Page created by Virgil Henry

  A Community for Seniors
   2 0 2 0 - 2 1   A N N U A L   R E P O R T

  AV E N S S E N I O R S . C O M
A V E N S    2 0 2 0 - 2 1   A N N U A L   R E P O R T

                              MISSION                                               VISION
             AVENS delivers quality services to                       AVENS envisions a future where
             seniors so they can make choices                        seniors age well and have choices,
              about how and where they live.                         where they are connected to a safe
                                                                       and caring community for life.

                        Respect Dignity Collaboration Accountability Integrity

            AVENS 2020-21 Board of Directors                                    Strategic Priorities
                                                                                •   Continue to provide high quality
                                                                                    services to AVENS residents.
                                                                                •   Demonstrate leadership, partner
                                                                                    innovatively and share knowledge,
                                                                                    in the development and delivery of
                                                                                    senior’s services in the NWT.
                                                                                •   Proceed with construction and
                                                                                    commissioning of more seniors’
                                                                                    affordable housing.
            Marion LaVigne         Matthew Spence        Debbie DeLancey
                                                                                •   Explore, through dialogue with the
            Chair                  1st Vice Chair        2nd Vice Chair
                                                                                    GNWT, AVENS’ future role in the
                                                                                    delivery of long-term care.
                                                                                •   Begin planning and preparation
                                                                                    for the delivery of ageing in place

            Lynda Koe              Kelly Hayden          Ron Allen
            Director               Director              Director

            Sandra Turner          Bronwyn Watters       Daryl Dolynny
            Director               Director              Ex-Officio

Chair’s Message

                         The past year was a year of      permit to start work on our newest building.
                         crisis and a year of success.    Also by year end our GNWT funders advised us
                         The COVID pandemic               that they were prepared to establish a special
                         tested our ability to handle     group to examine future long term care needs,
                         crises and showed that the       AVENS role in the delivery of long term care
                         joint efforts of staff and       services, and a methodology for assessing AVENS
                         community can ensure             ongoing funding requirements. Meetings of this
                         success.                         committee will start in the new year.
     In times of crisis we have to move quickly to            This year we also established a new
protect and secure our residents and staff. At            fundraising committee whose first task was to
AVENS, prompt and effective action by our staff           raise funds for a new bus for resident transport.
kept our residents safe and COVID free, and               The required funds were raised in just a few
we sincerely appreciate the efforts of each and           months, and the new bus was delivered in time for
every one of our staff who donned protective              a pre-Christmas tour of Yellowknife.
equipment and went about their jobs of caring for             As we come to the end of this year, I’d like to
AVENS residents.                                          especially thank our volunteer board of directors
     Our successful handling of COVID was                 who give tirelessly of their time and expertise.
also thanks to the many generous donations                This dedicated group is the backbone of the
from community businesses, individuals and                organization, supported by CEO Daryl Dolynny
organizations. These donations ranged from                and his staff, who are on the frontline every day,
food and sanitizers to protective equipment, and          meeting the needs of our retirement tenants,
hard cash to help us provide the extras such as           long term care residents and their families.
wheelchair and walker accessible flooring in our              It has been an honour to serve as the 2020-21
greenhouse and other special treats.                      chair of AVENS.
     The response of staff, board, funders and
the community ensured we could continue to
provide the highest level of care and maintain a
high quality of life for our residents during difficult
lockdown periods. In late December 2020, AVENS
residents were the first NWT residents to receive
the Moderna vaccine, and currently the majority           Marion LaVigne
of residents have received both shots.                    Chair
     Although the pandemic consumed much
of the board’s time, we continued with other
projects, specifically the development of more
residential housing units for seniors, and the
negotiation of adequate funding for the operation
of AVENS long-term and memory care units. At
year’s end our funding for the housing units was
approved and we were awaiting a development

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            President & CEO’s Message

                                    As President and CEO, I am        online HR-download certification training and
                                    very pleased with our financial   “Flattening the stomach curve” thank you events,
                                    and operational achievements.     solidified our framework for satisfaction and employee
                                    AVENS is entering a new era,      engagement. Additionally, this past year saw the
                                    so it was important to redefine   introduction of Predictive Index tools for hiring and
                                    our strategies to prepare this    performance engagement, followed by new e-tools
                                    organization to meet a growing    for staff payroll utilization, thus allowing for better
                                    demand for new services. Our      optimization of our workforce.
                                    focus on unlocking AVENS’
                                                                      Our Service Quality
            potential and finding innovative solutions found new
                                                                      Our accredited Supportive Pathway Care Model and
            meaning in the wake of a global pandemic, so let me
                                                                      the incredible team behind it was the reason for our
            take a moment to explain our accomplishments and
                                                                      success through COVID. Our dedication to safety, with
            explore what lies ahead for our organization.
                                                                      continued adaptation of care needs and our constant
            Our Efficiency and Environment                            alignment to cultural sensitivities, places AVENS as a
            Following on the heels of the previously successful       centre of excellence in service delivery.
            Vision 2020 - Better Care Through Innovation              AVENS ability to engage the needs of our community,
            fundraising initiative, and with the support of the       whether it’s responding more rapidly with our
            newly created AVENS fundraising committee,                independent housing senior residents, modernizing
            AVENS successfully completed fundraising initiative       our e-tools, or improving our satisfaction index via
            Operation Care on Wheels which allowed us to              monitored performance indicators, makes AVENS a
            acquire a state-of-the-art bus for our seniors. Being     truly unique entity north of 60.
            able to safely transport our residents to dental/
            medical appointments, shopping and banking, and           Our Legacy
            to experience cultural events, was the hallmark of this   Our successful pavilion project, under the National
            initiative. Our generous community came swiftly to        Housing Strategy is a flagship of our commitment to
            our call, allowing us to bridge the barriers of social    future-proofing our continuum of seniors housing and
            isolation for our seniors.                                care options. Opening in the fall of 2023, we will see
               Securing a successful financial methodology model      this community project meet our growing demand for
            with our main contribution partner, the GNWT, has         affordable senior housing and seniors’ services.
            been an AVENS project for many years. With the            Our Strategic Focus
            stalwart support of many, AVENS has finally achieved      Our commitment to our clients is complemented by
            that perfect balance of service delivery and financial    our readiness to fulfill our mandate and instill public
            stability. On behalf of everyone at AVENS we thank the    confidence in our delivery of care and related services.
            GNWT for their ongoing support and stewardship in         Even in the wake of a global pandemic, I truly feel
            our delivery of long-term/dementia care in the NWT.       this past year was a new defining direction for AVENS
            Our People                                                on our path of transformational change that will help
            Our employees are our greatest asset and this past        re-shape our vision of ensuring our seniors continue to
            year, even with COVID, we invested significantly into     have a safe and caring community for life.
            the face of our organization. Continuous improvement
            in communication, via weekly CEO newsletters,
            annual employee engagement surveys, continued
            expansion of the Going the Extra Mile for Seniors
            (GEMS) program, information sessions for employee         Daryl Dolynny
            group benefits, education days, lunch and learns,         Chief Executive Officer

