Environment Southland News - february 2014 - Issue 32
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Community consultation at the heart of 2014 L ast month one of our scientists finished up with Environment Southland and in his leaving managing vegetation in our major river systems. This approach has never been attempted by any other regional council in speech he said that our scientists New Zealand. were working at the vanguard of For once, all of those with a representative science nationally – and he’s right. interest in our river systems were in one Environment Southland’s scientists room, sharing their wealth of experience are leading the way in many areas. The and knowledge and hearing everyone’s work being done at Waituna is being point of view. The plan is long-term – 12- closely watched by other regions, 15 years, and takes a holistic view of the as is our innovative groundwater way we manage river systems – particularly mapping work. vegetation associated with recreational But it’s not just in science that we are leading activities, flood control and floodway the way. Our working relationships with Te management. At the workshop, it was Ao Mārama and local iwi are unmatched unanimously endorsed and will soon move anywhere in the country and our approach to wider consultation. Ali Timms – Chairman, Environment to river vegetation management is receiving Southland The workshop also looked back at some of national accolades. the issues that we saw during an Aparima role we each have to play in improving our In December our catchment and biosecurity catchment field trip last year. There was region’s water quality. teams led a workshop with our River Liaison a real focus on the wider catchment, not Community consultation needs to be Chairs and representatives from DOC, just on drains and rivers. It was great to founded on good science and we are LINZ, iwi, Fish and Game and commercial see everyone looking ahead, listening and leading the way. contractors to discuss a concept plan for hearing each other and acknowledging the In this issue... Protecting Fiordland’s waters 3 Cover A day or two in the life of a flood warning duty officer 4 Bankers battle barberry 6 Stunning fish Good neighbours keep ragwort to themselves 6 Electrofishing is being used by Environment Southland to monitor Stewart Island – birds, beaches and ...Norwegians? 7 fish numbers and species as part of its State of the Environment Join us at the Southern Field Days 8 reporting responsibilities. Boating info at your fingertips 9 Sixty sites across Southland are being monitored as part of the programme on a five-year cycle. Fish are temporarily stunned Protecting farming for the future 10 by an electric current, counted, measured and returned to their Tips to protect water quality on your farm 11 natural habitat. Ki Uta Ki Tai – from the mountains to the sea 12 Freshwater and marine scientist James Dare said eletrofishing was How well is your well? 13 commonly used across New Zealand and in other countries as an Clifford Creek... and why it’s neat! 14 effective way of measuring wildlife in streams. “The data collected will provide a greater picture of freshwater habitats in Southland,” Right mate, let’s talk whitebait! 15 he says. Whitebait spawning 15 Cover photo – Summer student Bjorn Leith with an eel near Haldane Not your average 9 to 5! 16 Estuary. Is this your year to be an environmental superstar? 17 The Enviroschools Programme 18 Out In The Field... 20 Page 2
Protecting Fiordland’s waters T he waters of Fiordland are pristine; keeping them that way is an ever-present challenge. Fiordland is home to New Zealand’s most intact, native ecosystem. This outdoor wonderland, right here on our doorstep, is economically important to the national tourism sector and ours to enjoy at any time. Back in 2010 the Department of “We don’t want to be in the business of Conservation (DOC) made a devastating cure, we want to be in the business of find: Undaria pinnatifida, an invasive Asian prevention. So we really need the support seaweed now common in most New of vessel owners to ensure they don’t bring Zealand ports, was discovered in Sunday Undaria in from infected ports – Auckland, Cove, Breaksea Sound, Fiordland. Marlborough, Lyttleton, Port Chalmers, Bluff, you name it,” says Environment Southland A joint-agency response was swiftly Biosecurity manager Richard Bowman. launched by Environment Southland, DOC, and the Ministry for Primary Industries In a bold move never attempted elsewhere, (MPI) with support from the Fiordland some 35,000 kina were collected from nearby Marine Guardians. Fiordland waters in June 2011 and transferred to Sunday Cove to act as bio-control agents. Hundreds of juvenile Undaria plants were Kina are native sea urchins that graze on found at Sunday Cove, but none were seaweed. Response manager Derek Richards detected elsewhere. A multi-method says the kina did what they hoped they approach was put into action and is would – cleared existing growth to make it expected to continue until at least 2015. It easier for the dive teams to spot Undaria. includes an intensive removal programme by teams of divers. So far, 1887 Undaria “The success of the response is in the plants have been removed. joint-agency, multi-method approach and Undaria attached to a rope. Photo – DOC. while the role of kina is hard to quantify, it The response’s effectiveness to date is shouldn’t be underplayed,” he says. “Undaria Boaties – how you can help? such that there is cautious optimism that is palatable to kina and it’s likely they’ve By doing your bit to stop the spread of Undaria can be eradicated from the area. also consumed the early microscopic stage, marine pests into Fiordland’s pristine Eradication would be a stunning world-first, which can remain in the marine environment environment, you become part of the but keeping Fiordland’s waters free from for up to two-and-a-half years.” success story. Undaria requires a preventative approach. This is where boaties and yachties have a Since the transfer of the kina to Sunday • Clean your vessel’s hull and marine role to play because Undaria, like many Cove the amount of Undaria has reduced equipment. marine pests, easily spreads by attaching significantly. In 2012, one mature plant and itself to the hulls of vessels or mooring lines 137 juveniles were detected; in 2013 only • Check your antifouling paint is and equipment. three juvenile plants were found. thoroughly applied and effective. • Use the check, clean and dry method on any mooring lines and buoys, kayaks and other marine equipment before use. • Rinse and soak dive gear in fresh water. Let it dry for a few days if possible. • Look out for any unusual marine life or events such as mass deaths of fish. Report it to MPI (0800 80 99 66) and take a sample if you can. • Don’t remove the kina or shellfish from Sunday Cove as it may have been infected with Undaria spores and will spread. The kina is a key part of the eradication programme and we need them to stay put. For more information please visit: www. biosecurity.govt.nz/fiordland or www. es.govt.nz/environment/pests/marine Kina in Breaksea Sound. Photo – Chris Hepburn, Otago University Page 3
