Risk Premium Rental Growth Inflation - Savills

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Risk Premium Rental Growth Inflation - Savills
European Commercial - Q1 2021

                   European Office
Savills Research
                    Value Analysis

                   Risk Premium   Rental Growth          Inflation
Risk Premium Rental Growth Inflation - Savills
European Office Value Analysis- Q1 2021

                   Bond yields rise
                       Eurozone inflation to rise in 2021 before easing back in 2022.
                       Economic Overview                              continuing to divide opinions, investor        speculative development projects remains
                       The European Central Bank (ECB) left few       demand for Europe’s prime CBD offices          limited. Nevertheless, the overall debt
                       surprises holding policy rate unchanged        has remained resilient. However, Q1 2021       finance environment is healthy with a
                       in its April meeting. In previous meetings,    office investment activity was down 32%        variety of traditional and alternative
                       the bank hinted at increasing government       against the Q1 five year average due to        providers covering the entire risk curve.
                       bond purchases, although any evidence          a shortage of vendors openly marketing
                       thus far has been limited. With money          prime assets.                                  Prime Brussels offices have remained
                       supply increasing at a lower than                                                             stable at 3.25%, with some resilient
                       anticipated rate, German 10 year bond          Focussing on the core markets, Paris CBD       demand for ultra-long income outside non-
                       yields rose from -0.6% to -0.3% during Q1      yields remained stable at 2.75% during the     core markets trading around the 3% mark.
                       2021.                                          first quarter, while Berlin hardened by 10
                                                                      bps to 2.6% as German investors remain in      Across Southern Europe, prime yields
                       A first quarter spike in new Covid cases       the market for long term income.               remain unchanged over the course of
                       across Europe and the subsequent negative                                                     the pandemic and insurance companies
                       impact on Euro Area GDP in the first half                                                     are still bidding aggressively for strong
                       of 2021, is likely to temper any chance of                                                    covenants, although product remains hard
                       an interest rate rise over the near future.                                                   to find. Non CBD stock is subsequently
                       Indeed, Oxford Economics anticipate                               Core European               taking longer to transact.
                       Eurozone inflation to undershoot the 2%                           bond yields have
                       target over the five year period, and are                         risen throughout            Investors remain in search for long income
                       not scheduling in a rate hike until at least                      Q2 2021 but remain          within the non-core markets, and are more
                                                                                         in negative
                       2023. However, a rise in energy prices in                                                     price sensitive to the tenant covenant
                       2021 is likely to raise the headline rate of                                                  strength. Since Q3 2020, Warsaw prime
                       Eurozone inflation to 1.6% this year before                                                   yields have moved out 10 bps to 4.6%,
                       easing back to 1.3% in 2022.                                                                  although Prague (4.10%) and Bucharest
                                                                                                                     (7.00%) have held stable.
                       In the offices sector, governments are still   London still remains at a discount to
                       generally advising to work from home           mainland European core markets, as West        Rising energy prices are forecast to impact
                       where possible, although we are seeing         End yields remain at 3.50% and City yields     the Nordics markets more heavily, lifting
                       more restrictions lifted across Europe in      at 4.00%. UK debt rates remain more            inflation forecasts. Prime stock in Oslo
                       the second quarter of the year as vaccines     expensive than other core markets, with        and Stockholm office stock has not traded
                       are gradually rolled out.                      UK sovereign bonds currently yielding          as actively over the last 12 months, with
                                                                      0.7% pa, providing a similar yield spread to   prime yields remaining stable at 3.25%.
                       Vacancy rates have increased by an             that of core German and French markets.
                       average of 170 bps to 7.1% across European     London’s global liquidity and rental
                       markets in the year to Q1 2021, due to         growth expectations will continue to
                       the level of grey space returning to the       attract cash-rich buyers.
                       market. Occupier sentiment has however
                       improved in the first quarter of 2021, and     Lending to European offices increased
                       into Q2 2021, we are seeing more examples      towards the end of 2020 after a difficult
                       of occupiers removing grey space from          six months, although securing debt for
                       the market. We expect this to gather           non-core markets has become more
                       momentum throughout the rest of H1 2021        costly as credit committees have become
                       as businesses begin to contemplate life        more sensitive to location. Indeed, banks
                       beyond the pandemic.                           appear more cautious on core plus/ value
                                                                      add properties, with a maximum 60%
                       Investment Markets                             LTV ratio on offer for offices in need of
                       Despite the role of the future of the office   capital expenditure. Lender appetite for

