data
       • Driving-based behavior service/scheduling/alerts/notification.
     Sources: Automotive 2020 Global Study; 2008 CAR Delphi Survey of the Telematics Industry.

11   Automotive 2020
Global standards       By 2020, all new vehicles will have connectivity             The final key will be the rate of consumer
  will be essential in     features. The extent to which these capabilities             adoption. In an environment of steadily
making the connected       will be both utilized and effective, however, will           increasing prices, cost will be a significant
    vehicle a reality.     depend upon several issues, including adop-                  factor for the consumer in determining the
                           tion of industrywide standards, technology                   level of connectivity that will be accepted.
                           capability and consumer acceptance (see                      Drivers are likely to have reservations
                           Figure 6).                                                   about how much control they are willing to
                                                                                        turn over to the vehicle in crisis situations.
                           Executives interviewed agreed that the                       Privacy issues, such as the degree to which
                           greatest barrier is the creation of global stan-             consumers are willing to share personal infor-
                           dards. Companies throughout the value net,                   mation, will also be a concern.
                           including external players such as government
                           and telecommunications companies, will need                  The benefits of full connectivity will not be
                           to work together to establish a common plat-                 realized until an advanced degree of conver-
                           form that enables vehicles and components                    sion is available for legacy vehicles or there
                           from different manufacturers and geographic                  is a greater turnover to post-2020 machines.
                           locations to communicate seamlessly.                         We anticipate aftermarket products will be
                                                                                        available to give older automobiles basic
                           Secondly, technology development, particu-                   connectivity capabilities.
                           larly in the area of sensors, must continue.
                           However, because relatively less collaboration               The most significant differences in vehicle
                           is necessary in this arena, it is likely to be the           connectivity by geographic region in 2020 are
                           easier capability to enable.                                 likely to occur in areas that require government
                                                                                        investment. Developed nations, particularly
                            FIGURE 6.                                                   Japan, Germany and the United States are
                            Factors in adoption of connected vehicle.                   expected to be the leaders in both innovating
                                 Adoption of standards                                  and establishing the required infrastructure.
                                  Technology capability                                 Other countries actively engaged in promoting
                                 Consumer acceptance                                    connectivity include Korea, China and
                                     Data management                                    Sweden.
                            Auto company cooperation
                                                                                        3. Dynamic operations
                                        Data ownership
                                                                                        Emerging as a winner in 2020 will require an
                               Government investment
                                                                                        innovation-led approach to multiple factors,
                              Enabling the vehicle base
                                                                                        including growth strategies, the workforce,
                                                         1       2       3   4    5     redefinition of “core” businesses and proactive
                                                        Low                      High
                             Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.

                     12   IBM Global Business Services
Strategies for growth                                                  areas where disparate opinions were clear.
     Multiple avenues are available to achieve the                          OEMs consistently rated activities that required
     growth expected for the industry. As current                           broader industry cooperation lower than
     trends indicate, executives identified accel-                          suppliers. Figure 7 shows that OEMs have a
     erating growth in emerging markets as the                              more independent orientation toward these
     leading catalyst by 2020.                                              development initiatives, while suppliers were
                                                                            more inclined toward a partnership approach.
     Our study, however, did show some regional
     disparities. Those interviewed in emerging                               Suppliers are looking for greater leadership from
     markets put a greater emphasis on new                                    OEMs, especially around industrywide collab-
     business models and the development of                                   orative initiatives, in order to realize the industry’s
     service-based offerings.                                                 growth potential. As software and electronics in the
                                                                              vehicle grow rapidly, the industry, led by the OEMs,
     We further compared various growth strate-                               must collaborate on the architecture and define
     gies and the factors involved in the adoption                            clear expectations to suppliers of requirements,
     of connected vehicles. While there are broad                             performance, interfaces, testing and functionality.
     areas of alignment, there are also several

      FIGURE 7.
      Industry segment growth orientation.
              Opportunities for growth by 2020                                    Alignment
                            Development in emerging markets
                            Targeting new customer segments                                                        Suppliers
                             Developing new business models                                                        Others
                             Leveraging disruptive technology
                          Creation of services-based offerings
                           Creation of new product categories
                                Forming new JVs/partnerships
                            Collaborating with other industries

