Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht

Page created by Sidney Young
Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht
Paint Manual
Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht

    Thank you for choosing Hempel        43 Osmosis
1   Contents                             44 What is osmosis and howit is
2   Why do I need to paint my boat?         caused?
3   Preparing to paint                   45 Osmosis protection
4   Planning the job                     47 Osmosis treatment
5   Temperature and humidity             49 Using Hempel’s High Protect
6   Personal protection                  51 Our products
8   Removing old paint and antifouling   52 Primers and undercoats
9   Cleaning and degreasing              57 Fillers
10 Abrading                              59 Antifoulings and bottom coats
13 Application methods and tools         69 Fouling Release System
16 Choosing the right paint system       80 Topcoats
17 Painting advice and specifications    83 Varnishes
18 General painting advice for all       85 Teak treatment
   substrates                            86 Thinners
21 Repainting all substrates             87 Boatcare
23 Glassfibre                            89 Reference
26 Metal                                 90 Calculating areas to be painted
29 Varnishing wood                       91 Health and safety
36 Decks, bilges and lockers             93 Troubleshooting
38 Keels                                 95 Technical terms
39 Propellers, outdrivers and                Colour Card
42 Mast protection

Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht
Preparing to paint

Why do I need to paint my boat?
We need to paint for a whole number of reasons. As well as decoration and
appearance, painting helps protect your boat, makes it easier to clean and safer
to sail. By creating a film between a substrate (surface) and the environment,
paint protects:

Steel & aluminium against Corrosion
GRP against Osmosis
Wood against Rot and weathering
Underwater areas against Fouling
Decks against Abrasion

Once the surface is protected, paint can be used to
enhance the appearance of your boat.
                                                           The Hempel Group
                                                           of companies was
                                                       established in 1915 by Mr
                                                      J C Hempel with the motto of
                                                      “Quality and Service”, which
                                                       remains the hallmark of the
                                                          Hempel Group today.

Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht
Preparing to paint
• Planning the job
• Temperature and humidity
• Personal protection
• Surface preparation
• Application methods
  and tools
• Choosing the right
  paint system

Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht
Preparing to paint

Planning the job

General considerations:                 Indoor and outdoor painting advice:
• Consider the total process,           • If you’re painting indoors, make sure
  including surface preparation and        there’s plenty of ventilation so the
  paint application.                       paint solvents evaporate and the
• Decide on the type of paints you’re      paint cures properly.
  going to use.                         • If you’re painting outside, pick a
• Consider drying, curing and recoat-      calm weather day. This minimises
  ing intervals.                           the risk of dust pollution on the paint
• Consider anticipated temperatures        surface, and allows solvent based
  and weather conditions.                  paints to flow out naturally, which will
                                           improve the final finish.

Paint Manual - Hempel Yacht
Preparing to paint

Temperature and humidity

Our paints are very tolerant to varying   Avoid painting above recommended
conditions. The drying/curing and         maximum temperatures, as the faster
re-coating times we give in this guide    drying/curing rates reduce the paint’s
are (unless otherwise stated) based on:   flowing properties, and this can result
• temperatures of 10oC and 20oC           in visible application marks. This can
• relative humidity (RH) of 60 – 65%      also happen if you paint in direct
• a well ventilated working area.         sunlight, where the surface has a
                                          much higher temperature than the
Temperature                               surrounding (ambient) temperature.
You may need to adjust these drying/
curing times depending on the             Check minimum application
conditions. As a guide:                   temperature of the paint you are
• double drying/curing times for a        using as the paint will not cure below
  drop of 10oC                            it, resulting in poor film formation,
• halve drying/curing times for a         poor adhesion between coats and
  rise of 10oC                            unsatisfactory gloss finishes.
• adjust accordingly between these
  temperatures.                           Relative humidity
                                          Ideally, relative humidity should not be
Remember that paint properties            above 65%. (You can measure humidity
change with temperature variation.        with a hygrometer.)

At lower temperatures, paint thickens     A good test is to moisten the surface
so may need thinning. Always note         to be painted. If it dries within 10 – 15
correct/maximum thinner ratios, and       minutes it should be okay to paint.
take care not to add more than is

                                                      Key Advice
                                                Do not paint outdoors too
                                                early or too late in the day,
                                                  when there’s a risk of
                                                  condensation or dew.

Personal protection

Personal protection

Ensure you wear suitable protective          application and health & safety advice.
clothing, including gloves and glasses.      Open cans with care. Don’t eat or drink
Read labels carefully and follow all         in the vicinity of stored or applied paint.

                 What are the hazards                The equipment to use
                 Chemical splash, dust,              Safety spectacles, goggles,
                 paint particles and droplets,       face shields, visors.
                 projectiles, vapour.

                 Breathing dust, vapour, fumes,      Short term filtering mask
                 aerosols, oxygen-deficient          against dust while sanding.
                 atmospheres, paint particles.       Half facemask for sanding
                                                     and painting, can be
                                                     disposable or with replaceable
    Breathing                                        filter cartridges. Full air feed
                                                     facemask for spray painting.
                 Abrasion, cuts and punctures,       Leather gloves, latex gloves,
                 impact, chemicals, solvents,        armlets.
                 liquid paints, skin infection.

                 Dust, dirt, oil and grease, paint   Barrier cream: short term
                 particles.                          protection.
                                                     Cleaning cream: designed
                                                     to remove contaminates and
                                                     cause least skin damage.
     Hands                                           Maintenance cream: to help
                                                     restore the skin’s natural
                                                     protective layers.

Personal protection

          What are the hazards              The equipment to use
          Damage to inner ear from loud     Ear defenders, ear muffs, ear
          or constant noise levels.         plugs.

          Chemical or paint splash,         Overalls, coveralls.
          spray from spray guns, impact
          or penetration, dust, excessive
          wear or entanglement of own
          Wet, slipping, cuts and           Steel toe protection and
          punctures, falling objects,       anti-slip soles. May be a pre-
          chemical and paint splash,        requisite on some sites.

          Impact from falling objects,      A range of helmets and bump
          head bumping, hair                caps.


Surface preparation

Removing old paint and antifouling
Removing old paints and antifoulings can be easier with Hempel’s Paint
Stripper, which is a highly effective solvent based paint remover, and can be
used on most painted or varnished surfaces.

• Test a small section to see how long        Alternatives to Hempel’s Paint Stripper
  the whole job is likely to take.            Abrading. Use coarse paper for coat-
• Apply Hempel’s Paint Stripper               ings, being careful not to damage the
  liberally by brush or roller to a           substrate. Wet abrade antifoulings to
  dry surface.                                avoid inhaling toxic dust particles.
• Take caution on plastics (it may
  harm some thermoplasts).                    Hot air guns can remove paints and
• Don’t do too big an area at once.           varnishes, but not antifoulings as toxic
• Leave for 15 – 30 minutes until the         fumes are released.
  paint coat dissolves or lifts. (Antifoul-   Don’t damage/burn the substrate!
  ings, alkyd paints and varnishes
  react quickest, silicone and epoxy          Paint scrapers work for varnishes and
  take longer.)                               paints, but not antifoulings.
• We recommend putting aluminium
  foil over the treated area to help stop
  active solvents evaporating.
• Scrape off old paint; clean with hot
  water and Hempel’s Pre-Clean.
• Old or thick coatings may need a
  repeat treatment.                           Wet abrade

            Key Advice                        Hot air gun / paint scraper

          If you’re using a hot
           air gun, use at low
         temperature and take
               great care.

