Looking in the mirror - Usedfully

Page created by Leslie Ferguson
Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
Looking in
the mirror.
A review of circularity in the clothing and textiles industry in Aotearoa.

The Formary, November 2020 / © All rights reserved – contains
confidential information that is the sole property of The Formary
Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
   Executive Summary                    3    Textile Flows in Aotearoa             27

   The Case For Collaborative Change    6    Textile Industry Perspectives         35

   Introduction                         9    Conclusion: A Vision Of A Future State 47

   Methodology                          10   Acknowledgements                      51

   Global Context                       12   Bibliography                          53

   Developing Technological Solutions   19   Appendices                            56

   Increasing Regulation                20   Appendix 1: Biographies               56

   Rising Expectations                  22   Appendix 2: Usedfully –
                                             Textile Reuse Programme               57
   NZ Context                           23

   What We Found                        26

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
Executive Summary
   When we started the research for this             products. The industry’s linear production
   report in April 2020 Aotearoa was in              system is delivering more and more textile
   Stage 4 lockdown in response to the global        to market, while at the same time this textile
   COVID-19 pandemic. The clothing industry          is increasingly difficult to reuse, repair,
   was in free fall, with long established supply-   repurpose and recycle. Alternative routes for
   chains ground to a stand-still. Brands            unwanted textiles such as the rag trade, and
   were left scrambling to secure alternative        shipping to less affluent nations for resale
   production, and priorities were upended           are becoming less viable. The volume of
   in response to the closure of retail stores.      unsuitable textiles being donated to charities
   For many the pandemic has also triggered          is increasing rapidly, increasing sorting and
   reflection on the non-financial impacts of the    disposal costs, and hampering their ability to
   industry’s underlying business model and          generate income for their causes. In addition,
   future direction.                                 the rising trend for countries to restrict
                                                     imports of textile waste effectively puts the
   In recent years the clothing industry, and
                                                     responsibility back on the source country.
   to a lesser extent the wider textile industry
                                                     Already in Aotearoa the majority of textile
   has come under considerable public
                                                     waste ends up in landfill - an estimated
   criticism for conspicuous overproduction
                                                     220,000 tonnes every year.
   and environmentally wasteful practices,
   such as disposal of off-spec and unwanted

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
There is no doubt the world is on the              the potential roles of each organisation,
threshold of a rapid and far reaching shift        business, or person in the value chain. To-
across all of the foundational sectors of the      date in Aotearoa there has been a lack of
economy: materials, information, energy,           local information to develop an overview
food and transport. What is unfolding now          of textile material flows - not only clothing,
is not incremental but era-scale change.           but also linen, home textiles, and carpets. In
This includes a shift away from very large         addition, the various efforts of stakeholders
scale centralised industrial production            in the textile space to adopt more circular
systems which the textile industry has been        and resource-efficient solutions, including
dependent on for several decades, towards          product stewardship have so far been
distributed models and supply-chains. This         fragmented. A strong and broad foundation
migration will create more autonomous              is needed, in order for the industry to start
production regions, which combined with            driving the necessary change to a circular
technology advances such as fibre-to-fibre,        textiles system.
transparency platforms and sorting systems,
                                                   Clothing and textile waste in Aotearoa has,
and supported by organising systems such as
                                                   until recently, been viewed as fairly inert
laws and regulation, will facilitate the arrival
                                                   and unimportant. While much attention
of emergent circular systems.
                                                   and funding has been focused on the issue
If we are to transition to a new economic          of plastic pollution, this has not included
model, we must understand the resources            synthetic clothing - an important contributor.
in the system which are available to us -          Nor does it address clothing in its own
both in terms of characteristics like volume       right as a major contributor to waste and
and material type, but also in terms of            climate impacts. Although there are signs of

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
consumer sentiment shifting away from ‘fast’      beyond the point of sale, as well as greater
use of textiles, the industry has so far failed   collaboration between brands and between
to gain acknowledgement and support from          sectors, between government, industry and
the government to implement change.               community. As our reaction to the COVID-19
                                                  pandemic has shown, we have the potential
As a geographically remote small island
                                                  to pivot and to change our ways of working.
nation of approximately five million people,
                                                  The challenge now for the wider textile
our clothing and textile industry is very
                                                  industry is to turn towards a more circular,
small on a global scale, made up of even
                                                  resource-efficient way of making, using, and
smaller sub-sectors, from corporate fashion
                                                  reusing textiles in Aotearoa.
and commercial retailers, commercial and
domestic textile and flooring suppliers,          We are grateful to the Ministry for the
garment manufacturers, designer and                Environment’s Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para
bespoke brands and wholesalers. What              – Waste Minimisation Fund and the Textile
we have discovered through this research           Reuse Programme Foundation Partners,
is an industry highly aware of two of the         Alsco NZ, Barkers Clothing, Deane Apparel
critical transitions the world needs to make –    and Wellington City Council for their support.
transitioning to a low emissions living and the   To everyone who has supported Usedfully
transitioning to a low waste society. We also     - Textile Reuse Programme on our journey,
found an industry with a strong appetite for       especially everyone who contributed to this
improved models that serve our communities         report, thank you for sharing your insights,
and our environment better. To achieve this       your knowledge and your time.
locally will require those who bring products
to market to take more responsibility

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
The Case For                    Over the past decade, the fashion industry
                                has demonstrated tremendous growth –

Collaborative                   a steady 4-5% economic increase each year
                                (though expected to dip in 2020 because

Change                          of COVID-19). By 2030, the industry is
                                expected to reach $3.3 trillion in value,
Jason Kibbey – CEO Higg Index   with 102 million tonnes of merchandise
                                manufactured globally.1 As an ever more
                                inclusive and diverse industry, apparel
                                remains unsurpassed as the most personal
                                and expressive consumer goods industry
                                on the globe.