A day or two in the life of a flood A ndrew Kirk was at work when his phone went off at 1.33 pm on Tuesday, 10 September 2013. The text-alarm alerted him to ‘high rainfall’ in the headwaters of the Aparima catchment. Some 21mm of rain had fallen within four hours. When it rains hard enough up in the headwaters of Southland’s rivers to threaten flooding, it triggers an alarm and the flood warning duty officer at Environment Southland swings into action, no matter what the time – day or night. The 24-hour, on-call flood duty roster is made up of full-time environmental technical staff, many of whom are responsible for securing samples and checking Southland’s water and air monitoring sites. On this occasion the high intensity rainfall continued and more was forecast. The headwaters of all the major rivers began rising. At 2.05pm Andrew activated the Environment Southland flood warning notification system. It was the beginning of an exhausting stint of two nights’ interrupted sleep for Andrew as he monitored the rivers, answered queries and responded to persistent alarms as the floodwaters made their way down through the catchments. Once the flood warning notification system is activated, data from Environment Southland’s monitoring network of rain gauges and water level/flow recorders is updated every 15 minutes and made available via two automated systems: the Environmental Data Information (EDI) telephone system; and the Environment Southland website. Civil Environmental Technical Officer, Andrew Kirk Defence is notified, and radio broadcasts are whether to move stock and how to manage By noon on Thursday, the pressure was off transmitted to alert people to the situation. any issues around access to their properties. and Andrew’s stint was nearing an end. The incoming data helps the flood warning Some 50–60mm of rain had fallen in the It can take up to 24 hours for the floodwaters duty officer to understand when the headwaters and nearly all rivers had peaked to make their way down through the floodwaters have peaked at each monitoring throughout the catchments. Morning catchments, which gives people time to site, what level they peaked at, and what coastal rain caused some widespread make arrangements. this might mean for property owners and surface flooding due to the already population centres further downstream. “The system works really well, but it’s never saturated condition of the ground. going to give you one-hundred per cent of Estimating the impact is a highly technical At 4.10pm the flood warning notification what is going to happen, because we don’t process that takes into account weather system was switched OFF. measure every stream,” says Andrew. “Those forecasts, actual rainfall and scientific one-off variables can give you some pretty models that help to predict the outcomes. scary surprises sometimes.” “There are some serious hydrological By Wednesday morning – nearly 20 hours Flood Log Summary calculations going on in the background,” says in – Andrew could see a picture emerging: 10 September 2013, 1.33pm – Andrew. “We’re lucky our senior hydrologist This was not a major flood event; it was an 12 September 2013, 4.10pm is very skilled and regularly makes updates to intense and widespread one, characterised our flood warning models.” by rapidly rising rivers. Alarms: 28 – warning of high rainfall and high river levels The service is particularly valuable to Overnight, the rain eased, but a short, farmers, who tend to be the first affected by isolated burst of high-intensity rainfall Enquiries: 9 – from agencies, floodwaters. They need to be able to gauge (33 mm) just before midnight had a sharp media and farmers the likely impacts and make decisions about impact on the Pourakino River. Page 4
warning duty officer Managing the flood risk R iverton dairy farmer John White is a regular user of Environment Southland’s river level/flow stay on top of things he keeps an eye on the weather reports, listens to the radio and regularly checks Environment Southland’s monitoring is brilliant, you couldn’t ask for better,” he says. “It’s definitely a good forum.” monitoring service and flood river monitoring information online. “The warning system. His property lies alongside the Aparima River and since he and his family arrived in June last year they’ve experienced four flood events. The farm has a 50ha top terrace, and 85ha of low terrace flats. “Thirty-five hectares is over the stop bank and that goes fully under water; so a quarter of the farm,” explains John. “The stop banks are in place and that’s huge because they protect the rest of the flats. They’re doing a good job,” he says. When the September flood hit, John was in the middle of the calving. After checking Environment Southland’s river information online first thing in the morning, he had stock shifted from the river flats by 9am. They flooded that afternoon and overnight. By the next morning the floodwaters had receded. John did his homework before buying the John and Renee White with their daughter Esther (2) among a herd on their dairy farm farm and says he knew the flood risk. To bordering the Aparima River in the lower catchment. River information Aparima Catchment – Flood Warning Information Environment Southland has a monitoring network of rain gauges and water Environment Southland Flood Flood warning information Oreti Catchm ent – Flood Environment Southland has a monitoring network of rain gauges and water level recorders, some Warning Contacts: Information Warning level recorders, some of which also record water flow, throughout the region. of which also record water flow. This information is available anytime by calling 03 211 5010. Environment Southland Environme office (8am -5pm) How does nt the data get to Rainfall is reported on the EDI system as totals Southland? Flood warning Southland Flood since midnight, and