AVENS Stewardship

AVENS – A Community for Seniors is an                    Development Committee
independent, not-for-profit society governed by          Kelly Hayden, Chair
a volunteer board of directors. AVENS envisions          Sandra Turner
a future where seniors age well and have choices,        Debbie Delancey
where they are connected to a safe and caring            Thomas Milan
community for life.
                                                         Fundraising Committee
     Since we opened the doors to the Manor in
                                                         Bronwyn Watters, Chair
September 1987, AVENS’ board and staff have
                                                         Lynda Koe
stayed focused on providing safe, quality services
                                                         Marion LaVigne
for NWT seniors. We’ve changed and grown a lot
                                                         David Gilday
over our history. Starting out as the Yellowknife
                                                         Yvonne Quick
Association of Concerned Citizens for Seniors
(YACCS), we have grown into a sophisticated              Housing Committee
organization offering not only housing options, but      Steven Nicholas, Chair
providing a sense of community for seniors from          Frances Bower
throughout the NWT.                                      Sara Fullerton
     AVENS is governed by an eight-person board of       Gail Leonardis
directors and is operated by a dedicated staff of over
                                                         Management Team
100 individuals.
                                                         Daryl Dolynny, President & Chief Executive Officer
                                                         Frances Bower, Director of Care
2020 – 2021 Board of Directors
                                                         Sara Fullerton, Director of Finance
Marion Lavigne, Chair (Feb 2018 – current)
                                                         Lindsey Dwojak, Director of HR & OHS
Matthew Spence, 1st Vice Chair (Sept 2016 – current)
                                                         Steven Nicholas, Director of Operations
Debbie DeLancey, 2nd Vice Chair (Sept 2018 – current)
                                                         Sandra Crocker-Walsh, Care Manager
Kelly Hayden, Director (Sept 2018 – current)
                                                         Carol Norwegian, Recreation & Volunteer Supervisor
Lynda Koe, Director (Sept 2018 – current)
                                                         Russ Lovie, Maintenance Supervisor
Ron Allen, Director (Sept 2010 – current)
                                                         Lawrence Malaque, Food Services Supervisor
Sandra Turner, Director (Feb 2012 – current)
                                                         Randie Salaveria, Housekeeping Supervisor
Bronwyn Watters, Director (Sept 2018 – current)
                                                         Chelsea Pukanich, Executive Assistant
Executive Committee
Marion LaVigne, Chair                                    Staffing
Matthew Spence                                           Full-time (FT), part-time (PT), and casual (C)
Debbie Delancey
                                                                                  FT     PT    C Total
Finance Committee
Matthew Spence, Chair                                       Administration         8      0     0   8
Marion LaVigne                                              Care                  41     16    32  89
Sara Fullerton                                              Food Services          5      0     2   7
Governance Committee                                        Housekeeping           6      1     9  16
Debbie DeLancey, Chair                                      Maintenance            3      1     0   4
Bronwyn Watters                                             Recreation Therapy     3      1     2   6
Matthew Spence                                              Total                 66     19    45 130

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            Committee Activities

            Fundraising Committee                                         Finance Committee
            • The fundraising committee was established                   • Completed an in-depth analysis to identify
                through board motion and began working in late             the staffing compliment funded versus the
                summer 2020.                                               staffing compliment scheduled in relation to the
            • The first activity was “Operation Care on Wheels”,           contribution agreement. This analysis determined
                a campaign to raise money for a new bus which              that standard of care provided is above the
                was launched in September 2020.                            minimum requirements based on the hours of
                                                                           care per resident and allowed for continued
            • With an initial target of $125,000 to be raised by
                                                                           discussion on funding with our contributors.
                December, we were able to exceed this, raising
                                                                          • Upgrading software such as Office 365 has allowed
                $143,000 by the end of October thanks to the hard
                work of our CEO and his team and the generosity            AVENS to move to a cloud-based environment.
                of Yellowknife residents and businesses. Thank             This was instrumental for the past year for virtual
                you to everyone who donated!                               meetings, online file sharing, and allowing users to
                                                                           access information while on the go.
            • Work has begun on our next campaign –
                                                                          • With the improved cash flow, AVENS is in a
                “Operation Care on Call” – to raise money for a
                new nurse call-bell system that will replace our           position to develop a strategy to decrease
                current system which is no longer functional.              the rolling annual deficit. Continued focus on
                This new system will also have expansion                   operational expense management, and analyzing
                capacity allowing for coverage in the new facility.        resource requirements will allow AVENS to
                This campaign is scheduled for launch in late              provide exceptional value for seniors
                September - early October.                                • Monthly segregated tracking of COVID expenses

            • We have also begun discussion to develop a major             allowed AVENS to strategically focus on changing
                campaign to help raise funds for our new safe              protocols to keep seniors safe, and to apply for
                and affordable housing development for seniors             COVID specific funding opportunities.
                coming in 2023. This campaign will help cover the
                cost of items not included in facility funding. Initial
                target estimate for this campaign is anticipated to
                be at least $1 million.

            Governance Committee
            • The governance committee’s workload during the
                past year was lighter than in previous years. Over
                2018-2020, an intensive effort was made to revise
                and update AVENS’ governance policies and by-
                laws, work which was substantially completed with
                by-law revisions that were brought forward to the
                September 2020 Annual General Meeting.
            • During the past year, the committee worked to
                resolve a number of minor outstanding issues with
                the revised by-laws that emerged from discussions
                at the September 2020 AGM. Changes to address
                these issues are on the agenda for the 2021 AGM.
            • The committee also led the process for the
                President/CEO’s annual performance objectives
                process, as provided for in policy.

Housing Committee                                     • We hosted our annual town hall session with the

• The housing committee completed an extensive         Court / Ridge residents and the public at the
 analysis and re-alignment of all housing policies,    Baker Centre on May 27, 2021. COVID restrictions
 procedures, and forms.                                were in place.
• In conjunction with the finance committee, the      • We drafted a pavilion tenant application of interest

 housing committee contracted Avery Cooper             form that individuals can fill out and submit to
 & Co. Ltd. to perform an independent review           AVENS Administration if they are interested in
 of the housing application process and scoring        receiving more information about the pavilion as
 system for independent housing through the            it becomes available. Our website is also a great
 affordable housing program. This review was           resource for updated information about this
 requested by the membership at the last annual        housing development.
 general meeting. The review concluded that the
 applications process is fair and reasonable.         Development Committee
                                                      • The Development Committee completed the
• Created a document that demonstrates the layout
 of the Court units. The housing committee also        Request for Proposal for Design-Build Services on
 wants to create a layout video that can be used       the pavilion project. Nahanni Construction Ltd.
 online and for potential move ins. Eventually we      was identified as the highest ranked proponent
 would like a layout for each of our independent       on April 29, 2020 and a CCDC-14 contract was
 housing units.                                        executed on August 21, 2020.
                                                      • The Canadian Mortgage and Housing
• Thecommittee created a brochure to
 accompany the housing applications                    Corporation (CMHC) confirmed their commitment
 entitled Frequently Asked Questions for the           to the project on July 27, 2020 through the
 Independent Housing Applications                      issuance of a letter of intent to fund the project.
                                                      • The Government of the Northwest Territories
                                                       (GNWT) provided 50% of their proposed funding
                                                       on November 4, 2020 which allowed Nahanni
                                                       Construction Ltd. to start design work.
                                                      • A development permit application was submitted
                                                       to the City of Yellowknife on December 2, 2020
                                                       which was signed by the City planning officer
                                                       on April 16, 2021. The development permit was
                                                       appealed, but the appeal was overturned on June
                                                       25, 2021.
                                                      • Design has progressed through schematic design
                                                       and design development phases.
                                                      • Construction equipment was mobilized to site
                                                       on July 7, 2021, with the majority of blasting and
                                                       excavation expected to be completed in the 2021
                                                       calendar year.