                                              Paint scraper

Surface preparation

Cleaning and degreasing
Good surface preparation is the key to achieving a great finish. Part of this
preparation is making sure the surface is free from dirt and contamination.

Pre-Cleaning                               Degreasing
Hempel’s Pre-Clean is a high strength      Use Hempel’s Degreaser to remove
cleaner and degreaser for pre-cleaning     surface contaminants, especially wax
gelcoat and painted surfaces in order      or silicone on new gelcoat. Do not
to remove fuel, oil, grease, waxes and     use it on single component convention-
silicones. You should use this before      al paint systems, as the solvents in
painting, and for deep cleaning.           Hempel’s Degreaser can damage the
• Dilute 1 part Hempel’s Pre-Clean         coating.
    to 20 parts water for general          • Work in a well ventilated area using
    cleaning, 1:10 for more demanding         a clean absorbent, lint free cloth
    cleaning jobs.                            soaked in Hempel’s Degreaser.
• Don’t use on bare or untreated           • Using the soaked cloth in a longitu-
    wood, as it may absorb the water.         dinal motion, clean 1m2 at a time,
                                              changing the cloth surface before
You can also use Hempel’s Pre-Clean           the next section – wear solvent
to clean brushes covered in part cured        resistant gloves and eye protection
paint.                                        while doing this.
                                           • Wipe excess Hempel’s Degreaser
                                              from the surface using a new
                                              dry cloth.

                                                      Key Advice
                                                    Check the surface for
                                                  grease by sprinkling it with
                                                water. If pearly drops form, the
For general cleaning,                         surface is still greasy and needs a
see Boatcare section,                          further treatment with Hempel’s
page 87 – 89.                                  Degreaser. If the water flows out
                                                  evenly, no grease is left on
                                                          the surface.

Surface preparation

After cleaning the surface you’re going to paint, it must be abraded to the correct
profile. This is usually called “keying” the surface. After keying, it’s essential to
remove any dust before painting.

Dry abrading                                 grades and comes in sheets, disks or
Dry abrading is recommended for:             on a roll. To ensure even hand abrad-
• removing old paint (not antifouling)       ing, wrap the paper around a cork
• sanding filler                             sanding block.
• initial preparation of wood, alu-
  minium, steel, lead and GRP.

Dry sanding creates a lot of dust, so
                                                          Do not dry abrade
you should always wear a good quality
                                                       antifoulings. They must
particle mask and eye protection. Dry
                                                       always be wet abraded
abrasive paper is available in various
                                                        to avoid inhaling toxic
                                                            dust particles.

Size paper to fit block      Wrap paper around block           Dry abade

Surface preparation

Wet Abrading
Due to the lubricating action of the       Wet abrasive paper is available in
water, there is minimum paper clogging     sheets in various grades, and should
and a clean surface can be quickly         be used around a cork sanding block to
achieved.                                  ensure an evenly abraded surface.
                                           Antifoulings must always be wet abrad-
                                           ed to avoid inhaling toxic dust particles.

Wet abrasive paper            Wet abrade                  Remove soiled water

Choosing the right grade paper

 Surface to abrade                         Dry paper grade       Wet paper grade
 Gelcoat before priming for antifouling    150                   180
 Gelcoat before priming for topcoat        150 – 180             240
 Bare wood                                   80 – 240            n/a
 Bare metal                                  60 – 120            n/a
 Epoxy filler (2 component)                  60 – 100            n/a
 Painted surface                           150 – 180             180 – 240
 Lakeret overflade                         220                   240
 Varnished surface                           80 – 120            120
 Old/deteriorated gelcoat                  n/a                   400 – 1200
 Hard antifouling for a racing finish      280 – 400             600 – 800

Surface preparation

Mechanical Abrading                         Abrasive Blasting
The most popular types are:                 Blasting leaves the ideal surface for
                                            new coatings. Grit, slurry and sand are
Belt Sander                                 good for this. For aluminium and stain-
For rapidly removing material on flat       less steel, use a non-metallic abrasive,
surfaces.                                   such as garnet.

Random Orbital/Dual Action Sanders          This is usually carried out by a profes-
Rapidly removes material from most          sional with the right equipment, but
surfaces. With the correct paper            you can hire a high pressure hose with
grades, you can use these sanders           attachments.
all the way from rough sanding to final
sanding before topcoat application.

Orbital Sander
General purpose sander for most
preparations. Uses standard abrasive
paper, making it an economic choice.

                                  Key Advice
                               Only use drill machine
                         attachments and angle grinders for
                        rough abrading as they can cut in and
                                    leave marks.

                            Only lightly sand plywood and
                             veneered surfaces to avoid
                            sanding through the thin layer
                                       of veneer.

Application methods and tools

Application methods and tools
There are four main tools: brush, roller, paint pad and spray equipment.
Alongside the description of each product in this manual, we recommend the
best application tool.

       Brush                                        Roller
       Advantages                                   Advantages
Versatile, low cost and often the most       A low cost, versatile tool with similar
suitable way to paint complex objects.       advantages to brush application. Roll-
For rough surfaces, a brush works paint      ers are particularly good on broad, even
in better than any other method.             surfaces, where they’re faster than
                                             brushing and the correct roller head can
Good practice                                give excellent results.
• Use a good quality brush that’s
  as large as possible for the job.          Good practice
• Don’t use a new brush for the final        • If speed is more important than fin-
  coat, as they tend to shed bristles.         ish, use a short pile mohair roller.
• For best results, work ‘crisscross’ on     • Small diameter felt and closed cell
  a manageable area. Brush from side           foam rollers are recommended for
  to side, then up and down.                   a better quality finish.
• Continue until the paint is evenly         • In all cases use the crisscross tech-
  distributed over the area, with your         nique to distribute the paint evenly.
  final strokes being very light (“laying-   • After applying by roller, laying off the
  off”) and vertical. (See Paint Pad on        paint with a brush or pad will give an
  the next page for an alternative way         improved finish.
  of laying off).                            • Before using a new felt or mohair
• Paint with the brush at an angle             roller, wrap masking tape around the
  of 45o to minimise brush marks.              roller and then pull it off. This will
• During painting, the paint will start to     remove any loose fibres.
  cure on the brush. Clean the brush
  approximately every 30 minutes
  for consistency.

Application methods and tools

       Paint pad                                 Spray equipment
       Advantages                                Advantages
Although you can paint from scratch       It’s generally accepted that a spray gun
with a pad, they’re most effective for    gives the best results.
laying off paint already applied by
brush or roller. This eliminates almost   Good practice
all application marks, and gives an       • Where possible, work inside to
excellent finish.                           ensure a steady temperature with
                                            low humidity.
Good practice                             • Always wear a full air fed mask when
• Use the pad immediately after             spraying two pack products.
  you’ve applied the paint.
• Draw the pad in one direction only,
  using vertical strokes to avoid a
  paint build up which may sag.