totals in the last 24 hours, Ph 03 211 5115 or Environment Warning Conta infor6matio 12 hours, n last hour. As a guide, hours, and Waiau Environment Ca Inform tchment – 0800 76 88 45 cts: VHF radio at some Southl Data is transmitted through significant and has totals would be: Data from these sites is updated at least hourly, and every 15 minutes in the Environmen of which also a monitoring sites and cellphone at others. Important t Southland sites haverecord netwo Flood • water rk of ation After Hours Emergency Enviro 24 hours flow. – 50 mminform This on a wetted rain gauge catchment or s and office (8amof-5pm) both types communications because during nment ation is availab water level record Ph 03 211 5225 flood events cellphone networks can How Sou thldoes become the data get 70 on a dry catchment Warni le anytime by ers, some ng Ph 03 211 and Flo calling 03 211 • 12 hours –to 5115 or Envir od Flo 5010. overloaded. Wa onment 25 mm odonwa a wetted Rainfa catchment or Environmental Data 0800 76 88 45 rning Conta Sout 45hland on a dry? catchment rning Inve ll is reported on the EDI system is transmitted cts: rc infmidnig since ormati headwaters of Southland’s major river catchments. Info argill Ca Information (EDI) Env Data Environ ht, and totals as totals After Hours iron 35onand How up-to-date Emergencyis the offi data? ment Sou throug ment Sou 12 hours, in the last 24 sites and ce (8am cellphonethla • 6 En h VHF–radio hoursviron15 of mmwhiatch on a wetted some catchment thla nd has 6orhours, hours, Ph 03 211 5010 last hour. As rmati Ph 03 211 5225 nd at others. m also reco signific tchm Soautdry catchment Import ensites a a guide, Environment Southland updatesPh both river types 03 level of-5p sites m) nicatio commu on ant t have rd water flow ant mon totalsitorwould ns hl ing be: anHo network Technical Support Enviro at least nmen hourly, and every 15 minutes tal Data 080 During a flood eventoverloa flood 211 the511cellpho in events 0 76 ded. all sites88 5 or The ne W ar rainfall networ becaus niksngin Env can the dw elast Flo do during odes the hour indicates of theda on • if24 ent – it 70Fl hours is still . This – 50 info rma mm on a tion wetted of rain gauges Envir so takeCo Floo Inform 45 becom ta oo is ava and wat Ph 03 211 5244 headwaters. are iro e catchm ts:ent So (overge ation (EDI) raining, nt nm careful note time itonwas a dry updated every 15 minutes. TheAft onVery intenseac t dtowcatchment ilableent anyor er leve 10mm/ arning d Wa EDI er(Environmental Hours time by l recorder Website Ph 03 Emerg office me updated. Dat nta is tranhourly rainfall • uth 12Enlan calling 211 5010 Ph How up-to verySo hours If youon vir d?– 25 mm on ain form Rainfall 03 211 s, some rnin Data Information) telephone system is directly enchr) (8am uthla ment 03 211 -date Phyiscan the cause sites -5 sharp smiflood tted peaks. nd thro 45 of onwh need wetted at catchm is repo 5010. 211data? www.es.govt.nz 522 and a dry So sinc ionnigh ent or rted on the g Technconnected ical Suppo Environment5 to the telemetry system and is more help03 pm thecellp ugh VHF ich alscatchm uthlan e mid During a flood all sites are updated every 15 minutes. The EDI (Environmental rtthe website,Env 08 interpreting both type 5115 5244. )data,hon calle the flood at•othe duty radio oatrec ent d ha 12 t, and tota EDI system up-to-date than whichiron ismeupdatedSouthla at 00 ord s a hou Ph 03 Infoatrma ntal Dat ndofficer 76at s(03) update river211 floo or s of communicatHo 6 rs. hours Imp–orta 15 mmsom on ea wa monit rs, 6 hou ls as tota aw oring rs, and last in the last 24 211 5244 least hourly, andaevery 15 88 45dlevel even nt sites wettedter flo ls half hourly intervals. headwtion After minute ove sites ts cellp on ions dry bec do es duri catchm have sign catchm w.ifica Thnt ent hours, Website aters.(ED I) a flood During Ho srloa in ded the . hone netw Enorks vi ause thente is inf orls35 tota netw wouork hour. As Ph 03 ro da a Ma ng ld 211 d501 update 0 15 Ph 03 The every How eventur can sallEm Isites prepare ergare for The a flood?rainfallcan nm in the en bec ome ta ge 24 hours – ation rain ga guide, • orm be: of Disclaimer www.e lastt So t70 Hows.govtdo .nz I access data? Data Information) minutes. 21 t ency Data hour indicat to 50 mm is ava uges Info aura C Techni 1 52Ho EDI w (Enviro En raining vi , issotra take ut hl es if it on is on ila an cal Sup Envir ne system up-to-da telephoFind out if 25 your nmenta property floods l from site previous nsm careful ronm itte note of the an a still dry catchme a wet ble ted catc anyti d water • d? Data Information) telephone system is directly connected to the telemetry connec por update Sout s an time Environment Southland There are two automatedPh ways03 to get ted to t teleme the onmeEnv Inf owners, neighbours is directly or Environment tehr) is bo the d. dVery thSouthland. cellph ent d thr intense 12 hou it was nt hmementby level rma atch 211 try system nt hlda ou hourly Rainf orcal record up-to-d 524ate4than the orDistrict matio aliron and Da men is W can typ cause anofta? es e at othgh rainfall veryonsharp VHF 45(over rs – 25 mm all is ling makes every effort to keep floodwarning information: Websit halfe hourly intervaPhwebsite nPlans at tamore contain t Sou maps identifying floar land dthatFlmm rad on a 10mm/ dry catc onsin ce mi reported 03 21 ers, some , which leas hourly,d thlandhelp ni odinterpr co flood a wet men (ED tupdate ood ers. peaks. Impo Ifioyou ng tion isI) updates eve at som 1 50 the data on our website and Discla ls. 03floods 21 1 or may hea dwa flood, or at andyou evercanEnov contact erloa rive officer nts our eting Co r Senior cel the lph unica data, call tio • the 6 rta need e hment 12 ho ted dncatc ight,hmenton the 10. 