Investment management insights - December 2020 - With us, it's personal
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Contents Introduction 3 Environment, Social, Governance (ESG) 4 Industry dynamics 16 Page 2 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Introduction Eugene Botha | Deputy Chief Investment Officer COVID-19 brought on 2020’s financial crisis, which was We take investments and the an unforeseen risk that played out and changed our world. outcomes for our clients very It hampered productivity, decimated living standards and personally. That’s why we believe transformed the way we communicate and interact. in personal relationships and partnerships with asset consultants and financial advisers, Despite the wreckage from a philanthropic perspective, it because we know nobody knows clients and their needs forced introspection on multiple levels, to think about our better than our partners. purpose, interactions within our communities and our effect on the planet. Investors and businesses took a step back to In this publication of Insights, in the article titled re-assess practices and conduct, to re-think strategies not ‘Environment, Social, Governance (ESG): Everyone Should only for survival but also to thrive. Get it!’, we explain ESG, its benefits and the variety of approaches used to incorporate it into investment More and more business communities have come to processes. We showcase our ESG team and discuss our realise the importance of integrating environment, social responsible investment practices in the various capabilities and governance (ESG) factors into their philosophies and investment propositions. and processes, and the compounded financial benefits brought about when mitigating risks for all stakeholders The second part of our publication highlights changes in of a business. We are proud in saying that this has the human capital aspect of the investment landscape, also been and always will be at the core of our investment taking a moment to remember all those in our industry who philosophy. Responsible investment practices resonate have passed away. with our outcome-based investing philosophy and 2020 has been a tumultuous year and we would like to take with the alignment of our clients’ long-term goals to this opportunity to wish you and your families health, safety positively influence the world they will retire to – a definite and joy over the coming festive season. requirement for a retirement fund solution focused on the future. We focus on all of this because it is important to Take care our investors, and what is important to our investors is important to us – with us, it’s personal. Page 3 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Environment, Social, Governance (ESG): Everyone Should Get it! Tatjana Raunich | Manager research analyst Environment, social and governance (ESG) factors have importance of the role of government and businesses been topical in South Africa in the past few years and in shaping futures of countries. Even before COVID-19, continues to gain more traction, as related risks become there has been a growing awareness from clients about more poignant among our investment community. the effect of their investment decisions and their power to shape their future, by choosing investment professionals ESG is the acronym associated with responsible investing. whose conduct and investment approach best represent It describes the elements of custodianship that is already their personal values through which investment decisions an implicit expectation by our clients and our investment are made. Clients and investment professionals do not community. It captures the ripple effect that an investment only seek financial wellness – they want to have a hand in decision has on our world in terms of our environment, sculpting the investment landscape. society and governance. As Katherine Collins, head of sustainable investing at Putnam Investments, puts it: Whether business stakeholders embrace ESG or not, it “In making an investment decision, you get to shape the is the direction in which the collective world is moving. world you live in, it is a vote for the world you want to see”. Responsible investing practices affect the sustainability of their business, as clients and investment professionals play We affect our world, touch our environment, our a greater role in choosing which industries and businesses communities as well as our ethics and principles through survive…. Everyone Should Get it! the way we invest. COVID-19 has heightened the ESG works! There is a significant number of studies that point to the There is a greater focus on ESG by investors, indicating positive contribution of sustainable investing to financial the increasing importance of the role of ESG in investor performance. Deutsche Asset and Wealth Management in decisions. The Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets the company’s white paper (ESG and Corporate Financial Report ESG Survey outlines the key survey findings from Performance: Mapping the Global Landscape: 2015), 150 real asset investors responsible for managing more than through its research in conjunction with the University $US20 trillion of investments globally (at 30 November 2019). of Hamburg, examined ESG and corporate financial The responses from 150 global investors show their focus on performance (CFP) across more than 2 000 academic ESG has been growing and intensifying. 58% of investors have studies published since 1970. The study led to a number of increased their ESG focus during the past five years, and 91% notable findings, one of which is that 62.6% of meta-studies expect it to increase further in the next five years. (that use meta-analysis to aggregate findings of studies econometrically) yield positive findings in terms of the ESG-CFP relationship and only 10% of the studies display a negative relationship. 91% 9% More focus on ESG No change Source: Macquarie Page 4 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
E stands for the environmental factor • This refers to physical risks, such as droughts, flooding • Transforming economies to reduce their carbon or pollution, which can result in material financial footprint and to focus on climate risks through losses for businesses in sectors such as agriculture, structural change can lead to innovation, employment, mining, healthcare and fisheries; through crop failure, new industries and growth in the longer term. In the infrastructural damage, epidemics and destruction shorter term, unintended consequences in transitioning of ecosystems. The negative financial effects are not to low-carbon-footprint economies could be severe. only seen on devaluation of physical assets but also The consequences such as displaced workers could through increasing operational costs resulting from be significant, as labour skills are not homogenous indirect effects, such as disruption of supply chains that and displaced workers cannot easily shift to different cause input costs to rise, as well as costs to businesses sectors. The ‘Just Transition’ addresses this: through regulation where businesses that are seen to • Just Transition is ancillary to the Paris Agreement, damage the environment are taxed. Companies that are set up by the Principles for Responsible Investment not evolving their processes to account for these risks (PRI) in partnership with various other institutions, can be become competitively disadvantaged. whose purpose is to connect action on climate change • Increasing greenhouse gas emissions into our with inclusive development pathways, as countries atmosphere is one of the main causes of climate transform their economies to reduce their carbon change, which result in an increase (in frequency and footprint through structural change. Certain processes severity) of phenomena such as hurricanes, droughts, and industries may become obsolete and workers floods and tsunamis. Influential international societies redundant, and communities could be displaced from and organisations such as the Organisation for their locations where sea levels have risen. Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Just Transition gives guidance on judicious and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change redeployment of resources. (IPCC), as well as the American Meteorological Society (AMS), all have climate change featuring on their agendas making it very topical in the ESG space. Page 6 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
S stands for the social factor • This refers to risks that will affect the company in terms In South Africa, this is legislated through a Black of its relationship between communities or institutions Economic Empowerment (BEE) integration programme, outside the business and people or institutions inside and this legislation functions in conjunction with the business. Responsible investing involves identifying various other forms of legislation, including the and minimising risks that social factors will have on Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act the financial performance of a company. Bad labour and Preferential Procurement Framework. It serves practices, such as unfair dismissal and wage disputes, to redress imbalances created in the past, to enable can sour relations between company management and previously disadvantaged people to participate employees, which can lead to strikes, protests or just meaningfully in the economy and make sure the unhappy employees. This disrupts business operations economy is representative of the country’s racial and and productivity, negatively affecting a company’s other demographics. Companies are rated by score profitability. Occupational health and safety within cards, which incorporate principles set out by the the workplace affect productivity, and companies Codes of good practice of Broad-Based Black Economic that engage in efforts to promote health and safety Empowerment (B-BBEE). Ratings are disclosed on ultimately improve financial performance. BEE certificates, which are used in compliance with Reputational risk – behaviour or actions by a company regulations on government spending. Businesses with that negatively influence the way in which it is good B-BBEE ratings stand a better chance of accessing perceived by stakeholders – could reduce demand or business opportunities in South Africa. disrupt supply for its product or service, thereby hurting • Geopolitics is a social risk, where political tension financial performance. This usually results from unfair between countries can hurt trade relations, which lead treatment of clients, suppliers or employees. to reduced demand for products and services and • Business behaviour affects communities from a social disruption of supply chains. inclusionary perspective. Social inclusion empowers poor and marginalised people, so they are able to participate in opportunities available in society. Page 7 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
G stands for the governance factor • This refers to corporate governance, the purpose the election and removal of directors, decisions of which is to facilitate prudent management of on remuneration policies, material acquisitions or a company, leading to long-term success. It is disposals of assets and other matters of a material implemented by the adherence to principles that guide nature. Investment managers will vote against directors in the way in which they control and manage excessive remuneration packages, which do not align their organisations. Companies need to be transparent to performance objectives, against the appointment of on how they implement governance principles, which directors, which are not seen as independent, as well as allows stakeholders to be aware of and understand against irresponsible capital expenditure decisions. management actions, empowering the stakeholder to • The practice of good corporate governance guides hold company management accountable for business decisions to be in the best interest of their actions. stakeholders and not exclusively to the benefit of • Active ownership refers to an investment manager’s company management. Good corporate governance responsibility of holding company management leads to wise capital expenditure decisions and cost accountable for their actions and decisions through control – all positive factors for company earnings. shareholder activism. Shareholder activism is where It is therefore important for investment managers shareholders, as partial owners of companies, influence to monitor risks of non-compliance by companies corporate behaviour by exercising their rights. This can to corporate governance principles, which affect the include voting on shareholder resolutions, litigation, and financial performance and profitability of a company. engagement with management. • Investment managers will vote on their clients’ behalf, which is known as proxy voting. Voting takes place in shareholder meetings, which typically involve Page 8 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Investment managers do it all the time Investment managers implement ESG using various approaches (or a combination of these): For the most part, investment managers have been practicing responsible investing in some shape or form • Exclusionary approach: Where companies that involve for a while. ESG methodology organises risks between the controversial practices or manufacture controversial three factors, alongside financial risks. Governance covers products are excluded from portfolios at the outset. important risks inherent in corporate conduct, which were These companies are typically tobacco companies, formally identified and addressed by codes of conduct, companies that produce or trade in controversial such as the King Report, which was published in 1994, and weaponry, or companies involved in gambling or in the the Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (Crisa), pornography industry. which came into effect in 2012. Over time, investment • Collaborative approach: It’s not just what you do, it’s also managers have been incorporating governance risks into how you do it. Collaboration is executed through corporate their investment processes. engagement, where the investment manager strives to Environmental and social risks have received less attention improve company behaviour in terms of ESG, which will in the past. However, with the passing of time, symptoms ultimately affect shareholder value. Investment managers of neglect have led to a greater focus on environmental and will use active ownership – their ownership position of social risks by the investment community. shares or bonds – to encourage positive change