HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology

Page created by Josephine Swanson
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Est. 1990

 Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award

Higher Education
2018                                                                                                                                                    WINNER2017
                                                                                                                                                         National Business of the Year Award

Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology (Pty) Ltd is registered with the Department of Higher Education & Training as a Private Higher Education Institution under the Higher Education Act, 1997, Registration
                      Certicate No. 2000/HE07/008 & as a Private Further Education College under the Further Education & Training Act, 2006, Registration Certicate No. 2008/FE07/050
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Table of Contents...
 Section 1    Richfield graduate institute of
              technology - institutional details

 1.1 National Business of the Year Award                             4
 1.2 Institutional Leadership & Management                           6
 1.3 International Recognition                                       7
 1.4 Campus Operations                                               8
 1.5 Statutory Disclosure                                           10
 1.6 Academic Calendar                                              11
 1.7 World Class Technology                                         12

 Section 2

 2.1    Bachelor of Science in Information Technology               14
 2.2    Diploma in Information Technology 3 years                   16
 2.3    Diploma in Information Technology 2 years                   18
 2.4    Diploma in Computer Applications                            20
 2.5    Advanced Certificate in Information Technology              22
 2.6    Higher Certificate in Information Technology                23
 2.7    Advanced Certificate in Systems Engineering                 24
 2.8    Higher Certificate in Systems Engineering                   25

Cover Picture : Norman Mbazima, Deputy Chairman of Anglo American presents
     the National Business of the Year to Richfields CEO, Jay Ramnundlall.
           Above : Richfield is amongst South Africas Top Companies.
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Table of Contents...
 Section 3    BUSINESS Administration, management

 3.1   Bachelor of Commerce                                   28
 3.2   Bachelor of Business Administration                    30
 3.3   Diploma in Business Administration 3 years             32
 3.4   Diploma in Business Administration 2 years             34
 3.5   Advanced Certificate in Business Administration        36
 3.6   Advanced Certificate in Commerce                       37
 3.7   Higher Certificate in Business Administration          38
 3.8   Higher Certificate in Office Administration            39

 Section 4 Public Administration & recognition of
         	prior learning qualifications

 4.1   Bachelor of Public Management                          46
 4.2   Diploma in Local Government Management                 41
 4.3   Higher Certificate in Local Government
       Management                                             42
 4.4   Higher Certificate in RPL Activities                   43


 5.1   Assessments, Credit Accumulation & Progression 44
 5.2   Higher Education Campus Matrix                    45
 5.3   SETA Registered TVET Campuses                     46
 5.4   DHET TVET  Registered Campuses                    47
 5.5   DHET Registered Campuses                          48

             Est. 1990
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
  Winner of the National
Business of the Year Award

           The Oscars of South African Business

                 of Excellence in the Category


                          Aw a rd e d t o

 Ric hfield Graduate Institute of Technology
   For outstanding business practice, performance and innovation at
                     t h e f o r e f r o n t o f y o u r s e c t o r.

                             Ralf Fletcher
                        C h i e f E x e c u t i v e O ffi c e r
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology

                   Est. 1990

South Africa’s most affordable Higher          Business’, which has become synonymous
Education Institution, Richfield Graduate      with the National Business Awards.
Institute of Technology (RGIT) has won         The finalists for the respective awards
the National Business of the Year Award.       included Discovery Health, Woolworths,
This year’s ceremony was held on the           Rennies Travel, CTICC, Microsoft SA,
16 November 2017 at Emperors Palace,           amongst others.
Gauteng and marked the 15th anniversary
of the National Business Awards.               Richfield’s CEO, Jay Ramnundlall,
                                               commented, “We were extremely proud
The event’s most prestigious accolade,         to come away with the trophy, especially
was awarded to Richfield before a host         given the calibre of the organisations we
of business and government leaders,
                                               were up against. I would like to thank the
VIPs and media representatives. Also
                                               Judges for recognising our hard work and
watching, via live social media updates,
were thousands of South Africans whose         our quest to open up distance learning
engagement kept the awards trending            to all. This accolade belongs to everyone
for several hours.                             at Richfield and provides a motivational
                                               boost to our efforts. Respected recognition
Richfield has become a pioneering              platforms like the National Business
Higher Education Institution which has         Awards have been shown to enhance
evolved with the explosion of digital          brand reputation and we appreciate the
technologies. Serving South African for        exposure this accolade will generate
almost 3 decades, Richfield has become         around our learning solutions. In short, we
the knowledge powerhouse it is today,          are honoured to accept this award”.
with 33 higher education campuses and
40 TVET campuses countrywide.
Having recently won several international
awards in Oxford (UK), Geneva
(Switzerland), Rome (Italy) and London
(UK), ranging from ‘perfection, quality
and ideal performance’ to ‘sustainability,
quality achievements and technology
integration’. It is therefore not surprising
that Richfield has taken SA’s top business
award for 2017.

For a decade and a half, South Africa’s
National Business Awards has recognised               winner 2017
outstanding achievements by companies.
This year’s list of nominees exemplifies
the phrase ‘the Oscars of South African
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Institutional Leadership
     Est. 1990
                                                                       & MaNAGEMENT

    Professor P. Brijlall                Jay Ramnundlall                     Prof Rosh Maharaj                     Dr Muni Kooblal
                                                                                                                B.Sc, B ED, HED, ADV DIP (PUB.AD),
    BA(Hons), M.A., D Phil             B.Com,MBA, TQM, SAIPA                D.Ed; M.Ed, B.Ed; B.A.; NTSD; NTD
                                                                                                                          MPA, D.ADMIN
    Chairperson of Senate             Chief Executive Officer                  Chief Quality Officer                Academic Registrar

          Prof S. Lubbe                                                                                          Professor S. Adam
    PHD(IS), MCom, BCom(Hons)         National Business Awards – the Oscars of South African business              PhD, BA, MPA, D Admin
     Dean:Post Graduate Studies        The 2016 South African Award Winner of Excellence in the category          Dean: Faculty of Public
                                                            “Investing in People”                               Administration & Local Govt.