Different sizes and shapes of spatula
are available for various fillers and

Good practice
• If using a two component filler,
  mix small amounts at a time.
• Wipe the spatula clean during
  and after use.

Application methods and tools

An important part of choosing the right tool is knowing how thick your paint
needs to be, thus how much area you’ll be able to cover. Paint coat film
thickness is measured in micron. (1 micron = 1/1000 mm).

How to measure film thickness              How much will I get?
You can use a wet film thickness (wft)
gauge if coating depth is critical, but     Tool/method           Wet film ­thickness
normally it’s sufficient to calculate                             (micron)
the area to be covered and apply the        Plastic foam                20 – 40
recommended amount of paint. This           roller
should ensure the correct thickness.
                                            Felt roller                 30 – 60
Our specifications supply this infor-       Mohair roller               40 – 80
mation, listing the litres required per     Brush                       20 – 80
square metre.
                                            Air spray                  25 – 150
Factors to bear in mind
• Thickness alters as paint dries,
  because solvents evaporate. (An
  exception is Hempel’s High Protect –
  it’s solvent-free, so the thickness is                  Key Advice
  the same wet and dry.)
• An irregular surface means a larger          Don’t try to apply more than the
  area, and therefore more paint.            specified amount of product for one
• Some surfaces absorb more paint             coat, as this can cause problems
  than others.                               with curing and solvent entrapment
• When it’s cold, paint is thicker and           which may result in coating
  more difficult to distribute evenly.                       failure.


Choosing the right paint system

Choosing the right paint system
It’s important to choose the best system for your requirements. A little time
spent now could save costly mistakes. For most applications we offer two types
of coating system: Single Component (Conventional) and Two Component
(High Performance).

                      One Component                           Two Component
 Protection           Good/Conventional                       Good/High
 Usage                Easy to use. Use on                     Some experience
                      substrates where movement               needed. Consideration to
                      is possible such as clinker or          temperature and overcoating
                      carvel hulls.                           times required. Use where
                                                              movement of substrate is
 Compatibility        One component primer can                A two component primer
 and overcoat-        only be overcoated with one             can be overcoated either
 ing                  component system/topcoat.               by one component or two
                                                              component system/ topcoat.
 Durability           Good but less durable than              Generally twice as durable
                      two componet systems.                   as single componet systems.

                                         Key Advice
                                  If you buy more than one can
                                   of topcoat or antifouling, it is
                                   recommended that the cans
                                  have the same batch number.

Painting advice and
• General painting advice for all
• Painting glassfibre
• Painting metal
• Painting and varnishing wood
• Painting decks, bilges
  and lockers
• Painting keels
• Painting propellers, outdrives and
• Mast protection
• Repainting all substrates
General painting advice

General painting advice
This section contains general painting advice, as well as advice for painting on
specific surfaces.

Before painting, ensure...                  General good practice when painting
• the substrate has been cleaned            • Open cans with care.
  and degreased.                            • Immediately clean up spills.
• all cracks and blemishes, above and       • Don’t eat or drink in the vicinity
  below the waterline, have been fine         of stored or applied paint.
  filled with Hempel’s Epoxy Filler.        • Wear appropriate personal protec-
• the surface has been abraded to             tion equipment.
  provide a suitable key, then washed       • Ensure adequate ventilation for
  with fresh water and allowed to dry.        the product used. If necessary use
• any dust on the surface has been            a respirator.
  removed with a tack rag.                  • Always read the label thoroughly.
                                              If you’re not sure what’s needed,
General tips when painting                    contact your local Hempel office.
• Thoroughly prepare the surface –          • Any surface to be painted must
  this is key to a successful finish.         always be thoroughly cleaned
• To avoid dust rising, dampen the            and primed.
  ground before painting.
• Always stir paint thoroughly with a
  flat blade to an even consistency.
• Stir paint periodically while applying.
• Pour enough paint for the job into
  a suitable container. With single
  pack products, resealing the lid
  maintains the paint for next time.
• It’s often easier if two people carry
                                                       Key Advice
  out brush and roller painting, with               Check previous coating
  the first person applying the paint              system for compatibility
  with a roller and the second person              to intended new coating
  laying-off with a brush.                                 system.
• Remove any masking tape before the
  paint completely cures. This will help
  avoid exaggerated edges.

General painting advice

Fill along boottop                              Fairing any defects

Filling                                         Fairing
To fill, build up a surface to the              Once the filled area has cured, sand
required profile or spot fill (minor de-        the filled and surrounding area to the
fects), apply chosen filler onto a rough-       required fair profile.
ened, clean, primed surface.
When spot filling, use a filling knife or       Spot Fairing
spatula.                                        For best results, sand by hand using
                                                abrasive paper on a cork block to the
For large profile filling, use a wide filling   required fair profile.
knife or trowel.
                                                Fairing large areas
If there are small cracks in gelcoat, you       Large areas can be faired using a
may need to widen the crack to create           range of tools. Initial fairing can be
enough space to apply the filler.               carried out using a sander with rough
                                                grade discs, followed by a random
Ensure you use the correct amount of            orbital or orbital sander with lighter
filler. If you use too much, you’ll need        grade discs for a fairer surface. Skill is
more sanding to produce a fair surface.         needed when using these tools.

When filling deep holes or large areas,         It’s often more successful to use a
apply a number of layers of filler to           manual fairing board. Although it’s
eliminate the chance of overfilling or          slower, it can easily produce a smooth,
sagging on vertical surfaces.                   fair surface.

General painting advice

Apply antifouling over primer              Wet scrape to remove old antifouling

Most antifoulings are compatible and       • Apply an extra coat along the water-
can easily be overcoated, however:           line and the leading edges, where
• The surface must be in good condi-         water flows strongest.
  tion, free from contaminates.            • It’s not advisable to thin antifoulings.
• Hard antifoulings leave an exhausted       However, in particularly cold condi-
  layer of resin at the end of the           tions, thinning it by up to 10% will
  season. Wet abrade surface before          help with application.
  applying new anti-fouling.               • Never dry sand old antifouling,
• You can overcoat Teflon antifouling,       as the dust is toxic.
  if it’s in good condition and has been
  washed. Do not abrade before apply-
  ing new antifouling.
• A traditional/soft antifouling should
  be sealed with Hempel’s Underwater                     Key Advice
  Primer before applying an erodible or
  hard antifouling on top of it.                    If you’re changing your
• Keep the antifouling product indoors               antifouling, check the
  before painting as it’s easier to              instructions for applying the
  apply if it has been stored at                new product onto your existing
  “room” temperature.                             product. If in doubt, apply
• Always give antifoulings a good stir              Hempel’s Underwater
  with a bladed instrument before                            Primer.
  applying, as they contain heavy pig-
  ments which can settle.

Repainting all substrates

Repainting all substrates
Maintaining coatings helps the protection, appearance and value of your boat.
Both two component and single component finishes need repainting. How often
varies from boat to boat, depending on the existing paint system, usage, general
wear and tear, mooring conditions and UV degradation.