through The Marikana massacre, which followed the breakdown in discussions and voting. When companies are made to wage negotiations between company management, miners understand that it is to their benefit to improve ESG, which and labour unions, was an example of how relationships reduces risk or positively affects profitability, engagement between stakeholders can go fatally wrong. Another example becomes easier. is the three-year-drought-induced municipal water crises in • SA has a relatively small investment universe of Cape Town, which caused water costs to rise and carries the investment opportunities, be it the listed equity additional risk of affecting public health negatively. universe or credit space. SA investment managers do The ESG approach to responsible investing qualifies risks not have the luxury of choice and therefore it is not related to ESG factors and guides the implementation of risk always easy to simply exclude a share like mitigating approaches in the investment process. British American Tobacco (BTI), which has generated Formally incorporating ESG into the investment process stable returns for shareholders in the long term and is makes sure of the improvement and continuity of considered to have rand-hedge qualities. Exclusion can responsible investing through time and assists in making the be seen as an opportunity cost from a fundamental reporting of ESG systematic and repeatable. Comprehensive research and portfolio construction perspective. ESG reporting enhances transparency, which enables more ESG can therefore rather be applied on a relative basis, efficient and effective decision making by investors. where investment managers consider ESG scores relative to their sector and relative to the company’s How ESG plays into the investment process own historical score. BTI has meaningfully improved its overall ESG score, according to some investment The conduct of businesses affects the environment and managers, and the company’s investment in communities, which in turn influences the sustainability new-generation products is seen to have reduced of their business, the way in which they are perceived and, social risk. This is where engagement plays a very ultimately, their profitability. Investment professionals important role, because it assists in the improvement choose to adopt ESG principles as guidelines to make of responsible investment practices by the underlying sure their business conduct leads to more sustainable and companies and the measurement and monitoring of responsibly managed investments. This also implies the need those practices. for the investment manager to understand the exposure of companies (underlying portfolios) to ESG risks through the • Sasol is a dominant player in SA’s energy sector, but, incorporation of ESG into their investment process. besides being a culprit of high greenhouse gas emissions, it is also regarded as having poor governance by ESG investment principles, which, when adopted and allowing the Lake Charles Chemical Project to run over integrated, should lead to a more a holistic approach to the budget (the cause of this being attributed to ineffective way in which underlying investments are evaluated and leadership). Investment managers that see potential chosen, while also being financially viable and generating in this company have engaged with management on positive returns for investors. governance issues and this led to a change in leadership Page 9 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
and the replacement of the joint CEOs, in addition to confirms intentions for additional energy to be procured the changes that were made to general management. from diverse sources, such as solar power, wind and An environmental risk that will detract from future gas. The above supports the government’s Integrated shareholder value is carbon taxes that could be Resource Plan released in 2019 (which updates the levied due to high carbon emission levels, and Sasol national energy forecast and provides a roadmap for is in the process of addressing this risk plans that are our energy sector for the next decade). being instituted result mainly from engagement by • The investment industry is moving towards integrating investment managers in collaboration with stakeholders. sustainability into investments through impact investing. Where investment managers see that steps are being implemented to reduce the risk of carbon taxes, in • Impact investing is more predisposed to funding from combination with other risks, and where valuations still private equity investors. This is because of the nature hold, then investment managers will still be willing to of private equity, characterised by direct funding of invest in Sasol from an ESG perspective. long-term projects with the ability to draw on needed specialist knowledge. Our Portfolio Solutions capability • Positive screening approach: This is the converse of has exposure to private equity funds, continually finding the exclusionary approach. The investment manager ways of incorporating impact investing into their establishes a set of criteria to identify companies that multi-strategy portfolios. integrate responsible practice into their management and operations measured by ESG factors, for inclusion • Integrative approach: ESG can be integrated across all into portfolios. asset classes by incorporating it into valuation models or portfolio construction: • Impact investing approach: This is where investments are made into businesses whose purpose and • The investment manager can use a set of criteria, objectives lead to a positive effect on the environment qualitative and quantitative, to score companies and communities. These types of businesses have individually in terms of ESG risks. Quantitative and a direct and measurable effect on society and the qualitative risks can be determined for each company environment and are directly involved in themes that by scoring them on the individual components of target sustainability, including renewable energy and ESG, commonly using ESG score cards. student accommodation. These investments also need • Third-party service providers can also be used to be financially viable. for ESG analysis. This improves objectivity and is • Impact investors can use impact goals to guide their beneficial when used to complement their objectives. The 17 Sustainable Development Goals of own analysis. the United Nations are designed to drive the move to a • To assist in the comparison of ESG scores across better and more sustainable future for all. Investment industries, ESG components can be weighted managers in South Africa have refined impact investment based on the industry or sector characteristics by objectives to encompass goals of national treasury in identifying the materiality of ESG factors affecting terms of structural reforms, making impact investing specific sectors. For example, the governance more relevant for the South African investor, and we factor is regarded as having a more direct effect have seen an increase in investment products that reflect on risk for the banking sector. If factor weighting is government initiatives through impact investing. applied in ESG methodology, then, in this example, • The Risk Mitigation Independent Power Producer it is likely that the governance factor will carry a Procurement Program (RMIPPP) is