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
Yet, this growth has taken an environmental     practices are beyond the scope of a single
and social toll. 80% of all apparel             company, individual brand, or country.
merchandise ends up in landfills – a shocking
                                                To tackle these systems-level issues at
figure, driven by accelerating consumption
                                                the required scale, solutions must be
and the era of fast fashion. Because
                                                collaborative – and I believe we’re beginning
of its energy intensive manufacturing
                                                to see some promising developments within
processes, fashion contributes 10% of global
                                                the apparel industry. In my own two decade
greenhouse gas emissions, and it can require
                                                career in fashion, I’ve watched firsthand
more than 2,500 litres of water to produce a
                                                as sustainability has moved from a niche
single cotton t-shirt.2 Taken together, rapid
                                                concern to an overriding imperative. After
industry growth tethered to devastating
                                                launching the upstart organic apparel brand
environmental impact have put fashion on a
                                                Pact, I became the first employee of the
literally unsustainable path.
                                                Sustainable Apparel Coalition, which has
The world is waking up to this fact – and       grown to be the largest industry cooperation
companies, brands, stakeholders, and            of its kind. In parallel, collaborative initiatives
shoppers are asking: how can we change this     like Fashion for Good, The Fashion Pact,
broken system? Can we transform the idea of     the Clean Clothes Campaign, and Global
waste in fashion? How do we improve worker      Fashion Agenda have made great progress
livelihood? What might fashion look like        in creating industry forums for sustainability,
in a 1.5º world? But trying to answer these     sparking innovation in materials and
questions alone can lead a single actor to      processes, and scaling promising pilots to
feel a sense of despair. Restructuring global   more parts of the industry. Now as CEO
supply chains and overhauling industrial        of Higg, I’m helping to build software

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
tools that enable end-to-end sustainability       Zealand to showcase its unique strengths: a
measurement, so that brands, retailers, and       government committed to positive change,
manufacturers can make smart decisions            an engaged citizenry, and an industry that’s
based on dynamic value chain data. These          willing to roll up its sleeves and work together
are just some of the many emergent                to create meaningful impact.
initiatives within fashion that are built upon
                                                  Without a doubt, our year has been a
collaboration and shared data in order to
                                                  tumultuous one in every category: politics,
drive progress on key issues.
                                                  health, environment, commerce. The whole
However, while collaboration within               world is looking for practical examples
the industry is incredibly impactful,             of collaboration on behalf of the greater
transformative change requires an even            good, that can deliver meaningful benefits
deeper level of collaboration: between the        now while also providing a positive path for
industry, its stakeholders, and government        the longer term. It’s incumbent on all of us
as well. That’s why I’m so impressed with         working in apparel, textiles and sustainability
the trends I’m seeing in New Zealand.             to initiate and support these types of deep
New Zealand has long had a history of             public/private sector collaborations.
environmental leadership at a government
level and strong collaboration amongst
its stakeholders. The recently announced
Usedfully® Textile Product Stewardship
Project for clothing and textiles is the latest
example. This sort of multi-stakeholder
programme is an opportunity for New

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
    This report forms the first part of the            management, and ensuring the maximum             – Sustainability Specialist at The Formary
    ‘Textile Product Stewardship Project’              possible volumes of textiles are diverted from   (Coordinator), Juhi Shareef – Sustainability
    (TPSP), delivered by The Formary under             landfill. The concept of ’Product Stewardship’   Lead at Vector, James Griffin – General
    the Textile Reuse Programme (TRP) which            is that the responsibility and cost of product   Manager Projects & Advisory at the
    was established in 2016 as a cross industry        waste, which currently sits with local           Sustainable Business Network, Lauren
     collaboration aligning industry players in        authorities and ratepayers, is transferred       Degenstein – Researcher from Alberta
    a joint vision and commitment to a circular        to producers and consumers in a user pays        University, Canada.
     economy for clothing and textiles in Aotearoa     model. Adoption of a voluntary scheme can
                                                                                                        This ‘Summary Report’ is a condensed
     driving large-scale cross-value chain projects    help industry to meet market expectation
                                                                                                        version of ‘LOOKING IN THE MIRROR –
    to develop and implement new systems,              and to front-foot potential regulation and
                                                                                                        A review of circularity in the clothing and
     business models and technology at scale to        policy changes.
                                                                                                        textile industry in Aotearoa. Full Report’,
     radically reduce the environmental impacts
                                                       The TPSP commenced in April 2020 and             available at www.usedfully.com
     of the current linear system and transition the
                                                       will run until early 2022, and is designed
     market to a low carbon circular economy.
                                                       to inform a future Product Stewardship
    The ultimate goal of the TPSP is to establish a    Scheme. It is guided by an Advisory Board
    national accredited voluntary textile product      which reviews project planning and progress
    stewardship scheme for textiles in Aotearoa,       providing expert input into the TPSP. The
    financing the costs of end-of-life textile         Advisory Board comprises Brian Johnston

Looking in the mirror - Usedfully
   The starting point for this research was the      on-one interviews. A total of 36 interviews
   relative lack of granular data on existing        were completed between August and
   textile flows, and existing stakeholder           October 2020.
   actions and intentions relating to circularity.
                                                     Priority stakeholder interviews generated
   To further uncover the textile and clothing
                                                     rich but fragmented primary data and
   landscape the researchers took a mixed
                                                     valuable real-world insights. These data
   method approach generating both
                                                     sets were then combined with secondary
   quantitative and qualitative data. The
                                                     data sourced through a number of
   research methodology primarily involved
                                                     organisations and individuals - Statistics NZ,
   the analysis of qualitative data collected
                                                     WasteMinz, Local Council Data, university
   through in-depth structured stakeholder
                                                     and independent research were collected
   interviews. To ensure a holistic view, industry
                                                     through direct approach to research owners
   sectors were identified from across the textile
                                                     and internet research, data was then
   value chain. Textile product categories were
                                                     compiled for analysis. Interview responses
   identified as Clothing (both personal and
                                                     from all the participants were collated to
   commercial), Textiles (home and commercial)
                                                     allow for comparison and analysis.
   and Textile Flooring/Carpets. Over 70 priority
   stakeholders were identified as targets for
   interviewing and were approached for one-

The interviews were structured to explore key aspects
of textile manufacture, use, and end-of-life in order
to characterise each stakeholder’s understanding of
textile flows and circularity, including:

           –	Whether textiles were included in the broader sustainability strategy
           – Level of current (and planned) activity
           –	Drivers for getting involved, including key stakeholders
           – Barriers to getting involved
           –	Understanding of textile volumes handled (and end-of-life destinations)

Global Context
   Textiles are so ubiquitous their presence       price and bringing products faster to market.
   is profound, covering and protecting us         The consequences of this approach are
   from within moments of birth until we are       numerous, including a decline in durability of
   laid to rest. They adorn homes and offices,     product, consumers wearing each item less,
   provide protection from the elements            and rapidly increasing volumes of textiles
   and from disease. Unlike other consumer         being disposed of. As Figure 1 from the Ellen
   products, peoples’ relationship with clothing   Macarthur Foundation shows, the clothing
   (and therefore textiles) is deeply complex;     industry has doubled its output in just 15
   consumption is intrinsically bound to the       years (faster than global GDP growth) to over
   concept of self and to social identity.3 The    100 billions units per year, while clothing
   textile industry is present in every country    utilisation is on the decline.4
   on Earth, materials and products criss-cross
   the globe prior to reaching their intended
   markets. But while the value chain is global
   it has local consequences. The industry is
   based on a linear production model geared
   for growth transforming in recent years with
   the adoption of the ‘fast fashion’ model;
   offering consumers more choice for a lower

