Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC

Page created by Curtis Schmidt
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Strategic report
2020 - 2024
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Strategic report
2020 - 2024
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Table of contents                                             Table of diagrams
                                                              DIAGRAM 2                                                12
                                                                        MISSION AND VISION
                                                                        LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY MANDATES AND
1.    VISION                                             10   DIAGRAM 3                                                14
                                                                        STRATEGY CONTEXT
2.    MISSION                                            10
                                                              DIAGRAM 4 SCI-BONO CORE FUNCTIONS                        16
3.    VALUES                                             10
                                                              DIAGRAM 5 SCI-BONO ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE              20
4.    PRINCIPLES                                         11
                                                              DIAGRAM 6 SCI-BONO GOVERNANCE STRUCTURE                  21
5.    LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES                     13
                                                              DIAGRAM 7 SCl-BONO ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE              28
      5.1 Legal Status                                   13
                                                              DIAGRAM 8 SCl-BONO FUNCTION AREAS                        36
      5.2 Constitutional Mandates                        13
                                                              DIAGRAM 9 SCI-BONO STRATEGIC LINE OF SIGHT               38
      5.3 Legislative Mandates                           13
6.    SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS                               15
7.    SCl-BONO’S STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT                     15
           Department of Science and Innovation:
      7.1                                                30
           Science Engagement Strategy
           Gauteng Department of Education:
      7.2                                                30
           Memorandum of Understanding
      8.1 Focus Areas Aligned to Mandates                32
      8.2 Strategic Functional Areas                     35
      8.3 Strategic Game Changers                        37
      8.4 Sci-Bono’s 2020-2024 Strategic line of Sight   37
9.    STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED COALS                   39
10.   STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                               39
11.   IDENTIFIED STRATEGIC RISKS                         42

                                                                                           Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC    1
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Table of tables                                          Annexures
                                                         ANNEXURE A                                                        44
TABLE 3     LIVING THE SCl-BONO VALUES              11              SCI-BONO 2020- 2024 ONE PAGE STRATEGY
                                                         ANNEXURE B                                                        56
            SCIENCE EDUCATION CENTRE 2018/19                        DOCUMENT
TABLE 4                                             17              SCI-BONO 5 YEAR STRATEGIC BUDGET
            ACTIVITIES                                   ANNEXURE C                                                        58
TABLE 5     TSCHOOL SUPPORT 2018/19 ACTIVITIES      19              PROJECTION
TABLE 6     SCl-BONO SERVICES                       22

                                                    24   Abbreviations and definitions
TABLE 8     SWOT ANALYSIS                           26
TABLE 9     SCl-BONO STAKEHOLDERS                   27   BOARD          Sci-Bono Board of Directors
TABLE 10    GDE EDUCATION ROADMAP 2019-2024         31   CEO            Chief Executive Officer
TABLE 11    GDE PRIORITIES APPLICABLE TO SCl-BONO   32                  The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa
TABLE 12    SCl-BONO FOCUS AREAS                    33                  Act 108, 1996
TABLE 13    STRATEGIC OUTCOME ORIENTED GOALS        39   DSI            The Department of Science and Innovation
TABLE 14    STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES                    40   GDE            The Gauteng Department of Education
TABLE 15    IDENTIFIED STRATEGIC RISKS              42   DBE            The Department of Basic Education
                                                         FET            Further Education Training
                                                                        Matthew Goniwe School of Leadership and
                                                                        Governance NPC
                                                         MOI            Memorandum of Incorporation
                                                         NPC            Non-Profit Company
                                                         NPO            Non-Profit Organisation
                                                         PBO            Public Benefit Organisation
                                                         SCI-BONO       Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC

2   Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Official sign-off
It is hereby certified that this Strategic Plan 2020 -2024:   RECOMMENDED BY:

                                                              Dr More Chakane                  Date:
• was developed by the management of Sci-Bono under           Chief Executive Officer          Signature:
  the guidance or the Sci-Bono Board.
• takes into account all the relevant policies, legislation   Dr Shadrack Mahapa               Date:
  and other mandates for which Sci-Bono is responsible;       Chief Operations Officer         Signature:
• reflects the outcome Sci-Bono will endeavour to
  achieve over the period 2020 to 2024.                       Mr Nkateko Maluleke              Date:
                                                              Chief Financial Officer          Signature:

                                                              APPROVED BY:

                                                              Ms Patricia Maloka               Date:
                                                              Chairperson: Finance, Business   Signature:

                                                              HR Sub-Committee

                                                              Mr Abbey Witbooi                 Date:
                                                              Chairperson                      Signature:
                                                              Sci-Bono Board of Directors

                                                                                                   Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC   3
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Sci-Bono procured the services of Equilibrium Consulting
(Pty) Ltd (“Equilibrium”) to assist with the development of
strategic implementation plans for its approved 2019-2024
Strategic Plan. The brief to Equilibr ium highlighted that there
are gaps in the strategic plan therefore, it was necessary for
Equilibrium to review the strategic plan before developing
the implementation plans. This Report is the outcome ofthe
review of the strategic plan by Equilibrium.

The strategy review was conducted for the above purpose only.
It should be noted that the review conducted by Equilibrium is
a desktop review, limited solely to the strategic plan and not
to any other operational or organisational issues which are
not spec ifically included in Equilibrium’s scope of services.
The findings, recommendations and changes as contained
in this report are therefore limited by the fact that no proper
consultations with the Board of Directors, through a strategy
review workshop or otherwise, was conducted. It should also
be noted that this Report and the recommendations contained
herein are based on the documents and information obtained
from Sci-Bono Management as at 12 May 2020.

4     Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Part A: Strategic Plan Review Background

Part A: Strategic Plan Review Background
1. BACKGROUND AND CONTEXT                                                                     2. APPROACH TO REVIEWING THE 2019-2024 STRATEGIC PLAN

Most organisations focus on the development of strategic plans and after a lot of             The approach to the Strategy Review Process was designed to ensure that the Sci-Bono
investment in both time and resources, they come up with a good strategic plan. It is         Strategy, for the remainder of the period 2020 to 2024, is adapted to take account of
only a few organisations that will invest the same effort in the implementation of the        all developments in its environment. Particular focus was placed on the information
strategic plan as with the development process. Of the few that go on to implement            obtained from the sci-Bono management on the current operations of sci-Bono.
strategic plans, most of the implementation Is done in a mechanical manner, where
champions are appointed, timelines are set and resources, both human and financial,           The Strategic Plan as also adapted to the GD E’s Education Roadmap 2030 as well as
are allocated for each activity. This approach tends to fail because it overlooks the         the OSI Science Engagement Strategy. In light of the fact that the review process did not
soft human issues, which in most organisations are discussed in the corridors but             involve consultations with the Board of Directors, as would be required for developing
never make it to the boardroom. It is therefore critical that all who are involved in the     a Strategic Plan, the Strategic themes contained in the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan
implementation of the strategic plan form part of the strategy development process            were retained. Where changes were made, particularly in the vision and the mission,
for them to own the process and implementation thereof. Overlooking the collective            the change was only on the wording, aimed at making it clearer and concise, without
emotional issues as well as the collective political issues that tend to be taboo subjects,   deviating from the overarching ideas as approved by the Board.
will result in a good strategic plan on paper that is never implemented.
                                                                                              The wording and import of some of the strategic outcome-oriented goals were changed
It is in light of the above that it was imperative the 2019-2024 Sci-Bono Strategic Plan      in order to ensure that they are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-
be reviewed in order to ensure that the reviewed strategic plan will be understood and        bound, in line with the SMART principles of goal setting.
owned by all who are responsible for its implementation. It was necessary to ensure that
the strategic plan, starting with the vision and mission of the organisation, is concise
and easy for everyone to understand.

