Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...

Page created by Benjamin Duran
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Area Structure Plan
 Office Consolidation
      May 2018
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach Neighbourhood Structure Plan

                                     Office Consolidation July 2021

                                               Prepared by:

                                         Development Services
                                      Urban Planning and Economy
                                           City of Edmonton

Bylaw 12936 (as amended) was adopted by Council in March 2002. In July 2021, this document was
consolidated by virtue of the incorporation of the following bylaws, which were amendments to the
original Bylaw 12936.

Bylaw 12936 Approved March 18, 2002 (to adopt Griesbach NASP)
Bylaw 13192 Approved October 17, 2002 (Incorporate zoning in Section 900 of Zoning Bylaw, Amend
            Chapter 8 of Griesbach NASP)
Bylaw 13565 Approved March 1, 2004 (Expand Aging –in-Place Campus)
Bylaw 14234 Approved March 23, 2006 (Revise Medium Density, Waterway and Parks in south portion of
Bylaw 14531 Approved May 4, 2007 ( Re-designate Low Density Residential uses to Municipal Reserve
            uses and Medium Density Residential uses and reconfigure the north boundary of the Village
Bylaw 14631 Approved July 9, 2007 (Provide development of a linear park and allow for the development
            of a non-standard design of single and semi-detached residential development)
Bylaw 15337 Approved January 20, 2010 (Switch the location of land identified for Low Density
            Residential with Minor Row Housing uses with land identified for School/Recreation uses)
Bylaw 15314 Approved April 28, 2010 (Redesigns the circulation and stormwater management
            system, reconfigures the mixed use residential and the westerly school site, realigns portions
            of the road network, enhances pedestrian links to the central park and redistributes low and
            medium density residential uses in the western area of the Plan.)
Bylaw 17228 Approved June 9, 2015 (Re-designate a portion of Medium Density Residential uses to Local
            Commercial uses to extend the commercial area along Ad Astra Boulevard).
Bylaw 18372 Approved April 23, 2018 (Amended the section “Local Commercial” to include mention of
            anticipated LRT stops)
Bylaw 19226 Approved July 7, 2020 (Amended to allow for freestanding high density development up to
            six storeys immediately south of Griesbach Parade NW in the Village Centre)
Bylaw 19763 Approved July 6, 2021 (Amended a portion of land located in the southwestern corner of
            Griesbach NASP from Mixed Use to Medium Density Residential)

Editor’s Note:

This is an office consolidation edition of the Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan, Bylaw 12936, as
approved by City Council on March 18, 2002. This edition contains all subsequent amendments and
additions to Bylaw 12936. For the sake of clarity, new maps and a standardized format were utilized in this
Plan. Where it provides clarity, names of City departments have been standardized to reflect their present
titles. Furthermore, all reasonable attempts were made to accurately reflect the original Bylaws. All text
changes are noted and are gray-scaled and italicized where applicable.
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
This office consolidation is intended for convenience only. In case of uncertainty, the reader is advised to
consult the original Bylaws, available at the office of the City Clerk.

City of Edmonton
Urban Planning and Economy
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Map 1* Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan
As amended by Bylaw 19763 Approved July 6, 2021
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Table of Contents
                                              1.    Introduction              1
                                              2.    Policy Context            6
                                              3.    Site Features             8
                                              4.    Planning Principles      13
                                              5.    The Plan                 15
                                              6.    Transportation           23
                                              7.    Services                 28
                                              8.    Implementation           33
                                              9.    Statistics               37
                                              10.   Appendix                 38

                                              List of Figures
                                              1.    Location Plan            2
                                              2.    Ownership                 3
                                              3.    Air Photo                 9
                                              4.    Development Concept      16
                                              5.    Transportation Concept   24
                                              6.    Stormwater Services      29
Cover Photos clockwise from top
                                              7.    Sanitary Services        31
 Trooper Griesbach (South African War)
 Artist’s concept of village centre          8.    Water Services           32
 Office building, SW corner, CFB Griesbach
 Haas Family at Griesbach, 1960              9.    Staging                  34
 Refurbished PMQ, Garrison Woods, Calgary
                                              10.   Tree Overlay             39
                                              11.   Existing Buildings       40
                                              12.   Environmental            42
Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                           1. Introduction

                                      describes the movement network,
Introduction                          addresses     the   environmental    Ownership
Note: This section was amended        impact, expresses development        Note: This section was amended
by the Editor                         and design guidelines for the        by the Editor
                                      various land uses and their inter-
Developed as a National Defence       relationships, identifies major      The parcels and their current
facility in the 1950s, Canadian       servicing infrastructure, outlines   ownership are shown on Figure
Forces Base Griesbach became          an implementation and staging        2.0:    Ownership.        The
available for new uses because of     sequence,     and    presents    a   Government      of    Canada      is
                                      statistical summary of land use,     finalizing details of the land
the consolidation of armed forces
                                      population, and school students.     transfer process that is to be
activity at Lancaster Park.                                                completed over the next few
                                      This plan is complemented by         months. A Crown Corporation will
On behalf of the developer, a         various supporting documents.        become the new landowner.
Crown      Corporation    Stantec     These include a traffic impact
Consulting     requested      that    assessment,       a   phase    1     There is one minority private land
Edmonton City Council authorize       environmental site assessment, a     owner in the plan area with a
the      preparation     of      a    tree inventory, and an area          small      already      developed
neighbourhood area structure          servicing report.                    commercial     site   that     was
plan for the former CFB                                                    subdivided out of the northwest
Griesbach.     After receiving a                                           corner years ago.
favourable recommendation from        Location
the Planning and Development
                                                                           The      plan     area     contains
Department,       City    Council     The plan area, as shown on           approximately 250 ha (620 acres)
authorized an area structure          Figure 1.0: Location Plan,           consisting of four quarter sections
planning process on January 30,       includes all those lands in north    with    some     road    widenings
2001.                                 Edmonton surrounded by 97            removed from the titles. There is
                                      Street on the east, 137 Avenue       an easement along the edge of
This planning process was to          on the south, Castle Downs Road      97 Street for sewer and telephone
require a realistic level of study    (113A Street) on the west, and       lines.
and analysis; encourage effective     153 Avenue on the north. The
public participation; minimize the    plan area is northwest of the 97     The plan area is a well-defined
time for development approval;        Street/137 Avenue commercial         planning unit of consolidated
foster the orderly, efficient and     node containing Northtown Mall,      ownership   and    independent
economic      development      and    Northwood Mall, and the Rosslyn      character. City Council will be
redevelopment of the site; and        Hotel.                               asked to approve this as a
find the right balance between
                                                                           neighbourhood area structure
certainty and flexibility for a       The surrounding neighbourhoods       plan.
statutory plan to guide long term     include       Evansdale     and
site development.                     Northmount on the east, Rosslyn      The photo above is courtesy of Major
                                      on the south, Carlisle and           (Ret.) David Haas. He is the curator
This plan contains maps and           Caernarvon on the west, and          of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment
narrative that address conformity     Beaumaris on the north. The          Museum. It is a picture he took of
with Plan Edmonton; includes an       Castle Downs Town Centre is          his father, at Griesbach, in 1960.
analysis of existing conditions,      directly north adjacent to Lake
states development objectives,        Beaumaris.

Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

           Figure 1* Location Plan

           *Bylaw 12936 March 18, 2002

Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

           Figure 2* Ownership

           *Bylaw 12936 March 18, 2002, as Amended by the Editor

Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                            Griesbach,    federal  defence
                                                                            authorities have taken a step
                                      He returned to his law practice,      which will have the immediate
Major General                         which he continued for many           and unanimous approval of the
Griesbach, CB, CMG, DSO,              years, becoming King’s Counsel in     people of Edmonton.
VD, KC                                1918. He became an officer of
                                      the 19th Alberta Dragoons
CFB Griesbach was named after         reserve militia, was sent overseas
Major General William ‘Billy’         as a cavalry officer, then raised
Antrobus Griesbach.                   and     commanded      the     49th
                                      Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary
Born in 1878 at Fort Qu’Appelle in    Force in World War I in which he
what is now Saskatchewan, he          served, until appointed Brigadier
moved to the Edmonton area in         and commanded an infantry
1883 when his father (an original     brigade. He was twice decorated
member of the NWMP) was               for gallantry under fire. He was
transferred to head the Fort          described as a fearless soldier
Saskatchewan detachment. The          and resourceful officer in the
family then moved to Edmonton         thick of much of the heavy
in 1886, when the population of       fighting on the western front.
Edmonton was less than 300.
                                      Major General Griesbach was
He took his early schooling here      elected as Member of Parliament
before going to St. John’s College    for Edmonton West in 1917. He
School in Winnipeg. He returned       was appointed to the Canadian
to Edmonton as a junior articled      Senate in 1921. During World
clerk in a local law office. He was   War II, he was recalled to serve
active in the local athletic          as Inspector General of Western
community and a member of the         Canadian Forces.
local volunteer fire department.
Mr. Griesbach worked at the
Imperial Bank for a while before
completing his law examinations.

Mr. Griesbach served, for two
years, in the South African War as
part of the Canadian Mounted
Rifles.    He was awarded the
Queen’s Medal with four clasps.
Returning to Edmonton in 1901,                                              Photos courtesy of City of Edmonton
he soon became an alderman of         In an editorial in 1951, the          Archives.
the City of Edmonton, then was        Edmonton Journal stated in
elected its youngest mayor, at        deciding to name the huge Army
age 29, in December 1906.             centre north of the city in honour
                                      of    the   late    Major-General

Griesbach Neighbourhood Area Structure Plan - City of ...
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

Inspector General Griesbach died      infrastructure systems.      Being    place throughout the review of
in 1945. As he wrote in his           adjacent to the Northgate Transit     the plan. The plan proponents
autobiography, to recognize the       Centre on 97 Street, the site has     and the City Administration
opportunity, to seize it and          very good public transit access.      solicited input, include holding a
exploit it is, it seems to me, the                                          public meeting and an open
difference between success and        All these positive factors can be     house to discuss and identify any
failure.                              exploited in a comprehensive          public concerns.        This was
                                      manner in building a new              supplemented with a series of
                                      community. Redevelopment and          meetings with area community
The Opportunities                     the development of large vacant       leagues and interest groups.
Note: This section was amended        areas,    combined      with  the
by the Editor                         community emphasis of a Crown         The developer is working with the
                                      Corporation,      provides    the     Department of National Defense
The site is large, strategically      opportunity to build a unique         and the Canadian Forces Housing
located, and surrounded by            community.                            Association to ensure that their
existing development in North                                               needs are incorporated in an
                                                                            orderly    transition of   land
Edmonton.        The   adjacent       The Process                           ownership, redevelopment, and
communities will benefit from
                                      Note: This section was amended        development.
integrating Griesbach with the
surrounding context.                  by the Editor
                                                                            Ultimately, the plan will be
                                      A Crown Corporation hired a           formally advertised according to
As the site is partially occupied,
                                      consulting team to collaborate        the provisions of the Municipal
the plan area can be kept active
                                      with the City Administration, the     Government     Act    and    City
and      vibrant   through     the
                                      school boards, other agencies,        procedures with a public hearing
redevelopment process. There is
                                      and the community. It has been        held by Edmonton City Council.
potential for various interim and
                                      the developer’s intention to
transitional uses for the existing
                                      develop consensus on planning
buildings and site until full
                                      and servicing proposals for the       Timing
development is reached.
                                      area. The consulting team was         Note: This section was amended
                                      Stantec Consulting for project        by the Editor
There is opportunity to maximize      management,       planning    and
the positive community value that     transportation;      UMA       for
will come from respecting unique      engineering and landscape; Earth      It is the desire of the developer
site features such as the             Tech for environmental; and IBI       to have a neighbourhood area
significant trees and recreation      for market analysis.                  structure plan approved in order
facilities. There are two existing                                          to continue the subdivision and
school buildings and a recreation                                           rezoning process so construction
                                      The public participation process
centre that can be incorporated                                             could begin on the first phases in
                                      for area structure plans as
into the future land use plan.                                              2002.
                                      outlined in the City of Edmonton’s
                                      Planning  and    Development
The site is already well serviced     Handbook was followed. This           The photo above is looking southeast
by existing arterial roads that       included early notification of ward   towards Griesbach over the Castle
bound the site.       Existing or     councillors, community leagues,       Downs town centre and Lake
proposed utility services can be      and adjacent property owners.         Beaumaris.
integrated with the surrounding       Discussion with the public took

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                        2. Policy Context