     Victor Masakada                                                                                                  Isaka Reddy
      MSc. Financial Engineering     Praveen Vasala                             Craig Gokhale
      MSc. Strategic Business IT                                                                                  MSc (Computer Science)
                                    MBA, BCom, Cert Bus Analysis             MSc (Computer Science)             Dean: Faculty of Information
       Departmental Head:          Dean: Faculty of Commerce                  Chief Academic Officer
      Networks & Engineering                                                                                            Technology

         Elaine Ganas                      Freedom Vezi                                                             Mbali Tsalong
    BCom Hons (Ind & Org Psych)                   Mmsci                           Nellie Naidoo                     ND Bus Mngt, Strat
                                                                                    B. Tech PR, ODETDP 5
       Chief HRD Officer             Dean: Faculty of Leadership &            Chief Commercial Officer               Marketing (GIBS)
                                       Business Administration                                                   National Sales Manager
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
International Recognition
            from Italy, Switzerland & England
2017 – Winner of The TOPCO National Business Of The                · Managerial expertise
Year Award                                                         · Corporate governance
2017 - Winner of two prestigious international awards in           · Brand Awareness
Rome from Otherways’ Association of Management and                 · Levels of innovation
Consulting - France for:                                           2014 - Finalist in the
 • Global Award for Perfection, Quality and Ideal                  Standard Bank Top Business Awards
 Performance; and
 • Green Era Global Award for Sustainability.                      2013 - CEO : Finalist African Access National Business
                                                                   Awards- Top Businessman of the year Category
2017 - Academic Union, London, UK, having admitted Rich-
field as Global Member, AU has awarded the Institution’s           2013 - Winner of the Best Computer Training Institute /
CEO, Jay Ramnundlall, the status of Honourable Professor of        College in the Reader’s Choice “Best of the Best” Pretoria
the          Academic Union, Oxford, UK, with admission            News Awards.
to the Club of Rectors of Europe and the International
Socrates Nomination Committee.                                     2013 - Finalist in 4 Categories of the African Access National
                                                                   Business Awards:
2017 - Standard Bank Institutional Recognition for                 · Investing in People Award
“ Outstanding Achievements in the field of Education”              · Innovation through Technology Award
                                                                   · Customer Focus Award
2016 - International Socrates Awards: Oxford, England -            · Corporate Citizenship Award
‘Best Enterprises’and ‘Best Manager of the Year’ Award,
                                                                   2012 - Winner of the Top Gender Empowered Company in
2016 - PMR Africa, Diamond Arrow Award:                            the Business, Education and Training Category
Best IT Training Institution : 1st overall for doing most in the
education sector & for stimulating economic growth and             2012 - Winner of the FNB / Kwa-Zulu National Top Busi-
development of the KwaZulu-Natal Province.                         ness Portfolio Awards in the Social & Community Services
Institution for doing most in the education sector in              Sector
stimulating economic growth and development of the
KwaZulu-Natal Province.                                            2012 - Finalist in 4 Categories of the African Access National
                                                                   Business Awards:
2016 - South African National Business Award - First Place         · Investing in People Award
in the Catergory - Investor in People.                             · Innovation through Technology Award
                                                                   · Customer Focus Award
2015 - Winner of the Century International Quality ERA             · Business, Education & Training Award
Gold Awards for :
· Impressive Work Integrated Learning (WIL) - increasing the
rate of employability of students
· Promoting Technology - providing students with free
access to high-tech devices with NO additional cost
· Creating a ‘green’ culture which benefits the environ-
ment, encouraging students and educators to move away
from excessive use of paper and printing

2015 - PMR AFRICA, Diamond Arrow Award -
Leaders and Achievers Catergory

2015 - Finalist of the Kwa-Zulu National Top Business
Awards for being the Leading Brand in Kwa-Zulu Natal

2015 - Finalist in the Platinum Technology International
Award for Quality & Excellence

2015 - Finalist in the Oliver Empowerment Awards for the
Top Empowered Male Leader of the Year Award

2014 - PMR Africa Winner of the Diamond Arrow Award in
the Business Sector for:
· Business Sector for Economic Growth and Development                                                                          7
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
    It is with great pleasure that we welcome you as                   Relevant Curriculum
    a prospective student to one of our country’s most     Developing and delivering curricula in line with
    pronounced and quality recognized Institutions.        industry and employer requirements are sup-
    Like all progressive organizations, in planning the    ported by an externally represented Senate. In
    new academic year, we have upgraded all our            addition, Academic Faculties and Departments
    policies, frameworks, strategies and practices and     provide support to all teaching for learning ac-
    reconfigured them, to provide you with a world         tivities.
    class learning experience. Some unique aspects
                                                                      Professional Management
    are highlighted below:                                 Teaching and Learning expertise on each cam-
                                                           pus, together with professional management,
                        VISION                             ensure that the learning needs of students are
    “A global Institution committed to quality, student    met and that the quality of teaching for learning,
    satisfaction, leadership, creativity and value inno-   community engagement, assessment and re-
    vation”.                                               search is continually improved and consistent at
                                                           all Campuses. Students are provided with a sys-
                      MISSION                              tem of nationally managed, standardized learn-
    “To facilitate and enhance quality teaching for        ing materials and curricula which are reviewed
    learning, promoting research and engaging the          and upgraded anually. Learning materials are
    community, through innovative practices and            also preloaded on Tablet PCs, making them eas-
    emerging technologies achieving increased glob-        ily accessible.
    al access, employment, entrepreneurial opportu-
    nities and transformation”.                                          Interactive Learning
                                                           Small and manageable class sizes allows for in-
                 World Class Institution                   teractive teaching for learning and provision of
    The Institution’s programmes have been histor-         strategic supplementary classes in smaller groups
                                                           targeting specific needs in student development.
    ically driven by demand in the workplace. The
    National Master Scarce Skills List for South Africa                 Community Engagement
    provided by the Department of Labour as well as        An effective Community Engagement (CE) Strat-
    Seta Sector Skills Plan demand work based pro-         egy makes Campuses more accessible to the
    grammes that are geared towards preparing stu-         communities they serve. Joint projects and use
    dents in finding meaningful employment in the ICT,     of Institutional infrastructure for CE purposes are
    commerce, government and industry sectors.             encouraged.

                Work Integrated Learning                      International ISO 9001 : 2015 and OHSAS
    Included in the curriculum are, compulsory work                 18001:2007 Quality Standards
    readiness skills and work integrated learning pro-     The Institution also holds to it credit the ISO 9001
    grammes requiring appropriate workplace assess-        : 2015 and OHSAS 18001:2007 Internationally
    ment for all students, before awarding qualifica-      Certified Quality Stardards for the provision of
    tions.                                                 Higher Education and Training, Distance and Vo-
                                                           cational Technical Studies, Professional Learning
             Learning Management System                    and Skills Programmes to International Organisa-
                                                           tions & Individuals.
    The institution has migrated to the Moodle Stu-
    dent Management System which is also used by Fees and Charges Including Refund(S) in the
    major universities of the world. Students can di-      Case of Cancellation or Withdrawal
    rectly access additional learning content from the Students are advised to refer to the Enrolment
    website.                                           Contract : Terms and Conditions 1.4 and 1.5 re-
                                                           garding cancellation or withdrawal.
    An active benchmarking strategy of our key pro-            List of all partnership agreements
    cesses, programmes and curricula with other pri- Richfield is a member of the SAP University Al-
    vate, public, national, international and trade or- liances.
    ganizations is carried out in the constant pursuit            Student Enrolment Contract
       of excellence and continued improvement.         All students are to ensure that they have signed
                                                           and completed an enrolment contract form.
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
...an enjoyable Student EXPERIENCE !
               Language Policy                                      Academic Infrastructure
The medium of instruction is English                   The Institution has state of the art facilities and
                                                       highly qualified academic and support staff in-
              Mode of instruction                      cluding a mix of foreign academic professionals
Contact or distance depending on programme.            who also provide rare and critical skills.