an example of higher weighting in the overall ESG score relative to a programme implemented by government, which the remaining two components. The weighting is focuses on the expeditious procurement of energy then applied to the governance score of the bank, into the national grid, addressing the SA electricity similarly for E and S weightings to arrive at a total power supply crisis, and also reducing the use ESG score. In assessing the E score, the physical of costly diesel generators. This programme also effect of climate change on a bank’s assets and serves to reinforce government’s intention to meet the challenges faced by banks in transitioning international obligations of reducing carbon emissions to a low-carbon economy must be considered. by decarbonising the energy system through advancing Banks also need to move to financing sustainable technologies that emit less carbon dioxide. A report companies and investments and, in doing so, need from the desk of the President (September 2020) to take social implications into account alongside profitability. Investment managers need to examine Page 10 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
how banks engage with their regulatory authorities • State-owned enterprises (SoEs) in South Africa and to address risks and whether they are being other emerging markets have become a bone of proactive in identifying solutions. The effect of contention for a number for years. Mismanagement governance risk, followed by societal risks on credit of SoEs has led to very poor scores on the G factor, and valuation are material, the failure of African yet their S and, in some instances, their E score, fair Bank (Abil), for example, highlights these risks. well relative to other companies. Land Bank scores The G risk: Abil pursued aggressive lending well on a social mandate (funding government growth practices, led by a board that implemented reckless initiatives), but badly on governance. Depending on business decisions, dominated by the then CEO, the weightings ascribed to the ESG components, Leon Kirkinis. The S risk: the bank targeted its Land Bank’s ESG score will differ between investment lending to individuals in the lower LSM market managers and, from an ESG perspective, will cause segment, who were already in vulnerable financial weightings in portfolios to differ. positions and whose dispositions were worsened • The above discussion highlights methods and the by the unreasonable interest charges on loans. In subjectivity brought about in the different ways of this case, governance and social risks played out, measuring risks through the ESG lens. ESG risks to the detriment of the customer and, in the end, are not always easily quantifiable, which makes all the stakeholders of this business lost. measurement a challenge. However, just as any type Results from the ESG analysis at a company level are of analysis performed on companies by different incorporated into the investment manager’s investment managers will have varying results and valuation models: degrees of subjectivity, so too will ESG analysis. • In the equity asset class, the company’s ESG score can • The interaction of ESG factors are intertwined, be used to adjust the discount rate in the DCF model influencing one another and hence affecting a or the value of future cashflows, ultimately feeding business in its entirety through to valuation. ESG scores may also be used • Combining the ESG approaches described above is to upweight or downweight the share at portfolio more likely to lead to an optimal ESG methodology. construction level. An investment process, where ESG is not integrated • In the fixed income asset class, a return is derived from but a separate step (where conclusions are drawn yield and regular coupon payments over a specified independently from company analysis), can lead to term, therefore the primary risk lies in the ability of the erosion of the benefits of ESG analysis, because an issuer to pay debt. This risk is reflected through the investment manager is less likely to adjust investment credit score of the entity, which incorporates a variety decisions based on information that wasn’t part of the of risks, including ESG risks. The credit score affects company analysis from the outset. the spread required to compensate the investor for additional risk. Page 11 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
We get it! The integration of ESG principles into investment behaviour combines beautifully with our outcome-based investing philosophy, making sure we deliver on our investment goals in a sustainable and responsible way. Our ESG team Jana van Rooijen Piet van der Merwe Responsible investment specialist ESG Analyst BCom (Investment Management) BCom (Hons) Economics, BCompt (Hons) Industry experience: 14 years Industry experience: 26 years • Our responsible investment team consists of ESG • There are a number of national and international specialists, who make sure we achieve the goals networks or platforms that are proponents of outlined in our RI policy and assist in the integration of responsible investing and formulate guidelines and ESG into investment decision making, so we live and requirements that members or signatories are required breathe responsible investment principles in our roles to fulfill, to make sure we incorporate and implement as investment professionals. We include responsible ESG factors into our investment processes and investment practices in our key performance indicators. ownership decisions. Responsible investment principles and compliance advocated by these networks or • Jana van Rooijen and Piet van der Merwe are members platforms have been incorporated into our responsible of our responsible investment committee and are investment policy and we have built our responsible instrumental in managing overall accountability and investment approach by setting goals, which assist in overseeing the practical implementation of responsible effective implementation of responsible investing. investing by our investment team. Their continual The main principles of our responsible investment engagement with our investment capabilities assist in the policy are as follows: enhancement and formulation of strategies to integrate ESG into the investment processes, keeping abreast of • Advocating acceptance and implementation of industry developments in the ESG space, and distilling ESG into investment decision making these in a manner bespoke to our investment capabilities. • Reporting on activities and progress to show our commitment to acting in the best interest of Responsible investment policy our stakeholders • Our responsible investment policy is approved by • Encouragement of transparency through disclosure the Momentum Metropolitan Holdings executive of our responsible practices committee and practically implemented and • Integration of ESG overseen by our investment maintained by the relevant business areas. committee and ESG specialists The executive committee reviews this policy and it will • Participation in active ownership through be revised when appropriate to do so. Our responsible engagement and proxy voting and compliance to investment committee oversees the integration of rules and regulations. responsible investing across the business, driving responsible investment initiatives. Please click here to view our responsible investment policy. Page 12 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