              No amount of experimentation can ever prove me right a single
              experiment can prove me wrong.
              Albert Einstein

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Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC

                          INTERNAL DOCUMENTS REVIEW                                        INTERNAL DOCUMENTS REVIEW

                                Current and Previous Strategic Plans                              GDE 2020- 2030 Roadmap

                                2020 - 2030 Roadmap                                               DSI Science Engagement Strategy

                                2017/18 and 2020/21 Business Plans                                National MST Strategy

                                Current and Previous Strategic Plans                              Current and Previous Strategic Plans

                                Sci-Bono Funding Strategy and Funding Proposal                    GDE 20 Year Review

        2019 - 2024                                                                                                                                2019 - 2024
    STRATEGIC PLAN                                                                                                                                 STRATEGIC REPORTS

    The 2020-2024 Revised Strategic Plan, once approved by the Board,            CONSULTATIONS
    will henceforth guide all programmes and activities of Sci-Bono
    towards the fulfilment of its mission and attainment of the vision.          Presentation to FINCO                    Consultation with EXCO

                                                                                 Consultation with MANCO                  Consultation with HR Consultants


The review process highlighted the following as areas of priority that were not included for in the 2019-2024 Strategic Plan:
• Risk Management;
• Governance;
• Legal and Compliance;
• Planning, Research, Innovation and Development
• Business Continuity;
• Quality Assurance; and
• Monitoring and Evaluation, including impact assessment.

6     Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC
Part A: Strategic Plan Review Background


   ISSUE                                                       FINDINGS                                                                     RECOMMENDATIONS

                A mission statement should answer the following questions:
                •   Who are we?
                •   What do we do?
                •   How do we do it?
  Mission                                                                                                                 •   The mission statement to be revised
                •   For whom do we do it?
                •   After reading the current mission it is not clear who Sci-Bono is. The mission should clarify this
                    as that will determine the organisation’s strategic course. It should be clear whether Sci-Bono
                    is a science museum, an institute of science etc. Currently that is not articulated in the mission

                •   A vision is the cornerstone of a strategic plan therefore it is of paramount importance that
                    the vision be clearly articulated. The vision should present a clear inspirational picture of the
                    preferred future.
                •   It is our opinion that the current vision requires attention as it conflates vision and mission and
                                                                                                                          •   The vision statement should be revised and properly
                    fails to properly capture the preferred future.
                •   The following cannot be part of a vision statement, but should be articulated in the mission
   Vision                                                                                                                 •   Elements of the mission that are currently captured in
                    under “what we do”:
                                                                                                                              the vision statement must be moved to the mission.
                •   instilling a culture of science and technology,
                •   acquiring science knowledge, skills and attitudes;
                •   applying this acquired science knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop and innovate new
                    products and services that uplift the quality of life of all South Africans; and
                •   using the innovated products and services to compete in the global world of science.

                                                                                                                      •       Clearly articulate Sci-Bono’s activities and give the
                •   The situational analysis should provide the background upon which the strategic plan will be
                                                                                                                              information on the status of each activity as reported
                    developed. The analysis should focus on the current programmes, challenges, opportunities etc.
                                                                                                                              in the annual plan. The analysis should also focus on
                    The situational analysis in the strategic plan appears to have been taken, as is, from the Annual
                                                                                                                              the output and not just state the number of people that
                    Report and therefore fails to give a proper background to the strategy. The situational analysis
 Situational                                                                                                                  participated in Sci-Bono programmes, there should be
                    from the Annual report focuses on the previous year only whereas strategy is a 5 year document
  Analysis                                                                                                                    an indication of the performance of Gauteng learners
                    and should focus on the previous 5 year period.
                                                                                                                              and teachers in MST.
                •   On pages 37 and 42, the other relevant factors for the situational analysis are enumerated but
                                                                                                                      •       Conduct a SWOT and PESTEL analysis.
                    there is nothing in the strategic plan reflecting the findings thereof and how they impact on
                                                                                                                      •       Conduct a competitor analysis.
                    Sci-Bono’s strategic course.
                                                                                                                      •       Benchmark with other “world-class” science centres.

                •   The reference made in the strategic plan is not a court ruling but appears to be an article that
  Relevant                                                                                                                •   Research on court cases and make proper reference to
                    was cut and pasted into the strategic plan. It is necessary to look at judgements that impact on
Court Rulings                                                                                                                 cases that impact on Sci-Bono’s strategic path.
                    education in general as most of them will have an element of MST education.

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Strategic report 2020 2024 - SCI-BONO DISCOVERY CENTRE NPC

      ISSUE                                                      FINDINGS                                                                      RECOMMENDATIONS

                  • It is critical, in every strategic plan, to identify the organisation’s stakeholders and clearly de-    •   Clearly outline Sci-Bono’s mandate from GDE and the
    Stakeholder     fine their roles in the strategic plan as that will assist in the implementation of the strategy. The       relationship between the parties
     Definition     strategic plan does not identify the stakeholders, which could be the reason why there is no link       •   Identify all the relevant stakeholders and clearly set
                    between the strategy and the GDE policies as explained below.                                               out their roles in the Sci-Bono strategic path.

                  • Save for the reference to GDE policies in the Foreword, there is nothing in the strategic plan to
      GDE           reflect the link between the strategy and the GDE policies. The symbiotic relationship between          •   Link Sci-Bono objectives to the GDE 2020-2024
     Policies       GDE and Sci-Bono requires that Sci-Bono’s strategic objectives be clearly linked to the policies            Roadmap
                    of GDE.

                  • The Strategic Outcome Oriented Goals should be unpacked in such a way as to be specific,
     Strategic                                                                                                              •   The strategic goals to be linked to the key focus areas
                    measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound (SMART) and against which the programmes
     Outcome                                                                                                                    and to ensure that there is a seamless flow from
                    and activities of Sci-Bono might be implemented and reported upon. The goals must flow from
     Oriented                                                                                                                   the GDE mandate to the strategic goals through the
                    the identified critical success factors and at the same time reflecting on the GDE strategic goals.
       Goals                                                                                                                    strategic objectives.
                    This is important for funding and reporting purposes.