European Office Value Analysis- Q1 2021

       Office value analysis
             London West End continues to offer attractive pricing.
         Methodology                                       Analysis                                        pandemic, we expect rental prospects to pick
            Savills European Office Value Analysis         Savills Q1 2021 European Office Value           up again. Milan’s index linked office rents
         compares the fair-market (calculated) yield       Analysis indicates that of the 23 European      hedge inflation risk, while investor demand
         relative to current market pricing across 23      office markets, one market appears              for offices with WAULTs above five years
         European markets, covering London-City,           undervalued, 16 markets are fairly priced and   continue to outstrip the limited supply.
         Stockholm, London-WE, Manchester, Lisbon,         six markets now appear fully priced.
         Oslo, Berlin, Paris, Copenhagen, Dublin,                                                          However, Savills latest market evidence
         Amsterdam, La-Defense, Prague, Hamburg,           The big shift since our last derivation         suggests that prime headline rents are
         Madrid, Barcelona, Helsinki, Munich,              has been due to softer rental growth            holding up relatively firmly as we begin to
         Warsaw, Brussels, Frankfurt, Milan and            assumptions, factoring the potential            see some evidence of resumed occupational
         Bucharest.                                        downside of lower office occupancy, which       decision-making and that rental discounts
                                                           has raised the calculated market yields.        and incentives are more visible on secondary
            An investor must be compensated for            Capital Economics’ European five year           stock.
         bearing the risk of investing in real estate      prime rental growth forecasts have fallen by
         over sovereign bonds. The calculated yield is     an average of 50bps pa to 0.9% pa between       Occupiers’ behavioural changes and the
         derived as the current risk free rate plus five   Q3 2020 and Q1 2021. Coupled with rising        speed of return to the workplace will act as
         year average office risk premium, factoring       inflation forecasts, this has reduced real      the main determinants for rental growth
         in real rental growth, inflation and expected     rental growth prospects from -0.1% pa to        prospects across the major European
         depreciation costs across each market.            -0.9% pa since our last derivation.             markets. Despite an increase in vacancy rates,
                                                                                                           high quality vacant office space remains
            Calculated market yield pricing > 50 basis     London West End remains attractively            limited in the core Western European
         points above market pricing we consider           priced relative to the majority of European     markets. Should rental growth prospects
         under-priced                                      markets due to its positive prime rental        improve in the coming months as we expect,
            Calculated market yield pricing within 50      growth prospects and given investor appetite    then the markets currently shown as fairly-
         basis points of market pricing we consider        from non-European capital, we see further       priced will become under-priced. However,
         fairly priced                                     opportunity for yield compression.              interest rates appear to remain at a standstill
            Calculated market yield pricing > 50 basis     Towards the other end of the spectrum,          and landlords who are able to unlock rental
         points below market pricing we consider fully     Hamburg and Berlin feature as fully priced,     value uplift through reversionary leases
         priced                                            although this can be explained by the           and active asset management will stand to
                                                           investor demand for ultra-core assets, and      benefit.
                                                           given lower levels of remote working pre-

            Chart 1: European Office Value Analysis, Q1 2021 (bps)

                             Calculated/ Current Yield spread (bps)               Calculated Yield (bps)            Current Market Yield (bps)
Yield/ spread (bps)

                        -           2   -1   -5   -8 -10 -14 -16 -23 -23 -27 -33 -34 -35 -40 -40 -41 -43 -59
                                                                                                             -61 -67 -70 -73

                                                                                                                                  Source Savills Research

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