             Student Financial Aid                      Employment and Skills Development Agency
                                                       The Department of Higher Education/Labour has
Students that require Bursaries and Financial Aid
                                                       awarded the status of an Employment and Skills
are requested to write to the Student Bursar,          Development Agency (ESDA) to the Institution in
Private Bag X23, Umhlanga Rocks, 4320.                 all nine provinces.
           Student Support Services                               Articulation of Qualification
In the case of complaints/grievances, students         The Institution’s qualifications are positioned on
must complete the Student Concerns logbook             the National Qualification Framework (NQF) and
to ensure satisfactory conclusion. Students may        certain qualifications are also positioned on the
email student concerns to:                             new HEQSF. All qualifications have an occupa-
www.student concerns@richfield.ac.za                   tional content and allow for vertical and horizontal
                Code of Conduct
Students are required to abide by the code of                   Library and e-Library Resources
conduct, of which full details are covered in our      Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
registration contract.                                 pos-sesses a substantial academic library col-
                                                       lection of over 135 000 textbooks across its 30
     South African Regulatory Compliance               libraries nationally. The Library subscribes to an
                                                       increasing number of electronic journals (e-Jour-
In addition to the International Quality Standards,
                                                       nals), electronic books (e-Books), electronic mag-
the Institution meets the quality standards of the     azines (e-magazines) and electronic newspapers
Council on Higher Education, Department of High-       (e-newspapers) from leading academic Publishers
er Education and the South African Qualifications      such as Elsevier- Science Direct, Emerald Springer
Authority.                                             and Worldwide Information Services-PressReader.
                                                       Major Book Publishers such as Cengage Learning,
     Quality Council on Trade & Occupations            Pearson Education, Wiley, Mcgraw-Hill, Juta, Ox-
The Skills Development landscape is currently un-      ford and Lexis Nexis provides academic support to
der review with the formation of the Quality Coun-     the institution. The latest available textbooks are
cil on Trade & Occupations. The institution is keep-   prescribed and kept in the libraries nationally.
ing abreast with all developments in this regard.
                                                        Policy and Procedure for handling of student
            Internet Enabled Libraries                                    complaints
Access to internet enabled libraries and labo-         Student are to familiarize themselves with the
ratories, that offer full text electronic database     policy and procedure for student queries and han-
downloads for teaching and learning purposes,          dling of complaints.
are available to students.
                                                                   Health and Wellness Policy
                                                       Student are to familiarize themselves with the In-
             Administrative Systems                    stitution’s Health and Wellness policy.
The implementation of the Integrated Campus Ad-
ministration System (ICAS) has contributed to the                       Policy on Disability
development of the Institution's MIS and has facil-    Student are to familiarize themselves with the In-
itated integration into the HEQCIS, Umalusi and        stitution’s Policy on Disability.
SETA MIS eventually working its way to the NLRD
                                                          Names and Qualifications of full- time and
              Campus Social Life                         Part –time staff employed by the Institution
All campuses have staff responsible for work inte-     Students may view the names and qualifications of
grated learning, social and cultural activities and    full- time and Part –time staff employed by the In-
community engagement programmes. Social Net-           stitution at the campus where they are registered.
works using Wi-Fi connectivity and Tablet PC's are
encouraged and freely available at all campuses.
HigHer education - Study with the Winner of the National Business of the Year Award - Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology
Statutory DiscloSure
                                         Holding Company : Richfield Holdings (Pty) Ltd
                                         Registered Name : Richfield Graduate Institute
                                                           of Technology (Pty) Ltd
                                         Auditors:         BDO South Africa
                                         Trading Name:     RGIT
Rakesh Jugernath                         Abbreviated Name: RGIT
BCom, BCompt Hons, CA(SA)                Company Reg. No: 2000/000752/07
                                         Legal Status:     Private Company

                                         Statutory Directors:
                                         J. Ramnundlall           B Com, MBA, SAIPA, TQM, ODETDP
                                         R. Jugernath             B.Com, B. Compt (Honours), CA (SA)
                                         S. Mayet		               B.Com, HDip Acc, CA (SA)
                                         Dr M. Kooblal            B.Sc, B ED, HED, ADV DIP (PUB.AD), MPA, D. Admin

                                          Main Campus                Corporate office           POSTAL ADDRESS:
                                          292 Anton Lembede St,      4 Palm Boulevard           Private Bag X23
  Siddiqah Mayet                          Durban                     Umhlanga Rocks, 4320       Umhlanga Rocks,
   BCom, HDip Acc, CA(SA)                 Tel: (031) 304 9340        Tel: (031) 816 7300        4320
Director – Strategic Business Units
                                          Email: info@richfield.ac.za | Web: www.rgit.co.za

                      Further details may be found in the student handbook, Institutional website, enrolment
                                      contract and are also preloaded on students' Tablet PC's.

                                                          IMS International ISO 9001:2015
                             Est. 1990
                                                          Quality Standard Achieved

1st Semester : 2018
                   Duration                        Start              Finish           No. of Days
College Opens                                  8 January 2018
Nov/Dec 2017 Supplementary Exams               22 Jan 2018        1 Feb 2018      10
Student Induction & Orientation (First year)   19 Feb 2018        23 Feb 2018     4
Semester 1                                     26 Feb 2018        13 July 2018    95
Lectures Commence                              26 February 2018
Assignment 1 & 2 Due Date                      22 March 2018
Continuous Assessment Test 1                   3 April 2018       16 April 2018   13
Easter Holidays                                30 March 2018      2 April 2018    3
Assignment 3 & 4 Due Date                      23 April 2018
Assignment  5 & 6 Due Date                     10 May 2018
Continuous Assessment Test 2                   28 May 2018        8 June 2018     12
Semester 1 Revision & Examinations             28 June 2018       13 July 2018    16
College Holidays                               14 July 2018       29 July 2018    16

                                       2nd Semester : 2018
                   Duration                    Start              Finish          No. of Days
Semester 2                                     30 July 2018       7 Dec 2018      95
Lectures Commence                              30 July 2018
June/July 2018 Supplementary Exams             13 August 2018     24 August 2018 8
Assignment 1 & 2 Due Date                      22  August 2018
Continuous Assessment Test 1                   27 Aug 2018        8 Sept 2018     10
Assignment 3 & 4 Due Date                      25  September 2018
Assignment 5 & 6 Due Date                      02 October 2018
Continuous Assessment Test 2                   08 Oct 2018        19 Oct 2018     10
Semester 2 Revision & Examinations             19 Nov 2018        7 Dec 2018      14
College Holidays                               8 Dec 2018         -               -


2018                                                                                                 11
World Class Technology
Success is at your doorstep...
Every student registering for a full qualifi-    the Richfield programme rollout made an
cation, will receive a FREE Vodacom Tablet       immediate impact on the academic success
which includes a 2 Year warranty and 16 gigs     rates of our students, with a marked 15%
of memory, e-books, e-libraries and 500Mb        increase in the success rate of Degree
monthly data valid for 12 months. Each stu-      students (From 76% to 91%) in the inaugural
dent also is able to have FREE unlimited ac-     year. 2012 This success rate has been
cess to the Richfield website & Moodle Plat-     maintained over the past 4 years with
                                                      Mobile Learning: A Holistic African Solution...