              Factors in the adoption of a connected vehicle
                                        Government investment
                                          Technology capability
                                    Auto company cooperation
                                      Enabling the vehicle base
                                          Consumer acceptance
                                          Adoption of standards
                                              Data management
                                                  Data ownership

                                                                   Independent                Partnership
      Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.                     orientation               orientation

13   Automotive 2020
Skills for the multiplex    With the proliferation of electronics and soft-          Traditional organizational models will be trans-
                            ware within the vehicle, OEMs will need to               formed. Corporate functions currently housed
      workforce will be
                            elevate current levels of integration and soft-          in, or close to, company headquarters will see
      heavily weighted
                            ware lifecycle management.                               geographic distribution. Leadership models will
 toward creation of the                                                              become further matrixed.
    intelligent vehicle.    The multiplex workforce
                            By 2020, investments currently underway in               The skills required for this new workforce tilt
                            globalization will be largely established. The           heavily toward the intelligent vehicle of the
                            challenge will be to execute in this expan-              future. As Figure 8 shows, the highest rated
                            sive environment, leading to the need for a              skills for 2020 focus around engineering,
                            multiplex workforce. As with a “multiplexor” in          management, product planning and software
                            electronics, the multiplex workforce enables             development. The industry will need to bring
                            the diverse skills and culture that are a                all of these skills into play. Skills in finance,
                            byproduct of globalization and unites them into          procurement and production were underrated
                            common goals and direction. This new work-               by executives, but will have important roles in
                            force will have important new attributes, such           effective global execution.
                            as the ability to work across diverse cultures
                            and will likely be conversant in multiple
                            languages. The new global worker will also be
                            effective working virtually.

                             FIGURE 8.
                             Critical industry skills by region.
                                           Product planning
                                      Software development
                                          Service technician
                                                     Finance                                                          U.S./Canada
                                                                                                                      Western Europe
                                                Procurement                                                           Japan/S. Korea
                                                  Production                                                          Emerging countries
                                                                                                                      Global average
                                                             0%          20%   40%     60%        80%        100%
                             Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.

                      14   IBM Global Business Services
“If you look at manufacturing,                                        building up and global rotation of leader-
                                                                           ship talent, with an emphasis on attracting
     anybody who chases cheap labor                                        quality executives from outside of the industry.
     doesn’t win.”                                                         Building leadership talent was the highest
     – U.S. automotive supplier executive                                  rated capability challenge (see Figure 9).
                                                                           Nearly 50 percent of those we interviewed
       As this workforce will be more mobile and                           gave “building leadership talent” the highest
       diverse, employees will have less interest in                       possible rating. As the workforce turns over,
       tying themselves to a singular career and will put                  this new leadership must guard against
       greater value on job flexibility and balance with                   allowing entrenched culture to become a
       non-work activities. They will also make greater                    disabler. Priority skills that will need to be
       demands on an inclusive and collaborative work                      recruited and developed will vary according to
       environment.                                                        region, availability and market skills.

     Those auto companies that are financial                               In addition to innovating growth strate-
     outperformers consistently rated workplace                            gies and effectively managing the multiplex
     capabilities, such as fostering a culture that                        workforce, market dynamics will prompt
     supports learning, knowledge transfer to inex-                        automotive companies to redefine the core
     perienced workers and attracting employees                            of their businesses. As new business models
     to the industry, higher than the their underper-                      emerge among the various industries that will
     forming peers.                                                        collaborate with auto companies, new defini-
                                                                           tions of what is core will apply. For example,
     An additional key to enabling the multiplex
                                                                           requirements for increased product innova-
     workforce to reach its potential will be the

      FIGURE 9.
      Primary capability challenges facing the industry between now and 2020.
                                             Building leadership talent
              Fostering a culture that supports learning/development
                     Knowledge transfer to inexperienced employees
               Rotating leadership talent across business units/geos
                             Attracting employees to work in industry
                                                   Communication skills
                                             Re-skilling the workforce
                          Rapidly getting new employees up to speed
                             Leveraging the diversity of the workforce
                    Developing basic skills across the employee base

                                                                        1          2          3           4          5
       Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.                      Limited                                       Best

