"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut

"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
Annual Report
“Good Golfers.
Better People.”

20 18
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
Kayla Cherian and Claireese Tedjo
at Alling Memorial, New Haven, CT.

Sungjin Lee at Fairchild Wheeler Golf
Course, Bridgeport, CT.

2 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
What drives us?                                                                               Message from:
                                                                                          Mark Moriarty, Executive Director

                                                       2018 was a memorable year for The First Tee of Connecticut! In April our chapter
                                                       was victorious in the “Brackets For Good” competition for the Connecticut region, in
                                                       June we were fortunate to have UCONN alum and NBA Hall of Famer Ray Allen as the
                                                       guest speaker at our annual Patrons’ Breakfast and in October we hosted our first “Taste
                                                       of the Tee” in Greenwich.
                                                            On the golf course, a few of our participants were victorious at the local and regional
                                                       level and in the classroom, many of our participants achieved great success including
                                                       38 young people who were recognized with scholarships totaling $39,500 through our
                                                            Thanks to our many supporters, who are listed within this Annual Report, and
                                                       our coaches and volunteers, some of whom are highlighted in “The Front 9”, we were
                                                       able to positively impact the lives of nearly 70,000 young people! We had support from
                                                       new donors who came to us unexpectedly: “I singled out your program to donate and
                                                       support, based upon your work with underserved youth while introducing golf (sport &
                                                       discipline) and more,” and from long time donors who have supported us for nearly 20
                                                       years (more to come on our 20th Anniversary celebrations).
                                                            In the young people whom we serve we can see what the future holds, and I am
                                                       proud to say that the future looks bright. From the pure excitement that our youngest
                                                       participants display when they arrive for their first TARGET session to the community
First Tee Alum Dan Schena           service projects in which our high school participants are engaged, there is plenty to celebrate at The First
and Executive Director Mark         Tee of Connecticut. A few of our high schoolers were even chosen to represent our chapter at National
Moriarty at “Dogg Day ’18.”         Opportunities hosted by The First Tee: Elena Anderson of Windsor at the National Par-3 Championship
Dan is a former recipient of the    and College Golf Prep Academy and Meghna Mazumdar of South Windsor and Matthew Luponio of
the Andrew K. Dwyer Foun-           Southington at the Joe Louis Barrow, Jr. Life Skills & Leadership Academy.
dation Scholarship and the
                                         Nationally, The First Tee has unofficially adopted a slogan that says, “Good Golfers. Better People.”
foundation honored our chapter
as their “Partner of the Year” in   and I firmly believe that this represents the true goals within our organization. Our greatest successes will
September.                          be seen in all the ways that these young people will positively impact their communities beyond the golf
                                    course, although making a few birdies and eagles along the way would be nice too!
                                         However you support or participate in The First Tee of Connecticut, thank you for being part of this
                                    important effort to introduce more young people to the game of golf and to empower them with the very
                                    important Core Values, Healthy Habits and life skills that are inherent to our great game.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS:                 Brad Faxon (Hon. Dir.)                       Henry T.A. Moniz                      STAFF
Beverly Baker                       Christopher Goodwin (CCMA)                   Michael Moraghan (CSGA)               Mark Moriarty, Executive Director
Kenneth Baldwin, Secretary          J.J. Henry (Hon. Dir.)                       David E. Polk, Emeritus Director      Christy Miller, Director of Development
Donald J. Barr, Emeritus Director   Peter T. Joyce                               Glen M. Rapoport, D.M.D.
Theodore (Teddy) Bobroske           Joe LaCava (Hon. Dir.)                       Gary M. Reynolds, Emeritus Director   Ilona Emmerth, Director of
Paul Bocciarelli, D.M.D.			         David M. Ladd                                Marshall S. Ruben                        Strategic Partnerships
Tim Bunt                            Mercedese (Ellie) Large                      Mim Schreck (CWGA)                    Mark Murnane, Program Director
Coach Jim Calhoun (Hon. Dir.)       David P. Marks C.F.A.                        Scott Seymour
Jeff Calhoun                        Donny Marshall (Hon. Dir.)                   Lauren Stephens                       Coleman Davis, Director of Instruction
Elizabeth (Liz) Caron (Hon. Dir.)   Ian Marshall (CTPGA)                         Thomas E. (Tom) Vacheron              Tim Swensen, Partnerships Coordinator
Jeffrey L. Cohen, M.D.              Daniel Martinez (Hon. Dir.)/Alumni           John J. Walsh, Jr.
                                                                                                                       Taylor Januario,
Javier Colon (Hon. Dir.)            Edwin H. May III, Chairman Emeritus          Craig Watchmaker
                                                                                                                         Assistant Program Director
Alicia B. (Lisa) Davenport          Manu Mazumdar                                Marc Weston (CGCS)
David Dixon, Chairman               Patricia H. Meiser                           Suzy Whaley (Hon. Dir.)               Marie Bernatchez,
Barbara Karis Downey (SNEWGA)       Paul E. Mersereau, Esq., Emeritus Director   Lorenzo (Skip) B. Wyatt, Treasurer     Administrative Associate

