Bournemouth's Performance Review 2019 - Ambition 2020 - Bournemouth Borough ...

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Bournemouth's Performance Review 2019 - Ambition 2020 - Bournemouth Borough ...
Bournemouth’s Performance Review

 Ambition 2020
Bournemouth's Performance Review 2019 - Ambition 2020 - Bournemouth Borough ...
         2008                      2008                       2009                            2010
 Town Centre Vision             Bournemouth           Boscombe Spa Village              Kinson Hub opened
     launched               Air Festival launched       Leisure Scheme                library, housing office,
                                                           completed                      children’s centre          2010
                                                                                                                    BH Live
                                                                                                                 charitable trust

                        2014                          2013                 2012                  2011
                 £1m visitor centre                20 year              Customer         Arts by the Sea
                 Hengistbury Head              Seafront Strategy      contact centre   Festival launched
                  officially opened                adopted               opened      130,000 visitors in 2018

    16,627 LEDs,
    1000 lighting columns
    1638 lit signs
    & bollards

    2014                       2015                          2015                                2016
Streetlighting       MASH - Multi Agency                  Tricuro set up                  Seascape Homes
replacement           Safeguarding Hub              short and long term care,        and Property Ltd launched
                           opened                   support to adults, carers        as private sector landlord to
                                                        and their families            house homeless families

                    £200m in                                                       £4m
                    construction phase                                             savings

                   2018                        2017                        2017                           2017
         Town Centre investment          Alternate weeks       Bournemouth and Poole             Aspire Adoption Agency
                                          bin collections     shared corporate services                set up with
                                            introduced                created                    Dorset County Council
                                                                                                  and Borough of Poole

                                                                                Vitality Index            Trip Advisor

                 2018                                 2018                           2018                    2018
       Planning consent for                      Pier Approach                    THE greenest           Best UK Beach
      £150m Winter Gardens                    Phase 2 regeneration                 town in UK           5th best in Europe
              project                              completed

                                                                                               South Coast
                            UK Powerhouse                                                    Town of the Year

                                  2019                              2018                             2018
                              Bournemouth in          Christmas Tree Wonderland              Property Development
                             top 20 for growth       developed - funding for 5 years         and Inward investment
2 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
Bournemouth's Performance Review 2019 - Ambition 2020 - Bournemouth Borough ...
1         Introduction

Welcome to Bournemouth Council’s final performance review.

In the past we have provided annual performance         The performance and achievements celebrated
updates, but this year as we enter a new era with       over the following pages are presented under
the formation of the BCP Council, we wanted             the headings of Bournemouth’s ‘Ambition 2020’
to celebrate and reflect on our journey towards         priorities:
achieving the Council’s Ambition 2020 priorities.
                                                        •   Developing the Future of Local Government
Bournemouth has continued to be a top                       in Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole
performing, efficient Council, leading the town to
greater economic prosperity and there have been         •   An Efficient Council, delivering value for money
many successes in a very tough financial climate.           services

Since 2007 the reductions in council funding have       •   An Active Community, supported to take a lead
been significant. We have successfully embedded             in their future
a programme of efficiencies, achieving cumulative
savings of £450m against an original target of          •   An Improving Environment, providing high
£326m by 2020 and achieved a balanced budget                quality infrastructure for residents, businesses
outturn for 11 consecutive years.                           and visitors while protecting and enhancing the
                                                            beauty of Bournemouth’s environment
This performance review tells a really positive story
about our achievements. It also reports progress        •   A Thriving Economy, strengthening our key
against some of the key performance indicators              industries and creating new opportunities for
that we have focussed on over recent years and              growth and development.
includes some new insight about Bournemouth,
its residents, visitors, businesses and services.

None of the achievements and successes
shared through this review could have been
realised without the dedication and commitment
of our workforce, our councillors and partners
throughout the different sectors across

                                                            Cllr John Beesley       Jane Portman
                                                            Leader of the Council   Managing Director

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2        Developing the future of Local Government in
         Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole

We said … we would continue to work                  • The legislation enabling Local Government
closely with central government and our                Reorganisation in Dorset has been approved by
local authority neighbours to develop                  Parliament and the shadow authority created.
                                                       In February 2018 the Secretary of State for
proposals for the future provision of local            Communities and Local Government approved
government service in south east Dorset.               our proposal – Future Dorset – to replace all
                                                       nine councils in Dorset with two new unitary
We would meet the challenge of reduced                 authorities.
government funding in Dorset, stimulate
economic growth and secure a prosperous              • The new council will be in place by 1 April
future for the residents and businesses of             2019. The Shadow Authority, Bournemouth,
                                                       Christchurch and Poole (BCP) Council is
south east Dorset.
                                                       established as well as a Shadow Executive
                                                       Committee. The first meeting took place in June
                                                       2018 and at the meeting on 21 February the
                                                       first BCP Budget was approved.

                                                     • Graham Farrant has been appointed as the
   BCP Council gives us the clear opportunity          new Chief Executive of BCP, the Tier 2 Director
   to showcase our area on the national and            posts have been filled and the Tier 3 recruitment
   international stage, attracting investment from     process initiated. A BCP Programme Team is in
   both outside industry and Government.               place and a BCP shadow authority website and
   We are now one of the largest city regions          staff intranet have been launched.
   on the South Coast.
   Cllr Philip Broadhead

4 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
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3         An Efficient council –
          Delivering value for money services

                                                      We said … we would develop our workforce

                                                      • Within Housing and Communities we employ
                                                        around 40 trade apprentices at any one time
                                                        and 60% of our current workforce were once
                                                        our apprentices. This is workforce development
                                                        in action, supporting local people and the
                                                        local economy. Development of more varied
                                                        apprentices across other services has grown
                                                        in recent years and we currently employ an
                                                        additional 22 apprentices across areas including
                                                        Business Administration, Human Resources,
We said … we would become a 24/7 council                Leadership & Management, Environment,
                                                        Finance, Horticulture, Customer Service and
• The new Council Customer Contact Centre was           Social Care.
  launched during 2012/13 alongside a refreshed
  customer service charter.                           • Staff sickness absence has reduced from
                                                        10.53 days per annum per full time equivalent
• We have increased the range of online                 employee in March 2007 to 9.1 days in January
  services available to residents, resulting in a       2019. To help manage staff sickness across the
  noticeable channel shift and reduction in the         Authority we have delivered mandatory Mental
  number of telephone enquiries. These include          Health training to 350 Managers/Supervisors
  report-it type enquiries, a range of online           across all services. This has also been
  payment options and online applications aimed         supported by free public health workshops for
  at different customer groups. Since its launch        all employees on topics including:
  in April 2015 the system has captured over            The Five Ways to Wellbeing; Managing Stress
  480,000 transactions and as at end of March           and Starting the Conversation; Supporting &
  2018 the online take-up had risen from 73% to         Motivating Others. These have been attended
  81%. 57% of customers have chosen to use the          by 200 employees. Other health and wellbeing
  online transactions between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.         initiatives have been promoted including yoga
                                                        classes, nordic walking, reduced rates for local
• Customer service satisfaction surveys show            leisure centres through BH Live, on site NHS
  a steady increase in satisfaction from 97% in         health checks, and beneficial deals through
  2014/15 to 99% in 2017/18.                            Simply Health.