                  • The strategic objectives should allow Sci-Bono to break down the Strategic Outcome Oriented
                    Goals into constituent elements or performance areas, which will allow performance elements to
                    be logically clustered and reported against.
                  • To that end it is necessary to have the objectives clustered in terms of the type of services that •        To cluster the objectives as core functions, support
                    they relate to for a more logical and systematic presentation.                                              functions and strategic support functions.
                  • It is also important to ensure that there is a distinction between strategic objectives and        •        To clearly set out objectives and programmes.
                    programmes. Programmes should be designed in line with the strategic objectives e.g. the
                    objective 1 should be stimulating interest in MST within the society and exhibits should be one of
                    the programmes that will be used to attain that.

    Key                                                                                                                     •   To break down the KPIs over the 5 year period of the
            • The strategic plan should have the KPIs broken down over the five-year period. The current
Performance                                                                                                                     strategy. The first year targets will then form part of the
              strategy does not do that.
 Indicators                                                                                                                     2019/20 KPI.

The detailed changes to the Strategic Plan are contained in Part B of this report, albeit without reference to the position before the review process. At this stage, it will suffice to
highlight the major changes to the Strategic Plan, highlighting the position before the review and the reviewed aspect of the Strategic Plan.

8      Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part A: Strategic Plan Review Background


                                          VISION                                                                                 GOALS
    2019-2024 STRATEGIC PLAN VERSION                        REVISED VERSION                   KEY FOCUS AREA               CURRENT GOAL                REVISED SCI-BONO GOAL

To be a world-class Science and                                                                                                                    GOAL 1
Innovation Centre capacitated to assist in:
                                                                                             Science Technology      Build a competent society in Provide science education
                                                                                               and Innovation        the world of science         and technology enhanced
•   instilling a culture of science and technology,
•   acquiring science knowledge, skills and         •   A world class Science and
    attitudes;                                          Innovation Centre, building
•   applying this acquired science knowledge,           capacity in maths, science and                                                             GOAL 2
    skills and attitudes to develop and innovate        technology in South Africa
                                                                                                 Operational         Enhance operational              Enhance operational
    new products and services that uplift the
                                                                                                  Efficiency         efficiency and optimise          efficiency and optimise
    quality of life of all South Africans; and
                                                                                                                     agility of service delivery      agility of service delivery
•   using the innovated products and services to
    compete in the global world of science.
                                                                                                                                                   GOAL 3
                                                                                                  Financial          Improve and strengthen           Improve and strengthen
    2019-2024 STRATEGIC PLAN VERSION                        REVISED VERSION                       Viability          financial viability and          financial viability and risk
                                                                                                                     sustainability.                  management
It is the mission of Sci-Bono to assist
people in South Africa:
                                                                                                                                                   GOAL 4

•   by instilling a culture of science and                                                   Planning, Research,     Build strong research            Deliver relevant, research-
    technology by providing a unique platform                                                   Innovation and       and development (RandD)          based products and
                                                  •     Sci-Bono builds mathematics,             Development
    to explore and understand the world of                                                                           capacity                         services.
                                                        science and technology
                                                        capacity for South Africans
•   acquisition of science knowledge, skills and
                                                        through interactive exhibitions,
    attitudes;                                                                                                                                     GOAL 5
                                                        research, education
•   application of science knowledge, skills                                                 Planning, Research,
                                                        programmes and training.                Innovation and
    and attitudes to develop and innovate new                                                                        Improve organizational           Ensure organizational
    products and services that uplift the quality                                                Development         sustainability                   sustainability
    of life of all South Africans; and
•   using the innovated products and services to
    compete in the global world of science.                                                NB: The linking of goals to Key Focus Areas is a concept introduced in the revised
                                                                                           strategic plan.

                                                                                                                                         Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC               9
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan
1. VISION                                                                                       2. MISSION

Sci-Bono’s vision serves as a foundation for all policy development and planning,               Whereas Sci-Bono’s vision focuses on the preferred future, its mission statement seeks
including strategic planning. The below vision is Sci-Bono’s preferred future, which            to clearly define who Sci-Bono is currently, what it does, for whom and how it is done.
this strategic plan aims to achieve: “A world class Science Centre, building capacity in        The following is Sci-Bono’s mission:
maths, science, technology and related subjects in South Africa”
                                                                                                “Sci-Bono builds mathematics, science and technology capacity for South Africans
The vision statement refers to certain terms that should be understood and                      through interactive exhibitions, research, education programmes and training.”
measured within the timeframe of this plan. These terms are defined as follows:
                                                                                                This mission will be achieved by:
1.1.    World Class: Sci-Bono will rank amongst the best science and innovation
       centre in the world.                                                                     2.1.   creating opportunities for society including learners to acquire Science, Technology,
1.2.   Science Centre: Sci-Bono is an interactive, high-tech Science Centre for                        Reading and Writing, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STREAM) knowledge,
       Learners, Adults, Local and Foreign Tourists.                                                   skills and attitudes, apply this acquired knowledge and skills to produce innovative
1.3.   Building Capacity: this entails spurring interest in mathematics, science and                   products and services, and compete in the global world of STREAM.
       technology education and offering innovative, dynamic learning experiences
                                                                                                2.2.   instilling a culture of science and technology by providing a unique platform to
       that contribute to building South Africa’s science, engineering and technology
                                                                                                       explore and understand the world of science; acquisition of science knowledge,
                                                                                                       skills and attitudes; application of science knowledge, skills and attitudes to
                                                                                                       develop and innovate new products and services that uplift the quality of life of all
       This will be done through:
                                                                                                       South Africans; and
                                                                                                2.3.   supporting and enhancing the delivery of effective Mathematics, Science and
       1.3.1. instilling a culture of science and technology,
                                                                                                       Technology, Career Education Fields/Disciplines, and all subjects of the curriculum
       1.3.2. acquiring science knowledge, skills and attitudes;
                                                                                                       in general, as the need might arise, in the schools, improve awareness of, interest
       1.3.3. applying this acquired science knowledge, skills and attitudes to develop and
                                                                                                       in and engagement with all aspects of STREAM in the youth and the general public.
              innovate new products and services that uplift the quality of life of all South
              Africans; and
       1.3.4. using the innovated products and services to compete in the global world of       3. VALUES
                                                                                                The vision, mission and goals are tangible aspects of an organisation. However, the most
                                                                                                potent aspects of an organisation’s culture and operations are its intangibles, being
                                                                                                its values and principles. Values and principles have the powerful effect of mobilizing
                                                                                                everybody in the organisation to the successful implementation of the vision, mission and
                                                                                                goals. Sci-Bono’s values are: Accountability,Customer-centric, Transparency, Integrity,
                                                                                                Innovation and Intellectual diversity.