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             AVENS Campus Map

                                                                                      Aven Pavilion
                                                                                      (Planned expansion)

                                  Aven Cottages

                                                                     PARK  F


    Greenhouse                                                 Court

                                                                                                  Aven Ridge


                             Aven                                        PA
                                                                                          A Aven Manor Entrance
                                                                        Baker             B Administrative Entrance
                                                               BCC      Community         B1 Staff Entrance
                                                                        Centre            C Aven Cottages Entrance

                    L I N AV

AVENS Facilities

AVENS has five separate complexes on its property.
     The oldest complex on the AVENS’ property
is Aven Manor, a long-term personal care facility
serving Yellowknife and other NWT communities.
The 34 year old facility houses 27 seniors. As it
ages, it will need major retrofits and eventually
replacement by a new facility.
     The next oldest complex on the AVENS
property is Aven Court which is 29 years old. It is
an affordable housing facility that provides 24 units
of housing for independent seniors contained in
six four-plex buildings. New windows have been
installed in this complex, and there are other major
repairs and upgrades that could be made to these
popular units. There are no plans to replace them in
the foreseeable future.
     Another much newer affordable housing facility
for independent seniors is Aven Ridge which is only
14 years old. It has eight housing units contained in
four duplexes. There are no plans in the foreseeable
future to retrofit or replace these units.
     Eleven years ago the Government of the
Northwest Territories constructed a new territorial                The fifth facility on the AVENS property is the
dementia facility called Aven Cottages on AVENS                Baker Community Centre which is 26 years old and
property. This new facility is operated by AVENS               was built with public donations. AVENS owns the
and started accepting residents in March 2010.                 property and the building but the centre is operated
It can accommodate up to 28 residents and the                  by an independent group, the Yellowknife Seniors'
long-term care or respite admissions are managed               Society, which provides programs and services in
by the GNWT through the Territorial Admissions                 support of wellness for Yellowknife seniors, including
Committee (TAC). There are no plans to retrofit or             AVENS residents.
replace this facility.                                             Coming Soon - AVENS sixth facility which will be
     The mortgages for AVENS Court and Ridge end               a 102 unit, three story complex of safe and affordable
in October 2022.                                               housing for seniors, slated to open in 2023.

    It should be noted that AVENS has long waiting             individuals for these spaces and AVENS accepts
    lists for all four of its facilities, and this situation   residents from all NWT communities.
    will continue, based on well documented future              AVENS’ Housing Committee is responsible for
    demand, due to aging baby boomers, more people             assessing the independent housing applications
    choosing to retire in the NWT and the limited              and scoring criteria based on current demonstrated
    availability of housing units.                             need for subsidized housing. Unsubsidized units are
      As vacancies occur in the Manor or Cottages, the         allocated on a first-come first-served basis.
    Territorial Admissions Committee (TAC) selects the

A V E N S   2 0 2 0 - 2 1   A N N U A L    R E P O R T

            2020-21 Operational Highlights

            •   Design and creation of AVENS Pandemic Covid
                strategy and infectious control measures
            •   Design of AVENS first Isolation room under our
                Covid strategy
            •   As an extension of Vision 2020- Better Care
                Through Innovation - enhancements to AVENS
                Wi-fi area access and bandwidth.
            •   Participated in the City of Yellowknife’s annual
                Operation Clean Sweep.
            •   Worked with donor for 10 new Samsung Tablets
                used during Covid-19
            •   Monthly “Flatten the stomach curve” staff thank
                you events during Covid-19
            •   New state-of-the-art AVENS website launch
            •   Worked with many community relief funding
                partners for acquisition of personal protective
                equipment during the pandemic.
            •   Secured AVENS first remote dietician service
                                                                       Board called AVENS Fundraising Committee
                                                                       chaired by Bronwyn Watters.
            •   Acquired $10,000 from 100 Men Who Give A           •   Success launch and completion of AVENS Care
                Damn chapter toward new recycled ergonomic
                                                                       on Wheels bus program
                flooring for AVENS AGCO Greenhouse                 •   Official AGCO ribbon cutting with the support
            •   Held our Annual COVID-Friendly Town Hall
                                                                       from Government of Canada New Horizon for
                meeting with Aven Court and Ridge residents
                                                                       Seniors and MP Michael McLeod.
            •   Covid friendly “Outdoor AVENS Summer BBQ”          •   Engagement meetings with GNWT Minister of
                with staff and residents
                                                                       Health and Social Services and AVENS Board/
            •   Covid friendly “Outdoor Canada Day Parade”
                                                                       CEO office
                with staff for residents life streaming in Aven    •   New ATM installation in Administration wing and
                Manor and Cottages
                                                                       25 cents from every transaction is donated back
            •   Window and outdoor visit programs for residents
                                                                       to AVENS in partnership with Cold Cash ATM.
                and their families during Covid-19                 •   Creation of 2020-2021 AVENS Operations Quality
            •   Strategic planning meeting and future proofing
                                                                       Improvement Plan
                with AVENS Board and Management staff,             •   AVENS new brand refresh, creating a new logo
                resulting in new vision, mission, and strategic
                                                                       and developing brand guidelines.
                priorities                                         •   AVENS 2nd Annual Tree of Giving program
            •   Securing CMHC funding and AVENS Board of           •   St. John Ambulance Virtual Dog Therapy
                Directors approving up to $5.5 M of borrowing.
            •   Signing of design build contract with Nahanni      •   Created new donor wall to appropriately
                Construction Ltd
                                                                       showcase all of AVENS donors
            •   New investments in food service technology and     •   Operation Looking Glass town hall meeting
                Sysco Synergy Tech Suite
                                                                       with staff
            •   Completion of phase II of Aven Court window        •   Outdoor Santa Claus events with Staff
                replacement program
                                                                       and residents
            •   Creation of a new committee under the AVENS

•   Introduction of new performance management                •   Completed a funding and operational analysis of
    tools with use of Predictive Index                            the facilities on campus.
•   Working with GNWT partners to strengthen                  •   Developed a KPI Dashboard for AVENS Board
    budget needs in long term care services                       of Directors for a glance into the different
•   Working with City of Yellowknife Council for                  departments reporting metrics.
    Pavilion project approvals
•   AVENS GEMS (Going the Extra Mile for Seniors)             Care
    Long Term Service, Shining Star, Helping Hands            •   Training for support staff by care team on care
    award ceremony                                                specific items. These included lifts and transfers,
•   Conducted an Employee engagement survey                       feeding of residents and how to safely use a
    2021 – over 50% participation                                 wheelchair
                                                              •   Work with third year Aurora College students to
Finance                                                           implement various quality improvement projects.
•   Standardized reporting with customized year to                These included updates to care plan template,
    date expense to budget analysis                               palliative care resource binder and social history
•   Several grant application success stories                     admission tool.
    including New Horizons for Seniors Program for            •   Received funding to purchase and install new tub
    AVENS Growing Co Operative, the Government                    in the Manor.
    of Northwest Territories – NGO Stabilization              •   Continued development and expansion of virtual
    Fund, United Way – Together we are stronger,                  dietitian services.
    and the Yellowknife Community Foundation.                 •   Working on policy updates and development of
    There was also several surrounding funding for                standard operating procedures to support the
    COVID specific projects such as Barb Bromley                  OHS programming.
    Fund from YK Community Foundation for Comfy
    Corners, and Albert Hall’s Getting Active Fun.
•   Utilization of digital tools to transition to a virtual
    environment including Microsoft Office 365
    platform and Zoom video conferencing

                                                              Food Services
                                                              •   Received Food Donation from Food Banks
                                                                  Canada, Food Rescue (November 2020) Worth
                                                                  20k of Frozen and Canned products.
                                                              •   Donated excess food donation to other non-for-
                                                                  profit organization (February 2021) Worth 7k.
                                                              •   Remote Dietitian (June 2020) Anna Kandola, RD
                                                                  provides us with dietary services from a distance
                                                                  via Zoom.