• A new adult social care service has been            • Employment data dashboards have been
  launched to provide emergency care and                introduced and are widely used by services to
  support to vulnerable people outside of usual         inform and manage staff attendance at work.
  office hours. The “Out of Hours” service is
  operational during weekends, bank holidays
  and at night to provide essential care, including
                                                         We really value and appreciate our talented
  mental health assessments to people in crisis.
                                                         and dedicated staff, who contribute so much
                                                         to the lives of the residents of Bournemouth.
                                                         I am particularly proud of the apprentices
                                                         taking their first steps of their working lives
                                                         with Bournemouth Council and look forward
                                                         to several of them becoming permanent
                                                         members of staff.
                                                         Cllr Anne Filer

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• Developing our new and aspiring managers has        We said … we would manage sound
  been a priority with over 330 of our managers       finances
  attending modules within our Leadership and
  Management Development Programme since              • We have continued to work within budget over
  its re-launch in 2016.                                the course of the Corporate Plan and achieved
                                                        a balanced or better budget for 11 consecutive
• We have also developed our wider workforce            years, and forecast this will be 12.
  through other learning and development
  opportunities. This has included personal           • Cumulative savings of £450m have been made
  development training such as, Resilience &            as at the end of 2017/18 since 2007/08. This is
  Wellbeing (over 400 employees have attended)          against an original target of £326m by 2020.
  and group coaching with specific focus for
  men, women and mixed gender groups (over            • As part of the council’s financial strategy and
  270 employees have attended). The internal            in partnership with Bournemouth Development
  Mentoring programme has been successful               Company llp and others, £78.7m of town centre
  in aligning mentees to mentors with a specific        Investment was generated in 2017/18 making
  focus on career and personal development.             a total of £357.2m of investment since the
  Additional personal development opportunities         2013/14 baseline.
  are offered through our internal e-learning
  system and over 7,800 modules have been             • In December 2018 Bournemouth Council
  completed since 2008.                                 was rated as the third most improved local
                                                        authority in a national league table. The “Which
                                                        Council is Best” study by consultancy firm
We said … we would achieve “Excellent”                  iMPOWER showed that Bournemouth Council
in the Equality Framework for Local                     has improved its performance and productivity
Government                                              across a range of services at a faster rate than
                                                        most councils across the country. The report
• We achieved “Excellent” accreditation from the        showed which councils are spending their
  Local Government Association in 2016.                 money most effectively and getting the best
                                                        outcomes for their residents. It analysed 150
• We have good knowledge and understanding              local authorities on their productivity per pound
  of the diversity of our communities and use it to     spent across a range of services.
  improve services.

• Senior leaders are committed to equality and           In local government we are operating in a
  we have a strong stance on anti-discriminatory         very challenging financial environment, with
  practice in service delivery.                          significant and ongoing reductions in funding
                                                         coupled with unprecedented levels of demand
• We have an inclusive working environment and           for statutory services. The excellent work that
  our staff have a good work life balance.               takes place throughout the financial year in
                                                         Bournemouth to deliver planned savings and
• We use the Equality Act 2010 as a driver for           efficiencies whilst continuing to deliver high
  improvement to promote inclusive growth.               quality services to our residents and visitors
                                                         means we anticipate the budget outcome
                                                         for Bournemouth in 2018/19 to be
   I am absolutely determined that we drive out          in balance or better for the 12th
   inequality and intolerance both within the            successive year.
   Council and in our communities. We have a             Cllr John Beesley
   very multi-cultural and multi-faith community
   in Bournemouth which should be celebrated
   and encouraged.
   Cllr Jane Kelly

6 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
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and three leisure centres. We work together
                                                          to develop these assets and the services they
                                                          offer. None of Bournemouth Council’s assets
                                                          have been subject to a formal ‘community
                                                          transfer’ request, which is a testament to the
                                                          flexible approach the council adopts with
                                                          partners and groups to sharing its building

                                                       • An Office Accommodation Strategy is in place
                                                         which aims to relinquish expensive rented
                                                         office space, taking advantage of break options
                                                         or leases coming to an end. Overall office
We said … we would make the best use of
                                                         accommodation floor space reduced by 400m2
our assets                                               following the surrender of Parkway House
                                                         and Dorset House and the Tourist Information
• The council currently owns 1,154 land and
                                                         Centre. Recent reductions in staff has left office
  building general fund assets, including 444
                                                         accommodation less well occupied although
  built assets that support the delivery of council
                                                         joint services with Poole has led to staff working
  services. This includes offices, libraries, youth
                                                         from both the Town Hall in Bournemouth and
  and community centres. We also manage 5,100
                                                         Poole Civic Centre.
  council homes as well as a further 529 council
  leaseholder homes.                                   • The Kinson Hub was opened in 2010 and is
                                                         home to a comprehensive library, housing office
• Rental income on the council’s existing estate
                                                         and children’s centre providing the community
  has increased on average 5% a year from
                                                         with a one stop shop for local services.
  2013/14 to 2016/17 and additional income has
  been earnt on new assets.                            • A new £2m state-of-the-art mortuary, Holly Tree
                                                         Lodge, was opened in 2010 at East Cemetery.
• Following on from the success of the Madeira
                                                         The new facilities provide specialised services
  Road, Leyton Mount and Berry Court
                                                         to meet the needs of bereaved families, medical
  developments, Bournemouth Development
                                                         staff and clinicians.
  Company llp started construction of a 48 unit
  private rented sector scheme at St Stephens
  Road Car Park which will be held as a valuable          With one of the fastest growing economies and
  council asset. Planning consent has also been           populations in the UK, we’ve had to adapt quickly.
  given on the £150m Winter Gardens mixed use             Using innovative, trendsetting structures like the
  scheme which will be one of the south coast’s           Bournemouth Development Company – which is
  largest development projects.                           now being replicated across the Country –
                                                          we’ve been able to secure new housing,
• We updated our 2017-20 Corporate Asset                  regeneration and economic opportunities
  Management Plan (CS CAMP) which sets out                for our whole area.
  a programme of 76 asset related activities over         Cllr Philip Broadhead
  the next three years. Already 24% of activities
  have been achieved with 41% on track.