The Tablet PC is compact, very lightweight
and extremely easy to carry. Our tablets can
easily fit in to most backpacks. Each Tablet
PC is pre-loaded with relevant learning ma-
terial for each student’s course. The learn-
ing material also includes global podcasts
of experts’ opinions on pertinent subjects
and provides online entry to the Integrated
Campus Administration System and Moodle
for assignments, accounts information and
examination results.

                                                 all Higher Education qualifications and
                                                 surpasses any other registered institution,
                                                 both Internationally or locally.

The Richfield tablet initiative has changed
Teaching and Learning by providing the stu-
dent with a unique, interactive and power-
ful e-Learning experience which enhances a
student’s ability to collaborate using a tech-
nology based approach. The tablet PC has
changed the way students and lecturers in-
teract and has placed the focus on student
centered learning. The Tablet PC has helped
RGIT reduce our carbon footprint and our
use of paper by an incredible 200 tons.
The 2012 integration of the Table PC into
Information Technology
           & Computer Applications
Graduates from Institu-                              pected to remain stable.          areas of life – from busi-
tions such as Richfield and                           Thousands of jobs have           ness and science to the
Universities remain a key                            been created by IT, and           entertainment sector.
resource to address the                              hence, today, it is essential
IT Skills Shortage of ma-                            for everyone to understand        The Faculties of Informa-
jor projects as well as the                          what information technol-         tion Technology, Computer
huge shortage of ICT Pro-                            ogy is, and how it plays a        Applications & Systems
fessionals & Engineers in                            vital role in every aspect of     Engineering helps develop
the global economy.                                  modern-day life.                  experts in the of new tech-
                                                                                       nologies & applications,
Information     Technology                           IT is interfused in all areas     leading to software devel-
pertains to the study, de-                           of professional, business         opers, engineering gurus
sign, and development of                             and personal life: from           and computer application
computer systems and net-                            providing communication,          specialists.
works, which are used for                            medicine.       Information
obtaining, processing, and                           technologies are one of           A range of tertiary quali-
distributing data. This field                        the most important and            fications based on varoius
has been growing at a very                           promising fields given that       NQF levels and duration of
fast pace over the last few                          qualified specialists with        study are offered Higher
years, and according to                              a Bachelor of Science de-         education qualifications
experts, this growth is ex-                          gree in IT are needed in all      include:

                                                                 Faculty of Information Technology
                                                                      • Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
                                                                          • Diploma in information Technology (3 years)
                                                                         • Diploma in information Technology (2 years)
                                                                    • Advanced Certificate in Information Technology
          Prof S. Lubbe             Victor Masakada
      PHD(IS), MCom, BCom(Hons)     MSc. Financial Engineering
                                    MSc. Strategic Business IT
                                                                         • Higher Certificate in Information Technology
        Post Graduate Studies        Departmental Head:
                                    Networks & Engineering

                                                                  Faculty of Computer Applications
                                                                              & Systems Engineering
                                                                                • Diploma in Computer Applications
                                                                     • Advanced Certificate in Systems Engineering
                                                                         • Higher Certificate in Systems Engineering
         Craig Gokhale                 Isaka Reddy
      MSc (Computer Science)        MSc (Computer Science)
                                  Dean: Faculty of Information
       Dean:Faculty of Computer

Faculty of
                Information Technology
                      Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
                                    (BSc IT) - 3 Years
                                      (SAQA ID No. 35954 : NQF 7 : 380 Credits : 3 Years)
                                     Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

Admission Requirements:
• A SA or African National Senior Certificate or equivalent with an endorsement for admission to a Degree, with a pass in Maths and one
Science Subject.
• Student who have passed RGIT HCIT / HCSE or an equivalent level 5 in the field of Information Technology.A Level Students Pass in 2 subjects
• O Level Students who have passed 12th class, or an equivalent A level examination or Senior Secondary School Certificate or a technical
diploma after Secondary School Certificate with English and Maths in of the Secondary Education system.
• Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. or • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
                     (BSc IT) - 3 Years
The Bachelor of Science                 three possible areas within                            ements, with emphasis on
in Information Technolo-                the IT industry. The curricu-                          group and individual work,
gy is to enable the qualify-            lum has specific outcomes                              and the associated business,
ing student to enter various            aimed at developing profes-                            communication and presen-
sub-categories within the               sional, generic and specific                           tation skills.
Information Technology in-              skills required within each
dustry.                                 area of elective.            In addition, the student is
The degree has been struc-                                           assured of being exposed
tured to allow students to              All aspects of the programme to the latest, cutting-edge IT
choose an elective in one of            have extensive practical el- technologies and strategies.

Today Information Technology goes          Year 1                                                                        Total Credits : 120
beyond the design, and develop-           Semester : 1
                                                                                     CREDITS   Semester : 2
                                                                             Level                                               Level
ment of computer systems (hard-
                                          Information Systems 511             5        10      Information Systems 512            5        10
ware and software) and networks,          Programming 511                     5        15      Programming 512                    5        15
which were historically used for ob-      Web Technology 511                  5        15      Web Technology 512                 5        15
taining, processing, and distributing     Networks 511                        5        10      Networks 512                       5        10
data. This field has been growing at      Mathematics 511                     5        10      Mathematics 512                    5        10
a very rapid pace over the last few        Year 2                                                                        Total Credits : 120
years, and this growth is expected        Semester : 1
                                                                                     CREDITS   Semester : 2

to remain stable. Thousands of new        Information Systems 621             6        10      Information Systems 622            6        10
jobs are been created by IT as we         Programming 621                     6        15      Programming 622                    6        15
move away from the Information            Database Systems 600                6        10      Big Data & IOT 600                 6        10