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            2020-21 Operational Highlights - Cont’d

            • Sysco Mealsuite (September 2020) food service          • As a thank you from AVENS Board of Directors
              software that helps with determining the                to our staff for all their hard work and dedicated
              nutritional value of meals, creating meals that         during COVID, we coordinated a thank you gift
              avoids resident’s allergies & dislikes, keep records    for each of our employees and celebrated the
              of intake, and missed meals of the resident for         presentation of the gifts with our Employee
              us to provide more quality of care for all our          Appreciation BBQ
            • New Coffee Machine in the Manor (Touch Screen w/       Occupational Health and Safety (OHS)
              accessibility features) where they can enjoy freshly   • This year we were successful in continuing our
              ground coffee beans with or without caffeine.            quarterly OHS inspections throughout the facility
                                                                       while incorporating more employees to assist for
                                                                       each inspection. By involving more employees in
                                                                       this process, we can create a safer environment
                                                                       where our team is able to use the knowledge
                                                                       gained from daily inspections in the facility.
                                                                     • We have had successful monthly meetings as an
                                                                       OHS Committee comprised of both union and
                                                                       non-union employees working together to safer
                                                                       environment for both our residents and employees.

                                                                     • Received funding from Rio Tinto / Diavik to
                                                                      support several recreation programs.
                                                                     • Used the new AVENS bus to take residents on
            Human Resources                                            multiple COVID safe outings throughout the year
            • Revised the current orientation program                  to various locations throughout town such as the
            • Deployed a Pandemic Continuity Employee                  Museum, Ice Castle and Yellowknife River for a
             survey                                                    BBQ.
            • Upgraded many employees in the mandatory               • AVENS staff participated in the city’s annual
              training fields such as Non-Violent Crisis               community clean up.
              Intervention and Elders in Motion training                                            • Recreation
              throughout the year. Also provided opportunities                                      team completed
              for on-line learning.                                                                 and received
            • Although we were not able to have our Education                                       certification in the
              Day as we had hoped to make it annual, we                                             Northern Recreation
              have been able to work closely with our pension                                       Leadership program,
              provider to reach out to our employees and                                            offered through
              virtually discus their investment options and                                         Recreation North.
              planning for their financial future                                                   • Another successful
            • We have embraced the world of technology and                                          year in AVENS
              Zoom for meetings, interviews, and to be able to                                      Greenhouse, which
              hold our annual employee recognition in the form                                      helps offset the food
              of the GEMS (Going the Extra Mile for Seniors)                                        costs and isolation
              program. Family members were able to join us                                          for residents.
              on-line and help celebrate the accomplishments
              of our employees.

• Commissioned for first year growing season.
                                                       • Successful fall harvest with residents
                                                       • Operation “Rub-A-Dub-Tub”: Installed a new
                                                        ARJO tub in Manor East Tub room.
                                                       • “A Splash of Color” Campus painting:
                                                       • Court, Ridge, and Baker Center patios, Eves,
                                                        Fencing, Valences.
                                                       • Park benches, swings freshly stained.
                                                       • Storage sheds fresh new colors.
                                                       • Administration entrance refinished and stained.
                                                       • Curbs, parking stalls, and hand rials.
                                                       • TDF Foundation boards
                                                       • Built up edges of sidewalks to minimize ankle roll
                                                        over, Lawn seeding and fertilizing, Tree / stump

                                                       • Court Window Project: Installed new windows
                                                         and blinds in Court Blocks 1, 2, 4, & 5 completing
Housekeeping                                             all court windows. All old windows were sold and
• Demonstrated improved work organization and            are being reused in various applications.
                                                       • Reassigned parking and installed new signage
  efficiency by increasing the performance target
  for the room glow germ from 80% to 85% and             across campus.
                                                       • Steam Boiler repairs completed, and fully
  the hand washing audit from 90% to 95% and the
  handwashing audit remains at 100%.                     operational.
• Increased Housekeeping staff training by providing   • New plumbing and steam injectors
                                                       • New controls installed for heating & ventilation
  cross-functional and area training for all staff.
• Continued to use our tracking tools for              • Territorial Dementia Facility Air Handling Unit

  purchasing and inventory which helped with             control upgrades with TRANE including new
                  the overall improvement on the         graphics and programming.
                                                       • Computer/Laptop Upgrades: All computers and
                         control of costs.
                                                         laptops have been upgraded and deployed.
                                Installed spray
                                 foam insulation,
                                 new flooring,
                                 growing pods,
                                 heating, exhaust
                                fan, water supply,
                               safety station,
                             and Closed-Circuit

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              Financial Highlights

                          OPERATING EXPENSES                                           OPERATING REVENUE
                                    ‐ 2020‐2021
                          by Category                                                  by Source 2020‐2021 ‐
                                                                                              3.9% 1.4%
                    0.6%                                                       9.6%

                12.0%                                  ‐                                                                                   ‐


                   EMPLOYEES                   CARE & OPERATING                CONTRIBUTIONS FROM                                AMORTIZATION
                   AMORTIZATION                ADMIN                           RENTAL & OTHER FEES                               GRANTS & INTEREST
                   INTEREST                    FACILITY MANAGEMENT             CONTRIBUTIONS NWTHC                               DONATIONS

                                                           5 YEAR REVENUE & EXPENSES TREND


  ‐         ‐ 8,000,000


                                                                                                          ‐              ‐
                                                                                                          ‐              ‐


                                  NTHSSA                           Cash Revenues                                    Other Revenue
                                  Employees                        Cash Expenses   ‐   ‐      ‐   ‐                 Other Expenses


                                                                                                      ‐       ‐

•   Unqualified opinion from the auditors – the                               Risks/Outlook
    financial statements present fairly in all material
                                                                              •   As a not-for-profit entity AVENS needs to
    respects the financial position of the organization.
                                                                                  generate enough revenues to cover expenses.
•   Revenues were consistent with expenses for the                                The current situation has put AVENS at risk in
    first time within several years. AVENS has achieved                           the absence of a new funding formula that fairly
    a strong position in controlling costs while                                  addresses cost pressures.
    maximizing value to seniors.
                                                                              •   There is an increased demand for seniors housing
•   COVID provided a significant challenge with                                   in Yellowknife, which suggests the need to
    operational changes as required by the chief                                  increase housing on the AVENS property. The
    public health officer. AVENS team continued                                   expansion plans should contribute to improving
    to pivot to meet changing infection control                                   AVENS financial situation and to reduce any
    protocols, with many positions taking on new                                  financial risks to the organization.
    tasks temporarily. This resulted in a decreased
                                                                              •   The increasing population of seniors places
    spending on regular activities to effectively spend
                                                                                  demands on programs and available personnel.
    on COVID protocols.
                                                                                  AVENS may face a staffing shortage at some point
                                                                                  due to its limited financial flexibility, leaving it
                                                                                  unable to compete.