                                                                                                 The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 3
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
Our Front 9
INFLUENCER: Corrin                                                        completing a task while having fun, knowing that I am doing my part
Grieco with Pure Insurance is not                                         in impacting the lives of the young people in positive ways in their
only a very engaged corporate                                             development towards becoming outstanding citizens is what I love.”
supporter of The First Tee of Con-                                        Bobby added that the support we get from corporate sponsors is key
necticut (TFTCT), but she’s also                                          to our success going forward, but what thrills him the most is the out-
a parent of a participant! Corrin                                         reach to our communities that are lacking access to golf and are not
was instrumental in bringing                                              exposed to this wonderful game. “Giving the minority communities
PURE on board as a corporate                                              access to get involved in golf is so valuable, not only for our students
sponsor at TFTCT. “I was inspired                                         and coaches but for their parents as well.”
by PURE Insurance’s President and
CEO Ross Buchmueller’s, enthusiasm                                        TEACHER PROFILE: Mark
and passion for the impact The First Tee                                  Ottusch, K-8 Health and Physical
is making in the lives of children across the country and decided to      Education Department Head and
explore opportunities within my local community. In our small state,      Physical Education Teacher at King
there is a large population of children whose lives could be redirected   St. Intermediate School in Dan-
simply by participating in The First Tee’s programs. I am optimistic      bury has been involved with The
that PURE’s support of the Connecticut chapter will have an impact        First Tee program since the 2011-
on expanding their footprint and providing programming to more            2012 school year. Each year, four
children.” As a parent, Corrin says her son Graydon received top-         hundred kids at King St. Inter-
notch golf instruction, made friends with children outside of his com-    mediate get to experience The First
munity and made great strides with his sportsmanship. He learned          Tee In-School program with many
how to introduce himself to a new friend, that shaking hands is not       students transitioning to the green grass
only for adults, that respect is cool, that being a good sport means      programming at Richter Park. Mark believes
you need to be a good winner and a good loser, and so much more!          that the First Tee golf program helps its participants build self-con-
                                                                          fidence. “The high quality of instruction allows the participants to
ADVISORY COMMITTEE                                                        make great improvements; not just physically, but in the quality of
MEMBER: President and CEO                                                 their character as well.” Each year the First Tee program exposes over
of Bartlett Brainard Eacott, Tom                                          5,000 of Danbury’s elementary students to the game of golf. “We are
Panczer has served on our First                                           extremely appreciative of the support that the program gives us to
Tee Charity Classic Golf Advisory                                         expose our students to an activity that can keep them physically active
Committee for several years. Tom                                          throughout their entire life.”
has had an up close and personal
view of TFTCT as his company                                              NEW BOARD MEMBER:
oversaw the construction of the                                           Attorney, Alicia Davenport joined
David & Geri Epstein Learning                                             the Board in 2018 representing
Center in Cromwell in 2012. “My                                           Eversource. Alicia says she was very
first introduction to the First Tee of                                    excited to get involved because
Connecticut was during a meeting with Ted                                 golf is a big part of her life and
May and David Polk regarding the construction of their facility.          is the vehicle used by TFTCT
Their enthusiasm and love for this wonderful organization was so in-      to teach important life skills to
fectious that I was more than happy to help out with their fund-rais-     kids. “I was also excited to be
ing events.” Tom has played an instrumental role in the success of        a part of something that seeks to
our signature golf tournament at the TPC River Highlands                  improve the lives of low-income kids,
                                                                          having been such a kid growing up.”
Coach Profile: Coach                                                      Eversource has been a strong supporter of
Bobby Powell, PGA has been                                                The First Tee for many years, providing the land that The First Tee
involved since 2000 and is our                                            building and golf facilities are built on. “Eversource is committed to
longest tenured coach at TFTCT!                                           serving the neighborhoods where our employees work and live and
Bobby says that what he enjoys                                            supporting an organization that is dedicated to the positive devel-
most about TFT is not only the                                            opment of kids in those communities is an important part of that
golfing skills, but teaching the                                          service.” Alicia enjoys learning about the “success stories” of the kids
Life Skills, the Nine Core Values                                         who learned golf and life skills through the TFTCT programs and are
and the Healthy Habits. “Seeing                                           now returning home to pay it forward by working with kids them-
the smiles on the students’ faces after                                   selves.

4 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
Our youngest participants enjoying
warmup activities at Fairchild
Wheeler Golf Course in Bridgeport.