1.imer Through the EDI telephone www.e system – 5010 ters. Dur y 15viro de(03) at nt5244. leve e ne ns becau Flors hou flood nt urs, and or ED t– min d. hours 211 on lac sites duty sites the EDI telephone system s.go Tech Planner upd(Hazard Mitigation) ing a floo during of office nm utes at entin the ts: tworks can o–d15 ve on asig nifican 6 hours, totals in I system Howvt.n nical ated ever on asedry hamm ph 03 211 5010 doz I acces ficeeven gwar Floo du accurate. As the data is Environment Ph 03s data? (03)Su Dat 211pp5115 a Infofor y 15 minspecific property Ho.dw utes information. (8am t all sites Sout Enbe rin catc come hmenntin• 24 wetted t totals and las catc the as tot t hour. last 24 ho als Southland ort rmation) Ph How up vir g in hours hmewo system, making it more up-to-date than the website, which is updated at half 03The can arehlan The rain dW 211 52connec -to -5I-d fallon ntuld derived from unchecked 2. Through our makes every website – www.es.govt.nz There are two W ted to telepho 21 EDI (Env prep pm ared forrain of wh in m enlast fo or 35 be: As a urs guide , effort to keep autom eb Use our 44 up- website orthe contact 08us En00 to ne viro find syst1 out 51 how iron at far ) men e talth upd so take a flood ing, the t ? also uthlr indion ich So 70 – rmat mm on50 arn sit ated hou , ctly is telemetry files, failures and the data on waysnormalto-d telemetFind nm em15 our website and Dis floodwarning inform e above to get half hou the ate than river was ry 76 atduring lea out syst past 88 en youris dire iftfloods. orproper e da ated. Very care • an catea dry iostill claime isww South H fulconote re d ha s if itcat n en a wetted cat ing malfunctions can occur at any the EDI What dosystem I do if either system not w.eation: the Af st em45 ty floods telephone r s.g Similar magnitude rly inte events web hete owners site, generally r ad hoflood , url which y,neighband is similar lan mor d hr) from ta o ?w previou inte s nse rd 12of ho the s urs a–m it is chm dours wate time 1. Through ovt.n rvals. H eupda ment or can cau d t time, for which Environmentaccurate. As the EDI telepho zbut be sure to note Phup waou District terrs is an every Environ teshelp En se o es shar hourly 45 onwas 25 chmen working? the data is Environ areas ne system any 03da21 flood s. Em Plans alleviation Durin upd contain ated river Southla vi very nd. the•p flood on rainr afall flo (overmm itorin t or elro men ph 03 211 Hothat ted eve ggea flo mapsat15 miidentify inte lev rpre dryw. 10mon Southland accepts no derived from unchecked makes t Sou thland5010 work w do has–been done Datafloods Envisince, Infas1 52 orry this willer may affect nu teserining offic nting site land m the data dat6 hopeaks. If cat Thchmis g anewe m/ tte I access flood, sthaten fot twordk catchm hourly intervals. telemetryContact Environment every effo Southland’s technical 25 15 mi ncyorodyouevent can Da taat (03) 211 callathe urs – you inen responsibility. data2.onThroug ro Planne orm nutes contac the t ,on get 15 mm needrm nsm 5244.South the coda r ati files, supportfailures rthto our Di keep the Thebehaviour of theIn river. This nn ta? nm ect (Hazard information on) telwill Mitigat . Th all sitessitesis ttra our Senior a dry floo to atio of ra ent or malfunctions on (03)and 211the5244. If the telephone our website scwebsite laimer– help www.es flooyou re are .govt.n plan two for futurefo up rm-to(03) floods, edento 211 ta5115 especially the tel forep knowing ion) during hone e ED Ho I (Enviro an are office d cehours itt at The d duty la catchmenon a wetted n is availabgauges in dwarnin z auto thro rainfa nd? EDI tele bo systemcanis occur at any not operational, try a pho local radio station.and Phmat 03lfed ha at -daioten thal Dat emproperty sysspecific w can th inform nmen llpho ed t time, for which Environ accurate Wha tne dosystEnem I vir when to move gstock. informa hoUseway s to urlyour Dn the a etry sys tem (Ewebsite floodis dir ty pe s ofIation. pre tal ne paatrainin ugh ll in the catchm Rain en le anyt and wa Published by: SouthlandSignificant ment events will deribe . As the broadcast. do maiskes if onmeeithe nt So 1.r syste tion21 : 1 50 interv get I) we or contac tem Find outevifect ly com up reothe g, soVHF for last ho t te since fall isorre35 ime by r level accepts no work ved from data Through mtheisEDI Tech above 10 alsl .the bsite, wht usovto an erdfind en unda atakflo ra Environment Southland responsibility. tele unc ing? every uthlan ph not Ho ni tele ca norma river was own ich load ers, is mo out tshow you re r prop ce llp farmhr) ica tedrs. . VeImrypo diod e car oefu? at ur ind ica m po ca re Corner North Road & Price St metry hec the kedda ta on effort Howddo211I find 03 501 Ph0 03 outphowifSimilar ldo roads Su ne systmagnit are is during uppast District da ed neigfloods. ted. hbo erty hone can tiods floo nsfrom rtaen int l so no ntsesithomte tes 12 id e of the sigif ithoisurstil nig rted on lling 03 corder How do I interpret malfunc Contac files, data? the failu the t Environ our we2. to keep Th 21 areas pp I ac em – ude events genera or H Plan at urs or lpneint heEnv cau twor se bever caus prev s, l6 ht, and the 211 s, so Private Bag 90116 res EDand closed? Thro 5244but be tcesure ods wllyor flood s con iron iousesurl hayverainfa timenifi EDI 5010 me ebsiere 1are tions can ment bsi ugh ourW ss da similar men y du want hours, totals time, for suppor acc occu I telep Southla hone nd’stetechnic to note any floo ualleviat pmay tainoffimap erpks retcatn Souesha rp it ca sy Invercargill 9840 Published by:River levels are reported on the whi t on EDI (03) ura r at211 system and te.any 5244. and al web flo te– www site od work two that has been ta? EnPlan flood -tofloo iond, or cers iden at tifyiing ng be thethla nd. g od pe •ll (over 10 s totals and las in the stem as . rinflo ch Env system If the automis more done ard-d you (03) 21 coda For the latest information: Southla system is deiron not riv As the daWh Duringtelephoa flood,neww w.es towayour access the rning .es.g property behavi viron since, ner asmthis(Hazwill atgati land mta, e aks. 24 ho mm would t ho las to ur. As t 24 ho tals operat infovt. e ison) can contact 1 52 44. thatcall the flo If70you ne September 2013 Environmentwebsite as metres abovend normal, acceptswith normal men ed fro tm ional, try attodo our nzate of thed river.atThis (03) en affect Miti urs / resp Signific tel ta a local is beIaffected do 1. than.govyour ormati itself. wa lea 211 tation Ho – 50 be: prop wth Southland ant likely radio help property Roadys he 511 our a gu urs, water level being zeroonsmetres. ibility. Values noevents em become unchewo stationif eit.Throu t.n you plan to ge stinform So 5 for ca e ng offic Senior • od duty a dr mm duri on ed Corner North etrywill be rki ghz her sys foronfuture ad t hour uthlawill spe ndIat broadc cke id Road & Price negative whenStbelow normal. Tables malfuonnct file the nexts, failurclosure nginformation dast. ? is generally ph 03when the broadcast to tem ED move on :floods, Usewa especia our ly,lly anknowin nd erty pra?ep e hours 12 ho y ca tchm on a we e, Private Bag 90116 ion 5010 telis 211information I ep stock. upabo da ters. website Durin dorevcon Findgupou date cific info rmaar at How do tim floods sand can Con es anradio stations local 2. Th but some nonetbe may ho Data teve d ev er tact t syo e .for