                                                 YEAR TO YEAR COMPARISONS
                                                2016-17             2017-18              2018-19            2019-20*             2020-21**

Total Revenue                              $10,032,732           $9,499,095           $9,770,905 $10,526,007 $11,249,495

NTHSSA Contribution                          $7,934,560          $7,469,527           $7,544,329          $8,147,466          $8,633,347

Total Expenditures                         $10,005,762           $9,550,005          $10,418,636 $11,114,702 $11,424,435

Employees                                    $7,309,125          $6,935,331           $7,028,860          $7,775,629          $8,113,102

Cash Surplus (Deficit)                          $264,254           $181,360                $77,420           $119,481            $540,868

Non-Cash Surplus (Deficit)*** ($237,284)                         ($232,270)            ($725,151)          ($708,176)          ($715,808)

Operational Surplus (Deficit)                    $26,970           ($50,910)           ($647,731)         ($588,695)           ($174,940)
      * 2019-20 One time increase in revenue resulting from retroactive contribution agreement adjustment based on the new collective agreement
     ** 2020-21 Additional funding for COVID reimbursed from NTHSSA for designated pandemic protocols
    *** Non-Cash items include amortization of deferred capital contributions and NWTHC loan repayments less amortization of tangible capital
        assets and bad debts.

Planning for the future:
AVENS is passionately committed to our mission         management and by engaging and consulting
and vision. It is in this context that we will take    with our local community and with various layers of
the next steps in fulfilling and improving our         governments about services and needs for seniors
accreditation in longterm and dementia care            to “age actively” in Yellowknife and surrounding
services, in fulfilling the increasing need for        communities.
affordable, supportive seniors housing, by targeting        With limited options and supports for seniors
an end to seniors’ homelessness in the NWT and by      today, AVENS is in a pivotal position to be the
expanding aging-in-place services.                     catalyst for needed changes. AVENS’ forward-
     To achieve this, AVENS needs to develop           thinking approach, with the proper sources of
partnerships with other seniors housing providers      funding, will be exactly what our territory needs in
outside of NWT, develop the management                 changing the current and future outlooks for seniors
tools for eligibility, admission, operations and       in the North.

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            Living with COVID

            •   Increased daily screening protocols including a
                separate staff entrance area.
            •   Daily masking, face shields and clothing change or
                gown requirements.
            •   Reduce and/or no visitation for residents.
            •   Evolving isolation requirements which resulted in
                staffing challenges onsite.
            •   Implementation of various recommended health
                care and infection control practices to reduce
                potential exposures to COVID virus. This included
                increased infection control practices, continuous
                wearing of personal protective equipment,
                changes to on site visitation etc.
            •   Received special COVID funding via NTHSSA for
                staffing in Resident Care.
            •   Residents of AVENS were the first in the NWT
                to receive the Moderna Vaccination. First dose
                was offered and administered to Residents on         RECREATION
                December 31, 2020.                                   •   Volunteers were not able to come onsite during
            •   Aurora College programming changed in response           the pandemic. As a result, AVENS recreation team
                to the COVID pandemic. This meant we did not             did an amazing job at providing consistent and
                have students on site for several months. Students       meaningful programming for the residents.
                from the Personal Support Worker program and         •   AVENS team got creative, using a virtual platform
                BSN Nursing program returned in the winter               to run certain programming such as: Dog Therapy,
                semester of 2021. AVENS supported an increase in         Rosary, Paint Night and Entertainment night.
                number of students and practicum times.              •   Assisted with iPad and window visits with resident
                                                                         and resident families.
                                                                                         • The recreation team used AVENS
                                                                                         new bus to take the resident on
                                                                                         safe, covid-friendly outings to
                                                                                         Yellowknife River, North Country
                                                                                         stables and other various areas
                                                                                         throughout the community to
                                                                                         help combat some of the social
                                                                                         • Due to the isolation
                                                                                         requirements, AVENS Recreation
                                                                                         team assisted some residents with
                                                                                         shopping and supply pick ups.

FOOD SERVICES                                                HUMAN RESOURCES
•   Created a Pandemic Contingency Plan which                •   COVID has shown just how resilient our team can
    outlined the proper procedures for:                          be! From adding new COVID specific lines to our
     - Caring for any isolating residents providing all          CARE team to extending hours in housekeeping
        services with no contact.                                to provide better infection control throughout
     Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements            the building, the AVENS team has shown some
        which included: changing clothes, masking &              amazing teamwork to successfully get through
        face shield being kept on while performing               these times and keep our residents safe.
        regular duties.                                      •   Our human resources department has been
     - Short Staffing due to isolation protocols for staff       incredibly resourceful in combating the staffing
        requiring isolation as per the evolving COVID            challenges we have faced throughout the
        requirements.                                            pandemic as outbreaks occurred, isolation
     • Worked with Copperhouse to discuss contract               requirements increased, and staffing shortages
        services in the event of a food service staff            began to paramount we always managed to get
        shortage due to the pandemic.                            great staff to be apart of the AVENS team.
                                                             •   Provided Weekly COVID updates for the

                                                             FINANCIAL REVIEW
                                                             The pandemic COVID has cost AVENS as a not for
                                                             profit a total of $566,000.

                                                                        COVID-RELATED EXPENDITURES

- Converted the Elders Kitchen into an isolation/
   quarantine room complete with furnishings,
   negative pressure, fresh air ventilation, and doctor/          Staffing for Pandemic Protocols           $416,500
   medical station.                                               Infection Control Supplies                 $66,000
• Built quarantine inserts to isolate resident rooms in           Administration                             $18,900
   the Cottages.                                                  Personal Protective Equipment              $57,100
• Developed a central staff change/locker room.                   Pivoting to Virtual - WIFI & Tablets        $7,500
• Converted the Administration wing and other                     Total COVID Related Expenditures      $566,000
   various areas of the facility into safe, socially                             *Rounded to the nearest thousand
   distanced, and private, resident family visiting areas.
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            Keeping Active, Having Fun
            To support residents in fun activities and programs to increases their quality of life at AVENS!