                                      built.        This     encourages     business areas       appropriate    to
                                      development,       redevelopment,     these activities.
Introduction                          and renewal of an area like CFB
                                      Griesbach, especially given its       Conformity of the proposed
The City of Edmonton guides its       proximity        to        existing   neighbourhood area structure
land    use   planning   process      infrastructure and major arterial     plan with Plan Edmonton will be
through a hierarchy of plans.         roads. CFB Griesbach falls within     ensured through the planning
This includes the municipal           the ‘Mature Area’ as defined on       process.
development plan, area structure      Map 1:       Land    Development
plans,    neighbourhood     area      Concept.
structure       plans,       and                                            Housing Mix
neighbourhood structure plans.        Plan     Edmonton   includes the      Guideline
                                      following strategies in support of
This plan, as a link between the      the wise redevelopment of             Historically, the City of Edmonton
Municipal Development Plan and        Griesbach                             had not established as a policy
implementation, is to be a guide                                            requirement        a       numerical
for future rezoning, subdivision,      Strategy 1.3.3:         support     proportion for the housing mix for
and development.                      contiguous development that is        specific       new        residential
                                      adjacent to existing development      development. Instead, the City
                                      in order to accommodate growth        encouraged a mix of housing
Conformity with Plan                  in an orderly and economical          types to accommodate a range of
Edmonton                              fashion;                              housing needs.
Plan Edmonton, 1998 is a ‘big          Strategy 1.3.4:      promote        About ten years ago, Council
picture’ plan that outlines broad     intensification of development        adopted a guideline (and not a
policies    of    growth      and     around transportation corridors       policy)    to     evaluate new
development.     There are two        and employment areas; and             development areas using housing
main considerations.                                                        mix ranges of 15% to 35%
                                       Strategy 1.3.5:           support
                                      increased densities of land use       multiple units and 65% to 85%
First, it is a requirement that a                                           single family units.
                                      through infill development that is
new        neighbourhood       area
                                      sensitive to existing development.
structure plan be consistent with                                           While this may be appropriate in
the overall community growth                                                the context of new suburban
strategy      defined    in    Plan   Second, the neighbourhood area
                                      structure plan must apply the         developments,       it     is    not
Edmonton. In other words, the                                               appropriate for a comprehensively
plan must be prepared with an         principles of Plan Edmonton. This
                                      includes the promotion of urban       planned development, such as
understanding      of   how     the                                         Griesbach    with      its    unique
development and redevelopment         design principles that contribute
                                      to the safety, attractiveness, and    features,    within      the    area
fits within the context of not only                                         designated as ‘Mature Area’ by
north Edmonton, but also the City     convenience of neighbourhoods.
                                      Residential areas are to provide      Plan Edmonton.
as a whole.
                                      for choice of housing style and
                                      density, including a mix of single    The    diagram  above     illustrates
One    thrust  of    Edmonton’s
                                      and multiple -unit housing. Plans     focusing on community features from
planned growth strategy is make
                                      will provide for a variety of         the City of Edmonton’s Suburban
the most of what we have already                                            Neighbourhood       Design   Principles

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                       locate key transit users and
                                        destinations        at      inter-
Suburban            Planning            neighbourhood focal points
Guidelines                              and edges with good access;
                                       provide for schools in early
The City of Edmonton’s Suburban         development phases;
Neighbourhood Design Principles        ensure that neighbourhood
describes a variety of design           design accounts for life cycle
principles intended to encourage        changes;
flexibility in the design and          disperse parks and open space
servicing of new neighbourhoods.        to meet local needs;
There are some key suggestions
                                       optimize by sharing land and
that can be accommodated in the
                                        facilities to reduce costs;
redesign of CFB Griesbach,
including the following:               create a linked open space
                                        system of parks, ponds, and
 design the community to focus         schools;
  on community features and
                                       locate multiple-unit housing at
  share common infrastructure;
                                        edges and focal points; and
 schools      and     community
                                       use stormwater management
  facilities should provide inter-
                                        to provide an alternative to
  neighbourhood focal points;
                                        typical lakes/ponds
 distribute       neighbourhood
  traffic on a multitude of streets   It is only through the interplay of
  that access the grid system;        these principles, rather than
                                      focusing on one to the exclusion
 accommodate         pedestrians,
                                      of the others, that community
  cyclists, and vehicles by
                                      building can be achieved.
  designing roads to their
 provide circulation systems to
  match destinations within and
  outside the neighbourhood;

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                             3. Site Features

                                      There will be, of course, many
Site History                          opportunities to embrace the            Topography
                                      military history, as important as it
The decision to locate a huge         is to Edmonton, into the                The site is flat, with an elevation
multi-million dollar ordinance        redevelopment       of    Griesbach.    at about 675 m. The west edge
plant in Edmonton to supply           However, there are no buildings         rises to 677 m while the
armed forces in Western Canada        older than the early 1950s or any       southeast corner slopes slightly to
was announced in 1949. The site       of significant architectural value.     an elevation of about 673.5 m.
was purchased for $233,000.
After site location and planning                                              This relatively flat topography,
approvals, construction started on    Surrounding Uses                        under      the      circumstances,
the Griesbach site in late 1950.                                              presents no major challenges to
The first PMQs (family housing)       Since   CFB     Griesbach    was        servicing.    It does, however,
were built for $7200 each.            developed in the 1950s, the City        suggest that urban design can be
Construction of the site, including   of Edmonton has expanded and            advanced through thoughtful
armed forces facilities and the       developed to surround Griesbach.        manipulation of site grading.
supporting residential community,
was completed by the late 1950s.      The site is bounded on all four
                                      sides by major arterial roadways.       Existing Uses
Over the last 50 years, Griesbach     Across these arterials, there are a     Note: This section was amended
has    housed    many     military    variety of land uses. For the           by Bylaw 15337, January 2010
personnel- whether in barracks or     most part, the adjacent land uses       and by the Editor
families in the married quarters.     are modern suburban residential
Children went to school here,         neighbourhoods (with primarily          Site   features   are   shown     on
customers bought gas at the           lower density single and multiple-      Figure 3.0: Air Photo and on
Canex, people played hockey and       unit housing) that back onto the        Figure 11: Existing Buildings
worked out at the gym.                arterials.         The      Rosslyn     in the Appendix. The site has
                                      neighbourhood to the south,             two areas developed as PMQs,
With the decision in the mid-         however, fronts on to a service         most of which are still occupied
1990s to consolidate several army     road and directly faces Griesbach.      by armed forces personnel and
bases at Lancaster Park (at                                                   some other federal civilian
Namao, north of Edmonton),            There are a variety of other key        personnel. These are located in
activities at Griesbach have          uses that are adjacent. These           the southeast corner and in the
started to wind down. By the end      include the major commercial            area north of Griesbach (the
of 2000, many facilities had been     concentration at 97 Street/137          existing bus route). They contain
relocated to Namao.           The     Avenue, the Castle Downs Town           approximately 750 dwellings in
relocation of the remaining armed     Center to the north, the Castle         single, semi-detached, and row
forces facilities is scheduled for    Downs district park to the              housing units. This housing was
an orderly transition over the        northwest,      and       smaller       mostly constructed in the 1950s,
coming years.                         commercial sites to the north and       partially on the Radburn concept
                                      west.                                   of focusing on a walkway system.
A small commercial centre was
subdivided and developed at the       The former CN rail line to
very northwest corner of the plan     Griesbach,     now     abandoned,       Above are David Haas (the tall one),
area.                                 provides a path from 137 Avenue         his mother, and two brothers as
                                      as far as the Calder Yards.             Griesbach   looked     in      1960.