 FACILITY OPERATOR:                                                          NEW FACE:                Assistant Program
 Alling Memorial Golf Course has                                             Director, Taylor Januario may
 been a program location for fifteen                                         be our newest staff member at
 years and Larry Thornhill has                                               TFTCT, but she’s far from a new
 been there for the duration. Larry                                          face – as she has been involved
 says he believes that TFTCT                                                 with The First Tee longer than
 teaches kids that golf can be fun                                           anyone on the staff!! Taylor
 and he hopes the kids continue to                                           started with The First Tee in 2004
 play the game for the rest of their                                         as a ten-year-old taking classes at
 lives. “It is important to the leaders                                      Goodwin with Coach Dan. “My
 of the City of New Haven to have a                                          first shot was amazing and that’s when
 golf facility that supports the surrounding                                 I realized that golf is something I wanted to
 communities and provides access to education and recreation, there-         keep playing.” Taylor’s journey has come full circle – she went from
 fore it has been a mutually beneficial relationship for 15 years.“          participant to coach to staff member. Taylor said that coaching was
                                                                             sort of a spontaneous thing that she quickly fell in love with once she
 PARTICIPANTS:                     Libby                                     decided to try it. “Not only to be that female face, so other girls can
 and Samantha Dunn have                                                      see that it’s not only a male sport but also to see that look when kids
 been involved in the program for                                            make that amazing shot, the same look I had when I fell in love with
 six years. The girls were both                                              the sport.” In February, Taylor joined TFTCT staff. She has seen and
 influenced to give the game a try                                           been a part of all the changes of the First Tee over the past 15 years
 due to their dad’s affinity for the                                         and in her words, her favorite thing about TFTCT is “that it contin-
 sport. Samantha says she also                                               ues to grow.”
 wanted to try anything her older
 sister had! Libby says that the                                             VOLUNTEER PRO-
 things she enjoys most about golf                                           FILE: As a retired educator/
 are being outside and meeting new                                           school counselor and standout ath-
 people at the tournaments she participates                                  lete, Walter Shelton knows
 in. Samantha says she loves the staff members that make TFTCT an            how to reach children. Walter
 enjoyable place to be and also the opportunity to meet others that          became interested in the TFTCT
 you have something in common with! Both Libby and Samantha                  program while using the practice
 hope to continue playing golf at the high school and college level. As      facility at TPC River Highlands
 an 8th grader, Libby has had several opportunities to play in differ-       after he witnessed the involvement
 ent tournaments already and recently was honored to be invited to           and the enthusiasm of the partici-
 represent TFTCT at the First Tee Invitational in Philadelphia. Six          pants and coaches. He began coaching
 Grader Samantha summed it up well, “Golf is so much more than a             for TFTCT in 2016. Walter says that it’s
 club hitting a ball. It is the kindness we have to put out to others that   more than just learning and teaching the game of golf to the kids
 makes golf whole.”                                                          – it’s about a way of life. “TFTCT is a gateway to diversity in my
                                                                             opinion. I love seeing children from different cultures and ethnicities
                                                                             walk in the front door. To see the participants engaging together with
                                                                             common and even different goals is heartwarming to me. TFTCT

                      9 Core Values
                                                                             participants are winners.” l

        Players learn values like honesty and responsibility
       by calling penalties on themselves and reporting their
           own score. By participating in The First Tee,
         youth are introduced to Nine Core Values which
             are incorporated throughout the program.                                      The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 5
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
2018 Program                               he winter is
                                           usually our off
                                           season but new
                                           and returning
                             families enjoyed taking
                             small group lessons with
                             Coach Lindsey, four Open
                             Houses and tee times on
                             the simulator on holidays
                             and select weekend days.
                                2018 was a year beset by
                             poor weather throughout
                             the late spring, summer
                             and fall but our First Tee
                             participants and coaches
                             persevered (with lots of
                             rescheduling!) for a fun           First Tee participants at the
                             and fulfilling season.             Nutmeg State Games –
                                The Travelers Champi-           Connecticut’s Junior Olympics.
                             onship always brings great
                             excitement to greater Hart-
                                                                                               Teaching life skills is an integral part of our curric-
                             ford, and in particular at The First Tee. On Tuesday of
                                                                                            ulum and several of our participants furthered their
                             that week, many of our participants enjoyed meeting
                                                                                            progress within our chapter and nationally. In July,
                             and playing 4 holes on our Karl Krapek Learning Links
                                                                                            Meghna Mazumdar and Matthew Luponio attended
                             course with several PGA Tour pros. Others walked 9
                                                                                            the week-long Life Skills & Leadership Academy at
                             holes with several tour pros for their practice round and
                                                                                            Michigan State University. Alex Cavaliere became our
                             were invited inside the ropes for a hole!
                                                                                            chapter’s first ACE certified participant (the highest skill
                                Throughout the summer, we were fortunate to host
                                                                                            level), prior to heading off to Penn State.
                             several groups on Mondays (our course maintenance
                                                                                               Thank you to the facilities operators and their staff
                             day) to introduce golf and/or continue teaching life and
                                                                                            who welcome The First Tee of Connecticut’s coaches
                             golf skills. Highlights were Waterbury Police Athletic
                                                                                            and participants to their golf courses or driving ranges
                             League participants playing on The Learning Links
                                                                                            for weekly programs! You provide the classroom where
                             with Coach Lindsey; it was the first time several of these
                                                                                            our learning takes place and for that we are thankful. l
                             children had ever been to a golf course. We also hosted
                             several teenage boys from an autistic summer support
                             group; they practiced their putting and hit a few drives                     Alling Memorial, New Haven
                                                                                             Facility Listing

