Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House

Page created by Terry Bush
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
            14508 Homecrest Road - Silver Spring, MD 20906
                          (301) 598-4000
                          June 2021

June 14th
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
Volunteer Board of Directors
Mike Goldman, President; Ali Ehrlich, Secretary; Simon Bustow, Alan Frankle, Bruce Menditch,
Karen Rosenthal, Beth Shapiro, Adina Salomon, Rebecca Stallone and Brian Weiner

                           MAIN PHONE # 301-598-4000
Executive Director                               Carol Cohen Wolfe – Ext 60
Assistant Executive Director                     Debra Eckard – Ext. 78
Homecrest House Property Manager                 Shenell Gordon – Ext 63
Assistant Property Manager                       Michael Lucas – Ext. 54
Program Director                                 Doris Torti – Ext 66
Maintenance Director                             Rigo Romero - Ext 74
Edwards Community Manager                        Takia Manley - Ext 72/73
Marketing Coordinator                            Ileana Lopez -Ext 79
Resident Service Director                        Yvonne Kedoin - Ext 75
Certification Specialist                         Sheena Robinson– Ext 62
Accounts Payable                                 Lisan Collins-Ext 64
Administrative Assistant, Stein                  Lan Tran – Ext 61
Administrative Assistant, Moskowitz              Faby Valle- Ext 67
Activity Coordinator                             Dina Christopher - Ext 71
Van Drivers                                      Bob Pendergast; Ralph Ruiz

                                       Food Services
General Manager: David Parker Ext - 70 Chef: Dorita Johnson Dining Room Supervisor: Rita Lim

                                     Resident Council
President, Mike Maiman; VP, Grace Orimoloye; Secretary; Treasurer, Selma Canner.

Floor Helpers

STEIN: (1st) Barbara Bostic; (2nd); Ruth Waldon (Fl. Captain Team Leader) and Annie Chang; (3rd) Yvonne
Kinsale; and Carolyn Rackstraw; (4th) Gary Cunningham; (5th) Ruthann Townsend

MOSKOWITZ: (1st): Johnny Bresler; (2nd): Rajah Ball; (3rd): Jean Jones; (4th): Yvette Teman.

Welcome Committee
STEIN: Yvonne Kinsale; Gloria Crosbie MOSKOWITZ: Marilyn Goldberg            EDWARDS: Joel Schwartz

B’nai B’rith Chapter 5172
Yvette Teman: President, Sandra Wasserman: Recording Secretary, Marilyn Goldberg: Treasurer
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change
their minds cannot change anything.”     George Bernard Shaw

BIRTHSTONE: Pearl                        (Purity)Residents Anniversaries
FLOWER: Rose (Devotion)                         At Homecrest House
COLORS: Light Blue &                     Josefina Martinez………............. 06/99
                                         Anita Bardliving…….……………06/10
                                         Ruthann Townsend …………….. 06/11
                                         Geraldine Hines ………..………. 06/11
                                         Susan Byrnes …………………….. 06/11
         Resident & Staff Birthdays      Irma Fribush ………………………06/11
Bernice Davidson.#219…………….…. 06/03      Leslie Blair………………………….06/12
Selma Kisseleff #512…………………. 06/03
                                         Gary Cunningham …….………….06/13
Joseph Phillips #1014……….…………06/04
                                         Hoa Nguyen…….…………………06/14
Faythe Small #1004…………………….06/04
Evelyn Perchick#LL-8…………………06/06         Bernice Davidson …….…………...06/15
Jerry McClam #LL-9…………………..06/06         Hilda Ampaw …….……………….06/15
Shamolmolouk Ekbatani #411….…... 06/06   Penny Margold …….……………..06/15
Cheryl L. Layman #516………………..06/06       John Keene …….………………….06/15
Yuri Torgov #403..…………………….. 06/06       Kim-Cuc Nguyen ............................06/15
Anita Bardliving #4008………………. 06/07      Eric Thomas Jr. …………………...06/16
Elaine Pitler #120………………….……06/08        Prabhasri Durasavin (Pat)………..0617
Joan Malone # LL-14 ………………… .06/14       Walda Dyke ……………………….06/17
Bikshapathi Adepu #2001 …………… 06/20      Marva Johnson…………………….06/17
Edna Corum #4011 ……………………. 06/21
                                         Rixey London ……………….…….06/17
Ernie Moncrieffe #3005 ……………… 06/22
                                         Andreena Wallace…………………06/18
Josette Mensah #L-15………………….06/23
Vincent Lee #321……………………… 06/24          Carla Broedel………………………06/18
Irma Fribush #302…………………….. 06/27        Celia Moncholi…………………….06/19
Andreena Wallace #2015…………….. 06/28      Lanni Wiguna…………………….06/19
Bella Brittan #505……………………... 06/28      Maria Pritchett……………………06/19
Kenneth Newman #412…………….... 06/28
Emma Texier #L-27……………………...06/29

June      celebrate Father’s Day.