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

           Figure 3* Air Photo

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

Reflecting four decades of military    for interim uses as the site is      DND files and historical drawings
use, armed forces’ buildings that      redeveloped.                         were examined. Site inspections
are either already abandoned or                                             of the buildings and grounds were
will soon be vacated occupy            There are significant areas of       also    completed     along   with
significant areas of the site. Their   vacant land in all portions of       interviews of people familiar with
locations can be categorized as        Griesbach.                           the site and its operations.
                                       There are two schools:               Compared to other bases, this
 a more ‘industrial’ area of                                               site is in good shape from an
  warehouses        and    service      Major    General    Griesbach      environmental perspective. Uses
  buildings centered on the              School located south of            have been well documented, it
  alignment of the previous rail         Griesbach Road is a Public         was not developed until after
  line (including the power plant        School; and                        WWII, and is in its original format
  and the former pumphouse)             Brigadier General Hamilton         without layers of redevelopment.
  along the west side of 102             Gault School located between       A total of 33 areas of concern
  Street;                                153 Avenue and Griesbach           were identified by the Phase I
 the barracks area, including           Road, is being used on an          ESA, as shown on Figure 12:
  the drill hall, on the west side       interim    basis    as    the      Environmental (and listed in its
  around the old parade square;          headquarters for Land Forces       accompanying table) in the
 other uses, such as the                Western Area.                      Appendix. Most are anticipated
  recreation centre and its                                                 to be relatively minor and easily
  playing fields, are located on       Both existing school sites are       dealt with. A detailed subsurface
  the edge of the         barracks     readily accessible by a variety of   investigation at these areas is
  area; and                            existing roads.                      recommended         in   order    to
                                                                            determine        if      subsurface
 the office and military services
                                       A small commercial centre was        contamination actually exists and
  area in the southwest corner
                                       subdivided and developed at the      to accurately delineate previously
  of the site, including the
                                       very northwest corner of the plan    identified contamination. In order
  former jail.
                                       area. It is modern, prosperous,      to allow for future redevelopment
                                       and no changes are anticipated.      of this property, all these areas of
There are various buildings                                                 concern will be investigated and
(residential, recreation centres,                                           remediated to the applicable
and churches, etc.) that may be        Environmental                        criteria for the designated future
incorporated into the final plan.                                           land use. This investigative work
As of December 2008, there are         Assessments                          is now underway by DND and will
three (3) buildings listed on the                                           define required remediation. The
City’s Inventory of Historic           A Phase 1 Environmental Site         remediation      work     will   be
Resources in Edmonton. The             Assessment was researched and        completed prior to or be
buildings include Major General        prepared in accordance with          determined through the rezoning
Griesbach School, the Quarter          Canadian Standards Association       process.
Master and Technical Stores and        document CSA Z768-94, Phase I
the Quarter Master Stores              Environmental Site Assessment.       The areas of concern generally
(Building H20). In order to                                                 relate to the storage and handling
implement       the      Province’s    Its purpose was to determine         of petroleum products and
proposal for the construction of a     whether there is any evidence        storage and disposal of hazardous
new school, a notification to City     suggesting the potential for         materials.
Council regarding the demolition       contamination to exist on the
of the Major General Griesbach         property due to both on and off-     The air photo above shows Griesbach
School must be made in a report        site sources. Aerial photographs,    as it looked in the early 60’s.
to City Council. Several of the        historical land titles, municipal,
existing buildings can be adapted      provincial and federal records,
                                       previous environmental reports,
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                        rehabilitation     were      also
Airports                                documented. This determined if
Note: This section was amended          retention is viable for each
by the Editor                           species and/or style of planting.
                                        Each area of trees was ranked on
Because of its distance from the        aesthetics, i.e., how the plant
Namao airport and the orientation       material could contribute from a
of the runways there, CFB
Griesbach is not impacted by any
airport protection regulations.
Height limitations for the northern
approach to City Centre airport
apply to Griesbach, but they are
high enough this far from the
airport not to impact on the
proposed development heights.

Note: This section was amended
by the Editor

Redevelopment of Griesbach will
retain as much of the existing
plant material as possible and
incorporate it into the fabric of
the proposed neighbourhood.
This view is strongly held by both
the Crown Corporation and the
neighbouring communities. As a
first step to accomplish this, a
tree inventory was undertaken to        visual perspective to the future      The top photo was taken in 2001 of
provide recommendations on how          neighbourhood.      The resulting     boulevard trees in the southwest
best to incorporate the existing        analysis was utilized to refine the   corner. The bottom photo, from
trees.                                  design concept to enhance tree        1997, looks northwest across the
                                        retention.                            corner of 97 Street/137 Avenue
A     ‘broad    brush’    inventory                                           over Griesbach.
documented         the      species,    Perimeter planting is ranked
approximate size and condition of       highly along with selected sites      Species include but are not
the existing trees found within         within the neighbourhood. Street      limited to spruce, pine, crabapple,
the military and residential areas      tree planting rankings vary           birch, bur oak, amur maple,
on-site.     A variety of styles        dependant         upon    species,    willow,       elm,        caragana,
planting       were       identified    condition and location as do          honeysuckle, and ash. Conditions
(shelterbelt,     native      stand,    foundation       and    shelterbelt   of each planting vary considerably
boulevard, etc.) in the CFB             plantings. Details of the ranking     and will require additional review
Griesbach      Tree      Inventory.     are found within the inventory        during detailed design to fully
Approximate      anticipated     life   report.    Largely, the planting      determine their viability within the
expectancies of the existing plant      within CFB Griesbach is of an         new                   development.
materials and the expected              ornamental character with the
viability of the vegetation, with       majority of trees being planted in
regard to construction and              a boulevard, foundation planting
                                        or shelterbelt style.
Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