                             on the course. These were all rewarding experiences for                      Course at Yale, New Haven
                             our staff and the children.                                                  East Mountain, Waterbury
                                Our eight weeks of summer camp continued to be                            Ellington Ridge, Ellington
                             sold out. Our new Camp Director introduced yoga
                                                                                                          Elmridge, Pawcatuck
                             into our warmups, in addition to our daily activities of
                                                                                                          Fairchild Wheeler, Bridgeport
                             instruction, playing golf on the course and other fun
                                                                                                          Fairways, Branford
                             games. Every Friday afternoon, we hosted our partic-
                             ipants’ families, so the children could share what they                      Goodwin Park, Hartford
                             learned all week (on the putting green, practice facility                    Highland Greens, Prospect
                             and the course).                                                             Keney Park, Hartford
                                Our fall season culminated with several opportunities                     Klein’s, Madison
                             for participants to test their on-course skills, in fun but                  Miner Hills, Middletown
                             competitive events: two Parent-Child events, one at                          Prospect Golf, Prospect
                             Lyman Orchards and the other at our Fairfield County                         Richter Park, Danbury
                             site, Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course. We also co-host-                        Roseland, Woodstock
                             ed the popular East Mountain Junior Open, with our                           Stanley, New Britain
                             friends at East Mountain Golf Course.
                                                                                                                Twin Lakes, Branford
   6 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
2018 Program                  • Indian Valley YMCA
                                                                                                      • Irving Lane School
                                                                        Partners                      • McGivney Community
                                                                        • Boys & Girls Clubs          • Middletown Public
                                                                           of Hartford                   Schools
                                                                        • Boys & Girls Club of New    • New Britain Police
                                                                           Haven                         Activities League
                                                                        • Brass City Charter School   • New Haven Parks &
                                                                        • Bridgeport Public Schools      Recreation
                                                                        • Brownstone Intermediate     • New Haven Public
                                                                           School                        Schools
                                                                        • Cardinal Shehan Center      • Newtown Public Schools
                                                                        • Channel 3 Kids Camp         • Norwalk Public Schools
                                                                        • Consolidated School         • Regional School
                                                                           District of New Britain       District 13
                                                                        • Cromwell Public Schools     • Stamford Public Schools
ABOVE: Joe Zone of WFSB                                                 • East Hartford Public        • St. Martin de
interviews 2018 Scholarship                                                Schools                       Porres Academy
recipients. RIGHT: Waterbury                                            • Hartford’s Camp Courant     • The Legacy Foundation
PAL participants Blake and                                              • Hartford Public Schools        of Hartford
Candace Dawson with Coach                                               • Horizons                    • Waterbury Public Schools
Lindsey Hansen at Prospect                                              • Ethel Walker School         • Yale African American
Golf Driving Range.                                                     • Greens Farms Academy           Affinity Association
                                                                        • Sacred Heart University

      for Programs
 Next on The Tee

                                                          l As we celebrate our 20th anniversary in 2019, we
                                                          look forward to expanded programming at Richter Park in
                                                          Danbury, the Boys & Girls Club of Greenwich, greater
                                                          exposure in the city of New Britain through the YWCA and
                                                          the National School Program being implemented at all of

                                                          their elementary schools.

                 l Although we have hosted partner
                 programs the past few years, we are
                 also very excited to return to
                 Keney Park Golf Course in                                             l In July, we are very excited
                 Hartford for group lessons.                                           to participate in (and return to)
                                                                                       the 2019 TFT Philly Invitational
                                                                                       (formerly Northeast Regional
                                                                                       Challenge). We will be chaperoning
                                                                                       four boys and girls in a fun golf and
                                                                                       life skills competition in greater
                 Keney Park Golf Course, in Hartford, on the Windsor line.

                                                                                The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 7
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
Wrap-up                                                  Our fundraising events are a critical factor in helping
                                                         us raise the dollars we need to bring The First Tee of
                                                         Connecticut programs to our schools, our green
                                                         grass facilities and to our community partners. They
                                                         generate the largest piece of our revenue stream at 32%
                                                         with program fees next at 20%. We couldn’t have
                                                         these successful events without our golf tournament
                                                         advisory committees, our faithful sponsors and our
                                                         dedicated volunteers. It truly is a TEAM effort. In
                                                         2018, we raised over $310,000 via our three golf
                                                         tournaments and our Taste of the Tee event!