FIGURE 1: Growth of Clothing Sales and
          GROWTH OF CLOTHING SALES AND DECLINE IN CLOTHING UTILISATION SINCE 2000                                                  Decline in Clothing Utilisation Since 2000

         INDEX 100 IN 2000                 NUMBER OF TIMES AN ITEM IS WORN1
                                                                                                                                   ‘A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning
                    WORLD GDP                         CLOTHING UTILISATION                                                          Fashion’s Future’, Ellen Macarthur
                                                                                                          >100bn                    Foundation (2017)
                    CLOTHING SALES                                                                          units






          120        (2000)

             2000                              2005                           2010                              2015

1   Average number of times a garment is worn before it ceases to be used

Source: Euromonitor International Apparel & Footwear 2016 Edition (volume sales trends 2005–2015); World Bank, World development
indicators – GD (2017)
The model depends on taking more                  The textile industry is not alone in its
and more resources, processing them into          adoption of a linear model cumulatively this
products, selling them to consumers and            is leading to significant imbalances between
then encouraging them to buy more. The             resources consumed, and the Earth’s
unintended environmental and social               ability to renew resources. The organisation
consequences of this model have become            ‘Earth Overshoot’ measures the short-fall
too big to ignore.                                 of resources in comparison to population,
                                                   calculating that the world overshot its annual
Figure 2 illustrates the current global textile
                                                   ecological resources this year on August
value chain model. A linear system, with
                                                  22nd, in eight months instead of twelve.
some reuse, repair and repurposing occuring,
                                                   Drawing more from nature than the world
but the vast majority of textiles ending up
                                                   can replace in the whole year, leaving the
in landfill or incineration (depending on the
                                                  world in a resource deficit.
destination country). Research suggests that
the global clothing industry is currently 97%
linear i.e. 97% of materials used as input are
virgin, and only 12% of clothing at end of life
is recycled in any form. Only 1% of clothing is
recycled back into clothing.5

FIGURE 2: (Current) Linear Textiles Model

                                                                                               © Usedfully®


                                                                  Reuse            Repurpose

Raw Materials      Textile      Garment & Product   Retailers &                                     Collectors &
                Manufacturers    Manufacturers       Resellers                                      Aggregators


All types of textile fibre are resource intensive   growth path, by 2050, it could be consuming
and have an embedded environmental cost             more than 26% of the carbon budget
from the land, water, energy and chemicals          associated with the 2°C pathway to limit
used. The industry is starting to bump up           global warming.9
against the limits to growth. Natural materials
                                                    Landfilling textiles at their end of use creates
such as cotton or wool require a lot of
                                                    a further issue, the release of greenhouse
land and water for cultivation, the fashion
                                                    gases as they decompose. While the rate of
industry is projected to use 35% more land
                                                    emissions varies by geography (and level of
for fibre production by 2030 – an extra 115
                                                    research), there is alignment on the fact that
million hectares (or 4.3 times the landmass
                                                    after food waste, textiles are a hotspot for
of Aotearoa) that could be protected, left
                                                    emissions in landfill. This research estimates
for biodiversity, to preserve forest to store
                                                    that annually 220,800,000 kgs of textiles
carbon, or used to grow crops for food to
                                                    are landfilled in Aotearoa each year. The
help to feed an expanding population.7
                                                    Ministry for the Environment calculates
Synthetic fabrics are generally derived from        landfilled textile emissions at 1.80 CO2e per
non-renewable fossil-fuels, research has            kg.10 Equating to 397,440,000 kgs CO2e per
found that textile fibres make about 35% of         annum. Vast amounts of money are spent
marine plastic pollution.8 Global warming,          landfilling these valuable commodities, while
and the carbon emissions driving this, are          virgin resources continue to be extracted
of increasing concern to society. The textile       to supply the industry. According to recent
industry is a significant contributor with          research in Australia by Eunomia,11 textiles
global textile production generating about          were identified as having the second highest
1.2 billion tonnes of CO2e per year. If the         potential both in terms of reduction of con-
industry continues on its current consumptive       sumption, and improved recycling (Figure 3).

FIGURE 3: Analysis of Differing
                                                                                                Carbon Impacts Per Waste Stream
                                                                                                Taken from Melbourne City analysis
                                                                                                conducted by Eunomia (2019)
                                                                            Ferrous metal
                                                                            Non-ferrous metal
                                                                            Sanitary wastes
                                                                            Food waste
                                                                            Garden waste
                                                                            Paper / card
                                                                            Dense plastic
                                                                            Soft plastics

-50,000   -40,000    -30,000      -20,000     -10,000        0         10,000
                               Tonnes CO2eq

               Reduction Potential     Recycling Potential       Landfill Impact

The interim secondhand ‘reuse’ route via          the originating country. It does not address
charities is hugely beneficial for not only       the volume of textiles we are consuming and
prolonging a textile product’s useful lifetime    also does not meet consumer expectations
and helping the charity to raise funds for its    of resource reuse and environmental
cause, but also to provide meaningful work        stewardship. The issue is so significant that
for those who may be excluded from the            in 2016 a block of East African Governments
job market. However, the increasing volume        proposed a ban on the importation of
of donated textiles is testing the ability of     secondhand clothes.
charities to sort and process efficiently, and
much of it is ending up in landfill (damaged
or soiled) or sent offshore (to be sold in less
affluent countries).

The export of our unwanted clothing has
a number of negative consequences - it
undercuts local clothing production resulting
in the loss of skilled jobs, and it replaces
localised clothing with used western clothing,
with the loss of local interpretation and
cultural expression through clothing design.
Off-shoring used garments also pushes the
associated environmental and social impacts
to countries with less infrastructure and less
social and environmental protections than

Developing Technological Solutions
    Recycling technology lags well behind the        Mechanical recycling operations exist           Technologies that loop textile resources
    ‘fast fashion’ phenomenon. This is in sharp      in Europe and North America, however            back into fibre and enable the transition to
    contrast to the situation in the mid 20th        many are only able to ‘down-cycle’ textiles     a lower emissions industry are being piloted
    century. During World War II there was a         to lower quality forms e.g. clothing to         in various locations around the world but
    global shortage of textiles due to military      insulation material. In recent years there      still need further development to achieve
    demand (for uniforms, blankets, tents,           has also been a large increase in blended       commercial scale. This has been referred to
    parachutes, bandages etc). In that period,       textile production, i.e. textiles made from a   as the Achilles heel of the industry and is a
    the textile recycling business boomed            combination of natural and synthetic fibres.    hurdle to a lower impact industry. Research
    meeting the demand for scarce fabrics            This presents a huge challenge to current       and development of automated, or partly-
    and yarn. Once the war finished demand           (limited) recycling processes, as the blended   automated solutions is underway, a good
    for textile reprocessing plummeted               textiles cannot easily be separated back into   recent example being the ‘Fibresort’ pilot
    and technology stalled. Research into            their fibre types. US-based business Renewal    facility opened in The Netherlands in 2020.13
    technological solutions to the ‘textile waste’   Workshop’s research showed over half of the
    problem is belatedly gearing up, but it is       products they assessed for Brands contained
    already clear that we cannot rely on these       blended textiles.12
    solutions to ‘solve’ everything.