The following are regulations and codes of practice to which professionals alone, having had to strengthen our own we comply: investment frameworks. As fixed income investors, we may not be voting members on company boards, • United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment but we do have an influence on the cost and ability (UN PRI) of corporates to be able to borrow in the debt capital • Code for Responsible Investing in South Africa (Crisa) markets and, as such, we have made enhancements to • International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) our process for the benefit of our investors.” We support the following: Loftie Botha, portfolio manager of our indexation and smart • Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures beta portfolios: (TCFD) • CDP (previously the Carbon Disclosure Project) • “Systematic portfolios and especially index-tracker portfolios invest in a large number of companies, and • Paris Agreement of 2015 these strategies often have a wider scope for corporate • Just Transition on Climate Change governance activism than what investment managers We are a member of: of more traditional portfolios have. This is also the most • The Association of Savings and Investments South effective lever we have for improving the governance of Africa (Asisa) responsible investment committee the companies in which we are invested. The maximum use of proxy voting and company management ESG affects the sustainability of companies and it engagement strategies influences corporates to is therefore imperative that we integrate it into the improve their governance. Because there is a correlation investment processes of our investment capabilities. between good governance on the one hand and profits This is what our team has to say about ESG integration: and longevity of a company on the other, corporate activism plays a risk-mitigation role in the portfolios. Ian Scott, our head of fixed income: This extends not only to the specific portfolios but • “We believe, as fixed income investors, that we have an (due to the large numbers of shares that are held), integral role to play on the road to a more sustainable implicitly also to the entire equity market. future. We do invest in carbon producing entities like • Our smart beta and index-tracker portfolios have strict Sasol and Eskom, due to the principle of a phased mandates to follow rules-based investment processes. energy transition in SA. However, we seek to invest in In index-tracker portfolios, there is almost no discretion cleaner carbon and environmentally friendly projects. to deviate from the benchmark index; smart beta We support renewable energy projects, where the portfolios will deviate from their benchmarks, because investment case makes sense on a risk-adjusted basis they are active investment strategies implemented and also support green bonds, but not at a higher using a systematic approach. However, these deviations price relative to ordinary bonds or where there are no are strictly in line with the investment style we target additional benefits to clients. We see environmental in each smart beta portfolio. This means that one of funding as part of our investment universe in the long the tools of sustainable investing, inclusion and/or term, and ESG factors growing in importance in the exclusion strategies (either including good companies investment allocation decision making process. or excluding ESG non-performers) aren’t used in We accept that we, as investors, are part of society, and systematic portfolios. the need for clients’ money to be sustainably invested. • The responsible investment team votes at every Currently, there are no bonds in SA that have a direct shareholder meeting of companies held in the smart beta effect on the betterment of society. However, our door and index tracking portfolios. The ESG specialists also is always open to look at new opportunities. attend the weekly meetings of the portfolio management We may find that we have to partner with other team and there is constant communication between the financial institutions, like banks, to play a role in helping two teams to ensure proper integration of ESG concepts societal funding, such as student accommodation into these portfolios.” projects. Governance is the one ESG factor where we have seen the most development in the fixed income Pelo Manyeneng, head of listed property: space in the past few years. Given the corporate governance failures of Steinhoff, SoEs, auditing firms • “During the past few years, the property sector has etc., we could not rely on the judgment of external shown the investment industry what poor governance Page 13 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
does to financial profits. Our property team seeks to Eugene Botha, joint deputy CIO and custodian of our identify the potential effect of ESG issues that could outcome-based investing philosophy: manifest into significant financial implications for • “Our Portfolio Solutions team, in the construction of an entity. As part of the continual ESG monitoring, multi-strategy portfolios using traditional asset classes, assessing the quality of company management is are innovative in the use of investment strategies and vital to our process. ESG risks are addressed primarily appropriate underlying investment managers to best through the bottom-up qualitative analysis part of execute chosen strategies that holistically bring our our process, also looking at the risks to the property clients closer to their investment goals and keep them industry through the ESG lens. In conjunction with invested. ESG is an integral part of our risk management our dedicated ESG specialists, we engage with framework, which we use to assess underlying management to raise concerns, such as lack of investment managers in our investment manager transparency in reporting of earnings and unclear selection process. Our ESG specialists (with input remuneration policies, voting against company from our investment manager research team) have decisions that are not in the best interest of our developed an RI rating model* to bring our appointed investors. We examine how companies reduce costs investment managers along with us on our responsible through green energy sources and their approach to investments journey, enabling meaningful engagements electricity and water initiatives, and we also look at that improve and ensure responsible investment continuity of skill and talent within teams considering through ESG.” BEE initiatives.” *We appoint investment managers that apply responsible Sudesh Moodley, head of property asset management at investments practices and, through our due-diligence Eris Property Group (a subsidiary of processes, assess how ESG integration is applied. Momentum Metropolitan holdings, our property developer The investment manager responsible investments and services group): (RI) rating model was created to assess the level of responsible investments practices applied by the various • “We create spaces for people to live, work and relax; investment managers. This model complements the using bricks, mortar and ESG integration. appointment, monitoring and reviewing process of the ESG benefits derived from our investment assets