Professor Miia CHABOT - ESSCA

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Professor Miia CHABOT

Main department: Finance, Accounting and          Email:
Management Control
Nationality: France

  - Weather Risk Management
  - Weather Variability
  - European Banking systems
  - Financial Networks
  - Financial Stability

  - Financial Econometrics
  - Market Finance
  - R Coding
  - Bloomberg (Market Monitors, Portfolio Management, Smart Beta...)

Highest degree :
  2014        Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) in Economics, University of Poitiers,

  2006          PhD in Economics, University of Poitiers, France

Academic experience
  Since 2014    Professor, ESSCA School of Management, France
  Since 2014    Academic Head of the Master in Financial Market, ESSCA School of
                Management, France
  Since 2014    Bloomberg Trading Rooms Manager, ESSCA School of Management,
  2012 - 2015 Thesis Supervisor, Ecricome Ph.D Universa
  2007 - 2014 Full Professor of Economics & Finance, ESCEM, France
Other professional experience
  2012 - 2013 Economist, European Space Agency (ESA), France

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Editorial activities
  Active editorship with academic / professional publication
  Since 2018   Ad-hoc reviewer, Economic Modelling
Service to the academic discipline
  Leadership positions in recognized academic associations/societies
  Since 2018   Member, International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS)
  Participation in the scientific committee of a conference
  2019 - 2019 Scientific Commitee Member: Reinventing Banking and Sustainable
              Finance, International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS), France
  2019 - 2019 Conference co-chair: Reinventing Banking and Sustainable Finance,
              International Finance and Banking Society (IFABS), France
  2013 - 2013 Innovative e-ducation: Serious Games, ESCEM, France
  2013 - 2013 Innovative e-ducation: Serious Games, FBS, ESCEM, France
  2011 - 2011 Managing the way out of the crisis: between regulation and forecasts,
              CGFI Research Axis Conference, ESCEM, France
  2010 - 2010 Role of Banks and Financial Markets in the European Financial Crisis:
              Reconsidering Regulation. CGFI Research Axis Conference, Conservatoire
              National des Arts et Métiers, France
  2010 - 2010 Role of Banks and Financial Markets in the European Financial Crisis:
              Reconsidering Regulation, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers,
  2009 - 2009 Financialization and Ethics: Financial crisis from now on, ESCEM, France
  2009 - 2009 Financialization and Ethics: Financial crisis from now on. CGFI Research
              Axis Conference, ESCEM, France
  2008 - 2008 Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development: new outlooks,
              ESCEM, France
  2008 - 2008 Corporate Governance and Sustainable Development: new outlooks. CGFI
              Research Axis Conference, ESCEM, France
  Scientific association membership
  Since 2018   Member, Euro Area Business Cycle Network
  2009 - 2009 Research Workshop: Governance Strategies in partnership with London
              Metropolitan Business School, ESCEM, France
Supervision of thesis/HDR
  décembre     Inclusion d'indicateurs de performance environnementale dans les
  2020         conventions de prêt bancaire, PhD jury member / examiner, Université de
               Lorraine, France

Peer-reviewed Articles
  CHABOT, M., J. -L. BERTRAND, "Complexity, interconnectedness and stability: New
  perspectives applied to the European banking system", Journal of Business Research,
  May 2021, vol. 129, pp. 784-800

