TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...

Page created by Christopher Schroeder
TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
              COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022

Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program
2040 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, OR 97365
(541) 867-4741

TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
                  COMMITTEE: Meeting #8

Committee Operation and Ground Rules:

  • Be prompt, prepared, and present.
  • Focus on topics and stay on time. Share your ideas, but be concise.
  • Involve everyone in discussion.
  • Be courteous and polite. Please don’t interrupt others and avoid side
  • Listen and discuss with an open mind. Respect differing opinions.
  • Provide constructive suggestions rather than negative criticisms.
  • Our goal is general consensus; support group decisions once consensus is

TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
TBCAC Members

       Committee Advisor    Stakeholder Group

          Craig Andes      Commercial Harvesters

          Shane Riley      Commercial Harvesters

           Brett Senff     Commercial Harvesters

          Kristi Foster        Conservation

          Clair Thomas         Conservation

          Brent Collier      Sport Harvesters

         Barbara Trout       Sport Harvesters

         Steve Williams      Sport Harvesters

TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
                 COMMITTEE: Meeting #8

                            January 27, 2022 / 3-5 PM

 3:00 Introduction, Agenda, and Goals
 3:15 Review progress and discuss next steps
 3:30 Review the Oregon Shellfish Initiative report for use as a template
 4:00 Discuss drafting the interim TBCAC report. Set timeline and identify authors
 4:15 Review the current version of Ghost Hole recommendation
 4:30 Identify and prioritize the next issues to work on that are mandated by SB-1025
 4:50 Summary and Next Steps
 5:00 Adjourn

TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
Meeting Goals

1. Planning update, review progress, discuss next steps
   for TBCAC
2. Review format for OR Shellfish Task Force Report as
   template for TBCAC Interim Report
3. Set up workplan for TBCAC Interim Report / due
   Summer 2022
4. Review progress on Ghost Hole issue
5. Discuss new topics for future TBCAC meetings

TILLAMOOK BAY CLAM ADVISORY - COMMITTEE: Meeting #8 / Jan 2022 - Host: ODFW Marine Resources Program 2040 SE Marine Science Drive Newport, OR ...
Planning Update


   •   ODFW provides Interim Report to OR Legislature in 2022 (likely Nov)
   •   SEACOR completes intertidal surveys 2022 (likely Sept)
   •   TBCAC delivers Interim Report to ODFW by Aug-Sep 2022
   •   SEACOR completes subtidal surveys in 2023
   •   TBCAC delivers Final Report to ODFW by May-Jun* 2023
   •   ODFW delivers Final Report to Legislature before end of December 2023

   * date for delivery of TBCAC Final Report is flexible / should be by late spring-summer of 2023

                                                                                                 6   6
Review TBCAC progress (to date)

Progress (May 2020 to Jan 2022):

   • Formation of TBCAC as advisory committee to ODFW
   • Held 8 TBCAC meetings (2020-2022)
   • TBCAC received background info/briefings about multiple issues and management of bay
     clam fisheries
   • TBCAC identified and prioritized 21 topics for discussion
   • Developed preliminary recommendations to address 6-8 priority issues
   • Committee continues to make progress on difficult topics
   • TBCAC working to identify multiple topics for future meetings
   • Gained approval to submit TBCAC Interim Report to ODFW in Summer 2022
  Future Progress:

   • ODFW will deliver Interim Report to Legislature (Nov 2022)
   • Initial work started to generate TBCAC Final Report to ODFW by May-Jun* 2023
   • Final ODFW Report to Legislature before end of December 2023                    7   6
Addressed by                                                                    SB1025      Requires

          Next Steps:
                                                                                      Topic or Issue                                                             ODFW Action
                                                TBCAC                                                                         Mandate   SEACOR data

                                                             Send the enrolled version of SB-1025 to TBCAC members for
                                                  ✓                                                                                                   Posted on TBCAC website

          Issues Remaining
                                                             use during preparation of TBCAC report
                                                             Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) over historic and recent periods,                           Created backgrounder #1, available
                                                  ✓          as well as catch, participants, etc.                                                     on website
                                                             Overview of the commercial bay clam fisheries (roles,                                    Created backgrounder #2, available
                                                  ✓          mechanics, tracking, markets, etc)                                                       on website

                                                             Improve tracking of commercial bay clam landings through
                                                  ✓          rules such as mandatory 24-hr reporting and electronic tickets     X                     Temporary Rule for e-tix 2021

TBCAC can address several remaining                                                                                                                   HB3114 funds to increase capacity for

issues without new SEACOR stock                   ✓          Funding streams to support shellfish program and staffing                                2022; ODFW will consider
                                                                                                                                                      recommendations on personnel shifts

estimates                                         ✓
                                                             Frequency, funding, and planning for ODFW/SEACOR stock
                                                                                                                                                      HB3114 funds to increase capacity for
                                                             assessment surveys                                                                       2022
                                                             Utilize the commercial fleet for SEACOR bay clam stock
Three essential issues require SEACOR
                                                             assessment surveys
                                                                                                                                                      Backgrounder #3 review of stock
                                                             Possible annual landing caps for intertidal commercial harvest
                                                                                                                                X           X
stock estimates:
                                               In Progress                                                                                            assessment process on website;
                                                             of bay clams
                                                                                                                                                      Temp Rule for intertidal cockles 2021