Increasing Regulation
    Non-financial impacts are increasingly being    its diversion from landfill to reuse and
    factored into the requirements of doing         recycling from 18% in 2009 to 36% in 201715
    business, particularly in Europe where the      Fees charged are based on quantity of
    European Commission is expected to start        textiles brought to market, with a discount
    developing a new comprehensive strategy for     for more sustainable materials. The income
    textiles. Stakeholders have been lobbying in    from fees charged is allocated to fund
    this space for some time, including releasing   sorting operations, community education,
    a shadow strategy14 to bring the textile        communication, research and development
    industry in line with other industries.         and efficiency projects. Although the scheme
                                                    is driven by waste reduction goals, through
    Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)
                                                    the creation of employment it has also
    has been applied in Europe to many
                                                    contributed to increased social and economic
    product categories. The term is often
    used interchangeably with ‘Product
    Stewardship’. The leading example of            Not all countries with an interest in EPR
    EPR in textiles has been running in France      are adopting a formal product stewardship
    since 2008 administered by the Producer         approach. Research in Nordic countries
    Responsibility Organisation ‘Eco TLC’           suggests that such schemes focus on
    (‘Textiles d’habillement, Linge de maison       collecting, sorting, and recycling, and do
    et Chaussures’ i.e. clothing, household         not adequately address the sustainability
    linen, and shoes) The scheme has doubled        of the system.
’EPR systems have a big                       tonnes of recovered textile waste 296 new
                                              jobs are created in sorting, disassembling
 impact on collection of                      and re-use and approx 2000 additional work
                                              training, internships and community service
 used textiles, but little                    opportunities.17

 impact on upstream                           The Finnish approach is also of interest
                                              as it applies the EPR concept without a
 stages i.e. design.                          regulatory framework. The ‘Telaketju
 Conversely, new business                     project’18 involves a broad engagement of
                                              retailers, waste businesses, municipalities,
 models like leasing/                         investors, central government, charities, and
                                              research organisations, with the ultimate goal
 reselling have a clear                       to build an ecosystem to drive circularity.
 upstream effect but little                   Each stakeholder is focused on supporting
                                              progress in its part of the ecosystem.
 impact on collection etc’                    Although not a regulated EPR scheme, the
                                              approach of ‘Telaketju’ is strongly influenced
The research also found ‘A mandatory EPR      by two regulations at national level: The
system embodies the potential to integrate    2016 ban on organic waste being sent to
a range (combination) of complementing        landfill (which technically includes organic
policy measures’16 creating a good systems    textiles), and the upcoming EU member state
foundation. The research found social and     requirement to start separately collecting
economic opportunities beyond waste           textile waste by 2025.
diversion, estimating that for every 10,000

Rising Expectations
    Through COVID the fragility of the world’s
    economic model suddenly became more
                                                  “Collectively we have                         be flipped into revenue generation and job
                                                                                                creation in the textile sorting and recycling
    apparent. A recent report by environmental    created a world where                         sector. Encouragingly, there are signs that
    consultancy Trucost19 found that of the top                                                 global textile businesses are becoming
    20 region-sectors ranked by environmental     our emissions have                            aware of the need to adopt a more circular
    impacts, none would be profitable if
    environmental costs were fully integrated
                                                  destabilised the planet’s                     approach and to lighten the burden on
                                                                                                the Earth. For example, around 12.5% of
    (paying their full costs). Herein lies the    climate and our waste                         the global fashion market made a public
    conundrum for business adopting more                                                        commitment to circularity in 2019 by signing
    sustainable behaviours competing in the       has disrupted every                           the Circular Fashion System Commitment.20
    same marketplace. The current distributed
    costs model is a society pays model,          ecosystem on the globe.”                      Consumer sentiment is changing, and
                                                                                                expectations of textile businesses and
    although appearing cheaper to the consumer, – Dr Stephanie Pride
                                                                                                government are rising. People have an
    many costs are none-the-less present but are
                                                 In the world’s current linear model, goods     affinity with the textiles that they wear,
    absorbed by society and the environment.
                                                 become a waste cost borne by the holder,       and do not want to feel guilty when they
    Sustainable models represent a user pays
                                                 the environment and society at their end       purchase products. The viewpoint that textile
    model where all costs are internalised, from
                                                 of use. Through the establishment of a         businesses are the cause of environmental
    paying workers living wages to paying for
                                                 more circular model, used resources that       and social impacts is a major risk to the
    environmental impacts of products and
                                                 are currently incurring a cost could instead   entire industry.
    services offered.
NZ Context
   The local textile industry has undergone        also occur offshore also e.g. water pollution,
   significant change since it was founded         carbon emissions and social impacts.
   over 150 years ago. Deregulation of the         However, once the textiles are onshored they
   textile industry in the 1980s led to the loss   tend to remain here. Export of secondhand
   of a mass-manufacturing, encouraging            textiles to less affluent nations does occur,
   specialisation within the industry but at       typically to Pacific Island nations, in particular
   a much lower level of activity. Wool fibre      Papua New Guinea.
   dominates local fibre production, with
                                                   A good understanding of the Aotearoa
   Aotearoa the third largest producer in the
                                                   context in this space is prevented by a lack
   world in 2019, producing over 9% of global
                                                   of data. With only high-level data available in
   production.22 Very little other textile fibre
                                                   terms of textile volumes being disposed of in
   manufacture occurs. Local manufacture of
                                                   landfill. MfE estimates that textiles comprised
   textiles also tends to be focused on wool due
                                                   4% of total waste volumes to landfill in 2008
   to the availability of raw materials, however
                                                   (126,240t).23 Auckland Council estimates that
   manufacture of high-value woollen textiles
                                                   textiles are currently 9% of their landfills, and
   such as super-fine merino occurs offshore.
                                                   that at current growth rates this would rise
   The majority of the textiles that enter the     to 14% by 2040. Better quality data capture
   market originate offshore. Much of the non-     would enable better management
   financial impacts of these textiles therefore   of resources and issues.