15   Automotive 2020
Proactive flexibility    tion will spur suppliers to develop greater            • Core product development will happen
                         core competencies in energy, materials and               in both mature and emerging markets.
    will be required
                         electronics. And the mandates of marketing,              Industry executives believe that, in addition
  to keep pace with
                         selling and after-sales innovation will lead             to available talent, the unique combination
   both the needs of     OEMs to develop greater core competencies                of excitement, entrepreneurship and inno-
  the consumer and       more tightly linked to product innovation and            vative skills in developing economies will
with interdependent      consumer strategy. OEMs will also need to be             allow for homogeneous distribution of these
        ecosystems.      resource integrators across the automotive               activities.
                         value net.                                             • Application development will also be
                                                                                  distributed and not limited to today’s model
                         “By 2020, the traditional OEM will                       that splits core development to developed
                         be the vehicle integrators, product                      markets and application development to
                         innovators, customization centers                        emerging markets.

                         and vehicle brand owners”                              • Innovation will be distributed among multiple
                                                                                  global R&D centers to leverage expertise.
                         – Executive, automotive OEM
                                                                                Manufacturing footprint
                         Proactive flexibility
                         Finally, proactive flexibility in operations and
                                                                                  The fear of automotive manufacturing moving
                         processes will be necessary to keep up
                                                                                  exclusively to emerging economies is vastly
                         with rapidly evolving consumer needs and                 overstated.
                         the demands of working with interdepen-
                         dent ecosystems. This flexibility will require         We believe this model is not sustainable, and
                         the ability to anticipate market changes               executives interviewed provided strong corrob-
                         and continually adjust critical “footprints” to        oration on this point.
                                                                                The complexion of “domestic” (in developed
                         Product development footprint                          countries) manufacturing will undergo change;
                                                                                ownership profiles will not be a carryover of
                           With engineering skills continuing to be available   those from the past. Non-domestic OEMs
                           in abundance within countries such as China and      will continue to invest in plants in developed
                           India, the redefinition of the product development   economies. Leading global OEMs will have
                           footprint is a foregone conclusion.                  established their near-optimum presence in
                                                                                emerging geographies. Readily visible signs
                         However, to assume that all product develop-           of a new 2020 manufacturing footprint will
                         ment will happen in these emerging markets             include:
                         is an overstatement. Consumer proximity and            • Automated, flex manufacturing plants that
                         development needs in a “follow the sun” model            will allow for greater flexibility in building
                         will provide continuity of product engineering           vehicles based on local and global
                         in development markets. Transformation will be           demand.
                         evident through the following:

                   16   IBM Global Business Services
• Broader footprints that will be established            concerns will increasingly drive consumer
       as new markets emerge.                                 expectations and have the potential for far-
     • Manufacturing plants that will not be                  reaching impact:
       constrained by the quantity of labor, but will         • Brand image – Enterprises no longer explic-
       be heavily reliant on the quality of skills.             itly own their brands. In addition to its own
                                                                efforts, a company’s brand is defined by
     Skill-based footprint                                      others, including, consumers, competitors
                                                                and special interest groups. The Internet
       The available skill base will not only include those     has enabled more than 100,000 new citizen
       of the enterprise, but also those that are sharable      groups around social and political issues
       among collaborating companies and industries.            since 1990.

                                                              • Industry attractiveness –The need to
     Optimizing the distribution of the workforce will
                                                                attract employees to work in the automo-
     be an ongoing focus of OEMs and suppliers
                                                                tive industry received mixed ratings in our
                                                                interviews, implying an under appreciation
     • Emerging markets will continue to produce                for this challenge. New global locations lack
       highly skilled workers that auto companies               the history that traditional automotive cities
       will leverage.                                           have enjoyed to enable automatic talent
     • Lack of attraction to the industry in                    recruitment.
       developed markets and work requirements                • Company culture – Executives in all
       of next generation workers will cause                    developed geographies are concerned
       greater turnover and a skills shortage.                  about the difficulty of changing long-estab-
                                                                lished culture. Employees that are favorable
     4. The integrated enterprise                               about their company’s CSR are also more
     The pursuit of the sophisticated consumer,                 positive about senior management integrity,
     development of intelligent vehicles and the                the company’s sense of direction and its
     transformation to dynamic operations will be               marketplace competitiveness.
     wrapped in a new integrated enterprise that
     breaks from the past and is appealing to
                                                              “When we compare 2020 with the
     new talent the industry is seeking to attract.
     Auto companies will forge a new identity. The            present, we cannot think about the
     image of the industry, enterprise and individual         growth of the automobile enterprise
     brands will be defined in a widely critical,
                                                              without also paying attention to
     global marketplace.
                                                              the safeguarding of the world envi-
     Automotive companies must strive to build
     and extend social responsibility initiatives that
     transform the image of the industry. These               – Japanese academic institution representative

