INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
                                     PAGE      Fertiliser Requirements
                                      10       And Silage Quality
                                     PAGE      Overseeding - ProNitro
                                     PAGE      Grass Matters
                                     PAGE      Introducing Kaf Gro - Rumi Force

ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
Welcome to the April edition of


  Dear Milk Matters Reader,                                           Nutrition Matters ................................. 03

  This     month’s    Nutrition  Matters                              Do You Know What’s In Your
  examines how correct nutrition                                      Drinking Water .................................... 06
  can      positively  influence  fertility
  performance. The level of concentrate                               LeanFarm............................................... 07
  feeding required is a function of the                               Fertiliser Requirements
  amount of grass your cows are eating                                And Silage Quality............................... 10
  and their milk yields. Your bulk tank
  will let you know how good a job your                               Why Should I Reseed.......................... 11
  doing. Monitor milk protein %, milk fat
  % and their relationship to access the energy status of your        Dairygold Mixes 2021.......................... 14
  herd.                                                               Overseeding - ProNitro....................... 16
  As an industry we are making wonderful strides forward.             Progressive New BPS Eligibility
  Our cow’s genetic potential is improving, our soil fertility is
                                                                      Rules for Water Protection Actions. 17
  improving, we are growing more grass and supplying more
  milk solids per cow than ever. But, one important aspect which      Dairygold / Teagasc
  has not improved is the quality of silage we are making year on     Joint Programme................................. 19
  year. A spring calving herd needs 65% + of its silage to be 70+
  DMD. On pages 5-8 we outline what impacts silage quality.           Fertiliser Matters................................. 20
  Grazing utilisation is a new trait available on grass seeds in      Grass Matters....................................... 21
  2021. At its simplest it’s a measure of how well your cows are
  potentially going to graze a variety. A variety should not be       Dairy Farming On Difficult
  judged on it alone. A varieties overall PPI is derived from its     Heavy Land.......................................... 23
  seasonal growth pattern, its silage potential, its quality and
                                                                      Fertility & Breeding............................. 24
  persistency. Combining both will gives you great insight into
  how different grass seed mixes will perform at farm level.          CHFC Matters....................................... 29
  Dairygolds 2021 Gold Assure Grass Seed Range is available
  on pages 14-15.                                                     AHI Notes............................................... 30

  With the wet February and March gone by, Grass Matters looks        Daisy at 8 Weeks................................... 31
  at managing grass in the month of April. When should you start
  the 2nd round of grazing? How to adjust your fertiliser plans.      Introducing Kaf Gro - Rumi Force.... 32
  The aim is to have c. 90 units applied by the 1st of May. Should
  you be using straight N or should you apply some P&K now?
  In Fertility and Breeding Matters, Doreen Corridan has an
  in depth look at how to manage the breeding season. To
  achieve a 90%, 6 week incalf rate you need to maximise
  maiden heifer and cow fertility performance. Doreen                To contact the editor of
  lays out a plan for this.
  Yours Sincerely,                                                   MILK
  Liam Stack M.Agr.Sc

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

                         NUTRITION MATTERS
                                      By LIAM STACK, M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager

As cows approach the breeding season they need to                   b. Put these cows on once a day milking while holding
be on a rising plane of nutrition.                                      concentrate feeding levels. This will negatively
                                                                        affect milk yield while improving BSC
Signs that your cows are NOT on a rising plane of
nutrition                                                        5. Be-wary that late calving cows overall intake will
  - Low milk proteins                                                be nowhere near that of your cows that calved in
  - A milk butterfat to protein ratio of greater than 1.4:1          the first few week of the season. These cows will
  - Excessive BCS loss: a body condition score loss of              be eating lower levels of grass and will need extra
     greater than 0.5 in the 8 weeks after calving will              concentrates to ensure their BSC stays in check.
     lower your conception rates
                                                                 Concentrates required: Grass + concentrates

                                                                  		                                               Milk Yield (kg)
                                                                                                          18         24          28          32
                                                                  12 kg DM Grass                           2          5         6.5         8.5
                                                                  14 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        2.5        4.5         6.5
                                                                  16 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        1.5*       2.5           4
                                                                  17 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        1.5*       1.5*          3

                                                                  		                                              Milk Solids (kg)
Meeting your cow’s energy demand?                                                                        1.25        1.7          2        2.25
1. Grazed grass is the most economical way to feed a             12 kg DM Grass                           2          5         6.5         8.5
    cow. You must maximise grass intake.
                                                                  14 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        2.5        4.5         6.5
2. Feed an appropriate level of concentrates based on            16 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        1.5*       2.5           4
    how much grass your cows are consuming and your
                                                                  17 kg DM Grass                         1.5*        1.5*       1.5*          3
    herds milk yield
                                                                 *grass alone does not meet a cow’s daily requirement for calcium, phosphorus,
                                                                 magnesium, zinc, iodine and selenium. Even though a cow’s energy demand might
3. Do not over-estimate grass intakes. Over estimating          not require concentrates, feeding 1.5kg of concentrates at grass is the cheapest and
                                                                 most effective method of supplying these minerals.
    grass intake by 1kg dry matter is the same as lower
    concentrate feeding rate by 1kg daily
                                                                       BE-WARY OF OVER ESTIMATING
4. If your cows current BCS is less than 2.75 you can                 THE VOLUMES OF GRASS YOUR
   a. Add 1 kg to feeding rates recommended in the                       COWS ARE CONSUMING.
       below table

                                            Milk yield   Milk solids Body condition          Conception           GHG           Lameness
                                                                         score                  Rate            Emission

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
But  a general rule of thumb is:
What protein nut should I get?
    -   Inside
The protein     on silage
            content of yourorconcentrate
                               silage + aisfew  hours
                                            of much   grazing
                                                    lower      – 18% than how much of
    - Out by you
the concentrate  dayare
                     (6-10   hours grazing)– 16%
    - Out full time - 14%
But        Nutrition:
    a general rule of thumb is:                                 leaf to stem               ratio and therefore a lower magnesium
    -  Inside on  silage or silage + a few hours grazing – 18%
Mineral does    not meet your cow’s Phosphorus, Calcium,
    - Out by day (6-10 hours grazing)– 16%
On both silage and grass diets cows need mineral supplementation.
    - Out fullIodine,    Zinc requirements. Cows also need a
                time - 14%
daily intakeasofa cal
Grass                 mag to prevent grass tetany.                            4. 
                                                                                 High grass     potassium    decreases     magnesium
        Nutrition: mineral source for daily cows
On both silage and grass diets cows need mineral supplementation.                absorption,
Grass alone as a mineral source for daily cows
                                                                                 High grass Nitrogen. High levels of ammonia
                                                                                 breakdown in the rumen decreases magnesium

                                                                                 Low sodium (Na) content decreases magnesium

                                                                                 Milk yield. Higher yielding cows need more daily

                                                                              Maiden Heifers:

Dietary  deficiencies
Dietary deficiencies     of copper,
                     of copper,      selenium
                                selenium       and are
                                         and iodine iodine  are
                                                       linked to:linked to:
Dietary deficiencies of copper, selenium and iodine are
linked to:
   - poor fertility,
   - cystic ovaries,
   - anoestrous,
   - irregular or supressed oestrus
   - and early embryonic death.

Grass Tetany:
Grass tetany is caused by a lack of magnesium (Mg)
absorption. Grass tetany affects muscle function, hence
the trembling/twitching/trashing. Death is caused by
the heart (a muscle) giving up.
                                                                              Avoid holding back light heifers, breed them and work
Factors causing grass tetany:                                                 with them throughout the year to maximising weight
1. Not feeding magnesium: Magnesium is not stored by                         gain and allow them to catch up. See Dorrens article
    the cow. Daily supplementation is required.                               on pages 22-26 for advise for your heifers breeding
   Anything that affects intake: Bad weather, stress,
                                                                                 LWG        CURRENT         GRASS IN     CONCENTRATES
   poor grass covers, cows in heat
                                                                                NEEDED        LW              DIET       REQUIRED (kg)

3. Decreased rumen function                                                  		   on                       Plentiful        0kg
Magnesium is absorbed by the cow in the rumen. Lush                            1kg		                        Scarce           1kg
highly digestible grass passes through the rumen
quicker than lower digestibility forages. The cow has                         		 Below                      Plentiful        2kg
less of a chance to absorb the magnesium. Magnesium                           		 Target
is stored in the grasses stem. Lush covers have a higher
                                                                              			                           Scarce          3-4kg

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

Feed quality in the first 12 weeks of lactation is critical to ensuring
 that your cows meet their maximum potential. PostCalver Gold
     is formulated to support cows at grass in early lactation.