There is currently little to no local operational   The Waste Minimisation Act (2008) is
textile recycling in Aotearoa. The Textile          the foundational legislation at central
Reuse Programme has explored some of                government level for waste management.
the emerging fibre-to-fibre technologies at         After many years with few changes to the
pilot stage; trialing Moral Fibre’s technology      Act, the 2018-2020 Government triggered
converting Air NZ polyester uniforms into           multiple reviews and a strengthening of its
recycled PET (commonly referred to as ‘rPET’)       approach to waste management. In 2020 the
and BlockTEXX technology separating cotton          government confirmed its plan to increase
and polyester textiles. Worn Again in the           the waste levy charged at landfills that take
UK is further potential technology which is         household waste, taking the levy from $10
being explored. As these technologies are           per tonne to $60 per tonne over successive
developed to commercial scale the business          years and expanding the scope to cover
case for implementing them onshore can              additional landfill types (previously there was
be advanced. There is some promising                no levy on almost 90% of landfills throughout
technology developed locally which                  the country). It is expected that this change
can support more efficient textile waste            will make disposal less favourable for
identification and sorting - a key component        textiles, and increase the level of reuse and
in the development of commercial textile            recycling. Government has also committed to
sorting infrastructure. Waikato based               improved data collection for better resource
technology provider Sagitto combines                management which will assist stakeholders
miniature spectroscopy with machine                 to implement improvements and monitor
learning models to scan, test and validate          progress. The Act includes provision for
the composition of textiles.                        product stewardship schemes, both voluntary

and regulated schemes. Although it has             Expectations are rising in Aotearoa,
been in place for 12 years, it was only recently   particularly amongst younger consumers,
(in 2020) that the Government designated           that the textile industry must adopt a
certain products as ‘priority products’ textiles   more circular approach. Most awareness is
were not included. The following product           centred in the fashion industry which has
categories have been defined for inclusion in      established reuse pathways of donating to
a regulated pathway:                               charity or op-shops, and in recent years the
                                                   growth of resellers (selling on behalf) such
– Plastic packaging
                                                   as Recycle Boutique. Significant changes
– Tyres                                            to the global recycling export market have
                                                   also had an indirect effect on the textiles
–	Electrical and electronic products              industry in Aotearoa, with many stakeholders
   (e-waste)                                       increasingly looking to the industry to
– Agrichemicals and their containers               develop local solutions to its end-of-life
                                                   textile challenges.
– Refrigerants

– Farm plastics

What We   The textile industry in Aotearoa comprises many
          subsectors. Fashion clothing has a high profile, with much of

Found     the focus on sustainability, environment and social/ ethical
          considerations on this sector, However businesses in other
          textile subsectors are also under increased pressure from
          customers to provide more sustainable offerings, solutions
          for end-of-use and greater transparency. Until now, no
          overview of the textile flows in Aotearoa has been available
          to inform stakeholder of the scale of the challenge. Given
          the small size of the local industry and market, a clear
          overview of the state of current textile flows is an essential
          starting point for building consensus and collaboration in
          order to gain better scale.

Textile Flows in Aotearoa
               Aotearoa is a net-importer of fibre, fabric and
               textiles. Over 380,000 tonnes of fibre, fabric,
               and textile products are imported into the
               country every year. This is significantly higher
               than the volume of fibre (mostly wool) and
               textile products produced locally. Importing
               and local production is mostly for local
               consumption, excluding the majority of wool
               which is shipped offshore. Landfill is the main
               destination for end-of-life textiles in Aotearoa.

265,351t/yr                                                                               FIGURE 4: Overview of
                            FIBRE & FABRIC IMPORTED
                            (1.6% WOOL)                                                                               Textile Flows in Aotearoa
                                                                                             4,242 t/yr
                            118,870 t/yr                                                     EXPORTED APPAREL REUSE   Refer to ‘LOOKING IN THE MIRROR –
                            TEXTILE PRODUCTS IMPORTED
                                                                                                                      A review of circularity in the clothing and
                                                                                                                      textile industry in Aotearoa’ Full Report for
                                                                                                                      further detail. © Usedfully®

                                                                            COMMERCIAL USE
                                                                            CONSUMER USE
137,600 t/yr
(100% WOOL – GREASY)

123,997 t/yr

                                                141,531t/yr                                  220,800 t/yr
                                                FIBRE & FABRIC EXPORTED                      FIBRE, FABRIC &
                                                (74% WOOL)                                   TEXTILES SENT
                                                                                             TO LANDFILL
                                                39,305 t/yr
                                                TEXTILE PRODUCTS EXPORTED

CARPET TEXTILE FLOWS                             A limited amount of carpet reuse and
                                                 recycling is occurring currently in Aotearoa.
Aotearoa still maintains a local carpet
                                                 In the commercial space this is mostly via
manufacturing industry, mostly linked to the
                                                 the ‘Re:Entry’ accredited voluntary product
availability of wool fibre for use in carpets.
                                                 stewardship programme, which diverts 329
Local manufacture of carpets is a similar
                                                 tonnes of carpet tiles per year to reuse, and
volume to imported carpets, although
                                                 121 tonnes per year to be recycled back
imports are likely to be mostly synthetic in
                                                 into carpet tiles. In addition, some reuse of
composition. Over 112,000 tonnes of carpet
                                                 residential carpets does occur at a low level,
and carpet tiles are installed in Aotearoa
                                                 including repurposing for uses such as weed
per year, with typical lifetimes varying from
                                                 mats. The vast majority of end-of-life carpets
6 years for commercial use (linked to typical
                                                 are sent to landfill.
space lease contracts) through to an average
of 15 years for residential carpets.