                                                         Walmart Charity Classic for
                                                         The First Tee of Connecticut
                                                         Presented by Stanley Black & Decker at TPC River Highlands
                                                         Our first event was the Kick-Off for the 2018 Travelers Championship
                                                         at the TPC River Highlands on June 11th, otherwise known as the
                                                         Walmart Charity Classic. This is our annual celebrity golf tourna-
                                                         ment where our golfers go out in groups of five – each group paired
                                                         with a local celebrity. We had 22 fivesomes participate and netted
                                                         $82,000! Since 2003, the Central Connecticut Charity Classic has
                                                         raised $900,000 in support of programming in the central part of the
                                                         state. This day would not be possible without all of our sponsors, with
                                                         special emphasis on our top tier sponsors including: our Title Sponsor,
                                                         Walmart and our Presenting Sponsor, Stanley Black & Decker.

Low Gross winners of the Bruce Guthrie Memorial
Cup: Gary Wolff, Tom Hantke, Howie Friday and
                                                         The First Tee Charity Classic at
Andrew Campbell.                                         Madison Country Club
                                                         The First Tee Charity Classic at Madison Country Club was scheduled
                                                         for September 18th but moved to October 15th due to rain. Over the
                                                         past 15 years this event has raised more than $784,000 to support pro-
                                                         gramming in the Greater New Haven and Waterbury regions. Included
                                                         in this number are this year’s results – as we netted $32,108.

8 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
PwC First Tee Charity Classic                                20 YEARS!
at Fairfield Country Club                                    Who could have
The PwC First Tee Charity Classic was hosted at Fairfield    guessed when we
Country Club on October 9th (another event moved             first began in 1999
for rain) – originally scheduled for August 13th. One        with fewer than
hundred and four players had the opportunity to play in      100 kids that twen-
this Best Ball of Four event on this scenic course on Long   ty years later we’d
Island Sound.                                                be reaching nearly
                                                             70,000 Connecticut youth year in and year out!
TFTCT is grateful to Craig Watchmaker and PwC for            The First Tee of Connecticut began with the vision
their seventh consecutive year of the Title Sponsorship of   and dedication of a handful of people including Ted
the PwC First Tee Charity Classic. Due to the generos-       May, Ian Baxter, Gary Reynolds, Kent Scully, Skip
ity and commitment of PwC, and all our sponsors, this        Gengras, Bobby Powell and Dan Malarney. And
event netted over $127,000. A special shout out to board     through their perseverance we’ve grown to become
member Tim Bunt who secured 15 of the 26 foursomes           one of the most successful First Tee Chapters in the
that participated.                                           country. A lot has happened over the past twenty
                                                             years – most notably the construction of our cutting
                                                             edge facility - The David & Geri Epstein Learning
                                                             Center in Cromwell in 2012. We are proud of all
                                                             the kids we’ve impacted over the last twenty years via
                                                             our School Programs, Community Partner Programs
                                                             (partnerships with Youth Service Agencies) and at our
                                                             22 green grass facilities throughout the state. We look
                                                             forward to our next twenty years of reaching more
                                                             youth and developing “good golfers – better people!”

                                                             NEXT ON THE TEE
                                                             We are hosting several exciting events in 2019!
Diana and Bill Gray with
Rennie and David Polk at The Taste of the Tee.
                                                             Here is a snapshot of what’s next on the tee.
                                                             If you have any interest in participating in any of
The Taste of the Tee at                                      these events, please visit our website:
Fairview Country Club                                        www.thefirstteeconnecticut.org or contact our
                                                             Director of Development, Christy Miller at
On October 4th we hosted the Taste of the Tee event at
Fairview Country Club in Greenwich which benefitted
                                                             l PwC Charity Classic at Country Club of Fairfield in Fairfield on
our youth programs throughout Fairfield County. The          Monday, May 6, 2019
event featured local club and restaurant chefs as well as    l Parent Child Open at Lyman Orchards Apple Nine in Middlefield,
several local spirit and dessert vendors for an evening of   on May 18, 2019
sipping and savoring. Golf Digest’s Michael Breed and        l The First Tee Celebrity Charity Classic presented by Eversource
ESPN’s Trey Wingo, both Greenwich natives, hosted the        “Kick-Off to The Travelers Championship” at TPC River Highlands in
program. Bill Gray was honored for his dedicated service     Cromwell on Sunday, June 9, 2019

to The First Tee of Connecticut over the years. With the     l 20th Anniversary Celebration at Round Hill Country Club in
                                                             Greenwich on Monday, July 22, 2019
help of our very enthusiastic event committee, including
                                                             l The First Tee Charity Classic at Country Club of Waterbury on
our co-chairs Matt and Holly Cassin and Karen and            Monday, August 26, 2019
Eric Hopp, the Taste of the Tee netted over $62,000. l       l Parent Child Open at Fairchild Wheeler Golf Course in Fairfield
                                                             on Sunday, September 8, 2019
                                                             l Taste of the Tee – The Country Club of Darien on Thursday,
                                                             October 3, 2019
                                                                      The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 9
"Good Golfers. Better People." - The First Tee of Connecticut
When Numbers
Tell The Story

