The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

Wounds UK

                               The identification
                               and management
                               of moisture lesions
Karen Ousey, Janice Bianchi,
Pauline Beldon, Trudie Young


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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure
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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

Wounds UK                                                                                                              © Wounds UK Limited,
                                                                                                                       A Schofield Healthcare
Wound digest                                                                                        s4                 Media Company
A look at the latest research on moisture lesions and IAD
                                                                                                                       All rights reserved. No part of this
                                                                                                                       publication may be reproduced,
Top tips on avoidance of incontinence-associated dermatitis                                          s6                stored in a retrieval system or
Janice Bianchi                                                                                                         transmitted in any form or by any
                                                                                                                       means, electronic, mechanical,
The causes and clinical presentation of moisture lesions                                            s9                 photocopying, recording or
Trudie Young                                                                                                           otherwise without prior permission
                                                                                                                       from the publishers.
The use of faecal management systems to combat skin damage                                          s11
                                                                                                                       The views expressed in this
Janice Bianchi
                                                                                                                       document are those of the authors
                                                                                                                       and do not necessarily reflect those
The latest advances in skin protection                                                              s17                of Wounds UK. Any products
Pauline Beldon                                                                                                         referred to should only be used as
                                                                                                                       recommended by manufacturers’
                                                                                                                       data sheets.

                                                                                                                       To reference this document, cite the
                                                                                                                       Wounds UK (2012) Moisture Lesions
                                                                                                                       Supplement. Wounds UK, London


            oisture lesions, moisture ulcers, perineal dermatitis, diaper dermatitis and incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) all
            refer to skin damage caused by excessive moisture. Yet there is often confusion between pressure ulcers and this kind of
            lesion. Distinguishing between the two is of clinical importance since prevention and treatment are quite different for
each (Defloor et al, 2005a). Due to the location of moisture lesions, they are often mistaken for pressure ulcers (Defloor et al, 2005b),
however, skin damage as a result of excessive moisture is defined as being associated with incontinence and not pressure or shear
(Defloor et al, 2005a), although moisture can contribute to the formation of pressure ulcers (EPUAP and NPUAP, 2009).
   Gray et al (2012) defined IAD as erythema and oedema of the surface of the skin, sometimes accompanied by bullae with serous
exudate, erosion, or secondary cutaneous infection. The risks of developing pressure ulcers or other problems with the skin increase
where there is faecal and/or urinary incontinence, often resulting in maceration of the skin and friction (Cutting and White, 2002). This
leads to the protective barrier of the skin being breached, allowing enzymatic attack (Wishin et al, 2008). It is of paramount importance
that clinicians are able to correctly identify this and implement strategies for the prevention and/or treatment of these lesions.
   The significance of correct identification and classification has never been more central, with many trusts identifying that moisture
lesions are often incorrectly categorised as category 2 pressure ulcers. There are a range of tools that can be used for evaluation of IAD,
including the Perineal Assessment Tool (Nix, 2002); the Peri-rectal Skin Assessment Tool (Storer-Brown, 1993); IAD Skin Condition
Assessment Tool (Kennedy et al, 1996); and the IAD and its severity instrument (Borchert et al, 2010).
   Proactive protection of the skin from maceration should be a priority, with regular skin inspection and cleansing and accurate recordings of
skin assessment and frequency of incontinence episodes (Ousey and Gillibrand, 2010). A structured skin cleansing regimen that does not deplete
the skin of moisture should be implemented. Nix (2006) recommended the use of as humectants, such as glycerine, esters, lanolin, cetyl or stearyl
alcohol, and mineral oils, as they prevent the loss of natural moisture from the skin. Treatment goals recommended by Gray et al (2012) include
protection of the skin from further exposure to irritants, establishment of a healing environment, and eradication any cutaneous infection.
                                                                                                                         Karen Ousey, June 2012

Borchert K et al (2010) The incontinence-associated dermatitis and its severity instrument: development and validation . J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 37 (5): 527-
535; Cooper P (2002) Incontinence induced pressure ulcers. Nurs Residential Care 5(4): 16-21; Cutting KF, White RJ (2002) Maceration of the skin: 1: the nature and
causes of skin maceration. J Wound Care 11(7): 275–8; Defloor T et al (2005a) Pressure ulcer classification differentation between pressure ulcers and moisture lesions.
Available at:; Defloor T et al (2005b) The effect of a pressure-reducing mattress on turning intervals in
geriatric patients at risk of developing pressure ulcers. Int J of Nurs Stud 42(1): 37–46; EPUAP/NPUAP (2009) Prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers: quick reference
guide. Available:; Gray M et al (2012) Incontinence-associated dermatitis: A comprehensive review and
update. JWOCN. January/February; Kennedy K et al (1996) Cost-effectiveness Evaluation of a New Alcohol-free, Film-Forming Incontinence Skin Protectant . White paper.
St Paul, MN: 3M Healthcare; Nix DH (2002) Validity and reliability of the Perineal Assessment Tool . Ostomy Wound Manage 48 (2 ): 43–49 . Nix D (2006) Skin matters:
Prevention and treatment of perineal skin breakdown due to incontinence. Ost Wound Man 52(4): 26–8; Ousey K, Gillibrand W (2010) Using faecal collectors to reduce
wound contamination. Wounds UK 6(1): 86–91; Storer-Brown D (1993) Perineal dermatitis: can we measure it? Ostomy Wound Manage 39(7): 28–31. Voegeli, D
(2008) The effect of washing and drying practices on skin barrier function. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 35(1): 84–90; Wishin J et al (2008) Emerging options for the
management of fecal incontinence in hospitalized patients. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 35(1): 104–10.

                                                                                                                                 Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2 S3
The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

                                                                      Wound digest
1. Prevalence, management and
clinical challenges associated with
                                              In each Wounds UK supplement, the digest summarises,
acute faecal incontinence in the ICU          in turn, recent key papers in the areas of leg ulcers,
and critical care settings: The FIRST™        moisture lesions, pressure ulcers and complex wounds.
cross-sectional descriptive survey.
2. Efficacy of an improved absorbent

pad on incontinence-associated
dermatitis in older women: cluster                Prevalence, management and              underestimated problem, which is
randomized controlled trial.                      clinical challenges associated          associated with a high use of nursing time.
                                                  with acute faecal incontinence
                                            in the ICU and critical care settings:        Bayón García C, Binks R, De Luca E, Dierkes C,
                                            The FIRST™ cross-sectional                    Franci A, Gallart E, Niederalt G, Wyncoll D (2012)
                                            descriptive survey                            Prevalence, management and clinical challenges
                                                                                          associated with acute faecal incontinence in the ICU

                                                                                                                                                   Credits: Hyunseok Michael Knight; Fields of View; Cherry Cyanide, on Flickr.
                                            Readability                               and critical care settings: The FIRST™ cross-sectional
                                            Relevance to daily practice               descriptive survey. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2012
                                            Novelty factor                             Feb 29. [Epub ahead of print]