121 t/yr                                   3,083 t/yr
                                                               COMMERCIAL RECYCLING                       CONSUMER REPURPOSE

                                                                                       329 t/yr
                                                                                       COMMERCIAL REUSE


                                                                                       2,055 t/yr
                                                                                       CONSUMER REUSE

                                                                                       15 yrs
                                            112,029 t/yr                               CONSUMER USE                              148,341 t/yr
                                            CARPET INSTALLED                           6 yrs                                     CARPET SENT
                                                                                                                                 TO LANDFILL
          86,935 t/yr                                                                  COMMERCIAL USE
          NZ CARPET

                                                                                                                               FIGURE 5: Carpet Textile
                                                                                                                               Flows in Aotearoa

                                                                                                                               Refer to ‘LOOKING IN THE MIRROR –
                                                                                      12,448 t/yr
                                                                                      CARPET WASTE
                                                                                                                               A review of circularity in the clothing and
                          38,689 t/yr              504 t/yr                                                                    textile industry in Aotearoa’ Full Report for
                          CARPET EXPORTED          PRE-CONSUMER RECYCLING                                                      further detail. © Usedfully®

APPAREL TEXTILE FLOWS                             This volume excludes the proportion of
                                                  donated apparel which is not of sufficient
The local apparel industry has declined in
                                                  quality and condition to be resold (typically
recent years due to increasing competition
                                                  50% of the donated volume).
offshore, however it remains a significant
manufacturer of apparel entering the market       Commercial reuse of apparel via a rental
Local apparel production tends to be in           model does occur in Aotearoa, at a relatively
niche specialised categories, and less so in      low level (in comparison to commercial
mainstream categories. A small proportion of      linen rental). In recent years there has
apparel made onshore is exported, reflecting      been a growth in consumer apparel rental
the local industry’s niche approach. The vast     businesses. While this trend is positive, it
majority of textiles end up in landfill at end-   was not possible to calculate the actual
of-life, before that nearly 7000 tonnes per       volume of textiles flowing through this
year are channeled via secondhand stores          category at this stage.
and charities and into the reuse cycle.

FIGURE 6: Apparel Textile
                                                          CONSUMER RENTAL
                                                                                                      Flows in Aotearoa

                                                          CONSUMER REUSE                              Refer to ‘LOOKING IN THE MIRROR –
                                                          (INFORMAL SHARING)
                                                                                                      A review of circularity in the clothing and
                                                                                                      textile industry in Aotearoa’ Full Report for
                                                          143 t/yr
                                                          CONSUMER REUSE (CONSIGNMENT)                further detail. © Usedfully®
                                                                                         CONSUMER REPURPOSE
                                                                                         COMMERCIAL REPURPOSE
                                                          6,795 t/yr
19,881t/yr                                                CONSUMER REUSE (CHARITY)
                                                                                           4,242 t/yr
                                                          8,750 t/yr                       APPAREL REUSE
                                                          COMMERCIAL RENTAL

                                                  Worn   144 times
                                                  COMMERCIAL USE
                                                                                                       34,922 t/yr
             18,531 t/yr                          Worn   98 times                                      APPAREL SENT
             NZ APPAREL                           CONSUMER USE                                         TO LANDFILL
             MANUFACTURERS S

78 t/yr                        423 t/yr
APPAREL IMPORTED                                                                                                                                      32
OTHER TEXTILE FLOWS                              little data was available on rental textiles at
                                                 end-of-life. Stakeholders reported that most
The flows of the remaining textile types e.g.
                                                 textiles in this condition were unsuitable for
linen, towels, curtains, home textiles were
                                                 further reuse, and were cut into rags. No
also mapped in order to characterise this
                                                 data was available on the volume of rags
category and enable some comparison with
                                                 produced via any textile category locally, but
the others. Much less data was available for
                                                 there was sufficient evidence from interviews
this category, and in many cases it was not
                                                 that it is a common end-of-life ‘repurposing’
possible to estimate data to fill gaps. Again,
                                                 for linen and towels in particular. Regardless,
a similar volume of textile is imported versus
                                                 the majority of these textiles still find their
manufactured locally.
                                                 way to landfill.
Commercial textile rental is a significant
and mature circular activity in Aotearoa,
and particularly popular with the hotel and
healthcare industries. Perhaps linked to this,

                                                                                                                           FIGURE 7: Other Textiles
                                        (INFORMAL SHARING)                                                                 Flows in Aotearoa

                                        CONSUMER REUSE                                                                    Refer to ‘LOOKING IN THE MIRROR –
                                                                                                                          A review of circularity in the clothing and
                                                                                                                          textile industry in Aotearoa’ Full Report for
                                                                                                                          further detail. © Usedfully®
                                        91,933 t/yr
                                        COMMERCIAL RENTAL
                                                                                                             CONSUMER REPURPOSE
                                                                                                             COMMERCIAL REPURPOSE

22,680 t/yr

                                                                                                             EXPORTED TEXTILE
                                                                                                             PRODUCT REUSE

                                        COMMERCIAL USE
                                                                                                                             37,466 t/yr
                                                                                                                             TEXTILE PRODUCTS
                                        CONSUMER USE                                                                         SENT TO LANDFILL

18,531 t/yr          194 t/yr
MANUFACTURERS        EXPORTED                       NOTE: These visualisations are based on the best data available at the time, however they are indicative as
                                                    significant data gaps remain e.g. available data has in some cases been extrapolated in order to present an
                                                    overview of the current situation. The intention is to inform the reader and stimulate discussion and thinking
                                                    about how to both improve the accuracy of this picture, and move from the linear model to a more circular one.        34
Textile        From the analysis and distillation of
               data from the 36 participant interviews,

Industry       six main themes emerged:

               – Waste and end-of-life
               – Resource and opportunity loss
               – Infrastructure and regulation
               – Competition and collaboration
               – Reputation and willingness
               – Expectation and opportunity

Waste and End-of-Life
    While Aotearoa does have limited onshore       –	“Textile waste is a priority
    manufacturing, by far the vast majority of        environmental issue”
    textile products are imported fully made up,
                                                   –	“Mixed waste is difficult to address
    placing the market at the end of the value
                                                      because it is mixed, better separation
    chain. Not surprisingly, waste and end-of-
                                                      is necessary to unlock better outcomes”
    life were dominant and consistent themes
    presented by interviewees:                     –	“Waste is a big problem, the lack of
                                                      processing facilities and technology
   “Far too much is made,                             to deal with textile waste”

   consumed, used and                              –	“The environmental challenge is keeping
                                                      the stuff out of landfill. The unsold
   thrown away without                                unwanted clothing from our charity shops.”

   having a decent life”

A number of participants focused directly on      With the rise of the secondhand, reseller
the issue of post-consumer product end-of-        market, more used clothing flows first
life (EOL):                                       through resellers before donation to charity
                                                  stores. Charities are being left with lower
–	“Lack of solutions for EOL clothing, lots of
                                                  quality goods, attracting lower returns and
   people and brands interested in EOL”
                                                  higher volumes of waste and disposal costs.
–	“EOL is too hard”                              The alternative, exporting clothes for reuse
                                                  and recycling is perceived as increasingly
–	“End of cycle stuff, one of the major issues   risky. With the closure of borders due to
   especially for us as a business reselling      COVID-19 and the added environmental and
   clothing”                                      financial costs of transporting used resources
–	“EOL, there’s been charities and things        across borders, international shipments of
   that we’re giving clothes to, but that’s not   used textiles are decreasing. Waste textile
   sustainable”                                   volumes in Aotearoa are forecast to continue
                                                  increasing, along with their associated
                                                  environmental impacts and costs.

