Informer - New Hope Properties

Page created by Alexander Jordan
Informer - New Hope Properties
January 2022
                             Editor: Gianna Williams                    Volume 2, Issue 1

      2022 New Office Hours
       Monday – Thursday                       Be sure to Like & Follow New Hope
        8:30 AM - 4:30 PM                      Properties on Facebook for updates
      Closed Friday-Sunday                     and upcoming events.

    Only Emergency work orders
should be called in when the office
 is closed. Smoke detectors, water
   leaks, electrical, gas problems.
  Stopped up toilet if there is only
  one toilet in your unit & you have
  already attempted to plunge and              Please let your friends and family know
    are unable to clear toilet. Turn           the waiting list is now open.
water off under sink or toilet if you
              have a leak.

Informer - New Hope Properties
Tenant Reminders

   • Please notify the office if you have any changes to your household size, income or
     contact information please remember to contact your property manager at 270-

   • There is to be No Parking on the grass. Parking or driving on the grass will result
     in a charge to your account.

   • The yards & outside areas are being completed as construction comes to an end
     in Pennyrile Homes, Moore Ct. and Eastside Terrace. Please keep your outside
     areas free of trash and debris. Toys, bikes, pots, flowers, furniture, etc. should not
     be placed in the yard.

   • Only outside furniture is permitted on the porches and breezeways. Any others
     must be removed.

   • Mesh curtain door screens are not permitted. Please remove if you have installed
     one on your door.

   • No Smoking inside or outside of units. Please remember all units are non-
     smoking units the smoking policy will be enforced.

   • We will be performing housekeeping inspections more often to ensure the
     condition of the apartments are satisfactory.

We are proud of the updates that have been made to New Hope Properties. Please
keep your apartment clean and clutter free. Tenants will be responsible for any repairs
or damages. This includes damaged blinds, chalk paint inside/outside of unit, crayon
marks on walls, gum on floors etc.

                                    Trash Pickup
            Monday: Pennyrile Homes, Waddell and Honeysuckle (Brooks)
            Friday: Moore Court, Eastside (Moores Dr., Massey Lane, Summit St., Short
                          St., Spring St., and Dade Ln.), 2nd, 3rd, & 4th St.