Age and Knowledge Age to the                                            Elective - Systems Development
Digital Age.                              Internet Programming 621            6        15      Internet Programming 622           6        15
                                          Computer Architecture 600           6        10      Operating Systems 600              6        10
                                                                        Elective - Systems Engineering
Students will learn how to deter-
                                          Help Desk Technology 600            6        15      Server Technology 600              6        15
mine information needs by under-          Computer Architecture 600           6        10      Operating Systems 600              6        10
standing user expectations and                            Elective - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
converting these to design ele-           Business Management 621             6        10      Business Management 622            6        15
ments in adressing how to auto-           Quantitative Techniques 600         6        15
                                                                                               Management Information
                                                                                                                                  6        10
                                                                                               Systems & BI 600
mate business processes, ensuring
                                           Year 3                                                                        Total Credits : 140
safeguards with regards to cyber                                             NQF                                                 NQF
                                          Semester : 1                               CREDITS   Semester : 2                              CREDITS
security, cloud computing, internet                                          Level                                               Level
                                          IT Project Management 700           7        10      IT Project 700                     7        10
of things, mobile computing and
                                          Programming 731                     7        15      Programming 732                    7        15
digital applications development.
                                          Computer Security 700               7        10      Work Integrated Learning 700       7       20
                                                                        Elective - Systems Development
The BSc in IT allows students to          Artificial Intelligence 700         7        15      Data Warehouse & Mining 700        7        15
choose cutting-edge technology            Programming 741                     7        15      Programming 742                    7        15
electives including artificial intel-                                   Elective - Systems Engineering
ligence and programming or soft-          Artificial Intelligence 700         7        15      Simulation and Modelling 700       7        15

ware engineering. Those seeking           Software Engineering
                                                                              7        15      Microprocessors 700                7        15
                                          Management 700
a more strategic direction in this                        Elective - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
space may choose IT Strategic             IT Strategic Management 731         7        15      IT Strategic Management 732        7        15
Management and Risk Manage-               IT Risk Management 731              7        15      IT Risk Management 732             7        15
Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) - 3 Years
  (SAQA ID No. 88322 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

Admission Requirements:
• A National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for admission to a Diploma and / or Degree or
• A National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate subject combination and levels
of achievements. or
• Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. or
• Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Diploma in Information Technology
                    (DIT) - 3 Years
   (SAQA ID No. 88322 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification
The purpose of the Diplo-            diploma has been structured                         designed with specific out-
ma in Information Tech-              in such a way as to allow                           comes in mind and is aimed
nology is to provide students        students to choose from an                          at developing both generic
with a wide spectrum of study        elective in one of three pos-                       and specific vocational skills
covering the breadth of In-          sible areas within the IT indus-                    required within each elective.
formation Technology. The            try. The curriculum has been

The Diploma in Information            Year 1                                                                Total Credits : 120
Technology offers three Elec-                                         NQF                                                NQF
                                     Semester : 1                             CREDITS   Semester : 2                              CREDITS
tives viz. Information Technol-                                       Level                                              Level

                                     Information Systems 511           5        10      Information Systems 512            5        10
ogy, Networks Engineering &
Systems Development.                 Programming 511                   5        15      Programming 512                    5        15
                                     Web Technology 511                5        15      Web Technology 512                 5        15
The three year programme in          Networks 511                      5        10      Networks 512                       5        10
Information Technology is de-        Software Development 500          5        10      Business Comm 500                  5        10

signed to provide students with       Year 2                                                                Total Credits : 120
the technical, vocational & pro-     Semester : 1
                                                                              CREDITS   Semester : 2
                                                                      Level                                              Level
fessional skills and knowledge
                                     Information Systems 621           6        10      Information Systems 622            6        10
to be effective practioneers in
                                     Programming 621                   6        15      Programming 622                    6        15
various IT-related roles with-       Database Systems 521§             5        10      Database Systems 522               5        10
in businesses, government and        M-Commerce§521                    5        10      M-Commerce§522                     5        10
community organizations.
                                                    Elective - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
                                     Business Management 621           6        15      Business Management 622            6        15
Students will learn how to de-
                                                                Elective - NETWORKS Engineering
termine client business ex-
                                     Networks 621                      6        15      Networks 622                       6        15
pectations, needs, and how to
                                                                Elective - SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT
automate business processes.
                                     Internet Prog 621                 6        10      Internet Prog 622                  6        15
Various approaches to systems
                                      Year 3                                                                    Total Credits : 130
development will be explored.
                                                                      NQF                                                NQF
On completion of this pro-           Semester : 1                     Level
                                                                              CREDITS   Semester : 2                     Level

gramme, students will also de-       IT Project Management 600         6        10      IT Project 600                     6        10
velop a broad understanding of       Software Engineering 600          6        15      Management Info Systems 600        6        15
the current use of IT in organi-     Human Computer Interaction 600    6        10      Work Integrated Learning 600       6        10
sations.                             Quantitative Tech 600             6        10      Operating Systems 600              6        15
                                                    Elective - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT
Students will also develop the       Business Analysis 631             6        15      Business Analysis 632              6        15
ability to understand various                                   Elective - NETWORKS Engineering
types of IT communications in
                                     Networks 631                      6        15      Networks 632                       6        15
organisations. The programme
allows students a work related                                  Elective - SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT
opportunity.                         Programming 631                   6        15      Programming 632                    6        15

 In addition, students have a work integrated or project learning opportunity which will engage their
computing skills in Information Systems, e-Commerce, Business Analysis, Programming, Database
and Network Administration in an integrated manner.
Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) - 2 Years
     SAQA ID No. 58338 : NQF 6 : 265 Credits : 2 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

Admission Requirements:
• A National Senior Certificate with endorsement for admission to a Diploma and / or Degree or
• A National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate subject combination and levels of achievements or
• Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. or
• Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Diploma in Information Technology (DIT) - 2 Years
  SAQA ID No. 58338 : NQF 6 : 250 Credits : 2 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

The purpose of the Diplo-              ogy. This Diploma includes                 with the implementation of
ma in Information Technol-             key elements from the                      the new Higher Education
ogy is to provide students             re-designed three year qual-               Qualifications Framework as
with an intermediate level of          ification. This two year qual-             required by the Council on
study covering the key as-             ification is currently being               Higher Education.
pects of Information Technol-          phased out in accordance

             Year 1                                                                    Total Credits : 120
                                           NQF                                                 NQF
            Semester : 1                   Level
                                                   CREDITS   Semester : 2                      Level

            Information Systems 511         5        10      Information Systems 512            5        10
            Programming 511                 5        15      Programming 512                    5        15
            Web Technology 511              5        15      Web Technology 512                 5        15
            Networks 511                    5        10      Networks 512                       5        10
            Software Development 500        5        10      Business Comm 500                  5        10
             Year 2                                                                    Total Credits : 130
                                           NQF                                                 NQF
            Semester : 1                   Level
                                                   CREDITS   Semester : 2                      Level

            Networks 621                    6        10      Networks 622                       6        10
            Programming 621                 6        15      Programming 622                    6        15
            Database Systems 621            6        10      Database Systems 622               6        10
            IT Project Mngt 600             6        15      IT Project 600                     6        15
            Quantitative Techniques 600     6        15      Work Integrated Learning 600       6        15

The qualification remains valid and is accredited by the Council on Higher Education and reg-
istered with the Department of Higher Education and Training. This qualification has been enor-
mously successful and many thousands of students have completed it in the last decade.

Although the content is revised and updated in the same manner as any other qualification, we
would recommend students to consider the new three (3) year diploma which provides greater
depth and is aimed at developing both generic and vocational skills in selected areas.

Students should also note that this programme is being phased out and no new students will be
admitted to the first year of study in 2020.