Resource and Opportunity Loss
   Several charitable organisations observed     –	“Volume. Too much stuff, it’s
   that the sheer volume and seemingly endless      overwhelming and time consuming”
   supply of clothes and large amount of waste
                                                 –	“Low value textiles are not valued by
   was creating “eco-anxiety” amongst staff
                                                    the user, so unlikely to be looked after
                                                    or kept long”
   “Lack of product design                       –	“Donation of textiles at end of life is not
   for recyclability”                               sufficient to support repair, repurposing or
                                                    recycling activity at scale”

                                                 –	“Commercial fitouts are linked to lease
                                                    term, and not product lifetime”

A perceived skills and knowledge loss (of          Further observations included how the lack
how to use, mend and reuse the resources           of onshore circularity of resources results
people have) plays into the high level of          in a continued over-reliance on virgin raw
donated goods.                                     materials. Also that mixed / blend textiles
                                                   are not designed with their end in mind and
Corporate and other donations of textile
                                                   pose a barrier to recycling. The focus on
products to charities do not come with
                                                   recycled material to market, while positive,
financial assistance to convert the donations
                                                   without the product being designed to
into saleable products, leaving the costs
                                                   be recycled at end-of-life is adding further
and risk of repair or re-engineering, stock
                                                   obstacles to circularity.
holding and resale to be borne by the charity
                                                   The larger brands in Aotearoa perceive
“It is time consuming and                          themselves as small on the global scale,
labour intensive. Majority                         and too small a part of a global supply
                                                   chain’s customer base to have leverage
of donations are junk,                             with suppliers.

cheap manufacturing”
To re-engineer donations that are not
saleable as is into good quality products
requires a high level of skill not readily
available in charity’s volunteer staff or within
the community skills programmes offered by
some charities.

Infrastructure and Regulation
    Multiple respondents noted a lack of             “You’ve got the government passing
    government strategy for textile waste as a        legislation, even down to the plasticisation of
    pain point. Government’s focus on plastics       the labels that go on apples, there’s nothing
    not extending to, or even including synthetic     like that in the clothing space. That’s the sort
    textiles (a significant contributor to plastic    of focus that we need to get government to
    pollution), and a lack of understanding and       have, we need to seriously look at building a
    recognition of the seriousness and impact         plant here for end of life garments. We want
    of textile waste were seen as hindering           clarity on approval levels, we want tax breaks,
    policy and access to funding to support          and a strategy in place so that we can drive it
    and drive change.                                forward for New Zealand. Similar to what the
                                                     tyre industry has done here, that would then
    “Government is a pain point, textile waste has
                                                      provide some strong traction.”
     been pushed to the background, don’t pay
     attention to how big the scale of the problem   “There is a clash of ideology, council revenue
     is in NZ. Legislators when they think about       generation from landfills versus impact
     the environment they focus on clean water,        of waste.”
     food waste but ignore textiles, the elephant
     in the room.”

Lack of infrastructure for post-consumer           “Being able to source and to understand
textile goods was viewed as leaving little         the impact of the textiles that we’re buying.
alternative to landfilling. Lack of aggregation,   You can’t make decisions if you don’t have
sorting and access to clean sorted resources       the information. If you compare it to food,
is a common issue. The lack of awareness            nutrition, you can look on a packet and go,
of textile flows and management at landfills,       it’s got this much fat. We can’t make that
due to most arriving as mixed waste, and the        decision around clothing and that’s what we
cheap cost of landfilling compared to the           were lacking, information to drive informed
costs of repurposing were also identified as        decision making.”
barriers to progress.

From a corporate procurement perspective,
although wanting to make more holistic
decisions, the lack of standardisation and
information on textiles leaves businesses
procuring textiles and uniforms focused
solely on price point decisions.

Competition and Collaboration
   The level of industry fragmentation is notable,     In the evolution of the industry to a
   and while there are lots of small players their     lower emissions model, greater strides
   ability to scale up sustainability initiatives on   can be achieved at a faster rate through
   their own is limited and challenging. The lack      collaboration, the pooling of resources and
   of industry collaboration, within sectors and       the sharing of knowledge. While this may be
   across sectors increases the inefficiencies. A      counter to how the industry usually operates,
   number of brands in this highly competitive         the overheads that would need to be carried
   market have established, or are being               for advancement are too great to be carried
   encouraged to establish individual initiatives      by one single organisation alone.
   to improve circularity and gain market
                                                       Collating data for this report proved difficult
   advantage. However, individual initiatives
                                                       due to a lack of impact measurement in the
   each with one-off overheads, attract low
                                                       sector, but perhaps more importantly, the
   volumes and result in minimal overall impact.
                                                       absence of measurement and available data
                                                       indicates there is limited oversight
                                                       over resources.

Reputation and Willingness
    Risk to reputation was perceived from an      43% of respondents expressed a willingness
    organisational and industry perspective       to be more active, to engage in initiatives
    but also from a macro, country perspective.   to improve the current linear system, or
    Open source research and availability         to actively advance the development of
    of information from global initiatives left   local solutions.
    some respondents frustrated by what
                                                  “Want to go to government to drive forward
    they perceived as a lag between what was
                                                  a (fibre-to-fibre) solution in NZ. Time is right.
    happening globally and the state of play
                                                  That would enable some serious traction.”
    within their own country.
                                                  “So how can we do things better? What does
   “Understanding that if NZ                        best practice look like? What opportunities
                                                    are there?”
   doesn’t do something, we
   will fall behind what is
   happening in the world,
   we have to catch up.”

