Parallel Imports and Non-authorised Sales
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Parallel Imports and Non-authorised Sales
Content 5 1. Inadmissibility of parallel imports 5 1.1 Inadmissibility because the product was put into circulation outside the European Union 6 1.2 Changes to the product or its packaging 6 1.3 S ale of an original trade mark product outside the selective distribution network (“non-authorised” or “grey market sales”) 7 1.4 Import of pharmaceutical products from the accession countries of the EU-Eastern Enlargement 8 2. Claims and litigation available to the manufacturer 8 2.1 The right to a cease-and-desist order, and border confiscation 9 2.2 Claims for damages 3
Introduction Parallel imports concern the sale of a manu- facturer’s original product outside his distribution network. German and European trademark and patent law provide ways of preventing this. Under certain conditions the manufacturer can prohibit a parallel importer or other reseller from selling the original product. This is of great practical significance in the case of goods the prices of which may vary considerably from country to country, in particular pharmaceutical products and medicines, or branded prestige products that are sold through selective distribution networks via authorised dealers and whose sale by retailers outside these networks needs to be prevented. 4
1. Inadmissibility of parallel imports 1.1 Inadmissibility because the product was put into circulation outside the Euro- The inadmissibility of the sale of an original pean Union Inadmissibility of parallel product can essentially result from one or more imports of the following: In contrast to the law in numerous other countries Inadmissibility because of outside the European Union, in particular the circulation outside the EU USA and also Switzerland, German and European – the fact that the product was not intended law on intellectual property rights does not rec- for sale on the European market ognise exhaustion world-wide but solely Europe- – the changes which the distributor has wide. If the maker of a product which is protected made to the product or to the original by trademark in Europe puts it into circulation packaging outside the European Union, the product may – the sale of the product, particularly in the not be sold in the European Union without his case of prestige-branded products, via consent. The manufacturer can prohibit the sale supply chains outside the manufacturer‘s of his product in the European Union on the basis own distribution network (so-called “non- of his trademark if he has put it into circulation authorised” or “grey market sales”) outside the European Union and it was not in- – in the case of patented pharmaceutical tended for sale in European Union countries. In products, or those protected by a so-called countries outside the European Union in which supplementary protection certificate, or the principle of world-wide exhaustion applies, the fact that the product was imported as for example the USA or Switzerland, this is not from the accession countries of the Euro- possible. The manufacturer cannot prohibit the pean Union’s Eastern Enlargement. sale of his product within these countries solely on the basis that it was intended for other countries. Resulting from the territorial limitation, the owner of a German trademark or a Community trademark can always defend parallel imports from third countries based on this trademark 5
Distribution of original goods outside the distribution system of the manufacturer – possible reasons for inadmissibility: 1.2 Changes to the product or its The manufacturer is only obliged to tolerate packaging repackaging and any other changes to packaging if the changes do not damage his legitimate in- Changes to the product or its Furthermore, the owner of a trademark can pro- terests. One of the conditions for this is that the packaging hibit parallel imports from EU member states, reseller must indicate on the packaging that it if there are “legitimate reasons”, which accord- has in fact been repackaged. The reseller is also ing to § 24 II German Trademark Act/Art. 13 II obliged to ensure that the changed packaging is CTMR is expressively the case if the product’s not defective or incorrect (e.g. the translation original packaging has been changed and he was on a package insert) and that it has a proper, not notified of this in advance. business-like appearance. If these conditions are not fulfilled the trademark proprietor can Even where advance notification of the change prohibit the sale of the product. In Germany, to the packaging has been given, as a rule the there is an established and differentiated judi- manufacturer can prohibit the resale of his cial practice which, as a rule, allows for a reli- product by third parties in the Federal Repub- able legal assessment. lic of Germany if the control number has been removed from the product or its packaging. This applies in particular if the control number details the place and time of production, or if it is apparent to the consumer that a control number has been removed. 6
1.3 Sale of an original trademark product ised distributor or retailer who has obtained the outside the selective distribution net- products from an authorised dealer within the work (“non-authorised” or “grey market distribution network from reselling them solely sales”) on the basis of his trademark, if as a result of the sale by this third party, e.g. a discounter, the In order to safeguard marketing quality, Ger- prestige value of a branded product is impaired. Sale of an original outside the man and European law permits the manufac- Exhaustion of the manufacturer’s trademark distribution network turer’s marketing partners to be bound by rights does not apply in this case either, so that marketing requirements under certain condi- he is able to obtain a sales prohibition directly tions of competition and anti-trust law. If a against such third party. product which is sold via an authorised selective distribution network to a third-party, non- authorised distributors or retailers in breach of 1.4 Import of pharmaceutical products the terms of the selective distribution network, from the accession countries of the EU- trademark