      ON BODY CONDITION                                         FERTILITY


     Ensure that your cows reach their potential this season
               and next by feeding PostCalver Gold.

                    Please contact your local ASM, our Inside
                      Sales Team or Lombardstown Mill on
                              022-47275 to order.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
                                                                               YOUR DRINKING WATER?
                                                                               By BRENDAN HALLAHAN,
                       Do you know what’s in your drinking water?
                                                                               Dairygold Analytical Laboratory
                   By Brendan Hallahan, Dairygold Analytical Laboratory

                                     With many of us spending                                                    Cadmium is a human carcinogen. The EU drink water
                                     more time at home than                                                      limit for Cadmium is 5µg/L. Irish drinking water has an
                                     usual, our family’s health and                                              excellent track record in Cadmium with only a single,
                                     our own health has never                                                    recent isolated incidence of groundwater showing a
                                     been more important. Crucial                                                level above the EU limit.
                                     to our health is water. Safe
                                     drinking water is essential for                                             Lead
                                     maintaining a clear body and                                                Lead is a so-called “heavy metal” that can cause serious
                                     mind. However, at different                                                 health issues. Even low levels can be dangerous
                                     times and in different                                                      because “heavy metals” can bioaccumulate in the
                                     locations drinking water
With many of us spending more time at home than usual, our family’s health and our own
                                                                                                                 human body. Lead poisoning in adults can manifest as
           across the country has been found to be unacceptable
health has never been more important. Crucial to our health is water. Safe drinking water is
essential for maintaining a clear body and mind. However, at different times and in different
                                                                                                                 joint pain, kidney issues, and nervous system failure.
           for human consumption. The Food Safety Authority of                                                   The biggest risk group, however, are babies in the
locations drinking water across the country has been found to be unacceptable for human
consumption. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) recently published a comprehensive

           Ireland (FSAI) recently published a comprehensive                                                     womb, infants and young children. High exposure to
summary of hazardous metals we are all exposed to in our diet. In drinking water, Aluminium,

           summary of hazardous metals we are all exposed                                                        Lead from a young age can cause serious physical
           to in our diet. In drinking water, Aluminium, Arsenic,                                                and mental problems. Indeed, there is a fascinating
           Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury were considered from                                                       hypothesis that exposure to Lead from a young
           data collected by the Environmental Protection                                                        age makes an individual more violent and prone to
           Agency (EPA). Below you will find a summary of the                                                    aggressive behaviour. Old houses in Ireland may be
           FSAI report. Dairygold’s Analytical Services Laboratory                                               using outdated Lead pipes, which could be slowly
           can test your drinking water for all these toxic metals,                                              degrading into the water supply. The EU drinking water
           including others not addressed in the FSAI report.                                                    limit for Lead is 10µg/L. 1.3% of Irish drinking water
                                                                                                                 supplies have been found to exceed the EU limit.
           At its worst, Aluminium toxicity has been implicated                                                  Mercury
           in Alzheimer’s disease and anaemia. The EU drinking                                                   Exposure to Mercury in humans is associated with
           water limit for Aluminium is 200µg/L. 1.2% of Irish                                                   irritability, chronic fatigue, memory loss, depression,
           groundwater has been found to exceed this limit.                                                      and decreases in fertility rate. The EU drinking water
           Thankfully, not all groundwater is used for drinking                                                  limit for Mercury is 1µg/L. Irish drinking water has an
           water.                                                                                                excellent track record in Mercury with only a single,
                                                                                                                 recent isolated incidence of groundwater showing a
           Arsenic                                                                                               level above the EU limit.
           Arsenic is a human carcinogen and is linked to
           cardiovascular disease and diabetes. The EU drinking                                                  Ask yourself, do you know what’s in your drinking
           water limit for Arsenic is 10µg/L. The only recorded                                                  water? The Analytical Services Laboratory can provide
           instances of dangerously high Arsenic levels in                                                       you with a comprehensive list of 17 elements in your
           drinking water in Ireland have come from private                                                      drinking water plus the relevant EU drinking water limit
           wells. No public drinking water supply has exceeded                                                   for that element.
           the EU limit.
                                                                                                                 Please contact Dairygold Analytical Laboratory on
           Cadmium                                                                                                        022 47275 for more information

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

FARMER PROFILE: Jerome and Brian Desmond, Garryhesta, Ovens, Co. Cork

                                                      The Desmond family milk 140 Spring calving cows at
                                                      their farm in Garryhesta, Ovens, Co. Cork.

                                                      Jerome and family were members of the Leanfarm
                                                      pilot group and subsequently joined the Leanfarm
                                                      Go-To Programme in 2018 hosting waste walks and
                                                      implementing changes to save time effort and money.

 We got involved in the Lean Farm Programme to help identify ways of saving time and reducing waste. The
 busiest period on the farm is early Spring when 90% of the calving occurs from late January to early March.
 From the Lean Farm training, we have learned the importance of being well prepared and organised by
 having a good written routine in place that everyone on the farm understands and having all items placed
 at point of use.

 Calving takes place in a loose
 shed which has a single pen
 fitted with a restraining gate
 to facilitate any cow that may
 require assistance. Cows within
 a few days of calving are moved
 into this shed which can hold up
 to 16 cows at any one time. All
 items required for calving are                                 1                                      2
 kept at point of use. A simple
 shelf contains iodine, arm length
 gloves, calving ropes etc (photo 1). Soon after a calf is born the navel is disinfected with iodine and moved
 to the nearby calf shed (photo 2) which
 can house 100 calves. All calves receive
 four litres of colostrum within two hours of

 A white board is used to record details of
 new-born calves or any issues with calf
 health which is updated daily (photo 3). All
 pens are numbered, so any issue with a                                                                3
 calf can easily be identified and recorded.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
All heifer calves are retained on the farm and kept in groups of ten. Bull calves are grouped in pens close
to the door to facilitate ease of collection. Calves are fed with whole milk which is transported from the
milking parlour using two 160 litre milk carts. The milk cart is filled from the diversion lines in the milking
parlour (photo 4). As soon as Cart 1 is full, feeding can begin (picture 5), and Cart 2 collects the remaining
milk required. Both Carts are fitted with a pump and a metre which ensures the correct amount of milk is
allocated to each group of calves. Our first milk Cart was purchased three years ago and to facilitate the
feeding of extra calves, a second cart was needed. The use of milk Carts has reduced the overall feeding
time by as much as 50%. In addition to this, there is no longer the need to carry milk in buckets which
eliminates all heavy lifting.

A water/milk heater is used to warm milk and heat water for washing feeding equipment (photos 6).

                            4                                     5                                     6
The breeding season will commence in late April on the Desmond farm. Detailed recordings are kept of
all events since calving. Any cow not seen in heat will be examined by the vet. On day one of breeding,
all cows are painted with Red tail paint and subsequently after AI, each cow is then painted with Green tail
paint. As the season progresses it makes it easier to identify cows not yet bred.

The target is to have as close as possible to 100% of heifers and cows served during the first 25 days of
breeding. Heifers graze in paddocks close to the yard. A vasectomised bull fitted with a chin ball is ran with

Heifers are brought into the yard each morning and drafted out for breeding. After AI, heifers are transferred
to an out farm where a stock bull will run with them for a further 3 weeks. DIY is practised on the farm, cows
observed in the morning are served in the evening, cows observed in the evening are served the following

A drafting unit (photo 7) is used to separate cows for AI, cow numbers are entered
on the computer in the milking parlour prior to milking. This ensures that all cows
for AI are drafted to the AI pen.

The drafting unit has made the task of separating cows so simple. Prior to this the
person milking had to watch out for cows and separate them as they left the milking
parlour. This was sometimes difficult and meant a second person was needed in
the parlour. Now one person can milk and doesn’t have to leave the pit during                           7
milking. Following AI, all details are recorded on our farm software programme.