tion 45 urs ent tted SouthI inter page show thePub Invercargill 9840 levels of previous largee, for tact Envd norm g owyne usifto rivurer – lished which pretsup occur the D iron rou sys Sim tem ery al the 15 m arive 15rs,m findpro a•flo on a dry 25 mm on catch tdata? Inilar y is by:an indication available at on menthe internet. Southlagh How –form florod neinu levpe men September 2013some recent floods Environm to give River landfor newEnviron por an(03) on claitm our we do bsiI find out conn mag ationitude inuDis was tric duri evPla ightes out ngbo el how rty flo sit 6odhour ? catch t or ent Sou levels resnote accep system nd’s tech ifecroad area tes.ts tgen enns theor Enes far inurs ods men a wette haer ponsiare reporte me 211W up-to te s dbut be n) te even past property owners. CornerIt is prudent website to thla down bility the d ts on State no the isntnotEnope Highway 524 road 4. close closures If the ared? nicatel – ww reported onw.ethe to s tharesure lepflo odsThore eral t all conta floo ds.vironm from pre on a s – 15 t d ca nal,ttry ndmetres EDI systemvir ratio wor-dkatthat EDIy lysit water levels from North recorders upstreamas d & Price for floods . above Sign ifica mak on and do telepho I dowww.nzta.govt.nz has.g e th hase beete toPla ho note ma esinar floo dma viodrusy ca mm on tchm esw Private Roa norma NZ nt Transport men Agency ne lf ho ovt.n neerany esim en Th water Bag 9011 level being l, with even normats or t Sowebsite: ki a loca if the urbeh z avio an th lem n(03 et don nn stefloo sy(Ha (En flo odon vir d allev identi teSo psilar rauth tchm a we ent that affect your Inveproperty and add these St tozero the will evl be ng utDuring l radi ei thaccess ly ry e m zar , or iatio ra inf lan en or • Telephone the EDI phone system – 03 211 5010 6 rcargill negativ Publi metres. Valuesthe ery broa?dca hlan a flood, o stat inter ur of e we ) 21sysinc ste e, asd isthis myo fyin ini all ind. tted 9840 e when shed below Hol.wTables daCo becom efclosures er ion. syoto help youryou va ite 1 51m thebsrive Mi dire tig ennutacan up gnglan t affectedH For secondary road ta enta fortlikely st.dyou should refer proper , d tha th catch table. by: norma the to keto besuch st plantyls. 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Ro e Trans net. infor dcas ad y mat t on For port road clo ion se Agen su may to th condar cy we res ar be Get a copy of the brochure with the flood warning information specific to Sout e local y road bsite e repo au : ww rte or Gohland Di thority sures clo w.nz d on th ta.go e re Di strict resp you vt .nz strict Co on shou Coun uncil, In sible su ld refe cil. verca ch as r rgill th your catchment. They’re available online at www.es.govt.nz City e Coun cil Page 5
Bankers battle barberry W ho said they could only crunch numbers? SBS AgriBankers got stuck in at Omaui recently and proved they were made of tougher stuff than the thick branches of Darwin’s barberry they were helping to remove. Darwin’s barberry is a pest plant found across of the Omaui settlement. It produces A team of 14 AgriBankers arrived from as far much of Southland, and its spiny foliage numerous berries which are spread far north as Hamilton and helped the Omaui has slowly made its way along the roadside and wide by birds. Cutting down the trees Landcare Group and Environment Southland before the berries Pest Plant Officers remove as many barberry ripen helps shrubs as possible in a single afternoon. The prevent further control work was physical and required the spreading. bankers to cut plants at the base and treat the stumps with herbicide before stacking To control it the cut stems in a heap. effectively, many hands are needed SBS Project Manager Clayre Watt says “It’s – and those primarily a team building exercise for us. are not always We thought that this way we could also give easy to come something back to the community.” by. Luckily the Omaui Landcare Group Chairman, John SBS AgriBanking Collins says that when Environment Southland team called and called, he jumped at the opportunity. “It’s asked whether great for us, because otherwise this work just Environment doesn’t get done. We’ve known about the Southland issue for a long time, but we’re only a small could provide group.” them with an opportunity to If you or your group would like to help help out in the Environment Southland to support the community for region’s Landcare Groups with pest plant their annual team control, call us on 0800 76 88 45 or send an building event. email to service@es.govt.nz. SBS staff help clear Darwin’s barberry at Omaui. Good neighbours keep ragwort to themselves T he ragwort season is here again and stalks of the yellow-headed weed are making a prominent appearance across the region. If you find ragwort on your property, take action to stop it spreading to your neighbours. Ragwort is one of Southland’s hardiest Luckily, Environment Southland has already pest plants, and is not allowed to be within done the background work into control fifty metres of any property boundary options for ragwort for you, so all you need or watercourse. Some 250,000 seeds are to do is call their Biosecurity team to find produced by a single plant so tackling the out what you can do, and the best time to problem requires a strategic approach as do it. well as on-going maintenance. If your neighbour’s ragwort is creating a Senior Biosecurity Officer, Randall Milne problem for you, have a chat to them first. says when it comes to controlling ragwort, Chances are you’ll be lucky enough to strike mowing it simply won’t cut it. “Yes, the a good neighbour who will something yellow flowers will be gone from sight, but about it. If that’s not the case, give us a call the problem is only made worse as next on 0800 76 88 45. year’s plants will grow back even more Ragwort is a suppression pest, which means vigorously.” it is widespread and abundant across In addition, cut ragwort plants can be more Southland. Keeping property boundaries palatable to stock, and can cause them clear of ragwort is a landowner responsibility, serious harm as ragwort contains poison and can be enforced if necessary. which affects cattle, horses and deer. Page 6