• Despite reduced maintenance budgets, 92% of
  the council’s operational buildings scored either
  ‘good’ or ‘satisfactory’ for meeting service needs
  through recent Suitability Surveys.

• The council shares a range of assets with
  partners through leases and management
  agreements for community centres, sports clubs
  and bowls clubs. Leases have been granted
  to BH Live, a charitable trust, for the Pavilion
  Theatre, Bournemouth International Centre

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We said … we would work in Partnership

• By 2017/18 we established shared corporate
  services between Bournemouth and Poole
  achieving savings of £4m across both Councils.
  There have also been joint working initiatives
  that have taken place ahead of BCP in
  Libraries, Tourism, Adult Social Care and Adult

• In December 2010 we launched BH Live –
  a new leisure and cultural trust. By transferring
  the management and operation of our
  conference and leisure facilities to BH Live,
  we have managed to generate considerable            • We have implemented a borough wide
  revenue savings. In its first year of operation,      targeted enforcement project, expanding the
  the Trust saw nearly 47,000 more visits to            success of Operation Galaxy. The project is
  leisure facilities and increased ticket sales of      currently focusing on Boscombe, Eastcliff and
  over 11,000. In 2017/18 they welcomed over            Springbourne areas and the team are co-
  3,000,000 visitors to their venues, hosted            located with the neighbourhood policing team,
  440 cultural shows, sold over 500,000 tickets         working in close operational and strategic
  to a diverse range of cultural, sporting and          partnership.
  entertainment events and 100,000 delegates
  attended conferences and exhibitions. The           • We have expanded our Community Safety
  partnership supported over 4,500 local jobs           Accreditation Scheme which we run alongside
  indirectly and generated £44m of direct               Dorset Police throughout the town centre.
  economic benefit for the local community.
                                                      • The Pan-Dorset Youth Offending Service has
• In partnership with Dance South-West we               been successfully established and recognised
  opened Pavilion Dance in 2010. A centre of            as providing high quality services through the
  excellence for dance locally, regionally and          Ofsted inspection process.
                                                      • Through various strategic leadership groups,
• We work in partnership with Bournemouth               Bournemouth Council has played a strong role
  Development Company llp which is a public-            in helping to shape the Dorset Integrated Care
  private partnership between Bournemouth               System during the past year. This has included
  Council and Morgan Sindall Investments Ltd,           partnership work to deliver the Dorset Care
  established to deliver much of the Town Centre        Record, and helping shape the development of
  Vision through the development of Council-            new care models and community hubs through
  owned land. The limited liability partnership is      the East System Leadership Team. Much of the
  owned jointly (50/50) by the council and Morgan       joint work has been alongside NHS providers to
  Sindall Investments Ltd and develops a number         deliver on the ground integration in community
  of sites around the town centre for a variety of      teams, to reduce delayed discharges, delay
  uses, in line with the council’s planning policy.     admissions to hospital, and improve the quality
                                                        of social care.
• Shared Lives is a form of care which offers both
  support and accommodation to individuals with       • Housing and Communities Service assisted
  care needs at an approved Shared Lives Carers         voluntary groups to bring in at least £439k for
  home. The services operated by Bournemouth            their work in the community.
  Council and Borough of Poole have combined
  to make the best use of existing resources          • The BH Coastal Lottery was launched at the
  across the two organisations whilst enabling          end of January 2019 enabling Bournemouth
  individuals to live a full life in the community      charities and voluntary organisations to get
  without having to live alone.                         involved and encourage people to support local
                                                        good causes.

8 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
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4         An Active Community

We said … we would help children and                 • Additional secondary school places have been
young people to achieve their potential                created to accommodate increasing pupil
                                                       numbers including the development of a new
• An increased percentage of children and young        Free School for Bournemouth in the Lansdowne
  people are achieving outcomes at least in line       area. Work with the two Bournemouth Grammar
  with the national average at the end of each         schools has led to government grant funding
  Key Stage Assessment process, with some              being allocated to support their expansion
  significant increases and outcomes in excess         plans. Investment in the local school estate
  of this, particularly at the end of Early Years      now exceeds £100m and has benefited schools
  Foundation Stage. Ofsted have congratulated          across the Town.
  Bournemouth on the KS4 Progress 8 figures
  and recognise the real improvement in 2017/18.     • Work continues to reduce the number of
                                                       16-17 year olds Not in Education, Employment
• The number of disadvantaged pupils achieving         or Training (NEETS) and the number of
  the ‘expected standard’ or better at the end         ‘Not Knowns’. The latest data for November
  of KS2 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics           2018 shows that at 5.8%, performance is better
  has improved from 40% in 2015/16 to 55% in           than the statistical neighbour comparative figure
  2017/18. Bournemouth is 7.6% higher than             of 6.9%.
  statistical neighbours and the best in the South
  West region. The largest subject gap is in the     • The Early Help Strategy is positively impacting
  reading test.                                        on outcomes for families with evidence that
                                                       intervention prevents further escalation.
• The SEN team completed all statutory                 An example of this is where there has been a
  assessments within the statutory 20 week             break-down in the relationship between a young
  timescale and Bournemouth is one of a few            person and the rest of the family. We have
  local authorities to achieve this.                   worked with them to address the problems and
                                                       avoid re-escalation to Children’s Social Care.
• The percentage of pupils attending schools
  rated as good or outstanding by Ofsted has         • The percentage of contacts accepted by
  improved from 74% in 2012/13 to 91.9% in             Early Help has increased in every quarter and
  January 2019. The national average is 86.6%          has doubled since the contact outcome was
  ranking Bournemouth 39th nationally and              introduced, preventing the involvement of
  the 2nd highest performing local authority in        Children’s Social Care.
  the South West region where the average is
  83.5%. The proportion of pupils in good or         • The numbers of children subject to a child
  better secondary schools is particularly good at     protection plan have reduced from 52.9 in
  93.8%, compared to a national figure of 83%.         2014/15 to 33.9 per 10,000 at the end of
                                                       September 2018, comparing very favourably at
                                                       national and other local levels.