                                             This paper sought to investigate
                                            and evaluate the prevalence, awareness             Efficacy of an improved absorbent
                                            and management of acute faecal                     pad on incontinence-associated
                                            incontinence with diarrhoea (AFId) in              dermatitis in older women: cluster
                                            the intensive care unit.                      randomized controlled trial
                                             The design incorporated a cross-
                                            sectional descriptive survey of intensive     Readability                       
                                            care units across Europe, including           Relevance to daily practice      
                                            Germany, Italy, Spain and the United          Novelty factor                   
                                             Nine-hundred and sixty two                   This study examined the efficacy of
                                            questionnaires were completed by nurses       an absorbent pad against incontinence-
                                            (60%), physicians (29%) and pharmacists       associated dermatitis (IAD).
                                            or purchasing personnel (11%).                 Most older adults with urinary
                                             The estimated prevalence of AFId            incontinence use absorbent pads. The
                                            ranged from 9–37% of patients on the          perineal skin region is a key risk area for
                                            specific day the survey was performed.        the development of IAD.
                                             The majority of respondents reported         A cluster randomized controlled
                                            a low-to-moderate awareness of the            design compared two absorbent pads
                                            problems of AFId.                             in female inpatients aged 65 years
                                             Patients with AFId often                    and over. Healing rates of IAD and
                                            demonstrated compromised                      variables of skin barrier function, such
                                            skin integrity, including perineal            as skin pH and skin moisture, were
                                            dermatitis, moisture lesions or sacral        compared.
                                            pressure ulcers.                               Thirteen patients (43.3%) from
                                             Reducing the risk of cross-infection        the test absorbent pad group and four
                                            and ensuring skin integrity were rated        patients (13.3%) from the usual absorbent
                                            as the most important clinical priorities.    pad group recovered completely from
To compile the digest a Medline search      Forty-nine percent of respondents said        IAD. Moreover, the test absorbent pad
was performed for the three months          there was no hospital protocol or guideline   group healed significantly faster than the
ending in June, 2012 using the search       for AFId management in their area.            usual absorbent pad group (p = 0.009).
term ‘moisture lesions’. Papers have been    There was a poor awareness of how
chosen on the basis of their potential      long nurses spent managing AFId — 60%         Sugama J, Sanada H, Shigeta Y, Nakagami G, Konya
interest to practitioners involved in       of respondents estimated that 10–20           C (2012) Efficacy of an improved absorbent pad on
day-to-day wound care. The papers           minutes with two to three clinicians are      incontinence-associated dermatitis in older women:
were rated according to readability,        necessary for each AFId episode.              cluster randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr.
applicability to daily practice and          The report concluded that AFId              2012 May 29;12(1):22. [Epub ahead of print]
novelty factor.                             in the critical care setting may be an

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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure
Visit the new
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MOisture lesiOns
Wounds UK has released its latest
innovation in online learning with the new
moisture lesions e-academy. Featuring
practical step-by-step guidance on
diagnosing and managing moisture
lesions, the new e-academy provides a
vital resource for tissue viability nurses,
nursing home staff, link nurses and anyone
else who comes into contact with moisture
lesions on a regular basis.
The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

                                                Top tips on avoidance
                                                  of incontinence-
  It is essential that when
   presented with a patient who
   is incontinent, clinicians take a
                                                associated dermatitis
   full history and carry out a full
                                         This article looks at methods for avoiding the
  In some cases, timely and
                                         development of incontinence-associated dermatitis
   appropriate skin cleansing and        (IAD) and provides some useful tips for practice.
   protection can prevent and
   heal incontinence-associated
   dermatitis (IAD).
                                       INTRODUCTION                                     periwound maceration (skin breakdown as
  The aim of skin protection          A systematic approach to assessment              a result of exposure to wound exudate) and
   products is to isolate exposed      of IAD helps with early recognition of           pressure ulcers.
   skin from harmful or irritant       whether a patient is at increased risk of
   substances.                         complications. It also helps healthcare          Gray (2007) observed that IAD associated
                                       practitioners to identify when prevention        with urinary incontinence tends to occur
                                       strategies should be put into place. This        in the skin folds and the labia majora in
                                       section describes the important elements         women or the scrotum in men, whereas
                                       of both assessment and prevention                IAD associated with faecal incontinence
                                       strategies which should be employed to           tends to originate in the perianal area. In
                                       avoid IAD.                                       severe cases, the erythema may extend
                                                                                        to the lower abdomen and sacrum
                                                                                        (Beldon, 2008). Candidiasis is a common
                                       1       RISK ASSESSMENT                          complication of IAD and will manifest itself
                                       It is essential that when presented with a       as a macropapular rash with satellite lesions.
                                       patient who is incontinent, clinicians take
                                       a full history and carry out a full assessment
                                       to ensure that an effective treatment plan       3      GRADE THE LEVEL
                                       can be implemented (Bardsley, 2008).             OF DAMAGE
                                       Clinicians should also consider whether any      When reviewing the language clinicians
                                       of the procedures that will be carried out, or   use to describe the degree of IAD, Bianchi
                                       prescribed drugs, have the potential to cause    and Johnstone (2011) found there was no
                                       loose bowel movements.                           consistency. In order to help clinicians to
                                                                                        accurately grade the degree of skin damage
                                                                                        and suggest management strategies, the
                                       2      ROUTINE SKIN ASSESSMENT                   National Association of Tissue Viability
                                       If the risk assessment has indicated that        Nurses Scotland (NATVNS) developed
                                       the patient is high risk of developing IAD,      an excoriation grading tool, which includes
                                       the skin should be inspected routinely.          clinical images, grades the level of excoriation
                                       IAD is characterised by inflammation of          and offers management advice This tool may
                                       the surface of the skin with erythema,           also help to encourage a consistent approach
                                       oedema and in some cases bullae                  in care of patients with IAD.
                                       (vesicles) containing clear exudates. In
                                       severe cases, erosion of the epidermis can       4       CLEANSING ROUTINE
                                       also be seen. Kennedy and Lutz (1996)            In some cases, timely and appropriate
                                       noted that the erythema may be patchy or         skin cleansing and protection can prevent
                                       consolidated (Figure 1) .                        and heal IAD. Soap and water should be
                                                                                        avoided. Soap is made up of a mixture of
                                       Observation of the distribution of               alkalis and fatty acid. The alkalis in soap are
JANICE BIANCHI                         these symptoms will help clinicians to           thought have the potential to raise the pH of
Medical Education Specialist at JB     differentiate from other types of tissue         the skin damaging the acid mantel (Beldon,
Med Ed Ltd; Honorary Lecturer at       damage, including intertrigo (inflamed skin      2008). Perineal skin cleansers are the best
University of Glasgow                  folds caused by exposure to perspiration,        choice for individuals with IAD. They come
                                       friction and bacterial or fungal bioburden),     in different formats including emulsions,

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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure
foams and sprays. They combine detergents     including:
and surfactant ingredients to loosen and       Acrylate polymer-based liquid film
remove dirt of irritants. Many are also        Petroleum ointment (43%)
pH balanced and/or contain moisturising        Zinc oxide in 1% dimethicone (12%)
agents, which restore or preserve optimal      Petroleum ointment (98%).
barrier function.
                                              With all of the regimens, Bliss et al (2005)
5      SKIN PROTECTION                        found that the incidence of IAD was low
The aim of skin protection products is        and there was no significant difference in the
to isolate exposed skin from harmful or       development of IAD between them. These
irritant substances. In the case of IAD,      results suggest the use of a defined skin care
skin protectors isolate the skin from         regimen using quality skin care products will
excessive moisture, urine or faeces.          prevent the occurrence of IAD.
Liquid barrier films and moisture barrier
creams or ointments are frequently used       If the IAD does not improve using these          Figure 1: Erythema may be patchy or
products. Bliss (2005) compared four skin     measures, the recommendations for                consolidated.
care regimens in the prevention of IAD,       napkin dermatitis in babies and children