                                     Benefits Delivered on the Desmond Farm
                                 ✔    ime saved on repetive tasks
                                 ✔   Point of Use
                                 ✔    More Organised
                                 ✔     Reduced transport of goods
                                 ✔      Reduced movement and energy
                                 ✔       Improved job satisfaction

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

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Zurich Insurance plc is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Terms, conditions and standard underwriting criteria may apply. Open driving covers any driver aged 25-70 with a full
Irish licence. You can also contact our Farm Team by emailing or calling our office on 053 9157677 or 1890 800 171.
INSIDE THIS ISSUE Fertiliser Requirements And Silage Quality Overseeding - ProNitro - Dairygold Agri Business
FERTILISER REQUIREMENTS                        Fertiliser Requirements and Silage Quality:

                             AND SILAGE QUALITY                             By Liam Stack

                                                                            Your grass silage fields will start to head out in mid to late May (variety dependan

                             By LIAM STACK,                                 the correct fertiliser programme for your soil indexes you will not have achieved t
                                                                            bulk at this stage, you will delay cutting date and silage DMD will suffer.
                             M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager

                                                                                                       Figure 1: Pattern of change in grass yield and digestibility
Your grass silage fields will start to head out in mid to late May
                                                                                                                        (Source: T eagasc, Grange Beef Research Centre)

(variety dependant). If you have not used the correct fertiliser                                 10                                                                                              80

programme for your soil indexes you will not have achieved                                       9

the required crop bulk at this stage, you will delay cutting                                     8

                                                                               DM yield (t/ha)
date and silage DMD will suffer.                                                                 7

                                                                                                                                                                                                      DMD %
Silage DMD is the driver of your silage quality, it will influence                               4

intakes, production and the level of concentrates you need to                                    3

feed across the winter.                                                                          2
                                                                                                      01-May 08-May 15-May 22-May 29-May         05-Jun    12-Jun    19-Jun   26-Jun   03-Jul

                                                                                                                                       Harvest date

Silage Digestibility vs Beef performance                      Silage DMD vs Concentrates required across the winter
                        Silage Digestibility                  		            Silage DMD is60
                                                                                          the DMD
                                                                                              driver of 65
                                                                                                        yourDMD       70 itDMD
                                                                                                            silage quality,            75intakes,
                                                                                                                            will influence DMD production
                                                                            concentrates you need to feed across the winter.
DMD%                   75     70     65    60                 Dry cows (BCS 3) 1.5kg 1kg                                                             Restricted Restricted
Intake (kg/day)         9     8.3    7.6    7                 				                                                                                    Silage     Silage
                                                                       Silage Digestibility vs Beef performance
LWG (kg/day)          0.83 0.66 0.49 0.31                      In-Calf Heifers       2.5kg Silage2kg  Digestibility 1.5kg                                                               1kg
                                                                        DMD%                  75    70    65      60
Ref: Teagasc Grange                                           Weanlings Intake (kg/day)
                                                                                      1.5kg 9 8.31kg 7.6 70.5kg                                                                        0.5kg
                                                              				      LWG (kg/day)         .83 .66 .49 .31
                                                                       Ref: Teagasc Grange
First cut grass silage Nitrogen (N),                           Cost of winter feed €4,125                                     €2,888                      €825                         €619
Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K)                              Feeding plan for 100 Dry cows, 20 weanling & incalf heifers
                                                                            Silage DMD vs Concentrates required across the winter
requirements (5t/ha DM)
                                                                                                                          60 DMD              65 DMD                    70 DMD                        75 DMD
                              units/ac                                         Dry cows (BCS 3)                            1.5kg                1kg                 Restricted Silage             Restricted Si
                                                                               In-Calf Heifers                             2.5kg                2kg                       1.5kg                          1kg
 Index                  N      P      K     S                                  Weanlings                                   1.5kg                1kg                       0.5kg                         0.5kg
 1                     100    32     140    16      For older swards with lower yield potential reduce N, P, and K by 20u
                                                    N, 3u P and 20u K. Cost of winter feed            €4,125        €2,888         €825                                                                       €619
 2                     100    24     120    16                         Feeding plan for 100 Dry cows, 20 weanling & incalf heifers
                                                    3000 s/ac of slurry reduces N, P, and K by 18u N, 15u P and 90u K.
 3                     100    16     95     16
 4                     100     0      0     16

Fertiliser Programme to meet                                                                                           Slurry
silage requirements.
                                                                                                                                               Nutrients Supplied
If you are not applying slurry to silage
                                                     Product            Rate                                   N		 P		K		 S
grounds you should consider a product
like 16-5-20+S.                                      Slurry             3000 gal/acre                         15		                     18		                         90		                        Yes
                      No Slurry                      					+
                                                       Total N		 Total P		                                                                                                    Total K
                                                     Selenigrass + S 3.5 bags/acre                            88       103               -           18              -          90              Yes
Product        Rate             N P K S
                                                     Sweetgrass + S 3.5 bags/acre                             81        96               -           18              -          90              Yes
16-5-20        5 bags/acre      80 25 100 Yes
Silage Boost   4.5 bags/acre    95 9 45 Yes          CAN + S            3 bags/acre                           81        96               -           18              -          90              Yes
Selenicut      4.5 bags/acre    90 9 54 Yes          PU 38%N + S        2 bags/acre                           96        91               -           18              -         90               Yes

Please Contact your local Area Sales Manager or our Inside Sales Team on 022 31644 for more information

ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

                     WHY SHOULD I RESEED?
                                                                                                          By LIAM STACK,
                                                                                               M.Agr.Sc, Ruminant Technical Manager

Achieving high levels of grass production and animal
                                                                                                                 KEY POINT: Swards with a low
performance from swards which do not have a high                                                                 content of Perennial Ryegrass (PRG)
proportion of perennial ryegrass is very difficult.                                                              are reducing your profit by €300/
                                                                                                                 ha (€120/acre) due to reduced dry
       1. L ow perennial ryegrass swards grow less grass,                                                       matter (DM) production alone.
           especially in the spring when grass is of most
           economic value to your enterprise. Spring grass
Why shouldgrowth
            I Reseed? accounts for c.15% of the PPI value of
                                                                                                Feeding your reseed:
Reseeding costsvariety.
           a    c. € 750/Ha.Each    extra
                             Reseeded         tonne
                                       swards should last of   grass
                                                          8 -10+ years ondry    matter
                                                                          your farm if
                                                                                                Lime :
           can      increase      farm      profit    by     €181/ha       for    Dairy
correctly managed. High perennial rye grass swards cover the cost of reseeding within 18
                                                                                                Lime at sowing is essential. As the old sward decays, it
   1. Low perennial rye grass swards grow less grass, especially in the spring when grass is    releases acids which lower the pH and create a difficult
      of most economic value to your enterprise. Spring grass growth accounts for c.15%
      of the PPI value of a variety.                                                            environment for the new seed trying to germinate.
Dry Matter Production of 15% and 100% Perennial
Ryegrass Swards
Dry Matter Production of 15% and 100% Perennial Ryegrass Swards
                                                                                                Phosphorus and Potassium:
                                                                                                As the new seed germinates it requires Phosphorous
                                                                                                (P) and Potassium (K), which are essential for root and
                                                                                                tiller development as the new plants emerge.