Stewart Island – birds, beaches and . . . Norwegians? T he last place you might expect to find historic Norwegian relics is a remote corner of Stewart Island. However a nearly forgotten part of Kiwi history bridges the 17,668 kilometres between the two countries in the form of a Norwegian whaling base hidden away at Price’s Inlet, Stewart Island. Run by the Rosshavet Whaling Company of Matthew says the site is a snapshot into He says despite the far flung roots of the 38 Norway and abandoned in 1932, the base an important period of Stewart Island’s Norwegians who worked at the base, they was used as a repair centre for chaser boats, heritage, when the Norwegian whaling are still very much a part of Stewart Island which were responsible for catching and boats would sail from the base into the Ross history and the team’s work at the base has processing whales for oil before the end Sea off the coast of Antarctica on their hunt. had a lot of local support. product was loaded onto a bigger factory “It’s a very special site in terms of European “The workers often went to Oban to mix vessel for shipping. and our history from last century, in particular with the locals; a few even married some of Just over 70 years after the base ceased the connection between Antarctica, New the local ladies, so it’s a significant part of production, New Zealand Historic Places Zealand and Norway,” he says. the island’s heritage. Local support has been Trust Regional archaeologist (Otago/ great; volunteers from the community have Having completed the surveying in late Southland) and ‘Project Njord’ manager been helping clear the site of vegetation.” November 2013, the team is waiting to hear Dr Matthew Schmidt and his team are one back from the New Zealand Heritage Places Matthew and his team hope to hear back step closer to getting the site the level of Trust Board (NZHPT) on their application to from the NZHPT by the end of February and recognition and protection they believe it have the base considered an archaeological plan to continue to work with the Southland deserves. site, which will offer it legal protection. District Council and the site landowners to The first stage was applying for a grant discover more of its secrets. He eventually Under the Historic Places Act, post- from the Southland Coastal Heritage hopes to have an interpretation panel 1900 sites can only be considered an Inventory Project (SCHIP) – a partnership erected with information for visitors about archaeological site if there is substantial between Environment Southland, the the base’s history. evidence of cultural heritage. Department of Conservation, the New “A lot of people already visit, so we’ll also Zealand Archaeological Association, “At the moment there’s nothing legal in place look at working with the museum to get the New Zealand Historic Places Trust, stopping anyone from taking things away,” an information panel put in and have the Southland District Council and Te Aō Matthew says. “It’s really quite a unique site vegetation managed from time to time Marama Incorporated on behalf of the as it’s still in a highly intact state and this is a when required. It’s really special, because Kaitiaki Rūnaka o Murihiku. Environment quick way of getting more protection.” we’ll get to show what people used to do Southland also committed another $10,000 The unique nature of the base is not just and how they lived, it’s great.” to the project in October 2012. an insight into Stewart Island’s heritage, he This allowed the ‘Project Njord’ team to says, but a treasure of national significance. undertake an archaeological survey and Below – Artefacts from the Norwegian “The protection [the application will allow] is whaling base at Price’s Inlet. Photo – New Zealand document the remaining buildings and significant. Only five 20th century sites have Historic Places Trust, Otago/Southland Area Office. artefacts including the wreck of the Orthello, been declared archaeological sites by the an old whaling ship that was used as a dry Board of the NZHPT. This is the sixth and dock for the Norwegian chaser boats. the first marine heritage site.” Page 7
Join us at the Southern Field Days E nvironment Southland’s will have staff from across the organisation at Waimumu during this year’s Southern Field Days to answer your questions and to provide advice on areas that are of concern to you. Here are the thoughts from a few of them about the Field Days and what they are keen to talk to you about. Russell Winter – Dairy Liaison Officer We have friendly staff with many year’s of experience and knowledge, so we can hopefully work with you to achieve good financial and environmental outcomes. I’m keen to talk to farmers who are considering converting their existing property to dairy as well as people looking at buying a farm for a dairy conversion. I’m also available to talk to existing dairy farmers about their consents that are due for renewal. So if you are in need of guidance as to the current requirements for farm dairy effluent disposal, Russell Winter including effluent from wintering barns, feedlots, stand-off pads and silage pads, then look out for me at the field days. Dave Burgess – Senior Biosecurity Officer (Pest Animals) I really enjoy the general positivity of the field days. The weather is usually fine and sunny and the atmosphere is relaxed. I’ll be available during the field days to talk about the benefits and workings of the Possum Control Area programme and general pest control options. We’ll have a range of pest control products available to look at and discuss. Drop into the Environment Southland tent and join us for a cuppa and a chat. Dave Burgess Leonie Grace – Senior Pollution Prevention Officer I like to see people coming in for a chat at the field days, looking for new ideas and seeing what pollution prevention is all about. I’m keen to offer advice on sustainable waste management and where to dispose of waste and hazardous materials responsibly including unwanted chemicals, oil and fuel. I can also help with contaminated land queries – especially old sheep dip sites and landfills. Randall Milne – Senior Biosecurity Officer (Pest Animals) The field days are a great opportunity to talk with a range of people about farming-related issues. Come along to the Environment Southland tent and talk to me about what’s happening across the region with weeds, clover root weevil and dung beetles. Leonie Grace The tent is a one-stop shop for people to speak face-to-face with our friendly staff and councillors about their environment. George Ledgard – Environmental Scientist (Land and Soil) The field days are a great chance to talk to farmers off property in a relaxed, neutral environment. I’m available to talk about anything to do with nutrient and sediment transfers on and off farms and within the wider environment and how these affect water quality. Government has asked councils to set freshwater quality limits. We are at the very beginning of this process so now’s a great time to talk to us and get advice on what you can do to reduce nutrient losses. Understanding where losses are occurring and how to mitigate them today is the best way to future proof your farming operation. Randall Milne Page 8