 Table 1
 Common causes of incontinence
 Possible causes of faecal incontinence
 Anal sphincter damage or weakness
 Obstectric trauma to anal sphincter muscles; surgery e.g. latertal sphincterotomy,
 haemorroidectomy, anal stretch
 Neurological conditions
 Spinal chord injury; multiple sclerosis; Parkinson’s disease; spina bifida; stroke
 Impaction with overflow
 Frail or immobile patient; cognitive impairment, e.g. dementia; immobility/physical
 Ano-rectal pathology
 Rectal prolapse; congenital abnormalities; anal/recto-vaginal fistula
 Diarrhoea/intestinal hurry
 Chron’s disease; ulcerative colitis; drugs, e.g. antibiotics
 Possible causes of urinary incontinence
 Stress incontinence
 Pelvic floor muscles damaged or weakened
 Urethral sphincter damage
 Urge incontinence
 Urinary tract infection
 Neurological conditions as above
 Bladder cancer
 Increasing age                                                                                References
 Bladder outlet obstruction/stones                                                             Bardsley A (2008) An introduction to faecal in-
 Benign prostatic hypertrophy (men)                                                            continence. Continence Essentials 1: 110–16
 Unknown cause                                                                                 Beldon P (2008) Faecal incontinence and its
                                                                                               impact on wound care. Continence Essentials
 Overflow incontinence                                                                         1: 22–27
 Enlarged prostate gland (men)                                                                 Bianchi J, Page B, Robertson S (2011) Com-
 Bladder stones                                                                                mon skin conditions in children. In: Bianchi J,
 Constipation                                                                                  Page B, Robertson S (eds). Your Dermatology
 Surgery to the bowel or spinal cord                                                           Pocket Guide: Common Skin Conditions Ex-
                                                                                               plained. NHS Education Scotland: Edinburgh
 Weak bladder muscles
 Nerve damage                                                                                  Bianchi J, Johnstone A (2011) Moisture-related
                                                                                               skin excoriation: a retrospective review of as-
 Some medications                                                                              sessment and management across five Glasgow
 Medications associated with urinary incontinence                                              Hospitals. Oral presentation 14th Annual
 Alpha-adrenergic agonists; alpha-adrenergic blockers; angiotensin-converting enzymes;         European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel
                                                                                               meeting. Oporto, Portugal
 diuretics; cholinesterase inhibitors; some medications with anticholinergic effect;
 hormone replacement therapy; opioids; sedatives and hypnotics.

                                                                                                            UK 2012,
                                                                                                               UK 2012,
                                                                                                                     Vol 12,
                                                                                                                         VolNo  12 2 245
                                                                                                                             8, No    S7
The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

                                                    may be an appropriate route to follow.          faecal fluid or where the skin is already
                                                    Published literature suggests that when         damaged by IAD.
                                                    napkin dermatitis does not improve
                                                    using barrier products, a weak topical          Faecal management systems: In cases
                                                    steroid such as 1% hydrocortisone cream         of severe or high-volume diarrhoea,
                                                    or ointment can be applied twice a day          IAD and widespread skin breakdown
                                                    for 3–5 days. If candidiasis is present, 1%     can occur very rapidly. In this instance it
                                                    clotrimazole cream is recommended, or           may be appropriate to consider the use
                                                    a combined hydrocortisone/clotrimazole          of a faecal management system (Figure
                                                    cream when both dermatitis and                  2). These temporary faecal containment
                                                    candidiasis are present (Hunter et al, 2002;    devices consist of a soft flexible silicone
                                                    Bianchi et al, 2011).                           catheter, which is inserted digitally into
                                                                                                    the rectum and held in place by a low
                                                                                                    pressure balloon cuff that is inflated
                                                    6     TREATMENT AND                             with saline or water. The catheter is then
Figure 2: A faecal management system                MANAGEMENT OF INCONTINENCE                      attached to a closed-ended collection bag,
in situ.                                            The ultimate goal for any clinician             which enables accurate fluid balance to
                                                    caring for an individual with urinary           be maintained. These appliances are vital
                                                    or faecal incontinence is to alleviate          if the patient is at risk of dehydration. The
                                                    and control bowel/bladder function              device can be left in situ for 29 days and
                                                    (Cooper, 2011). Causes of incontinence          is a cost effective way of managing acute
                                                    are numerous and multifactorial (see            diarrhoea (Johnstone, 2005). While there
                                                    Table 1). A multidisciplinary approach          is a paucity of evidence for their use at the
                                                    may be required, with the continence            present time, if there is a risk of cross-
                                                    advisor included in the team of clinicians      infection with Clostridium difficile or
                                                    involved in planning care.                      Norovirus, faecal management systems
                                                                                                    may reduce risk to other patients due to
                                                                                                    their ability to contain faecal matter.
                                                    7      CONTAINMENT OF URINE
                                                    OR FAECES                                       8       DOCUMENT FREQUENCY
                                                    In individuals where bladder and or bowel       OF EPISODES OF INCONTINENCE
                                                    control is not possible, there are a range of   AND STOOL CONSISTENCY
                                                    containment products available.                 It is important to observe for changes
                                                                                                    in frequency of faecal or urinary
                                                    Body worn pads: these disposable pads           incontinence as this may indicate
                                                    come in various sizes depending on the          an increase in risk status. Equally if
                                                    volume of fluid expected. They are made         incontinence is becoming infrequent,
                                                    of super-absorbent material, which turns        the patient may be at less risk of skin
Bliss DZ (2005) An economic evaluation of           to a gel when it comes into contact with        breakdown. The Bristol stool chart
skin damage prevention regimesamongst
home residentswith incontinence: labor costs.       fluid, helping to lock the fluid away from      should also be to classify the form of
J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 32 (Supp             the skin. It is essential to change soiled      the faeces.
3): 51                                              products on a regular basis.
Cooper P (2011) Skin Care: managing the skin                                                        9      EDUCATION OF PATIENTS
of incontinent patients. Wound Essentials 6:        Urinary catheters: urinary                      AND/OR CARERS
                                                    catheterisation is not without risk             Education should be based around the
Gray M (2007) Incontinence-related skin             and should not be carried out unless            use of a structured skin care programme,
damage: essential knowledge. Ostomy Wound
Manage 53: 12: 28–32
                                                    there is a sound rationale. In the case         including skin cleansers, skin protectors
                                                    of uncontrolled urinary incontinence            and continence management. It is
Hunter J, Slavin J, Dahl M (2002) Eczema and
dermatitis. In: Hunter J, Slavin J, Dahl M (eds.)
                                                    with skin damage, the clinician should          important for the clinician to be aware of
Clinical Dermatology. Blackwell Publishing          carry out a risk assessment to determine        the possible causes of faecal and urinary
Ltd, Oxford                                         whether short-term catheterisation with         incontinence. This knowledge will aid
Johnstone A (2005) Evaluating Flexi-Seal® FMS:      an indwelling catheter is the best course       early identification of risk and timely
a faecal management system. Wounds UK 1:            of treatment for the individual.                intervention.
3: 110–14
Kennedy KI, Lutz I (1996) Comparing the ef-         Anal bags: These disposable                     CONCLUSION
ficacy and cost effectiveness of three skin pro-
                                                    containment bags are applied to the             If clinicians adopt the tips described
tectants in the management of incontinence
dermatitis. In: Proceedings of the European         peri-anal area. The skin-friendly               here they may be able to reduce the
Conference on Advances in Wound Manage-             adhesive holds the product in situ.             number of patients developing IAD
ment. Amsterdam                                     While they are useful, they may not             and the associated pain, discomfort and
                                                    be appropriate for high output of               embarrassment. Wuk

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The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