Faculty of Computer Applications
   & Systems Engineering
                                     Diploma in Computer Applications
                                     (SAQA ID No. 88904 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years)
                                    Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

Admission Requirements:
• A National Senior Certificate with an endorsement for admission to a Diploma and / or Degree or • A
National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate subject combination and levels of
achievements. or • Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Edu-
cation Regulations. or • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Diploma in Computer Applications
   (SAQA ID No. 88904 : NQF 6 : 370 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification
The purpose of the Diploma in Computer Applications is to introduce the student to the design, analysis, and
application of computers and computer-based systems.

Through course and laboratory experiences, students learn the principles essential in defining, designing, and
building both general purpose and application-specific computer systems. The programme prepares students
for careers in industry or for graduate study. A student who has completed this qualification will be competent
in providing professional, technical and developmental support in the computer industry.

Pervasive use of computers             Year 1                                                                    Total Credits : 120
has resulted in an ongoing                                           NQF                                                 NQF
                                      Semester : 1                   Level
                                                                             CREDITS   Semester : 2                      Level
need for a wide range of
                                      Software Development 500        5        10      Business Communication 500         5        10
highly skilled human capacity
                                      Information Systems 511         5        10      Information Systems 512            5        10
in ICT disciplines. The field is      Programming 511                 5        15      Programming 512                    5        15
subject to rapid technological        Web Technology 511              5        15      Web Technology 512                 5        15
changes and therefore re-             Networks 511                    5        10      Networks 512                       5        10

quires professionals who are           Year 2                                                                    Total Credits : 120

well-educated, who keep up-           Semester : 1
                                                                             CREDITS   Semester : 2

to-date with the latest devel-        M-Commerce 521                  5        10      M-Commerce 522                     5        10
opments in the field and who          System Analysis & Design 621    6        10      System Analysis & Design 622       6        10

can engage future trends and          Programming 621                 6        15      Programming 622                    6        15
                                      Internet Programming 621        6        15      Internet Programming 622           6        15
developments in the field.
                                      Database Systems 521            5        10      Database Systems 522               5        10
                                       Year 3                                                                    Total Credits : 130
The purpose of this Diploma                                          NQF                                                 NQF
                                      Semester : 1                   Level
                                                                             CREDITS   Semester : 2                      Level
qualification is to provide a
                                      Computer Architecture 600       6        10      Operating Systems 600              6        10
career-focussed, profession-          IT Project Management 600       6        15      IT Project 600                     6        15
al qualification featuring in-        Human Comp Interaction 600      6        10      Programming 632                    6        15
dustry-referenced knowledge           Programming 631                 6        15      Management Info Systems 600        6        10

and skills transfer, technolog-       Computer Security 600           6        15      Work Integrated Learning 600       6        15

ical competencies, critical
cross-field skills as well as at-
titudinal development.                   but will gain exposure to                       knowledge and skills that
                                         a wide range of related                         are focused on Applica-
The programme deals with                 topics.The diploma stu-                         tions Development. The
the conceptualisation, design,           dent will be knowledgea-                        programme is designed
development, implementation              ble and competent in the                        to promote initiative and
and testing of computer soft-            discourse and practice                          responsibility in an aca-
ware applications to meet the            of the ICT discipline and                       demic and/or professional
enormous commercial and                  have specialist knowledge                       context to respond to the
social demand for such prod-             of Applications Develop-                        local, regional and nation-
ucts. Students are prepared              ment.. Qualifying students                      al, community and industry
for careers in Computer Pro-             will therefore be proficient                    needs.
gramming and Systems                     in the general discourse of
         Analysis & Design               ICT but have specialised                                                                  21
Advanced Certificate in
                   Information Technology
    (SAQA ID No. 82906 : NQF 6 : 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

The Advanced Certificate in Information Technology is recomended for students who have completed the
Higher Certificate in Information Technology and is recomended for students who completed a similar cer-
tificate in IT and have decided to study further at a higher NQF Level. The programme is designed to provide
students with the skills and knowledge to be effective professionals in various IT-related roles within business-
es, government and community organizations. This includes the usage of IT for organizational productivity.
Students will also develop the ability to understand various types of IT communications in organizations. In
addition, students will engage the intellect in advanced concepts in Information Systems, E Commerce, Visual
Programming, Database and Network Technical Support.

  Year 1                                                                Total Credits : 120
                               NQF                                              NQF
 Semester : 1                  Level
                                       CREDITS   Semester : 2                   Level

 IT Project Management 600      6        15      Programming 622                 6        15
 Programming 621                6        15      Database Systems 622            6        15
 Database Systems 621           6        15      Networks 622                    6        15
 Networks 621                   6        15      Work Integrated Learning 600    6        15

 Admission Requirements:
 • The minimum entry requirement is a Higher Certificate at NQF Level 5 in an associated field. • Mature
 Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. or
22    Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Higher Certificate in
                         Information Technology
(SAQA ID No. 82926 : NQF 5 : 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

This qualification provides students with a foundational knowledge base in the IT field and the
ability to apply their knowledge and skills in System Development or Technical Support field.
It also equips students to undertake more specialized learning in ensuing years. Career Focus
- This qualification can lead to the following career opportunities:

     • IT Technical Support • Junior Database Administrator • Systems Developer

       Year 1                                                              Total Credits : 120
                                      NQF                                              NQF
     Semester : 1                     Level
                                              CREDITS   Semester : 2                   Level

     Information Systems 511           5        10      Information Systems 512         5        10
     Intro to OOPs 500                 5        15      Helpdesk Technology 500         5        15
     System Software 500               5        10      e - Commerce 512                5        10
     e - Commerce 511                  5        10      Business Communication 500      5        10
     Intro to Web Technology 500       5        15      Work Integrated Learning 500    5        15

Admission Requirements:
The minimum entry requirement is the National Senior Certificate or the National Certificate
Vocational with appropriate subject combinations and levels of achievement.
Advanced Certificate in
                            Systems Engineering
 (SAQA ID No. 85167 : NQF 6 : 125 Credits : 1 Year) | Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

 Admission Requirements
 • The minimum entry requirement is a Higher Certificate at NQF Level 5 in an associated field.
 • Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set out in the Higher Education
 Regulations or • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

This programme as-          The Advanced Certificate     of Information Technolo-            the Advanced Certificate
sumes that the student      provides a combination of    gy-related competencies             in Systems Engineering, the
has completed the           computer and networking      and a sound functional              student will function com-
Higher Certificate in       skills, equipping the stu-   introduction to the IT envi-        petently within an IT envi-
Systems       Engineering   dent with a wide scope       ronment. On completion of           ronment.
with Richfield Graduate
Institute of Technology       Year 1                                                                 Total Credits : 125
or a similar Institution.                                 NQF                                                 NQF
                             Semester : 1                         CREDITS   Semester : 2                              CREDITS
It builds on the founda-                                  Level                                               Level
tional skills and knowl-     Computer Architecture 600     6        15      Server Engineering 600             6        10
edge developed in the
                             Digital Electronics 600       6        15      Network Security 600               6        10
NQF 5 qualification and
could serve as an ar-        Data Communication & Com-
                                                           6        15
                                                                            Advanced Server
                                                                                                               6        15
ticulation combination       puter Networks 600                             Technologies 600
for students who have        Intro to Object Oriented
                                                           6        15      Internet Security 600              6        10
completed a Higher           Programming 600

