Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021

Page created by Fred Pham
Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
     Community and Business

                                                      JULY 2021
               An overview of grant and funding opportunities available to
               community groups, not-for-profit organisations, businesses
                           and individuals in the Eden-Monaro electorate.

   Produced by:
   Kristy McBain MP
   Queanbeyan: 1/21-25 Monaro Street, Queanbeyan, NSW 2620
   Bega: 1/225 Carp Street, Bega, NSW 2550
    02 6284 2442
Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Message from Kristy McBain MP

    This bulletin provides an overview of the grants that are currently
    open and available to individuals, businesses, community groups and
    New grant opportunities and funding rounds regularly become
    available and these will be highlighted in future bulletins.
    I have aimed to put together a comprehensive list of grants from
    the Australian Government, the NSW Government and philanthropic
    grants from private organisations and businesses that are currently
    open. Please let my office know if you know of a current funding
    opportunity that has been overlooked.
    I trust you will find this information useful. Please do not hesitate to
    contact my office on 02 6284 2442 or
    if we can be of any assistance.
    Kind regards

    Kristy McBain MP
    Member for Eden-Monaro

                We acknowledge the Ngunnawal, Wiradyuri, Ngarigo and Yuin people as
                     Traditional Owners of Country in the Eden-Monaro Electorate.

              We recognise their continuing connection to lands, waters and communities
                  and pay our respect to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures;
                               and to Elders past, present and emerging.

2    Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Community and Business Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021

Contents                                                                             Page
Arts                                                                                  4-8
Business and Innovation                                                              9 - 12
Communities & Community Services                                                    13 - 17
Disability                                                                               18
Disaster Readiness & Recovery                                                      19 - 23
Education, Employment and Training                                                24 - 25
Environment                                                                       26 - 27
Health                                                                            28 - 30
Indigenous                                                                         31 - 33
Legal and Administrative                                                                34
Primary Industries                                                                35 - 36
Research                                                                          37 - 38
Seniors and Aged Care                                                             39 - 40
Sport                                                                              41 - 42
Tourism                                                                           43 - 44
Veterans’ Affairs                                                                 45 - 47
Youth                                                                             48 - 50

This bulletin is intended as a guide only. Please check information directly
with the grant providers.

The bulletin will be updated with current grant opportunities and distributed

To receive this bulletin directly and join the mailing list, contact my office on
02 6284 2442 or

                                                    Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin     3
Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Infrastructure grants
   Arts                                                    Portfolio Arts
                                                           Provider  NSW Government’s Clubgrants
Restart Investment to Sustain and Expand                   		        Category 3 Fund
(RISE) Fund                                                Amount    $50,000 to $200,000 available per
Portfolio Arts                                             Closes    Open 5 July - Closes 26 July 2021
Provider  Australian Government Office for the
		Arts                                                     Who is it for? Submitted by a not-for-profit organi-
Amount    Between $75,000 and $2 million                   sation with an ABN that is responsible for operating
Closes    31 December 2021                                 and/or maintaining the infrastructure.

Who is it for? Have a primary purpose of arts and
                                                           The NSW Government offers grants to communities
                                                           across NSW to support the building, renovation
                                                           and fit-out of infrastructure. Funding is available for
                                                           arts and cultural infrastructure, sport and recreation
This program aims to provide capital to help produc-
tion and event businesses who are impacted by the          infrastructure and projects that assist communities
COVID-19 pandemic to put on new festivals, concerts,       with essential infrastructure and disaster readiness.
tours and events as social distancing restrictions ease,
including through innovative operating and digital         The 2021/22 grant rounds will be open on the
delivery models. It seeks to support the delivery and      following dates:
presentation of activities across all art forms to audi-   • July 2021: Monday 5 July to Monday 26 July 2021
ences across Australia.                                    • November 2021: Monday 1 November to Monday
                                                               22 November 2021
The program forms part of the Australian Govern-           • March 2022: Tuesday 1 March to Monday 21
ment’s Arts and Cultural Development Program that              March 2022.
supports participation in, and access to, Australia’s
arts and culture through developing and supporting         More information
cultural expression. It was announced as part of the
Creative Economy Support Package, which aims to            opportunities/infrastructure-grants
address urgent needs within the sector and comple-
ments existing whole-of-economy support and assis-
tance measures already in place.

More information

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Regional Arts NSW - Quick Response Grants                  Create NSW 2021-22 Small Project Grants
                                                           (Quick Response) for Individuals
Portfolio      Arts
Provider       Create NSW                                  Portfolio     Arts
Amount         Individuals up to $3,000                    Provider      Create NSW
		             Organisations up to $5,000                  Amount        Between $500 and $5000
Closes         Now open until funds run out                Closes        30 May 2022

Who is it for? NSW-based professional artists and          Who is it for? NSW-based professional artists and
arts/cultural workers                                      arts/cultural workers

Description                                                Description
Made available under the Regional Arts Fund                Funding available to support NSW-based professional
allocation for NSW, Quick Response Grants offer            artists and arts/cultural workers to build their
funding to assist regional artists, arts organisations     capability, portfolio of work, audience and/or market.
and communities to take up professional or skills
development or small project opportunities.                Small Project Grants (Quick Response) funding
                                                           aims to enable artists and arts/cultural workers
The objectives of the Fund are to:                         to participate in outstanding and relevant time-
Support and promote participation in, and access           sensitive opportunities; contribute to the creation,
to, Australia’s arts and culture in regional and remote    development and/or presentation of new work; and
Australia by:                                              improve the capacity of professionals working in NSW
• encouraging and supporting sustainable                   to become arts and cultural leaders.
    economic, social and cultural development in
    regional communities;                                  Examples of projects that may be funded include but
• developing partnerships and networks which               not limited to:
    leverage financial and/or in-kind support for          • Mentoring, skills development or residency op-
    specific projects and encourage ongoing                    portunities;
    collaboration;                                         • Research and/or development of creative/
                                                               cultural projects that develop new skills and/or
• developing audiences and broadening community
                                                               engage with new ways of working including new
    engagement with the arts; and
                                                               approaches to museum practice, generating new
• increasing employment and professional                       income from your creative skills and forming cross
    development opportunities for, and raise the               multi-disciplinary performances;
    profile of, regional and remote artists.               • Outstanding arts and/or cultural opportunity, such
                                                               as performing or presenting a work at a national-
Applicants must contact the Funding Manager prior              ly or internationally recognised festival, industry
to submitting their application to discuss their propos-       event or exhibition;
al and check there are funds available.                    • Development of new work that would expand
                                                               their audience.
It is worthwhile reading the guidelines before you
do so to check if your proposal is eligible under the      More information
Contact: Manager, Grants & Projects                        project-grants/
Phone: 02 9270 2502