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CHABOT, M., "Indices de stabilité financière et dynamique des réseaux financiers en
  Europe", Revue économique, July 2021, vol. 2021/7, pp. 703-744
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. CHABOT, "Protecting Franchise Chains against Weather Risk: a
  Design Science Approach", Journal of Business Research, March 2021, vol. 125, no.
  2021, pp. 187-200
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. CHABOT, "Stock Returns and Weather: Case of European Listed
  Energy Firms", Finance, September 2020, vol. 41, no. 3, pp. 51-92
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Understanding the economic effects of abnormal
  weather to mitigate the risk of business failures", Journal of Business Research, May
  2019, vol. 98, pp. 391-402
  CHABOT (PARNAUDEAU), M., J. -L. BERTRAND, E. THOREZ, "Resilience of United
  Kingdom Financial Institutions to Major Uncertainty: A Network Analysis Related to the
  Credit Default Swaps Market", Journal of Business Research, August 2019, vol. 101, pp.
  PARNAUDEAU, M., J. -L. BERTRAND, "The contribution of weather variability to
  economic sectors", Applied Economics, April 2018, vol. 50, no. 43, pp. 4632-4649
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "No more blaming the weather : a retailer’s
  approach to measuring and managing weather variability", International Journal of
  Retail and Distribution Management, October 2017, vol. 45, no. 7/8, pp. 730-761
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Severe Weather threatens businesses. It's time to
  measure and disclose the risks", Harvard Business Review, September 2017, no. Online
  PAULET, E., M. PARNAUDEAU, F. RELANO, "Banking with Ethics : Strategic Moves and
  Structural Changes of the Banking Industry in the Aftermath of the Subprime Mortgage
  Crisis", Journal of Business Ethics, July 2016, vol. 131, no. 1, pp. 199-207
  PAULET, E., M. PARNAUDEAU, T. ABDESSEMED, "The SME struggle for financing: a
  clampdown in European banks post-crisis", Journal of Business Strategy, July 2014, vol.
  35, no. 2, pp. 36-45
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Why the interactions between State and Private- Controlled Banks
  matter in the unsuccessful reforms of the Chinese banking industry", Asia Pacific
  Business Review, September 2014, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 155-169
  PAULET, E., M. PARNAUDEAU, T. ABDESSEMED, "Banking behavior facing large-scale
  crises: lessons from history", Journal of European Economic History, February 2014, vol.
  XLIII, no. 1-2, pp. 12-33
  GAVOILLE, F., T. LEBEGUE, M. PARNAUDEAU, "Le métier a-t-il toujours un genre ? Une
  question de génération", Question(s) de Management, 2014, no. 6
  PARNAUDEAU, M., R. DUPUY, "Mesure et critique du cycle : du problème
  épistémologique à la critique du cycle monétaire", Economie Appliquée, April 2012, vol.
  LXV, no. 1, pp. 69-92
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Speculative Expectations and Financial Instabilities: When the
  Competitive Environment Matters", Corporate Governance: An International Review,
  April 2011, vol. 11, no. 3

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PARNAUDEAU, M., E. PAULET, "Forecasts, Ethics and Financial Behavior: Another
  Reading of Economic Crises", Risk Governance and Control: Financial Markets &
  Institutions, March 2011, vol. 1, no. 2
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "L’instabilité récurrente des marchés financiers : les anticipations
  des acteurs au centre d’un système mondialisé", Revue Française de Gouvernance
  d'Entreprise, December 2010, no. 7
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "European Business Fluctuations in the Austrian Framework",
  Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics, QJAE, August 2008, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 94-105
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Taux d’intérêt naturel et cycles économiques européens",
  Economie Appliquée, June 2007, vol. LX, no. 2, pp. 5-28

Books and Book Editor
  PARNAUDEAU, M., E. PAULET, Cycles Economiques et Management, Hachette
  Supérieur, 2011

Chapters in book
  PARNAUDEAU, M., H. GARCIA, "Designing simulations for health managers in Sub-
  Saharan Countries: adherence to ehealth services" in Virtual and Augmented Reality in
  Healthcare 1’., Ed., Springer International Publishing, pp. 93-109, 2014
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "A coopetition perspective for banking strategy" in The Subprime
  crisis and its impact on financial and entrepreneurial environments., Ed., Cambridge
  Scholars Publishing, 2012
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Financialisation of European Economies" in Financial Markets and
  the Banking Sector., Ed., Londres: Pickering & Chatto, 2009

Research / consulting reports
  BERTRAND, J. -L., L. HERSHEY, M. PARNAUDEAU, "Measuring and managing weather
  variability: protecting business from WeatherRisks", White Paper, Meteo Protect, 2016
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "The impact of climate variability on the private
  sector", Social Science Research Network, Meteo Protect, 2015
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Ranking the impact of climate variability on UK
  retail sectors: a path to resilience", White Paper, Meteo Protect, 2015
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Data Analysis Methodology, February, ESA, Paris. (CGI-UK)", 2012