are investment managers. We engage with the participating widespread, extending across green building initiatives, managers during our assessment; and recommend three infrastructure development, water and sanitation considerations specific to each investment manager, which solutions, community empowerment as well as should improve their responsible investments approach and enterprise, supplier development and solar solutions. align our principles closer to one another. These initiatives are in line with our responsible investing policies and applied mostly across our rural The benefits of ‘getting it’! retail centres.” • The interaction of ESG factors is intertwined, Motlatsi Motlanyane, head of alternative investments: influencing one another, affecting a business in its entirety. Meaningfully incorporating ESG into an • “Each of our teams has its core offerings, which investment process leads to a more robust and holistic focuses on the construct of multi-strategy portfolios approach to risk management. in the hedge, private equity, high yield credit and real assets space. Of all the investment strategies, • The ESG approach to responsible investing alternative strategies have the most direct effect on qualifies risks related to ESG factors and guides the ESG. We invest in student accommodation to keep our implementation of risk mitigating approaches in the society educated, and we invest in renewable energy investment process. Formally incorporating ESG into to support our government’s integrated resource plan the investment process ensures the improvement and and our country’s commitment to reduce carbon continuity of responsible investing through time and emissions. Each of our investment processes embraces assists in making the reporting of ESG systematic and ESG through the incorporation of ESG assessment in repeatable. Comprehensive ESG reporting enhances due-diligence processes when selecting investment transparency which enables more efficient and effective managers. We engage with our underlying investment decision making by investors. managers on ESG issues, and they are obliged to keep • It assists government in achieving goals for economic us updated on ESG risks in their report back to us.” growth in the long term – mainly through impact Page 14 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
investing. Investment managers in South Africa ESG lends itself to a long-term mindset because it is have refined their impact investment objectives to forward looking. Its implementation may lead to additional encompass national treasury’s goals in terms of spend (through the enhancement of processes or affecting structural reforms, making impact investing more structural changes), which should be seen as capital relevant for the South African investor. expenditure towards a long-term benefit and not as a compliance cost, because this type of spend will not lead • Responsible investing through ESG principles creates an to once-off benefits but instead, long-term sustainable investment environment favourable to foreign investors, benefits. If applied mindfully and judiciously, with practices as investors and businesses in developed markets being put in place to give effect to each principle, it will lead have moved to responsible investing and are focusing to identification and penetration of risk barriers, clearing their investment decisions to positively influence ESG passages for opportunities to be captured and absorbed, risks. Therefore, when looking to extend investments resulting in an organisation that flourishes. into emerging markets, foreign investors will likely favour companies that have incorporated ESG into their investment behaviour. • Transforming economies to reduce their carbon footprint and climate risks through structural change can lead to innovation, employment, new industries and growth in the longer term. ESG... just get it! Page 15 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Industry dynamics Tatjana Raunich | Investment manager research analyst An overview of industry changes (from 1 January 2020 to 15 November 2020) within the investment management landscape is discussed below, relating to business /human capital. In memoriam We would like to remember all those in our industry who have passed away during this period. Our thoughts and prayers go out to their families, colleagues and friends. • Anwah Nagia, chairman of Element Investments • Rahima Cassim, senior research analyst of Mazi Asset Management Momentum Investments Mish-al Emeran joined Abax from Electus earlier in the Theo Terblanche was appointed to the new role of executive year and covers the resource shares previously covered by head of investment management at the beginning of Parry. He has 15 years of investment experience and has a September this year. He was previously chief financial Bachelor of Business Science and is a CFA charter holder. officer (CFO) at Momentum (2015) and, more recently, joint Aeon Investment Management executive head of retail investments with Martin Riekert. Another independent non-executive director was appointed He is supported by a strong leadership team, including to the board of directors, namely Thulani Madinginye. Sonja Saunderson, Letshego Rankin, Wayne Dennehy, He has a Masters in Applied Economics and is an alumnus Jannie Du Randt, Korousha Chetty and Friedrich Rappard. of UCT. His background includes private equity, corporate Martin Riekert assumed full responsibility for the retail finance, consulting and project management. investment business as executive head of retail investments. Riekert joined Momentum Wealth in 2008 and his Allan Gray previous role was head of product solutions for Momentum Chief investment officer (CIO) Andrew Lapping will leave Investments in 2016. The leadership team that supports Allan Gray towards the end of this year. After 20 years with the retail investments business remains unchanged and Allan Gray, he will be exploring opportunities outside of continues to be supported by Hymne Landman, Florbela investment management. Yates, Kapil Joshi, Fareeya Adam, Aldert Brink, Marisa Duncan Artus was chosen as CIO, successor to Meyer, Jacques van Schalkwyk and Friedrich Rappard. Andrew Lapping, and the change was effective in Lawrence Koikoi joined Momentum Investments in February, September 2020. Artus joined the firm in March 2001 and as listed property portfolio manager in the property team, managed a portion of client equity and balanced portfolios where he has joint accountability in managing listed property since January 2005. He has spent 15 of his 20-year industry portfolios with Pelo Manyeneng, head of property. Previous experience at Allan Gray. positions include portfolio manager and analyst in STANLIB’s Mark Dunley-Owen, who managed a portion of the stable listed property franchise, covering local and global real estate and fixed interest portfolios, handed over his responsibilities, investment trusts (Reits). as he has since joined the team that manages the 36ONE Asset Management Orbis Global Balanced Strategy at their sister company, Orbis. Nhlakanipho (Nipho) Mncwabe was appointed as an equity Leonard Krüger, who managed a portion of the stable investment analyst in February. His previous experience portfolios, left Allan Gray to pursue an opportunity at includes a position at Merrill Lynch (Johannesburg and Prudential Investment Managers. Cape Town). Nick Ndiritu, one of the portfolio managers of the Abax Investments Allan Gray Africa ex-SA Equity Fund and the Allan Gray Campbell Parry left Abax during the year. He was an Africa ex-SA Bond Fund, resigned to pursue opportunities independent research consultant, who worked exclusively outside of Allan Gray. for Abax, covering mainly local resource companies. Page 16 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Allan Gray expanded the portfolio management institutional space. He is also the chief executive officer responsibilities of other team members. In the equity, (CEO) of Crede Capital. His previous experience includes balanced and stable portfolios, three new portfolio head of business development at Afena Capital and managers, who have all worked at Allan Gray for several experience at Investec. years, were appointed, namely Rory Kutisker-Jacobson, Duzi Ndlovu became a partner and shareholder of Tim Acker and Sean Munsie. BlueAlpha in January and is involved in portfolio Varshan Maharaj, Rami Hajjar and Kamal Govan were management, predominantly in the multi-asset-class space. promoted to portfolio managers, focusing on African and He is also a principal at Crede Capital. Previous positions frontier market equities. include founder, CIO and executive director of Argon Asset Management until 2013. Sokhela and Ndlovu’s partnership Lapping and Dunley-Owen’s South African fixed interest and shareholding in BlueAlpha results from the BEE portion of the balanced portfolios were split between transaction concluded between BlueAlpha and existing bond and money market portfolio managers, Crede Capital Partners. Londa Nxumalo and Thalia Petousis. Nxumalo and Petousis assumed full responsibility for the Allan Gray Bond Fund Richard Pitt, founding partner and director of BlueAlpha, and the Allan Gray Money Market Fund, respectively, having stepped into the role of CEO, previously held by Uys Meyer. co-managed with Dunley-Owen. Sandy McGregor retained Meyer took on an advisory role within the business. his existing responsibilities. Kirsty Minor, chief operating officer (COO) and compliance ALUWANI Capital Partners officer of BlueAlpha, in addition to her current roles, took on a directorship position in March. In February, Renda Rundle was appointed to ALUWANI’s new portfolio analytics team. Rundle’s previous Coronation Fund Managers experience includes the role of managing director (MD) of Henk Groenewald took the position of global developed Quantessential Services Limited, based in the UK. markets investment analyst in October. Groenewald has Rundle has 19 years’ industry experience. 18 years’ industry experience. E’louise van Tonder, the risk manager for the ALUWANI Wilna Marais was promoted to the head of implementation fixed come team, with 15 years’ industry experience, will in July. Her responsibilities include implementation and also form part of the analytics team. The analytics team oversight of trades and monitoring compliance and portfolio is responsible for portfolio analytics and risk and return mandates. She has 10 years of industry experience. attribution for portfolios across the fixed income and equity capabilities. Mark le Roux, former head of fixed income who joined Coronation in 2005, retired in February 2020. Thando Mtshali was appointed as a credit analyst and has eight years’ industry experience. Simphamandla Shozi, a portfolio manager within the South African-focused investment team, resigned in Ashburton Investments September. He joined Coronation in 2005. In November, Arno Lawrenz resigned from his position as Electus Fund Managers global investment strategist, where he was also previously head of fixed income. At the end of March, Electus announced its intention to cease management of all client portfolios on 30 June 2020, the Aylett & CO date of the company’s closure. As a pure equity investment In June, Ryann Dean was appointed as a global equity manager, low beta returns from the equity asset class, portfolio analyst. His previous role was as an investment analyst at outflows off a low assets under management base, combined Coronation Fund Managers, where he worked for five and a with short-term underperformance for nine months, led to half years in the global equity team. the company’s decision to close. This was despite its returns above benchmark delivered for the past 19 years ending 2018. BlueAlpha Investment Management Electus saw this as the best decision for all stakeholders under Sandile Sokhela became a partner and shareholder of the circumstances. The company continued to manage client BlueAlpha in January and was appointed as director and portfolios with a full staff complement until 30 June 2020 and business development manager, where he is involved was well capitalised from a regulatory perspective, enabling a in growing the business development function in the smooth wind-down process. Page 17 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
Element Investment Managers Abdul Basit Oldey was promoted to head of dealing Jeleze Hattingh, a director and fixed income portfolio and assumed responsibility for trading, return analysis manager at Element, decided to pursue opportunities and quantitative research. outside of Element, after she returned from her year-long • Mohamed Mitha was appointed as investment sabbatical. Her responsibilities were divided among the analyst and is responsible for equity research. Previous team before she left for her sabbatical. employment includes Mergence Investment Managers and Tantalum Capital. Foord Asset Management Darryl Owen, the deputy CIO of Foord, will be retiring Rahgib Davids, an equity research analyst that started with in the second quarter of next year. Because of improved Kagiso in 2016, resigned and took a position at capacity within the South African business, the deputy CIO Prudential Investment Managers. Simon Anderssen, a portfolio role is not expected to be replaced. Portfolio management manager who started with Kagiso in 2011, also resigned. responsibilities will be re-assigned to Foord’s five senior Laurium Capital analysts with tenure at the firm of between five to 10 years. Craig Sorour decided to emigrate and left Laurium Capital Environmental, social and governance (ESG) responsibilities at the end of October. His recent focus was on global will be taken on by Pravarshan Murugasen. equities and he was also responsible for coordinating Pravarshan Murugasen, a senior analyst, was promoted to South African equity research alongside senior investment the newly created role of head of equity in the investment team members. His departure did not materially affect team. The role incorporates some of the key functions of head equity portfolios nor the investment process. Sorour will of research (a position that was relinquished by Nick Balkin). remain a shareholder and investor in Laurium portfolios. Murugasen has been at Foord since 2012. Responsibilities Junaid Bray took over the co-ordination of the research of this position will include the management of the responsibility. Bray has been employed at Laurium Capital equity research process, resources and team recruitment, since November 2019. His previous positions include head of development and training of analysts, brokerage management equities at Argon Asset Management, senior analyst abroad and communication of ESG investments. (Abu Dhabi) and analyst at Oasis Asset Management. Nick Balkin relinquished the head of research role to focus Laurium Capital introduced a multi-counsellor approach to principally on portfolio management and all its related its equity portfolio. Junaid Bray and Dwayne Dippenaar each demands. manage a 10% portion of the portfolio, while Murray Winckler Nancy Hossack was promoted to multi-counsellor portfolio and Gavin Vorwerg remain the lead portfolio managers on manager on SA equity effective from the beginning of 2021. the equity portfolio. Dippenaar joined Laurium in 2015, and previous experience includes being a research analyst for global Futuregrowth Asset Management emerging markets and South Africa equity portfolios at Electus During January, Gianapaolo Gazilli, head of finance, became Asset Management. He also worked at Berman Capital – a a formal employee of Futuregrowth. He was previously an US-based investment manager. Old Mutual employee seconded to Futuregrowth. Laurium Capital signed an agreement in November for the Rhandzo Mukansi, a fixed interest portfolio manager, left acquisition of 100% of the equity of Tantalum Capital, as Futuregrowth during July to join his family outside of held by the Tantalum management team and South Africa. RMI Investment Managers. The Laurium and Tantalum Tarryn Sankar, head of listed credit, left Futuregrowth in teams have built strong personal and professional October to pursue a career at STANLIB. relationships over many years, based on similar value systems and investment DNA. Kagiso Asset Management In November, Kagiso affected the following The four members of the Tantalum management team, internal promotions: Rob Oellermann, Mike Lawrenson, Melanie Stockigt and Simone Blanckenberg, will join Laurium permanently • Dirk van Vlaanderen, an analyst, was promoted to following the formal implementation of the transaction. portfolio manager, where he manages the Protector Fund and continues to perform equity The Tantalum team has been building its global equity research. Satish Gosai, head of dealing, responsible for capability, which will complement Laurium’s efforts in this area trade execution and derivative research and execution, and assist in the development of a dedicated global capability. was promoted to head of fixed income and derivatives. Oellermann will focus on global equity investing, with Page 18 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
support from the rest of the combined team and continues to Prescient, STANLIB and Old Mutual. manage the existing multi-asset-class mandates. Lawrenson Mark van Wyk is head of infrastructure and development will continue coverage of the resources sector across all (SA) with 20 years of industry experience. He joined geographies. Stockigt will take over the responsibilities of Mergence in 2011. JP du Plessis (the fixed income portfolio manager who resigned) as portfolio manager of all the fixed income Kasief Isaacs is head of unlisted investments (SADC). portfolios, as well as contribute to the asset allocation process He joined Mergence in 2015 and has 26 years of of the multi-asset-class portfolios. Blanckenberg will join the industry experience. business and operations team and continue to service clients. Bulelwa Ntshingwa was appointed as investment principal RMI Investment Managers has been a supportive in the unlisted division. He has 17 years of industry shareholder of Tantalum since 2015 and will continue to experience and was managing partner and founder of hold an economic interest in the combined entity for the Stem Investments. time being. Although this transaction brings an end to the Grace Debeila, a senior investment analyst, who joined partnership journey with Tantalum, RMI is fully supportive Mergence in 2019, resigned to pursue a career outside of this transaction and believes it’s a beneficial outcome for of Mergence. both parties. Dirk Steyn, head of multi-asset- class, who joined Mergence From a business perspective, the management of Laurium in 2017, resigned. remains business as usual, with no material change to its shareholdings or decision-making structures. Ninety One Rüdiger Naumann, co-portfolio manager within the portfolio Matrix Fund Managers management team of the company’s multi-strategy In June, Craig Le Riche, one of the portfolio managers in the capability, headed by Chris Freund and Hannes van den fixed income alternative investment space, left the business. Berg, indicated his intention to leave Ninety One by the end of this year in pursuit of opportunities outside the industry. Mergence Investment Managers Esther Chan, who joined Ninety One’s emerging market Fabian de Beer was named director of investments with credit team in 2019 (previous roles include emerging market oversight over listed and unlisted investments. He joined portfolio manager and senior portfolio manager at Ashmore Mergence in 2006. Previous senior roles at Mergence and Aberdeen Asset Management respectively) will take include investment strategist and CIO. over the global top-down macro research responsibilities and Bradley Preston is joint MD of Mergence. He joined Mergence also the fixed income part of the portfolio, which plays to her in 2005 and led and mentored the listed investment team. strengths in emerging market credit and government bonds. He also managed all the equity mandates and was the portfolio Rehana Khan, co-portfolio manager within the portfolio manager of the Mergence ESG Equity Fund. management team of the multi-asset-class capability (previous roles include portfolio manager and equity analyst Yoza Jekwa was appointed as joint managing director of at Prudential Investment Management), in addition to Mergence. He was previously an independent advisor on local equity selection, will assist in global share selection mergers and acquisitions in Johannesburg. responsibilities in conjunction with its London team. Peter Takaendesa was appointed as head of equities. Lorenzo Dicorrado joined Ninety One’s value capability as Takaendesa joined Mergence in 2014. He was previously an assistant portfolio manager for the UK Special Situations a senior equity investment analyst and has 13 years of Fund and Strategy within the value (ex- SA) team. industry experience. He previously worked at Sanlam Investments and Four Izak van Niekerk was made co-portfolio manager of listed Capital Partners as a portfolio manager in global equities investments. Van Niekerk has 14 years’ industry experience within value teams. and joined Mergence in 2011. His focus is on equity research Amine Allam joined Ninety One as an associate principal and portfolio monitoring, and he also shares his skills with in Ninety One’s alternative investments team, focusing on the unlisted investments team, as well as being a member Africa private equity investments. Before joining the firm, of the investment committee. he was a director at QInvest, where he was responsible for Fazila Manjoo joined Mergence as portfolio manager in private equity investments and co-investments. the multi-asset-class division. She has 16 years’ industry Peter Baird and Mike Hugman left Ninety One to pursue experience, and previous experience includes positions at Page 19 of 23 Investments | Insights | 2020
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