17   Automotive 2020
Collaboration must     Interdependent ecosystem                                                  • Partnerships with the telecommunications
                                                                                                       industry for connected vehicle communica-
 extend past individual
                             Consumers, regulatory and environmental require-                          tion technology
        companies and        ments compel the auto industry to extend outside
                                                                                                     • Cooperation with the financial services
embrace every element        the borders of its own ecosystem to tap into the
                                                                                                       industry to develop new financing models
     of the ecosystem.       innovation and resources of others.
                                                                                                       and automated payment of parking, tolls
                                                                                                       and other services
                           Winning in the marketplace starts with the
                           ability to work with other industry ecosys-                               • Association with government for infrastruc-
                           tems to identify innovative solutions quickly                               ture improvements to enable the connected
                           (see Figure 10). The relentless push to work                                vehicle and regulatory requirements for fuel
                           with other industries will bring differentiating                            economy, environmental issues and incen-
                           mobility solutions to consumers. Some of                                    tives to drive the conversion to cleaner
                           these innovations will include:                                             technologies.

                           • Collaboration with the consumer electronics                             This collaborative effort must also extend past
                             industry for in-vehicle electronics and                                 just the individual companies and institutions
                             software, as well as development of the                                 to their consumers, communities and geogra-
                             battery                                                                 phies in order to tap into ideas for innovation
                                                                                                     and identify marketplace wants and needs.
                           • Collaboration with the energy/ utilities
                             industry for alternative fuel and energy

                             FIGURE 10.
                             Interdependent ecosystems.

                                                                                      Global consumers

                                                                      Government/                        Consumer
                                                                     Transportation                      electronics

                                        Social networks                                                                   Geographies

                                                               Other industries
                                                               Telco                                        Energy
                                                               Financial services

                             Source: IBM Global Business Services.

                     18   IBM Global Business Services
Today’s “collision” of industries, in which propri-   • Current difficulties in managing increased
     etary technology is the norm, will need to be           software requirements and information
     replaced by a new approach, much remains                technology needs of the vehicle must be
     to be accomplished to make this a reality. The          corrected.
     ability for the auto companies to work with           • Processes must be in place to seamlessly
     a broader set of ecosystems was identified              engage and disengage with companies
     in our study as the largest shortcoming. As             from other industries without putting all the
     Figure 11 shows, there is will be a significant         risk on them. Working within itself, the auto-
     increase in importance by 2020 in the need to           motive industry traditionally takes its time
     collaborate among ecosystems.                           in creating new partnerships and work out
     The collision (as opposed to collaboration) of          collaboration requirements. This may not be
     industries within and surrounding the automo-           suited for faster-paced partners from other
     tive ecosystem today is highlighted by a variety        industries
     of issues that must be addressed:                      Examples of collaboration
     • Relationships with governmental agencies             Enhancing safety, service and navigation
       are often adversarial.                               capabilities requires greater integration of
                                                            standards and technologies. Standards allow
     • Other industries have varying product life-
                                                            technologies to be developed that can be reused
       cycles, different rates of innovation and may
                                                            by multiple auto manufacturers and regions. This
       have competing priorities
                                                            requires cooperation among government (road
     • The automotive industry must have both the           infrastructure for intelligent traffic systems),
       ability and capability to tap into ideas and         telecommunications (wireless communication
       innovation from consumers of other related           channels) for vehicle connectivity and auto makers
       industries.                                          (vehicle intelligence) for technology that can
                                                            be developed by suppliers and shared among
                                                            different vehicles and geographies.
      FIGURE 11.
                                                            Reducing the reliance on natural resources
      The need to reach across ecosystems.
                                                            drives greater collaboration between competing
        Critical 5
                                                            industries. Green concerns are prompting the
                                                            development of alternative power sources for
                4                                           vehicles, such as batteries and the increasing
                                 +   48%                    prevalence of diesel fuel. As a result, the
                3                                           automotive industry must collaborate with
                                                            competing segments – consumer electronics
                2                                           for battery innovation, utilities for power and the
                                                            energy industry for alternatives to fossil fuels –
            Not 1                                           because the answer is unclear as to the power of
                          2008                2020          choice for the future.
      Source: IBM Automotive 2020 Global Study.