Native stands are also found          crescents and loop roads are
within    the     neighbourhood.      common.       Parking is typically
Species such as trembling aspen,      grouped in communal garages
poplar, dogwood, buffaloberry,        within residential areas. In the
saskatoon, willow, raspberry and      remainder of the site, grid-style
rose dominate these stands.           roads are more typical, with
Again ranking varies, with four of    multiple access points onto the
the twenty-four stands identified     bounding arterial roads.      The
as being of high aesthetic value –    Griesbach access points are often
that is, in good condition and        offset from local and collector
having a high potential for           accesses        to     neighboring
retention. The remaining stands       communities, creating closely-
show signs of disease and             spaced T-intersections. One of
disturbance to varying levels.        the access routes (onto 153
                                      Avenue) passes through a parking
Recommendations were made for         lot that has been developed on
future, more detailed analysis of     either side of the roadway.
the site and plant material,
maintenance of the existing plant     Griesbach Road, the transit route
material, considerations of plant     from 153 Avenue to 97 Street
material in subdivision planning      now serving the community, was
and an implementation program         realigned a number of years ago
for     the    protection    and      to    a    somewhat     curvilinear
incorporation of plant material       alignment through the north
during construction.                  portion    of    the   community.
                                      Moving the intersection north
This report will also provide a       reduced      the    potential   for
base level of information for         shortcutting.
future, detailed site planning.
Additional,    more      detailed
inventory and analysis will have
to be undertaken as the planning
and      development     process

Road System
The existing road system within
Griesbach appears to have
evolved in a rather ad hoc
manner, corresponding to the
needs of residential, industrial,
and       office     accessibility
requirements     as  the    base
developed. In residential areas,

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                  4. Planning Principles

                                       with the desire to minimize travel
Overall Objective                      requirements.                          Reuse
Note: This section was amended                                                Note: This section was amended
by the Editor                                                                 by the Editor
The developer, as an arms-length                                              The planning process will account
non-agent        federal      Crown    There will be an integrated wide       for transitional and interim uses
corporation, optimizes value for       range of housing, from affordable      to ensure efficiencies and the
the Government of Canada               new and refurbished housing to
                                                                              maintenance of a vibrant site
through      the      management,      new upper end housing and
                                       including     innovative   lotting     throughout     the   development
redevelopment, development, or
timely sale of land no longer          configurations. This will provide      process. As part of this, much
required for federal programs. In      for an eclectic and mixed              housing will be reused.
carrying out its mandate in a self-    residential community that caters
funding manner, the developer          to a wide variety of consumer          Other existing facilities will be
implements innovative property         choice, including singles, young       reused    where     possible   to
solutions and contributes to the       families, empty nesters, and           maximize efficiencies and amenity
economic       revitalization     of   seniors.                               value    for    the    community
communities.                                                                  (amended by Bylaw 15337
                                                                              January 20, 2010).
Redevelopment     of     Griesbach
                                       Urban Design
presents unique opportunities for                                             Recreation
innovative, community oriented,        The     plan     will   develop    a
and     environmentally    friendly    community that respects nature
                                       by preserving existing trees           A major and centrally located
design. As such, the developer’s
                                       wherever possible into the new         park will be the focus of
objectives are to build a better
                                       community pattern, provides safe       recreation       and     circulation
community, involve the public in
                                       streets and areas, establishes         systems. Integrating a path with
planning these communities, and
                                       high quality in the public realm,      an extended waterway provides
achieve good financial results.
                                       and recognizes and celebrates the      opportunities for recreation and
                                       heritage of the site. Axial roads      access to community facilities.
The overall objective is to                                                   Some park space is dispersed to
transform the existing military        focusing on the central park, an
                                       orientation of housing towards         provide convenient local access in
base into an award winning                                                    all sectors of the plan. There will
community to be appreciated by         the street, a linear waterway, and
                                       a pedestrian scale village centre      be a diversity of recreation
its future residents.                                                         opportunities.
                                       will ensure a unique urban
                                       experience. Design will foster a
Community                              safer    community       by    being
                                       responsive to the principles of
The focus is on a well-planned         crime      prevention        through
                                       environmental         design      as   On a broad scale, the community
community. The plan will provide                                              will fit with and be connected to
a framework for delivering a high      discussed in Edmonton’s Design
                                       Guide for a Safer City.                adjacent neighbourhoods through
quality, comprehensively planned                                              the roadway system, public
community.        A range of                                                  transit, waterway pathways, and
complementary uses such as                                                    bike routes. Within the plan area,
commercial, recreational, and                                                 lands uses will be integrated into
institutional will support the                                                a functioning and attractive
community.    This is consistent                                              community.

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

Movement                                 Implementation
The plan will provide a circulation      The project will be implemented
system that supports the land use        through phased rezonings and
patterns and urban design                subdivisions      that      match
concept by providing many                development       and      market
optional routes for vehicles,            demand.         Any     necessary
bicycles, pedestrians, and transit.      environmental site remediation
                                         will be completed before reuse.
The circulation system blends
suburban and inner-city design           Plan changes and approvals will
principles      for       movement,      provide for community input and
reflecting         the       unique      the interplay of market forces.
characteristics and potential of         There will be an orderly transition
the area while recognizing the           for the exit of the military and
need      to    provide     facilities   continuation, for some period, of
consistent with user expectations        existing military housing.
and established design practices.
To achieve the overall objectives                                              The     photo   above    illustrates
of the development, movement is                                                townhouses oriented to a high
to be accommodated through                                                     quality urban space. The photo
customization of transportation                                                below shows a high quality urban
facilities (e.g. roadway cross-                                                space, interpreting the military
sections, alignments, intersection                                             history, ringed by street oriented
treatments,       transit    service                                           housing.
principles,       pedestrian/bicycle
provisions).      This     approach
focuses on performance of
movement systems, and does not
necessarily require ‘reductions’
relative to normal practices.