Summer officially starts on June 21st                     Welcome!
Birthdays in June include:                         Meet the New Residents
Pat Boone, Charlie Watts, Dean Martin,
Angelina Jolie, Marian Wright Edelman,        Henry Kelly…………..#L-11
Vince Lombardi, Barry Manilow,
                                              Eugene Peters………..#L-1
Sammy Cahn, Audie Murphy, Joan Rivers,
                                              June Brice…………….#L-24
Marilyn Monroe and Meryl Streep.
                                              Chiquita Gartrel….…#L-14
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
From the Desk of the Executive Director
“Grandfathers do have a special place in the lives of their children’s children. They
can delight and play with them and even indulge them in ways that they did not
indulge their own children. Grandfather knows that after the fun and games are
over with his adorable grandchildren he can return to the quiet of his own home and
peacefully reflect on this phenomenon of fatherhood.”             – Alvin Poussaint

Dear Homecrest and Edwards Residents, Families and Friends,

        We are pleased to be able to loosen many of the COVID restrictions that we all have been
living under for the past many months. We recognize that returning to more routine functioning
will be a gradual process, evolving over time, as regulatory bodies share more and more
information regarding changing safety protocols. Currently, we are expanding our activity
program offerings, as well as our outings. Our dining rooms will undergo a complete renovation
during the next couple of months, follow which this too will reopen and dining services return to a
similar design as we had prior to COVID’s impact.
        As a senior adult community, with concerns for a more vulnerable resident population, we
are continuing to following safety precaution: masks must be worn in public areas of the buildings,
but are not required in private apartments or in outdoor areas; if you do not feel well, please do not
visit residents in the building; when signing in at the front desks, visitors should have their
temperatures taken and not enter if they have a fever, cough or other symptoms that could indicate
they have the COVID virus. Hand sanitizer stations are posted throughout the buildings; please
use them as frequently as possible to prevent the spread of germs.

       I would like to take this opportunity to welcome and announce the addition of three
staff members to our wonderful Homecrest Team.
    Debra Eckard, Associate Executive Director for Homecrest House/Edwards. Debra
       is a registered nurse, with years of experience in senior and assisted housing
       services. She will be assisting me in the campus-wide management of building
       operations and services. Debra’s special focus will be assisting our Resident
       Services department with helping residents and families manage shifting health and
       personal care needs and concerns.
    Mike Lucas, Assistant Property Manager at Homecrest (Stein/Moskowitz), has been
       working in property management for many years. He will be assisting Homecrest’s
       Property Manager, Shenell Gordon with coordinating and scheduling building-wide
       projects, oversight and management of front desk operations and supporting the
       maintenance department and contractors with routine work tasks, as well as
       special projects, including the large scale renovation that will be commencing in the
       next couple of weeks.
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
  Sheena Robinson, Certification Specialist at Homecrest
      (Stein/Moskowitz) joins our team with various property
      management experience, specifically working in low income,
      subsidized buildings. She will also be joining Shenell’s
      Property Management team, and doing all of Homecrests
      certifications and recertifications.
I am excited to be welcoming them and I know they will all be fabulous editions to our

Shenell’s News…
     Summer is officially here and we hope that you can enjoy our beautiful property. We
have walking paths, seating areas, and patios throughout the campus and would like to keep
them available for the enjoyment of the community. As always, please remember to pick up
after yourself in the outdoor areas and to also pick up after your pets so everyone can enjoy
being outside.
      Wishing all of the fathers and grandfathers in our community a Happy Father’s Day.