   Children and young people in Bournemouth
   achieve well at all stages through their
   education but we are always aware that
   there is more to do. We are committed to
   giving our young people the best start in life,
   including those who are disadvantaged
   or who have additional needs
   and disabilities.
   Cllr Nicola Greene

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• The number of looked after children per             • In 2008 looked after young people in
  10,000 children is currently 70.8. Less than          Bournemouth were getting a taste of adult life
  our statistical neighbours at 72.1 but above the      by living in a “training flat” before they leave
  national level of 62.0.                               care. The furnished one-bedroom flat was
                                                        being leased by Bournemouth Council to let
• 10.7% of looked after children had 3 or more          young people who feel ready to leave foster or
  placements in the last 12 months which is in          residential care have a trial run at living on their
  line with the national figure and better than         own. We now offer a whole range of supported
  statistical neighbours where it is 13.4%.             accommodation and we have provided training
                                                        for 34 supported lodging carers who offer a
• Aspire Adoption Services was launched                 home to care leavers up to the age of 21.
  in 2017. This is a Bournemouth Council,
  Dorset County Council and Borough of Poole
  partnership which provides outstanding services     We said … we would help improve older
  for children and adults with links to adoption or   people’s quality of life
  special guardianship. All three Local Authorities
  and Families for Children have been working         • The Better Together programme, a joint venture
  together for many years and their strength in         with our partners in Dorset aimed to transform
  partnership enhances the quality of the services      services to ensure people receive better care
  offered as a Regional Adoption Agency.                and support closer to home. Key projects
                                                        include early intervention and prevention,
                                                        helping people to stay independent for longer
                                                        and receive care and support in their homes
                                                        or closer to their homes, and delay the need
                                                        for long-term care and unnecessary hospital

                                                      • Substantial progress has been made in
                                                        transforming the direct payment provision
                                                        in Adult Social Care into a model which is
                                                        providing both better customer service and
                                                        stronger financial governance. This activity has
                                                        included migration of all existing on-line direct
                                                        payment accounts to a new payment card and
                                                        the recovery of £65k in unused direct payments.

                                                      • A new Home Care service called Care &
                                                        Support At Home was commissioned, which
• A pan-Dorset Protocol to Reduce the                   increases capacity and provides greater
  Criminalisation of Children in Care has been          control of costs. This work was undertaken in
  implemented which has been recognised as              partnership with the Borough of Poole and has
  best practice at national level by the Howard         been successfully implemented at a time when
  League.                                               pressure on services has been increasing.

• Children’s Services were judged as ‘requiring
  improvement’ following an Ofsted inspection in
  July 2018. Bournemouth, along with Dorset and
  Poole are amongst 43% of Children’s Services
  departments currently rated as requiring
  improvement. The report praised the quality of
  services to children with child protection and
  children in need plans, children in care and
  children with a disability, fostering services,
  private fostering and adoption and services for
  separated and unaccompanied children seeking

10 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
Whilst the demand for Adult Social Care            We said … we would improve the health
  services for older people continues to increase    and wellbeing and reduce health inequalities
  substantially year on year we, together with       for residents
  our partners, have managed to maintain and
  improve services. This has been made possible      • On 1 April 2013 public health functions
  through the tireless efforts of everyone in          transferred from the NHS to local authorities
  the service, both paid and voluntary, working        and Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset secured
  effectively together.                                a pan-Dorset arrangement to provide public
  Cllr Blair Crawford                                  health services in the most efficient way.

                                                     • The LiveWell Dorset service was successfully
                                                       brought in-house under a transition plan.
• The social care quality of life survey score was launched at the
  in 2017/18 of 19.4 has improved since our            end of the year and is already supporting more
  2015/16 score of 19.1 and was the third best         people to improve their lifestyles. The service
  outcome over the last eight years. The Personal      has supported 4,741 people from Bournemouth
  Social Services User Survey is based on              over the past 3 years, and expects to double
  responses to the questions relating to people’s      the number supported going forwards. Many of
  perspective on control, personal care, food,         the users report the service makes a significant
  accommodation, personal safety, social life,         change to their health through stopping
  occupation and dignity and the score is out of a     smoking, drinking less alcohol, being more
  total of 24.                                         active or losing weight. The service can also
                                                       be used to sign-post people to local community
• In Bournemouth care users continue to manage         groups and volunteers to help improve their
  their own support, with 100% of care users over      health and well-being.
  18 using self-directed support compared to
  89.4% nationally.                                  • Tricuro Services, set up by Bournemouth
                                                       Council, Borough of Poole and Dorset County
• Bournemouth and Poole Safeguarding Adults            Council in 2015, provides short and long term
  Board received very positive feedback from a         high quality care and support to adults, their
  Safeguarding Peer Review in September 2016           carers and families. They help 7,000 people
  and all highlighted actions were complete by         a year across Bournemouth, Dorset and
  year end. The number of safeguarding concerns        Poole and have taken on new services in
  has increased since 2016/17 however, the             Bournemouth, including Coastal lodge, a new
  number where the outcome was taken further           short stay residential care home
  and the outcome was either ‘Section 42
  Enquiry’ or ‘Other Enquiry’ has decreased from     • Sexual health outcomes are improving,
  948 in 2016/17 to 677 in 2017/18.                    especially in younger people. Under 18
                                                       conceptions continue to fall in line with national
• Bournemouth has successfully applied the             trends, and the detection rate for chlamydia in
  Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) which       Bournemouth remains above the national target
  protect the human rights of people in care           of 2,300 positives per 100,000. The service is
  homes and hospitals and we are now managing          undergoing a shift to a more community-based
  the most urgent/priority cases.                      model, with increased access to testing and
• Delays in hospital discharge attributable to
  social care in Bournemouth has reduced from a
                                                       Our Prevention at Scale Programme,
  monthly average of 100 days in 2015 to 24 days
                                                       alongside LiveWell Dorset, aims to help
  at the end of November 2018.
                                                       people live healthier, more active lives,
                                                       starting from childhood but also for everyone
• Bournemouth adult social care community
                                                       to make small changes to their lifestyle.
  teams for older people have restructured
                                                       These changes can prove very beneficial
  to align with GP practices and regular
                                                       in the long run.
  attendance by team members at GP locality
  multidisciplinary team meetings has supported        Cllr Jane Kelly
  a preventative approach to avoiding hospital