                                                                                                P and K requirements at reseeding:

                                                                                                        Soil                 P                K
                                                                                                       Index         (units per acre) (units per acre)
                                                                                                         1                  60                 110
                                                                                                         2                  40                 75
      2. tonne
Each extra L
            owof grass
                  perennial         ryegrass
                        dry matter can increase farm swards        areforof
                                                     profit by €181/ha   Dairylower

           qualityrye grass
   2. Low perennial      (DMD)        and
                              swards are       support
                                         of lower quality (DMD)lower
                                                                 and supportlevels      of
                                                                               lower levels
                                                                                                         3                  30                 50
      of production compared to new reseeds. Correct grassland managements also plays
      a massive role in pasturecompared         to new
                               quality. A combination  of bothreseeds.         Correct
                                                               will lead to increase grass               4                   0                 30
      DMD across the main grazing season.
            grassland management also plays a massive
            role in pasture quality. A combination of both
An increase of 1% in grass digestibility will:
    - increase dry matter intake by 0.3-0.4kg DM                                                The Pasture Profit Index (PPI)
    - increase       yield byto    increased
                              0.5-0.6  kg        grass DMD across the                           The PPI assigns economic values to differing grass
            main grazing season.
High PRG swards allow 8% higher milk output per hectare compared to old permanent
pasture.                                                                                        seed varieties based on their:
                                                                                                  1. Seasonal Dry Matter (DM) production,
An increase of 1% in grass digestibility will:                                                           a. Spring DM Yield
       - increase dry matter intake by 0.3-0.4kg DM                                                      b. Summer DM Yield
       - increase milk yield by 0.5-0.6 kg                                                               c. Autumn DM Yield
High PRG swards allow 8% higher milk output per                                                   2. Grass Quality
hectare compared to old permanent pasture.                                                        3. Silage Dry Matter production
                                                                                                  4. Varietal persistency
       3. S
           wards with low levels of perennial ryegrass are
          not as responsive to nitrogen. New reseeds                                            All agronomic trial data on which these tables are
          are 25% more responsive to Nitrogen                                                   based comes from official DAFM trials. The PPI values

have been presented with the agronomic
data in these tables.

Grazing Utilisation - This is a
Provisional Trait on the recommended
list for 2021
The utilisation “star” figure is not part
of the PPI but it’s a visual illustration
highlighting the varieties that have
displayed improved ability to be
grazed by dairy cows. Variety grazing
assessments     haveUtilisation  - This is a Provisional Trait on the recommended list for 2021
                         been conducted
at Teagasc Moorepark in plot grazing
          The utilisation “star” figure is not part of the PPI but it’s a visual illustration highlighting the varieties
studies that
              have2017.    Variety
                    displayed       grazing
                               improved    ability to be grazed by dairy cows. Variety grazing assessments have
           differences    are expressed    as
               conducted at Teagasc Moorepark        in plot grazing studies since 2017. Variety grazing efficiency
Residual differences
          Grazed Height.
                       are expressed as Residual Grazed Height.
                                                    Grazing Utilisation - This is a Provisional Trait on the recommended list for 2021
                                                    The utilisation “star” figure is not part of the PPI but it’s a visual illustration highlighting the varieties
                                                    that have displayed improved ability to be grazed by dairy cows. Variety grazing assessments have
                                                    been conducted at Teagasc Moorepark in plot grazing studies since 2017. Variety grazing efficiency
                                                    differences are expressed as Residual Grazed Height.

Clover                                                                 Nitrogen Fixed By Clover Swards
Derogation farmers must now use clover within their                      Chemical Nitrogen application Potential Fixed N
reseeding mix, perhaps we all should?
         Derogation farmers must now use clover within their reseeding mix, 0perhaps        kg/ha we all should?           c.200kg/ha
         Clover as a legume can fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. The         240nitrogen
                                                                                              kg/ha fixing potentialc.500kg/ha
Clover as a legume can fix nitrogen directly          from
                                             Derogation        themust now use clover within their reseeding mix, perhaps we all should?
         of the clover within your sward is dependent on the amount of chemical nitrogen you apply.
atmosphere. The nitrogen fixing potentialCloverof the     clovercan fix nitrogen directly from the atmosphere. The nitrogen fixing potential
                                                     as a legume
                    What   are  the benefits     of
                                             of the  clover
within your sward is dependent on the amount of chemical         toyour
                                                             within  mysward
                                                                             is dependent on the amount of chemical nitrogen you apply.
                                                                        nitrogen    you apply.
        Nitrogen Fixed By Clover Swards
                                        Nitrogen  Fixed   ByNClover Swards
                      1. Theapplication
          Chemical Nitrogen              Potential
                             same grass growth
What are the benefits of clover to my system?
                                                with Fixed
                                                        lower  chemical nitrogen spread or increased Nitrogen Use
                                          Chemical Nitrogen application Potential Fixed N
                       0 kg/ha
                            Efficiency            c.200kg/ha
                                                        0 kg/ha spread or increased
                                                                           c.200kg/ha Nitrogen Use Efficiency
1. T
    he same grass growth with lower chemical nitrogen
                    240 kg/ha                     c.500kg/ha
                                                       240 kg/ha           c.500kg/ha
Teagasc trials haveTeagasc
                    illustrated   thathave
                              trials   clover  has the potential
                                            illustrated          to reduce
                                                         that clover        nitrogen
                                                                      has the         use
                                                                               potential to by 100kg
                                                                                            reduce    per hause
                                                                                                   nitrogen  forby
                                                                                                                 the same
grass growth.      100kg per ha for the same grass growth.

                                                    Nitrogenapplications withwith
                                                              applications    and and
                                                                                  without clover.
                                                                                      without clover.

                                      All 3 treatments had the same level of growth                                                                                   M







                          Grass only swards plus 250kg     Clover + grass swards plus          Clover + grass swards plus
                                 chemical N/ha,               250kg chemical N/ha                 150kg chemical N/ha

                           2. Improved animal performance
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

2. Improved animal performance
Grass clover swards are higher in quality and have a higher intake potential than the grass only swards across the
main grazing season. The grass clover swards produced 33kg extra milk solids per cow per year.

Clover varieties:
At present there is no huge difference between clover varieties. Department trials have ranked them on production,
leaf size and clover %. For grazing mixes medium leaf clovers should be used. In the future perhaps we will have
clovers ranked on their ability to fix nitrogen.

Clover form:
Clover can come as “naked” clover or “pelleted” clover. Naked clover is straight clover seed. Pelleted clover is
clover seed + a coating.

1 kg of pelleted clover = 0.6kg of naked clover seed + 0.4kg of
        - Phosphorus to help root development
        - rhizobium inoculant to encourage quicker nodulation.

Dairygold Grass Seed Mixtures 2021
In 2021 we will again have a comprehensive range of mixes available. Our grazing mixes are available with:
       - 0 clover,
       - Standard clover. Enough to satisfy the new nitrates regulation.
       - High clover. Designed to achieve 20% clover in paddock.

             Please contact your local Area Sales Manager, our inside Sales Team on 022 31644
                       or your local branch for information on the full range available
 ai158454227627_Half Page Ad v2 outlines.pdf 1 18/03/2020 14:37:57

Mixture No 1+: High Clover Grazing (Also available without clover)

                      DAIRYGOLD MIXES 2021
                      By JOHN FRIEL,
                      B.Agr.Sc, Area Sales Manager. Mob: 086 246 1648

Mixture No.1+:
            1: Intensive
               High CloverGrazing
                           Grazing (available with 0, standard
                                    (Also available     withoutand high clover inclusion)
                                           Good PPI mix with excellent grazing utilisation. Includes 50%
                                           tetraploid, astonenergy and meiduno. The diploids used within
                                           the mix are excellent for grazing utilisation. This will marrys the
                                           palatability and performance of the tetraploids with the ground cover
                                           of the diploids while maintaining grazing utilisation.
A high tetraploid (astonenergy and meiduno) and clover mix. Taking advantage of astonenergys
exceptional palatability, quality, seasonal growth
                                      High Clover   with proven pasturebase on-farm performance.

 Variety              Heading Date          Pliody          PPI
                                                          Heading Kg
                                                                        RL GS
                                                                     Pliody PPI RL GS                        Grazing
 Drumbo                  07-Jun                LD
                                           Astonenergy     €121
                                                          01-Jun      3 6.4LT         €138      5.5            *****
 Kerry                   01-Jun                LD
                                           Meiduno         €119
                                                          03-Jun    2.25 6.1LT        €180      5.2             ***
 Astonenergy             04-Jun                LT
                                                          05-Jun    2.25
                                                                         5.4LD        €115      6.8            ****
 Meiduno                 06-Jun                LT
                                                          02-Jun      3
                                                                         5.2LD        €132      6.6             ***
                                           Clover		 1

A high
      %T         Total PPI
     % Ttetraploid
                 Mix PPI
                   (astonenergySpring   Spring
                                   and meiduno)
                                                         Summer Autumn Quality
                                                and clover         Quality
                                                           mix. Taking         Silage
                                                                       advantage          Persistency
                                                                                  of astonenergys
                                                                                                       Silage          Persistenc
    50%      palatability,
                 €140.4    quality, seasonal growth
                                €22.5 €30.4€47.2    with
                                                        €47.8   pasturebase
                                                                    €14.0    on-farm  performance.
                                                                            €31€8.2 €9 €0.0 -€3
Variety       Heading Date      Pliody        PPI      RL GS
Drumbo No. 2: 2 cut silage (also available
                 07-Jun           LD       with
                                            €121clover) 6.4
Kerry       No   2:  Two
                 01-Jun      Cut  LD Silage €119 (Also   6.1 available with clover)
Astonenergy      04-Jun        A mixture
                                  LT designed
                                            €153 specifically
                                                         5.4 for silage (two or more cuts) with
                               exceptional spring growth for high first cut yields. No clover in
Meiduno          06-Jun           LT        €194         5.2
                               standard mix but also available with clover. Durable varieties to
Clover                         ensure a long-lasting sward.