      The causes and clinical
         presentation of
         moisture lesions
  Excessive moisture from perspiration, urine, faeces,
  wound exudate or a combination of these factors, can
  begin to erode the integrity of the skin. The author looks at
  how the clinician can best identify moisture lesions.                                     Beeckman D, Schoonhoven L, Verhage S,
                                                                                            Heyneman A, Defloor T (2009) Prevention and
                                                                                            treatment of incontinence-associated dermati-

        he skin provides the body with        (Beeckman et al, 2009). In this situation,    tis: literature review. J Clin Nurs 65(6): 1141–54
        an external protective layer.         the skin is at risk of developing a           Beldon P (2008) Problems encountered manag-
                                                                                            ing pressure ulceration of the sacrum. Br J
        However, this layer is susceptible    secondary infection in the injured
                                                                                            Comm Nur 13(Suppl 12): S6–10
to damage and trauma from external            epidermis (Beldon, 2008).
                                                                                            Bianchi J, Johnstone A (2011) Moisture-related
elements, one of which is chemical                                                          skin excoriation: a retrospective review of as-
damage in the form of excessive moisture      Incontinence                                  sessment and management across five Glasgow
from perspiration, urine, faeces, wound       Urinary incontinence alone can                hospitals . Poster presentation. Harrogate,
exudate, or a combination of these            cause moisture damage, however, it is         Wounds UK
factors (Cooper et al, 2006; Evans and        exacerbated when combined with faecal         Cooper P, Clark M, Bale S (2006) Best Practice
Stephen-Haynes, 2007).                        incontinence (Vogeli, 2010). Initially the    Statement: care of the older person’s skin.
                                                                                            Wounds UK, London
                                              skin may be able to maintain its integrity
SKIN DAMAGE                                   against the physical and chemical assault,    Defloor T, Schoonhoven L (2004) Inter-rater
                                                                                            reliability of the EPUAP pressure ulcer classifi-
After exposure to excessive moisture, the     however, the intensity, duration and          cation system using photographs. J Clin Nurs
skin becomes damp, soggy and clammy           frequency of exposure to the irritants will   13: 952–59
and eventually saturated. At any point        influence the speed of the breakdown          Defloor T, Schoonhoven L, Fletcher J, et al
in this trajectory, the skin’s permeability   (Nix and Haugen, 2010).                       (2005) Pressure ulcer classification differentia-
can be breached and it is susceptible                                                       tion between pressure ulcers and moisture
                                                                                            lesions. EPUAP Review 6(3) 81-5
to physical damage from friction and          Extrinsic factors may exacerbate the
shearing forces (Beeckman et al, 2009).       proble, for instance, the side effect of      Evans J, Stephen-Haynes J (2007) Identification
                                                                                            of superficial pressure ulcers. J Wound Care
                                              some medications includes diarrhoea           16(2): 54-56
The outer layer of the epidermis consists     (Nix and Haugen, 2010).
of 70% protein, 15% lipids and 15%
water and is attacked by lipidolytic and      Microclimate
proteolytic enzymes. These are found          The role of the microclimate is being
in the highest quantity in liquid faeces      increasingly recognised as an influence on
(Beeckman et al, 2009).                       the humidity of the skin. Regulation of the
                                              microclimate, which includes controlling
The enzymes break down and destroy            the temperature and moisture of the skin,
the intercellular ‘cement’ and disrupt        are seen as pivotal in protecting the skin
the physical construction of the stratum      from external damage (Langoen, 2010).
corneum, resulting in erosion of the
epidermis and its subsequent barrier          MOISTURE LESIONS
capabilities.                                 There are many causes of and many
                                              ways to describe moisture-induced skin
This may be further compounded by             damage, however, the most common term
an increase in the normal acidic pH of        is moisture lesion.
the skin (4–6.8) due to the alkalinity
of urine and faeces (Cooper et al,            Incontinence-associated dermatitis is one
2006). The increase in the pH of the          cause of moisture lesions (Langoen, 2010).    TRUDIE YOUNG
skin encourages bacterial colonisation,       One literature review of incontinence-        Lecturer, Bangor University (Hon);
most often with Candida albicans              associated dermatitis identified 18           Tissue Viability Nurse, Aneurin Bevan
and Staphylococcus from the perineal          different terms for the condition             Health Board (Hon)
skin and the gastrointestinal tract           (Beeckman et al, 2009).

                                                                                                       Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2 S9
The identification and management of moisture lesions - Wounds UK SUPPLEMENT - Stop the Pressure

                                                     Gray et al (2007) defines a moisture        IDENTIFICATION
 References                                          lesion as ‘reactive responses of the skin   Tools have been devised to assist with
 Gray M, Bliss D, Doughty D, Ermer-Seltum J,         to chronic exposure to urine and faecal     the identification of moisture lesions,for
 Kennedy-Evans K, Palmer M (2007) Incon-
                                                     matter, which could be observed as          instance there is a skin excoriation
 tinence-associated dermatitis: a consensus. J
 Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 34: 45–54              an inflammation and erythema with           grading tool, however, their integration
 Kottner J, Halfens R (2010) Moisture lesions:
                                                     or without erosion and denudation’.         into clinical practice has not been fully
 interrater agreement and reliability. J Clin Nurs   Typically there is loss of the epidermis    achieved (Bianchi and Johnstone, 2011).
 19: 716–20                                          and the skin appears macerated, red
 Langoen A (2010) Innovations in care of the         broken and painful (Cooper et al, 2006;     The European Pressure Ulcer Advisory
 skin surrounding pressure ulcers. Available at:     Gray et al, 2007).                          Panel (EPUAP) suggest six questions/                                                        statements to consider when identifying
 skin-surrounding-pressure-ulcers (accessed 29
                                                     Pressure damage                             the cause of a lesion:
 May, 2012)                                          The link between incontinence and            Check the (wound) history in the
 Nix D, Haugen V (2010) Prevention and man-          pressure damage has already been                patient’s record
 agement of incontinence-associated dermatitis.      established. This is demonstrated            Ascertain what measures have been
 Drugs Aging 27(6): 491–96                           by the inclusion of incontinence in             taken/care provided so far
 Vogeli D (2010) Moisture-associated skin dam-       the majority of pressure ulcer risk          What is the skin condition at the
 age. Nurs Res Care 12(12): 578–83                   assessment tools (Braden — www.                 different pressure points?
                                            In addition, pressure      Check whether movement, transfers
                                                     ulcers (categories 2 and 3) are most            and changes in position may have
                                                     commonly confused with moisture                 caused the lesion
                                                     lesions (Defloor and Schoonhoven,            If a patient is incontinent, consider
                                                     2004).                                          whether the damage is a moisture
                                                                                                     lesion or not
                                                                                                  Exclude other possible causes (Defloor
Table 1                                                                                              and Schoonhoven, 2004).
Clinical presentation of moisture lesions and pressure ulcers
Characteristic                 Moisture lesion                    Pressure ulcer                 Along with the questions above, Table
                                                                                                 1 can help clinicians identify moisture
Cause                          Moisture must be present (e.g.   Pressure and/or shear must
                                                                                                 lesions, however, they do not provide a
                               shining, wet skin caused by uri- be present
                                                                                                 watertight process for reaching the correct
                               nary incontinence or diarrhoea)
                                                                                                 diagnosis (Kottner and Halfens, 2010).
Location                       May occur over bony                If not over bony prominence    Also, the prevention and treatment of
                               prominence                         then unlikely to be a          pressure ulcers and moisture lesions require
                               Perineum, buttocks, inner thigh,   pressure ulcer                 different clinical interventions, therefore, it
                               groin                              Equipment related – under      is essential that clinicians can differentiate
                               Skin folds                         a device/tube                  between the two conditions. If confusion
                                                                  Skin folds (combination)       exists, this may result in suboptimal use
Shape                          Diffuse differential areas/spots   Circular wounds                of limited resources, such as pressure-
                               Kissing ulcer                      Regular shape                  redistributing equipment and nursing
                               Anal cleft-linear                                                 intervention (Beeckman et al, 2009).
Depth                          Superficial partial thickness      Dependent on category of
                               skin loss                          ulcer                          CONCLUSION
                               Can enlarge if infection                                          It is important to establish the prevalence
                               is present                                                        of moisture lesions in different care
                                                                                                 settings as this will assist in the
Necrosis                        No necrosis                       Dependent on category of
                                                                                                 development of a strategy and allocation
                                                                                                 of resources to tackle the problem.
Edge                            Diffuse and irregular edges       Raised edge (chronicity)
Colour of the wound            Non uniform redness                Erythema                       In addition, the pathophysiological
bed                            Pink/white surrounding skin        Slough                         mechanisms that cause moisture lesions
                               (maceration)                       Necrosis                       require further exploration in order for
                               Peri-anal redness                  Granulation tissue             the exact relationship between cause
                                                                  Epithelial tissue              and effect to be established. Once this
                                                                  Dressing residue               is better understood, it will be possible
                                                                  Infection                      to begin providing support in the form
Distribution                   Confluent or patchy                Isolated individual lesions    of an unambiguous clinical definition
                                                                                                 and a validated observation instrument
Adapted from Defloor et al (2005), Nix and Haugen (2010)
                                                                                                 (Beeckman et al, 2009). Wuk