                                                            Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019      11
• In the recent Bournemouth Opinion Survey             • In Churchill Gardens we have approved and
  73% of residents reported good general health          published a Conservation Management Plan
  and wellbeing compared to 72% in 2015.                 and in Kings Park rebuilt and improved the
                                                         Kings Park Play area.
• The Bournemouth & Poole Joint Health and
  Wellbeing Strategy was refreshed in 2016/17          • We have built 11 affordable homes at Gladstone
  with a renewed focus on prevention. Public             Mews in partnership with Bournemouth 2026
  Health Dorset, with the support of system              as well as purchasing and refurbishing five
  partners worked on developing a Prevention             empty police houses. We also developed an
  at Scale Programme for wider health and                11 unit shared ownership housing scheme
  social care partners to accelerate delivery of         at Palmerstone Road and explored various
  prevention approaches in settings across               potential development sites.
  the sector.
                                                       • We have bought and refurbished three homes
• Public Health alongside partners such as G.Ps,         of multiple occupation (HMOs) and provided 10
  employers and NHS health providers have                new self-contained flats to encourage families in
  focussed on improving detection and treatment          to the area.
  of cardiovascular disease following the
  observation of rising early death rates in males     • Operation Galaxy has been proactively
  over the past five years. Last year saw the first      inspecting the houses of multiple occupation in
  downward fall in rates for men compared with           Boscombe since 2017, with more than £100K
  previous years.                                        invested in improving conditions in 600 units
                                                         of accommodation in this area units and there
                                                         has been a 4,100% increase in enforcement
We said … we would support                               activity from the 2015 baseline. 149 warning
Bournemouth’s communities with a focus                   letters have been issued for untidy sites,
on providing regeneration opportunities in               accumulations and litter.
Boscombe and West Howe
                                                          Operation Galaxy goes from strength to
• Bournemouth has delivered an area action                strength and has helped many people to
  based approach to issues in two key areas               improve their situation. Private landlords must
  of Bournemouth, including the development               be held to account for the safety and wellbeing
  of a conservation area grant programme,                 of their tenants, we are also requiring them to
  installation of communal bins, improvement of           take some responsibility for the behaviour of
  housing standards and external appearance of            challenging tenants and take steps to protect
  properties and joint operations with the Police to      their neighbourhoods. A community must
  tackle anti social behaviour and crime.                 be able to feel safe within their locality and
                                                          we are working hard to achieve that,
• Anti-social behaviour in Boscombe West has              which our residents have
  reduced from a reported 1,494 incidents in              acknowledged.
  2013/14 to 1,145 incidents in 2017/18.                  Cllr Jane Kelly
  Anti-social behaviour in West Howe has also
  reduced from a reported 648 incidents in
  2013/14 to 472 in 2017/18.

• The 2017 Bournemouth Opinion Survey shows            • We have established Outset Bournemouth with
  that more residents in Boscombe West felt safe         EU and Council funding which assists people
  after dark: 32% compared to 22% in 2014, and           to set up their own businesses and supports
  more residents also felt safe after dark in West       business growth. We also opened up the Old
  Howe: 39% compared to 37% in 2014.                     School House which is a working space for
                                                         creative and digital enterprises.
• In Boscombe we have invested in and
  remodelled the Crescent as well as                   • In Boscombe we have also provided a new
  implemented a new Shared Space at the                  Youth Service Drop in at the Cotton Exchange.
  end of the Precinct.

12 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
• In West Howe a community shop was
  opened in 2009 by local residents and
  West Howe Community Enterprises was
  developed. They have since become a
  registered Company and Charity. They
  run the ‘Inspiring Change Shop’ which
  provides low cost items, a place for people
  to volunteer and learn new skills or simply
  just a place to meet new friends. They
  also coordinate a host of activities for the
  community including Health Helpers, Job
  Club, Howe Tasty Cafe, Bingo, coffee
  mornings and give and take days.               • We launched our service for separated and
                                                   trafficked children seeking asylum, attracting
• The West Howe Regeneration Partnership           national recognition and a two-year grant of
  has been developed and Bournemouth               £184k. So far 33 children and young people
  2026 funding has been distributed. This has      have been supported through this service.
  included a community cinema, Henry Brown
  Youth Centre equipment, street signs, alley    • We opened our Multi Agency Safeguarding
  naming, Fernheath Sports building surveys        Hub (MASH) for children in partnership
  and lease, Cunningham Crescent in Bloom,         with Dorset County Council, Borough of
  summer and transition school at Bourne           Poole, Dorset Police and Dorset Healthcare
  Academy and CAB support in schools across        in 2015. MASH is Bournemouth Council’s
  West Howe.                                       single point of contact for anyone who is
                                                   worried about a child or young person.
• The Money Talk project, undertaken and           The team takes all referrals into Children
  funded by JP Morgan is a financial education     Social Care and will assess quickly what
  programme that seeks to provide a practical      help and support is required by gathering
  response to the difficulties of living on a      and sharing vital information.
  low income.
                                                 • The LV= sponsored Kidzone Scheme on
• There have also been a number of other           the beach has been expanded. In 2007
  successful projects undertaken in West           we reunited 110 missing/found persons
  Howe such as support for hoarders, securing      on Bournemouth seafront and in 2018 this
  funding with Bournemouth Parks to rebuild        increased to 192 people. There has also
  a sports pavilion and secure the future of       been a significant improvement in how
  football in the area, Arts festivals, music      quickly we reunite those people as in 2007
  festivals, Christmas celebrations and other      it took an average time of 15 minutes and
  community events.                                7 seconds, whereas in 2018 this was
                                                   reduced to 8 minutes and 8 seconds.
We said … we would work with others to
ensure people are safe and feel safe             • During 2007/8 the new CCTV system and
                                                   control room was launched in partnership
• In Bournemouth the number of overall             with Dorset Police to improve the image
  incidents of anti-social behaviour reported      of our night time economy and make
  to Dorset Police reduced from 16,590 in          Bournemouth a safer place to live and visit.
  2009/10 to 10,773 in 2017/18.                    A Designated Public Places Order was also
                                                   introduced to give Police powers to stop
• In the 2017/18 Adult Social Care Survey          anti-social drinking in the town centre.
  86.7% of clients said that the services they
  receive made them feel safe and secure         • Adult social care services have worked
  compared to 72.1% in 2012/13.                    with commissioning colleagues across
                                                   Bournemouth and Poole to support the
                                                   provider care market to maintain high
                                                   quality care and keep vulnerable adults
                                                   safe from harm.