      %T        Total PPI             Spring             Summer Autumn Quality                    Silage         Persistency
      48%         €143                €30.4                €37    €39   €31                         €9               -€3
                                                             Heading Kg Pliody PPI RL GS Grazing
                                                              Date					 Utilisation
Mixture No 2: Two Cut   Silage 27-May
                    Astonconqueror (Also3.5available
                                              ID €195 with
                                                       6.1 clover)

                                           Moira             26-May     3.5      ID      €187         6.1         ****

                                           Fintona           24-May     4.5      IT      €168         5.4         ****

A mixture
    %T     designed
              Total PPIspecifically
                            Spring for silage
                                       Summer(two Autumn
                                                  or more cuts)    with exceptional
                                                              Quality      Silage   spring growth
for high
    39% first cut  yields, no€65.7
                €182          clover (questionable
                                        €45.7       role in an -€15.7
                                                   €54.5        intensive cutting
                                                                           €41.4 system)
durable varieties to ensure a long lasting sward. Contains astonconqueror this year for
increased spring growth, quality and silage yields.
ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

 Fintona                         22-May                  IT              €215            5.5
   %T            Total PPI                 Spring              Summer Autumn Quality                              Silage          Pers
   40%             €192                     €82                  €29    €42   €10                                  €29
Mixture No. 3: Dairygold extend (available with 0, standard and high clover inclusion)
Mixture No 3: Dairygold Extend Gold (Also available w
                                           Highest PPI mix available. Contains the top two late diploids on the
                                           PPI and the 2nd highest late tetraploid. Excellent spring and autumn
                                           growth combined with exceptional quality for a palatable sward.

                                           High Clover option
                                                               Heading Kg Pliody PPI RL GS Grazing
                                                                Date					 Utilisation

                                           Abergain            04-Jun      5        LT      €212        5.6          ***

                                           Aberchoice          11-Jun      2.5      LD      €182        6.0          **

                                           Ballyvoy            03-Jun      2        LD      €167        6.3             *

                                           Pelleted Clover		               2

Excellent      Totaland
           spring    PPI autumn
                                  growthSummer      Autumn
                                           combined with        QualityqualitySilage
                                                          exceptional                    Persistency
                                                                               for a palatable   sward. Th
    52%  is for intensive
                €194.5      grazing
                               €22   situations
                                            €55 where extending
                                                      €55       grazing,
                                                                 €44      is a priority.
                                                                               €19       Also
                                                                                            €0.0suitable fo
cut silage systems.

 Variety No. 4: Heading
Mixture                 Date/ extensive
                Heavy Soils       Pliody grazing   PPI mixRL     GSavailable without clover)
 AberGain          05-Jun             LT          €198         5.8
 Aberchoice        09-Jun      This isLD          €194
                                       an excellent mixture for6.3
                                                                heavy soils. It has a high inclusion of
 Drumbo            07-Jun      diploids
                                     LD  to provide a
                                                  €121good dense
                                                               6.4base to the sward with high ground
                                           scoring varieties which will ensure a persistent sward in challenging
                                           soils. The diploids included are high grazing utilisation mixes to
                                           ensure this mix is palatable and easy to manage.
    %T               Total PPI             Spring             Summer Autumn Quality Silage Persis
    41%                €174                 €29                 €1     €43   €53     €16       -€
                                                               Heading     Kg    Pliody        PPI   RL GS         Grazing
Mixture No 4 Heavy Soils (Also  available with Utilisation
                           Date					           clover)
This mixture has been specifically Oakpark
                                    formulated for02-Jun
                                                              soils.LDSpecially designed
                                                                                          to***create a go
                                                                                  6.6 a persistent
dense base to the sward with high ground scoring       varieties which   will                        swar
challenging soils. The Heavy Soils Mix also delivers good seasonal growth and high quality varie
Lower levels of tetraploid will giveAstonconqueror
                                     a dense sward    that will
                                                   27-May    3.7 perform
                                                                     ID  in difficult
                                                                          €195    6.1 conditions.

                                           AstonEnergy         01-Jun      2.7      LT      €138        5.5         *****

                                           Clover		 0.6

  %T     Total PPI     Spring     Summer       Autumn         Quality      Silage         Persistency         Ground Score
Variety    Heading Date          Pliody    PPI     RL GS
 25%    €154.9      €30.7           €48.3      €51.6           €6.1        €16.8            €0.0                  6.2
Drumbo         07-Jun              LD     €121      6.4
Clanrye        06-Jun              LD     €97       6.9
Kintyre        07-Jun              LT     €156      6.0                                                                      15
OVERSEEDING -                                                                                   A Novel Seed Coating
                                                                               Using ProNitro® in practice:
Spring 2020 has been wet with an increased risk                                Day 1: Graze
                                                                       Using ProNitro®          tight/cut silage
                                                                                          in practice:
of poaching. Oversowing with pronitro could be a                       Day 1:  Day   2: Stitch in
                                                                                   Graze tight/cut ProNitro
                                                                                                        silagegrass mixture
solution to this.                                                      Day 2: DayStitch
                                                                                     14: Graze    ground grass
                                                                                            in ProNitro    if possible
                                                                       Day 14: Day   21-28:   Spread   fertiliser
                                                                                   Graze ground if possible       as normal (dependent on r
Overseeding will not solve problems with invasive                              Day	S42+:
                                                                       Day 21-28:    pread Continue    rotation/cut
                                                                                              fertiliser as normal grass
                                                                                                                      (dependent on
weeds like annual meadow grass, scutch or bentgrass                                re:growth)
but is a great way to deal with damaged ground and                     Day 42+: Continue rotation/cut grass
OVERSEEDING     - ryegrass in swards.
maintain perennial                            A Novel Seed Coating