More information

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Dobell Exhibition Grant                                   Australia Council for the Arts 2021/22 Rounds
                                                          - Organisations
Portfolio      Arts
Provider       Museums & Galleries of NSW                 Portfolio     Arts
Amount         $40,000                                    Provider      Australian Council of the Arts
Closes         1 September 2021                           Amount        $20,000 to $100,000
                                                          Closes        7 September 2021
Who is it for? Regional NSW galleries
                                                          Who is it for? Organisations that provide a service to
Description                                               the arts
The Dobell Exhibition Grant (DEG), supported by the
Sir William Dobell Art Foundation, offers $40,000 in      Description
funding to one regional NSW gallery per annum.            This program funds a range of activities that deliver
                                                          benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including
The program aims to support high quality exhibitions      national and international audiences. Organisations
that speak to a broad audience across NSW. To assist      that undertake arts programs, projects or that provide
in expanding appreciation for the visual arts, these      services to artists are welcome to apply.
exhibitions should be supported by innovative public      Organisations can propose a single project, a suite of
and education programs that creatively engage both        projects or annual programs of activity.
artists and the community.
                                                          Supported activities must last no longer than two
More information                                          years from the proposed start date.
administer/gallery-grants/dobell-exhibition-grant/        More information
Australia Council for the Arts 2021/22 Rounds             index/arts-projects-organisations
- Individuals and groups

Portfolio      Arts
Provider       Australian Council of the Arts
Amount         Between $10,000 to $50,000
Closes         7 September 2021

Who is it for? Individuals and groups who are
practicing artist or arts professionals.

This program funds a range of activities that deliver
benefits to the arts sector and wider public, including
national and international audiences.

Supported activities must last no longer than two
years from the proposed start date.

More information

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Playing Australia: Regional Performing Arts                 Balnaves Foundation Grant Program
Touring Fund
                                                            Portfolio Arts
Portfolio      Arts                                         Provider  Balnaves Foundation Limited
Provider       Australia Council for the Arts               Amount    No set minimum and maximum funding
Amount         On request                                   		limits
Closes         7 September 2021                             Closes    Program is open on an ongoig basis

Who is it for? Individuals and organisations                Who is it for? Not-for-profit charities

Description                                                 Description
The Regional Performing Arts Touring program                This program aims to support eligible organisations
(Playing Australia) supports performing arts to reach       that create a better Australia through education,
regional and remote communities across Australia.           medicine and the arts with a focus on young people,
Grants are available to support the net touring and         the disadvantaged and indigenous Australia.
other designated costs associated with tours. There is
no limit on the amount that can be requested.               Eligbile activities include those the relate to:
                                                            • innovative solutions: where positive outcomes
Playing Australia is open to applications for funding
                                                                reach beyond the immediate activity.
with some adjustments to the guidelines accounting
                                                            • outstanding individuals: passionate, driven,
for COVID-19 conditions.
                                                                ambitious and the capacity to deliver.
These adjustments take account of:                          • strong commitment: from an organisation and its
• current extenuating circumstances for producers               leaders, to the project or program.
    and presenters, allowing for flexibility within tours   • deep engagement: the opportunity to add value
• additional costs which may be required for the                beyond the financial.
    safe delivery of tours
• potential for state border closures and varying           More information
    conditions between states and regions         
• ongoing financial implications of COVID-19
Applicants are strongly encouraged to speak to a
member of the Artists Services team before applying
to this fund.

More information

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Performers’ Trust Foundation                            Regional Filming Fund

Portfolio Arts                                          Portfolio Arts
Provider  PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation             Provider  Screen NSW
Amount    No limit                                      Amount    Maximum $ 100,000
Closes 		 Applications can be sumbitted at any          Closes    Applications can be submitted at any
		time                                                  		time

Who is it for? Artists individuals or groups            Who is it for? Production company

Description                                             Description
Established in 1975, the PPCA Performers’ Trust         The Regional Filming Fund (RFF) offsets costs
Foundation provides grants to promote and               associated with shooting in regional areas of NSW.
encourage music and the music-related performing        Regional NSW is defined as all areas in NSW outside
arts.                                                   the Sydney Metro area (excluding the ACT). View
                                                        the map of the NSW local government areas and the
The grants provided are non-recurring (i.e. one-off     Sydney Metro area.
grants rather than a periodical payment) and are
determined by the four trustees of the trust.           Applicants may request up to 35% of the budgeted
                                                        NSW Regional Spend. Support is provided as a grant.
All applications for grants are reviewed by the         The maximum grant per production is $100,000.
trustees and must be for one or more of the following
purposes:                                               NSW Regional Spend is the total of the below the line
• performances at concerts at or for charitable         shooting expenses directly associated with filming
    institutions such as hospitals or homes for the     in regional NSW. Eligible NSW Regional Spend
    aged;                                               expenses are limited to:
• scholarships for the promotion and                        • location fees
    encouragement of musical and theatrical                 • travel (for cast and crew traveling from other
    education;                                                parts of NSW)
• the promotion and encouragement of the                    • accommodation
    performing arts to the general public;                  • per diems
                                                            • local suppliers & services (e.g. construction
• the aid or assistance of any beneficiary who is             contractors, security, traffic control etc.)
    unable to adequately maintain herself/himself by        • catering
    her/his own exertions and other income.                 • salaries for regionally based cast and crew.
A grant under the PPCA Performers’ Trust Foundation     Regional spend does not include any above-the-line
can be used for costs associated with the above,        expenses (including development expenses), indirect
including:                                              costs, company overheads, contingency or post-
• tuition fees                                          production expenses.
• travel costs (hire, airfares, petrol)
• accommodation                                         More information
• venue hire/ PA hire                         
More information
trust-foundation/                                       artssustainabilityfund