Sonya Nicol – Senior Planner (Water and Land 2020 & Beyond) I really enjoy getting out and talking to people that can make the difference on the ground, and explaining what we are doing in the water space. I’m keen to talk to people about what the Water and Land 2020 & Beyond project is all about, how you and your property may be affected by any changes, and also how you can become involved in the discussions. Talk to me about our Focus Activity plan changes regarding riparian management, nutrient management, wintering and hill country development as well as what the next steps are for catchment limits. Gary Morgan – Senior Land Sustainability Officer George Ledgard I like to see the new products, innovations and ideas and taking part in promoting sustainable agriculture. I also like patting the alpacas! I’m available at the field days to talk about trees on farms, soil mapping, soil health, riparian plantings, water quality, constructed wetlands, erosion, winter grazing practices, rules, and nutrient management. In fact, anything that’s of concern to you and your farm. Farmers need to make time and visit the Environment Southland tent so they can get ahead of the game and be prepared for catchment limit setting. They need to find out what the opportunities and potential risks might look like. Clip this coupon, fill in your details and bring it along to the Sonya Nicol Environment Southland tent at the Southern Field Days to go in the draw to win a $200 ILT voucher. Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________________________________ Gary Morgan Boating info at your fingertips If you are out boating in unfamiliar waters this summer, make sure you check out the free MarineMate early stages, the app will be useful for boaties and councils alike. The MarineMate app is the brainchild of Waikato Regional Council’s navigation smartphone app. “Boating regulations differ safety programme manager, Nicole Botherway. It has been MarineMate combines all the latest between regions, so as well as developed with funding from information relevant to your current finding out the boating rules Maritime NZ, the ACC, Land location, so you can practice safe boating in Southland you can check Information NZ and regional wherever you decide to take your vessel. other regions too.” council harbourmasters, with The app provides up-to-date information Lyndon says MarineMate will support from Water Safety on speed limits, mooring zones, towing help councils in providing a New Zealand. access lanes, boat ramp locations, local area safer boating environment. The MarineMate app is notices and tides. “We hope to get an idea available for iPhone, iPad and about the types of vessels Southland Deputy Harbourmaster Android devices. To download people are using and the Lyndon Cleaver has been involved in the it free of charge, visit the iTunes safety equipment they have development and says that although in its store or find it on Google Play. on board.” Page 9
Protecting farming for the future W hen Allan Baird walks down his hallway each day, he’s reminded of his grandfather and the work he did for the community. Hanging on the wall is William Baird’s CBE. A former chairman of the Southland County Council for 12 years, he was presented with it in 1969 for his services to local government. Allan is a dairy farmer with 750 cows on of land. “I want to be involved and affect the moved his family back to rural Southland, 280ha at Benmore and a further 200ha at community; wider than that, the province.” where his father was Dipton West. He’s also the Vice President willing to step back and Allan completed an agri- and Dairy Chairman of Southland Federated Farmers. His great grandfather bought the commerce degree and post graduate diploma “I want to let the next generation be take over. farm nearly 95 years ago. involved and affect the at Lincoln and spent 14 In 2008 Allan decided Allan says it’s a tradition to be involved years working around the community; wider than to convert their sheep in farming, but it was the actions of his world in accounting and and deer farm to dairy. grandfather that now motivates him to want to do more than just look after his own piece finance. In 2002, married with two young boys, he that, the province. ” He says the migration away from sheep farming across Southland has brought about many changes. “Our challenge now is to allow the new land use to be fully engaged. To farm to the fullest of what the land can allow,” he says. “Sheep farming is different. Stocking rates are different, grass growth requirements are different. Dairy farming actively encourages pastures to grow till conditions stop them.” Allan says a lot of farming is tradition. “It’s what your father did.” While it’s important not to completely discard those practices, farmers are getting new information all the time, so it’s about implementing those practices that are still beneficial for the farm and the environment. “My dad was a good tree planter,” Allan says. He and wife Helen have just planted a number of natives with consideration of the waterways and riparian margins. He says he likes having trees on his property, it adds to the aesthetics and they’re good for the stock and nutrient filtering. “It takes a little longer in farming practice for that consciousness to develop. The first five years is about survival, then you can start to consider the wider aesthetics and what you want to leave behind,” Allan says. Allan Baird Page 10