We need2020
          to has been wet
             maximise  thewith an increased
                           proportions      risk of poaching.
                                        of perennial  rye     Oversowing with pronitro
 grassbe  a solution
        (PRG) withinto  this.
                      our  swards to maximise:
   • Seasonal growth, especially spring growth
   • Milk production
Overseeding   will not solve problems such with invasive weeds like annual meadow grass,
   • Nitrogen
scutch         use efficiency
        or bentgrass but is a great way to deal with damaged ground and maintain perennial
ryegrass in swards.
 ProNitro® is a patented seed coating that focuses on
We   need to maximise
 improving              the proportions
             nutrient utilization duringof perennial
                                           the early rye grass (PRG) within our swards to
 of plant growth. ProNitro® contains 15% nitrogen, a
• Seasonal especially spring growth
•combination   of both fast acting and slow release N.
  Milk production
• Nitrogen use efficiency
 As the fertiliser is coated onto the seeds, the
ProNitro®         and developing
            is a patented             seedling
                            seed coating          receives
                                          that focuses        the
                                                         on improving Benefits    of ProNitro®
                                                                      nutrient utilization    during
the  early not  theofsurrounding
           stages      plant growth.plants. This contains
                                      ProNitro®  is particularly       • aBcombination
                                                            15% nitrogen,    etterBenefits
                                                                                    early growth
                                                                                           of  bothfrom stronger plants with 30%
fast acting andwhenslow over-seeding
                        release N.       into a competitive                longer roots,     improved
                                                                                      • Better           stress-tolerance,
                                                                                                  early growth   from stronger and   an with 3
 sward.                                                                    average of 30%      more   viable  plants,
                                                                                          tolerance, and an average of 30% more viable p
                                                                       • More efficient
As the fertiliser is coated onto the seeds, the germinating and developing         seedling
                                                                                      • Moreuse  of nutrients
                                                                                                efficient use with  fertiliserwith
                                                                                                               of nutrients    applied
                                                                                                                                   fertiliser ap
the  benefit, notstitching   of grassplants.
                    the surrounding    seedsThis
                                               intois an existing important
                                                      particularly         directly  to the root zone,
                                                                              when over-seeding
into     with fertiliser
      a competitive        application drives all grass new
                       sward.                                          • B  igger and• heavier    seeds
                                                                                          Bigger and       withseeds
                                                                                                      heavier    better soilbetter
                                                                                                                      with    contact,
                                                                                                                                    soil contac
 and old. This can lead to the old grass smothering the                • F  eeds the seed not the weed,
Conventional                                                           • C  ontains
                 stitching of grass seeds into an existing sward with fertiliser      •15%  N; fast
                                                                                   application   theand
                                                                                                drives          release,
                                                                                                           not the  weed,
all grass new and old. This can lead to the old grass smothering the   • Tnew.
                                                                             he turnaround time is shorter and the cost is 1/3
                                                                                      • Contains 15% N; fast and slow release,
 Trials show ProNitro coated seeds to produce 200%                         of conventional reseeding.
 more fresh weight than untreated seed three weeks                                        The turnaround    time is shorter and the cost is 1
Trials show ProNitro coated seeds to produce 200% more fresh weight than •untreated               seed
 after sowing. In the ProNitro® system the seed is fed                Reseeding costs:
three weeks after sowing. In the ProNitro® system the seed is fed individually and this
 individually and this means that it gets ahead quicker                          Reseeding costs:
means that it gets ahead quicker and so can compete better.                                    ProNitro             Conventional
 and so can compete better.                                                                              Conventional
                                                                      		Re-seeding           ProNitro
DLF trials show ProNitro® treated seed yield’s over 200% more fresh weight in the first                   Re-seeding
 DLF trials show ProNitro® treated seed yield’s over                  Seed                         90
three                                                                            Seed           90
         more fresh weight in the first three weeks.
                                                                      Sowing Sowing             4040
                                                                      Total      Total         130130         340         340

                                                                                 Pronitro is available in a 12kg bag:
                                                                       Pronitro is available
                                                                                     - The 12kgin abag
                                                                                                    12kg   bag:
                                                                                                        = 8kg seed, 4kg nitrogen coating
                                                                        • T he 12kg- bag  = 8kg seed,
                                                                                        Varieties  in the 4kg nitrogen
                                                                                                          grazing       coating
                                                                                                                  mix are: 95% solus, aspe
                                                                        • Varieties-in the
                                                                                        Rategrazing    mix ac
                                                                                              = 12kg per   are: 95% solus, aspect
                                                                           + 5% white clover
                                                                        • R ate = 12kg per ac

                                                                       Please contact your local Area Sales Manager,
                                                                       Branch Agri Lead or inside sales on 022 31644 for
                                                                       more information on ProNitro

environmental step on their farm!   that marginal land has needed to be reclaimed and/or drained to maintain it as being eligible for
                                                  payment, despite
                                                              • DAFM  the detrimental
                                                                              have not effect this might
                                                                                          provided       a have  to the water
                                                                                                           definition          quality
                                                                                                                             what      or biodiversity.
                                                                                                                                     specifically       Last qu
                                                                                                                                   98  - APRIL 2021
              What is a Water Quality Feature & Eligibility
                                                  year (2020)Rules?
                                                              DAFM took a step in a very positive direction allowing actions which would benefit water
                                                                    Feature, however they advise that if you wish to claim an area this
                                                  quality to be eligible for BPS when located within a Priority Area for Action (PAA). This year, this
                • DAFM have not provided a definition
                                                                  been            toyou
                                                                        extended          should
                                                                                        areas       contact
                                                                                               across        as aanWater
                                                                                                        the country, ASSAP
                                                                                                                      making   Advisor
                                                                                                                               the        for of
                                                                                                                                   protection  assistance.
                                                                                                                                                 water qualityE

                     Feature, however they adviseathat   if you wish          Advisor
                                                                       and more
                                                                         to claim        and
                                                  environmental step on their farm!
                                                                                    an area    Teagasc
                                                                                                thisforyear also
                                                                                                             under have
                                                                                                                  aiming atodedicated
                                                                                                                       this  take this veryASSAP
                                                                                                                             new            positiveadvisor a
                                                A waterfor
                                            • Advisor    quality feature may    include
                                                                                     hasbut is not limited to buffer st
     FOR       WATER and TeagascPROTECTION                     ACTIONS
      regulation, you should contact an ASSAP              assistance. Each Co-Op       a dedicated
      ASSAP Advisor                             waterbodies
                                 also have a dedicated ASSAP(both   planted
                                                               advisor acrossorthe
                                                                                    country. ponds or large sedimen
                                                                 What is a Water Quality Feature & Eligibility Rules?

                   •A water quality feature may include   • DAFMbut is   drains
                                                                      havenot       are made
                                                                                                   to flow;
                                                                                              a definition
                                                                                                             of whatalong     willow
                                                                                                                              the banks
                                                                                                                                              of (or
                                                                                                                                     would qualify
                                                                                                                                                        other water tol
                                                                                                                                                     as a Water Quality
                    waterbodies (both planted or unplanted);             to
                                                              Feature,ponds filter
                                                                         however     run-off
                                                                                  orthey   advise
                                                                                       large     for
                                                                                                sediment        yards
                                                                                                         if youtraps
                                                                                                                 wish to  or
                                                                                                                       into   roadways
                                                                                                                           claim  an areafarm
                                                                                                                                which         and
                                                                                                                                           this yearrewetted      peat plo
                                                                                                                                                      under this new
                                                              regulation,   By
                                                                           you      CIARA
                                                                                 should    contact  DONOVAN,
                                                                                                    an   ASSAP   Advisor    for assistance.   Each  Co-Op  has  a dedicated
                    drains are made to flow; planted willowFarm
                                                                         To be(or
                                                                   • stands
                                                                                     other for waterBPStolerant
                                                                                                                      species)       being the
                                                                                                                                 in 2021,     usedarea in question m
                                                              ASSAP   Advisor andAdvisor,        Supply
                                                                                      Teagasc also    haveChain     Division
                                                                                                             a dedicated    ASSAP advisor across the country.
                    to filter run-off for clean yards or•roadways        under      the 2008 Single
                                                                          and rewetted                       Payment Scheme and must have been elig
                                                              A water quality     feature maypeat includeplots.
                                                                                                            but is not limited to buffer strips along the banks of
For many years • nowTo betheeligible for BPS entitlements
                                Department                  inwaterbodies
                                                of Agriculture,          (See
                                                                 2021, the(both the
                                                                                 ASSAP BPS
                                                                                     planted  terms
                                                                                         in question
                                                                                                Water   and   Conditions
                                                                                                or unplanted);      have
                                                                                                                  ponds    orbeenavailable
                                                                                                                              large    claimed online,
                                                                                                                                     sediment             forwhich
                                                                                                                                                 traps into   further
                                                                                                                                                                 infarm de
Food and the Marine under(DAFM)
                            the 2008   Single
                                     have  beenPayment        for• and
                                                  criticized          areThe  area
                                                                            must the    must
                                                                                   to have
                                                                                         ‘info’  be
                                                                                               been  mapped
                                                                                                   box willow
                                                                                                           when     separately
                                                                                                                    for (or
                                                                                                                     mapping          in
                                                                                                                             other water this
                                                                                                                                       (as      years’
                                                                                                                                             shown       BPS applicatio
                                                                                                                                                      species) being used
                                                              to filter run-off  for
                                                                         identified  clean   yards
                                                                                          as‘ASSAP  or
                                                                                              ‘an ASSAP roadways
                                                                                                               Waterand   rewetted
                                                                                                                          Quality     peat  plots.
                                                                                                                                       Feature’.     Include    note in th
their rigid eligibility   the BPS terms    and Conditions
                                        relating            available
                                                  to the •Basic            online,
                                                                                 Enter  for  further     details)
                                                                                                          Water      Quality       Feature’      when
                                                              To be eligible for BPS entitlements in 2021, the area in question must have been claimed
Payment Schemes• The   (BPS).
                         area The
                                mustrequirement     for landunder
                                      be mapped separately      toin thismapping to
                                                                      the 2008
                                                                                                      Scheme and
                                                                                                                 and           ‘ASSAP
                                                                                                                      must  must     be Water
                                                                                                                              have been    change
                                                                                                                                                        to MEA’
                                                                                                                                                    for payment
                                                                                                                                                                   in 2008.
be in ‘good agricultural     andasenvironmental
                    identified      ‘an ASSAP Water  condition’,
                                                        Quality          ‘reason
                                                                    the BPS      in
                                                                             terms   for
                                                                                      and requesting
                                                                                  Include   main
                                                                                            Conditions       change
                                                                                                           the   ‘info’  to
                                                                                                                     online,  MEA’     in the
                                                                                                                                   further      main application are
                                                        The       must be mapped separately in this years’ BPS application and it must be
                                                          to areaWater
has often required   that marginal
                  mapping           land
                            (as shown          Enter• ‘ASSAP
                                         has needed
                                      below).                            Quality Feature’ when asked to describe
                                                        identified as ‘an ASSAP Water Quality Feature’. Include note in the ‘info’ box when
be reclaimed and/or    drained   to maintain  it as being
                  ‘reason for requesting change to MEA’     in the
                                                        mapping   (asmain
                                                                     shownapplication     areas Water
                                                                            below). Enter ‘ASSAP table.Quality Feature’ when asked to describe
eligible for payment, despite the detrimental effect this
                                                        ‘reason for requesting change to MEA’ in the main application areas table.
might have to the water quality or biodiversity. Last year
(2020) DAFM took a step in a very positive direction
allowing actions which would benefit water quality to
be eligible for BPS when located within a Priority Area
for Action (PAA). This year, this allowance has been
extended to all areas across the country, making the
protection of water quality a more affordable and more
attractive option for farmers aiming to take this very
positive environmental step on their farm!

