Page created by Bertha Owen
Cold Storage Operations

    & DEVICE
Cold Reality:
The Current and                                    The following statistics shed further light on the
                                                   current and future state of the cold-chain environment:

Future State
of Cold-Storage                                   10%           The historically low vacancy rate of US cold storage.

Needs                                             75-100
                                                                              The estimated amount of additional
                                                                              freezer/cooler space needed throughout
The production and distribution of vaccines       million sq. ft.             the industry to meet growing direct-to-
                                                                              consumer demands.
for COVID-19 put a public spotlight on cold-
storage needs, but the necessity for such
facilities and processes is nothing new, and
was already stretched by the pandemic in other
                                                  34 years               The average age of cold storage warehouses.

ways. Food producers and retailers struggled to
keep pace with demand for online orders in the    WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU
early months of the crisis. This added volume
demanded additional storage space to keep         Taking advantage of this growing need and gaining a competitive
pace and strained capabilities, workflows and     edge for your own operation requires a comprehenisve
networks in unexpected ways.                      communications and IT management strategy for your existing
                                                  facilities and any planned expansion.
Select a Unified                                      Let’s start with inter-employee communications.

          Communications Platform                               Warehouse communication networks should include:
                                                                  Seamless call continuity between Wi-Fi and cellular
Multiple devices and platforms can wreak havoc on
an organization’s mobile capabilities. Without a single           Secure RTP support to encrypt video and audio media streams
application and intelligence solution, businesses may face        Operating system agnostic (IOS, Android, Windows)
interoperability issues that hamper their ability to maintain     Platform agnostic (desktop, laptop, mobile, tablet)
seamless communications about critical issues, such as            Hosted or on-premise deployments
temperature fluctuations or equipment failures.                   Full suite of communication (chat, video, VOIP, PTT)

It’s a common problem in today’s workplace, where
employees often rely on a mix of communication methods
to stay in touch and perform collaborative tasks. This leaves                                    All of this is enabled
internal teams with a patchwork of security and support,                                         through a single app that
                                                                                                 allows for push-to-talk
often creating an administrative nightmare for IT teams.
                                                                                                 conversations, video calling,
Ideally, your supply chain solution will include a connected                                     remote help desk support
suite of platforms and services that eliminate common                                            and user experience
interoperability issues and increase cold-chain visibility.                                      reporting – among others.
NETWORK DESIGN                             NETWORK                          STRUCTURED
                                       AND ENGINEERING                          DIAGNOSTICS                       CABLING AND
                                  Experts work with organizations              Providers who use                  INSTALLATION
                                   to understand the scope of the                high-tech tools                 Cable system design,
                                    network to be implemented,                  and diagnostics                 installation and project
                                    including required coverage,                 to help restore                 management services
Partner with                        data rates, network capacity,
                                  roaming capability and quality of
                                                                               networks quickly.                that encompass optical
                                                                                                               fiber and wireless-based
Network                              service for each operation.                                                  distribution systems.

Design Experts                                                              POST-INSTALLATION
Cold storage requires careful        NETWORK MONITORING                        VALIDATION                          SITE SURVEY
oversight of products to ensure    Monitoring of networks to identify     Verification and optimization           On-site assessment
quality and freshness. But           slow or failing components,             services that validate a             of wireless network
organizations may not have the          notifying the network                 network’s design and                operations by walk
expertise in house to design         administrator in the event of          ensures that it meets the            testing, auditing and
                                     outages or potential failures.       requirements discovered in               offering detailed
networks that meet their
                                                                          the network’s detailed plan,          analysis and diagnosis
unique needs. Cold-storage
                                                                            making sure that data is                 of the existing
environments can be harsh.                                                    moving as designed.                  wireless network.
That means a robust, reliable
network design is a must.
                                                                            Key benefits include:

                                                          Elimination of downtime dips             Less IT complexity
                                                          5% to 10% increase in productivity       More reliable Wi-Fi service
REPAIR                 CONFIGURE
             Have a Reliable Service                                            MANAGEMENT
                                                                                                         TO PURPOSE
                                                                                                         Configuration of

             and Maintenance Plan                                                  of repairs, so
                                                                                organizations don’t
                                                                                                          devices out of
                                                                                                        the box to ensure
                                                                                  have to expend      they’re ready for use
The modern supply chain requires modern mobile technology to facilitate           resources and            immediately.
rapid communications, scanning, access to software, information and more.        time to get their
These devices enable real-time inventory tracking, product traceability, GPS-    networks up and
enabled route management and much more.                                           running again.       MOBILE DEVICE
Implementing and maintaining these devices is a job unto itself, though, as                              SUPPORT
any downtime, lost or damaged equipment, and uncoordinated updates or            SPARE POOL           Remote management
maintenance not only waste employees’ time, but can also cost a                 MANAGEMENT            of mobile devices to
                                                                                Ownership of spare    resolve issues faster.
business money.
                                                                                 devices to reduce
                                                                                the total number of
A critical component of any operation is a reliable device                       spares on site so       INTEGRATED
management strategy to get the most out of mission-                             organizations have
critical technology.                                                             a device available
                                                                                                          Certified repair
                                                                                   only when and
                                                                                                       engineers who can
                                                                                where they need it.
                                                                                                      triage device issues,
                                                                                                       which reduces the
                                                                                                         number of repair
                                                                                                        incidents by up to
                                                                                                           25% or more.
Here’s what to look for:

                                                     INTERNAL HEATERS
Deploy Cold-Ready
Devices & Networks                                    HEATED DISPLAYS

Cold-storage facilities create another layer of
requirements and processes to protect employees,       IP65 OR HIGHER
product, infrastructure and heavy equipment. The           RATING
devices we use for everyday communication,
information and workflow should be no
different. Insulation, frost, condensation and
temperate can all affect connectivity, LCD             BATTERIES FOR
screens, circuitry and batteries.                     HANDHELD UNITS

To compensate, choose devices designed to work
in any environment, at any temperature and make        ACCESS-POINTS
sure your network is up to the task.                  WITHIN THE COLD
                                                       STORAGE AREA
Heartland USA
and Honeywell:                                                 ALWAYSON
                                                     Comprehensive suite of managed
                                                                                                        Bring Heartland’s network expertise to your

Your Cold Storage
                                                   service solutions designed to improve                enterprise, simplifying support, eliminating
                                                   efficiency and reduce operating costs.                 downtime and increasing productivity by

Optimization Experts
                                                      With AlwaysOn, Heartland is your                   5-10%. From on-site diagnostic surveys to
                                                   one point of contact to manage every                  network tuning and monitoring, Heartland
                                                   aspect of your mobile technology in a                engineers create a custom plan to optimize
Keeping your cold-storage facility                        single, integrated program.                       your mobile network performance.
and operations running smoothly in
normal or high-volume times demands
partners who work together to provide
complete solutions. Heartland and
Honeywell both bring their experience
with mobile workforces, networks and                          SMART TALK                                    OPERATIONAL INTELLIGENCE
devices to you, for a customized suite                      A unified workforce                       A centralized, cloud-based platform to manage
                                                     communications application that                    the complete lifecycle, operational visibility,
of technologies and services designed
                                                    tackles the problem of fragmented                   and performance analysis of assets, people,
to keep your operation connected,
                                                     communications, with enterprise-                  and tasks. With embedded hardware sensors
productive and ready for whatever                   grade security for voice calling, text            designed into Honeywell products, the solution
comes next in supply chain management.                and media messaging, and user                   continuously extracts performance data that is
                                                      presence – all from one device.                    periodically sent to the cloud for analysis.

                                         For more information        on how your organization can optimize its cold-storage capabilities,
                                                                     visit and
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