 S10    Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2

       The use of faecal
     management systems to
      combat skin damage
  Incontinence is a relatively common feature of the
  ageing patient, and can present as urinary, faecal or
  both. This article examines the different types of skin
  damage caused by incontinence, as well as outlining a
  new management tool to minimise this risk.
                                                                                              ‘The skin normally
                                                                                              provides an
                                                                                              excellent protective
I                                                                                             barrier against
    ncontinence-related skin                  developed by a group of UK experts.
    lesions, sometimes referred to as         This guide is designed to help clinicians
    incontinence-associated dermatitis,       identify the levels of moisture damage          physical and
(Cooper et al, 2008), are extremely
painful areas of skin damage in which
                                              present, how to manage each level of
                                              damage and also how such damage can
                                                                                              chemical damage’
the chemicals and enzymes present in          be prevented.
urine and/or faeces are allowed to erode
the surface of the skin (Beldon, 2008). In    This tool will be presented below,
some cases the damage caused is severe        however, in order to understand the
and debilitating for the patient.             mechanism of incontinence-related skin
                                              injury, it is helpful to first understand the
The skin normally provides an excellent       function of the skin.
protective barrier from physical and
chemical damage (Timmons, 2006).              FUNCTIONS OF THE SKIN
As people age, the protective barrier of      The skin plays a variety of roles in
the skin changes and the loss of elasticity   the maintenance of a person’s overall
and appearance of wrinkles can increase       health, including:
the skin’s susceptibility to pressure          Protection: the skin serves as the
shearing and friction damage, while the          body’s main protective barrier,
simultaneous loss of sebum exposes the           preventing damage to internal tissues
skin to chemical damage.                         from physical trauma, ultraviolet
                                                 (UV) light, temperature changes,
For patients who are exposed                     toxins and bacteria (Butcher and
to incontinence, which may be                    White, 2005)
compounded by pressure shear and               Sensation: the nerve endings in the
friction, the skin undergoes a number of         skin allow the body to detect pain as
attacks that will undoubtedly result in          well as changes in temperature, touch
loss of the superficial skin layers.             and pressure
                                               Thermoregulation: the skin allows
The presence of urine and faeces on the          the body to respond to changes
skin represents a significant threat to          in temperature by constricting or
its integrity and the best way to avoid          dilating the blood vessels within it.
problems is to identify the at-risk patient      The sweat glands produce sweat,
and act to prevent any damage. Nor is            which stays on the skin allowing
this often unseen problem rare — in              the body to cool down. When the
2007, Houwing et al estimated the                body is cold, the erector pili muscles
prevalence of incontinence-associated            contract, raising the hair and trapping
skin lesions in Dutch healthcare                 warm air next to the skin                    JANICE BIANCHI
institutions to be 11%.                        Excretory function: the skin excretes         Medical Education Specialist at JB
                                                 waste products in sweat, which               Med Ed Ltd; Honorary Lecturer at
A clinical guide to incontinence-                contains water, urea and albumin.            University of Glasgow
related skin damage has recently been            Sebum is an oily substance excreted

                                                                                                                   VolVol    No122 245
                                                                                                                       12,8,No     S11

                                                     by the sebaceous glands, helping to             One study in the US found that 48% of
                                                     lubricate and protect the skin                women aged over 50 had experienced
                                                    Metabolism: when UV light is                  urinary incontinence, 15% suffered
                                                     present, the skin produces vitamin            from faecal incontinence and 9.4 %
                                                     D, which is required for calcium              had experienced both (Roberts et al,
                                                     absorption                                    1999). These figures suggest a significant
                                                    Non-verbal communication: the skin            problem, both in terms of quality of
                                                     can convey changes in mood through            life for patients, but also in relation to
                                                     colour changes, such as blushing.             costs for healthcare services. It could,
 KEY WORDS                                                                                         therefore, be assumed that incontinence
                                                   The acid mantle                                 in the elderly is a significant problem,
     Incontinence                                 The pH of the skin normally stands              which is set to grow as the numbers of
     Skin                                         at between 4.4 and 5.5, which is why            elderly patients continue to rise.
     Moisture lesions                             this protective mechanism is known as
     Faecal management                            the acid mantle. This is the protective
                                                   layer that is created by the presence
                                                   of sebum, which creates a barrier to
                                                   chemical damage and also protects               ‘The pH of the
                                                   against some types of bacteria. The acid        skin normally
                                                   mantle of the skin provides significant
                                                   resistance against dehydration, as well         stands at between
                                                   as bacterial invasion.                          4.4 and 5.5,
                                                   Changes in ageing skin                          which is why
                                                   There are a number of changes that              this protective
                                                   occur in the skin of elderly patients,
                                                   which may predispose them to skin               mechanism is
                                                   damage:                                         known as the acid
                                                    Skin becomes drier and sebum
                                                      production slows down                        mantle’
                                                    Skin can crack due to dryness, which
                                                      makes it more vulnerable
                                                    Collagen depletion leaves the skin            Faecal incontinence
                                                      thinner, there is a loss of elasticity and   Faecal incontinence can be acute
                                                      the skin becomes more fragile                or develop into a chronic problem
                                                    Decreased sensory perception due to           depending on the underlying pathology.
                                                      reduction in nerve fibres can mean           Investigations should always be carried
                                                      that patients may not feel pain in           out to determine the exact cause of
                                                      areas exposed to pressure.                   the problem. Diarrhoea could be due
                                                                                                   to infection in the bowel or some form
                                                   THE PREVALENCE OF                               of chronic inflammatory disease, such
                                                   INCONTINENCE                                    as Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
                                                   As people age, the likelihood of                (Beldon, 2008). Overflow diarrhoea is
Bardsley A, Binks R, Kiernan M, Beldon P           incontinence increases — the bladder            also common in the elderly due to bowel
(2007) Management of Faecal Incontinence:
A guideline for the healthcare professional.       becomes more irritable, will hold less          impaction as a result of constipation.
Continence UK, Aberdeen                            fluid and may empty less efficiently            This should be investigated prior to
Beldon P (2008) Moisture lesions: the effect of    (Millard and Moore, 1996).                      commencing treatment for constipation,
urine and faeces on the skin. Wound Essentials                                                     as aperients and enemas should not
3: 82–87                                           If these natural age-related changes are        be given to patients with disease or
Berg RW, Buckingham KW, Stewart RL (1986)          also compounded by concurrent illness,          infection (Beldon, 2008).
Etiologic factors in diaper dermatitis: the role   such as dementia or local surgery, then
of urine. Pediatr Dermatol 3: 102–06
                                                   there is a likelihood that incontinence         Clostridium difficile is an anaerobic
Butcher M, White R (2005) The structure and        may develop (Farage et al, 2007).               bacteria that normally lives in the
functions of the skin. In: White R, ed. Skin
Care in Wound Management: Assessment,
                                                                                                   large bowel of some healthy patients
Prevention and Treatment. Wounds UK,               The prevalence of incontinence in those         and is subdued by the action of other
Aberdeen                                           aged over 65 is said to be in the region of     commensal bacteria in the bowel.
Cooper P, Gray DG, Russell F (2008) Compar-        7% (Soffer and Hull, 2000), although this       However, in certain situations, such as
ing Tena Wash Mousse with Clinisan Foam            figure is likely to be an underestimate as      the presence of antibiotics, the numbers
Cleanser: the results of a comparative study,      the condition is often under-reported due       of commensal bacteria are reduced,
Wounds UK 4(3): 12–21
                                                   to the attached stigma (Beldon, 2008).          which leads to the proliferation of C.