What is a Water Quality Feature & Eligibility Rules?
 •  DAFM have not provided a definition of what
     specifically would qualify as a Water Quality                                  Note: All farmers with a stocking rate above 170 Kgs N/
     Feature, however they advise that if you wish to                               Ha farmers are required to fence off all watercourses
     claim an area this year under this new regulation,                             (defined as being a blue line on OSI 6” maps) 1.5m
     you should contact an ASSAP Advisor for                                        out from the top of the bank this year (if not already
     assistance. Each Co-Op has a dedicated ASSAP                                   fenced off). While the watercourse itself is not eligible
     Advisor and Teagasc also have a dedicated ASSAP                                for payment under the BPS, the 1.5m fenced off area is
     advisor across the country.                                                    already included in payment and does not need to be
 • A water quality feature may include but is                                      mapped out in your BPS application.
   not limited to buffer strips along the banks of
   waterbodies (both planted or unplanted); ponds                                   Case Study:
   or large sediment traps into which farm drains are                               Michael McGrath and his son Sean, farm under the
   made to flow; planted willow stands (or other water                              shadow of the Galty Mountains near Ballylanders,
   tolerant species) being used to filter run-off for                               County Limerick milk around 110 cows. In 2009,
   clean yards or roadways and rewetted peat plots.                                 Michael planted over 200 ash trees along the banks
 • T o be eligible for BPS entitlements in 2021, the                               of the river that flowed through his farm (the Aherlow
   area in question must have been claimed under                                    River, currently at ‘good status’). While in many areas
   the 2008 Single Payment Scheme and must have                                     this resulted in a narrow buffer, this planting also
   been eligible for payment in 2008. (See the BPS                                  included some wider area (as shown in the photo
   terms and Conditions available online, for further                               below). Michael estimates that approximately an acre
   details)                                                                         of land was planted in total. The trees were not planted
 • The area must be mapped separately in this years’                              as part of any environmnetal or forestry scheme so
   BPS application and it must be identified as ‘an                                 this area did not qualify for extra payment and in fact,

ineligible for BPS payment. Michael estimated that he has lost 0.4 of an entitlement per year since
planting this area. This year, this area can now be mapped, marked as an ASSAP water Quality
Feature and it will be eligible for payment under the Basic Payment Scheme.
at the time, the tree planting made the land ineligible for BPS payment. Michael estimated that he has lost 0.4 of
an entitlement per year since planting this area. This year, this area can now be mapped, marked as an ASSAP
Michael         “This will
water Quality           anddefinitely     help farmers
                             it will be eligible         to make
                                                 for payment under the decision
                                                                   the Basic    to plant
                                                                             Payment     buffers along rivers”.

Michael says “This will definitely help farmers to make the decision to plant buffers along rivers”.

Above: Photo of some of the ash trees planted by Michael and Sean, an area now eligible for payment under
Above:  Photo of some of the ash trees planted by Michael and Sean, an area now eligible for
the BPS this year.
payment under the BPS this year.
Benefits to the River
This kind of planting of a river buffer is very beneficial to water quality as it acts positively in a number of ways:

       ✔ It can greatly reduce losses from surface run-off, physically slowing flow
       ✔ The growing vegetation can help to take up nutrients flowing through the topsoil and sub soil preventing
          it from reaching the water.
       ✔ The roots along the riverbank helps to stabilize the bank and prevent erosion and sediment losses into
          the water.
       ✔ There are numerous benefits from a biodiversity aspect.

With increasing pressure for farmers to take steps to protect water, there is now an incentive to encourage the
fencing off of more than the minimum area required, where it would be beneficial to water quality. Whether you
might wish to protect the environment, hope to prevent your land from being lost through erosion or, like Michael
McGrath, aim to secure ‘hurley production’ into the future for the sake of Limerick hurling (!), this new proactive
measure taken by DAFM is welcome.

ISSUE 98 - APRIL 2021

Red clover
        DAIRYGOLD         / TEAGASC
By John P McCarthy    PROGRAMME
                   – Dairygold/Teagasc Joint
                                                                     By JOHN McCARTHY,
Programme                                      Soils Pilot Project in the Dairygold / Teagasc Joint Program

Red clover: It is a legume usually set with a companion grass like perennial rye grass that can persist for up to
Red     clover:
six years        It is a legume
            if managed     correctly.usually   setsuited
                                       It is more  with atocompanion      grass than
                                                             silage production   like perennial
                                                                                       grazing duerye  grass
                                                                                                    to its     thatgrowing
                                                                                                           higher    can persist
for   up to six years
If established    properlyif managed
                              it has beencorrectly.
                                             proven toItbe
                                                         is an
                                                            more    suitedforage
                                                                excellent   to silage
                                                                                   withproduction    than
                                                                                        a potential DM      grazing
                                                                                                         yield        due to12-15
                                                                                                                of between   its
higher       with a protein
           growing    point.content      ranging properly
                                If established    between 16 it to
                                                                      %. The  crop can
                                                                           proven    to fix
                                                                                                 200 kg N/ha     overwith
                                                                                                            forage    the year
                                                                                                                           a so
it is advised to be grown without any application of nitrogen (N) to allow the clover plant work to its full potential.
potential     DM yield of between 12-15 tonne/ha with a protein content ranging between 16 to 20 %.
The yield from 4 or 5 ha could produce 25 % of the winter feed requirement for a 100 cow herd.
The crop can fix up to 200 kg N/ha over the year so it is advised to be grown without any application
of     to success
                (N)oftored   clover
                         allow     theuse
                                       clover plant work to its full potential. The yield from 4 or 5 ha could
     1. Very good initial establishment.
produce 25 % of the winter feed requirement for a 100 cow herd.
   2. Sow red clover with a companion grass (Tetraploid perennial grass).
   3. Lime, Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) maintained at recommended rates
         success  of red clover use
              chemical N use.
   5. Early silage harvest schedule starting in May.
   6. 1.Requires
           Very good
                 some initial
                       wilting establishment.
                               or addition of preservative to aid ensilability.
   7. 2.   Sow
       Avoid usered  clovermachinery
                  of heavy   with a companion     grass (Tetraploid
                                       in wet conditions               perennial
                                                         as wheel damage           grass).
                                                                              can effect crop persistency.
     3. Lime, Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K) maintained at recommended rates
Red clover management: Like most crops it performs best on well drained, fertile soils. It’s best sown as a full
      4. Avoid chemical N use.
reseed or under sown with arable silage in the month of April. A seeding rate of 14 kg per acre using a 55%
              45 %silage   harvest
                     red clover   mixschedule
                                       is advised.starting
                                                               May. research station use a mix of a hybrid ryegrass
            Requires – 9some    wilting
                          kg), red cloveror(Milvus
                                             addition    of preservative
                                                    - 4 kg) and white cloverto (Barblanca
                                                                               aid ensilability.
                                                                                          – 1 kg). After crop establishment,
it should be allowed to flower before harvesting the first cut silage. This is to help root development and the
      7. Avoid use of heavy machinery in wet conditions as wheel damage can effect crop
growth of bacteria that fix nitrogen. The following silage cuts should be harvested at 6 to 8 week intervals at any
time betweenpersistency.
                   bud development and early flowering. Red clover sown in mixture with a companion grass offers
a number of advantages including higher total forage yield, easier to obtain satisfactory silage fermentation and
Red   clover
utilisation  of management:
                fixed nitrogen byLike    most cropsgrass.
                                    the companion       it performs
                                                             Annual Pbest
                                                                        and on  well drained,
                                                                             K replacement     fertile soils.
                                                                                           requirements    willIt’s best
                                                                                                                be at least 60
units ofasP aand
                       unitsor   under
                              K per  acresown   with
                                          for a 12     arable
                                                   tonne       silage
                                                           DM/ha  yieldinper
                                                                               month of April. A seeding rate of 14 kg
per acre using a 55% grass and 45 % red clover mix is advised. Teagasc Solohead research station use
a mix of a hybrid ryegrass (Aston Crusader – 9 kg), red clover (Milvus - 4 kg) and white clover
FERTILISER MATTERS-Fertiliser recording and Time for