The plan will foster an economical
servicing system, as a logical
staged extension of existing
systems, that supports the land
use concept. Existing services
will service continuing activity and
will be reused, where it can be
incorporated         into       new

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

                                                                              5. The Plan
                                      suitable for a wide variety of        97 Street, design provisions will
Overall Concept                       households. This will include:        be made to mitigate traffic noise
Note: This section was amended                                              impacts. The design provisions
by Bylaw 15337, January 2010           Low density residential             will vary along 97 Street and may
and the Editor.                       The site now contains a mix of        include        customized         lot
                                      low density (single detached and      configurations for new and
The one-mile square site has          semi-detached) housing in two         relocated housing (e.g., flanking-
been     planned     on     a         main clusters north and south of      on),      architectural    controls
comprehensive and integrated          Griesbach Road (the existing bus      incorporating       noise-mitigating
                                      route).    Some of these units,       features, or solid-barrier screen
manner.        Figure    4.0:
                                      particularly in the southeast         fencing. Where lots and streets
Development             Concept                                             adjacent to 97 Street are retained
illustrates the overall system for    corner, will be removed or
                                      relocated to other designated low     as existing, mitigation measures
land use and movement.                                                      may be negligible since the rear
                                      density residential areas.
                                                                            amenity space is further from 97
The roadway network focuses on                                              Street and sheltered by houses.
a large central community park.       Areas for the rehabilitation and
                                                                            In all cases, design provisions will
The surrounding residential area      infill of existing low density
                                      military housing are located          recognize the importance of
is primarily single detached                                                preserving the tree line along 97
housing, with ground oriented         primarily in the sector north of
multiple-unit    housing     and      Griesbach Road and that area
apartments at locations with          between Major General Griesbach
                                      School and the village centre.        The low density areas will allow
amenity and good access.                                                    for a minor degree of row
                                      Where salvageable marketable
                                      housing remains, there will be        housing, primarily in the form of
Two school sites and the                                                    street oriented units with lane
                                      renovation and refurbishment as
recreation centre have been                                                 access.    This will allow for a
                                      well as infill of either new or
incorporated into the plan.                                                 greater mix of unit types
                                      relocated housing.
Significant amenity is introduced                                           consistent with project objectives.
into large areas of the plan by                                             Locations will be determined at
including a waterway with a           Relocation and refurbishment of
                                      existing    Permanent     Married
                                                                            the subdivision stage and will be
parallel walkway system.        A                                           established on the basis that
commercial village centre has         Quarters (PMQs) will be phased in
                                      conjunction      with     military    there will not be extended
been located at the key                                                     continuous areas of row housing
transportation node at the            requirements.       Some newly
                                      developing areas will absorb          and that no structure will contain
southeast corner.     A potential                                           more than four units.         Row
mixed-use business campus has         relocated housing in the early
                                                                            housing may be interspersed
been designated in the southwest      stages.        The    low-density
                                      residential areas further to the      within an area being rezoned, but
corner.                                                                     it will not be located on the edge
                                      west will be developed with new
                                                                            of any individual stage of
                                      single     and     semi-detached
                                                                            development where it would abut
Residential                           dwellings.
                                                                            single detached housing. Row
Note: This section was amended                                              housing shall not exceed 5% of
by Bylaw 13192, October 2002;         The developer wishes to stress        the proposed low density areas.
Bylaw 15337, January 2010;            variety of low density housing
Bylaw 19226, July 7, 2020; Bylaw      opportunities so as to contribute
                                      to    a    lively   and    eclectic   No less than 50% of the lots in
19763, July 6, 2021; and the          community.        This will meet
                                                                            the low density residential areas
Editor.                               consumer preference for a variety     shall meet a minimum of RF1
                                      of lot and house sizes, price         dimensions. Further, no more
Residential development is the                                              than 20% of the lots in the low
                                      ranges, and styles.
major thrust of the plan. The                                               density residential areas shall be
developer want to provide a wide                                            zoned RPL (zero lot line).
                                      Where low-density residential
variety of housing in the area        land uses are located adjacent to

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

The photo above shows how a
military semi-detached dwelling can
be refurbished.

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

           Figure 4* Development Concept

        *Bylaw 19763, July 6, 2021

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

 Medium                   density     The residential land area, the n        housing types and a more
  residential/High         density                                             compact housing form. The land
  residential                          The residential land area, the          use is located toward the edge of
                                       number of dwelling units, and the       the neighbourhood with direct
Opportunities     exist     within     resulting population is detailed in     access to major roads, transit
Griesbach for a variety of medium      Section 9: Statistics.          The     routes and public open spaces.
density housing forms including        proportion     of      multiple-unit    High       Density     Residential
townhouses (on both a street           housing is similar to that provided     development         shall      be
oriented and project basis),           by     typical   new      suburban      concentrated on the south side of
stacked townhouses, and low-rise       development, consistent with the        Griesbach Parade NW in the
apartment buildings.                   City’s guidelines for housing           Village Centre and in the Mix-Use
                                       proportions in new suburban             Centre.
This housing is concentrated in        areas.
two basic locations; the village
centre and the northeast corner        In the proposed medium density
of the neighbourhood.                  residential/high density residential    Note: This section was amended
                                       areas a minimum of 200 housing          by Bylaw 14234, March 2006,
                                       units shall be senior housing,          Bylaw 14631, July 2007, Bylaw
Future market demand will
                                       extended care facilities or similar     15314 and the Editor.
determine the type of medium
density residential/high density       low traffic generating projects.
residential pursued in each                                                    The       central      park,    of
particular circumstance. They will     This density is consistent with         approximately 9.0 ha, is a focus
be integrated alongside low            Plan Edmonton Strategy 1.3.5            that defines the community and
density housing through sensitive      which is to support increased           integrates     the     surrounding
streetscape design and attention       densities of land use through infill    residential     areas.        The
to transitioning at the subdivision    development that is sensitive to        stormwater lake will be an
stage (amended by Bylaw 15337          existing      development      and      important aesthetic amenity for
January 20, 2010). It is               Strategy   1.3.4    which    is    to   the future community. The site is
anticipated that seniors housing       promote       intensification     of    to include some athletic uses, a
will be included – there are           development                   around    large man-made hill at the
obvious locations at key amenities     transportation     corridors     and    geographic centre of Griesbach,
and where access to services and       employment areas. This mix of           passive recreation, and, where
public    transit     is   greatest,   housing will support the village        possible, retention of existing
especially at the village centre.      centre - approximately 45% of all       high-value vegetation- especially
                                       multiple housing is located             in the southwest corner.
                                       adjacent to the village centre. As
                                       well, an aging population is            Other recreation space is located
                                       expected to foster more market          in conjunction with schools and
                                       demand for multiple-unit housing.       the existing Griesbach recreation
                                                                               centre (Building H-2 on Figure 11:
                                       Opportunities      exist      within    Existing    Buildings    on     the
                                       Griesbach for high density              Appendix) that will be maintained
                                       residential forms including mid-        for      community       recreation
                                       rise apartment buildings. This          activities. This will be subject to
                                       designation     adds     residential    a future agreement between the
                                       diversity to the neighbourhood by       developer      and      Community
                                       allowing a range of apartment           Services.