10     Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan

TABLE 3: LIVING THE SCI-BONO VALUES                                                        4. PRINCIPLES

     VALUE             VALUE                                                               In order to live its values Sci-Bono has adopted principles of South African (SA) public
                                               WHAT IT MEANS IN PRACTICE                   service contained in Section 195 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, Act
                                                                                           108 of 1996. Sci-Bono’s principles are:
                                        We take personal accountability for our
                                        actions and results.                               •   A high standard of professional ethics must be promoted and maintained,
                   We take              We focus on finding solutions and                  •   Efficient, economic and effective use of resources must be promoted,
  Accountability   responsibility for   achieving results. When we report, it is           •   Administration of Sci-Bono must be development-oriented,
                   our actions.         not for compliance purposes only; we give          •   Services of Sci-Bono must be provided impartially, fairly, equitably and without bias,
                                        meaningful and accurate information to all         •   Stakeholders’ needs must be responded to and encouraged to participate in training
                                        stakeholders.                                          and development programmes,
                                                                                           •   Transparency must be fostered by providing the public with timely, accessible and
                                     We focus on creating a positive experience
                                                                                               accurate information,
                                     for the customer by maximising service
                                                                                           •   Good human-resource management and career-development practices to maximise
    Customer-      We always put the and building relationships. We strive to
                                                                                               human potential must be cultivated,
     Centric       customer first    understand our customers and build products
                                                                                           •   Administration of Sci-Bono must be broadly representative of the South African
                                     and services around the needs of our
                                                                                               people, with employment and personnel management practices based on ability,
                                                                                               objectivity, fairness, and the need to redress the imbalances of the past to achieve
                                        We are committed to openness, accountability,          broad representation.
                   We are open in
  Transparency                          and honesty to build efficiency and gain
                   our dealings                                                            Coupled with the values above, these principles must drive each employee of Sci-Bono in
                                        stakeholder trust.
                                                                                           the next five years.
                   We say what we       We are committed to following our moral or
    Integrity      do and do what       ethical convictions and doing the right thing in   These principles are applied in accordance with legal and legislative requirements of the
                   we say               all circumstances                                  country.

                                        Sci-Bono values the introduction of new
                   We break new
   Innovation                           technologies that are designed to improve the
                                        livelihood of all South Africans.

                   We share our
                                        We are open and available to others, affirming
                                        of others; do not feel threatened that others
                                                                                                               The science of today is
                   knowledge to the
                   greater whole
                                        are able and good; for we have a proper self-
                                        assurance that comes with knowing that we
                                                                                                                Technology of tomorrow.
                                        belong in a greater whole.                                             Edward Teller

                                                                                                                                           Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC         11
Genius is two percent inspiration,
         ninety-eight percent perspiration.
         Thomas Edison

The mission, values and principles assist the organization to achieve its vision as illustrated in the below diagram.


                                                                                                  SCI-BONO VISION
                                                                                                  The vision is Sci-Bono’s preferred future, which
                                                                                                  the 2020-2014 Strategic Plan seeks to achieve.

                                                                                                  SCI-BONO MISSION
                                                                                                  The mission clearly defines who Sci-Bono is,
                                                                                                  what It does and how.

                                                                                                  SCI-BONO VALUES
                                                                                                  Sci-Bono’s values mobilise everyone to
                                                                                                  successfully implement the strategic plan.

                                                                                                  SCI-BONO PRINCIPLES
                                                                                                  Sci-Bono’s has adopted the principles of the
                                                                                                  South African Public Service.

12    Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan

5. LEGISLATIVE AND OTHER MANDATES                                                          5.2   Constitutional Mandates
                                                                                                 The Constitution mandates the government to provide compulsory basic education
5.1   Legal Status                                                                               to all learners. To fulfil this constitutional mandate, supporting legislation and
      Sci-Bono is a registered an Non-Profit Company (NPC) in terms of the Companies             policies have been drafted to facilitate the implementation thereof. The mandate of
      Act, 71 of 2008, with registration number 2004/010183/08. Sci-Bono is also                 GDE, which is Sci-Bono’s main stakeholder, flows directly from these constitutional
      registered as PBO in terms of the Income Tax Act, 58 of 1962 with PBO reference            provisions. It is therefore important the Sci-Bono, in its strategic planning, is alive
      number 930 014 449.                                                                        to the requirements of the Constitution in order to position itself to properly service
                                                                                                 its main stakeholder.
      The organisation is also registered with the Department of Social Development as
      an Non-Profit Organisation (NPO) in terms of the Non Profit Organisations Act, 71    5.3   Constitutional Mandates
      of 1997 with registration number 056-334-NPO. The purpose of registering as an             Sci-Bono was established to support the Gauteng Department of Education to
      NPO is to receive grants and donor funding from the government.                            fulfil its role in Gauteng. Sci-Bono was started as a partnership project of the
                                                                                                 Gauteng Department of Education and various private sector partners to support
      In light of these registrations, it is important that Sci-Bono’s strategy does not         maths, science and technology education and to help build South Africa’s science,
      contravene any requirement in terms of all the applicable compliance legislation.          engineering and technology capacity. Sci-Bono is responsible for implementing
                                                                                                 the Gauteng Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Strategy. The
      From Sci-Bono’s registration, it is important to note that its NPC Memorandum of           relationship between Sci-Bono and the GDE is regulated by a Memorandum of
      Incorporation provides the following as Sci-Bono’s objects:                                Understanding (“MOU”) signed in April 2015.
      •     to promote and improve Science Technology and Innovation, public
            awareness and interest in science and technology;                              5.4   Legislative Mandates
      •     to support and improve mathematics, science and technology education and             In developing the strategy of Sci-Bono it is important to firstly understand the relevant
            skills development; and                                                              policies and strategies of the national and provincial spheres of government, and
      •     to promote career interest in science, engineering and technology, primarily         then to frame the work of Sci-Bono in the context of the requirements of the GDE.
            in the Gauteng Province.

      It is therefore important to ensure that Sci-Bono’s strategic plan is in line with
      these objects as provided in its MOI.

                                                                                                                                             Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC            13
The following legislation and policies specifically inform the work and focus of Sci-Bono:


                               •   Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996             •    Integrated Stratgic Planning Framework
                               •   National Education Policy, 1996                                     for Teacher Development 2011 - 2025
                               •   The National Development Plan’s vision 2030                    •    South Africa Schools Act, 1996
                               •   Education Vision 2025                                          •    Department of Science and Innovation:
                               •   The Basic Education Sector Plan                                     Science Engagement Strategy

                               •   Gauteng Schools Education Act, 1995 as amended                 •    Gauteng Department of Education STREAM Strategy
                               •   Gauteng Education Policies as amended                          •    GDE Roadmap 2019 - 2024


                               •   The Companies Act, 2008                                        •    The Promotion or Acess to Information Act, 2000
                               •   The Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1995                   •    The Employment Equity Act, 1998
                               •   The Income Tax Act, 1962                                       •    King IV Code of Corporate Governance
                               •   The Labour Relations Act, 1995                                 •    The NGO Profit Act, 1997
                               •   The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997                   •    Other entity specific legislation and policies

The above-mentioned legislation and policies are not exhaustive and it is recognised that Sci-Bono must comply with all national and provincial legislation and regulations, and all
municipal by-laws, applicable to its functions or the area in which it operates.