All trash must be placed at the end of the sidewalk or edge of the street in order for the
sanitation department to pick up. Items should be placed where the claw can pick up
from the street to prevent being charged. You will be charged for removal if grounds
maintenance removes from areas other than the street, sidewalk.
Informer - New Hope Properties
No Trespass List
Be sure you are not allowing anyone listed on this No Trespass list into your apartment.
          You are responsible for anyone you allow to enter your apartment.
*Abate, Dominick                          *Greenwade, Jon                    *Pickett, Marcia
*Alexander, Kenneth Kimla                 Grimes, Dominique                  *Poindexter, Geovontae
*Bader-Sanders, Patricia                  Grove, David                       *Range, Endraqus Q
*Bagwell, Jadarion                        *Haas, Steven G.                   *Redd, Devin
*Banks, Wesley                            *Haddock, Holly K                  *Redd, Jacquan
*Bateman, Tyrell                          *Haddock, Jeremy                   *Reid, Tyrone
*Bell Jr, Trevin                          *Hardy, James E                    *Reyes-Rivera, Denise
Bingham, Shauntae                         *Harris, Devron D.                 *Riley, Shermona
Blankenship, Edna (new)                   *Hayes, Keith                      *Rosario, Hector
Boldin, Michelle                          Hetzer, Erice L.ynn                *Rudolph, Todd Eugene
*Braxton, Demario M.                      *Hill, John Paul                   *Sanders, Billy WSH#211
Brison, Christina                         *Hill, Raymond Gonte               *Sanders, Mitchell
*Brodie, Andre Maurice                    *Hollowell, Charles E.             *Sanders, Patricia
*Brown, Marcus                            *Hollowell, John I                 *Seabrooks, Albert
*Brown, Stephen Feal                      *Houchens, Michael K               *Shanks, Shaquetta
*Buckner, Jerald Ralphael                 *Humphries, Zamarius               *Shaw, Regina A.
*Burrus, Edrick                           *Hunter, Michael                   *Smith, Lewis Anthony
*Burse, Shartavious                       *Hurt, Jaylynn                     *Spencer, Tavion Demake
*Burton, Henry Lee                        *Jacob, Elvin                      *Stansbury, Jason
*Bush, Marcellus                          *Johnson, Cortez                   *Thomas, Nekoreale S.
*Bush, Shaquan Lebrent                    *Johnson, Darius J                 *Torian, Bobby
*Bussell, Kali Amir                       *Johnson, James C.                 Trotter, Tyrese B
Bussell, Qwanelius (J-Quan)               *Jones, Tammy                      *Tyler, Dennie
*Byars, Ebony Renea                       *Keys, Cecil                       *Tyler, Michael
*Byrd, Carlita (Moore Ct. Only)           Killebrew, Gerparia D              *Waddell, Ronald Nicholas Jr.
*Caldwell, Jarvis Lamont                  *Kimbrough, Christopher            *Walton, Cameron Dijon
*Carneal, Jarvis E.                       *Knight, Robert J                  *Washington, Darrell
*Carneal, Tiffany                         *Lanier, Savannah                  *Welch, Tremayne
*Cayce, Antoniyon Deshawn                 *Leavell, Maurikus M.              *White, Kodee Tomar
*Chamberlain, Zayveon                     *Lewis, Tyesha                     *Whitfield, Sharik
*Clark, Spencer                           *Locklear, Shaquon T.              *Williams, Frederick Ike
*Clary, Trevion R.                        *Loving, Antwain Jamaal            *Williams, Jacob
Coleman, Irean M.                         Mallory, Xzavier                   *Williams, Kenneth Leroy
*Conaway, Freida                          *Mann, John Jr.                    *Williamson, Devon M
*Connell, Brittany D.                     *Matlock, Clarence                 *Wilson, Samuel S.
*Covington, Joshua I                      *Matlock, Dontae D.                *Wofford, Justice W
*Croney, Michael C.                       *McClellen, Joshua A.              *Young, Ronald
*Daniel, Christopher D.                   *McKinney, Dorcharika
*Davis, Damien D.                         *Merritt Jr, Michael A
*Day, De'von Anthony                      *Miller, Lucas
*Escobedo, Adolph                         *Mills, Robert S.
*Evans, Emonies A.                        *Mimmis, Davarius
Fayne, Cortavies D. (                     *Moorefield, Shannon
*Forrest, Marcus A.                       Morris, Tiffany
*Francis, Anshawn                         *Murray, Jacrion
Fuller, Tonya                             *Penman, Jacobie
Gibson, Andrew Kyle                       *Penman, Marquez Javar
*Gill, Derrick A                          *Person, Antonio Mar-Kez
Gouldrup Jr., Darin Paul                  *Pettus, Kentrell                  UPDATED 12/29/2021

                           This list is for informational purposes only and will be updated as needed.

Informer - New Hope Properties
January 2022
  Sunday           Monday          Tuesday       Wednesday            Thursday           Friday         Saturday
For transportation to these programs, contact Gianna                                                               1
Williams @ 270-887-4275 ext. 1107.
Transportation is limited and you must wear a mask at all
times.                                                                                                 Rent Due

            2                3               4                  5                   6              7               8
                                                                      Towne             Office
                 Walmart                                              Center
                 Pickup @                                            Pickup @           Closed
                   9:30                                                9:30

            9               10           11                 12                   13               14           15
                  Kroger           Late                             Bargain Hunt
                 Pickup @          Fee
                   9:30                                               Walgreens         Closed
                                                                     Pickup 9:30

           16               17           18                 19                   20               21           22
                  Office                                             Aldi’s &           Office
                                                   Bingo            Dollar Tree
                  Closed                         Pickup @            Pickup @           Closed
                                                    9:30               9:30

           23               24           25                 26                   27               28           29
                 Pickup @                                            Commodity          Office
                   9:30                                                Pickup
                                                                     9:00 – 11:00

           30               31
                 Roses in
                 Pickup @

Moving & Relocation

Please be patient with our staff and the contractors. You may be asked to move early or have a
delayed move date. If you are scheduled for an upcoming move we will contact you by mail,
deliver boxes, and schedule a move date by phone. Kim Shannon will be reaching out to you a
week or two before your scheduled move date to make sure you are ready for your upcoming
move. Contact Kim at extension 1105 for any questions or concerns regarding your move. Do
not park in areas where contractors are working. We have several areas that will be paved and
cannot have vehicles in the way.

This information is for tenants who have upcoming moves.