  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Making Typologies, February, ESA, Paris. (CGI-UK)", 2012

  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Private/Public/Mixed governance models: confronting practices to
  performance, 19 September, ESA, Paris. (CGI-UK)", 2012
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Game Scenarios relying on prisoner’s dilemmas: crisis scenario
  under competition", CGI-UK, European Space Agency, 2012
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "First Presentation of Scenarii for a serious game, April, ESA, Paris.
  (CGI-UK)", 2012
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Serious Game", eHSA, CGI-UK, European Space Agency, 2012

  GARCIA, H., F. BOILOT, A. C. HAYE, M. PARNAUDEAU, G. KING, "Technical Note for Step
  2", eHSA, European Space Agency, 2012

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GARCIA, H., F. BOILOT, A. C. HAYE, M. PARNAUDEAU, G. KING, "Technical Note for Step
  1", eHSA, European Space Agency, 2012
  Enhanced Telemedicine and eHealth for sub-Saharan Africa", Technical Proposals,
  European Space Agency, 2011

Presentation at a conference with proceedings
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "The Financial Network Structure of European Banks" in IFABS
  (International Finance and Bank Society), 2017, Oxford, United Kingdom
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "The Management of Profitability in the Indian Banking Industry" in
  fourth international Symposium in Computational Economics and Finance, 2016, Paris,
  BERTRAND, J. -L., M. PARNAUDEAU, "Weather VaR : the new benchmark for managing
  weather risks" in IFABS Conference, 2016, Barcelone, Spain
  PARNAUDEAU, M., E. PAULET, "European banks’ behavior facing the contemporary
  subprime crisis: Towards a Typology" in 3rd International Conference of the Financial
  Engineering and Banking Society, 2013, Paris, France
  GAVOILLE, F., M. PARNAUDEAU, T. LEBEGUE, "L’influence du degré d’importance
  accordé au genre sur le métier exercé" in 1e journée du management socialement
  responsable des entreprises – Mixité et diversité des équipes, 19 mars, ESCEM, 2013,
  Tours, France
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Can solutions be found in collaborative governance" in International
  Banking Conference, 2011, Durban, South Africa
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Global Financial Crises as ‘tragedies of the commons’: can solutions
  be found in self-governance?" in Managing the way out of the crisis; between
  regulation and forecasts, 2011, Tours, France
  PARNAUDEAU, M., E. PAULET, "Forecasts, Ethics and Financial Behavior: Another
  Reading of Economic Crises" in Role of Banks and Financial Markets in the European
  Financial Crisis: Reconsidering Regulation, 2010, Paris, France
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "From Financial Instability to European Regulation: A focus on
  European Actors’ Expectations" in Governance Strategies, ESCEM and London
  Metropolitan University Research Workshop, 2009, Tours, France
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Restoring Wicksell in the Austrian Tradition" in Developments in
  Globalisation, LMBS, 2008, Londres, Austria
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Financialisation of European Economies, Institutions financières,
  marché et éthique : regards croisés dans le contexte européen" in European Institute
  of Florence, 2007, Florence, Italy
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Taux d’Intérêt Naturel et Cycle Economique Européen : un
  Indicateur" in 23èmes Journées Internationales d’Economie Monétaire et Bancaire,
  2006, Lille, France

Presentation at Other Conference
  PARNAUDEAU, M., "Un vent de reprise ?, Quelles stratégies de croissance face à la
  crise" in Conférence organisée par la CCI Touraine et la Caisse d’Epargne Loire- Centre,
  2013, Tours, France

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Invited in Academic Conferences
  CHABOT (PARNAUDEAU), M. - "L’aménagement des salles de marchés dédiées à
  l’éducation" - 2018, Bloomberg For Education, Paris, France
  PARNAUDEAU, M. - "Introduire Bloomberg au sein d’une Majeure en Finance" - 2017,
  Bloomberg For Education, Paris, France

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