19   Automotive 2020
Changes in the        The intersection between ecosystems that have        The changes in the ecosystem outlined are not
                            varying product lifecycles, different rates of        visions of a distant future. Most are well under
automotive ecosystem
                            innovation and competing priorities will be fertile   way today and hold the promise of maturity.
  are underway today        ground for new sub-industries to emerge and fill
 and are accelerating.      the gaps between industries by providing new,         Based on our interviews and other research,
                            white-space services and solutions.                   we have defined five imperatives we believe
                                                                                  likely to separate the outperformers from the
                          Examples of types of companies that may                 rest in the automotive world of 2020 (see
                          emerge include:                                         Figure 12).

                          • Aggregation and synchronization of the
                            personal “cyberself” to deliver personalized          FIGURE 12.
                            information, entertainment and preferences            Five imperatives.
                            to the consumers regardless of what vehicle                             Interdependent ecosystem
                            they’re using                                                             Integrated enterprise

                          • Energy storage and brokerage to manage                       Simplify                          Advance
                            total energy usage between home and                         complexity Intelligent             mobility
                            vehicle and provide metering services and                                vehicle
                            credits for contributions to the energy grid
                                                                                      Partner                                  Transform
                          • Data analysis, disbursement and storage                                                  consumer
                                                                                    extensively                                  retail
                            for the connected vehicle, including privacy                               Dynamic
                            rules and data security.                                                  operations

                          “The era when all work would                                                      Execute
                          be completed within the industry
                          is over. Now we need to interface                        Source: IBM Global Business Services.
                          with several external entities to get
                          work done.”                                             Advance mobility
                          – Japanese automotive OEM executive                     The marketplace and macro-economic trends
                                                                                  are aligning to transform the consumer’s view
                          With change storming across the breadth and             of mobility. Fueled by the continued escala-
                          depth of the industry, bringing clarity from the        tion of oil prices, a global shift to smaller
                          current chaos will require companies aspiring           vehicles is underway. Consumers also desire
                          to take sweeping and speedy action.                     more mobility options than the limited finance
                                                                                  models currently allow. The shift of the global
                          Five imperatives will guide                             population to “mega cities”, increased traffic
                          Automotive executives must accurately,                  congestion and increased awareness of pollu-
                          effectively and quickly assess the level of             tion are prompting consumers to demand
                          commitment required by their respective                 more options.
                          companies to succeed. With the pace of
                          change accelerating, time could be running out.