            The health and wellness activities and programs         Arts & Crafts: We organize several different arts
            have taken on a new role of having fun with the         and crafts activities throughout the year where
            seniors here at AVENS, since COVID has changed          the residents can make something themselves or
            all our lives. Now more than ever the meaning           with minimal help, and they feel proud of what
            of “Quality of Life” is more important to the           they have made. We use painting as a therapeutic
            residents. We continue to have a large variety of       activity, as we play music that the residents en-
            activities and programs that are geared to the          joy listening to, and they will paint anything that
            abilities and interests of the residents. Since the     inspires their creative side.
            activities and programs are no longer managed or
                                                                    Bingos: On Tuesday evenings we have bingo that
            supported by volunteer (as COVID has taken them
                                                                    is sponsored by the Elks Lodge or True North
            away). The three recreation coordinators and two
                                                                    Rotary Club on rotational months. This is a very
            casual staff members with the recreation super-
                                                                    popular activity for the residents as it’s free and
            visor support all the programs and activities to
                                                                    they win prizes - like chocolate bars or a bag of
            ensure safety and offer normal programming, with
                                                                    chips! The recreation staff puts on a second bingo
            the help, support, and guidance of the Director of
                                                                    on Friday afternoons too!
                 The programs and activities continue to            Tai Chi: Is a physical and relaxing program for
            address the residents needs in one or more of the       residents, plus it is easy to adapt to residents in
            physical, social-emotional or cognitive domains,        wheelchairs. Our recreation coordinators contin-
            as well as the health and wellness part of spiritu-     ued this program without the volunteers during
            al, nutrition, and environmental well-being. This       COVID. Our Tai Chi volunteers Andrea, Rhonda
            is achieved by the many types of activities, pro-       and Linda will return later this year. The three
            grams, and events that we have here at AVENS.           volunteers are dedicated ladies who take turns
                                                                    each week. It’s a weekly exercise for the residents

that they enjoy as well as the social aspect. We       shuffleboard game night. They play on a shuffle-
also promote stretching, relaxation and well-being     board table donated by the Knights of Columbus.
program to residents with dementia.                    The residents really enjoy the game and they are
                                                       very competitive!
Entertainment Night: Is finally back at AVENS with
a few changes, the entertainers wear a mask too!       Fellowship: The Fellowship program was held
We do have a variety of talented volunteer enter-      weekly, every Thursday mornings. Several church-
tainers here in Yellowknife that come to AVENS         es rotate and come in to bring fellowship, sing
and offer to play live performance for the residents   and worship to the residents. The program gives
on Thursday evenings. The music inspires the resi-     a chance for the residents to sing hymns, and the
dents to socialize with one another and maybe do       pastor to read passages from the bible, and share
a little dancing too!                                  a few prayers. During COVID we have started a
                                                       new program of Rosary prayers on Wednesday
AVENS Growing Cooperative (AGCO) - ‘Growing            afternoons, with a few staff volunteers and a virtual
Green with Seniors’ and Green Thumbs Programs:         volunteer.
This spring and summer program is for seniors
                                                       Sing-Along: On Monday mornings, we sing classic
to enjoy the great outdoors and get to do a little
                                                       oldies and residents’ personal favorite songs. We
gardening too. We do miss the visits from school
                                                       will be starting up this program again this year
students helping with the gardening.
                                                       in September as it has been slow due to COVID
Shuffleboard: The shuffleboard program has fallen      with no volunteers allowed. We miss Dawn, our
to the wayside due to COVID. It is not played as       volunteer who strums her guitar; and often gives a
often as it was in the past, but soon to start up      little historical history about some of the songs we
again. As the two dedicated volunteers will come       sing. The residents truly enjoy this cognitive and
again Monday evenings, bi-weekly to host the           social-emotional activity.

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            Keeping Active, Having Fun CONTINUED

            Cultural Programs: These programs are sharing            Scottish Country Dancing: We will be starting up
            and learning about the Dene cultural, traditions         this program again this year in September as it
            and knowledge through storytelling, programs             has been on hold due to COVID and no volunteer
            with artifacts on loan from the Prince of Whale          allowed. The dancers come to AVENS on the last
            Museum, and bannock making, documentaries,               Monday of every month. The Scottish Country
            caribou soup and bannock, sewing and mitt mak-           Dancers Association comes to practice their danc-
            ing. All around fun!                                     ing here at AVENS, while residents enjoy watching
                                                                     the dancers perform.
            Gator Games: There are several different types of
            Gator games that are played here with the residents,     Snoezelen Cart: This is a multi-sensory cart on
            and they are all adaptable for a varying level of        wheels, which we use with residents
            physical abilities. You can always hear the residents    that require more stimulation. This
            laughing and cheering on each another to win.            program is a one-to-one program.
                                                                     The cart is brought into the resi-
            Balloon Therapy: The residents are seated in a
                                                                     dent’s room, where it is quite and
            smaller circle in the living room or dining room
                                                                     relaxing. We have music, aroma
            and have fun trying to keep the balloon in the air.
                                                                     therapy, bubble machine with
            The smiles on the residents’ faces makes you want
                                                                     different colored lights that can be
            to join in the game, with laughter and music in the
                                                                     adjusted, and a projector used to
            background. This is a physical and social-emo-
                                                                     show nature slides on the wall. The
            tional activity that encourages residents to move
                                                                     are several different themes, and
            their arms and upper body, even use their legs and
                                                                     tactile therapy and hand messages.
            feet if they like to kick the balloons to keep it from
            touching the floor.

CHURCH SERVICES:                                         SPECIAL EVENTS:
 The Central Arctic Baptist Church (CABC)                There are a multitude of special events we have
bi-weekly visits on Saturdays are on hold due to         here at AVENS: New Year’s Eve Party, Valentine
COVID and St. Patrick’s Catholic Church’s Sunday         Day Special Events, St. Patrick’s Day Celebration,
visits have started up again. The Catholic Church        Winter Carnival, Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Bun-
does a full mass and with communion as most of           ny Visit, Mother’s Day Special Event, Father’s Day
the residents AVENS are of catholic religion.            Special event, National Indigenous Peoples Day,
                                                         Canada Day, Thanksgiving Day Dinners, Hallow-
                                                         een, Remembrance Day, and Christmas Party.
Some of the outings that the residents go on are
visits to the North Country stables, Yellowknife River
drives, picnics at Fred Henne Park, and bus tours of
Yellowknife. Our outings involve packing snacks and
bringing drinks, like hot chocolate, tea and coffee.

SJA Dog Therapy: This year as been a little dif-
ferent as we have been doing virtual visits on the
iPad with the residents.

Bunny Therapy: A resident bunny, either Kobe
or Lady, is swaddled in a baby blanket and taken
around for the residents to snuggle, and pet.

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            AVENS – GOING THE EXTRA MILE FOR                         STAFF SHINING STARS
            SENIORS (GEMS) PROGRAM                                   During the long-term service awards ceremony
            Last year we launched the new AVENS Going                Avens also took the opportunity to recognize 10
            the Extra Mile for Seniors (GEMS) program. This          staff members for being “shining stars’ because of
            program gives our employees, our volunteers, our         their contribution to AVENS and by going over and
            residents and even their families an opportunity         above and really being a true example of what the
            to be recognized for their contributions based on        GEMS program really stands for.
            AVENS foundation core values of: Respect, Dignity,
                                                                     Raymundo Jimenez             Christine Zamudio
            Collaboration, Accountability and Integrity. Our
                                                                     Megan-Tania Jones            Christian Siguenza
            GEMS are recognized annually and will receive            Jessica Ewing                Carol Norwegian
            a lapel pin on their name tag designating this           Gloria Taylor-Vicente        Ketty Beaverho
            heartfelt thank you.                                     Emily Harman                 Randie Salaveria

            This year AVENS recognized 23 staff members, with over 200 + years of service, in a
            long-term service awards ceremony on March 10, 2021.