                                                          Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019     13
• Bournemouth and Poole Local Safeguarding              and responded to through the implementation
  Children Board (LSCB) ensures an interagency          of Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM)
  approach to the safeguarding and well being           protocols, which bring local agencies together to
  of children, young people and their families.         support and protect adults at risk through a co-
  Bournemouth and Poole LSCB has an                     ordinated and risk managed approach.
  independent chair who is also the independent
  chair of Dorset Safeguarding Children’s Board.     • The local authority has also worked with the
  This has enabled an increasing Pan Dorset            Care Quality Commission and other partners
  approach and response. The LSCB chair works          to ensure the quality of care provided by care
  closely with the three Authorities Directors of      homes, nursing homes and domiciliary care
  Children’s Services.                                 providers is continually improving and that
                                                       contingency plans are in place for the few
• Adult social care has contributed to the work        instances when providers cease trading or fail
  of the Bournemouth and Poole Safeguarding            to provide an adequate service.
  Adults Board, including taking a lead role
  for the development of new multi-agency
  policy and procedures. The need to protect
  vulnerable adults at particular risk of harm or
  exploitation has been recognised as a priority

  Insight           What do we know about our community?

  The community in Bournemouth is growing and changing and the population is predicted
  to continue increasing over the next ten years. This is largely driven by migration into the

  The most notable increase is for those over 65 where the population is predicted to
  increase by 18% from 2017 to 2027.

  These changes will have an impact on the demand for services in the area, particularly
  health and social care services and housing services.

  People in Bournemouth have a similar life expectancy at birth to the national average.
  Men are expected to live 79.1 years and women are expected to live 83.

  In 2017, 17.2% of children in Bournemouth were estimated to be living in relative poverty,
  according to the charity, End Child Poverty, with numbers in the East Cliff & Springbourne
  and Kinson South wards considerably higher. Relative poverty generally means that a
  person can’t afford an ordinary living pattern and that they are excluded from the activities
  and opportunities that the average person enjoys.

  In Bournemouth 15 Lower Layer Super Output Areas (LSOAs), which are small
  geographical areas with a population between 1,000 and 3,000, fall into the worst two
  deciles nationally for the Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index (IDACI), an indicator
  developed in line with the Indices of Deprivation.

14 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
The percentage of children achieving a 9 - 4 pass in GCSE Maths and English is 68%
in Bournemouth and 59% nationally. The average Attainment 8 score per pupil, which is
defined as students’ average achievement across eight subjects, is 47.9, higher than the
national per pupil average of 44.2.

The recent residents’ satisfaction survey, the Bournemouth Opinion Survey, found that
80% of respondents were generally satisfied with their lives and the area they live and
75% rated their life satisfaction at 7 out of 10 or above.

Health Services were seen as the most important factor in making somewhere a good
place to live followed by the level of crime and clean streets.

Just under a quarter of respondents receive support from someone else to help them with
their daily life and 20% provide care of some sort to others.

16% of respondents identified themselves as having either ‘some social contact, but not
enough’ or as having ‘little social contact with people and feeling socially isolated’.
This indicator has increased since the last survey was conducted in 2015.

                                                                      Residents say
 Insight                                                              Top factors for a good place to live
                                                                          low crime levels          good health services

             Population                 194,752      mid year estimates 2017

  In 2027                 16.7%                                                        18 %                    In 2027
  0-15 population      aged 0-15                                                        aged 65+               65+ population
  + 1,400                      32,532                                                   35,300                  + 6,300
                                     Lower than                              Higher than
                                national average                             national average

     inequalities                                   diversity
                                                      census 2011

           17.2%                        ethnicity                   language          religion               disability
                                        84% White British           91% English       Christian    104,828    9% limited a lot
  living in relative poverty
                                         8% Non White British        9% ENFL          Buddhist     1,215     10% limited a little
                                         8% BME                                           Hindu    1,292     81% not limited
                                                                                         Jewish    1,343
                                                                                        Muslim     3,264
                                                                                            Sikh   156
                                                                                  other religion   1,216
                                                                                     no religion   55,911
  [Source : Population Projections 2016]                                    religion not stated    14,266

                                                                             Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019                  15
5         An Improving Environment

                                                     • A first phase of innovative overnight stay Beach
                                                       Lodges at Manor Steps. The Lodges offer
                                                       short stay visitor accommodation which has
                                                       exceeded income projections and taken over
                                                       1,300 bookings since launch in March 2017
                                                       with a number of guests on their fifth booking
                                                       already. Funding from the scheme has enabled
                                                       refurbishment of the public toilets, a new
                                                       catering kiosk on the promenade, and solar
                                                       lighting to the cliff access slope.

We said … we would build a world-class               Projects due for completion by Summer 2019
                                                     • A second phase of 10 overnight beach lodges
In 2013, after extensive consultation, the council
                                                       at Manor Steps
adopted a 20-year Seafront Strategy with the
ambition of delivering seven key projects by 2020    • An 18 hole adventure golf attraction on the site
that would act as a catalyst for tourism growth,       of the Waterfront at Pier Approach, based on
raising visitor spend by 7% (£33m) and helping         pre-Bournemouth’s 18th century smuggling
to create and sustain 660 new jobs across the          history.
tourism economy. The Seafront Strategy aims to
place Bournemouth as Britain’s premier resort,       • An expansion of the Prom Cafe in Pier
competing with the best in Europe.                     Approach into a year round offer.

By May 2018 those seven projects had been            • Works to refurbish the public toilets within the
delivered, with a further four projects aiming for     Pier Entrance building.
completion by Summer 2019.
                                                     Some examples of how council investment can
Completed projects include:                          lead to increased confidence and private sector
                                                     investment include the Oceanarium expansion,
• Regenerated Pier Approach, phase 1 (2014/15)       Penguin house, Rock Reef and zip wire on the
  included a family waterplay feature, new Tourist   Pier and the Pizza Oven at Boscombe.
  Information Centre, lighting and landscaping.
                                                     Latest independent visitor volume and value
• Pier Approach, phase 2 (2017-18) saw new           data shows that between 2014 and 2017 total
  landscaping on the western portion of the site     annual visitor spend in Bournemouth has
  and was funded as part of a grant from the         increased by 7.4%. Most significantly, the value of
  Government’s Coastal Communities Fund.             spend by international staying visitors, the highest
                                                     spending group, has increased by 55.7% to £120m
• Three developments of Super Huts, one
                                                     over the same period.
  Southbourne and two in Alum Chine between
  2014-2017. All huts sold on 25 year leases,
  generating capital receipts to fund other
  improvements on the seafront including
  a refurbished ‘Treasure Island’ themed
  playground at Alum Chine which makes
  extensive use of tropical timbers recycled from
  groyne works at Southbourne.