S12    Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2
difficile bacteria. The toxins released       with a towel after they have showered.
by this virulent bacteria create an           Farage et al (2007) suggest that once the
inflammatory response within the bowel        skin integrity is breached, both bacteria
causing damage to the mucosa, which           and fungal infection may occur. Faecal
leads to diarrhoea (Bardsley et al, 2007).    material contains a large number of
                                              bacteria that are not normally in contact
The effects of incontinence on the skin       with the skin, however, when present
Roberts et al (1999) suggest that             in the vicinity of a moisture lesion,

                                                                                              ‘Skin damage
incontinence may exist as a transient         are in danger of causing an infection
problem, possibly as a result of illness,     (Whitman, 1991).
but if allowed to progress beyond six
                                              For example, Candida albicans is a
                                                                                              caused by
months it can become chronic and more
difficult to resolve.                         common fungus, which thrives in the
                                              environment created within moisture             is variously
                                                                                              referred to as
The structure of the skin and the             lesions.
presence of the acid mantle are key
to providing protection from external         Farage et al (2007) also highlight the          moisture lesions
                                                                                              or incontinence
factors, such as urinary or faecal            role of occlusion when poor quality
incontinence. In patients with urinary,       incontinence pads or pants are used.
faecal or combined incontinence, the
skin is exposed to the harmful effects of
                                              Occlusion is likely to exacerbate
                                              the impact of incontinence on the
the chemicals and toxins within the fluid,    skin’s barrier function and encourage
which may then begin to disturb the           maceration.
protective function of the skin.
                                              The role of shearing and friction in the
Farage et al (2007) describe the effects      formation of moisture lesions is unclear,
of incontinence as chemical irritation,       however, the predominance of lesions
mechanical injury and increased               on the buttock area and the natal cleft
susceptibility to infection.                  would suggest that these sites are prone
                                              to friction, which may combine to create
When urine breaks down it forms               further tissue damage.
ammonia, which is an alkaline substance,
this increasing the pH of the skin, which     Once the skin has been breached, the lesion
results in disruption of the acid mantle.     that forms may cover a large area and begin
This effect can be compounded if there        with mild erythema, which, if left untreated,
is also faeces present, which contains        may deteriorate into blistering and in time
proteolytic enzymes. These enzymes are        erode the skin’s surface. Skin damage
                                                                                              Farage MA, Miller KW, Berardesca E, Maibach
reactivated by the increase in pH on the      caused by incontinence is variously referred
                                                                                              HI (2007) Incontinence in the aged: contact
skin, which leads to further irritation and   to as moisture lesions or incontinence-         dermatitis and other cutaneous consequences,
skin breakdown (Berg, 1986).                  associated dermatitis.                          Contact Dermatitis 57: 211–17
                                                                                              Houwing RH, Arends JW, Canninga-van Dijk
The presence of the excessive moisture        MOISTURE LESIONS/                               MR, Koopman E, Haalboom JRE (2007) Is the
that accompanies urinary and faecal           INCONTINENCE-                                   distinction between superficial pressure ulcers
incontinence leads to the skin becoming       ASSOCIATED DERMATITIS                           and moisture lesions justifiable? A clinical-
                                                                                              pathological study. SKINmed 6: 113–17
over-hydrated or macerated, this also         Moisture lesions and incontinence-
                                                                                              Mathison R, Bianchi J, Bateman S, Harker J,
makes the skin more susceptible to            associated dermatitis are both terms used       Johnstone J (2011) Skin Integrity: A clinical
bacterial infiltration (Beldon, 2008).        to describe areas of skin damage caused         guide to ‘best practice’. Wounds UK Harrogate
Once the skin is over-hydrated it is also     by urinary and/or faecal incontinence.          Poster Presentation. Available at: http://www.
more prone to physical damage — twice         Skin damage in the perineal area and the
                                                                                              presentations-2011 (accessed 22 May, 2012)
as much friction energy is required           buttocks can cause the patient significant
to damage dry skin, compared with skin        discomfort (Farage et al, 2007).                Millard RJ, Moore KH (1996) Urinary incon-
                                                                                              tinence: the Cinderella subject. Med J Austr
that has been exposed to moisture for                                                         165: 124–25
prolonged periods (Sivamani et                Moisture lesions are often associated             [AQ13: Please supply Diagram 1
                                                                                              Morris C (2011) Flexi-Seal faecal management
al, 2006).                                    with increased age and decreased                  - Static
                                                                                              system       Stiffness
                                                                                                     for the preventionsIndex    formula]
                                                                                                                         and management  of
                                              mobility, as well as the presence of            moisture lesions. Wounds UK 7(2): 88–93
In order to reduce skin damage, those         incontinence.                                   Roberts RO, Jacobson SJ, Reilly WT, Pember-
involved in caring for patients with                                                          ton JH Leiber MM, Talley NJ (1999) Prevalence
incontinence should be aware of the           In addition to these factors, the patient’s     of combined faecal and urinary incontinence:
                                                                                              a community based study. J Am Geriatr Soc
need to avoid excessive rubbing of the        overall health, cognitive impairment
                                                                                              47: 837–41
skin, for instance, when drying a person      and concurrent medications may

                                                                                                                    VolVol    No122 245
                                                                                                                        12,8,No     S13

                                                 also play a part in the development            The key differences between the types of
 KEY WORDS                                       of moisture lesions/incontinence               damage are shown in Figure 2.
                                                 dermatitis. The pattern of skin damage
     Barrier films
                                                 is reflective of the flow of urine and
     Barrier creams
     Incontinence pads
                                                 faeces around the perineal area and often      MANAGEMENT OF
     Faecal management systems
                                                 appears like a superficial burn.               INCONTINENCE AND
                                                                                                MOISTURE LESIONS
                                                 Once superficial damage occurs,                Manageing the skin of patients with
                                                 bacteria from the stool can colonise           incontinence begins with regular skin
                                                 the skin and increase the inflammation         inspections. Without this, there is a risk
                                                 present, increasing the size and depth of      that skin damage may occur or existing
                                                 the lesion.                                    skin damage may deteriorate.