            5 years              10 years             20 years                                        25 years
            Xue Hua Chen         Ritah Bumhira
            Holly Mann           Renee Wiseman
            Cecielle Valerio     Natallia Salodkina
            Mercedes Tuerto      Melanya Grigoryan
            Sarojini Jhankur     Marivic Bray
            Emily Harman         Margaret Shatei
            Milagros Antioquia   Joicy Vincent
            Christine Zamudio    Alma Jaboneta
            Fariba Habib,        Laurence Wilson
            Meladine Salaveria

                                                      Marites Arambulo      Vicky Duculan             Gena Samardzija
                                                                                                      Not Pictured: Marites Feria

            Long-Term Service Employees

                                         Sheila Frances Broders was a compasionate,        to lend an ear to whomever wanted to chat ”,
                                         sincere, and selfless person always thinking      as described in her memorial.
                                         about others, doing what she could to help        The Sheila Broders award was first awarded
                                         however and whenever. Although a fondness         in 2013 at the annual Aurora Colledge awards
                                         for her Newfoundland, she loved her work          to a student of the Personal Support Worker
                                         in Yellowknife, as a Resident Care Aide at        Program who demonstrated the following
                                         AVENS.                                            qualities:
                                         The residents at AVENS looked forward to          Good attendance, high professional
                                         seeing her on every shift. Sheila loved hearing   standards, caring and understanding, good
                                         about their lives and was able to face every      listening skills, team work and the ability to
                                         challenge that came her way with a smile.         work well with others, sincere, selflessness and
                                         Sadly, her passing on January 30, 2013 was a      a “friend” to all.
                                         shock to many within our AVENS family.            We are pleased to announce this years
                                         “Her work ethic was like no other, always         Aurora College selected recipient of the
                                         storming and looking for a way to make life       Sheila Broders award is Ms. Teresa Simon.
                                         easier for all Redwood residents. Sheila was      We, at AVENS couldn’t be any happier –
Ms. Teresa Simon, Award Recipient &      the co-worker everyone loved, she was there       Congratulations Teresa!
Frances Bower, AVENS Director of Care

    The Aurora College recently created a new            nominated you for this award for building
    Personal Support Worker (PSW) Clinical               strong relationships with residents,
    Excellence Award that demonstrates                   showing growth throughout the program,
    excellence in the PSW practice setting.              and demonstrating initiative in clinical
    This award is chosen by the Personal                 placements. You continuously worked
    Support Worker Faculty of the School of              to engage residents and enhance their
    Health and Human Services Programs and is            quality of life. You are always looking for
    based on the following criteria:                     ways to become involved in resident
    • Demonstrates ability to build strong               activities. You are hardworking with a kind
      relationships with residents.                      heart; conscious mind and you apply your
    • Evidence of growth as a student                    positive energy and optimistic outlook
    • Demonstrates leadership                            to everything you do. As a student, you
    • Demonstrates professionalism                       regularly went above and beyond your
    • Evidence of strong clinical performance            role to take on additional education and
    • Good academic standing                             learning. You take on any challenge in
    • Promotes the role of PSW”                          order to connect with your residents,
    • Demonstrates initiative at clinical                when a resident is unable to verbally
      placements                                         communicate; you develop unique ways
    We were pleased when we heard that                   to connect. You are an exceptionally
    AVENS very own Karin von Allmen was                  engaging, interesting and warm person
    this year’s recipient. This was what Aurora          with tremendous strength of character and
                                                                                                       Rachel Nolting, Aurora College
    College said to Karin:                               integrity. We are delighted and proud to      Instructor, Karin von Allmen, AVENS
                                                         call you an Aurora College – PSW Grad!        Employee, Chantele Fage, Aurora
      Congratulations Karin on being the                                                               College PSW Instructor.
      recipient of the Personal Support Worker         We at AVENS could not be more proud -
      Clinical Excellence Award. Your instructors      Congratulations Karin!

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             Volunteer Recognition
                                                                      Due to COVID restrictions in place AVENS was not
                                                                      permitted any visitors in the building. Therefore, a
                                                                      lot of programs had to be put on hold due to no
            In this years Volunteer Helping Hands program,            volunteers being allowed in the building. So we just
            we recognized 5 people, plus 1 dog for their              wanted to extend a thank you to all volunteers for
            selflessness and continued support to AVENS               their patience during this time. We are hoping to be
            through the variety of different services and             allowed to have volunteers and be back to regular
            volunteer programs they provide to the residents.         programming as soon as possible.

             Ann Clair Russell & Louise Boettger – Wednesday          Christine & George Harris – For maintaining AVENS
             prayers and rosary                                       grounds with the beautiful flowers and conducting
                                                                      the recycling program every year.

             Carrie Vega – assisting with the Sunday Church Service

                                                                      Donamae Hilton and Mark-Cuss (the dog) –
                                                                      Virtual Dog Therapy

                                                                          On behalf of the President & CEO’s Office and
                                                                      the AVENS Board, we want to congratulate all those
                                                                      who were recognized at this special tribute.
                                                                          Together, we take pride in your
                                                                      accomplishment and your commitment to
                                                                      excellence. You have shown that each one of us can
                                                                      make a difference in changing the world.
             Salud Yuvienco – Fish care

             Not pictured: Louise Boettger

Our Donors

INIDIVIDUALS             CORPORATE                             OPERATION CARE ON WHEELS
Larry Adamson           100 Men Who Give a Damn                DeBeers Group of               Robert Carr
Cecile Beemer           5106 NWT Limited                       Companies and Partners         Ben McDonald
Wayne Butler            Adam Dental Clinic                     Canuck Consulting and          Tony White
Kristen Cameron         Artech Engrave                          Contracting                   Tanner Dolynny
                                                               Northways consulting           Juanita and Sandra Walsh
Garth Carman            The Bottleshop Recycling Depot Inc.
                                                               Epiroc Consulting              Linda Bussey
John Colford            Camco
                                                               J&S Contracting Ltd            Sylvia Masongsong
Della Fraser            Canadian Tire - Yellowknife
                                                               Air Tindi                      Leanne Zackowski
David Gilday            Conquer                     SMS Equipment                  Hazel Wind
Catherine Harper        Copperhouse                            Acasta Heliflight              Lisette Kaip
J Op Der Heijde         Dragon Toner Law Office                Mountain Province Venture      Rick Maddeaux
Carla Kinakin           Elite Commercial Flooring              Eggenberger Family             Trina Rose
Lynda Koe               Indigenous Consulting Services          (Gladys, Albert, Jennifer)    Caroline Wawzonek
Curtus Lermo            J&A Fire Protection Ltd                Paul Bros Nextreme Inc.        Darwin Wark
Paula Letemplier        Mary Brown’s Chicken Yellowknife       NWT Disabilities Council       Oceane Coulaudoux
Len MacDonald           Matonabee Petroleum                    McKenna Funeral Services Ltd   Diane Patry
Ryan Mercredi           McLean Smits Family Foundation         N.E.R.D.S - Todd Slack         Adam Cassell
                                                               William Graham                 Patricia Rapley
Carol Norwegian         New Horizons for Seniors Program
                                                               Andrew Langford                Rosemary L. Huestis
Joey Norwegian          Paul Bros Nextreme Inc.
                                                               Bronwyn Watters                Shanta Ansdell
Tammy Oliver-Snook      PayPal Giving Fund Canada
                                                               Debbie DeLancey                Wayne Butler
Jerome Rondeau          Quality Furniture                      John Colford                   Carol Norwegian (plus 4
Chris & Rona Williams   Royal Canadian Legion                  Aaron La Borde Sutherlands     family members: Shanta,
Linda Schulz            Shoppers Drug Mart Yellowknife          5804 NWT Ltd                  Wayne, Kevin, John)
Almira Swihart          Spring Clean Up Volunteers             Haks Autobody                  Kevin Ansdell
Maureen Tonge           SSI Micro                              Ronne Heming                   John Ansdell
Marilyn Tucker          ULA Service Limited                    Larry Adamson                  Jane Romanowich
Trent Waterhouse        Unico Contractors (N.W.T) Ltd.         Mackenzie Management           Up Here Publishing Ltd.
Bronwyn Watters         United Way - Together we are           Mercedes Tuerto                Matonabee Petroleum (Fuel)
Judy Whitford             Stronger Fund                        Rachel and Jeremy              Yellowknife Motors (Service)
                                                               Walt Humphries                 NWT Legion
                        United Way of Northwest Territories
                                                               Pat Moore                        (Vincent Massey)
                        Yellowknife BPO Elks Lodge #314
                                                               Brad Heath
                        The Yellowknife Community Foundation
                        The Yellowknife Community
                          Foundation - Albert Hall Fund
                        The Yellowknife Community
                          Foundation- Barb Bromley Fund
                        Yellowknife Motors