• available for intertidal zone (Fall 2022)
                                                             Vessel conflicts in the vicinity of the Ghost Hole area, and
                                               In Progress
                                                             possible ways to reduce user conflict                              X                     Signage; press release for awareness

• available for subtidal zone (Fall 2023)
                                                             Identify primary locations in the intertidal zone used by                                Previous ODFW study;
                                               In Progress
                                                             recreational clammers                                                                    Info in Backgrounder #1 on website
                                                             Incorporate information from commercial harvest into periodic
                                               In Progress
                                                             stock assessments                                                  X
TBCAC can also provide
                                                             Improved monitoring of recreational and commercial harvest
                                               In Progress
                                                             of bay clams                                                       X                     Temporary Rule for e-tix 2021

recommendations that focus on
                                                             Special management area(s) reserved for recreational harvest                             Invited ODA to discuss managed
                                                             only (vs commercial bay clam harvest and mariculture of            X           X         areas (Meeting #4); Will work with
                                                             oysters)                                                                                 ODA to change management lines
approach rather than new biomass                             Revisit commercial quotas for the bay clam dive fishery            X           X
values                                                       Renewal requirements and transferability of commercial dive
                                                             clam permits
                                                             Potential change to a limited-entry permit for commercial
                                                             intertidal rake fishery
                                                             Discuss Individual Fishing Quotas (IFQs) for commercial bay
                                                             clam fisheries as alternative management system
                                                             Stockpiling bay clams without a market or commercial sales
                                                             Assessment of bycatch in commercial and recreational bay
                                                             clam harvests
                                                             Investigate how variability in market demand impacts
                                                             commercial harvest rates for bay clams

                                                             Socio-economic assessment of the commercial bay clam fishery
TBCAC Interim and Final Report

Possible Template:
Oregon Shellfish Task Force
• Overview
• Pathway to an Oregon Shellfish Initiative
• Partnership for Oregon Shellfish
• Summary of Task Force
• Call to Action for 2017 Legislature
• Specific legislation to be introduced in
• Appendix: List, priority rank, description,
  and timeline for 32 recommendations

TBCAC Interim Report
                TBCAC delivers Interim Report to ODFW by Aug-Sep 2022

Timeline for TBCAC                   EXAMPLE / DRAFT INTERIM REPORT:
Interim Report:

•   Table of contents       Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee:
•   Draft report            Interim Report (2020-2022)
•   TBCAC review
•   TBCAC Interim           • Overview of Bay Clam Management Issues
                            • Formation of the Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee
Authors:                    • Summary of TBCAC Meetings and Activities
                            • Identification of Priority Topics and Issues
• Primary writers           • Summary of TBCAC Recommendations
                            • TBCAC Workplan for 2022-2023 to address remaining
• Endorsement by            • Appendix: List and description for TBCAC
  full membership of          recommendations
✓ TBCAC Recommendations:
       Vessel Conflicts in the Ghost Hole
1. Open other areas and/or survey new sites to assess clam abundance:
   • Open Sow and Pig area north of main channel
   • Include S&P area in next SEACOR survey

2. Temporal restrictions around Ghost Hole: – different opinions about
   • Seasonal closures in Sept, Oct, and/or Nov (Fall Chinook season)

3. Increase Awareness about Dive Clam Operations:
    • Install new signage at boat launches, docks and other venues

4. Oregon Marine Board Rule: – designate safety buffer around dive boats
   • i.e., 200 ft away from “Diver-Down Flag” to match guidelines for WA and CA

                                                                                  11   13
✓ TBCAC Recommendations:
      Vessel Conflicts in the Ghost Hole
TBCAC “Ghost Hole Workgroup” developed recommendation (Nov 24, 2021)
Problem Statement:
Conflicts between recreational fishermen and commercial subtidal bay clam
harvesters (Dive Fishery) continue to occur in the Ghost Hole despite attempts
to educate anglers and commercial fishermen about very real safety issues.
To date no serious injuries have occurred but most familiar with the conflict
believe it is only a matter of time before a serious accident happens.
SB – 1025 and the Tillamook Bay Clam Advisory Committee (TBCAC) identified
“Vessel conflicts in the vicinity of the Ghost Hole area” as a priority for
development of recommendations to reduce or eliminate the conflict.
                                                                         12     13
✓ TBCAC Recommendations:
        Vessel Conflicts in the Ghost Hole
Prohibit subtidal harvest of bay clams in the Ghost Hole area from the Floating Toilet north to
Hobsonville Point from September 1 to November 15 annually.
Note: (Implementation of this recommendation is contingent upon modification of the Oregon
Department Agriculture (ODA) health closure areas to allow commercial harvest north of
Hobsonville Point adjacent to the mouth of the Miami River and in the area known as the Sow and
Until modifications of the ODA health closure areas can be implemented ODFW should implement
rules which;
• Restrict subtidal harvest of bay clams in the Ghost Hole area from the Floating Toilet north to
  Hobsonville Point from midnight until noon from September 1 to November 15 annually. “While
  this restriction will help reduce conflict in the Ghost Hole region, TBCAC recognizes the impacts of
  this recommendation to the commercial bay clam harvesters.”

Further Action Needed for 2022: request ODA to modify health closure area in Tillamook
                                         Bay                                      13 13
Addressed by                                                                    SB1025      Requires

        Next Steps:
                                                                              Topic or Issue                                                             ODFW Action
                                        TBCAC                                                                         Mandate   SEACOR data

                                                     Send the enrolled version of SB-1025 to TBCAC members for
                                          ✓                                                                                                   Posted on TBCAC website

        Issues Remaining
                                                     use during preparation of TBCAC report
                                                     Catch Per Unit Effort (CPUE) over historic and recent periods,                           Created backgrounder #1, available
                                          ✓          as well as catch, participants, etc.                                                     on website
                                                     Overview of the commercial bay clam fisheries (roles,                                    Created backgrounder #2, available
                                          ✓          mechanics, tracking, markets, etc)                                                       on website

                                                     Improve tracking of commercial bay clam landings through
                                          ✓          rules such as mandatory 24-hr reporting and electronic tickets     X                     Temporary Rule for e-tix 2021

Issues for Future TBCAC Meetings:                                                                                                             HB3114 funds to increase capacity for
                                          ✓          Funding streams to support shellfish program and staffing                                2022; ODFW will consider
                                                                                                                                              recommendations on personnel shifts

TBCAC Mtg #9 / March 2022 ?               ✓
                                                     Frequency, funding, and planning for ODFW/SEACOR stock
                                                                                                                                              HB3114 funds to increase capacity for

TBCAC Mtg #10 / May 2022 ?
                                                     assessment surveys                                                                       2022
                                                     Utilize the commercial fleet for SEACOR bay clam stock
TBCAC Mtg #11 / July 2022 ?
                                                     assessment surveys
                                                                                                                                              Backgrounder #3 review of stock
                                                     Possible annual landing caps for intertidal commercial harvest
                                       In Progress
                                                     of bay clams                                                       X           X         assessment process on website;
                                                                                                                                              Temp Rule for intertidal cockles 2021
                                                     Vessel conflicts in the vicinity of the Ghost Hole area, and
                                       In Progress
                                                     possible ways to reduce user conflict                              X                     Signage; press release for awareness

   Incorporate information from
                                                     Identify primary locations in the intertidal zone used by                                Previous ODFW study;
                                       In Progress
                                                     recreational clammers                                                                    Info in Backgrounder #1 on website

  commercial harvest into periodic
                                                     Incorporate information from commercial harvest into periodic
                                       In Progress
                                                     stock assessments                                                  X
        stock assessments
                                                     Improved monitoring of recreational and commercial harvest
                                       In Progress
                                                     of bay clams                                                       X                     Temporary Rule for e-tix 2021

                                                     Special management area(s) reserved for recreational harvest                             Invited ODA to discuss managed
                                                     only (vs commercial bay clam harvest and mariculture of            X           X         areas (Meeting #4); Will work with
Special management area(s) reserved                  oysters)                                                                                 ODA to change management lines

       for recreational harvest                      Revisit commercial quotas for the bay clam dive fishery            X           X
                                                     Renewal requirements and transferability of commercial dive
                                                     clam permits
                                                     Potential change to a limited-entry permit for commercial
                                                     intertidal rake fishery
                                                     Discuss Individual Fishing Quotas (IFQs) for commercial bay

          Future TBCAC Meetings                      clam fisheries as alternative management system
                                                     Stockpiling bay clams without a market or commercial sales
                                                     Assessment of bycatch in commercial and recreational bay
                                                     clam harvests
                                                     Investigate how variability in market demand impacts
                                                     commercial harvest rates for bay clams

                                                     Socio-economic assessment of the commercial bay clam fishery
✓ Recommendations:
      Utilize Information from Commercial Clammers to
      Improve Management

1. Engage Commercial Bay Clam Harvesters in Stock Estimate Surveys:
    • Identify specific areas where SEACOR should conduct surveys in intertidal
      and subtidal zones
    • Provide size distribution of harvested clams
    • Identify rates of repopulation by clams into harvested areas
    • Document observations about clam populations

2. Contribute Information to Improve Monitoring and Management:
    • Develop a digital app to provide required information for logbooks
    • Others?

                                                                            15    13
Discussion Notes

• Discussion:

                          16   17
Wrap-Up Summary & Next Steps


                                17   17
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