                                   FERTILISER MATTERS                                By William Burchill PhD, Teagasc/Dairygold joint programme
                                                                                                    FERTILISER MATTERS-Fertiliser recording and Time for
                                   FERTILISER RECORDING            AND TIME FOR SULPHUR
                                                  Fertiliser recording                       By William Burchill PhD, Teagasc/Dairygold joint programme
                                                  On every farm there will be paddocks that grow more grass than others while getting similar
                                                                                     or even lower levels of fertiliser or slurry. Some paddocks will also get much more N
                                                                                     fertiliser than originally
                                                                                             Fertiliser           planned as the year progresses. The only way to get a handle on this
                                   By WILLIAM BURCHILL,                              PhD.,
                                                                                     and   manage
                                                                                             On everyfertiliser
                                                                                                       farm thereapplication    to get
                                                                                                                  will be paddocks   thatmore  fromgrass
                                                                                                                                          grow more it isthan
                                                                                                                                                           to others
                                                                                                                                                                     what    we are
                                                                                                                                                                          getting      actually
                                                                                     spreading   across
                                                                                             or even      thelevels
                                                                                                      lower   farm of
                                                                                                                         in individual   paddocks.
                                                                                                                                  or slurry. Some paddocks will also get much more N
                                   Teagasc/Dairygold Joint Programme
                                                                                             fertiliser than originally planned as the year progresses. The only way to get a handle on this
                                                                                     Pasturebase      Ireland,
                                                                                             and manage           in particular
                                                                                                              fertiliser            the to
                                                                                                                          application      Pasturebase    Ireland
                                                                                                                                              get more from     it isApp   on your
                                                                                                                                                                       to record      smart
                                                                                                                                                                                    what   we phone     can be
                                                                                                                                                                                               are actually
                                                                                     used tospreading     across the farm
                                                                                               record fertiliser,      slurryand   in individual
                                                                                                                                 and                paddocks.during the year as they occur. This can
                                                                                                                                       lime applications
Fertiliser recording                                                                 be doneindividual
                                                                                                quickly and easily  paddock              (Fig 1:theFertiliser
                                                                                                                           by just selecting            paddocks spread,  report).
                                                                                                                                                                                the date,For
                                                                                             Pasturebase Ireland, in particular the Pasturebase Ireland App on your smart phone can be
                                                                                     and theused
                                                                                               amount       applied   on the     App    (Fig.   1). Pasturebase     Ireland   can   quickly
                                                                                                                                                                                            the fertiliser
                                                                                                                                                                                              generate    a report
On every farm there will be paddocks that grow more                                         information
                                                                                     that shows
                                                                                                           the amount  onof using
                                                                                                               fertiliser, slurry   and
                                                                                                                                    P, K,    SPasturebase
                                                                                                                                          lime  applications
                                                                                                                                                                                as they
                                                                                                                                                                               individual    fertiliser
                                                                                                                                                                                         occur.   This
                                                                                                                                                                                                         at any
                                                                                             be done    quickly  and easily    by        selecting      paddocks                 date, the fertiliser type
grass than others while getting similar or even lower                                       applications
                                                                                     point during
                                                                                             and the the
                                                                                                       amount      andtalk
                                                                                                             yearapplied also
                                                                                                                           on thetoApp
                                                                                                                                the    your
                                                                                                                                     timing       local
                                                                                                                                                 1).        Teagasc
                                                                                                                                                                  Ireland canadvisor,     the visit
                                                                                                                                                                                 rate of generate
                                                                                                                                                                                quickly                the
                                                                                                                                                                                              mosta recent
                                                                                                  shows you the   onamount
                                                                                                                      an individual
                                                                                                                               of N, P, K,  paddock    (Figapplied
                                                                                                                                              S and lime     1: Fertiliser   report). For
                                                                                                                                                                    to any individual        moreat information
                                                                                                                                                                                        paddock       any
levels of fertiliser or slurry. Some paddocks will also                                     Pasturebase
                                                                                     on using    Pasturebase
                                                                                             point  during the year     andIreland
                                                                                                                   to record alsofertiliser
                                                                                                                                   the timing support
                                                                                                                                              applications     page:
                                                                                                                                                 and N,P,K,S talk             https://support.
                                                                                                                                                                     to yourrate
                                                                                                                                                               application     local  Teagasc
                                                                                                                                                                                  of the          advisor, visit
                                                                                                                                                                                         most recent

get much more N fertiliser than originally planned as
                                                                                             fertiliser application
                                                                                     the Pasturebase
                                                                                             on using
                                                                                                                       on an individual
                                                                                                            Ireland support
                                                                                                                        to record                                                        or
                                                                                                                                             paddock (Fig 1: Fertiliser report). For more information
                                                                                                                                    fertiliser applications talk to your local Teagasc advisor, visit
                                                                                      or watch    the following        
the year progresses. The only way to get a handle on                                         the   following
                                                                                             the Pasturebase  Ireland video:
                                                                                                                      support page:
                                                                                              or watch the following video:
this and manage fertiliser application to get more from
it is to record what we are actually spreading across
the farm and in individual paddocks.

Pasturebase Ireland, in particular the Pasturebase
Ireland App on your smart phone can be used to
record fertiliser, slurry and lime applications during
the year as they occur. This can be done quickly and
easily by just selecting the paddocks spread, the date,
the fertiliser type and the amount applied on the App
(Fig. 1). Pasturebase Ireland can quickly generate a
report that shows you the amount of N, P, K, S and lime                                      Fig 1. Pasturebase Ireland mobile app fertiliser application recording and fertiliser report
applied to any individual paddock at any point during                                        screens.
                                                                                     Fig 1. Pasturebase Ireland mobile app fertiliser application recording and fertiliser report
the year and also the timing and N,P,K,S application                                       Fig 1. Pasturebase Ireland mobile app fertiliser

rate of the most recent fertiliser application on an                                         application recording and fertiliser report screens.

Time for sulphur
Sulphur is closely associated with Nitrogen uptake and efficiency and influences the crude protein content and
yield of both grass and silage. The month of April when following cows with fertiliser is a good time to start sulphur
                                                                      Sulphur targets
		15 units S/acre across April to June on grazing ground (see table below)
		15 units S/acre on 1st cut silage ground
		10 units S/acre on 2nd cut silage ground (Only required on lighter soil types)

		                                      April                  May                     June                      April-June                    April-June                    April-June
		                                     bags/ac                bags/ac                 bags/ac                     bags/ac                      Units S/ac                    Units N/ac
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