14    Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan


6.1    Historical Background
       Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC was incorporated in 2004 as a partnership between the GDE and
       various private sector partners. The entity is a non-profit company funded mainly by the GDE. The
       NPO receives economic and logistical support from corporate donors and other partners: the public
       and private sectors, industry and the diplomatic community in South Africa. The Sci-Bono Discovery
       Centre, southern Africa’s largest science centre, is an affiliate of GDE. Sci-Bono supports Science,
       Technology, Mathematics and related subjects to help build South Africa’s Mathematics, Science,
       Engineering and Technology capacity. The Sci-Bono Discovery Centre offers visitors to engage with
       the NPO’s collection of interactive science and engineering activities.

       Sci-Bono is located in the historic Electric Workshop in the cultural precinct of Newtown,
       Johannesburg. Sci-Bono offers a range of Science and Technology events, activities and programmes
       for the general public and schools. Sci-Bono is one of the most popular leisure and educational
       destinations in Gauteng. As an affiliate of the GDE, Sci-Bono is involved in departmental educational
       programmes to improve teaching and learning in Mathematics, Science and Technology and the
       integration of digital technology and resources throughout Gauteng’s school system.

       In February, 2011, the GDE transferred responsibility for teacher training to the Matthew Goniwe
       School of Leadership and Governance for all subjects other than the MST cluster, which remains Sci-
       Bono’s responsibility. The two organisations have established a single system for planning, managing
       and reporting in order to avoid running a separate parallel teacher training systems in the Gauteng
6.2.   Sci-Bono Functional Areas

6.2.1. Core Functions
       The birth of Sci-Bono Discovery Centre has seen it evolve into an institution that caters for a lot more
       customers, providing them with a variety of services. The institution currently provides a variety of
       science related services, categorized into the following four categories:

       •   Science Education Centre
       •   Science Career Centre
       •   Exhibitory
       •   School Support.

       Sci-Bono has special ad-hoc projects from time to time necessitating either a project management
       office or specialized unit to be established, if necessary.

                                                                    Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC          15

       SCIENCE                             SCIENCE                                                                  SCHOOL
                                                                               EXHIBITORY                                                               SPECIAL PROJECTS
       EDUCATION CENTRE                    CAREER CENTRE                                                            SUPPORT
                                                                                     Exhibitions                         ICT Training                         Ad-hoc Special
            Programmes                           Counselling
                                                                                     and Exhibits                        and Development                      Projects

                                                 Youth                                                                   Learner                              Youth
            Outreach                                                                 Events
                                                 Development                                                             Support                              Development


                                                                                                                         Early Child

6.2.2. Science Education Centre Operations
        The Science Centre is responsible for programmes and events that take place at Sci-Bono or those which are generally considered as conventional science centre activities.
        There are two major categories of operation in the Science Centre, being Science Centre programmes and outreach projects. The following is a summary of the activities within
        the Science Education Centre in 2018/19.

              Common sense is that which judges the things given to
              it by other senses.
              Leonardo Da Vinci

16    Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan


                                                                        NUMBER OF     6.2.3. Science Careers Centre Activities
            CATEGORY                           ACTIVITY                                       The Science Careers Centre offers a range of professional
                                                                                              career development, career education, information and advisory
Science Awareness Programmes   Centre Visits                              80 081
                                                                                              programmes aimed at increasing the uptake of careers in science
                               Cave Art                                    3 820              and technology. The programmes are designed to enable learners
Holiday Programmes             The Space Invaders                          967                and out of school youth to transition from school to tertiary education
                                                                                              and work, particularly in the science and technology area. In 2018/19,
                               The Gadget Factory                          2 951              a total of 39 activities were delivered by the Science Careers Centre,
                               •   Early Childhood Development (ECD)                          benefitting 27 887 people.
                               •   National Water Week
Focus Weeks                                                                7 271      6.2.4. Science Careers Centre Activities
                               •   National Science Week
                               •   Transport Week                                             Exhibitory collection is universally recognised as the defining
                                                                                              feature of science centres. Sci-Bono has a collection of over 350
                               • World Water Day                                              interactive exhibits. During the 2018/19 period, Sci-Bono hosted
                               • International Day                                            the Lascaux International Exhibition- the world’s oldest rock art
                                 of Women and Girls                                           and travelling exhibition. A 7,6m climbing wall was also added in
                                 in Science                                                   February 2019. Sci-Bono also has three outdoor exhibitions, in
United Nations
                               • World Environment Day                     3 678              addition to the climbing wall, being an outdoor chess set, draughts and
nternational Days
                               • International Literacy Day                                   Morabaraba.
                               • World Food Day
                               • World Science Day                                    6.2.5. School Support
                               • World Disability Day                                         School support operations are mainly funded and undertaken at the
                                                                                              request of the GDE and involve supporting mainstream schooling and
Science Themed
                               Birthday Parties                             157               the various elements of the provincial education department. Since
Birthday Parties
                                                                                              2009, this area has grown to become the largest component of Sci-
                               Laboratories                               18 294              Bono’s operations and the greatest consumer of resources across the
                               Apprentice Doctor                            44                organisation. The following programmes were undertaken during the
Science Education
                                                                                              2018/19 period:
Programmes                     Electronics Club                             15
                               Rocketry Course                              22
                               Mental Maths                                2 387
Science Competitions
                               FLL Robotics                                344
Science Communication          Speak to a Scientist                         549
                               Rosebank Mall Exhibition                    120
                               Tembisa Science Centre Visit                 598
Community Outreach
                               Lecture by Dr Nhamo from the
                               University of Zimbabwe
                                                                                                                          Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC          17
The process of scientific
discovery is, in effect, a
continual flight from wonder.
Albert Einstein

18    Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan

TABLE 5: SCHOOL SUPPORT 2018/19 ACTIVITIES                                              6.4.   Governances
                                                                                               Non-Profit governance has a dual focus of achieving the organisation’s mission
                                                                                               and ensuring that the organisation of viable and sustainable. At Sci-Bono, both
                                                                      NUMBER OF
          CATEGORY                            ACTIVITY                                         responsibilities relate to the fiduciary responsibility that the Board has regarding
                                                                                               the authority over the explicit action the organisation takes. Public trust and
                                 Secondary School                                              accountability are an essential aspect of organisational sustainability, achieving the
                                                                         66 068                organisation’s objective and social mission in a way respected by its stakeholders
                                 Improvement Programme (SSIP)
                                                                                               and beneficiaries.
                                 Abaholi Saturday School
        Learner Support                                                                        The primary functions of governance are:
                                 Emasondosondo Mobile
                                                                         4 744
                                 Science Project                                               1.   Governance: direction, decision making, continuity, accountability, leadership
                                 ECIC Programme                           813                  2.   Management: Effectiveness, organisation, delivery