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

There are four smaller local parks    development as determined at          through a collaborative process to
(1 ha and smaller) to provide         the time of subdivision.              achieve a mutually agreed upon
more amenity and play space for                                             design incorporating the input
those residential areas in the        Retention of the remaining trees      from key stakeholders including
northwest, northeast, and south       along 97 Street in accordance         the developer, Parks, Community
that are further removed from         with the provisions of the current    services and neighbourhood/area
school sites and the central          Neighbourhood Area Structure          recreation groups.
community park. The goal of the       Plan and the Master Agreement
two smaller park sites in the         will require alternative measures
south is to retain two small,         other than municipal reserve          Waterway
significant stands of trees.          designation. Similarly, if trees      The waterway plays an important
                                      along     137      Avenue,    113     aesthetic and functional role in
The developer will dedicate, in       Street/Castle Downs Road and/or       the plan. While its primary role is
land, the 10% requirement of the      153 Avenue are to be retained,        to handle stormwater, it will also
Municipal Government Act for          this must be achieved by means        provide      some      recreational
schools and parks. The allocation     other than municipal reserve.         opportunities, perhaps skating.
of municipal and school reserves                                            The functional aspects of the
is detailed in Section 9:             Preservation of trees in the          waterway are described in more
Statistics.                           neighbourhood     will    be     in   detail in Section 7: Services.
                                      accordance with the Master
A linear park will be developed       Agreement    between       Canada     Pathways are proposed along
along 97 Street incorporating         Lands and the City of Edmonton        sections of the waterway for both
such features as:                     and the responsibility of the land    pedestrians and cyclists.     The
                                      owner (developer).                    waterway path provides public
 1.5 m concrete north-south                                                access and ensures community
    walkway;                          The central hill will be designed     resources are inter-connected.
                                      and built by the developer with
   entrance features, legacy         program (i.e., passive and active
    signage, and monumentation        recreation), aesthetic (landscape),   Circulation
    (in keeping with features         maintenance, drainage and safety
    previously installed elsewhere    (CPTED),      geotechnical     and    The road layout is based on a
    in the neighbourhood);            environmental) as the governing       strong urban design element of
                                      principles. The program of the        having several axial roadways
 appropriate lighting;                                                     directed to focus on the central
                                                                            hill in the central park.
   site furniture (i.e.
    park bench/garbage                                                      As suggested by the Edmonton
    bins); and                                                              neighbourhood design principles,
                                                                            the local road layout will be
 enhanced                                                                  designed        to      distribute
        landscaping.                                                        neighbourhood traffic on a
                                                                            multitude of streets that access
The developer will be                                                       the grid system, rather than
responsible   for   all                                                     focusing all the traffic on local
construction and costs                                                      collectors. Convenient access is
associated   with   the      park                                           provided to all higher order uses
                                      central park will be established      such as schools, recreation,

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

multiple-unit   housing,      and     office headquarters for Land           The concept and design principles
commercial development.               Forces Western Area.          It is    for the various component of the
                                      anticipated that this headquarters     village centre are:
In conjunction with the waterway      function will be relocating off-site
path, some other pedestrian           in about five years. While this        Access: the primary vehicular
connections (including some parts     site is not required by either of      access to the village centre will be
of the ‘Radburn concept’ paths in     the two school boards, it could be     from a loop road that connects
the northeast corner that may be      reused as a private school. If no      both 97 Street and 137 Avenue to
retained by infill subdivision        opportunities arise for this,          the axial roadway to the district
planning) complete the linkages       Figure  4.0:   Development             park. As such, this links much of
through the neighbourhood and         Concept designates this for            the plan area, and external users,
to key off-site destinations. The     future low density       residential   to the village centre. There will
transportation system is described    development.                           also be some site access between
in more detail in Section 6:                                                 the loop road and the 97
Transportation.                       There is one existing church site      Street/137 Avenue intersection.
                                      that may be incorporated into the
                                      new plan; otherwise the sites will     Uses: consistent with mixed use,
Institutional                         be redeveloped for residential         the design will accommodate a
Note: This section was amended        uses. It is anticipated that some      mix of residential (primarily
by Bylaw 15337, Janurary 2010;        new sites may be developed for         apartment       housing,      seniors
Bylaw 15314, April 2010; Bylaw        religious assemblies as need is        housing, congregate care, etc.),
19226, Jul 7, 2020; and the           identified, provided they meet the     residential related (live/work,
Editor.                               requirements of the Zoning             apartment hotel), commercial
                                      Bylaw. Religious assemblies are        (retail,      personal       service,
Section 9: Statistics documents       discretionary    uses    in  most      professional     offices,   medical,
                                      residential zones.                     financial services, hotel, etc.), and
the proposed student generation
                                                                             institutional           development
from the proposed land use                                                   (government services, religious
pattern.                              Village Centre                         assembly, etc.). The combination
                                                                             of uses will be based on market
A public elementary/junior school     The plan designates a village          conditions and the optimum
and park site, approximately 6.1      centre at 97 Street and 137            balance of uses, rather than a
ha will be located to the east of     Avenue. To be successful, there        domination of only one use.
the central park. Griesbach School    must be a critical density of uses
is currently operated by the          including housing, to encourage        Location:                Mid-rise
Edmonton Public School Board.         an active and vibrant centre. As       apartment/high density residential
                                      a main focus of activity,              development may be freestanding
A site for a new Catholic school      approximately 645 dwelling units       nad shall be located immediately
has been designated as part of a      and 11,915 m2 of commercial            south of and adjacent to
school and park site just             space is anticipated.                  Griesbach Parade NW to provide
southwest of the central park.                                               for a sensitive transition to
The site is proposed to be            The village centre will provide a      adjacent       lower      density
approximately 6.0 ha;                 wide variety of goods and              development. Both residential and
                                      services to the surrounding            commercial development may be
The northern school, of a similar     neighbourhoods.       It will be       oriented towards the adjacent
design but with four fewer            attractive and comfortable to          waterway system to provide a
classrooms, currently is used as      users- a feature in its own right.