Three Sets of Twins
The First Tee loves when
siblings join our program,
and twins make it extra
special for the kids and

10 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
The First Tee of Connecticut History Total participants served

Registered Ethnicity (Non-Caucasian Goal: 33%)                                                            Registered Gender (Female Goal: 35%)                  Coaches (45 coaches in total)
The Power of

                                                                                                  Tokio Marine HCC                 Eric & Karen Hopp
                                                                                                  United States Golf Association   Houle Randall LLC
The First Tee of Connecticut is grateful to the many individuals,                                 USI Insurance Services           HYPE
foundations, corporations, golf course staff, and alliance partners                               USSGA Memorial Fund. Inc.        Interfaith Golf Open
                                                                                                  Tom & Lisa Vacheron              Ladd Capital Management LLC
for providing chapter support during 2018. We also appreciate                                     Donna & Isaac Zion               Ned May
the many in-kind donations we received throughout the year.                                       Zurich                           Ted & Debbie May
Thanks to this incredible support and promotion, we were able                                                                      May, Bonee & Clark
to introduce the Life Skills Experience to nearly 70,000 young                                    Respect Level                    Holly & Henry Moniz
                                                                                                                                   NFL Alumni, CT Chapter
people in Connecticut!                                                                            $5,000 - $9,999
                                                                                                                                   People’s United Bank
                                                                                                  Aon Risk Solutions
                                                                                                                                   Carol Petruff
                                                                                                  Shep & Beverly Baker
We worked carefully to ensure the completeness and accuracy of this list.We apologize for                                          Private Capital Group, LLC
                                                                                                  Bernard & Muriel Lauren
any mistakes, misspellings or omissions and ask that you contact our office 860-882-1660 to                                        Robinson + Cole, LLP
correct any inconsistencies.                                                                                                       John Seifert
                                                                                                  Teddy & Regina Bobroske
                                                                                                                                   Margaret & Pat Shouvlin
                                                                                                  Ed Budd
                                                                                                                                   Specialty Lighting Group LLC
Named Learning                  Official Media                   PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP                                        Bill & Marianne Watson
                                                                                                  Dave & Christine Dixon
                                                                 Stanley Black & Decker                                            Webster Bank, N.A./Stamford
Center Benefactors              Partner                                                           ETrade Financial
David & Geri Epstein            WFSB                             Travelers Championship           Gary Gatzen Memorial
Karl Krapek                                                                                       Bill & Diana Gray                Judgment Level
                                We are grateful                  Responsibility Level             Hartford Business Journal        $1,000 - $2,499
                                                                                                  B.L. Kohn                        Aqua Turf Club
Core Value Banners              to the families of               $10,000 - 19,999
                                                                                                  David & Billie Ladd              Sam & Janet Bailey
Bessette Family                                                  Community Foundation of
                                the following for                   Greater New Britain           Marsh & McLennan                 Ken & Kathleen Baldwin
DISH Restaurant Group                                                                                                              Baribault Jewelers, Inc
Carolyn Greenspan & Marshall    selecting The First              The Andrew K. Dwyer              Max Cares Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                                                                   Frank & Sharon Barrett
   Ruben                        Tee of Connecticut                  Foundation                    William & Alice Mortensen        The Bauman Family Foundation, Inc.
                                                                 AIG                                 Foundation
In Honor of Christopher         for gifts in their                                                Willis Towers Watson
                                                                                                                                   Beirne Wealth Consulting Services, llc
   Harrison                                                      American Savings Foundation                                       Chris Berman
                                loved one’s                                                       Woodland Hills Associates LLC    Rick Berry, Jr.
Interfaith Open                                                  Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Longobardi Family
                                memory in 2018:                  Jeff Cohen                       XL Specialty Insurance           Bludeau & Veilleux LLC
                                Stephen Earl                                                         Company                       Ron Booth Memorial Golf Outing
Bob & Alys Morande                                               Connecticut Section PGA                                           Boyd Watterson Asset Mgmt
                                Dale Humphrey, PGA               DISH/The Final Final Open
Robinson & Cole                                                                                                                    Robert Boyle, Jr.
                                Lawrence C. Kenausis             David & Geri Epstein             Perseverance Level
Walking for Kids Foundation                                                                                                        John Gernon &
                                Michael Kucinskas
                                Anne T. Pjura
                                                                    Private Foundation            $2,500 - $4,999                       Rebecca Brienza
Alliance                                                         Fairfield County Bank            Bartlett Brainard Eacott         Paul Bucci
                                Frank Santa-Donato               Ferraro Family Foundation Inc.                                    Chris & Kim Byrd
Organizations                                                                                     Paul Bocciarelli
                                Edward Stehle                    Integro USA Inc.                                                  Cardio Express
CT Association of Golf Course                                                                     Peter & Siri Burki
                                Helen Swann                      JLT Specialty Limited                                                  Consulting Group
  Superintendents                                                                                 Holly & Matt Cassin              CBIA Service Corporation
                                                                 The Krapek Family                EMCOR Services New England       CDA Roofing &
CT Club Managers Association    Sportsmanship                       Charitable Foundation Trust     Mechanical                          Siding Contractors, LLC
CT Section PGA
CT State Golf Association
                                Level                            PGA TOUR                         Eversource Energy Service Co.    Church Home of Hartford, Inc.
                                $20,000 - 99,000                 PURE Insurance                   Paul Farrell & Paula Cleary      George & Kristine Claffey
CT Women’s Golf Association
                                MasterCard                       The Estate of Frank              David Gordon                     Clarus Commerce
Southern New England Wom-                                                                                                          CohnReznick
                                Art & Mariko Byrne                  Santa-Donato                  Matt Halprin
  en’s Golf Association                                                                                                            J.J. & Susan Coneys
                                Connecticut State                Sompo International              Hartley & Parker Limited, Inc.
                                                                                                                                   Connecticut Sports Management
                                  Golf Association               TGR Foundation                   Simon Higgs                           Group, Inc. (Nutmeg State Games)