You must be on hand when the movers arrive on your scheduled move day and remain at your
unit until loading is completed. You will need to take a final walkthrough to ensure no items
have been overlooked. If items are left behind you will be charged a fee to remove them.
Loose items will not be moved. Everything except furniture and large items must be in a box,
tote, or bag. You will need to meet the movers at your new unit to unlock the door. You are
responsible for your own transportation to the new unit. It is recommended that your
televisions be powered off for at least 24 hours before your scheduled move to reduce the risk
of damage. If you have a washer it must be disconnected and drained ahead of time. The
moving company is not liable for damages; therefore, it is recommended that you keep
sentimental or important items with you. Keys to your previous unit must be turned in at the
end of the move day. Please ask for a copy of the lease to take to the post office & school. You
will receive keys to your new mailbox from the post office.


You must be ready to move all of your personal belongings on the date assigned to you. If you
are not ready or bedbugs are found in your unit the day of the move you will be responsible
for moving yourself.

SMS                                                              SMS

To join New Hope Properties’                                       To report any drug or
text list and receive important                                      criminal activity,
    news and information                                          unauthorized guests, or
                                                                anything you feel the office
                                                                   staff needs to know!

Text the word HOUSINGAH                                           Text the word HAHTIPS
         To 313131                                                       To 313131

           Message and data rates may apply. For more information, contact New Hope Properties LLLP.

                                Commodities Pick-up!!!
                                       Thursday, January 27

                                       New Hope Properties

                                 400 N. Elm St. (Back Parking Lot)

                                        9:00 a.m. – 11:00 A.m.

                                             Age 60 & older

                          Must be signed up & be approved prior to pick up.

If you cannot pick it up, someone can pick it up for you with a hand-written note with your name and
                 the person’s name that is picking up for you. Please sign and date it.

             For more information, contact Gianna Williams @ 270-887-4275 ext. 1107

New Year’s Trivia Questions
1. What is the first country to enter the new year?
2. Where in New York City can you see the ball drop on New Year’s Eve?
3. In which country is Hogmanay a New Year celebration?
4. What do Spanish people eat 12 of at midnight on New Year’s Eve?
5. What is a Yolka?
6. Complete the saying “On New Year’s Eve, ______ the person you hope to
   keep _____”.
7. In Friends, which two characters performed the routine for Dick Clark’s New
   Year’s Rockin’ Eve party?
8. In Italy, which colour of underwear are you supposed to wear on New Year’s
9. Which famous New Year song’s title can be translated by Times gone by?
10.     Which famous Welsh actor, mainly known for his role in Hannibal and
   The Silence of the Lambs was born on the 31st of Decdember 1937?
11.     When is the Epiphany?
12.     Which star sign would you be if you are born on New Year’s day?
13.      In the New Years episode of How I Met Your Mother, what does Ted
   rent for the party?
14.     Which American actor plays Paul in the 2011 movie ‘New Year’s Eve’?
15.      In the movie ‘The Holiday’, where do Iris, Amanda, Miles, and Graham
   celebrate New Year’s Eve?

                         New Year’s Trivia Answers on page 8.

New Hope Properties
P.O. Box 437
Hopkinsville, Kentucky
(270) 887-4275
Executive Director:
Vickie Smiley

Executive Assistant:
Maleah Carr (ext. 1112)
Director of Finance:
Terri Pendleton (ext. 1113)

Jackie Futrell (ext. 1144)

Resident Services
Gianna Williams (ext. 1107)

Project Coordinator:
Kim Shannon (ext. 1105)

Section 8 Specialists:
Valerie Williams (ext. 1110)
Joyce Spain (ext. 1108)
Rebecca Walker (ext. 1106)

Property Manager
Robin Summer (ext. 1109)

Property Managers:
Connie Merrill (ext. 2002)
Tina Young (ext. 1111)
Lashondria Rivers (ext. 1102)

Intake Specialist:
Janet Level (ext. 1104)

Chasity Boren                       1)   Tonga                6) Kiss-Kissing         11) 6th of January
---------------------------------   2)   Time Square 7) Ross and Monica         12) Capricorn
Maintenance Staff:
                                    3)   Scotland     8) Red`           13) A Limo
Calvin Poindexter
Mike Heflin
                                    4)   Grapes             9) Auld Lang Syne 14) Zac Effron
June O'Neal                         5)   A New Year Tree 10) Anthony Hopkins 15) At Graham’s House
Jamie Pool                               In Russia

Grounds Keepers:
Alex Croney                                                            Residents
Dustin Puckett
                                    Do you know who to call to report information on crime, drugs, or
                                                      other suspicious activity?
                                            Contact Officer: Jack Leek by confidential cell phone
                                                                    @ 270-348-3056.

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