law permits the manufacturer under Eastern Enlargement certain conditions to take action directly against the non-authorised distributor and to prohibit The European Union has a special mechanism Import of pharmaceutical pro- him from selling the product. for prohibiting the parallel import of pharma- ducts from Eastern Europe ceutical products which even allows for the On the one hand, the manufacturer may take prohibition of the parallel import of pharma- direct action against the non-authorised dis- ceuticals within the European Union itself. The tributor if, for example, the latter has removed mechanism allows the owner of a patent or sup- control numbers or made them unidentifiable, plementary protection certificate to prohibit the even if the number only contained details of the sale of the pharmaceutical product in European distribution channels, or its removal or oblitera- Union countries, even if it was marketed with tion is not discernible to the consumer. The se- his consent within the European Union, namely curity of an authorised distribution network can in the new Member States in Eastern Europe. therefore be effectively maintained by means of a control number system which gives informa- The countries in question are those which tion about the product’s distribution channels became member states of the EU in 2004, i.e. within the selective distribution network. the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Poland, Slovenia and Slovakia and Following a recent decision of the European those which became member states of the EU in Court of Justice (decision dated 23.04.2009 – 2007, i.e. Bulgaria and Romania. The back- C-59/08 – Copad v. Dior), the manufacturer ground to this ruling is that in these countries, may, as an alternative, prohibit a non-author- in general, there is no equivalent to the Western 7
European standard of patent protection. Parallel If a pharmaceutical product has been marketed imports from these Member States into other in the latter countries with the manufacturer’s EU states where the pharmaceutical product is consent, his intellectual property rights are protected by patent or supplementary protec- basically exhausted and he can only oppose the tion certificate can be prevented under this product’s import into other EU Member States ruling. on the grounds of general principles (see in particular 2.1. above). If the patent protection or a supplementary protection certificate for the pharmaceutical product was applied for in a Member State at 2. Claims and litigation available to the a time when no equivalent protection could manufacturer be obtained in one of the new Member States Claims and litigation available cited above, the patent proprietor can prohibit In the instances cited above of an infringement to the manufacturer the import of the product from such states into of the manufacturer’s rights by the parallel another Member State of the European Union, importer or non-authorised distributor, the provided that his intellectual property rights proprietor of the rights may assert all the claims are still in force there. By way of exception, the to which he would otherwise be entitled in the rule on exhaustion of intangible property rights, event of an infringement of his industrial prop- which as a rule is applicable in other cases of the erty rights, in particular claims to a cease-and- marketing of goods in the European Union, does desist order, information about the distribution not apply under this special mechanism if the channels and the scope of the illegal sales, pharmaceutical product had been marketed in destruction and compensation. the countries named above. This special arrangement applies only to the ten named sates. No equivalent arrangement exists for the accession countries Malta and Cyprus. 8
2.1 The right to a cease-and-desist order, are able to confiscate parallel import products at and border confiscation the border. The manufacturer can enforce the right to a The right to a cease-and-desist cease-and-desist order by recourse to the inter- 2.2 Claims for damages order, and border confiscation locutory legal process, which enables a prohibi- tion order to be issued within a few days. One In cases of trademark infringements too, a Claims for damages condition for issue of a preliminary injunction claim for damages often enables the intellectual however, is that the manufacturer acts quickly; property rights holder to demand the surrender as a rule, no more than a month may elapse of the entire profit that the parallel importer has from the date that the illegal sale of a prod- made from parallel sales and for which he must uct by a parallel importer or non-authorised render accounts. distributor has been discovered and the filing of the application for the issue of a preliminary The German Federal Supreme Court has recent- injunction. ly held that this applies to the parallel sale of pharmaceutical products which cannot be sold The manufacturer can call on the customs under a different trademark for pharmaceutical authorities in the Federal Republic of Germany law reasons. This decision however presup- to monitor inadmissible parallel imports. He poses that the rights holder can also demand the can request that the customs authorities con- surrender of the parallel importer’s entire profit fiscate suspicious goods temporarily and notify from the illegal sale of other medical products, an agency named by him. He can then prevent provided it can be assumed that the product them being resold by recourse to the courts. In would not be accepted on the market if it had order to do this he must first ensure that the been sold under a different trademark. customs authorities have a description as pre- cise as possible of the identifying features of the suspected products, and once the manufacturer has received notification of the confiscation, he must act very quickly – within two weeks – to file a court order prohibiting sales. The confiscation of illegally sold original prod- ucts at a country’s borders is not possible at the European level. EU border confiscation regula- tions do not permit the seizure of original prod- ucts. The German customs authorities, however, 9
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