12 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
Connecticut Women’s Golf Association   Charlton Chatfield & Nicola Johnson              Brescome Barton, Inc.                    Lawrence McHugh
Joe Cugine                             Patty Cheyne                                     Jay & Trish Brudz                        Rebecca McKeown
Downey Family Foundation               Community Foundation of Middlesex County, Inc.   Colleen & Shane Butler                   Brian & Cindy Meehl
Dan Earle                              Lang & Lynn Cook                                 Thomas Cahill                            Pat Meiser
Executive Valet Parking                Ally & Eric Cormier                              Patrick Callaghan                        Tom & Mary Mullaney
Fiduciary Investment Advisors          Harry Corning                                    Mark & Linda Camel                       Mark & Jen Murnane
Michael & DeeDee Fleitz                Joseph Covill                                    John & Sharyn Cannon                     Mark & Lynn Nappi
Fleming’s Transportation, Inc.         CWPM                                             Jason & Liz Caron                        Carole Oat
FreshPoint Connecticut                 Patrick Dore                                     Carousel Industries NA                   David Offensend
David & Carol Galbraith                Peter & Jacqueline Dunn                          Carvalho & McDowell Construction, Inc.   Bob & Cherie Orenstein
Roger & Margie Gelfenbien              Barry Eaton                                      Janet Castricum                          Ron Papa
Grant Thornton                         Frank Fazzinga                                   Mark & Lauren Cattel                     Patrick Pearson
Great American Donut, Inc.             Ford of Branford                                 Carl & Mary Cavaliere                    Petit Family Foundation
GreatBlue Research, Inc.               Bob Garthwait, Sr.                               Century 21 Clemens & Sons Realty         Marc Possidento
Bill & Karen Harrison                  Ron & Opal Gilmore                               Stephen Chernock                         Prudential Financial Inc.
Hartford Yard Goats                    Glastonbury Hills Country Club                   Tom Clark                                Joseph Radziewicz
Mickey Hawkes                          Grant Brothers East, LLC                         Sandy Cloud, Jr. Esq                     Martha Ranson
Ron Jones                              John & Kelly Hartman Foundation                  Bobbi & Barry Coller                     John Redett & Suzana Ionita-Redett
The Kenneth K. Kinsey                  Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Foundation           Chris & Judy Collins                     RE/MAX Alliance
    Family Foundation                  The Per & Astrid Heidenreich Family Foundation   Connecticut Wealth Management, LLC       Reliance Wealth Management, LLC
Thomas Kreitler                        David & Allison Hill                             Chris & Lauren Corrinet                  David & Shireen Rhoades
Leah & Alain Lebec                     Dawn Israel                                      Lois Dailey                              River Highlands Homeowners Association
Kieran Lynch                           Joey Garlic’s Newington, LLC                     James D’Angelo                           Sean Rotermund
Karen Michaels                         Barbara Karis Downey                             John & Claudia Demelis                   ROTHA Contracting Company, Inc.
John & Debra Morrison                  Dorothy & Mel Kawakami                           Greg DeMichel                            Michael & Kathy Ryan
Michael Murray                         Pat & Susan Kelly                                Tim & Debbie Donahue                     Sachem Capital
Neuberger Berman                       Keney Park Players Club                          Jan & Susan Dorenbosch                   Mike & Anna Savic
Nicola, Yester & Company, PC           Andrew Kvaal                                     Ilona Eken                               Jane & Rob Scaramella
Harry Nowobilski Memorial              Ellie Large                                      Falvey Linen Supply                      Kathryn & Rory Shaw
Mark & Luanne Paley                    Mary Laughlin                                    Scott Farrell                            Shepard Steel Co., Inc.
Tom & Lisa Panczner                    Jean & John Lepore                               Ferguson & McGuire                       Cameron Smith
Parker Hannafin                        Thomas Lister                                    David Fite                               J. Brian Smith
Parrett, Porto, Parese & Colwell PC    Manafort Brothers, Inc                           Barbara Flynn                            Michael Smith
People’s United Bank                   Ruki & Manu Mazumdar                             Nathaniel Foote                          Snowden Lane Partners
Charlie & Nancy Pike                   Paul Mersereau                                   Fork Hospitality, LLC                    Cory & Karina Solomon