Above the waterline
If the existing coating is intact
• Wash with Hempel’s Pre-Clean
    and freshwater to remove surface
• Allow to dry fully.
• Abrade with 180 – 280 grade paper.
• Freshwater rinse and allow to dry.
                                           Fill using blade
• Apply undercoat where necessary,
    followed by 1 – 2 coats of topcoat,
    using the relevant painting spec-

Where the coatings are damaged
You may need to fill and prime first.
• Degrease the surface thoroughly
  with Hempel’s Pre-Clean or
  Hempel’s Degreaser (depending            Spot fill using spatula
  on substrate).
• Abrade with 100 – 240 grade paper.
• Freshwater wash and allow to dry.
• Spot prime and fill where needed,
  using appropriate materials.
• Fair areas that have been filled.
• Apply primer, undercoat and topcoat
  using relevant painting specification.
                                           Spot prime
Please remember 2 component
­products should not be applied to any
 single pack system.

Repainting all substrates

Below the waterline
We recommend new antifouling once a
year for good protection

If the existing coating is intact
Overcoat using the same antifouling:
• Wash the surface with
    Hempel’s Pre-Clean and freshwa-      Clean abraded surface
    ter, remove any loose paint and
    allow to dry.
• Apply two coats of antifouling.
• See page 45 for more information.

Where the coatings are damaged
You may need to fill and prime first.
• Wet abrade (100 – 240
  grade paper).
• Wash with Hempel’s Pre-Clean and       Apply Hempel’s Underwater Primer onto
                                         prepared surface
  freshwater, then allow to dry.
• Spot prime and fill where needed,
  using appropriate materials.
• Fair filled areas, apply more coats
  of primer to encapsulate the filler.
• Allow to dry fully before applying
  primer and antifouling from relevant
  painting specification.

                                         Apply antifouling over primer or tiecoat

Painting substrates – Glassfibre

Glassfibre, or GRP (glass reinforced plastic), is a polyester resin strengthened
by glass fibres, making a high strength, low weight material which requires little

Painting glassfibre                        Repainting glassfibre
The outer shell of the glassfibre has a    Over time gelcoat becomes old and
layer of gelcoat. New gelcoat contains     weathered. This will cause the cos-
large residues of wax and mould-           metic appearance to deteriorate, and
release agents that must be removed        eventually it will need painting to pro-
before painting. Use Hempel’s              tect the surface. Generally the deck
­Pre-Clean or Hempel’s Degreaser to        and coach roof will deteriorate sooner
 remove mould release agents used in       than the topsides.
 the construction of the vessel. Abrade
 the surface (150 – 180 grade paper).      The extent of the degradation depends
 Remove dust.                              on many factors:
                                           • colour and pigment of the gelcoat,
                                           • if the gelcoat has been maintained,
                                           • condition of where the vessel is kept
                                             e.g. strong UV light,
                                           • mechanical damage,
                                           • weathering, etc.

                                                       Key Advice
                                                  Old gelcoat will probabily
                                                  still bear residues of wax
                                                 and mould-release agents
                                                 and it will be necessary to
                                                   carry out a degreasing

Painting substrates – Glassfibre

Glassfibre – single pack system/conventional
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s          No of       Recoating interval         Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                   coats                                  (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                             10°C           20°C                     wft   dft
Primer                        8 hrs –        40 hrs –
                     2                                      12       100    40   No 1
Undercoat                      6 days         3 days
Brilliant                     8 hrs –         4 hrs –
Gloss                          6 days         3 days
Brilliant                     20 hrs –       10 hrs –
                    2-3                                    11.2       90    50   No 1
Gloss                          6 days         3 days
­* Always abrade before using Hempel’s Primer Undercoat on glassibre.

Below the waterline
 Hempel’s          No of       Recoating interval         Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                   coats                                  (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                             10°C           20°C                     wft   dft
Underwater                    6 hrs –         3 hrs –
                     2                                      7.8      160    50   No 1
Primer*                      indefinite      indefinite
onto Underwater      2                    Please refer to product label          No 3
­* Always abrade before using Hempel’s Underwater Primer on glassibre.

Painting substrates – Glassfibre

Glassfibre – two component system/high performance
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval       Covers     Thickness        Thin-
                  coats                             (m²/ltr)   per coat         ner
                          10°C         20°C                    wft      dft
Light Primer
                           8 hrs –      4 hrs –
thinned max.       1                                  8.2      140       60      No 5
                           60 days      30 days
                          8 hrs –       4 hrs –
Light Primer      2**                                 8.2      120       60      No 5
                          60 days       30 days
                          16 hrs –      8 hrs –                                  No 2
Polygloss         2–3                                 16.0      75       35
                           6 days        3 days                                  No 6

Below the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval       Covers     Thickness        Thin-
                  coats                             (m²/ltr)   per coat         ner
                          10°C         20°C                    wft      dft
Light Primer               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
max. thinned       1                                  8.2      140       60      No 5
20%                        60 days      30 days
Light Primer
                           8 hrs –      4 hrs –
onto Light        4**                                 7.8      120       60      No 1
                           60 days      30 days
onto Underwater    2                 Please refer to product label               No 3
*For best results overcoat Hempel’s Light Primer with Hempel’s Underwater
  Primer when the surface is almost dry but still has a slight tacky feel.
** Thinner can be added to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Painting substrates – Metal

Steel and aluminium are widely used in boat construction due to their
strength, ease of fabrication and water tightness.

In the marine environment, they need           Before working on metal, it must be
painting to ensure resistance to corro-        free of corrosion. Remove salt and
sion and for a cosmetic finish.                contamination by high pressure
With the correct surface preparation           (min 2500 psi) freshwater washing.
and paint system, steel and aluminium          Grit blast steel to Sa2.5 (Swedish Visu-
hulls will give long periods of service        al Standard, ie near white metal),
with minimal maintenance.                      or abrade. Grit blast aluminium with
                                               non-metal abrasives, or abrade with
Particular tips for painting metal             60 – 120 grade paper to bright metal.
It’s essential that the paint system           Prime bare metal with Hempel’s Light
completely isolates the metal surface          Primer, thinned 20%, straight after
from air and water.                            surface preparation to avoid contami-
                                               nation and surface deterioration before
Metal plates are often pre-primed              coating, and to obtain maximum adhe-
with a protective shop primer. This            sion to the surface.
isn’t intended to be part of the coating       Check surface temperature before
system, and ideally should be removed          coating, as metal surfaces can vary
before starting the coating.                   greatly from the ambient temperature.

Steel – single pack/conventional
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of        Recoating interval     Covers     Thickness     Thin-
                  coats                               (m²/ltr)   per coat      ner
                              10°C        20°C                   wft    dft
Primer                         8 hrs –     4 hrs –
                     2                                  12       100     40     No 1
Undercoat                       6 days      3 days
Gloss                          8 hrs –     4 hrs –
onto Primer                    6 days      3 days
Brilliant                      20 hrs –    10 hrs –
                    2-3                                11.2       90     50     No 1
Gloss                           6 days      3 days

Painting substrates – Metal

Steel – two component/high performance
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness        Thin-
                  coats                             (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                          10°C         20°C                      wft     dft
Light Primer
                          8 hrs –       4 hrs –
thinned max.       1                                   8.2       140      60      No 5
                          60 days       30 days
                           8 hrs –      4 hrs –
Light Primer      2**                                  8.2       120      60      No 5
                          60 days       30 days
                          16 hrs –      8 hrs –                                   No 2,
Polygloss         2–3                                 16.0        75      35
                           6 days        3 days                                   No 6

Below the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness        Thin-
                  coats                             (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                          10°C         20°C                      wft     dft
Light Primer
                          8 hrs –       4 hrs –
thinned max.       1                                   8.2       140      60      No 5
                          60 days       30 days
                          8 hrs –       4 hrs –
Light Primer      4**                                  8.2       125      60      No 5
                          60 days       30 days
                           4 hrs –       2 hrs –
Primer onto        1                                   7.8       125      50      No 1
                            8 hrs         4 hrs
Light Primer
onto Underwater    2                 Please refer to product label                No 3
*For best results overcoat Hempel’s Light Primer with Hempel’s Underwater
Primer when the surface is almost dry but still has a slight tacky feel.
** Thinner can be added to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Painting substrates – Metal

Aluminium – two component/high performance
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of        Recoating interval       Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                                 (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                              10°C         20°C                    wft   dft
Light Primer
                               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
thinned max.        1                                     8.2      140    60   No 5
                               60 days      30 days
                               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
Light Primer       1*                                     8.2      120    60   No 5
                               60 days      30 days
                               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
onto Light
                               60 days      30 days
                              16 hrs –       8 hrs –                            No 2,
Polygloss           2                                      16       75    35
                               6 days        3 days                            No 6***

Below the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of        Recoating interval       Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                                 (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                              10°C         20°C                    wft   dft
Light Primer
                               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
thinned max.        1                                     8.2      140    60   No 5
                               60 days      30 days
                               8 hrs –      4 hrs –
Light Primer       4*                                     8.2      120    60   No 5
                               60 days      30 days
                               2 hrs –       1 hrs –
Primer onto         1                                     7.8      125    50   No 1
                                4 hrs         2 hrs
Light Primer**
onto Underwater     2                    Please refer to product label         No 3
*Minimum total dft requirement 300 micron. Thinner can be added to assist
  ­application if necessary (max. 5%).
**For best results overcoat Hempel’s Light Primer with Hempel’s Underwater
   Primer when the surface is almost dry but still has a slight tacky feel.
***Hempel’s Thinner No 2: Brush application - Hempel’s Thinner No 6:
    Spray application

Varnishing wood

Varnishing wood
Wood is a naturally occurring organic material that can suffer from
several problems in the marine environment.

Being biodegradable, wood is food for     Before painting
various organisms, from rot-inducing      Check the wood’s moisture content
fungi to boring worms and crustacea       with a moisture meter. Only paint if
that turn it to crumbling honeycomb.      the moisture content is below 16%.

It can also absorb water, causing         Particular tips when painting
movement that adversely affects a         and varnishing wood
coating system’s adhesion.                Consider the construction of the
                                          substrate, remembering that it’s not
By correctly preparing the surface and    ­advisable to put a two component
using an appropriate coating system,       ­system onto carvel or clinker built
you can overcome these problems –           wooden hulls, as they require the great-
and enhance wood’s natural beauty.          er flexibility of a single pack system.

                                          Sand wood with the grain using
                                          80 – 120 grade abrasive paper to
                                          provide a key for the paint system.

                                          Clean wood by wiping Hempel’s
                                          Thinner No 1 along the grain with a
                                          cloth, then allowing it to dry. Oily woods
                                          such as teak and iroko should be de-
                                          greased by wiping Hempel’s Degreaser
                                          along the grain, which will remove
                                          some of the natural oil content on the
                                          surface and ensure a greater bond with
                                          the first coat.

                                          Note: Both paint and varnish finishes
                                          are available in single component and
                                          two component systems for wood pro-
                                          tective coatings.

Varnishing wood

Remove old varnish with hot air gun       Sand surface

Woods commonly used in boats              Ply/Marine Ply
Oak                                       Layers of wood glued together
Yellowish brown, dense hardwood.          creating an exceptionally strong
Can be slightly oily in nature.           and inflexible composition.
Contact with ferrous metals will cause    Uses: mainly for hull planking for din-
staining and corrosion.                   ghies and smaller boats.
Uses: Ribs and frames, interior joinery
and panelling.                            Spruce
                                          Light brown soft wood with poor self
Mahogany                                  preserving. Low density.
Reddish brown hardwood with good          Uses: hull planking.
working properties and durability.
Uses: Planking, interior joinery and      Pitch Pine
panelling.                                Light brown soft wood with fair self
                                          preserving. Medium density.
Teak                                      Uses: Hull planking
Dark golden brown hardwood, which
– being naturally oily – has excellent
Uses: Planking hull and deck, interior
and exterior joinery and panelling.

Pinkish brown hardwood of                            Key Advice
medium density.                                   Make sure you wear a
Uses: Hull planking.                              protection mask when
                                                  sanding as dust is an
Larch                                                     irritant.
Pale reddish brown softwood that
bends well and will take impact.
Uses: Hull planking.

Varnishing wood

Wood – single pack system/conventional
Above the waterline
 Hempel’s       No of     Recoating interval      Covers     Thickness      Thin-
                coats                             (m²/ltr)   per coat       ner
                        10°C         20°C                    wft    dft
Wood Impreg 2 – 4       16 – none     8 – none     3–6         –      –     No 1
                               wet – wet            depends on wood
When coating up a new wood system, Hempel’s Wood Impreg should always be

 Hempel’s       No of     Recoating interval      Covers     Thickness      Thin-
                coats                             (m²/ltr)   per coat       ner
                        10°C         20°C                    wft    dft
Primer                   8 hrs –      4 hrs –
                  2                                  12       75     40     No 1
Undercoat*                6 days       3 days
Gloss onto                8 hrs –      4 hrs –
Primer                    6 days       3 days
Brilliant                  20 hrs –   10 hrs –                              No 1,
                2–3                                 11       90      50
Gloss                       6 days      3 days                               No 3
*Hempel’s MultiCoat may be used as an alternative to Hempel’s Primer
  Undercoat; and also as an alternative topcoat to Hempel’s Brilliant Gloss if you
  want a semi-gloss finish.

Varnishing wood

 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval          Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                                (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                          10°C           20°C                     wft   dft
                          16 hrs –         8 hrs –
thinned up to      1                                    11.5      100    40   No 1
                          10 days          5 days
                          16 hrs –         8 hrs –
thinned up to      1                                    11.5       90    40   No 1
                          10 days          5 days
                          16 hrs –         8 hrs –
MultiCoat         2–3                                   11.5       80    40   No 1
                          10 days          5 days

Below the waterline
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval          Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                                (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                          10°C           20°C                     wft   dft
Primer                     6 hrs –         3 hrs –
                   1                                     7.8      160    50   No 1
thinned up to             indefinite      indefinite
Underwater                 6 hrs –          3hrs –
                   2                                     7.8      125    50   No 1
Primer                    indefinite      indefinite
onto Underwater    2                   Please refer to product label          No 3

Varnishing wood

Wood – varnish
 Hempel’s       No of     Recoating interval     Covers      Thickness     Thin-
                coats                            (m²/ltr)    per coat      ner
                        10°C        20°C                     wft   dft
Wood Impreg 2 – 4       16 – none    8 – none      3–6        –      –     No 1
                               wet – wet            depends on wood
When coating up a new wood system, Hempel’s Wood Impreg should always
be used.

Hempel’s        No of     Recoating interval     Covers      Thickness     Thin-
                coats                            (m²/ltr)    per coat      ner
                        10°C        20°C                     wft   dft
Varnish                  12 hrs –      6 hrs –
                  1                                 16        80    30     No 1
thinned up to             4 days       2 days
max. 20%
Varnish                  12 hrs –      6 hrs –
                  1                                 16        65    30     No 1
thinned up to             4 days       2 days
max. 10%
Favourite                12 hrs –       6 hrs –
                 3*                                 16        60    30     No 1
Varnish                    4 days       2 days
*Add thinner to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Varnishing wood

 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval    Covers      Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                          (m²/ltr)    per coat    ner
                          10°C       20°C                    wft   dft
Varnish                   16 hrs –     8 hrs –
                   1                                17        70    30   No 1
thinned up to              4 days      2 days
max. 20%
Varnish                   16 hrs –     8 hrs –
                   1                                17        65    30   No 1
thinned up to              4 days      2 days
max. 10%
Classic                   16 hrs –     8 hrs –
                   3*                               17        60    30   No 1
Varnish                    4 days      2 days

 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval    Covers      Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                          (m²/ltr)    per coat    ner
                          10°C       20°C                    wft   dft
Varnish                    8 hrs –     4 hrs –
                   1                               19.2       60    25   No 1
thinned up to              4 days      2 days
max. 20%
Varnish                    8 hrs –     4 hrs –
                   1                               19.2       55    25   No 1
thinned up to              4 days      2 days
max. 10%
Dura-Gloss                 8 hrs –     4 hrs –
                   3*                              19.2       50    25   No 1
Varnish                    4 days      2 days
*Add thinner to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Varnishing wood

Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval     Covers      Thickness     Thin-
                 coats                           (m²/ltr)    per coat      ner
                         10°C        20°C                    wft   dft
Varnish to                8 hrs –      4 hrs –
                  2                                19.2       50    25     No 1
build up coats            4 days       2 days
(see above)
                          8 hrs –      4 hrs –
Varnish finish    3                                 17        60    25     No 1
                          4 days       2 days
coat only

Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval     Covers      Thickness     Thin-
                 coats                           (m²/ltr)    per coat      ner
                         10°C        20°C                    wft   dft
Varnish                   32 hrs –    16 hrs –
                  1                                12.5      100    40     No 2
thinned up to             10 days      5 days
max. 20%
Varnish                   32 hrs –    16 hrs –
                  1                                12.5       85    40     No 2
thinned up to             10 days      5 days
max. 10%
Diamond                   32 hrs –    16 hrs –
                  3*                               12.5       90    40     No 2
Varnish                   10 days      5 days
*Add thinner to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Decks, bilges and lockers

Decks, bilges and lockers
The most suitable and used product for coating deck areas on all boats is a high
wear-resistant paint with a non-gloss finish. This gives durability, and minimises
reflection from the deck.

Particular tips when painting              Particular tips when painting decks
bilges and lockers                         To prepare a patterned deck, use
A lot of time and effort is spent on the   either a scouring pad or a copper wire
external appearance and protection of      brush.
a boat, but internal areas such as bilg-
es and lockers shouldn’t be neglected.     When adding Hempel’s Anti-Slip Pearls
Ensure adequate ventilation while          to the paint, mix small amounts in at a
painting the bilge area.                   time to get the right consistency. A
                                           160 gm tub of Hempel’s Anti-Slip
A brush is generally easier and quicker,   Pearls is enough for at least 1.5 litres
particularly on the uneven surfaces        of paint, depending on how much anti-
found in these areas.                      slip you want (50 gm for a 750 ml tin
                                           of paint). Glassfibre decks with anti-slip
For general cleaning of bilges use         moulding may not need Hempel’s
Hempel’s Pre-Clean. If the bilges are      Anti-Slip Pearls.
excessively dirty, clean first with
Hempel’s Degreaser.                        For more even coverage use a
                                           roller rather than a brush to apply
When painting new wood, the clean          Hempel’s Non-Slip Deck Coating.
and dry surface should be saturated
with a suitable wood preservative be-
fore applying Hempel’s Bilge & Locker
Paint and Hempel’s Non Slip Deck
                                                       Key Advice
                                                 Hempel’s Anti-Slip Pearls
                                                    can be added to any
                                                 Hempel topcoat or varnish
                                                  to give an anti-slip finish
                                                       where required.

Decks, bilges and lockers

Hempel’s Bilges and Lockers (Steel and Wooden surfaces)
 Hempel’s        No of    Recoating interval     Covers     Thickness       Thin-
                 coats                           (m²/ltr)   per coat        ner
                         10°C        20°C                   wft     dft
Bilge &
Locker Paint              16 hrs –     8 hrs –
                  2                                11        90      40      No 1
for bilges and             6 days      3 days
If max. overcoating time is exceeded abrade between coats.

Decks – on suitable primed surfaces.
 Hempel’s        No of    Recoating interval     Covers     Thickness       Thin-
                 coats                           (m²/ltr)   per coat        ner
                         10°C        20°C                   wft     dft
Primer                     8 hrs –    4 hrs –
                  2                                12        75      40      No 1
Undercoat                  6 days     3 days
Deck Coating               6 hrs –     3 hrs –
on Primer                  6 days      3 days
Non-Slip                   6 hrs –    3 hrs –
                2–3                              9.2      100        50      No 3
Deck Coating               6 days     3 days
If max. overcoating time is exceeded abrade between coats.

Decks, bilges and lockers

Keels are made from steel, cast iron, lead or occasionally a combination of a cast
iron fin with a lead ballast.

Preparation for Lead Keel                       Preparation for Cast Iron and Steel Keel
High pressure fresh water hose and              Shot blast or abrade to bright metal.
allow to dry. Abrade with 40 – 60 grade         Remove dust and grit by brushing, vac-
abrasive paper. Remove dust with a              uuming or using dry compressed air.
soft brush and follow chosen specifica-         Follow chosen specification below.
tion below.

Iron steel and lead keels – single pack/conventional
 Hempel’s         No of      Recoating interval        Covers     Thickness     Thin-
                  coats                                (m²/ltr)   per coat      ner
                            10°C         20°C                     wft    dft
Underwater                   6 hrs –      3 hrs –
                    3                                    7.8      125     50     No 1
Primer                      indefinite   indefinite
onto Underwater     2                     Please refer to label                  No 3

Iron steel and lead keels – two component system/high performance
 Hempel’s         No of      Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness     Thin-
                  coats                               (m²/ltr)    per coat      ner
                            10°C         20°C                     wft    dft
Light Primer
                             1 hrs –      4 hrs –
thinned max.        1                                    8.2      140     60     No 5
                            60 days      30 days
                             8 hrs –       4 hrs –
Light Primer      3**                                    8.2      120     60     No 5
                            60 days       30 days
                              4 hrs –      2 hrs –
Primer* onto        1                                    7.8      125     50     No 1
                              8 hrs        4 hrs
Light Primer
onto Underwater     2                     Please refer to label                  No 3
 *For best results overcoat with Hempel’s Underwater Primer when Hempel’s
   Light Primer is almost dry but still tacky.
 ** Thinner can be added to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Propellers, outdrives and sterngear

Propellers, outdrives and sterngear
Any bronze and aluminium underwater needs protecting.
They’re prone to the same fouling and corrosion as all underwater areas,
and – as they directly affect your boat’s efficient and safe propulsion –
it’s important you correctly maintain them.

Due to the excessive movement and
water turbulence in these areas, the
endurance of any coating is tested,
particularly on the propeller.

Thoroughly clean with Hempel’s                       Key Advice
Pre-Clean and freshwater. Abrade
with 80 – 120 grade paper. Wash with                Take care never to
freshwater and allow to dry, before              overcoat the anodes, as
applying relevant specification (see              this adversely affects
below).                                               performance.

Due to the excessive wear and tear in
this area, repainting usually involves
a complete strip back followed by full
painting specification.

Propellers, outdrives and sterngear

By brush
 Hempel’s          No of       Recoating interval    Covers     Thickness   Thin-
                   coats                             (m²/ltr)   per coat    ner
                            10°C         20°C                   wft   dft
Light Primer
                               8 hrs –     4 hrs –
thinned max.         1                                 8.2      140    60   No 5
                              60 days     30 days
                               8 hrs –     4 hrs –
Light Primer        1**                                8.2      120    60   No 5
                              60 days     30 days
Siilic One                     6 hrs –     4 hrs –
                     1                                 9.6      110    70
Tiecoat                       72 hrs      72 hrs
                              16 hrs –     8 hrs –
Silic One            1                                  6       150   105
                              48 hrs      48 hrs

Propellers, outdrives and sterngear

Propellers & outdrives
By spray
 Hempel’s      No of     Recoating interval    Covers      Thickness        Thin-
               coats                           (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                       10°C        20°C                    wft      dft
Prop-Primer      2       2 hrs       1 hrs         7       150       30        –
                 4      60 min      40 min        1,3      100       25        –

 Hempel’s      No of    Recoating interval     Covers      Thickness        Thin-
               coats                           (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                       10°C        20°C                    wft      dft
                       *wet – wet *wet – wet
Light Primer                                    3/300
                 2       4 hrs –    2 hrs –                175       50        –
Spray                                           ml can
                        60 days    30 days
                         4 hrs –     2 hrs –
on Light
                         8 hrs       4 hrs
Primer Spray
                 4     60 min       40 min          1,3     100    25          –
*recoat with spray
** Thinner can be added to assist application if necessary (max. 5%).

Mast Protection

Mast Protection
Cleaning and protecting unpainted aluminium masts, spars and rigging.

Any aluminium and anodised surfaces
will benefit from being cleaned and

Hempel’s Alu-Protect
A silicone free oil which cleans and
leaves a long lasting protective layer.

Clean the mast thoroughly with
Hempel’s Pre-Clean and then a   ­ pply
Hempel’s Alu-Protect with a rag.
Hempel’s Alu-Protect penetrates into
wire ropes and under fittings, ensuring
long term protection.

Apply regularly to ensure masts and
fittings are protected throughout the

For re-painting aluminum masts refer
to page 28.

• What is osmosis and how is
  it caused?
• Protection
• Treatment
• Using Hempel’s High Protect
What is osmosis

What is osmosis and how is it caused?
When two liquids with different concentrations are separated by a semi-perme-
able membrane, one liquid will penetrate the membrane causing the volume to
increase pressure to develop.

What does this mean to us?                  Recognising the problem
In our case the semi-permeable mem-         The first visual signs of osmosis
brane is the gelcoat of the glassfibre      will be the formation of blisters in
boat and the liquid is water. In time       the gelcoat.
water will be absorbed into the GRP.        When pierced the liquid contents of an
Whilst most of this moisture will pass      osmotic blister will have a sour smell
directly through the hull into the bilges   similar to vinegar. Osmosis can be
with little damage, a certain amount will   detected before any visual symptoms
eventually start to break down some         appear by checking the moisture con-
of the materials used in the laminate       tent of the hull with a moisture meter,
itself which will lead to a build up of     although this will only give an indication
“osmotic” fluids. Osmotic fluid contains    and it is recommended that profession-
acetic acid and glycol and has a higher     al advice is sought to determine the
molecular weight to water which can         degree of the problem and what future
make it unable to pass back through         action to take. Hempel have Approved
the gelcoat or laminate. As more mois-      Osmosis Treatment Centres who are
ture is absorbed through the GRP, a         qualified to assist you; contact Hempel
hydraulic effect occurs which eventually    for an up-to-date list.
leads to blisters being formed in the
gelcoat. Most unprotected glassfibre
boats at some stage during their life
will develop osmotic symptoms to some
degree. The timescale and extent of
this depends upon various factors in-
cluding temperature and type of water,
periods afloat versus ashore and, most
importantly, the quality of the original
                                            Paint blisters and lifts

Osmosis protection

Osmosis protection
When to use an osmosis protection.
New boats                                   Used boats
The best initial defence against            Before applying a protective epoxy
osmosis is the correct methods and          coating to older boats the condition of
materials used during build. The higher     both the laminate and gelcoat need to
the standard of the GRP laminate at         be assessed. If in doubt, seek profes-
construction, the greater the defence       sional advice. If the hull condition is
against osmosis. The addition of            suitable, Osmosis Protection can be
Hempel’s High Protect will give the         carried out using Hempel’s High
ultimate protection to a new hull.          Protect, if the condition is not good
                                            enough Treatment is recommended.

Preparation and specification for osmosis protection.
New boats                                   Used boats
New gelcoat should be cleaned thor-         Remove all old paint or antifouling by
oughly with Hempel’s Degreaser or           manual dry scraping or having the hull
Hempel’s Pre-Clean to remove mould          grit or slurry blasted (this is a quick
release agents used in the construction     and efficient way of removing the old
of the hull. For more information refer     paint layers and also provides a well
to Surface preparation: cleaning and        keyed surface which will require little
degreasing, on page 11.                     extra preparation). Whichever method
                                            is used the hull should have an even
After degreasing, the surface should be     matt finish with no trace of previous
abraded with 60 – 100 grade abrasive        coatings. Freshwater wash the hull
paper, or lightly slurry blasted, and       and allow to dry. Any minor cracks and
washed off with fresh water. When dry       blemishes should be primed and filled
the hull should have an even matt finish.   with Hempel’s Epoxy Filler.

                                                        Key Advice
                                                        Correct surface
                                                    preparation is vital for a
                                                     long-lasting protective
                                                   finish. Time spent at this
                                                     stage is well invested.

Gelcoat Peeling

Osmosis protection

 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval     Covers       Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                           (m²/ltr)     per coat    ner
                          10°C       20°C                      wft   dft
                            18 hrs –   8 hrs –
Light Primer         1                              8.2        120    60   No 5
                            11 days    5 days
Epoxy filler                16 hrs –   8 hrs –                             do not
                     –                               –          –      –
(if needed)                 48 hrs    24 hrs                                thin
                                                                           do not
High Protect         2    18h – 11d    8h – 5d       6.6       150   150

Tiecoat option 1
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval     Covers       Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                           (m²/ltr)     per coat    ner
                          10°C        20°C                     wft   dft
Light Primer
                           18 hrs –    8 hrs –
thinned 5% onto      1                              8.2        125    60   No 5
                           11 days     5 days
High Protect
onto Light           2                 Please refer to label               No 3

Tiecoat option 2
 Hempel’s         No of    Recoating interval     Covers       Thickness   Thin-
                  coats                           (m²/ltr)     per coat    ner
                          10°C        20°C                     wft   dft
                           18 hrs –     8 hrs –
Primer onto          1                               7.8       125    50   No 1
                           27 hrs      12 hrs
High Protect
onto Underwater      2                 Please refer to label               No 3

                                                       Key Advice
                                                   Tiecoat option with Light
                                                   Primer is recommended
                                                  only when maximum recoat
                                                    interval of High Protect
                                                        has exceeded.

Osmosis protection

Osmosis treatment
When to use an osmosis treatment.
If the laminate and/or gelcoat is poor     to dry out to the recommended levels,
and there are indications of osmosis,      before coating the bare laminate with
a full Osmosis Treatment may be            Hempel’s High Protect, replacing the
required. Full treatment involves the      gelcoat to give the hull a moisture re-
removal of the gelcoat which, under the    sistant coating.
correct conditions, will allow the hull

Preparation and specification for osmosis treatment.

Preparation                                Gelcoat Peeling
The gelcoat will need completely           A gelcoat peeler, planes away the
removing to allow the hull to dry out.     gelcoat at a preset depth resulting
                                           in an even and smooth finish. This is
Hand Power Tools                           generally accepted as being the most
Grinders provide an inexpensive means      effective method for removing gelcoat.
of removing the gelcoat and prepar-        Once peeled, the surface will require
ing the surface. The disadvantage is       abrading with 40 grit grinding disks,
the time to complete the task and the      or light slurry blasting to provide a
amount of dust produced. Protective        key for the Hempel’s High Protect.
clothing must be worn by the operator,     This method requires a professional
especially dust mask and eye protection    operator.

Slurry or Abrasive Blasting                Once the gelcoat has been removed,
Either of these methods successfully       the hull should be steam cleaned,
remove the gelcoat and prepare the         or at least pressure washed to remove
hull for the application of Hempel’s       salts and other contaminates which are
High Protect. Any hull defects will be-    present in the laminate due to osmosis.
come apparent during blasting, ie voids    The salts and other contaminates will
in the laminate. A professional with the   continue to come to the surface so it is
correct equipment is needed to carry       necessary to repeatedly wash the hull,
out either of these methods.               once a day is recommended.

Osmosis treatment

On average a hull can take between             plication of Hempel’s High Protect.
4 weeks and 3 months before it is dry          Any minor cracks and blemishes
enough to recoat. Expert advice at this        to the hull should be filled after the first
stage is essential to ensure that the          coat of Hempel’s High Protect with
hull is adequately prepared for the ap-        Hempel’s Epoxy Filler.

 Hempel’s           No of    Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness        Thin-
                    coats                             (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                            10°C      20°C                        wft      dft
Epoxy filler                 16 hrs –   8 hrs –                                    do not
                     –                                    –         –        –
(if needed)                  48 hrs    24 hrs                                       thin
                             18 hrs –   8 hrs –                                    do not
High Protect         3                                   6.6       150     150
                             11 days     5 days                                     thin

Tiecoat option 1
 Hempel’s           No of    Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness        Thin-
                    coats                             (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                            10°C        20°C                      wft      dft
Light Primer
                            18 hrs –      8 hrs –
thinned 5% onto      1                                   8.2       125      60     No 5
                            11 days       5days
High Protect
onto Light           2                    Please refer to label                    No 3

Tiecoat option 2
 Hempel’s           No of    Recoating interval       Covers      Thickness        Thin-
                    coats                             (m²/ltr)    per coat         ner
                            10°C        20°C                      wft      dft
                             18 hrs –      8 hrs –
Primer onto          1                                   7.8       125      50     No 1
                             27 hrs       12 hrs
High Protect
onto Underwater      2                    Please refer to label                    No 3
For best results overcoat Hempel’s Light Primer with Hempel’s Underwater
Primer when the surface is almost dry but has a slight tacky feel.

Using Hempel’s High Protect

Using Hempel’s High Protect
How to apply Hempel’s High Protect for
both Protection and Treatment
From the moment the Hempel’s High
Protect base and activator are mixed
together the product will start its chemi-
cal hardening reaction. Only mix as much
as can be applied during the pot life (45     Stir base
mins @ 20ºC). Higher temperatures will
decrease the drying time and pot life.

Apply Hempel’s High Protect with a felt
roller (lay-off the surface with a brush if
an improved surface finish is needed).
Hempel’s High Protect should be ap-
plied at a minimum of 150 micron thick-
                                              Stir curing agent
ness per coat, this can either be meas-
ured using a wet film thickness gauge or
by working out the surface area of the
boat and calculating the correct amount
of Hempel’s High Protect needed per
coat (1 litre of Hempel’s High Protect
will cover 6.6m2 at 150 micron).

Hempel’s High Protect has a minimum           Pour curing agent into base
application temperature of 10oC, if pos-
sible keep the job at a steady tempera-
ture with low humidity, best achieved
under cover.

Note: Hempel’s High Protect must not
be thinned.
                                              Stir both products well

Using Hempel’s High Protect

Apply Hempel’s High Protect with roller    Lay off Hempel’s High Protect in opposite
                                           direction with brush

Curing                                     Good practice
Hempel’s High Protect should be            • If Hempel’s High Protect application
touch dry within 10 to 12 hours at 20        cannot be carried out indoors, it is
degrees.                                     advisable to erect a cover around
                                             the hull to provide protection from
If the temperature drops below 10 oC         the elements.
Hempel’s High Protect is likely to stop    • If Hempel’s High Protect is being
curing. The curing will start again once     applied at 10oC, keep the product
the temperature increases, however           indoors at normal room temperature
an inadequate curing temperature may         before use.
cause amine sweating to occur. This is     • Move the tape line up with each coat
a condition where a thin film of amine       to avoid a hard ridge at the waterline.
carbonate forms on the surface of the      • Hempel’s High Protect is produced
epoxy and this amine sweat must be           in 2 colours to allow application of al-
degreased or washed off with fresh           ternative layers of cream and grey to
water before overcoating.                    ensure total coverage of each coat.
                                           • Stir both the base and activator of
Planning overcoating times is essential      Hempel’s High Protect thoroughly
to avoid rubbing down between coats.         before mixing together. Once mixed
See painting specifications for more         together, again stir well to achieve an
detail.                                      even consistency.
                                           • Do not thin Hempel’s High Protect.
Full cure of Hempel’s High Protect         • Thorough surface preparation and
will take approximately 7 days at            the careful following of all instruc-
20oC. Subsequent coats of primer             tions is the key to a successful finish.
and antifouling can be applied. (See
specification table on previous page).
It is recommended that the boat is not
launched during this period as it could
affect the curing of the coating.

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