A Message from Doris
      It finally looks like we’re getting back to normal. Exercise classes with Dina will
be back at its old time on Tuesdays and Thursdays, bingo games, knitting group, donut
day and hot dog/hamburger days are all back! It’s so nice to see everyone out and about
again. This month we’re thrilled to bring back Franklyn Bonnie Jazz on the 22nd at
3:00pm. If you haven’t attended one of his performances before, be sure not to miss this
one. He is so talented and truly a remarkable musician. Weather permitting the program
will be outdoors.
      Enjoy the nice weather and be sure to take a stroll outdoors.

       Happy Father’s Day to all our Dads and Grandads !!!

Dina on Exercise

Exercise improves                 mood. No matter the intensity of the
exercise, your mood               will benefit from the activity. Chemicals are
released in the brain when exercising that help decrease feelings of stress and anxiety and
increase feelings of happiness and relaxation.
I’m excited to have exercise classes back on our schedule again and to see all of you. Check
your activity calendars for the schedule.
                                Happy Father’s Day!!!
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
Summer is Officially Here!
    Think “COOL” Thoughts!
     Hydrate ~ drink plenty of fluids. Don’t wait until you’re thirsty.
     Dress Appropriately ~ wear lightweight, light colored clothing.
     Stay Indoors ~ stay indoors, in an air-conditioned place.
     Be a Good Neighbor~ take a minute to check in with your friends and neighbors.
     Remember your Pets ~ hot weather can affect the well-being of pets making
      them susceptible to overheating. Always provide water and a cool, ventilated
      place for your pet
     Signs of Heat Exhaustion ~ common signs are heavy sweating, muscle
      cramps, pulse rate: fast and weak, breathing: fast and shallow, nausea or
      vomiting, fatigue, weakness, headache and/or dizziness.
     Signs of Heat Stroke ~ extremely high body temperature (over 103 degrees),
      the absence of sweating, rapid pulse, difficulty breathing, throbbing headache,
      strange behavior and/or hallucinations, confusion, agitation and disorientation,
      unconscious. Heat stroke is considered a MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Call 911

                                RESIDENT SERVICES

FOX Rehabilitation Services: Provides Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy at
Homecrest House, call Theresa at 800-597-0848
Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) Offers case management, therapy and hospice
care. Call Aryeh at 301-881-3700
Premier Home Care & Housekeeping – Personal care and House Making Services call Avital
at 301-984-1742
Med Star VNA (Visiting Nurses Association) Provides in home care upon discharge from
hospital or rehab facility call Donna at 410-274-2193
Physician’s Assistant – (Capital Coordinated Care) Call Aarti Vakil 240-744-0001
Audiologist – Dr. Barwell, Call 301-840-5517
Dermatologist – Paula Charbonnet, NP: Call 1-877-345-5300
JCA (Jewish Council on Aging): Connect–A-Ride, Call 301-738-3252
Kensington Pharmacy – Delivery service available, Call 301-933-6165
Podiatrist – Dr. Patel, Call 410-357-6032 (Note: She will be here 6/16)
Happenings June 2021 www.homecresthouse.org - Homecrest House
Around the Kitchen Table
                                         Summer Is Coming!
Father’s Day and the first day of summer is June 20, and with summer come an abundance
of fresh fruits and vegetables and hot days, Fruit is water-rich so it can help you rehydrate
after a hot summer day. One cup of the berries also provides a day’s worth of Vitamin C.
Please Stay Hydrated (Fruits & Vegetables and lots of Water will get us through).

BOOST YOUR BRAINPOWER certain foods can fuel your mind – helping your memory and attention span.
      Fatty fish like salmon and tuna
      Leafy greens like kale and bok choy
      Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage
      Nuts and seeds
      Chocolate

From our kitchen to yours,
David Parker, CDM,CFPP
GM of Dining Services

                   The Dining Services Team truly misses serving you in your Dining Room
                                              Please Stay Safe
                                          We are in this together

                                      UPCOMING EVENTS
Date             Event                                               Time/Place
June 16th        Hot Dog & Hamburger Day                             Outside the Promenade
June 20th        Father’s Day                                        Special Meal in Honor of all
June 20th        1st Day of Summer                                   Stay Hydrated

                         Happy Father’s Day
                     From the Dining Service Team
May brought us outdoors to enjoy the beautiful weather and
                   great entertainment

              Residents enjoyed some terrific programs outdoors with - -
                            The Winstons and Toni Plumer

                   Dina kept everyone moving with outdoor exercise

           Residents were anxious to come out and enjoy live entertainment.
                               Everyone had a great time
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