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

variety of activities along the         amenity value of the adjacent          The sketch above is an artist’s
waterway.                               waterway system.       Commercial      conception of the street oriented
                                        development (except perhaps for        nature of the village centre and the
Pedestrian Orientation:          in     a hotel, etc.) along the loop road     adjacent waterway.
keeping     with   a    pedestrian      will be primarily limited to the
orientation, buildings on both          first one or two storeys, with
sides of the loop street will be        residential development above to
located with minimal setback to         a maximum of four storeys.             Transition: village centre uses
the street to provide a fairly          Residential development, when          will abut lower density residential
continuous urban frontage on the        freestanding, may be up to six         development to the north and
loop street. Uses fronting the          storeys immediately south of           may have existing residential
streets will be primarily retail,       Griesbach Parade NW.      This         across major roads. In either
personal service, or restaurants        village centre will not include        case, building orientation and
and similar uses.      The street       typical ‘big box’ development, like    landscaping      will  ensure    a
orientation will be extended into       many other arterials in Edmonton,      sensitive transition.
the area south of the loop road,        but be smaller scale, pedestrian
primarily    along    the    axial      oriented in a ‘high street’ manner     Parking: parking for residential
alignment.         The     vehicle      with a high level of landscaping.      development, either as free
movement system is to support           It is anticipated that the village     standing sites or over and behind
the village centre, not to              will contain a significant food        commercial development, will be
overpower it.                           store, perhaps on the order of         primarily underground. Parking
                                        5,000 m2. The village centre will      for commercial development will
Public Space: public space is a         provide a variety of natural and       generally be at grade. Parking
key to establishing the urban           built form experiences through         will be convenient to front doors,
village character of the centre.        attention to building design,          but not dominate the buildings.
This includes integrating the           ground       level    relationships,   Street parking will be available on
sidewalks       and      identifiable   texture, signage, and colours.         the loop road subject to
pedestrian paths to local streets       The centre is to be thematically       operational requirements.
and pathways (to adjacent               integrated.
residential development and the                                                Zoning:     although innovative
adjacent linear waterway and            Site Coverage: site coverage           desin and mix, the village centre
walkway systems). Not only are          for commercial development will        may be accommodated by DC2,
the connections important, the          be on the order of 25% with            RA7g, RA8g, direct control or a
quality of the space must               higher site coverage, up to 50%,       combination of these zones. This
encourage        pedestrian       use   for residential development.           decision will be made at the
through      urban   design      and                                           detailed zoning stage.    The
landscaping. A major heritage           Tree Preservation: there are           Zoning    Bylaw’s   Pedestrian
statement is intended in the            many fine tree specimens that          Commercial Shopping   Street
traffic circle. Public space will       will fall within the village centre.   Overlay may be utilized for
have design quality well above          Wherever feasible, they will be        portions of the village centre.
basic functional requirements.          incorporated into yards and
                                        retained in parking areas to
Built Form: buildings will be           provide visual amenity.           In   Mixed Use Centre
oriented to the public street,          particular, the amur maple             Note: This section was amended
emphasize the extension of the          planting along 97 Street is to be      by Bylaw 19763, July 6, 2021.
axial focus south of the loop road,     retained wherever possible.
and take advantage of the

Griesbach NASP Office Consolidation

A mixed use centre is proposed         dwellings (not family-oriented),       Transition: mixed use centre
for the southwest corner of the        with residential above retail or       uses will be adjacent, across the
plan.    Site planning for this        business uses.                         loop road, to lower density
component will require creativity                                             residential development to the
and a high degree of flexibility as    Location:              residential     north. In some areas they will be
the project evolves. The concept       development may be freestanding        across major roads from existing
and design principles for the          on some sites, particularly south      neighbourhoods. In either case,
various components of the mixed        of the loop road, and mixed with       building     orientation      and
use area are:                          commercial development on the          landscaping on public and private
                                       remainder of the site.                 lands will ensure a sensitive
Location: Freestanding mid-rise                                               transition.
apartment/medium        Griesbach      Built Form: buildings will be
Zoning     Analysis   2    density     oriented to address the public         Parking: parking for commercial
residential shall also be located      streets and emphasize the              development will generally be at
immediately west of Admiral            extension of the axial focus south     grade. Parking will be convenient
Girouard Street and south of           of the loop road. Development          to front doors, but not dominate
Juchlli Avenue to support a            may be up to four storeys. The         the buildings. Street parking will
horizontal              mixed-use      village centre will provide a          be available on the loop road
development in the SW corner of        variety of natural and built form      subject       to       operational
the plan area.                         experiences as well as west of         requirements.
                                       Admiral Girouard Street in the
Access: the primary vehicular          Southwest corner of the Plan           Zoning: because of the mixed
access to the village centre will be   area. This will require attention to   uses and innovative nature of
from a loop road that connects         building design, ground level          proposed development, zoning
both 113A Street and 137 Avenue        relationships, texture, signage,       would, in all likelihood, take the
to the axial roadway to the            and colours. These elements are        form of direct control rather than
district park. As such, this links     to be integrated thematically into     standard single land use zones.
much of the plan area, and             an urban campus setting.
external users, to the mixed use
area. There will also be some          Development: site coverage for         Local Commercial
site access between the loop road      commercial development will be
and the 113A Street/137 Avenue         on the order of 25% to 50%.            Note: This section was amended
intersection.                                                                 by Bylaw 18372, May 2018
                                       Building Reuse: some of the
Uses: drawing upon some of the         existing structures, that have         As shown on Figure 4:
precepts of the new urbanism,          potential for economic reuse,          Development Concept, three
and recent examples from the US        might be sensitively incorporated      small-scale commercial sites have
and Canada, the centre is seen as      into the new plan.                     been located at entrances into
a blend of employment and                                                     the neighbourhood; while a forth,
residential uses in close proximity,   Tree Preservation: there are           consisting of an existing
or in some instances, in the same      many fine tree specimens that          commercial use, is located in the
structures. Employment uses will       will fall within the mixed use area.   northwest corner of the
include a blend of office, home-       Where practical, they will be          neighbourhood.
office, retail and ‘cottage’ or        incorporated into yards, along
artisan-based           businesses.    boulevards and retained in             The commercial sites will provide
Residential is likely to take the      parking areas to provide visual        services to both residents and the
form of artist’s lofts and multiple    amenity.                               travelling public.

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