24 Certificate.                                                             Work Integrated Learning 600       6        1524
Higher Certificate in Systems Engineering
 (SAQA ID No. 84006 : NQF 5 : 120 Credits : 1 Year) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

The qualification Higher Cer-         ification develops a strong theo-         training takes place in computer
tificate in Systems Engineer-         retical and practical background          studios and PC Laboratories.
ing is designed for technically       in all aspects of maintaining and         Students may also use their
orientated students who wish          building all components of com-           tablets to extend their skills and
to follow a vocational career in      puters and networks. Hardware             knowledge. A perfect entry level
Systems Engineering. The qual-        and software practical hands on           qualification.
The qualification also places a
strong emphasis on technical Year 1                                                                      Total Credits : 120
                                                             NQF                                                 NQF
support skills for office applica- Semester : 1              Level
                                                                     CREDITS   Semester : 2                      Level

tions by providing the student System Software 500            5        15      Microprocessors 500                5        10
with skills needed to technically PC Engineering 500          5        15      Help Desk Technology 500           5        15
support IT applications as well as Network Engineering 500    5        10      Server Technology 500              5        10
networking and end user com- Basic Electronics 500            5        10      Work Integrated Learning 500       5        15
puting support in the context of Information Systems 511      5        10      Information Systems 512            5        10
modern computer applications.
Admission Requirements
• The minimum entry requirement is a National Senior Certificate or a FET Certificate at NQF
Level 4 in an associated field.• Mature Age Exemption for students above the age of 23 as set
out in the Higher Education Regulations. or • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Digital and eLibraries
Richfield has partnered with       Journal articles can be down-     loads which may be accessed
some of the worlds greatest        loaded and shared with stu-       anytime, anywhere and on any
digital publishers and provides    dents improving the overall       device.
free access of a range of          experience.Satisfied students
e-newspapers, e-magazines,         is a priority for Emerald.        The portfolio of Business and
ebooks and reference e-jour-                                         Economic, Mathemathics and
nals to its students.              As a result Emerald has pro-      Statistics, Computer Sciec-
                                   vided a new web platform,         ne and Applied Computing
                                   improved rankings and plan        e-books comprises of science
                                   for increases in yearly article   monographs,        handbooks,
                                   growth and these are just the     book series and textbooks in
                                   start of a journey that they      all subject areas, as well as
PressReader offers unlimited       have undertaken to urther en-
                                                                     a renowned program of pro-
digital access to over 3,200       hance the student experience
                                                                     fessional management pub-
top newspapers and more than       with Emerald.
3,000 magazines from around                                          lications targeted especially
the world. Students choose                                           at students, practitioners,
from full-version, current-day                                       managers, consultants and re-
content in 60+ languages from                                        searchers.
more than 100 countries.           Elsevier Sciencedirect e-books
                                   The Institution has perpetual
Students can enjoy reading         access to Elsevier Science-
the world’s newspapers and         Direct e-book collection. The
magazines the way they want        e-book collection consists of
to receive them - in down-         the following subject areas:      Springer, is committed to pro-
loads, online, or on their mo-     Computer Science, Business,       viding students, programmers,
bile device, tablet or eRead-      Management, Hospitality and       developers, researchers and
er - wherever they live, travel,   Tourism, Finance, Media Tech-     tech business leaders with the
work or play.                      nology, Medicine and Dentistry    information they need to solve
                                                                     the problems in an extensive
Students may also download                                           selection of titles dedicated to
complete issues of thousands                                         Microsoft, Apple, Oracle, and
of top newspapers and mag-                                           Java technologies, and their
azines just as they appear in                                        Web Development.
print. Students can take ad-
vantage of an incredible array     Springer hosts the world’s        The Microsoft IT Academy re-
of social sharing, commenting,     largest collection of Science,    sources are also accessable by
and topic alert tools.             Technology, Humanities and        all Richfield students through
                                   Social Sciences Collection of     our partnership, granting stu-
Emerald Publishing Limited is      eBooks which include critical,    dents access to the Microsoft
the world’s leading independ-      must have content for students    Office 365 online portal. In-
ent publisher of global re-        and continual access with ar-     cluded in this is access to MS
search with impact in educa-       chival rights.                    Word 365, Excell 365, Power-
tion, society, public policy and                                     point 365 and others.
business journal articles which    Students at Richfield have no
26 are peer-reviewed.              limit on user access and down-
Business Administration,
Management & Commercial
Science Qualifications
Our improved programme offerings are diverse and designed to meet andexceed the
needs of business, industry, government and society. Graduates from Institutions such
as Richfield Graduate Institute of Technology and Universities remain a key resource
to addressing the Skills Shortages in Business Administration, Leadership, Marketing
Management, Finance and major projects, requiring astute project management in
the globalised economy.

The following Faculties offer a range of qualifications: Faculty of Commerce, Faculty
of Leadership & Business Administration, Faculty of Public Management and Local

Faculty of Commerce
Faculty of Leadership & Business Administration                            Freedom Vezi
Faculty of Public Management and                                      Dean: Faculty of Leadership &
                                                                        Business Administration

       Local Government

DEGREE Qualifications
• Bachelor of Business Administration
• Bachelor of Commerce                                                   Praveen Vasala
                                                                        MBA, BCom, Cert Bus Analysis
                                                                      Dean: Faculty of Commerce

• Bachelor of Public Management
DIPLOMA Qualifications
• Diploma in Business Administration (3 Yr)
• Diploma in Business Administration (2 Yr)
• Diploma in Local Government Management
ADVANCED CERTIFICATE Qualifications                                      Dr Willem Bester
• Advanced Certificate in Business Administration                              MBA, DBA

• Advanced Certificate in Commerce
• Higher Certificate in Business Administration
• Higher Certificate in Office Administration
• Higher Certificate in Recognition of Prior Learning Activities       Professor S. Adam
                                                                        PhD, BA, MPA, D Admin
• Higher Certificate in Local Government Management                     Dean: Faculty of Public
                                                                      Administration & Local Govt.

Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
 (SAQA ID No. 84948 : NQF 7 : 373 Credits : 3 Years ) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

    Pay your student fees with

                                 Tablet PC
                                   T’s & C’s apply

                                 Tablet PC
                                   T’s & C’s apply

Admission Requirements:
• A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement to a Degree coupled with appropriate combinations of recognised
subjects and levels of achievement.• The National Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations
of recognised subjects and levels of achievement. • Further Education and Training (FET) NQF Level 4. Mature age exemption
for people above the age of 23 years as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com)
(SAQA ID No. 84948 : NQF 7 : 373 Credits : 3 Years ) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

The Bachelor of Commerce            veloped. The bachelor’s de-                                 to provide students with per-
degree is designed to pro-          gree equips students with a                                 ceptual and analytical skills
vide graduates for leadership       solid theoretical knowledge,                                necessary in decision making,
development in a business,          supported by strong problem                                 policy evaluation and an un-
governmental or community           solving, critical & analytical                              derstanding of the social, eco-
organisation. A wide range          thinking as well as decision                                nomic and regulatory
of Leadership, Managerial           making skills.                                              business environment.
and Business Skills are de-         A key programme objective is

With global business challeng-
es becoming more demand-              Year 1				                                                                     TOTAL Credits - 128
ing, the Bachelor of Com-             Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                           Semester 2            SAQA Credits
merce Degree offers students          Business Management 511               10                          Business Management 512 10
an updated and quality learn-

                                      Economics 511		                       10                          Economics 512		           10
ing experience in the rapidly         Accounting 511                        10                          Accounting 512		          10
changing business and com-
mercial environment.                  Information Systems 511               10                          Information Systems 512 10
                                      Business Statistics 511               14                          Business Statistics 512   14
The qualification prepares stu-
                                      Human Resource Mngt 511               10                          Human Resource Mngt 512		10
dents for the increasingly chal-      Marketing Management 511              10                          Marketing Management 512		10
lenging and complex demands                                           Choose One Elective
                                        Note : Students who wish to do Accounting in second year must choose Human Resources
they are likely to be exposed                   Management, Public Relations or Marketing Management in the first year.
to in the professional, business
and commercial environments.          Year 2				                                                                     TOTAL Credits - 120
                                      Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                           Semester 2            SAQA Credits
Successful graduates can ex-          Business Management 621 15                                        Business Management 622 15
                                                                                 Electives Compulsory

cel in the commercial environ-        Public Relations 621     10                                       Public Relations 622      10
ment resting assured that they        Economics 621		          15                                       Economics 622		           15
have the necessary founda-
tional and theoretical knowl-         Commercial Law 621       10                                       Commercial Law 622        10
edge, supported by strong             Human Resource Mngt 621 10                                        Human Resource Mngt 622		10
problem-solving, critical think-      Marketing Management 621 10                                       Marketing Management 622		10
ing, decision making, informa-        Accounting 621 		10                                               Accounting 622		10
tion technology and strategic
skills. Key career possibilities      Year 3				                                                                     TOTAL Credits - 124
include general management,           Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                           Semester 2            SAQA Credits
entrepreneurship, marketing
                                      Strategic Mngt 731		 15                                           Strategic Mngt 732         15

management, human resource
management and financial              Entrepreneurship & SMB 700 10                                     Training & Development 700 10
management.                           Market Research 700		      10                                     Total Quality Mngt 700     10
                                      Contemporary Issues in 		                                         Work Integrated
This programme is accredited          Industrial Relations 700   10                                     Learning		                 15
with Council on higher Edu-           Human Resource Mngt 731 15                                        Human Resource Mngt 732		15

cation and not aligned with           Marketing Management 731 15                                       Marketing Management 732		15
professional bodies in South
Africa. Students wishing to be-       Accounting 731 		15                                               Accounting 732		15
come professional accountants
in public practice are request-
ed to consider professional as-        NOTE: ELECTIVES WILL ONLY BE OFFERED PENDING FEASIBLE
sociation qualifications.                            NUMBER OF REGISTRATIONS
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
    (SAQA ID No. 88921 : NQF 7 : 360 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

                                                                                                     Pay your student fees with
              FROM R200 P/M

Admission Requirements:
• A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with an endorsement to a Degree. • A National Senior Certificate (NSC) with a
pass in Higher Certificate with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of achievement. • The Na-
tional Certificate Vocational (NCV) at NQF Level 4 with appropriate combinations of recognised subjects and levels of
achievement. • Further Education and Training (FET) NQF Level 4. • Mature age exemption for people above the age of
30 23 years as set out in the Higher Education Regulations. • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
    (SAQA ID No. 88921 : NQF 7 : 360 Credits : 3 Years) Council on Higher Education Accredited Qualification

The Bachelor of Business              move between the different are able to contribute to im-
Administration promotes the           sectors of the economy.         proved productivity and effi-
development of knowledge                                              ciency within organisations
and skills that are required          The Bachelor of Business both in the Public & Private
in all sub-sectors of business        Administration       produces Sectors. Administrative skills
management, thus providing            knowledgeable,      intellectu- and knowledge are devel-
opportunities for students to         ally skilled individuals who oped.

The Bachelor of Business Ad-
                                         Year 1				                                                            TOTAL Credits - 120
ministration has been designed
                                         Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                  Semester 2            SAQA Credits
to prepare students for
                                         Business Communication 511 10                            Business Communication 512 10
Administrative leadership roles

                                         Business Management 511 10                               Business Management 512 10
in business and the community.           Accounting 511             10                            Accounting 512		           10
                                         Economics 511		            10                            Economics 512		            10
One of the programme objec-              Information Systems 511    10                            Information Systems 512 10
tives is to provide students with

                                         Human Resource Mngt 511 10                               Human Resource Mngt 512		10
the perceptual and analytical            Marketing Management 511 10                              Marketing Management 512		10
skills necessary in making de-                                           Choose One Elective
                                           Note : Students who wish to do Accounting in second year must choose Human Resources
cisions and evaluating policy in                   Management, Public Relations or Marketing Management in the first year.

business; another is to develop          Year 2				                                                            TOTAL Credits - 120
student understanding of the             Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                  Semester 2            SAQA Credits
social, economic and regula-             Business Management 621 10                               Business Management 622 10

tory environment of business.            Business Statistics 621  10                              Business Statistics 622   10
The programme is designed for            Indutrial Psychology 621 10                              Indutrial Psychology 622 10
students with a variety of ca-           Commercial Law 621       10                              Commercial Law 622        10
reer goals, including opportu-           Business Ethics 621      10                              Business Ethics 622       10
                                         Human Resource Mngt 621 10                               Human Resource Mngt 622		10

nities with financial institutions,
manufacturing and retail firms,          Marketing Management 621 10                              Marketing Management 622		10
service industries and the pub-          Accounting 621 		10                                      Accounting 622		10
lic sector.
                                         Year 3				                                                            TOTAL Credits - 120
                                         Semester 1                 SAQA Credits                  Semester 2            SAQA Credits
This programme is accredited             Strategic Management 731 10     Strategic Management 732 10

with Council on higher Edu-              Project Management 731 10       Project Management 732 10
cation and not aligned with              Entrepreneurship & SMB 731 10   Entrepreneurship & SMB 732 10
professional bodies in South             Total Quality Management 731 10 Total Quality Mngt 732     10
Africa. Students wishing to be-          Research Methodology 700 10		Work Int. Learning 700        10

come professional accountants            Human Resource Mngt 731 10      Human Resource Mngt 732		10
                                         Marketing Management 731 10     Marketing Management 732		10
in public practice are request-
                                         Accounting 731 		            10 Accounting 732		10
ed to consider professional as-
sociation qualifications.
                                             NOTE: ELECTIVES WILL BE OFFERED PENDING FEASIBLE
                                                        NUMBER OF REGISTRATIONS

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