                                                 A new clinical tool to aid assessment          Any skin inspection should include all
                                                 of moisture lesions or incontinence            the areas that can be affected by urine
                                                 dermatitis                                     and faeces — the perineal area, the natal
                                                 Assessment of skin lesions is a key            cleft, in between the thighs, any skin
                                                 consideration if treatment and                 folds and the buttocks.
                                                 management protocols are to be
                                                 employed effectively.                          Using the appropriate skin cleanser is
                                                                                                another important step in managing
                                                 Wounds on the sacrum are often                 the skin of the incontinent patient.
                                                 classified as pressure ulcers regardless       Cleansers with an acidic pH, which do
                                                 of the cause of the lesion.                    not require rinsing off the skin, will
                                                                                                help to maintain the acid mantle and
                                                 Similarly, moisture lesions may be             prevent further damage (Cooper et al,
                                                 mistaken for pressure damage due               2008). Avoiding the use of soap and
                                                                                                water is also considered to be helpful,
                                                                                                as soap is alkaline and can further

                                                 ‘Managing the skin
                                                                                                disturb the acid mantle.

                                                 of incontinence                                Foam cleansers are available and these

                                                 patients begins
                                                                                                assist in skin cleansing by breaking down
                                                                                                the active components within the urine
                                                 with regular                                   and faeces, further preventing skin

                                                 skin inspections.
                                                                                                damage. The pH-balanced formulation of
                                                                                                these products also helps to maintain the
                                                 Without this, there                            slightly acidic pH of the skin (Cooper et

                                                 is a risk that skin
                                                                                                al, 2008).

                                                 damage may occur’                              The skin should be cleansed after each
                                                                                                episode of loose stool, using non-rinse
                                                                                                skin cleansers and soft wipes, which will
                                                                                                help to prevent excessive friction on the
                                                 to the position and the type of tissue         skin (Beldon, 2008; Cooper et al, 2008).
                                                 damage present (Morris, 2011).
References                                                                                      When possible, ‘air drying’ of the skin is
Sivamani RK, Wu G, Maibach H I, Gitis NV         It is also important for clinicians to         preferable and avoids rubbing the area
(2006) Tribological studies on skin: measure-
                                                 be able to recognise when lesions              with towels, which can cause friction
ment of the coefficient of friction. In: Serup
J, Jemec GBE, Grove GL (eds). Handbook of        may be caused by a combination of              and damage to the epidermis (Farage et
Non-Invasive Methods and the Skin. 2nd edi-      incontinence and pressure.                     al, 2007).
tion. Boca Raton, Taylor and Francis: 215–24
Soffer E, Hull T (2000) Faecal incontinence:     A group of UK clinicians have developed        Barrier creams can also be used to help
a practical approach to evaluation and treat-    a tool that can be used to help identify the   form a protective layer on the skin
ment. Am J Gastroenterol 95(8): 1873–79
                                                 type of skin damage present (Mathison et       between episodes of incontinence,
Timmons JP (2006) Skin physiology and            al, 2011) (see Figure 1). Using this chart     although it is important to avoid build-
wound healing. Wounds Essentials 1: 8–17
                                                 can help clinicians to identify the type and   up of these products and they should be
Whitman DH (1991) Intra-Abdominal                level of tissue damage present and choose      rinsed off at each episode of incontinence
Infections: Pathophysiology and Treatment.
Hoechst, Frankfurt, Germany                      the correct skin care regimen to best          (Beldon, 2008). Liquid barrier films, which
                                                 manage the patient.                            contain a solvent, that dries on the skin,

S14    Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2
are also available, although they cannot be
used on broken skin.                                                                     SKIN INTEGRITY: A CLINICAL GUIDE TO ‘BEST PRACTICE’
                                                                                          RACHEL MATHISON, Medical Affairs Manager, ConvaTec
                                                                                          Co-Authors: Janice Bianchi, Independent Medical Education Specialist and honorary lecturer Glasgow University
                                                                                          Sharon Bateman, Lead Nurse Wound Care, South Tees Hosp NHS Foundation Trust, The James Cook University Hospital
                                                                                          Judy Harker, Nurse Consultant Tissue Viability, The Royal Oldham Hospital,
The use of appropriate incontinence                                                       Alison Johnstone, Tissue Viability Specialist, Glasgow Royal infirmary

pads is also an important part of                Introduction: Maintenance of good skin integrity is everyone’s business. To distinguish the difference between a pressure
                                                 ulcer (PU) and other forms of skin damage can be extremely challenging for all Clinicians. Wounds to the sacrum are often
                                                 classified as a PU without any consideration to other causes. There are other reasons why wounds occur in this area which are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Method: A focus group meeting was sponsored by ConvaTec to explore current clinical challenges in the identification and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          management of skin damage caused by moisture, pressure, shear, friction, &/or a combination of these factors. Results: A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          table to illustrate differences between Excoriation [E], Moisture Lesion [M], Pressure Ulcer [P], Combined Lesion [C] has been
                                                 often related to moisture, either from wound exudate or more significantly unresolved or mismanaged urinary or faecal                                                                    developed [Fig: 1] to educate and encourage ‘Best Practice’ Skin Integrity management. Conclusion: The overall objective

managing patients with moisture-                 incontinence. Accurate diagnosis is imperative as prevention & treatment strategies differ largely and the patient consequences
                                                 of the outcome are extremely important. Bianchi & Johnstone (2011)1 indicated that despite guidelines and grading tools being
                                                 available to staff across NHS GGC, uptake was poor, only 36% of patients who should have been assessed for use of a Faecal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          was to develop a clinical differential diagnosis tool which is simple & easy to use to promote good skin integrity and assist in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          the prevention of excoriation and timely intervention of moisture induced skin damage management. Clinicians often wait until
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          excoriation is very severe, sometimes with bleeding before optimal intervention is considered incurring increased costs and

related skin damage (Farage et al, 2007).        Management System actually were. Although this percentage is low, it is not unusual. In a literature review literature, Gethin
                                                 et al (2011)2 also found use of guidelines for patient care was limited to between 17- 54% .Gethin also indicated dissemination
                                                 should be multifaceted, and clinicians want a simple tool. With this in mind a group of lead Clinicians in collaboration with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          patient associated problems. A recommendation made by the group is if the associated moisture problem is due to faecal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          incontinence (FI) to assess the suitability of the patient and then consider use of a faecal management system eg: Flexi-seal.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          It is widely known FI can be debilitating and intensely embarrassing to those affected and in many cases it has a profound
                                                 ConvaTec decided to develop a ‘simple easy to use guide’ to reinforce and build on the latest EPUAP documentation3 and                                                                   impact on the patients’ quality of life4. Early intervention is essential to prevent further deterioration and induce increased

Superabsorbent, breathable pads should           assist in management and the differential diagnosis between healthy skin, excoriation, moisture lesions and pressure damage.