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Impact Investment Ready Growth Grant
 Business and                                            Portfolio      Business and Innovation
 Innovation                                              Provider       Department of Social Services
                                                         Amount         Up to $140,000
Online program for NSW Women starting or                 Closes		       EOIs are open on a rolling basis
operating a small business                               Who is it for? Organisation based in Australia who’s
                                                         mission aims to solve social problems. And is looking
Portfolio      Business and Innovation                   to scale and need support to raise capital.
Provider       Women in Business NSW
Amount         Fully subsidised online business train-   Description
ing program with access to resources, events and         This program aims to a provide capacity building
other services.                                          grants to mission-driven for-profit and not-for-profit
Closes         You can apply anytime                     organisations, allowing them to secure investment
                                                         capital to scale their social impact. It is funded by the
                                                         Australian Government Department of Social Services
Who is it for? Women in NSW wanting to start, or
                                                         as part of the Sector Readiness Fund.
who is already operating a small business.
                                                         The program’s impact areas include:
                                                            • early childhood and education
Description                                                 • employment training and participation
Women in Business provides women living or working          • housing and local amenity
in New South Wales with access to a fully subsidised        • physical health and disability
online program to help them establish a new small           • family, communities and inclusion
business or consolidate an existing small business.         • mental health and wellbeing
This fully subsidised online program is available to        • income and financial inclusion
help women in New South Wales develop sustainable           • indigenous people
small businesses.                                        EOIs are open on a rolling basis. Once a round meets
The program offers:                                      capacity, any existing EOIs will be automatically be
• 24/7 online access to topics that can be mixed         rolled over for consideration as early-entrants to the
    and matched to suit your needs                       next round. It is anticipated that the program will have
• insights from Australia’s leading female               four rounds per year.
    entrepreneurs                                        Eligible activities include paying capacity building
• access to small business events                        services from external intermediaries (providers)
• other resources and services.                          that are directly related to the business’ investment
                                                         readiness and securing capital. The support financed
More information                                         by the grant must get the business all the way to the             capital raising.
Women-in-Business-NSW                                    The support needed is largely dependent on the
                                                         characteristics of the organisation, but often includes:
                                                         • financial modelling and preparation of the
                                                             investment case.
                                                         • preparation of term sheets, legal documentation
                                                             and information memorandum.
                                                         • review of the organisation’s constitution and legal
                                                         • liaison with and introductions to investors.
                                                         More information

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Community and Business - Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin - JULY 2021
Wage Subsidies                                             NSW Small Business / Not-for-profit
                                                           Organisation Fees & Charges Rebates
Portfolio Business and Innovation
Provider  Department of Education, Skills and 		           Portfolio      Business and Innovation
		Employment                                               Provider       Services NSW
Amount    Up to $10,000                                    Amount         Rebate of $1,500
Closes    You can apply anytime                            Closes         30 June 2022

Who is it for? Businesses                                  Who is it for? Sole trader, small business or not-for-
                                                           profit organisations in NSW
This program aims to encourage employers to hire           Description
eligible participants in ongoing jobs by contributing      If you are a sole trader, the owner of a small business
to the initial costs of hiring a new employee. It seeks    or a not-for-profit organisation in NSW, you may be
to help in building a business and give employers          eligible for a small business fees and charges rebate of
greater flexibility in their hiring options.               $1,500.
Eligible businesses can receive payments over a six        This rebate helps businesses recover from the impacts
month period from employment services providers.           of COVID-19 and encourages growth by reducing the
Employers can negotiate how often they are made, for       cost of running a business.
example weekly or fortnightly. There is also a kickstart   Eligible businesses or not-for-profits only need to
payment option where employers can receive up to           apply for the rebate once but can submit multiple
40% of the total amount after four weeks of the job        claims until the full value of $1,500 is reached.
starting if all eligibility requirements are met and the   Funds can be used to offset the costs of eligible
job remains ongoing.                                       NSW and local government fees and charges. These
Up to $10,000 (GST inclusive) is available for new         include, but are not limited to:
employees who are:                                            • food authority licences
• 15 to 24 years of age,                                      • liquor licences
• indigenous Australians, or                                  • tradesperson licences
• 50 years of age and over.                                   • event fees
                                                              • council rates.
Up to $6,500 (GST inclusive) is available for new          The rebate can only be used for eligible fees and
employees who are:                                         charges due and paid from 1 March 2021. It cannot
• 25 to 29 years of age,                                   be used for fines or penalties, fees and charges that
• parents, or                                              have the key purpose of discouraging behaviours
• registered with an employment services provider          or inducing behaviour changes, Commonwealth
   for 12 months or more.                                  government charges, rent on government premises,
                                                           or taxes.
More information                             More information

    10     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Entrepreneurs’ Programme - Growth Service               Boosting Business Innovation Program (BBIP)

Portfolio Business and Innovation                       Portfolio Business and Innovation
Provider  Australian Government Department of           Provider  NSW Government
		        Industry, Science, Energy and 		              Amount    Unspecified
		Resources                                             Closes    This program is open on an ongoing
Amount    From $2,500 to $20,000                        		basis
Closes    Ongoing
                                                        Who is it for? Start-ups and small to medium
Who is it for? Entrepreneurs                            enterprises (SMEs) located in New South Wales