        We would also like to thank everyone
        who made an anonymous donation.
             You know who you are.
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            Featured Donations

            OPERATION CARE ON WHEELS DONATIONS                      Front Row: Selena Pukanich (DeBeers), Lyndon Clark (DeBeers),
                                                                    Marion LaVigne ( Pink jacket - Avens Board of Directors, Chair),
            • Debeers / Mountain Province Venture & Partners
                                                                    Sandra Turner (colorful mask - Avens Board of Directors,
              (Canuck Consulting and Contracting, Northways         Director), Bronwyn Watters (blue jacket - Avens Board of
              Consulting, Epiroc Consulting, J&S Contracting Ltd,   Directors, Director), Chris Reynolds (Air Tindi)
              Air Tindi, SMS Equipment, Acasta Heliflight)          Second Row: Gareth Connell (SMS Equipment), Matt Johnson
            • Eggenberger Family - $25,000                          (Acasta Heli Flight), Desiree Westgard (J&S Contracting), Daryl
            • NWT Disabilities Council - $10,000                    Dolynny (AVENS CEO), Jay Westgard (J&S Contracting), Ralph
                                                                    Snyder (AVENS Staff), Mazin Ahmed (AVENS Staff), Lindsey
            • NWT Legion - $4,500
                                                                    Dwojak (AVENS Staff, behind the banner), Randie Salaveria
                                                                    (AVENS Staff), Steven Nichols (AVENS Staff)
                                                                    Back Row (AVENS staffers): Sara Fullerton (behind the banner),
                                                                    Frances Bower, Carol Norwegian, Emily Harman, Gloria Taylor,
                                                                    Sandra Walsh, Lawrence Malaque, Chelsea Pukanich

                                                                                                  100 MEN WHO GIVE A DAMN
                                                                                                  - $10,000 donation – was used to
                                                                                                    purchase sustainable flooring for
                                                                                                    the greenhouse.

FOOD BANK CANADA                                    SANITIZER FROM CANADIAN TIRE
- 5 pallets of chicken                              - 2 pails of hand sanitizer – store manager
- cost offset to AVENS is $22,500                     Richard and Housekeeping Supervisor for
                                                      AVENS Randie Salaveria

- Joey Norwegian designed this beautiful wood      - A collection of “fidget blankets” a stimulation
  Coffee and Ice Cream cart to aid in delivering     resource for dementia patients was generously
  delicious snacks to residents on campus.           donated to AVENS by Bozena Robertson from
                                                     Fort Smith for the residents to use.

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            Our Partners
            Government Partners                                       is critical to ensuring NWT seniors have access to
                                                                      affordable, long-term care and subsidized housing.
            AVENS is the only not-for-profit, non-government          We need to further engage these partners and oth-
            organization providing housing, and long term care        ers to meet our mission moving into the future.
            to seniors in the NWT and is the only provider of               The AVENS board of directors will be working
            memory (dementia) care in the territory.                  closely with the territorial government to ensure
                 AVENS relies on government partners to fund          adequate funding levels to provide the necessary
            many of these services to keep the cost associated        quality services that AVENS currently provides
            with the services affordable for residents. This is       to residents. The AVENS board has also sought
            made possible through a contribution agreement            support and partnerships with other entities such
            with the territorial government’s Department of           as the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation
            Health and Social Services (HSS) and the Northwest        (CMHC). CMHC’s National Housing Strategy
            Territories Health and Social Services Authority.         (NHS) which offers opportunities to groups such as
                 AVENS also has an agreement with the NWT             AVENS to partner with Indigenous governments,
            Housing Corporation for the operation and main-           the Government of Canada and various GNWT
            tenance of the housing units in the Court and the         departments to increase the available housing stock
            Ridge. This agreement specifies the levels of rent        on the AVENS Campus.
            AVENS charges and provides funding to cover some                AVENS believes all levels of government should
            of the rent and maintain the units in good repair.        play a role in meeting the growing needs of our
                 The funding from these government partners           seniors’ population.

            Other Partners                                            Yellowknife Association of Community Living
                                                                      AVENS provides a safe and accepting volunteer
            In addition to the government, AVENS also partners
                                                                      environment for a client of the association.
            with a number of organizations to enhance its services.
                                                                      Yellowknife Community Foundation
            Aurora College
            Many students in nursing, social work and the care        YCF holds a fund dedicated to recreation activities for
            aide programs have completed practicums with              residents of Aven Manor and Aven Cottages.
            AVENS in the recreation department, and have              Yellowknife Seniors Society
            helped organize events.                                   Yellowknife Seniors Society operates the Baker Center
            Alzheimer Society of AB and NWT                           on AVENS Campus and provides a range of wellness
                                                                      program and services to seniors.
            The Alzheimer Society and AVENS collaboratively
            provide cultural recreation programs. AVENS also          Inclusion NWT
            supports students associated with the Society.            Inclusion NWT is a non-profit charitable organization
            City of Yellowknife                                       that support people with intellectual and other
                                                                      disabilities and their families, across their lifetime.
            AVENS partnered with the Yellowknife Fire
                                                                      They help them live meaningful lives and be active in
            Department to conduct mock evacuation and multiple
                                                                      all aspects of community life by assisting with various
            fire safety services.
                                                                      projects on the AVENS campus.
            Canadian National Institute for the Blind                 NWT Disabilities
            CNIB NT offers services to AVENS residents                NWT Disabilities exists to educate, advocate, and support
            experiencing visual impairment.                           the self-determination of all individuals with disabilities.
            Union of Northern Workers                                 NWT Seniors Society
            AVENS continues to work towards a collaborative           Yellowknife Seniors Society operates the Baker Center
            working relationship with UNW for the betterment of       and provides a range of program and services to seniors.
            our residents and those who care for them.

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