Water and Land 2020 & Beyond Allan believes that farmers do care about what they do and their effect Tips to protect water quality on your farm on the environment, and that science The importance of water to the Southland way of life is undeniable, but what is more is helping farmers to make better important is safeguarding the quality of our waterways for generations to come. decisions. As a consequence he thinks, Environment Southland is encouraging the farming community to get behind good the next generation of farmers will be management practices, which make up the first part of the Water and Land 2020 & Beyond better prepared than the previous. project, and to do their bit to help improve water quality. Allan is a lot more aware of issues “At the moment we’re concentrating on good management practices, specifically like sediment flow, since having been implementing better riparian management, wintering practices and nutrient management,” involved with Federated Farmers, and says Environment Southland senior resource planner Sonya Nicol. Environment Southland through the Water and Land 2020 & Beyond steering The focus is on ensuring that farming activities that may affect water quality are following group. these good management practices. On his Dipton West property, which Factsheets available on the Environment Southland website provide handy tips on how to is predominantly hill country, he now make simple changes that will help protect water quality. considers the contours and runoff from activities like winter grazing, while on the Benmore property the mitigations Wintering: are mostly around nutrients. Paddocks used for this purpose are thought to contribute a significant amount to nutrient “It’s been helpful that the council has and sediment loss. been able to convene the Water and • Where possible, choose paddocks that have structurally sound soil types and are away Land steering group particularly when from waterways to reduce nitrate loss. we are looking at the challenging rule-setting requirements,” Allan says. • Provide transportable troughs for stock “It’s really a think tank with a range of drinking water. different views. There would be nothing worse than rushing something through Riparian management: that is impractical.” Allan says his involvement in issues Riparian zones act as buffer between water wider than his farm is really borne out of and land, so it’s important to minimise any wanting to ensure that farming remains effect nearby activities on adjacent land attractive for the next generation. “It’s a could have. desire of mine that one or both of my • Fence riparian zones to exclude stock boys go into farming. • Plant appropriate species in the riparian He wants to try and ensure that when zone suited to the condition of the site rules are created, there is a good reason which can control erosion as well as filter for them and that they don’t make it sediment and help prevent pollution. harder for future farming sons to come home. Nutrient management: Implementing a nutrient management plan not only helps reduce losses to waterways but can also save you money. Benefits can include: • Providing proof to outside organisations that you have instigated good management practices with respect to nutrients on your farm • Saving money on fertiliser by using nutrients recycled through farm dairy effluent. Page 11
Ki Uta Ki Tai – from the mountains to the sea Why the health of our waterways runs deeper than just improving water quality. F ed by the Waihopai and Oreti rivers that wind through Southland, the New River Estuary is a tidal lagoon where sea water mixes with the river flow to create a dynamic environment that has sustained life in the region for hundreds of years. From the early days of Māori settlement, on many projects, including the Water and everything we do as kaitiaki (guardians). when a rich supply of resources meant Land 2020 & Beyond initiative. The management of our waterways is an villages dotted its edges, to banks that are important part of this.” Southland’s waterways are crucial from a now dominated by farmland, the Koreti, or cultural perspective says Ailsa. “There are Although the Koreti is of great significance New River Estuary, has played a significant reports coming through about Southland’s to iwi, it’s not only a Ngāi Tahu issue. role in shaping Southland’s history. deteriorating water Responsibility rests Over time, European settlement, land use quality, which not Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā on everyone in the change and reclaimation have caused only affects access to muri ake nei – Southland region. major problems for the delicate health of traditional mahinga kai In December last for all of us and the the estuary and its connecting waterways, (food and gathering year, Water and Land generations that follow something Iwi Policy Officer Ailsa Cain says sites), but our 2020 & Beyond has an effect on more than just wildlife. kaitiakitanga – our responsibility to act as steering group members, Te Ao Mārama guardians to these resources.” representatives , Environment Southland “There’s a fundamental relationship between councillors and staff, came together for Ngāi Tahu and the river, land and estuary” Mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei – for all a field day on the banks of the Waihopai she says. “Our association with Koreti isn’t of us and the generations that follow – one to discuss the impacts of freshwater just historical, it’s a long established and of the core Ngāi Tahu values, is central to management. continuing relationship that we want to this relationship. preserve.” “It was an opportunity to physically see “For all of us and the generations that how everything is interconnected and how Te Ao Mārama Inc, the body responsible for follow, it’s about the responsibility we have this is a part of projects like Water and representing iwi on resource management to leave behind our environment in the Land 2020,” Ailsa says. “It showed what the matters with councils, works in close same or better state for our children and problem looks like in real life, rather than partnership with Environment Southland their children. It’s the underlying driver for just discussing it in a meeting.” Senior resource planner Fiona Young says the trip had been a success. “The idea behind it was to look at the connection between water quality and land use and look forward in terms of future generations. Big changes will have to be made, and we’ll need to see how they’ll affect the community and the challenges that come with it.” Ailsa agrees there is no quick fix to the multi- faceted issue of Southland’s water quality, but is positive Te Ao Mārama’s cohesive relationship with the council and their shared goal to revitalise the Koreti will be realised. “It’s a long process, but Ngāi Tahu and many other people feel a strong affinity with and a responsibility for the estuary. It’s an ongoing connection we all have and we are all in it for the long term.” Waihopai River, Invercargill, circa 1906. Muir & Moodie, reproduction from a black and white gelatin glass negative. Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa. Registration: C.012842 Page 12
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