• Chineside cafe/restaurant at Durley Chine.
  The development also includes a beach office,
  shop and public toilets.

16 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
I am incredibly proud of the progress that
  has been made with the Seafront Strategy
  projects and the significant regeneration
  we have achieved with public and private
  sector investment. I look forward to seeing
  the next phase of projects come to fruition
  and further enhance Bournemouth’s
  reputation as the UK’s premier
  seaside resort.
  Cllr Pat Oakley                                    We said … we would meet Bournemouth’s
                                                     housing needs

                                                     • Last year, 27 affordable housing units were
• Bournemouth continues to achieve four Blue
                                                       completed. 226 homes have been built or
  flags and has now won six Seaside awards.
                                                       purchased since 2010.
• In the Bournemouth Opinion Survey 88% of
                                                     • The £27m Berry Court housing development
  residents were satisfied with the seafront and
                                                       in the town centre, completed in partnership
  79% of residents have used the seafront at
                                                       with the Bournemouth Development Company,
  least once a month.
                                                       delivered 113 new rentable properties.
• The Bournemouth Beach Management scheme
                                                     • Aside from the town centre sites, a further
  has continued with a further six new groynes
                                                       pipeline of approximately 300 new homes on
  completed. 24 have been completed since the
                                                       Council owned land is planned for the next few
  commencement of the works programme.
                                                       years, most of which will be affordable for those
• Bournemouth opened the UK’s first purpose            on the Housing Register.
  built disabled accessible beach huts in 2011.
                                                     • A grant funded community housing project is
• In April 2012 Bournemouth was the first place        underway to bring forward affordable housing
  in the UK to offer Beach Hut weddings on the         led by the community in Boscombe.
  seafront. The first wedding was the result of
                                                     • We have developed three housing related
  a competition and televised on ITV Daybreak
                                                       companies: Seascape South Ltd, Seascape
                                                       Homes and Property Ltd and Bournemouth
• By 2008/09 we had completed the leisure              Building and Maintenance Ltd.
  scheme at Boscombe Spa Village including
                                                     • In 2011 we became a ‘preferred partner’
  Europe’s first artificial surf reef. This also
                                                       of Homes England (then called Homes
  included the renovated Overstrand complex,
                                                       & Communities Agency). Council house
  rebuilt Pier and major landscaping works on
                                                       development of over 200 new homes has
  Boscombe seafront which was the winner of
                                                       recently culminated in the full ‘development
  an LGC Award for Best Regeneration project
                                                       cycle’, with Seascape building council homes
  in 2010. The multi-million pound regeneration
                                                       to the highly energy efficient ‘Passiv-Haus’
  project for Boscombe Seafront helped attract
                                                       standard, importantly with our own workforce.
  a number of events, substantial private sector
                                                       The team are currently building traditionally
  investment, increased spend per head in the
                                                       constructed homes in Townsend. The choice
  area and proved to be a catalyst for other
                                                       of construction is dependent on orientation to
  development, house price increases in the local
                                                       the sun.
  area and reduce crime.
                                                        We said we would make housing a top
• In 2012 the council having listened to the views
                                                        council priority. We have, and in the pipeline
  of its residents acted on them by demolishing
                                                        there are hundreds of new council homes
  the Waterfront Building. In its place there has
                                                        coming through; some are being
  been an outdoor events and arts area.
                                                        built right now.
                                                        Cllr Robert Lawton

                                                           Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019         17
• A £45m property acquisition programme is well         • The Homelessness Strategy was approved
  underway to purchase existing properties in             during 2017/18 and joint work is underway to
  Bournemouth and let them to households who              deliver this across a wide range of the statutory,
  have approached the council as homeless.                voluntary and private sector partners.
  As at July 2018, 243 people including 127
  children had been accommodated in this newly          • The Landlord Accreditation scheme was
  purchased housing.                                      launched in 2013/14 and gives local landlords
                                                          access to online development modules and
• We have seen an increase in the number of               courses, as well as opportunities to attend
  households in temporary accommodation and               seminars, landlord liaison meetings and
  in the number specifically in bed & breakfast           information days.
  in recent years which is reflective of national
  trends.                                               • The multi-agency enforcement and support
                                                          partnership continues in Bournemouth, primarily
• We have opened an additional family hostel,
                                                          in the town centre area, to tackle street based
  extended another of our family homeless
                                                          ASB including rough sleeping and begging.
  hostels and are currently refurbishing another
                                                          Issues remain but lots of positive outcomes
  property to avoid placing families in bed and
                                                          continue to be achieved with people moving
                                                          away from the street as a result of the very
                                                          close operational and strategic collaboration
• Alongside this, numerous homeless prevention
                                                          between various Council teams as well as
  projects are in place to avoid the use of
                                                          the Police.
  emergency accommodation, including the
  recruitment of eight additional housing options
  officers who provide early intervention advice        We said … we would promote sustainable
  and assistance and have implemented the new           travel
  homelessness legislation.
                                                        • 2017/18 saw a dip in the number of passengers
• Bournemouth was awarded £387.5k from                    on buses in Bournemouth from 17,183,507
  central government to tackle homelessness               in 2016/17 to 16,797,145. There was a
  during 2018/19 and a further allocation of              corresponding drop in residents satisfaction with
  c£350k has been indicated for 2019/20. The              local buses from 75% in 2013 66% in 2017.
  grant funds a project manager, four additional
  outreach workers, five units of specialist rough      • Bournemouth’s cycle network increased from
  sleeper accommodation units and a ‘duty to              72km in 2008/09 to 86.5km in 2016/17 and the
  refer’ coordinator. It will also fund an additional     number of cycling trips at selected monitoring
  mental health specialist for rough sleepers,            sites increased from 4,472 in 2013/14 to 5,024
  building on the significant resources already in        in 2016/17.
  place to tackle rough sleeping.
                                                        • There has been continued engagement with
• During the last count in March 2019, 18 people          businesses and schools through the Business
  were found sleeping on the streets. Although            Travel Network and School Travel Planning
  less than the previous year numbers have been           initiatives and wider cycling campaigns such as
  generally increasing locally and nationally over        the Momentum Cycle Challenge to encourage
  the last few years.                                     cycling as a more sustainable travel option.
                                                          We have so far delivered 683 cycling sessions
• Members of Bournemouth’s rough sleeper                  to children aged between 10 and 18 years old
  team welcomed the Chancellor of the Duchy of            and Council staff completed 11,400 commuter
  Lancaster in July 2018 to discuss the positive          challenge journeys.
  work to support vulnerable rough sleepers in
  the town.