                                 •    Foundation Phase                                         The additional functions include:
      Teacher Training and       •    Intermediate Phase
                                                                         21 197
         Development             •    Senior Phase                                             1.   Outreach: trends, needs, expectations, challenges
                                 •    FET                                                      2.   Stewardship: ensuring vision is achieved and organisation evolves through
                           Youth Development Programme                    347                       innovation
 ICT Training, Support and                                                                     3.   Ambassadorial: promotion, networking and representation
       Development         Learner Programmes                                                  4.   Operational Structure and Operations: ensure accountability, responsibility,
                                                                         4 542
                           (Clubhouse and Solar La)                                                 policy implementation, effectiveness, efficiencies, financial
6.3      Sci-Bono Support Functions
                                                                                               5.   Self-reflection and assessment: internal reviews and evaluations, trust
         In addition to the Core services as described above, Sci-Bono has a range of
         support services comprising of the following:


          FINANCE                                                COMMUNICATIONS
                                                                   and EVENTS
•      Financial
                             •       Human Resources
                                     Management              •   Marketing and
•      Risk Management
                             •       Facilities Management       Communications
•      Payroll
                                                             •   Events
•      Supply Chain

                                                                                                                                         Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC           19
6.4.1. Sci-Bono’s Governance Framework

      Sci-Bono’s current organisational governance framework structure is illustrated below:


                                                                        OF INCORPORATION
                                                                        Filed with Registrar
                                                                        of Companies

                                                                   Appoint / Dismiss

                                                                                                                                      Appoint Financial
                             Appoint / Remove                                                                                         Audit
                                                           SCI-BONO                                           BOARD OF
                             Co Sec                       BOARD OF                                           COMMITTEES
                                 • Advice
                                 • Nominations                       • Appoint
                                                                                                                      Appointment /
                                 • Guidance                          • Remove
                                 • Minutes          Report
                                                                     • Supervision
                                                                                                                      Dismissal              AUDITOR
                                 • Training

                                 Admin Report
                                                                        CHIEF EXECUTIVE            Collaborate /
                                                                        OFFICER                    Report
                                                                                                                      Evaluation / Advice
                                                    Manage           Report

                                                                                                              INTERNAL                       EXTERNAL
                                                                                                             AUDIT OFFICE                   SPECIALISTS

                      SOURCE: Equilibrium 2020

20   Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan
6.4.2. Sci-Bono Board of Directors

      The Board and its various committees is illustrated in the below diagram:


                                                                         Oversees financial risk,
                                                                       internal and external audit

                                                                            AUDIT & RISK

                                     RAPID INSTITUTION                                                  PROCUREMENT
                                     & SUSTAINABILITY                                                    COMMITTEE
                                                                                                        Oversees Sci-Bono
                                                                                                      procurement processes
                               Tasked with evaluating viable                 BOARD OF
                                 options for Sci-Bono and
                                organisational repositioning

                                     SOCIAL & ETHICS                                                      FINANCE,
                                       COMMITTEE                                                         BUSINESS &
                                                                                                        HR COMMITTEE
                                  Oversees organisational
                                ethics, corporate citizenship                                        Responsible for financial,
                                      and sustainable                                                 human resources and
                                        development                                                    industrial relations
                                                                                                       management, asset
                                                                                                     management, policy, legal
                                                                                                     matters and compliance

                                                                                                                             Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC    21
The application of good governance principles must be visible in the values of the             Sci-Bono’s biggest client is Gauteng Department of Education (Learners and Teachers
organisation and in the way the organisation utilises its resources. Strong, active and        included). A bulk of its resource is centred on. Future changes have a potential to allow for
committed governing bodies at Sci-Bono will ensure that there is financial viability,          Sci-bono to specialise its offering and extend it to other potential clients. This is possible
sustainability and accountability to internal and external stakeholders. These bodies must     through refinement and development of specific capabilities that allow for scale, economies
further ensure that they protect Sci-Bono from losing its focus and protect the values and     of scope and innovative solutions to learners and teachers.
resources for long-term sustainability.
                                                                                               6.6.   Achievements
6.5.   Sci-Bono Core Services and Beneficiaries                                                       Over the years of its existence, Sci-Bono has been able to achieve a number of goals
       Sci-Bono offers a variety of services to its stakeholders as illustrated in the below          towards meeting its mandate as an MST custodian and an organisation that supports
       table.                                                                                         Gauteng Provincial Education curriculum.

TABLE 6: SCI-BONO BENEFICIARIES AND SERVICES                                                          The following have been identified as Sci-Bono’s achievements since inception:

               BENEFICIARY                                     SERVICES                               •   Rolled out the ICT Strategy in schools to enable digital technology and integrate
                                  PRIMARY BENEFICIARIES                                                   ICT as a core resource for teaching and learning;
                                                                                                      •   Implemented the 2010 GDE MST Strategy;
                                              Teacher Training Material Development
                                                                                                      •   Offering of accredited ICT training to teachers;
                    Teachers                  Access to MST Laboratories
                                                                                                      •   Achieved the 5-Star TripAdvisor status;
                                              Coaching and Mentoring on MST
                                                                                                      •   Offering supplementary tuition to learners in priority schools through GDE’s
                                              Curriculum Support                                          Secondary School
                                              ICT Training                                            •   Improvement Programme (SSIP) – involving over 62 000 Grade 12 learners in 235
                School Learners
                                              Practical Science Experience                                priority schools;
                                              Career Development Support                              •   Distributed resources for Grades 10 and 11 classes;
                                                                                                      •   Provided support to Grade 8 and 9 Mathematics in 206 priority schools by
                                              Career Development Support
                                                                                                          providing digital resources for lessons each week;
               Post School Youth              ICT Training
                                                                                                      •   Provided supplementary material from various donors in an outreach programme;
                                              Placement Opportunities
                                              Specific project and programme                          •   Conducted teacher training in MST.
        Gauteng Department of Education
                                                                                               6.7.   Performance Environment
           GDE Education Specialists          Material Development Training
                                                                                                      Sci-Bono’s performance environment consists of an interconnected set of dynamics
                                              MST interactive exhibitions MST                         that impact on the internal work environment in the organisation, affect organisational
                 General Public
                                              Capacity Building                                       performance, operations, resources and the implementation of this strategic plan.
                           SECONDARY BENEFICIARIES/CLIENTS                                            The following are some of the most important factors impacting on this strategic
                    Tenants                   Rental space
              Conferencing Clients            Conference facilities
                   Corporates                 Delivery of specific CSI projects
                      NPOs                    Professional support

22     Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan

6.7.1. In its strategic plan, Sci-Bono should be geared to address the poor state of          The strategy outlines 4 objectives:
        MST education in South Africa. In particular, the number of matric learners
        who wrote mathematics declined from 270516 in 2018 to 222034 in 2019,                 Objective 1: To improve MST teaching.
        an 18% drop. Only 54% of learners who wrote the exam passed. This pass                Objective 2: To improve the provision of MST resources.
        rate is down from 58% in 2018. Of all the maths candidates, only 2% (4415)            Objective 3: To provide learning in MST.
        achieved distinctions - down from 2.5% in 2018.                                       Objective 4: To improve the management of MST.

       It is clear from the above that Sci-Bono should devise ways in which                   Since its adoption as provincial policy, the MST Strategy has evolved to
       educational technology can be used to support innovative forms of teaching             include the Senior Secondary Improvement Programme (SSIP) which has
       and learning mathematics. The Gauteng Department of Education has                      become Sci-Bono’s flagship project. The MST Strategy will remain the
       responded to this need has been through the adoption of the Gauteng                    primary responsibility of Sci-Bono and funding from GDE will largely be for
       Mathematics, Science and Technology Education Improvement Strategy                     projects that are part of the MST Strategy an SSIP.
       (MST Strategy) in 2010. The MST Strategy seeks to address a cluster of MST
       subjects and learning areas. Included in the scope of the strategy are the      6.7.2. South Africa has a generally low level of technological literacy and interest
       following areas:                                                                        in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET).
                                                                                               The improvement of the general public’s engagement with and interest in
       • Numeracy, Mathematics and Mathematical Literacy                                       science and technology is a goal of government and the responsibility of
       • Natural Science and Life Science                                                      the Department of Science and Technology. There are many private and
       • Technology: General technology (GET); Civil, Electrical, Mechanical 		                public sector organisations Since opening in 2004, Sci-Bono has increased
         Technology and Engineering and Graphic Design (FET)                                   its visibility and public support base substantially. Sci-Bono’s role as a
       • Information and Communications Technology; Computer Applications                      promoter of public engagement with SET can never be over-emphasised.
       • MST Teacher development and liaison with Higher Education in allied           6.7.3. Macro Environment
         areas                                                                                The macro-environment refers to the wider economic and societal
                                                                                              factors impacting upon Sci-Bono. It therefore ranges from the immediate
                                                                                              education constituency in Gauteng to the entire South Africa and ultimately
                                                                                              international and global forces impacting on Sci-Bono’s operations.

                                                                                                                                Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC          23
Sci-Bono’s competitive environment is discussed below.

                                    TABLE 7: SUMMARY OF THE MACRO ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS

                                                                                                 IMPLICATIONS FOR
                                         FACTORS                   ISSUE

                                                                                   Sci-Bono is dependent on the vision, priorities
                                                         Basic Department of
                                                                                   and policies of the incumbent Minister of Basic
                                                                                   Education and Gauteng MEC

                                                         Alignment to Government   Strategic alignment to government policy on
                                                         Policy                    education, training and development

                                                                                   Change in personnel at
                                                         Political Mandates        provincial government and GDE is a threat to
                                                                                   It is a priority for Sci-Bono
                                                         Job Creation              to prepare the youth for
                                                                                   careers in ICT.

                                                                                   Any reduction in government spending on
                                                                                   education will affect Sci-Bono, and therefore
                                                                                   contingency planning is critical to the long-
Equipped with his five senses,                                                     term future of the organisation

man explores the universe                Economic

around him and calls the                                                           There is a real possibility that South Africa and

adventure science..                                                                the entire world will be faced with an economic
                                                                                   crisis, particularly in light of the outbreak
                                                         Economic Recession        of the Coronavirus. This will impact on the
Edwin Powell Hubble
                                                                                   operations of Sci-Bono, affecting gate takings
                                                                                   and the ability to access funding from private

24   Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan


         FACTORS                           ISSUE                                                          IMPLICATIONS FOR SCI-BONO

                                                              Lack of access to technology equipment in previously disadvantaged communities will affect Sci-Bono’s ability to
                             Technological Equipment
                                                              effectively implement its strategy
                                                              The high rate of crime impacts on Sci-Bono’s activities, particularly the theft of technological equipment in schools
                                                              which has been rampant

                                                              • To be efficient, Sci-Bono needs a comprehensive end to end ICT system
                             IT Systems                       • Electronic systems, including an online booking system

                                                              •   To follow and abide with code of conduct
                             Code of Conducts
                                                              •   Ethical practices and anticorruption
                             Ethical Practices
          Ethical                                             •   Accepted accounting, management and marketing standards
                                                              •   Attitude towards work and accountability
                             Attitude and accountability
                                                              •   Ethical employment, management and leadership

                                                              •   Compliance with national and provincial legislation
                             Compliance with                  •   Corporate Governance e.g. Companies Act, King IV
                             Legislation                      •   Financial e.g. IFRS, Income Tax Act, etc
                                                              •   Personnel Administration Measures

                                                              • The GDE Memorandum of Incorporation
                             Various Agreements               • Memorandum of Understanding with the GDE
                                                              • Supplier Agreements

                             Judgments                        Judgments might have an impact on the policies affecting Sci-Bono

6.7.4 The Micro Environment
      The internal environment consists of Sci-Bono’s organisational structure which is informed by the strategy, the organisational culture of efficient execution and professional work
      ethic, the systems of Project Management, Financial Management and Administration, Corporate Services Supply Chain Management and Information Technology. The strategic
      objectives and organisational plans, policies, procedures, rules and informal practices are all included in the internal environment.

     Sci-Bono’s self-assessment of its current position is described by the SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) Analysis.

                                                                                                                                               Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC         25

                     STRENGTHS                                       WEAKNESSES
•    Relationships with and support from GDE       •   Need for significant public and private funding
•    MST funding prioritisation by corporates      •   Huge maintenance and operational costs
•    Accredited training institution                   budget
•    Management expertise and knowledge            •   Perception that by funding Sci-Bono, funders
•    Perceived national flagship status as both        will be funding government
     the leading national science centre and an    •   Lack of monitoring and evaluate impact of
     important NGO in MST education                    programmes
•    Status as vehicle for funders to access the   •   Lack of integrated planning in the
     school system directly                            organisation
•    Wide visibility and strong brand
•    Strong networks
•    Capacity to generate own income

                 OPPORTUNITIES                                         THREATS

•    Establish partnerships and alliances          •   Insufficient funding
•    Marketing and branding                        •   Change in political administration
•    Funding and donor partners                    •   Budget draw-down structure
•    Leverage relationships                        •   Sustainability and existence
•    Enabling legislation                          •   Legislation
•    Research partners                             •   Over reliance on one source of funding
•    Facilitation model

26   Strategic report 2020 - 2024
Part B: Reviewed Strategic Plan

6.8. Stakeholder Analysis Informing the Strategic Plan                                                Strategic partners
     In fulfiling its strategic intent, it will be critical for Sci-Bono to effectively manage                                 •   Creation of enhanced, clear competitive advantage.
     stakeholder relations and collaborative partnerships. These must address both               •   Funders                   •   Development of strategic capabilities.
     stakeholders identified in terms of the Sci-Bono mandate, and others that may               •   Research organisations    •   Clean and fair competition.
     influence the achievement of the organisation’s vision and mission; and must include        •   Mgslg
     an enhanced focus on stakeholder needs and competitor intelligence.
                                                                                                                               •   Payment of service providers on time.
     With the above consideration in mind, Sci-Bono places its stakeholders at the apex                                        •   Negotiate SLA with performance requirements
     of its strategic thinking and resultant planning; and stakeholder priorities are a                                        •   Efficient supply chain processes – fair, transparent
     critical consideration in the development of this Strategic Plan.                                                             and fast.
                                                                                                                               •   Focus on regional suppliers/ contractors.
The following table reflects key stakeholder considerations: The following table reflects                                      •   Strengthen enterprise development focus and
key stakeholder considerations:                                                                                                    support.
                                                                                                                               •   Improve contract negotiation, management and
TABLE 9: SCI-BONO STAKEHOLDERS                                                                                                 •   Consistency in application of standards.
                                                                                                                               •   Empowerment through 4IR education.
                                      KEY PROJECTS / PROGRAMMES REQUIRED TO                             Communities            •   Job creation and opportunities for enterprise
     KEY STAKEHOLDER                                                                                                               development.
                                               MEET THE EXPECTATIONS
                                             OF THE STAKEHOLDER GROUP                                                          •   Enhanced communication.
                                                                                                                               •   Advertising – print and electronic.
                                  •    Achieve goals and objectives and create
     Sci-Bono beneficiaries            meaningful impact.                                                                INTERNAL STAKEHOLDER GROUPINGS
                                  •    Socio-economic benefits realized, e.g. alleviation
•    Teachers                          of poverty and unemployment through education.                                          •   Execute the Sci-Bono mandate.
•    Learners                     •    Proactively package and communicate services of                                         •   Sound and defensible performance reporting.
•    Youth                             Sci-Bono to reach a wider audience.                             Sci-Bono board          •   Sound corporate governance.
                                  •    Close skills gap.                                                                       •   Enhance collaboration in delivery of the strategic
                                  •    Empower beneficiaries.                                                                      plan.

                                                                                                                               •   Involvement and consultation on all matters
                                  •    Awareness of national and provincial programmes                                             affecting labour.
                                       and linkages to Sci-Bono.                                                               •   Implementation of HR policies and procedures.
    Spheres of government
                                  •    Meaningful participation in relevant fora.                      Employees and           •   Investigate and re-align the structure in line with
                                  •    Alignment of programmes to policies and                            employee                 the strategy.
•    National
                                       strategies, particularly of the GDE.                            representatives         •   Streamline various administration processes.
•    Provincial
                                  •    Participate in broader planning structures and                                          •   Good conditions of employment.
                                       champion Sci-Bono agenda.                                                               •   Employee personal growth.
                                                                                                                               •   A challenging and dynamic working environment.

                                                                                                                                              Sci-Bono Discovery Centre NPC             27
6.9. Organisational Structure
                            A key principle of organization design is that structure follows strategy. The following is the current Sci-Bono organizational structure as reported in the 2018/2019
                            Annual Report. A proposed draft functional structure aimed at capacitating the organization to provide effective strategies and operational service, in an integrated
                            manner is contained in Annexure C.


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           School Support

                                                                                                               SENIOR MANAGER:                                                                                                                                                             SENIOR MANAGER:                                                                                                                             SENIOR MANAGER:
                                                                                                                 Learner Support                                                                                                                                                                 PMO                                                                                                                                    Teacher Development
       Communication and Events

 MANAGER:                        MANAGER:                                          MANAGER:                                                                              MANAGER:                                                                                            MANAGER:                                                  MANAGER:                                                                MANAGER:                                               MANAGER:                                                            MANAGER:
Communications                     Events                                            SSIP                                                                               School Outreach                                                                                         ICT                                                      PMO                                                                     FET                                                    GET                                                                Outreach

                                    SENIOR                               SENIOR                                     SENIOR                                                   SENIOR                                                                                                                                                                                                             SENIOR         SENIOR                 SENIOR           SENIOR         SENIOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OFFICER                              OFFICER                            OFFICER                           SENIOR                                                                                                                           OFFICER:                          SENIOR                            SENIOR
                                    OFFICER:                             OFFICER:                                   OFFICER:                                                 OFFICER:                                                                                                                                                                                                           OFFICER:       OFFICER:              OFFICER:         OFFICER:        OFFICER:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     x3                                   x3                                                                OFFICER                                                                                                                             GET                            OFFICER                           OFFICER
                                      SSIP                                 SSIP                                      Outreach                                                 Outreach                                                                                                                                                                                                            SSIP         FET Maths             FET Science      GET Sciences    GET Maths
                                     OFFICERS: SSIP

                                                      OFFICERS: SSIP

                                                                         OFFICERS: SSIP

                                                                                            OFFICERS: SSIP





                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                TRAINERS x6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       TRAINERS x6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TRAINERS x6

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          TRAINERS x6











                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                OFFICER x2







                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  OUTREACH SCIENCE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ADMINISTRATOR x13
                                  ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                      ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                                         ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                                                            ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ADMINISTRATOR x2









 28       Strategic report 2020 - 2024
                          ADMINISTRATOR x3            LAB TECH x3



                                                                                                                     Science Centre
                                                      LAB TECH x3

                                                                                                                  SENIOR MANAGER:


                         COMMUNICATORS x32

                                                      LAB TECH x3

                             CASHIER x2            OFFICER STORES

                                                    TECHNICIAN x2

                            TECHNICIANS x4
                                                                                                                                                                          AUDIT and RISK

                                                    TECHNICIAN x2


                                                      OFFICER x2
                                                                                                                  SENIOR MANAGER:

                                                                                    Exhibits, Design &

                                                      OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                          Science Centre

                                                      OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                                                                                              BOARD CHAIRPERSON

                                                                                      Career Education

                                                      OFFICER x2

                                                                                                                     Career Centre

                                                      OFFICER x2
                                                                                                                  SENIOR MANAGER:


                                                      OFFICER x2

                                                   PAYROLL OFFICER

                              CLERK x2

                                                                                                                  SENIOR MANAGER:

                              CLERK x2
                                                                                                                                                                          SOCIAL and ETHICS

                                                     RISK OFFICER


                          ADMINISTRATOR x2
                                                                                                                   Supply Chain

                          ADMINISTRATOR x2
                                                                                                                SENIOR MANAGER:

                                                                                    Demand and


                                                 OFFICER: HR BUSINESS
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                 OFFICER: HR BUSINESS
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                 OFFICER: HR BUSINESS
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2
                                                                                                                       SENIOR MANAGER:


                                                 HR LABOUR RELATIONS
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                   HR SSIP PROJECT
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2             OFFICER

                                                   HR SSIP PROJECT
                          ADMINISTRATOR x2

                                                                                                                                          Corporate Service

                                  x3             ELECTRICIAN/PLUMBER

                                                  FACILITIES OFFICER:
                              FACILITIES         TECHNICAL BUILDING
                            ADMINISTRATOR       MAINTAINANCE and FLEET


                                  x6             EVENTS and PROPERTY

                         CLEANING and HYGIENE
                                                                                                                        SENIOR MANAGER:


                                                RISK and SAFETY OFFICER
                                                                                     Safety and Risk




                         IT SUPPORT HELPDESK      SYSTEM/NETWORK

                           ADMINISTRATION X2         OFFICERS x2

                         MAINTENANCE ADMIN       ASSET MAINTANANCE

                                  x2                 OFFICER x2

                                                    PA TO THE CEO
                                                                                      Monitoring, Evaluation,
                                                                                     OFFICE MANAGER:

                                                                                    Research and Development


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