Expectation and Opportunity
   Both B2C and B2B businesses are under
   increasing pressure from customers to
                                                   life cycle out of it, to reduce landfill. And
                                                   just really make the most of what someone
                                                                                                     “It’s the reason we’re in
   provide greater stewardship and EOL             doesn’t really want, I guess is probably the      this industry, to provide
   solutions. Some participants described          best way to put it because people do want it.”
   how they used sustainability as a platform                                                        people with the most
                                                   An increase in the awareness of the impacts
   to express their organisational and
   personal values system. Participants that
                                                   of clothing production has led to increased       convenient way to recycle
                                                   demand for second hand and vintage
   were engaging in circularity and product
                                                   clothing as a more environmentally friendly       their clothing to make the
   stewardship initiatives also recognised the
   opportunities for leadership, consumer
                                                   alternative to new clothing. Globally over the
                                                                                                     longest life cycle out of it,
                                                   last three years second hand markets grew
   loyalty, innovation, impact, collaboration
   or all of the above.
                                                   21 times faster than the retail apparel market.   to reduce landfill.”
                                                   The secondhand market, currently worth
   “It’s the reason we’re in this industry, to     USD$24 billion, is expected to reach USD$51
    provide people with the most convenient way    billion in five years.24
   to recycle their clothing to make the longest

FIGURE 8: Transitional Textiles Model

                                                                                                          © Usedfully®
                            Garment & Product              Retailers &
                             Manufacturers                  Resellers


Raw Materials                                                              Users                 Repair


                                                           Collectors &


Some front-footed designer clothing brands    The reseller market is positioned between
have moved into the reseller space offering   retailing of new products and the charity
their own product as preloved, generating     donation sector, and is changing the retail
a new revenue stream without the draw         landscape. It is acquiring market share from
of virgin resources. This also provides the   both quarters with some retailers offering
opportunity to re-engage with customers       both new and second hand clothing in
and further build loyalty. The addition of    response, to enhance their offering to
mending services builds on established        environmentally conscious consumers.
sustainability positioning.                   Coupled with an increased interest in repair 25
                                              and reuse, the linear model is moving
                                              towards improved reuse loops and greater
                                              potential for circularity (as illustrated in Figure
                                              8), albeit currently operating at low levels.

IMAGE: Kowtow                                                                                  46
Conclusion: A Vision of a Future State
    Futurists predict a rapid move away from             Ten years from now there will be little
    the current centralised extraction, the               tolerance for waste in the value chain.
     breakdown of resources and large physical            Research company McKinsey and Co suggest
     scale production, to a model of localised            that “By 2030, we need to live in a world in
     creation. Arbib and Seba in their book               which 1 in 5 garments are traded through
    ‘Rethinking Humanity’ calls this fundamental          circular business models”.27 At today’s global
     shift not simply an Industrial Revolution,           scale that equates to 20 billion garments
     but the beginning of the Third Age of                produced and reused through a circular
    Humankind. Foreseeing a migration away                system. Pride describes a future state where
    from a world built on coal, oil, steel, livestock,   “waste is an unnecessary burden on us all”
    and concrete to one built on “photons,                and where “low emissions are a key part of
     electrons, DNA, molecules and (q)bits”26             marketing and a source of pride for business
    A future production system that relies on             and community.”28
    technologies we are already using today,
                                                         Bending the current linear system into a
    and new technologies like fibre-to-fibre that
                                                         closed loop means collecting and sorting
    take used textiles back to their molecular
                                                         used textile resources in Aotearoa and
     parts and regenerates them for reuse in new
                                                         feeding them back into the start of the value
    filaments and products. Moving industry
                                                         chain (Figure 9). When most production
    away from one of extraction to a world
                                                         starts offshore this seems unlikely to be
     of creation.
feasible or economic. However, in the midst     Current uncoordinated initiatives can be
of the pandemic, disruption in supply chains    harnessed to create meaningful impact
resulted in a degree of near-shoring and on-    through multi-stakeholder collaboration
shoring of production. Predictions of more      between sectors and between private
distributed and autonomous production           business and the public sector. This is an
regions suddenly began to seem more             imperative given the small size of the textile
realistic. To further their adoption Aotearoa   sub-sectors – let alone the textile industry
would need to re-believe in its potential as    as a whole – and will provide an opportunity
a manufacturing country.                        for Aotearoa to move away from high risk,
                                                competitive individual activities, to more
                                                resilient and scalable collaborative systems.

FIGURE 9: (Future) Circular Textiles Model

                                                                                               © Usedfully®
                               Garment & Product   Retailers &
                                Manufacturers       Resellers


Raw Materials                                                     Users               Repair


                                  Recyclers        Collectors &


Improved data capture and better quality           Product Stewardship has been identified by
data on textiles and the waste entering            the Government as a foundational element
landfills in Aotearoa will provide the missing     of a low emissions future. If applied to the
information needed to support investment           textile industry, there is huge potential
decisions in new technologies and physical         to accelerate the transition to a circular
infrastructure. Although technological             textiles model.
solutions on their own cannot achieve the
                                                   What this research uncovered in Aotearoa
transformation needed to reach a low carbon
                                                   is a textile industry no longer satisfied with
future. What is also needed is the support
                                                   business as usual. Business owners and
of the organising system, society and its
                                                   employees committed to creating a better
institutions, the laws and regulation, to unlock
                                                   future, with the drive and the tenacity to
the potential to reduce environmental and
                                                   make that future a reality.
social impacts in the value chain.

Mā pango, mā whero ka oti te mahi
Through cooperation, objectives can be achieved                                                     50
   We are grateful to the Ministry for the          Paul Edgar Bird – Edgar and Bird              Vanessa Thompson – Unravelled Consultants
   Environment’s Te Pūtea Whakamauru Para
                                                    Anna Ford – Glassons & Hallenstein Brothers   Adele Dubarry – Waste Not Create Space
   – Waste Minimisation Fund and the Textile
   Reuse Programme Foundation Partners,             Lynette Fielding – Glassons & Hallenstein     Zoretta Rose – Recycle Boutique
   Alsco NZ, Barkers Clothing, Deane Apparel        Brothers
   and Wellington City Council for their support.                                                 Mark Cowie – Recycle Boutique
                                                    James Walker – Mindful Fashion
   Thank you to all those who participated in                                                     Nadine Koruna – Accor Group
   interviews and shared their knowledge and        Jacinta Fitzgerald – Mindful Fashion
                                                                                                  Manjula Sickler – ADHB
   perspectives:                                    Geraldine Tew – The Recreators
                                                                                                  Parul Sood – Auckland Council
   Gavin Smith – Alsco NZ                           Caroline O’Reilly – Vinnies Resew
                                                                                                  Julie Dickenson – Auckland Council
   Selva Ganapathy – BOP Regional Council           Rob Ward – Beverley Productions
                                                                                                  Ben Kepes – Cactus Outdoor
   Dylan Ford – Circular Store                      Emily Miller-Sharma – Ruby
                                                                                                  Rochelle Flint – Cavalier Bremworth
   James Stonyer – Deane Apparel                    Toby Clark – Toby Etc
                                                                                                  Kay Murray – Connections Trust
   Joanna Hehir – Danu Natural                      Sarah Lei – Trevelyan

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