18 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
We said … we would improve the quality of
                                                     Bournemouth’s built environment

                                                     • The percentage of minor planning applications
                                                       determined in time has increased from 80% in
                                                       2014/15 to 82% in 2017/18.

                                                     • Bournemouth was announced as winner of
                                                       the Association for Public Service Excellence
                                                       (APSE) for Best Construction and Building
                                                       Service 2017 and has been officially recognised
                                                       as Town of the Year at the recent South
   Winning the Transforming Cities Fund                Coast Property awards - an award focused
   investment provides a huge step up in               on the towns and cities in the region that are
   our work promoting sustainable alternatives         developing projects for both employers and
   to car travel. We will use it to find ways          residents.
   of allowing our growing population to
                                                     • In 2017 we acquired the Mallard Road Retail
   travel efficiently and safely around
                                                       Park in Bournemouth as part of the Asset
   our conurbation.
                                                       Investment Strategy to create a portfolio of
   Cllr Mike Greene                                    investments that support the local economy as
                                                       well as generate surplus income.

                                                     • Works aimed at alleviating congestion have
• Cycling training for children and adults,            been completed at Blackwater East Junction.
  pedestrian training for young children and           These works were funded by Dorset Local
  our young driver training programme helped           Enterprise Partnership’s Bournemouth
  Bournemouth win the national award for the           International Growth (BIG) Programme -
  best new road safety scheme.                         a major economic growth plan focused on
                                                       employment and development in and around
• The average speed per mile on selected routes
                                                       Bournemouth Airport and Wessex Fields.
  has remained similar at 23.6 mph in 2016 and
  23.9 mph in 2015.                                  • Beale Place Public Realm and Yelverton
                                                       Road are two projects designed to enhance
• The number of road casualties – serious/fatal
                                                       pedestrian priority, slowing vehicles and making
  has remained similar to the 2005 baseline of
                                                       people feel safer on the street. Works include
  80, reaching 82 in 2017. However, the number
                                                       introducing a 20mph zone, wider footways
  of slightly injured road casualties have reduced
                                                       and new crossing facilities for pedestrians,
  significantly from 670 in 2005 to 440 in 2017.
                                                       new trees and seating. Beale Place went out
• The Road Safety Project to improve the on-slip       for tender in October 2018 and construction
  onto the A338 Wessex Way at Richmond Hill            commenced in January 2019. Yelverton Road
  has been completed.                                  is in the design stage awaiting funding.

• Over 1,000 potholes were repaired last year
  and £45.2m was secured for transport and              I am really pleased that we have continued
  infrastructure improvements.                          to carefully consider and protect our
                                                        beautiful natural environment when
                                                        determining the location of development
                                                        in the town.
                                                        Cllr Dave Smith

                                                           Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019     19
We said … we would protect Bournemouth’s                   • New sections of the Stour Valley Trail are now
parks and natural open spaces                                more accessible for wheelchair users, cyclists
                                                             and pedestrians at Hicks Farm, Tuckton Tea
• Bournemouth’s parks and gardens won 11 gold                Gardens and Iford Meadows. Spyglass Point
  medals from the South & South East England                 at Alum Chine has a new viewing and garden
  in Bloom Awards in 2017/18 and have been                   area, developed in partnership with the Open
  awarded 19 green flags from The Green Flag                 Spaces Society.
  Award Scheme for well managed parks and
  green spaces.                                            • The £1m Hengisbury Head Visitor Centre
                                                             was officially opened in April 2014 by Chris
• In 2011 and with the backing of British Cycling,           Packham, wildlife expert and television
  we opened our regional 250m Olympic size                   presenter. The new centre displays
  outdoor cycle track, the first of its kind to be built     internationally important archaeology, geology
  in the UK for a generation. The Bournemouth                and ecology in a variety of exhibitions designed
  Velodrome at Slades Farm will help us to                   to raise awareness of this fascinating area.
  maximise the opportunities associated with the
  growth in cycling.                                       • Entente Florale is an international competition
                                                             to find horticultural excellence in cities,
• During 2013/14 we worked with AFC                          towns and villages across Europe. In 2014
  Bournemouth to improve the facilities available            Bournemouth won the Gold medal in this
  to the public at Kings Park through the                    prestigious competition. It also won a gold
  development of the AFC Bournemouth training                award and a tourism award from the Royal
  pitches and car park.                                      Horticultural Society in the same year.

• The number of residents using parks and open             • New playground facilities have been completed
  spaces at least once a month increased from                at Kings Park and Fisherman’s Walk as well
  75% in 2008 to 79% in 2017.                                as other community facilities for Roebury Lane
                                                             Greenway, Muscliffe petanque and Queens
• Working in partnership with the RSPB and                   Park. Work is underway on the refurbishment
  with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund,               of the Littledown Playpark, with new equipment
  Kingfisher Barn was opened to the public,                  being installed to create an exciting play area
  providing a wildlife garden, mini-visitor centre,          for young children. The £100k refurbishment
  refreshments and toilet facilities.                        has been funded by the council, with a £2.2k
                                                             contribution from the Local Improvement Fund
                                                             of Littledown Ward Councillors.

                                                           • We were awarded the Institute of Crematorium
                                                             and Cemetery Management Charter for the
                                                             Bereaved Gold Standard for both Cemeteries
                                                             and Crematorium. We were also APSE finalists
                                                             for the Best Service Team of the year for
                                                             Cemetery and Crematorium.

                                                           • The launch of alternate weekly bin collections
                                                             has led to a reduction in the cost of waste
                                                             collection and an increase in the amount of
                                                             waste recycled.

                                                           • We have enhanced the Big Bin, Little Bin
                                                             service, including continued promotion of food
                                                             waste collections, supply of caddy liners and
                                                             expanding the range of dry material collected at
                                                             the kerbside.

20 Bournemouth’s Performance Review 2019
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