Description                                             Description
Growth Grants are an Entrepreneurs’ Programme           This program aims to accelerate innovation in
grant to help your business grow. If you’ve             New South Wales (NSW) by supporting greater
received one of the department’s Growth services,       collaboration between research organisations
you can apply for a Growth Grant. With the grant you    and their business communities. It is a two-year
can engage external expertise to implement the rec-     program that will help unlock access to technology,
ommendations in your Growth roadmap or plan.            equipment, research and expertise to build an
The Entrepreneurs’ Programme provides access to a       innovation ecosystem and stimulate economic growth
national network of experienced facilitators. They’ll   right across NSW.
work with you to improve your business practices,
become more competitive, and take advantage of   The program will:
growth opportunities.                            • further a networked innovation ecosystem across
More information                                 •  leverage additional external funding. • support small to medium enterprises (SMEs) who
Growth-Grants                                       want to scale up and innovate.
                                                 • grow the regional start-up sector and create
                                                    innovation clusters across the State.
                                                 • provide access to high tech equipment and
                                                    technical expertise research by SMEs and start-ups
                                                    through TechVouchers

                                                        More information

                                                                     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin   11
Entrepreneurs’ Programme - Accelerating

Portfolio      Business and Innovation
Provider       Department of Industry, Science,
		             Energy and Resources
Amount         Up to $1,000,000
Closes         Ongoing

Who is it for? Entrepreneurs

Accelerating Commercialisation provides small and
medium businesses, entrepreneurs and researchers
with access to expert advice and funding to help get a
novel product, process or service to market.

More information

    12      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
  Communities &
                                                        Portfolio Community
  Community Services                                    Provider  NSW Government’s Clubgrants
                                                        		        Category 3 Fund
Community Enterprise Foundation
                                                        Amount    $10,000 to $200,000 available per
Portfolio      Community
                                                        Closes 		 Open 5 July - Closes 26 July 2021
Provider       Bendigo Bank
Amount         Multiple Grants
                                                        Who is it for? Submitted by a not-for-profit organi-
Closes 		      Ongoing
                                                        sation with an ABN that is responsible for operating
                                                        and/or maintaining the infrastructure
Who is it for? Not-for-profit organisations with a      Description
current and valid ABN.                                  The NSW Government offers grants to communities
                                                        across NSW to support the building, renovation and
                                                        fit-out of infrastructure. Funding is available for arts
• The Foundation facilitates a wide range of grants for
                                                        and cultural infrastructure, sport and recreation infra-
   eligible charities and not-for-profit organisations in
                                                        structure and projects that assist communities with
                                                        essential infrastructure and disaster readiness.
• The Foundation works closely with Community
   Bank and Corporate partners that choose to reinvest
                                                          The 2021/22 grant rounds will be open on the follow-
   their profits back into their local communities via a
                                                          ing dates:
   structured charitable grant programs.
                                                        • July 2021: Monday 5 July to Monday 26 July 2021
More information       • November 2021: Monday 1 November to Monday
Program/Index/1                                           22 November 2021
                                                        • March 2022: Tuesday 1 March to Monday 21
                                                          March 2022

                                                        More information

                                                                      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin      13
Pride Foundation Australia 2021 Small Grants            NAB Foundation Community Grants 2021
                                                        Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery
Portfolio      Community                                Provider       National Australia Bank
Provider       Pride Foundation Australia               Amount         Up to $10,000
Amount         Up to $750                               Closes         30 July 2021
Closes 		      13 November 2021
                                                        Who is it for? Charities, social enterprises,
Who is it for? Individuals or groups                    community organisations or local government or
                                                        government-funded facilities (such as a school or
Description                                             childcare centre).
Pride Foundation will invest in projects that benefit
either LGBTQIA+ individuals or community or
strengthen LGBTQIA+ organisational capacity.
                                                        More Australian communities are being impacted
                                                        by natural disasters as our climate changes. NAB
The project needs to assist, involve and benefit        Foundation Community Grants can help you
LGBTQIA+ people and promote positive social             safeguard your community with funding for projects
outcomes and mental health in the community directly    that prepare for natural disasters, support long-term
or indirectly.                                          recovery, and build resilience against future disasters.

Through the project LGBTIQ community members            More information
• be more connected to each other and to their          community/nab-foundation-and-grants/application-
    community                                           guide
• have improved skills and knowledge
• have enhanced wellbeing and resilience
• participate more fully in their community.

More information

    14      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Sisters of Charity Foundation 2021 Community              Pierce Armstrong Foundation Grant Program
Grants Program
                                                          Portfolio      Communities & Community services
Portfolio      Community                                  Provider       Pierce Armstrong Foundation
Provider       Sisters of Charity Foundation              Amount         Up to $20,000
Amount         Up to $15,000                              Closes         1 February 2022
Closes         31 July 2021
                                                          Who is it for? Not-for-profit charities
Who is it for? Organisation is not-for-profit and         Description
has Income Tax Exempt Charity (ITEC) status and           This program seeks to positively impact and enhance
Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) Item 1 status             the lives of Australians and will support those organi-
Description                                               sations who demonstrate they can make meaningful
The Sisters of Charity Foundation provides charity        and lasting contributions to the community.
grants of up to $15,000 to eligible applicants. They
deliver practical, real world support to smaller grass-   Although the Foundation does not specify a minimum
roots organisations that can’t find help from more        or maximum funding amount, it generally provides
traditional sources.                                      small donations up to $20,000.