                    20   IBM Global Business Services
As a result, auto companies must embrace             Transform retail
     new mobility models and use them as profit           The automotive industry should transform its
     generators. They should:                             retail model to adapt to the more sophisticated
                                                          consumer. The consumer of 2020 is highly
     • Stake a claim in new ownership and usage
                                                          informed, aware, concerned and actively
       models – Major players are beginning to
                                                          will tune in or out messages. The informed
       enter the market to establish subscription
                                                          consumer will enter the sales cycle with more
       mobility. Automakers should look to explore
                                                          decisions predetermined and will be less
       partnership deals with them. They should
                                                          reliant upon the dealer. Auto companies and
       examine their product profiles and assess
                                                          dealers will need to:
       which segments are more conducive to
       ownership and which are appropriate for a          • Find new ways to connect with sophisti-
       public fleet.                                        cated consumers – Dealers should work
                                                            with OEMs to rethink and reestablish the
     • Develop cost of transportation options –
                                                            basis of their relationship with consumers
       Consumers will need to understand the
                                                            through integrated consumer analytics.
       total cost of transportation, and automotive
                                                            They should harness the power of social
       companies need to respond with innova-
                                                            networks to influence consumer buying
       tive pricing models. Alternative financing
                                                            behavior, work to personalize vehicles to
       strategies must be established, as well as
                                                            establish service loyalty, brand affinity and
       methods for financing components of alter-
                                                            the image of social responsibility.
       natively powered vehicles, such as batteries.
       Finally, automotive enterprises will need to       • Develop a new value propositions for deal-
       engage with governments to find ways to              erships – Dealers should work to provide
       incent consumers to switch to hybrid and/or          consumer knowledge beyond the OEM,
       alternatively powered vehicles.                      such as educating consumers about safety
                                                            and vehicle features. Innovations in the
     • Integrate other modes of transportation –
                                                            vehicle will allow dealers to develop new
       As vehicles are increasingly connected to
                                                            services and skill sets, such as dealer-
       navigation, automotive companies should
                                                            installed and maintained personalization
       establish a blueprint for integrated multi-
       modal mobility information and develop
       solutions such as a single search/optimiza-        Simplify complexity
       tion model of travel regardless of mode(s).        The complexity of the vehicle will grow expo-
       Solutions such as developing a single              nentially as future innovations enable it to
       search/optimization model of travel regard-        become more intelligent and connected.
       less of mode(s). Dynamic customization             Executives we interviewed estimate that 90
       of transportation mode choices based on            percent of future innovation will be based on
       traffic, time of day, congestion patterns, etc.,   electronics, most of which will be embedded
       will need to be enabled by 2020.

21   Automotive 2020
Integration    software, and a sizeable portion from compa-          Partner extensively
                          nies outside the traditional automotive industry.     The increasing cost of innovation is unsus-
     management will
                          A lack of common standards causes integra-            tainable for individual companies. We believe
  become increasingly
                          tion issues with external industry components,        the successful company of 2020 will extend
complex as technology     and integration management promises to                outside the industry for innovation and will
            advances.     multiply in complexity with growth in tech-           work with others to solve common issues. To
                          nology. To overcome these challenges,                 do so will require the industry to:
                          automakers should simplify the increased              • Extend the ecosystem – Automotive
                          complexity in the vehicle to enable rapid               companies should reevaluate what is core,
                          technology adoption. The foundation to this             both in the business and in the vehicle, and
                          simplification is common processes. The prolif-         then find business partners that comple-
                          eration of processes within each company and            ment them. They will need to develop a
                          across companies is crippling and will worsen           common partnering platform to enable
                          in light of the exponential growth of electronics       cross industry collaboration that includes
                          and software in the vehicle. Our recommenda-            rules, IP protection, risk and reward sharing
                          tion is to:                                             and the ability to quickly engage/disengage.
                          • Standardize and integrate – OEMs must own             Further, they should look to leverage
                            the integration management process and                other industry forums, communities and
                            architecture. Standardization is an impera-           consumers to widen their enterprise innova-
                            tive to allow for incorporation of traditional        tion networks. Together, the industry can be
                            and non-traditional supplier innovation.              much larger than the sum of its individual
                            Common specifications should be estab-                parts.
                            lished for the intelligence being served            • Engage in collective partnering –
                            to the vehicle – instead of the intelligence          Automakers should consider extending
                            being resident in the vehicle. This should            the partnering concept to bring together
                            allow for both easier upgrades and simplify           a diverse group of companies (OEMs,
                            repair. Standardization and integration must          suppliers, other industries) to focus on
                            go beyond the vehicle.                                solving critical problems, such as vehicle
                          • Modularize to modernize – “Plug and play”             energy consumption. The development of
                            capability will allow consumers to customize          value sharing models can enable all partici-
                            the vehicle based on their personal require-          pants to leverage innovations, while sharing
                            ments. Modular design will provide greater            in cost and risk.
                            flexibility to “swap out” energy and power
                            components to allow for upgrades and tech-
                            nology improvements without having to buy
                            a new vehicle. The rate of adoption for future
                            V2x capabilities will be improved through
                            the ability to install safety, service and driver
                            assist modules in the existing vehicle popu-

                    22   IBM Global Business Services
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