PLUS Foundation                        Charlie & Claire Miner                           Mario & Rhiannon Forlini                 Marcy Swank
David & Rennie Polk                    Marge Morrissey                                  Carol Fortier                            Eric & Marissa Swann
Premier Limousine/                     Michael Motta                                    Geraldine Frankel                        David Swensen
    SD Transportation Services         John & Tracy Neeson                              Michael Gabor                            Dana Taylor &
The Proprietors of the                 Thomas O’Connor                                  Robert Garneau                               Carolyn Simmelink
    Springfield Cemetery               Orange Hills Country Club                        Kyle & Kara Gibbons                      Beverly Thomas
Dario & Peggy Quiros                   Jerry Renzoni                                    Ann Goodbody                             Jeff & Katherine Thomsen
Glen Rapoport                          Ridgefield Golf Club                             Danielle Goodwin                         TPC River Highlands
Mike & Elizabeth Reilly                Rogo Distributors                                John & Karen Goyette                     Bob & Beth Von Dohlen
Gary & Mim Reynolds                    Bill & Erin Russell                              Eric Greenhill                           Craig Watchmaker
RTC Pharmaceutical Consulting, LLC     Peter Seaman                                     Larry Haertel                            Hilary & Joe Watson
Marshall Ruben & Carolyn Greenspan     Select Physical Therapy                          Kevin & Donna Hall                       The Watts Group, LLC
Salute, LLC                            Jean Sennett                                     Mitch & Lee-Ann Harris                   Maggie & Marc Wein
Mim Schreck                            Glenn & Barbara Sieber                           Alan & Karen Hart                        The Whittemore Foundation
Irene & Ed Shaw                        Joseph Sindelar                                  Beverly & Keith Hartley                  Bruce & Roberta Wilson
SNEWGA Board of Directors              Smith Insurance                                  Katherine Holden & Josh Jaffe            Heather & William Woodbridge
Jack Solan                             Jim Stewart                                      Michael Horgan                           Laura & Bill Yandow
Stroup Family Fund                     George & Sarah Tierney                           Rick Hunt                                Jon-Claude Zucconi &
The Harold L. Wyman Foundation         Daniel Toscano                                   Steve Iorio                                  Riann Smith
John & Kenia Thomas                    Phil Vogel                                       Rosemary Jacob
Charles & Lida Tingley                 Diann Weinke                                     Ian John                                 Courtesy Level
The Toro Company                       Lori & Martin Weinstein                          James Kachadoorian                       $100 - $249
Margot & Charles Tusa                  Michael Wilder                                   James Kachadoorian II                    Karen & Jim Alexander
Matt & Betsy Udal                      Jeff & Jane Witherwax                            Kearney Insurance Agency, LLC            Richard & Lori Allen
John & Marcie Walsh                                                                     Dennis & Gail Kelleher                   Alpha Q. Inc.
                                       Honesty Level                                    Megan & Timothy Kelly                    Chuck & Linda Andrew
Integrity Level                        $250 - $499                                      Kennedy & Perkins Guild Opticians        Arnold & Hermia Aronson
$500 - $999                            Agave Grill                                      Jim Kerley                               Jerry Ashley
Aetna Foundation                       Bob & Lorraine Albanesi                          Dan & Jeanne Kleinman                    Grace Balzano
John Barker                            All Waste Inc.                                   Dante Laterra                            Devra Bane
Charlene Bego                          Brooke & Thomas Ashforth                         Walter Leckowicz, DMD                    Edward Banks
Bill Belichick                         Avon Plumbing & Heating                          Paul & Janet Lewis                       Robert Baranoff & Veronica Kuzara
Jim Berger                             Andy & Tina Awad                                 Ray & Kathy Lilley                       Richard Barger
John Berman                            B & L Construction, Inc.                         John & Julie Livingstone                 Judy Barrett
Bob & Suzette Bernatchez               Bruce & Pamela Barth                             John Loeffler                            Barron, Yanaros & Caruso, P.C.
Boccaccio Family Trust                 Bob & