SEWER CONFERENCE 3 Rivers Wet Weather 21st Annual - 3 Rivers Wet ...
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21st Annual 3 Rivers Wet Weather SEWER CONFERENCE Monroeville Convention Center November 13-14, 2019
Table of Contents Welcome 2 Conference Info 3 Conference Schedule 4 Session Guide 5-11 Exhibitors 12-20 Registration 21
Welcome to the 21st Annual 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference. As we plan this two-day event each year, it brings to mind the progress the region has made on wet weather issues, but it also reminds us of the challenges still ahead. The important thing is to continue working to- gether, learning from each other and from folks outside of our region, and informing our decisions based on lessons learned and thoughtful analysis. With the presentations at this year’s conference, along with more than 75 exhibitors and nearly 400 attendees, there will be ample opportunity Mark J. Wolinsky to talk, and listen, and learn and hopefully have a little fun. Thanks, and Executive Director enjoy the conference! 3 Rivers Wet Weather Thank you to our conference sponsors: MBAKERINTL.COM 2
Conference Info Registration Cost: $90. Mail or email ( your registration with a check payable to 3 Rivers Wet Weather OR regis- ter online at and pay using a credit card through PayPal. (You do not need a PayPal account to complete payment.) Fee includes registration, conference materials, meals and an opportunity to win an exhibitor-sponsored prize package. To avoid long registration lines at the conference, complete your registration by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 6. Otherwise, you will need to register on-site at the conference beginning at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, November 13. Walk-in regis- trations are not guaranteed to receive conference promotional items. For registration questions about the conference, contact 3RWW at 412-578-8375 or email: Continuing Education Certified Wastewater Operators This two-day conference is a DEP-approved wastewater training program. Pennsylvania-certified wastewater operators can earn up to four contact hours by attending the two-day event. If you are a certified wastewater operator, please include your 5- or 6-digit DEP Client ID number on the continuing education form provided in the conference materials. Note: Class A, B and C wastewater operators need to complete 15 contact hours for the first renewal (3 years) and 30 for every renewal thereafter. Class D and E operators need 8 hours and 15 hours subsequently. Licensed Professional Engineers Licensed professional engineers may use the continuing education form to request a conference completion certificate. Your professional licensing board will determine the credit earned from attending the conference. Cancellations Cancellations must be received no later than 5 p.m. EST on October 31 for a refund. All registrations received are considered an attendance commitment; registrations will be invoiced unless cancelled. Substitutions (from the same organization/compa- ny) may be made. However, 3RWW requests notification prior to the conference for preparation of registration materials. If you do not cancel and do not attend, no refund will be issued. Room Reservations A block of rooms is reserved at the Doubletree Hilton (on-site next to the Monroeville Convention Center) for conference attendees and exhibitors for $119/night. Visit to make your room reservation at this discounted rate or call the Doubletree at 412-373-7300 by October 27. Directions Monroeville Convention Center, 209 Mall Boulevard, Monroeville, PA 15146. • From Pittsburgh via the Parkway East (I-376): Merge onto I-376 E/US-2E/US-30E via the ramp to Monroeville. Continue to follow I-376 E/US-22E. Use exit 10B for US-22 Business toward Monroeville. Merge onto US-22/William Penn Highway and continue to follow William Penn Highway. Turn right at Mall Blvd. The Monroeville Convention Center is located on your right (approximately 1/4 mile). • From the Pennsylvania Turnpike (I-76): Take Exit 57 to merge onto I-376 West toward Pittsburgh/US-22. Take the US-22 Business exit on the left toward Monroeville. Merge onto US-22 William Penn Highway and continue to follow William Penn Highway. Turn left at Mall Blvd. The Monroeville Convention Center is located on your right (approximately 1/4 mile). Parking Free outdoor parking is located outside the South Gallery entrance of the Monroeville Convention Center. If this parking area is full, another large parking area is available near the Center’s North Entrance. However, to gain admission to the 3 Rivers Wet Weather Sewer Conference, you will need to enter through the South Gallery doors. 3
Conference Schedule Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Thursday, November 14, 2019 8:00-8:55 a.m. Registration, Continental 8:00-9:00 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Hall Breakfast & Exhibit Hall 8:55-9:00 a.m. Welcome 9:00-9:30 a.m. Commitment Meets Flexibili- Mark Wolinsky ty: How MCES is Successfully 9:00-9:30 a.m. Keynote Address Achieving I/I Reduction Pittsburgh Today & Tomorrow: Andy Lukas Where We’ve Been and Where 9:30-10:00 a.m. Regional Stormwater Partner- We’re Going ships: Tips and Lessons Learned Douglas Heuck in the First Year 9:30-10:15 a.m. Controlling the Source: Sandy Bartosiewicz & ALCOSAN’s Regional Strategy Adrienne Vicari to Reduce Sewer Overflows at 10:00-10:45 a.m. Break & Exhibit Hall their Source 10:45-11:15 a.m. Flood Mitigation and CSO Timothy Prevost Reduction in Huntington, West 10:15-11:00 a.m. Break & Exhibit Hall Virginia Ifeanyi Odigboh 11:00-11:30 a.m. Wet Weather, No Problem! The Brandywine Hundred Story 11:15 -11:45 a.m. Double Duty: Enhanced Source Tony Dill Control Projects that Also Ad- dress Regionalization Defects 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. A Rose by Any Other Name: Julia Spicher Addressing Private Laterals with- out Expending Public Funds 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch & Exhibit Hall Todd Danielson 1:00-1:30 p.m. DEP Regulatory Update 12:00-1:15 p.m. Lunch & Exhibit Hall Jay Patel 1:15-1:45 p.m. Understanding the Effects of 1:30-2:00 p.m. Defining and Collecting GIS Im- Extreme Storm Events on pervious Surface Features within Sanitary and Storm Sewer the City of Pittsburgh Systems in the Pittsburgh Region Megan Hicks & Jeremy Jurick Ashley Neptune 2:00-2:30 p.m. Water, Water Everywhere: 1:45-2:30 p.m. Panel Discussion: Start Small and Regulatory and Nonregulatory Reap Big Rewards with a Modular Ways ACCD can Provide Approach to GIS Countywide Assistance Moderator: Rob Arnold Heather Manzo Panel of municipal representatives 2:30-3:00 p.m. Managing a Regional 2:30-3:15 p.m. Break & Exhibit Hall Conveyance System Under 3:15-3:45 p.m. The World Outside: Challenging Conditions The Public’s Attitude Toward Adam Kidane & You and Your Work Shawn McWilliams Eric Eckl 3:45-4:15 p.m. The Importance of Collaboration in Green Infrastructure from Design through Post Construction Robert Woodman Look for these symbols, which represent key topic areas that are critical to solving the wet weather issue. Regional Wet Improving our Source Green Regional Weather Plan Region’s Water Reduction & Infrastructure Approaches Implementation Quality Flow Control
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Session Guide 8:00-8:55 a.m. 9:30-10:15 a.m. Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Hall Controlling the Source: ALCOSAN’s Regional Strategy to Reduce Sewer Overflows at Their Source 8:55-9:00 a.m. Timothy Prevost n ALCOSAN Welcome Mark Wolinsky n 3 Rivers Wet Weather The Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) and its customer municipalities and authorities have completed significant work throughout the service area to understand 9:00-9:30 a.m. the scope and challenges of preventing extraneous source Pittsburgh Today & flow from entering the regional conveyance system. Building Tomorrow: on these efforts, ALCOSAN has undertaken a planning-level Where We’ve Been and engineering analysis for evaluating green stormwater infra- Where We’re Going structure and other source control strategies. Participants Douglas Heuck n Pittsburgh will learn about ALCOSAN’s plan including a template to Today & Pittsburgh Quarterly guide siting of high-impact GSI and source control projects. The plan also includes several identified project site locations During the keynote address, where green stormwater infrastructure has the potential to you will learn about the unique be an effective strategy for reducing sewer overflows. strengths of the Pittsburgh region as well as the particular Timothy Prevost is the Allegheny County Sanitary Authority’s challenges we face in the future. Participants will hear about manager of Wet Weather Programs. He manages ALCOSAN’s topics such as the regional economy, crime, the arts, quality innovative Green Revitalization of Our Waterways (GROW) of life, population loss, diversity, the environment, and how grant program and he also leads compliance with the U.S. the decline of local journalism affects the region. EPA CSO and SSO policies. A 20-year ALCOSAN employee, he holds a B.S. in civil engineering technology from the Douglas Heuck has been an award-winning Pittsburgh jour- Rochester Institute of Technology. In 2017, he was named nalist since 1985, mainly as an investigative reporter for the Civil Engineer of the Year by the Pittsburgh Section of the Pittsburgh Press and later the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. He American Society of Civil Engineers. penned 13 newspaper series, ranging from living on the Contact: 412.734.8731 or streets disguised as a homeless man to the only in-depth interview in the later years of polio pioneer Dr. Jonas Salk. In 1995, in order to provide the best possible information to 10:15-11:00 a.m. Break & Exhibit Hall spur Pittsburgh’s recovery, he created PG Benchmarks, a newspaper project, which compared Pittsburgh with 14 other metro areas in 75 measures. He left the newspaper in 11:00-11:30 a.m. 2005 and founded the award-winning Pittsburgh Quarterly Wet Weather, No Problem! The Brandywine magazine. Doug is also director of Pittsburgh Today, the Hundred Story successor to the benchmarking project. Pittsburgh Today Tony Dill n Arcadis U.S. compares Greater Pittsburgh with 14 other regions in some 500 categories and produces in-depth journalistic reports on The Brandywine Hundred is the oldest portion of New Castle key regional issues. County’s wastewater collection system, containing 420 miles Contact: of sewer. The aging clay pipe sewers experienced substantial infiltration resulting in overflows and basement backups 5
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Session Guide during wet weather events. In 2003 the County, to meet Executive for Avon Lake Regional Water in 2010. Prior to join- compliance requirements, implemented a plan to evaluate ing Avon Lake, he served as Manager of Community Systems the system for sources of leakage and to develop a rehabili- for Loudoun County Sanitation Authority. He is involved tation strategy. Participants will learn how to identify leaks with many industry associations, including the National in sewage infrastructure, understand the benefits of holistic Association of Clean Water Agencies and the Water Environ- rehabilitation for infiltration reduction, hear about chemical ment Federation. He earned his B.S. in civil & environmental grouting as a long-term tool, and learn how to measure the engineering from the University of Maine and a master’s of effectiveness of a gravity sewer rehabilitation program. public administration from George Mason University. Contact: 440.933.2147 or Tony Dill has extensive experience leading condition assess- ment, rehabilitation design and construction management for improvements to stormwater and wastewater buried infra- 12:00-1:15 p.m. Lunch & Exhibit Hall structure. His experience is focused on the use of trenchless technologies for reducing infiltration into municipal sewer systems. He received PWEA’s 2014 Golden Manhole Society 1:15-1:45 p.m. Award and is currently serving as Program Manager for the Understanding the Effects of Extreme Storm assessment and rehabilitation of a municipal sewershed that Events on Sanitary and Storm Sewer Systems contains more than 400 miles of pipes and 6,000 manholes. in the Pittsburgh Region Contact: 215.931.4372 or Ashley Neptune n The Gateway Engineers The Pittsburgh region has experienced numerous extreme 11:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m. storms that range from the 1,000-year, 3-day event to a 50- A Rose by Any Other Name: Addressing year 3-hour event. Knowing the types of storms that seem Private Laterals without Expending to be the new normal can help better design stormwater Public Funds projects to mitigate flooding. The Borough of Whitehall is no Todd Danielson n Avon Lake Regional Water exception to experiencing severe flooding from these extreme events. Participants will hear about Whitehall’s wet weather There is no “one size fits all” approach to addressing wet study to address both sanitary sewer overflows and stormwa- weather issues. Avon Lake Regional Water, a utility serving ter flooding, their goal to obtain real data results for weather the City of Avon Lake in Ohio, knows that all too well. In and flow rates through both the sanitary and storm sewer 2011, Avon Lake experienced heavier than usual rainfall, systems, and their insights into how these sewer systems re- which led to a record number of basement backups. To ad- act to extreme storm events so as to better design stormwater dress the problem, the utility developed a plan to work with projects based on these types of storms. homeowners to help separate laterals that included foun- dation drain water and other clean water sources from the Ashley Neptune joined The Gateway Engineers in June 2015 sanitary sewer system, and to install a new lateral for waste- and has worked on various types of projects from erosion water only. This approach reduced inflow and infiltration and sediment control for oil and gas to municipal and land originating from private properties. Attendees will learn just development related to stormwater management. Her long- how Avon Lake Regional Water developed and implemented term goal is to help the Pittsburgh region better manage the plan, which included partnering with Ohio EPA to offer stormwater runoff through a green infrastructure approach. state revolving loans to help private homeowners complete Neptune graduated from Saint Francis University and then their lateral separations. earned a masters’ degree in environmental engineering from Villanova University. A registered professional engineer in Virginia and Ohio, Contact: 724.875.8225 or Todd Danielson was appointed the Chief Utilities 6
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Session Guide 1:45-2:30 p.m. Rebecca Vargo, a 30-year municipal employee, has held the Panel Discussion: Start Small and Reap Big position of Wilkins Township Manager since October 2003. Rewards with a Modular Approach to GIS She also works as a part time peer consultant for the Depart- Moderator: Rob Arnold n ment of Community and Economic Development, Governor’s Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Center for Local Government Services. She holds a master’s degree in business administration from Geneva College. Autumn Heckathorn n Western Butler County Authority Contact: 412.824.6650 x 10 or Rebecca Vargo n Wilkins Township Mark Maguire n Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Mark Maguire recently joined Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. to lead the development and maintenance of GIS pro- Municipal officials are well aware of the power GIS has grams in Western Pennsylvania. He has more than 19 years’ to improve the efficiency of operations, enhance customer experience in the GIS industry, including analysis and data- service, and streamline expenses. Still many leaders feel the base development, 3-D modeling, and spatial analysis, and cost or scope of GIS may be more than their community can holds a B.A. in environmental analysis and policy, as well as handle. A panel of local government officials and consultants a master’s in geography, both from Boston University. will discuss how communities can reap the benefits of GIS Contact: 724.779.4777 or with a small-scale, affordable, and easily implementable approach that can be expanded when budget and resources permit. Panelists will present case studies of municipalities 2:30-3:15 p.m. Break & Exhibit Hall that began with basic mapping and asset data for one type of infrastructure, then added additional components in later phases of development. They will offer a diversity of options 3:15-3:45 p.m. and the customization available to different communities. The World Outside: The Public’s Attitude Toward You and Your Work Rob Arnold, P.E. is a senior civil engineering project manager Eric Eckl n Water Words that Work at Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG). He has almost 40 years’ experience in municipal engineering, designing sanitary Ever wonder if you are communicating effectively with your and storm sewer systems, green infrastructure, roadways, constituents? Ever wonder if they understand your munici- parks, and other public infrastructure. He earned a B.S. pality’s stormwater and wastewater projects and why they degree in civil engineering from Penn State University. are important? This presentation will explore what polls, sur- Contact: 724.779.4777 or veys, focus groups, and other research tools teach us about the public’s attitudes towards you and your work. In 2014, Autumn Heckathorn was named Manager of the Western Butler County Authority (WBCA) where she oversees In 2009 Eric Eckl founded Water Words That Work the daily operations of the Authority serving four communi- as a marketing and public relations firm that has helped ties and 4,300 customers. She has 16 years’ experience in the more than 200 nature protection and pollution control orga- wastewater industry, holds a Class A Operator’s license, and nizations over the last decade. Eric’s skills include message serves as vice chair of the Pennsylvania Water Environment development, online outreach, market research, training, and Association Professional Waterworks Operators Committee. business development. He has appeared in countless media Contact: 724.452.5501 or stories, including CNN and the New York Times. Contact: 800.861.6012, x 6 or 7
Wednesday, November 13, 2019 Thursday, November 14, 2019 Session Guide 3:45-4:15 p.m. 8:00-9:00 a.m. The Importance of Collaboration in Green Registration, Continental Breakfast & Exhibit Hall Infrastructure from Design through Post Construction Robert Woodman n ACF Environmental 9:00-9:30 a.m. Commitment Meets Flexibility: How MCES Many large cities and communities are making huge invest- is Successfully Achieving I/I Reduction ments in the planning, design, construction and maintenance Andy Lukas n Brown & Caldwell of green infrastructure (GI) best management practices, but are we working collaboratively to guide the success of these Numerous regional systems have attempted to establish projects in the short but also the long term? This presenta- wet weather flow reduction programs, aimed at sewer sys- tion will introduce a definition of collaboration and present tem rehabilitation to avoid making expensive downstream the unique challenge of the GI process and provide some capacity investments. In 2004, Metropolitan Council conceptual framework for working collaboratively from start Environmental Services (MCES) established such a peak to finish. Participants will hear about grant-funded water flow limit program called the Ongoing I/I Program, which quality projects, specialty private site development projects continues in place today. A 2016 flow study determined and some observations of regional collaborative GI. that communities including private infrastructure as part of their I/I mitigation strategy were able to achieve up to Rob Woodman graduated with a civil engineering degree from four-times greater reductions in peak flows than those that the University of Wollongong, Australia. He spent the first 10 focused on public sources. Attendees will hear about the years as design and project engineer for a private engineering flow study and will learn how this program was estab- consulting firm, gaining experience and expanding his knowl- lished, how it has achieved results, has changed over time, edge on a wide variety of civil and stormwater engineering and will continue to change in the future. design projects for private and public sector clients. He serves ACF as the Senior Engineer and works with engineers and As a Vice President and the national Wet Weather Practice landscape architects from Maine to Maryland solving storm- Leader for Brown and Caldwell, Andy Lukas is engaged in water-related challenges with a series of innovative solutions. strategic projects across the country, which are driven by Contact: 207.272.4431 or state and federal consent orders related to wet weather com- pliance issues. He provides his expertise on issues ranging from flow metering, hydraulic modeling, I/I reduction, com- bined and sanitary sewer overflow control, system planning, and long-term capacity assurance. He earned both bache- lor’s and master’s of science degrees in civil engineering. Contact: 414.203.2901 or 8
Thursday, November 14, 2019 Session Guide 9:30-10:00 a.m. 10:45-11:15 a.m. Regional Stormwater Partnerships: Tips and Flood Mitigation and CSO Reduction in Lessons Learned in the First Year Huntington, West Virginia Sandy Bartosiewicz n Ifeanyi Odigboh n ms consultants Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority Adrienne Vicari n Herbert, Rowland & Grubic The City of Huntington, WV has long-standing problems with stormwater drainage and combined sewer overflow Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority (WVSA) will share their flooding. The flooding of major connector streets causes lessons learned from implementing the state’s second largest severe mobility issues and impedes the flow of traffic for com- regional partnership for stormwater management and MS4 muters, residents, and visitors. Participants will hear how compliance. In 2017, WVSA brought together more than 30 the City of Huntington developed a flood mitigation plan by municipalities for a watershed-based approach to pollution analyzing existing storm and combined sewer systems using reduction and MS4 compliance that has been praised by the a dual drainage hydraulic model. They will also learn about Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection and the process of developing flood mitigation alternatives, and has received Governor’s Awards for both Local Government comparing alternatives and results from the modeling. Rec- Excellence and Environmental Excellence. They’ll discuss ommended solutions were evaluated based on their ability how to maximize the benefits of collaboration and avoid the to reduce/eliminate underpass and localized flooding issues, pitfalls to maintain public support, create equitable rate reduce the number of CSOs, and improve water quality. plans that reflect the varying levels of service needed in different communities, and transform large property owners Ifeanyi Odigboh serves as a Senior Project Engineer for ms into community partners in stormwater management. consultants in Pittsburgh. He has extensive experience in the areas of stormwater and collection system planning, Sandy Bartosiewicz is the finance and budget director for hydrologic and hydraulic modeling, floodplain management the Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority. Her responsibili- studies, asset system inventory, geographic information ties include managing the business office, data processing, systems, GI analysis, flood drainage studies and regulatory comptrollers, customer service, and purchasing departments. compliance. He holds a B.S. in civil engineering and an M.S. She oversees all aspects of their $24 million sanitary and $8 in environmental engineering. He is certified in floodplain million stormwater operating budgets, $2 million sanitary management, and sediment and erosion control. and $1 million stormwater capital budgets, and special proj- Contact: 412.264.8701 or ect spending. Contact: 570.820.9872 or Adrienne Vicari is the financial services practice area leader 11:15-11:45 a.m. at Herbert, Rowland & Grubic, Inc. (HRG). In this role, she Double Duty: Enhanced Source has helped the firm provide strategic financial planning and Control Projects that Also Address grant administration services to numerous municipal and Regionalization Defects municipal authority clients. She is also assisting municipal- Julia Spicher n ALCOSAN ities across Pennsylvania with the creation of stormwater fees, including the innovative, regional approach taken by the The Allegheny County Sanitary Authority (ALCOSAN) is in Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority. the midst of obtaining more than 200 miles of multi-munic- Contact: 724.779.4777 or ipal sewer lines and other facilities through its regionaliza- tion program. Before these sewer lines can be transferred, identified defects must be repaired by the municipalities. 10:00-10:45 a.m. Break & Exhibit Hall Understanding that budgets are limited, ALCOSAN has developed an approach to capitalize on available resources 9
Thursday, November 14, 2019 Session Guide to help municipalities develop projects that will address both 1:30-2:00 p.m. source control and regionalization defect repairs. A step-by- Defining and Collecting GIS step process will be provided to explain how controlling I/I in Impervious Surface Features within the target sheds will address regionalization defects, improve in- City of Pittsburgh frastructure, and package the repair work into a more holistic Megan Hicks n project, which can be considered for potential GROW funding. The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority Jeremy Jurick n Michael Baker International Julia Spicher joined ALCOSAN in August 2016 in the Regional Conveyance division as a civil engineer working The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority (PWSA) is tak- on ALCOSAN’s Green Revitalization of Our Waterways ing on an effort to map everything that causes water runoff and source control programs. Previously, she worked as a within the City of Pittsburgh. These impervious surfaces consultant in Philadelphia and New York City on wet include buildings, road rights of way, driveways, parking lots, weather programs and green infrastructure design. She sidewalks, and other infrastructure, transit, and recreation- earned her B.S. degree in environmental engineering from al features. Michael Baker International is assisting with Penn State University. photogrammetric compilation, GIS conversion, and quality Contact: 412.734.8749 or control to provide a deliverable that can be fed into PWSA’s future stormwater management fee. Knowing that customers will be allowed to challenge the fee, PWSA has opted for high 11:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Lunch & Exhibit Hall accuracy mapping of the features within the City. Attendees will learn about new GIS layers that will exist for the City of Pittsburgh, collection methodologies for impervious surface 1:00-1:30 p.m. mapping, and best practices for quality control. DEP Regulatory Update Jay Patel n PA Department of Megan Hicks has been with The Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Environmental Protection Authority for one year. She provides GIS support for green stormwater infrastructure projects in the form of geospatial This session will focus on current information on Publicly analysis, asset management, map creation, and more. She has Owned Treatment Works (POTW) compliance standards, the a B.S. in geology and holds a master’s of applied science in National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) geospatial information technology. permitting requirements and pending permit fee increases. Contact: 412.255.8800, x 2585 or Jay Patel has almost 20 years’ experience in the water and Jeremy Jurick is a GIT Technical Manager at Michael Baker wastewater industry. Currently, he manages the Municipal International and has been implementing geospatial solutions Facilities Division of the PA DEP’s Bureau of Clean Water. for the past 13 years. He is proficient in all aspects of the geo- The programs under his management are the PA Act 537 Pro- spatial scope of services, including but not limited to python gram, PA Water Quality Management Permitting Program, scripting, needs assessment, database design, map design, and the Biosolids Land Application Program. Prior to his LiDAR point cloud analysis, and big data creation, analysis, work with PA DEP, he worked as a consulting engineer to ser- and maintenance. vice both water and wastewater system owners and operators. Contact: 724.495.4281 or He is a registered professional engineer in PA. Contact: 717.787.5017 or 10
Thursday, November 14, 2019 Session Guide 2:00-2:30 p.m. 2:30-3:00 p.m. Water, Water Everywhere: Regulatory and Managing a Regional Conveyance System Nonregulatory Ways ACCD can Provide Under Challenging Conditions Countywide Assistance Adam Kidane & Shawn McWilliams n Heather Manzo n Allegheny County Allegheny County Sanitary Authority Conservation District The ALCOSAN interceptor system has provided conveyance The Allegheny County Conservation District is an urban for the treatment of wastewater flows from the 83 communi- conservation district that engages and leads through partner- ties in the ALCOSAN service area for 60 years. ALCOSAN ships, innovation, and implementation to conserve, promote, is in the process of adding more than 200 miles of multi-mu- and improve Allegheny County’s natural resources with a nicipal trunk sewer to its system. Attendees will learn vision toward an educated and engaged public, clean water, how limited access to the Deep Tunnel Interceptors (DTS) and a sustainable future. Hear about the district’s role and presents challenges for inspection and maintenance activi- programs, and how the district works with municipalities ties. You will also hear about the challenge of managing the while partnering with other organizations to face local and massive amount of regionalization sewer inspection data regional stormwater management challenges. the Authority is collecting as part of their effort to assume responsibility for the multi-municipal trunk sewers and Heather Manzo is the Executive Director of the Allegheny associated wet weather facilities. County Conservation District (ACCD). Previously, she worked at Penn State University as a regional food systems and com- Adam Kidane is a GIS professional serving ALCOSAN as munity economic development expert. Her experience includes an Asset Management Specialist since 2017. He has 18 years’ leading and implementing organizational level sustainability experience using GIS in the water and wastewater industries. plans, LEED project management, and international research He graduated from Slippery Rock University with a B.S. in projects in horticulture and agriculture. She earned an M.S. environmental studies and a minor in geographic information in sustainable systems and a B.S. in business and marketing. technology. Contact: 412.291.8013 or Contact: 412.734.6283 or Shawn McWilliams joined ALCOSAN in 2007 and is a civil engineer with the Regional Conveyance Division. Shawn graduated from Thiel College with a B.A. focused on environ- mental science and earned a B.S. in civil engineering tech- nology from Point Park University. Shawn has served as a councilperson for the Borough of Avalon since 2016. Contact: 412.732.8053 or 11
Exhibitors A & H Equipment Booth A Advanced Rehabilitation Technology Booth 70 Founded in 1963. The region's leading distributor of Provides municipal and industrial customers with severe municipal and environmental equipment solutions combines service lining system and CCTV televising and cleaning of top-quality products and parts with expert, reliable support underground sewers. Using OBIC products, provides lining services for municipal, airport and contractor clients through- systems that prevent infiltration and exfiltration and provides out Pennsylvania and West Virginia. deterioration protection from corrosive environments in man- Contact: Kate Zombeck n 724.344.4751 holes, wet wells, culverts, and industrial facilities. n Contact: Rusty Hesselschwardt n 567.239.6146 n ACF Environmental Booth 63 Distributes and manufactures site development products. ALCOSAN Booth 74 Systems and technologies that facilitate green infrastructure The clean water agency for most of Allegheny County, and low-impact development will be featured at the booth. providing conveyance and wastewater treatment to 83 Contact: Greg Kramer n 412.487.9583 municipalities including Pittsburgh. Works closely with its n customer municipalities, offering grants, and technical assistance for flow reduction projects, regionalization of multi-municipal trunk sewers, and material, brochures and ACO, Inc. Booth 16 presentations for ratepayers. A global company specializing in stormwater management Contact: Joey Vallarian n 412.734.6274 products since 1954. “Collect, Clean, Hold, Release” is carried n through with is extensive product types that include: precast trench drains, separator devices, detention holding devices and discharge devices. Since 1976, ACO has been the indus- Allegheny Utility Solutions LLC Booth 62 try leader in precast trench drains in the USA. Small, veteran-owned company providing services including Contact: Jim McConnell n 440.477.9316 utility locating, GIS Mapping, Ground Penetrating Radar, n NASSCO pipe/manhole inspections, and drone services. Contact: Josh McConnell n 717.585.4186 n ADS Environmental Services Booth 7 Offers comprehensive, innovative flow information, from real-time flow data to temporary flow monitoring reports. AUMA Actuators Booth 20 From flow monitors, software, field services and data Has been manufacturing valve actuators for 45 years and is processing to web-based information and statistical reporting, a major supplier of electric actuators and gearboxes to water, ADS delivers the right information at an affordable cost. power, oil & gas, and industrial markets. Flow and level monitors will be on display. Contact: Scott Fanning n 724.743.2862 Contact: Robert Grob n 859.512.8204 n n Avanti International Booth 31 Advanced Drainage Systems Inc. Booth 10 The only full-service provider and most experienced produc- The world’s largest manufacturer and supplier of HDPE er of high-quality chemical and cement grouts in the United stormwater pipe. Features a full line of best management States. Since 1978, AvantiGrout has been used world-wide practices (BMP) products that meet Environmental to improve facilities and operations in manholes, mainlines, Protection Agency and PA Department of Environmental laterals, and other applications by stopping leaks, stabilizing Protection clean water requirements. soils, and controlling groundwater permanently. Contact: Eric Moisa n 724.550.3842 Contact: Chris Hamilton n 281.627.1875 n 12
Exhibitors Bortek Industries Inc. Booth C Cosmos Technologies Inc. Booth 23 A world leader in the powered cleaning equipment industry. An engineering consulting firm located in Pittsburgh, Offers a variety of municipal street sweepers and hydro-exca- Harrisburg, Akron, and Cleveland. Services include civil/ vation equipment, jet vac trucks, commercial and industrial site design, water/wastewater engineering, water resources cleaning equipment, and janitorial supplies. Has mastered engineering, environmental and safety management, everything involved in cleaning and safety for industrial and construction management/inspection, NGICP Training and commercial applications. Creates a custom cleaning package wastewater process development and commercialization. Also for its customers. provides 3-D laser scanning and MEP Engineering. Contact: Justin Szurgot n 717.512.4396 Contact: April Gray n 412.321.3951 Bright Dyes/Turbo Fog Booth 1 Offers NSF-certified (safe, non-toxic, biodegradable) bright, CUES Inc. Booth 49 fluorescent dyes specifically developed for convenient use in The world’s leading manufacturer of closed circuit television water tracing, leak detection, septic inspection and flow moni- video inspection, rehabilitation, pipe profiling equipment, and toring. Also offers Turbo-Fog® Thermal Smoke Generator, the asset inspection/decision support software for sanitary and “original” liquid smoke capable of producing continuous unin- storm sewers, industrial process lines, and water lines. terrupted dense, white smoke, using liquid smoke cartridges. Contact: Tim McGarry n 407.849.0190 Contact: Francie Ciulla n 937.886.9100 n / DAS Group Inc. Booth B CDI Infrastructure LLC Booth 57 Represents the premier manufacturers for the treatment of dba L.R. Kimball CSOs, SSOs, water and wastewater in the industry. A division of CDI Engineering Solutions. Among the nation’s Contact: Dan Nelson n 724.327.8979 leading professional service companies offering architectural n and structural, mechanical and electrical design services, security systems designs, civil, environmental and transporta- tion engineering expertise. Has served more than 1,500 clients DLZ Booth 15 throughout the U.S. Over the course of six decades, clients Professional services firm that provides complete engineering, have valued its principles and reputation, which have pro- architectural, and construction services to public and private duced exceptional results for clients. entities with a multidisciplinary staff of more than 600 people Contact: Cameron Mock n 814.419.7872 in 20 offices in the midwest. Meets the needs of small- and n large-scale projects nationwide. Consistently ranked as one of ENR’s prestigious Top 150 Design Firms in the U.S. Contact: Thomas Sisley n 412.319.4100 Civil & Environmental Booth 24 n Consultants Inc. A leader in green infrastructure design and performance assessment. Qualified and experienced professionals design DN Tanks Inc. Booth 29 innovative stormwater solutions, including effective mainte- Offers design and construction of precast, prestressed concrete nance and monitoring programs. Combines the art and tanks for water, wastewater, and thermal energy storage. sciences of stormwater and landscape management and Contact: Frank Houston n 717.521.7595 aspires to drive thoughtfully located, appropriately sized, n and naturally designed solutions. Contact: John Coyne n 800.365.2324 n 13
Exhibitors Doetsch Environmental Services Booth 27 EJ Booth 28 More than a century of sewer cleaning experience. Offers Manufacturer of cast-iron manhole frames and covers, cast- solutions for large-diameter, long-reach, difficult-access and iron inlet frames, and grates. Also a steel fabricator for Penn- impossible cleaning tasks. Offers a free app for calculating sylvania Department of Transportation frames and grates. sewer debris volume and weight in a pipe. Contact: Kevin Pushay n 412.795.6000 Contact: Joe Schotthoefer n 810.499.9233 n n Erdman Anthony Booth 41 Drnach Environmental Inc. Booth 65 Founded in 1954. Has grown to become a leading infra- Founded 20 years ago to provide quality flow monitoring in structure engineering firm in the eastern U.S. Has 300 Southwestern Pennsylvania. Has developed extensive and professionals and is 100% employee owned. Experience thorough quality assurance and reporting programs, which spans a broad range of applications for government and include both field and office evaluation of real-time and private-industry clients. A multidisciplinary engineering historical flow data, along with hydraulic profiles of specific resource that provides clients with services in the fields of monitoring points. civil engineering, transportation engineering, geospatial Contact: Eric Planey n 412.384.5400 services, and facilities engineering, as well as construction observation and commissioning services. Contact: Daniel Ziemianski n 716.631.1241 Duke's Root Control Inc. Booth 48 Has sewer root control down to a science. Tree root infiltration is preventable, but without the proper maintenance steps, it Fabco Industries Booth 64 will destroy a collection system. Duke’s prevents sanitary sew- A leader in the design and manufacturing of high-performance er overflows (SSOs) before they cause major havoc to systems stormwater filter systems that are effective for various treat- and communities. ment applications, including retrofits, new construction, and Contact: Lynn Heffron n 315.472.4781 green infrastructure. Innovative technology. Proven perfor- n mance. Unbeatable quality and value. Fabco provides Evolved Stormwater Solutions. Contact: Warren Cohn n 484.689.1113 Dutchland Inc. Booth 12 A manufacturing and construction company that specializes in engineering, manufacturing, and constructing prestressed, post-tensioned concrete tanks for the water and wastewater industries. GAI Consultants Inc. Booth 8 Contact: David Beiler n 717.442.1404 Transforming ideas into reality for more than 50 years. A n 900-person, employee-owned multidiscipline engineering and environmental consulting firm serving clients worldwide in the energy, transportation, real estate, water, municipal, Eisler Landscapes Booth 71 government, and industrial markets from U.S. offices through- A landscape architectural design and landscape construction out the northeast, midwest and southeast. firm that is proud to be at the forefront of designing and imple- Contact: David Troianos n 412.399.5374 menting green infrastructure, including green roofs, bioswales, permeable paving, rain gardens, wetlands, and E&S controls. Contact: G. Eric French n 724.321.1195 n 14
Exhibitors GHD Booth 37 Granite Inliner LLC Booth 32 One of the world’s leading professional services companies One of the nation’s leading providers of cured-in-place-pipe operating in the global markets of water, energy and resourc- lining (CIPP) with capabilities of 8”-120” diameter. Curing es, environment, property and buildings, and transportation. methods of hot water, steam, and UV light are available. Also Privately owned. Delivers engineering, environmental, adviso- has experience in CCTV and cleaning, and manhole rehab in ry, digital and construction services to the public and private selected territories, as well as lateral renewal. Can also man- sector clients across five continents and the Pacific region. ufacture and sell tubes direct to outside installers through its Committed to creating lasting community benefit. Connects Liner Products subsidiary in Indiana. the knowledge, skill and experience of 10,000 diverse people. Contact: Mike Green n 502.585.1241 Contact: Roy Rudolph n 724.831.5267 n n Greenman-Pedersen Inc. (GPI) Booth 55 Giangarlo Scientific Co. Inc. Booth 25 Services include: bridge engineering, building systems/MEP, Will be exhibiting Toshiba Magnetic Mount Anywhere Flow civil and site engineering, construction management, environ- Meters and LQ 500 Density Meters, Drager Gas Detection, mental/sustainability, GIS/asset management, highway engi- Fox Flow Meters, Parshall Flume, Global Water Portable neering, planning & urban design, protective coatings, survey- Sampling Field Equipment, lab instrumentation, and gas ing/mapping, traffic engineering, water/wastewater. Complete analyzers, both portable and fixed. Rental equipment available water and wastewater experience including collection, distri- as well. bution and treatment systems. Full range of services. Contact: John Eizenhafer n 800.229.8850 Contact: Kimberly Benden n 814.725.8659 n Herbert, Rowland & Grubic Inc. Booth 68 Golden Equipment Co. Inc. Booth 52 Small or large, conventional or complex, HRG designs Sales, service and parts for municipal equipment, including solutions to protect the health of local communities. An street sweepers, sewer flushers and sanitary TV inspection. innovative engineering firm providing planning, design, and Refurbished/pre-owned equipment/rental and contracting are construction-phase services, including financial consulting, also available. for water and wastewater systems to public and private sector Contact: Jason Capizzi n 800.242.1494 owners and operators. Contact: Ben Gilberti n 724.779.4777 n GPD Group Booths 44-45 Hydromax USA Booth 4 Specializes in architectural design, engineering design, con- A professional services firm established in 2003. Specializes in struction, telecommunications and environmental services. data collection in support of locating and assessing the condi- Serves various market sectors: public buildings, education, tion of the country’s aging water, wastewater and natural gas housing, healthcare, parks and recreation, water resources, conveyance systems. Empowers contractors, engineers and power distribution/generation, public works, geotechnical, land utility owners to make the best rehabilitation decisions re- surveying, federal, environmental, transportation, retail/com- garding their buried infrastructure. Utilizes the largest array mercial, site development and utility services. Committed to of technologies, within one company, to provide the broadest developing business within the framework of specialized mar- capability in the country to assess buried infrastructure. ket sectors. An area leader and “the firm of choice” in providing Contact: Devin Mayhue n 724.624.4716 professional services. Contact: Tina Belz n 330.572.2100 n 15
Exhibitors Insight Pipe Contracting LLC Booth 11 J.A. Rutter Co. Booth 58 A full-service sewer maintenance contractor offering services A wood waste recycler with an emphasis on manufacturing from CCTV inspection and sewer cleaning to spot-repair products for the landscaping/contracting industry like mulch, lining and end-to-end lining. A locally owned, hometown compost, filter sock medium, etc. Also specializes in custom contractor that commits to a job well done and protecting soil mixes (retention ponds, etc). Recently has become a local the environment. HydroBlox distributor and is thrilled to represent this superior, Contact: Bob Carpenter n 412.292.4423 recycled plastic, stormwater management system. Contact: Jayme Matkozich n 724.327.1101 n Insituform Technologies LLC Booth 61 Jet Jack Inc. Booth 59 Insituform CIPP has been used for more than 45 years to Provides various sanitary and storm services, such as CCTV, protect pipelines from corrosion, restore structural integrity, jet/vac cleaning, tank & storm retention cleaning, CIPP lining, reduce infiltration, eliminate leaking joints, improve water hydro excavating, root and tap removal. quality and increase pipeline flow capacity. Offers a variety of Contact: Brad Wolfe n 412.221.3435 x 221 solutions for renewing wastewater and stormwater pipelines, n as well as pressurized force mains and water distribution and transmission mains. Contact: Nathan Ledbetter n 814.661.4704 JMT Booth 50 n Provides water, wastewater, and stormwater engineering and management services. Assists public agencies and private en- tities to plan, develop, manage, and maintain water and sewer IPR Northeast Booth 73 systems and facilities. Services include: water & wastewater The nation’s largest environmentally friendly trenchless un- treatment; distribution & collection systems; facility operations derground solutions provider. Pioneering new processes from support & commissioning; instrumentation & controls; and record-breaking pipe bursting and epoxy resin-based CIPP environmental compliance. systems, to advanced geopolymer liner technologies. Offers Contact: Mallory Griffin n 412.210.5907 customers more than one solution to best fit the project, the n budget, and environmental conditions. Holds the core belief that trenchless infrastructure solutions are critical to bringing the nation’s aging and damaged water, sewer, and industrial Kerry Actuator Booth 67 infrastructure back to standard. An electro-hydraulic actuator that is engineered and manu- Contact: Tim Bako n 301.741.0360 factured to suit specific applications. The custom-engineered n nature allows for incorporating features, such as submersabili- ty, positioning feedback, failsafe, manual operators, and more. Contact: Kevin Keegan n 724.991.7675 ITpipes Booth 13 ITpipes’ powerful inspection software provides actionable intelligence from inspections. From easy-to-use field software to powerful reporting, integrated with ESRI GIS mapping, IT- pipes is the authoritative source for planning and prioritizing. Easy online sharing, PACP certification, and automated data management streamline pipeline management. Contact: Ross Brown n 262.347.7582 n 16
Exhibitors KEVCON Inc. Booth 72 Magyar & Associates Booth 39 Provides innovative site solutions. For stormwater, locally A manufacturer’s representative/distributor specializing manufactured PaveDrain is a proven permeable drive surface, in SCADA, wireless communication and process automation. infiltration and storage solution with an “open joint” system. Process instrumentation technologies focus on flow, pressure, PaveDrain delivers the highest infiltration rates and the lowest level, weight and vibration monitoring of critical machines. maintenance costs. Also supplies Concrete Cloth, a 4,000+ psi With over 25 years of application engineering experience, protective layer of reinforced concrete, which solves a variety of Magyar & Associates can be a valuable resource. erosion issues and site maintenance. Contact: Mike Karpa n 610.838.5149 Contact: Anne Duggan n 412.445.4509 n n Marion Hill Associates Inc. Booth 5 KLH Engineers Inc. Booth 51 In business for 40 years specializing in commercial diving, ma- Since 1982, KLH Engineers has provided engineering services rine construction, inspection services and marine equipment to over 400 municipal clients and is currently performing work support. With an exceptional safety record and as a member of for over 50 authorities and municipalities. Experience and the Association of Diving Contractors International, MHA can expertise includes planning, design, operations, permitting and service, inspect and install all things marine related – intakes, construction administration of municipal facilities. potable water tanks, dams, etc. Contact: Chelsea Crain n 412.494.0510 Contact: Gretchen Chamberlain n 724.847.3483 n Lennon, Smith, Souleret Booth 2 Engineering Inc. Meadville Land Service Inc. Booth 53 Founded in 1985. Provides civil engineering and surveying A mobile restoration company founded in 1998 with 20 years services to public and private clients including the municipal, committed to restoring balance to the Earth. commercial, and industrial, institutional, residential and Contact: Robin Ernst n 814.337.1974 utilities markets. Specializes in wastewater facilities, water facilities, and stormwater/green infrastructure planning, design and construction phase services. Headquartered in Coraopolis, PA with branch offices in Greensburg and Albion, PA. Michael Baker International Inc. Booth 21 Contact: Samanatha Douds n 412.264.4400, x 267 Founded in 1940. Provides professional engineering, archi- n tectural and consulting services for public and private sector clients worldwide. Service areas include water, wastewater, stormwater, architecture, environmental, geospatial, munic- LMK Technologies Booth 60 ipal, civil, pipelines, utilities and transportation. Services A leader in trenchless cured-in-place-pipe (CIPP) lining since span the infrastructure life cycle including planning, design, 1993. Recognized by many municipalities and engineering construction services, and asset management/renewal. firms as the innovative leader for the trenchless renewal of Contact: Heather Dodson n 412.269.6300 sewer laterals, mainlines and manholes. Has over 100 patents n and pending patent applications throughout the world. Contact: Hank Hulse n 570.344.7977 Mid Atlantic Storage Systems Inc. Booth 66 Sales and installation of municipal and industrial water and wastewater storage tanks. Contact: Greg Mullins n 740.335.2019 17
Exhibitors Mott MacDonald Booth 42 Precision Laser & Instrument Inc. Booth 54 A $2 billion global management, engineering and development An “Authorized Distribution Partner” of Trimble firm. Delivers sustainable outcomes in transportation, building, equipment and accessories. Provides positioning solutions power, oil and gas, water and wastewater, environment, educa- for the construction, surveying and GIS/mapping industries tion, health, international development, and digital infrastruc- through sales, rentals, service repair, training and technical ture. A vibrant infrastructure development and engineering support of top-quality laser, optical and positioning equip- company with 62 offices in North America. ment, accessories and field supplies. Contact: Stephen Polen n 412.497.2900 Contact: Christine Iksic n 412.512.5665 n n Mr. Rehab LLC Booth 35 Rädlinger Primus Line Booth 26 Specializes in trenchless, no-dig rehabilitation of sanitary For almost two decades, Primus Line has been manufacturing sewer lines and manholes, as well as cleaning and CCTV. a Kevlar-reinforced pipeline rehabilitation system for pressure Contact: Robert Checchia n 717.697.1242 lines. After great success in its initial application for oil and n gas line rehabilitation, the system has been adapted for use in various water and wastewater lines throughout the world. Primus Line’s ability to be installed in sections of over 8,000 ms consultants inc. Booth 17 feet at a time and its ability to handle up to 90-degree bends A multidiscipline engineering, architecture, and planning firm make it truly unique among rehabilitation methods. for the transportation, environmental, architecture, commer- Contact: Noel Shanahan n 602.517.8360 cial, municipal, and construction industries. Founded in 1963, the award-winning firm has nearly 400 employees among nine offices in Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Contact: Lauren Terpak n 412.264.8701 RedZone Robotics Inc. Booth 3 n Offers an advanced pipeline assessment with decision- making capabilities to successfully and proactively manage a sewer collection system. Has equipment platforms for any National Gunite Booth 30 size sewer and flow conditions, and delivers data in various Provides trenchless repair of sewers and storm culverts using requirements whether CCTV in PACP, MACP, sediment, concrete that is sprayed onto steel reinforcement. Deterio- ovality, gas detection, and enhanced premium engineering rating lines are repaired from the inside, restoring structural reports of bend geometry, virtual mandrel, alignment, and integrity of the pipe for decades of future use. as-built models. All data is provided in a sewer asset Contact: Shane Snyder n 570.441.9977 management program, ICOM. n Contact: John DePasquale n 412.476.8980 n Pittsburgh Water & Sewer Authority Booth 75 The largest combined water, sewer and stormwater authority Robinson Pipe Cleaning Booth D in Pennsylvania, serving 300,000 consumers throughout the Offers full-length digital CCTV, sonar, laser profiling, sewer City of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas. cleaning, main line grouting, lateral grouting, manhole reha- Contact: Rebecca Zito n 412.689.1462 bilitation, sectional point repairs, CIPP lining of laterals from n the main and lateral connection lining. Contact: Barry Goble n 412.921.2100 n 18
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