Once accepted as an eligible applicant, they work         • Eligible activities include those that address the
closely with you and your organisation to understand          Foundation’s current areas of focus:
exactly what is needed, so they can ensure you re-        • education
ceive the best quality outcomes.                          • children and youth
                                                          • health and wellbeing
The Sisters of Charity Foundation favours programs        • community support.
that:                                                     Whilst the Foundation prefers Victorian grantees,
• provide compassion, hope and practical                  it will consider applications from interstate
    assistance                                            organisations.
• fall between the cracks of other funding sources
• are not associated with well-established                More information
    organisations with significant reserves and/or are
    not capable of raising their own funds
• are not eligible for funding from government or
    other sources.

More information

                                                                        Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin     15
Australian Communities Foundation Grant               Google
                                                      Portfolio      Communities & Community Services
Portfolio Communities & Community Services            Provider       Google
Provider  Australian Communities Foundation           Amount         Up to $10,000 US in in-kind
Amount    No set minimum and maximum funding          Closes         Ongoing
Closes    Open on an ongoing basis                    Who is it for? Not-for-profit charities.

Who is it for? Organisations with both DGR & TCC      Description
status                                                Google will help eligible organisations increase their
                                                      online presence by enhancing Google search results.
Description                                           Organisations must have a current charity status and
This program aims to support initiatives that are     apply online.
aligned with the Foundation’s interests.
There are no set minimum and maximum funding          More information
limits. The average grant awarded is between $2,000
and $15,000.
Applicants must contact the program administrator     IGA Community Chest
prior to submitting an application.
                                                      Portfolio      Communities & Community Services
Eligible activities include those that address the    Provider       IGA Supermarkets
following focus areas:                                Amount         Not specified
• tackling inequality                                 Closes         Ongoing
• strengthening democracy
• Indigenous communities                              Who is it for? Community groups and organisations
• safeguarding the environment
• building a culturally vibrant society.              Description
                                                      Funding for a local project or equipment for your
More information                                      organisation, consider contacting your local IGA              Supermarket and asking their support through their
difference/seeking-funding                            Community Chest program.

                                                      More information

    16     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Ignitor Fund                                           UCF Small Grants

Portfolio Communities                                  Portfolio     Communities
Provider  The English Family Foundation                Provider      Universal Charitable Fund (UCF)
Amount    Up to $50,000 (up to $100,000 in             Amount        Up to $2,000
		special cases)                                       Closes        Ongoing
Closes    Ongoing
                                                       Who is it for? Registered not-for-profit organisations
Who is it for? Organisations must have an income
of less than $5,000,000, have DGR status and be        Description
Australian based.                                      Grants are provided to organisations that are
                                                       registered with the Australian Charities and Not For
Description                                            Profit Commission (ACNC), have DGR Status and
This Grant program provides support to Australian      have an income less than $1m. Organisations must be
Social Enterprise change makers for their next stage   focused on making an impact on education, health,
development. Projects can be from a variety of         building sustainable communities and/or youth in
areas but must have a clear objective and make a       their communities.
transformational, tangible and measurable impact
in the community. Expressions of interest are          More information
considered all year round.                   

More information

                                                                     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin    17
Honda Foundation Grants

 Disability                                           Portfolio      Communities & Community Services
                                                      Provider       Honda Foundation
                                                      Amount         Various
Young Care – Home Support Grants
                                                      Closes         Ongoing
Portfolio      Disability
Provider       YoungCare                              Who is it for? Charities and community organisations
Amount         Up to $20,000
Closes         Ongoing                                Description
                                                      Honda Foundation provides support for charities
Who is it for? Those 18-65 years with a permanent     and organisations across a range of social and
disability and need support for either to remain at   environmental issues including individuals who are
home.                                                 disadvantaged, have a disability or suffering illness or
                                                      who have been impacted by natural disasters.
Support for people 18-65 years with a permanent       More information
disability and need support for either to remain
at home, move back home or make home more
accessible. Grant can fill gaps of NDIS.

More information

    18      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Disaster Readiness
                                                       ANZ Seeds of Renewal 2021

 and Recovery
                                                       Portfolio Environment, Communities &
                                                       		Community Services
                                                       Provider  ANZ
Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Package               Amount    Up to $15,000
Stage 3                                                Closes    11 August 2021

Portfolio     Disaster Readiness and Recovery
                                                       Who is it for? Community groups for projects that
Provider      NSW Government                           support environmental sustainability; improve access
Amount        More than $500 million will be 		        to housing; or promote financial wellbeing in regional
		            committed to support bushfire 		         communities of fewer than 15,000 people.
		            impacted communities in three stages
Who is it for? Eligible LGAs (check website below)     ANZ Seeds of Renewal is a small grants program
                                                       designed to help build vibrant and sustainable rural
Description                                            communities, to ensure the ongoing prosperity of
The Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER)            regional Australia.
Package is part of the $4.4 billion bushfire support
program co-funded by the Commonwealth and NSW          Now in its 19th year, the ANZ Seeds of Renewal
governments for bushfire recovery, response, and       program demonstrates ANZ’s ongoing commitment
preparedness in NSW.                                   to shape a world where people and communities
BLER funding will support job retention and creation   thrive. It is built on two key tenets:
in bushfire impacted regions, strengthen community
resilience, and reduce the impact of future natural    • vibrant communities are diverse and inclusive
disasters.                                               with strong social capital, where everyone can
More than $500 million will be committed to support      participate and build a better life;
bushfire impacted communities in three stages:         • sustainable communities innovate, expand, and
• Stage 1 – Early co-funded projects                     create opportunities that will deliver demonstrable
• Stage 2 – $250 million BLER Fund Open Round            medium to long-term economic benefit to
• Stage 3 – Final projects/initiatives                   the community, contributing to economic

More information                                       More information
programs/bushfire-local-economic-recovery-package      seeds-of-renewal/

                                                                     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin    19
Black Summer Bushfire Recovery Grants                      Australian Government Disaster Recovery
Portfolio Disaster Readiness and Recovery
Provider  National Recovery and Resilience 		              Portfolio Disaster Readiness and Recovery
		Agency                                                   Provider  Australian Government Services
Amount    Between $20,000 and $10 million                  		Australia
Closes    2 September 2021                                 Amount    Depends on your circumstances
                                                           Closes    28 September 2021
Who is it for? This grants program is not available for
individuals, partnerships or trusts.                       Who is it for? Support if you can show you lost in-
You will be eligible if you have an Australian Business    come as a direct result of the floods in New South
Number (ABN) and are one of the following:                 Wales in March 2021
• an entity incorporated in Australia
• a company limited by guarantee
                                                           A short-term payment to help you following a
• an incorporated association                              declared disaster.
• an incorporated not-for-profit organisation
• an Aboriginal Land Council or Indigenous                 Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA) is a short-term
    corporation                                            payment to help you if a declared disaster directly
• a local governing agency or body (such as a              affects your income.
    Council) or ACT governing agency.
                                                           You can get it for a maximum of 13 weeks. We’ll pay
Description                                                this from the date you lose income as a direct result of
The $280 million Black Summer Bushfire Recovery            the New South Wales floods in March 2021.
(BSBR) Grants program will help communities address
priorities for recovery and resilience after the 2019-20   DRA is a taxable payment. You can ask us to withhold
bushfires.                                                 voluntary tax deductions from your payments.
This grants program comes from the National Bushfire
Recovery Fund and is additional to support already         If you get DRA you might be able to get Beneficiary
provided through a range of bushfire recovery              Tax Offset. This may reduce the amount of tax you pay.
programs.                                                  You’ll need to contact the Australian Taxation Office to
                                                           find out more.
More information              More information

    20     Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Australian Government Disaster Recovery                  Flood disaster recovery small business grant
                                                         Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery
Portfolio Disaster Readiness and Recovery                Provider       Services NSW
Provider  Australian Government Services 		              Amount         Up to $50,000
		Australia                                              Closes         31 October 2021
Amount    $1,000 per adult, $400 for each child
		        younger than 16                                Who is it for? Small business or a not-for-profit organ-
Closes    28 September 2021                              isation directly impacted by NSW floods

Who is it for? Support for people affected by the        Description
New South Wales (NSW) Floods, March 2021                 The flood disaster recovery grant of up to $50,000
                                                         is to help pay for costs of clean up and reinstatement
Description                                              of a small business or not-for-profit organisation’s
The Australian Government Disaster Recovery              operations.
Payment (AGDRP) is a lump sum payment to help you        You must be a small business or a not-for-profit
if a declared disaster significantly affects you.        organisation in a defined disaster area to be eligible.
                                                         If you’re a primary producer, you may be eligible for
More information                                         financial assistance tailored to your industry.
centrelink/new-south-wales-floods-march-2021-            Covered costs could include, but are not limited to:
australian-government-disaster-recovery-payment          • payment for tradespeople to conduct safety
                                                         • equipment and materials required for cleaning up,
Special Disaster Assistance (Storms & Floods)               or hiring a cleaner to assist with post-flood cleanup
Primary Producer Grants                                  • equipment and materials essential for immediately
                                                            resuming operations
Portfolio     Disaster Readiness and Recovery            • the removal and disposal of damaged goods and
Provider      NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)          materials
Amount        Up to $75,000                              • repairing premises and internal fittings
Closes        31 October 2021                            • leasing temporary premises or replacing lost
                                                            or damaged stock if it’s essential for resuming
Who is it for? Primary Producers                            operations
                                                         • hiring equipment and/or replacing stock needed
Description                                                 to resume operations.
Disaster recovery grants of up to $75,000 are now
available to primary producers in LGAs affected by the   More information
NSW storms and floods that have occurred from 19
February 2021 and from 10 March 2021.                    disaster-recovery-small-business-grant

More information

                                                                       Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin     21
Disaster relief loans - Primary producers                  Disaster relief loans - Small business

Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery             Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery
Provider       NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)        Provider       NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)
Amount         Loans of up to $130,000                     Amount         Loans of up to $130,000
Closes         31 October 2021                             Closes         31 October 2021

Who is it for? Primary Producers                           Who is it for? Small business

Description                                                Description
Primary producers directly affected by a declared          Small businesses who have been directly affected by
natural disaster who are in urgent and genuine need        a declared natural disaster including floods, fires or
of assistance, may be eligible for low interest loans of   storm damage, may be eligible for low interest loans
up to $130,000.                                            of up to $130,000.
This low interest rate loan can help a farm business to:   This low interest rate loan can help a small business:
• continue to operate your farm businesses for the         • return to its normal level of trading or until the next
    next twelve months or until the next income is             major income is received within 12 months from
    received                                                   the date of disaster
• replace and repair damage caused to the property         • replace and repair damage caused to your small
    and associated improvements not covered by                 business and associated improvements not
    insurance                                                  covered by insurance.

More information                                           More information 
recovery-loans/primary-producers                           recovery-loans/small-business

                                                           Disaster relief loans - Not for Profit

                                                           Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery
                                                           Provider       NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)
                                                           Amount         Loans of up to $25,000
                                                           Closes         31 October 2021

                                                           Who is it for? Not for Profit organisation

                                                           Natural disaster relief loans assist voluntary non-profit
                                                           organisations directly affected by a declared natural
                                                           disaster including flood, fire, or storm damage.

                                                           Low interest rate loans are available:

                                                           • for the restoration of essential facilities that have
                                                             been damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster
                                                           • and may also be directed towards temporary
                                                             storage or leasing of alternate premises.

                                                           More information

    22      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Disaster relief loans - Sporting and recreational            Infrastructure
                                                             Portfolio Disaster Readiness and Recovery
Portfolio      Disaster Readiness and Recovery               Provider  NSW Government’s Clubgrants
Provider       NSW Rural Assistance Authority (RAA)          		        Category 3 Fund)
Amount         Loans of up to $10,000                        Amount    $10,000 to $200,000 available per
Closes         31 October 2021                               		project

Who is it for? Sporting Club and recreational clubs          Closes         Open 5 July - Closes 26 July 2021

Description                                                  Who is it for? Submitted by a not-for-profit organi-
Natural disaster financial assistance is available to help   sation with an ABN that is responsible for operating
sporting and recreation clubs directly affected by a         and/or maintaining the infrastructure.
declared natural disaster including flood, fire or storm
damage.                                                      Description
                                                             The NSW Government offers grants to communities
This low interest rate loan can help:
                                                             across NSW to support the building, renovation and
• meet the costs of restoring essential club facilities,     fit-out of infrastructure.
    equipment or other assets that have been
    damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.              Funding is available for arts and cultural infrastructure,
                                                             sport and recreation infrastructure and projects that
More information
                                                             assist communities with essential infrastructure and
                                                             disaster readiness.
                                                             The 2021/22 grant rounds will be open on the
                                                             following dates:
                                                             • July 2021: Monday 5 July to Monday 26 July 2021
                                                             • November 2021: Monday 1 November to Monday
                                                                 22 November 2021

                                                             More information

                                                                            Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin      23
Inspiring Australia – Science Engagement
 Education, Employment                                     Programme: Sponsorship Grants for Student
                                                           Science Engagement and International
 and Training                                              Competitions
Bennelong Foundation 2021 Grants EOI                       Portfolio Education, Employment and Training
Portfolio      Education, Employment and Training
                                                           Provider  Department of Industry, Science,
Provider       Bennelong Foundation                        		        Energy and Resources
Amount         Up to $30,000                               Amount    Minimum $1,500 and Maximum
Closes         EOI closes 30 July 2021                     		$20,000
                                                           Closes    Ongoing
Who is it for? Organisations with Deductible Gift
Recipient Status, Item 1 of Section 30-15 from ATO         Who is it for? Primary or secondary school or
                                                           incorporated not-for-profit organisation
The Bennelong Foundation’s program funding                 Description
areas are: Education, Training and Employment;             This program aims to provide funds to sponsor young
and Community Health and Wellbeing. Target                 Australians to take part in STEM (science, technology,
communities are: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander     engineering, and mathematics) events.
communities; people with a refugee background,
newly arrived migrants and culturally and linguistically   Grants between $1,500 and $20,000 are available.
diverse communities; and communities/groups                The maximum grant amount per student is:
experiencing socio-economic disadvantage.                  • $2,000 for STEM events or activities occurring
In this grant round, in keeping with the Bennelong            within Australia.
Foundation’s community and grass roots tradition,          • $5,000 for international STEM events or activities.
they will be seeking grants of up to $30,000 for           The grant amount will be up to 100% of eligible
maintain and grow grants.                                  project expenditure (grant percentage).
Maintain grant: Supporting established and high
impact programs to continue to deliver.                    More information
Grow grant: Supporting the growth or sustainability
of an organisation, program, or project. This may          sponsorship-grants-for-student-science-engagement-
include requests to expand current programs, initiate      and-international-competitions
new programs or programs that assist with growing
need for the services your organisation provides.
Application is via a 2-step process. Step 1 is a
submission of an Expression of Interest (EOI). Step 2 is
an invited application for shortlisted submissions.

More information

    24      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Tailored Assistance Employment Grants                      Youth Jobs PaTH

Portfolio Employment, Indigenous Affairs                   Portfolio      Youth, Employment
Provider  Department of the Prime Minister and             Provider       Jobactive
		Cabinet                                                  Amount         From $1,000 to $10,000
Amount    Not specified
                                                           Closes         Ongoing
Closes    Ongoing

                                                           Who is it for? Businesses
Who is it for? Indigenous Australians

                                                           Youth Jobs PaTH is designed to support young people
Tailored Assistance Employment Grants are available
                                                           to gain the skills and work experience they need to
to provide funding support to connect working age
                                                           get and keep a job. It also supports employers to host
Indigenous Australians with real and sustainable jobs,
                                                           internship placements and provides them with incen-
as well as assisting Indigenous school students to tran-
                                                           tives when they take on a young person. Youth Jobs
sition from education into sustainable employment.
                                                           PaTH has three elements: Prepare - Trial - Hire.

                                                           You can trial a young person for 4 to 12 weeks in an
More information             internship so you can both be sure they’re the right fit
tailored-assistance-employment-grants                      for your business.

                                                           You will receive $1,000 to help cover the costs and
Australian Apprenticeships Incentives Program              the Australian Government provides an additional
                                                           $200 per fortnight on top of their income support
Portfolio Education, Employment, 			                       payment and covers their insurance.
Provider  Department of Education, Skills and 		           If you decide to hire the young person you may be
		Employment                                               eligible to receive up to $10,000.
Amount    Not specified
Closes    Ongoing                                          More information
Who is it for? Employers

The Program contains a range of employer incentives
and personal benefit payments to Australian
Apprentices. The Program links into the industries
and occupations traditionally associated with
the apprenticeship system. In addition, the
Program targets a broad range of traineeships and
apprenticeships in new and emerging industries
especially where future skills shortages are projected.

More information

                                                                         Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin      25
NSW Wildlife Council (NWC) Wildlife
                                                           Rehabilitation Enclosure & Equipment Grants
 Environment                                               2021-2022

                                                           Portfolio      Environment
Small Environmental Grants Scheme                          Provider       NSW Wildlife Council
                                                           Amount         From $500 to $2,500
Portfolio      Environment                                 Closes         31 July 2021
Provider       Wettenhall Trust
Amount         $10,000
                                                           Who is it for? Groups and individuals
Closes         30 July 2021

Who is it for? Community groups                            The objective of the Grants Program is to increase
                                                           the capacity for individual wildlife rehabilitators, or
Description                                                groups in exceptional circumstances at the discretion
Providing support for people undertaking projects          of the management committee, to purchase materials
that will make a positive difference to the natural        to build animal enclosures or equipment needed to
living environment, in land, sea or air, rural or urban.   rehabilitate native Australian wildlife within the state of
We support grassroots organisations and individuals,       NSW.
and academics who are working with on-ground
community groups.                                          Applicants must belong to a NWC wildlife
                                                           rehabilitation group or be an independent general
We are looking for projects around:                        licensee that is licensed by the NSW Department of
• flora and fauna conservation (Australia-wide)            Planning, Industry and Environment National Parks &
• threatened mammal conservation (Australia-wide).         Wildlife Service.

These projects should involve any of the following:
• monitoring, recording, and sharing data
                                                           More information
• delivering community education
• providing community capacity building (e.g.    
   training)                                               equipment-grants-program-for-2021-2022
• research and science.

More information

    26      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Groundswell 2021 Grants                                   Australian Communities Foundation Grant
Portfolio      Environment
Provider       Groundswell                                Portfolio Environment
Amount         Up to $40,000                              Provider  Australian Communities Foundation
Closes         30 July 2021                               Amount    No set minimum and maxium funding
Who is it for? Deductible Gift Recipient 1 entities, or   Closes    Open on an ongoing basis
organisations that have a partnership agreement with
a DGR1 entity                                             Who is it for? Organisations with both DGR & TCC
Groundswell is a giving circle created in response to     Description
the climate crisis, accelerating action and supporting    This program aims to support initiatives that are
solutions by funding high-impact climate advocacy         aligned with the Foundation’s interests.
in Australia. The remaining 2021 funding rounds
focus on both project and core funding for climate        There are no set minimum and maximum funding
advocacy.                                                 limits. The average grant awarded is between $2,000
                                                          and $15,000.
Groundswell are interested in funding organisations
tackling the climate crisis who:                          Applicants must to contact the program administrator
• build the movement – activate new and strategic         prior to submitting an application.
    demographics or sectors to get involved in
    tackling the climate crisis                           Eligible activities include those that address the
• change the story – build urgency for stronger           following focus areas:
    action from trusted voices in our community           • tackling inequality
• shift the money – dry up the pipeline of funding to     • strengthening democracy
    fossil fuel companies                                 • supporting Indigenous communities
• change the politics – enable greater leadership         • safeguarding the environment
    within state and federal Governments.                 • building a culturally vibrant society

Grants can only be made to Deductible Gift Recipient      More information
1 entities, or organisations that have a partnership
agreement with a DGR1 entity.                             difference/seeking-funding

Small to medium sized organisations are strongly
encouraged to apply.

More information

                                                                        Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin      27
Recovery Boost $50,000 funding program

 Health                                                        Portfolio      Health
                                                               Provider       State Insurance Regulatory Authority
The Smartgroup Foundation
                                                               Amount         $50,000
Portfolio       Health                                         Closes         30 June 2022
Provider        Smartgroup Foundation
Amount          between $5,000 to $25,000                      Who is it for? Businesses, not-for profit organisations,
Closes          30 August 2021                                 social enterprises, government agencies and
Who is it for? Charities with Deductible Gift Recipient        Description
(DGR) status                                                   Workplaces can play an important role in preventing
                                                               mental health issues arising and can also make a
Description                                                    difference in an individual’s recovery.
The Smartgroup Foundation is focusing on projects              SIRA has developed Recovery Boost, a grant program
which support: animal welfare; children’s illnesses and        aimed at funding projects that can help mental health
disabilities; mental illness; children and families at risk;   recovery at work.
cancer; environment. The Foundation issues grants to           Through Recovery Boost, SIRA is offering grants
successful applications for amounts between $5,000             of up to $50,000 to individuals, workplaces and
to $25,000. Charities must have Deductible Gift                organisations with new ideas that help individuals
Recipient (DGR) status to apply.                               recover from mental health issues at work. Please click
                                                               on the link below to see our current funded projects
More information                                               underway.
smartgroup-foundation                                          More information

    28      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
Black Dog Institute Free Workplace Mental               Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS)
Health Training
                                                        Portfolio Health, Seniors
Portfolio     Health                                    Provider  Department of Health and Aging
Provider      SafeWork NSW                              Amount    The CAPS payment rate for 2020–21 is
Amount        Free mental health training               		$623.80
Closes        Ongoing                                   Closes    Ongoing

Who is it for? Business with less than 200 employees,   Who is it for? Individuals
and not-for-profit organisations of any size
Description                                             CAPS is an Australian Government program. It
The Black Dog Institute in partnership with the NSW     provides a payment to eligible people, to help with
Government is providing free mental health training     some of the costs of buying continence products. The
to any NSW private sector business with less than 200   basic requirements are that the recipient:
employees, and not-for-profit organisations of any      • have permanent and severe incontinence;
size.                                                   • have an eligible neurological condition or
                                                           eligible other condition that is the cause of your
Nearly 1 in 6 workers experience mental health issues      permanent and severe incontinence;
at any one time. This training will benefit everyone    • be 5 years or older;
in the workplace by helping them better understand      • and be an Australian citizen.
their own mental health, know how to support others
and how to access support if they (or someone they      More information
know) need it.                                
                                                        continence- aids-payment-scheme-caps
Research shows that mentally healthy workplaces:
• attract and retain top talent
• have more engaged and productive workers
• have less absenteeism and presenteeism
• save money, such as through fewer injury claims

More information

                                                                      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin   29
National Auslan Interpreter Booking and
Payment Service (NABS)

Portfolio      Disability, Health, Seniors
Provider       Department of Social Services
Amount         N/A
Closes         Ongoing

Who is it for? Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing

NABS provides interpreters for deaf, deafblind and
hard of hearing people who use sign language and
would like an interpreter for private health care
appointments. NABS is free to people who are not
eligible for NDIS. Sign language services to Deaf
Indigenous people are provided for both public
and private health care appointments. Services
include face to face interpreting and video remote

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    30      Eden-Monaro Grants Bulletin
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