                                                                                                           Excoriation [E]                                                                Moisture Lesion [M]
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          management costs for all.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Pressure Ulcer [P]                                                             Combined Lesion [C]

be used as these minimise moisture                        Fig: 1

contact with the skin, locking away
incontinence and avoiding occlusion
of the skin, which may exacerbate the                 Definition                 Erythema (redness), no broken skin
                                                                                                                                                                  Superficial lesions caused by irritant fluids i.e: urine, faeces,
                                                                                                                                                                  wound exudate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Area of localised damage to the skin & underlying tissue caused
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       by pressure, shear, friction, &/or a combination of these factors.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            One or more wounds with elements of damage to the skin &
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            underlying tissue caused by pressure, shear, friction, &/or a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            combination of factors plus moisture
                                                                                                                                                                  Irritant fluids / Moisture is present, eg urine, faeces, wound

                                                        Causes                   Irritant fluids / Moisture is present, eg: urine; shining wet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Pressure, shear, friction, &/or a combination                                        Pressure, shear, friction, &/or a combination plus moisture

                                                       Location                  Skin folds, anal cleft, peri-anal area                                           Skin folds, anal cleft (sharp edge), peri-anal area                                  Bony prominences                                                                     Bony prominences & peri wound area (i.e: peri-anal area)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            One spot, circular or regular or irregular wound edges combined
                                                         Shape                   Diffuse. Irregular shape                                                         Diffuse superficial spots, ‘kissing’ ulcers, irregular wound edges                   One spot, circular or regular wound edges
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            with diffuse superficial spots
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Partial – full thickness [from Category / Grade 2– 4] Generally
                                                          Depth                  No broken skin                                                                   Superficial – partial thickness skin loss (infection)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       deeper than moisture wounds
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Partial – full thickness [from Category / Grade 2–4]

The use of a faecal management system                  Necrosis                  None                                                                             No necrosis or eschar                                                                Necrosis likely                                                                      Necrosis likely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Distinct edges over bony prominence, irregular margins to
                                                         Edges                   Diffuse or irregular edges                                                       Diffuse edges and irregular lesions                                                  Distinct edges. Clear demarcation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            satellite lesions

to prevent incontinence dermatitis
                                                                                 Red but not uniformly distributed, pink or white skin                            Red but not uniformly distributed, pink or white surrounding skin                    Non-blanchable erythema, necrosis and slough. Red, yellow,                           Non-blanchable erythema, necrosis and slough. Red, yellow,
                                                         Colour                  [macerated], red with white [fungal infection]                                   [macerated], red with white [fungal infection], green [infected]                     green [infected], black.                                                             green [infected], black.
                                                                                 Complete assessment:                                                             Complete assessment:                                                                 Complete wound assessment:                                                           Complete wound assessment:
                                                                                 Review Bristol Stool Chart*                                                      Review Bristol Stool Chart*                                                          Refer to EPUAP 2009 Pressure Ulcer Definitions*                                      Review Bristol Stool Chart*

Faecal incontinence is a problem that
                                                                                 Clean skin with pH balanced cleanser                                             Clean skin with pH balanced cleanser                                                 Refer to local wound care formulary guidelines                                       Refer to EPUAP 2009 Pressure Ulcer Definitions*
                                                                                 Manage moisture: Use skin protectors: Eg: durable barrier                        Manage Moisture: Use skin protectors: Eg: durable barrier cream                      Ensure all assessments are completed and pressure relieving                          Refer to local wound care formulary guidelines plus consider
                                                                                 cream or barrier film spray.                                                     or barrier film spray.                                                               equipment is provided.                                                               management of surrounding skin as per Moisture Lesion [M]
                                                                                 Control urinary & faecal incontinence: use of pads.                              Control urinary & faecal incontinence: use of pads.                                                                                                                       guidance. Ensure all assessments are completed and pressure

can severely affect the dignity of a patient
                                                                                 Clinical recommendations:                                                        Clinical recommendations:                                                                                                                                                 relieving equipment is provided.
                                                                                 • If Bristol stool 6 or 7 & prolonged (ie: more than 3                           • If Bristol stool 6 or 7 & prolonged (ie: more than 3 episodes):
                                                    Management                      episodes): Intervene early - consider use of faecal                               Intervene early - consider use of faecal management system
                                                                                    management system eg: Flexi-seal                                                 eg: Flexi-seal

and is a great source of embarrassment                                           • If patients medical status &/or medication is known to
                                                                                    cause diarrhoea: Intervene early - consider use of faecal
                                                                                    management system eg: Flexi-seal
                                                                                 • If severe excoriation is present due to faecal incontinence:
                                                                                                                                                                  • If patients medical status &/or medication is known to cause
                                                                                                                                                                      diarrhoea: Intervene early - consider use of faecal
                                                                                                                                                                      management system eg: Flexi-seal
                                                                                                                                                                  • If severe excoriation is present due to faecal incontinence:

and stigma. Coupled with the                                                        consider use of faecal management system eg: Flexi-seal                          consider use of faecal management system eg: Flexi-seal
                                                                                                                                                                  If damage is due to wound fluid refer to local wound care
                                                                                                                                                                  formulary guidelines for management of exudate.

psychological ramifications are the
                                                Report & Recording                                    In line with local Trust policy                                                    In line with local Trust policy                                                       In line with local Trust policy                                                   In line with local Trust policy

                                                 This ‘simple easy to use’ clinical management tool is to be produced and disseminated by ConvaTec. All images sourced from ConvaTec slide library. ConvaTec wish to acknowledge the support and extend their thanks to the lead Clinicians for their time and input into this documentation.
                                               References: 1.Bianchi J& Johnstone A (2011) Moisture related skin excoriation: a retrospective review of assessment and management across 5 Glasgow Hospitals. EPUAP Oporto. 2.Gethin G, McIntosh C, Cundell J (2011) The dissemination of wound management guidelines: a national survey.

damaging effects of faeces on the skin,
                                               JWC 20:7;340-345 3.European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel and National Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel Treatment of Pressure Ulcers: Quick Reference Guide. Washington D C; 2009. 4. Madoff RD, Parker SC, Varma MG, Lowry AC. Faecal incontinence in adults. Lancet 2004;364(9434):621-32 .           /TM indicates a trade mark of ConvaTec Inc. ConvaTec Ltd an authorised user.
                                               5.* Bristol Stool Chart: Lewis SJ, Heaton KW (1997). "Stool form scale as a useful guide to intestinal transit time". Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 32 (9): 920–4.                                                                                                                                                 The presentation costs of this poster were sponsored by ConvaTec Inc.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             © 2011 ConvaTec Inc.

which if left untreated will result in the     Figure 1: Tool to be used for identifying skin damage.
development of moisture lesions.
                                                Reducing wound infection
Flexi-Seal® Faecal Management System            Reducing cross-infection in cases of
(ConvaTec) has been designed to be               infective diarrhoea
inserted into the rectum, allowing              Improving patients’ quality of life.
faeces to be drained through a tube and
collected in a drainable bag.

The system is designed as a temporary
containment device, which can be used
to treat immobile patients with liquid or      ‘Faecal
semi-liquid stools (Morris, 2011).             incontinence is a
In addition to protecting the patient’s        problem that can
skin from breakdown, Flexi-Seal                severely affect the
can help to divert faeces away from
wounds, which would normally become            dignity of a patient
contaminated.                                  and is a great source
The Flexi-Seal system is designed with         of embarrassment
soft silicone material and is retained         and stigma’
in the rectum using a water balloon,
providing a gentle method of retention.
The tubing also has a sampling port from
which faecal specimens can be removed          CONCLUSION
safely and without risk of contamination.      For patients with urinary and faecal
                                               incontinence, the risk of developing skin
Morris (2011) discusses the outcomes           damage is one that clinicians should be
of a service audit and subsequent              aware of.
evaluation of the use of the system,
listing its benefits as:                       Moisture lesions or incontinence
 Reducing risk of moisture lesion             dermatitis is painful and traumatic for
     development                               patients, many of whom are likely to be
 Reducing nursing costs involved in           suffering from concurrent illnesses.
     cleaning incontinent patients
 Reducing cost of cleansers, wipes and        Regular skin inspection and preventative
     barrier creams                            treatments should be employed to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Wounds UK 2012, Vol 8, No 2                                                                                        S15
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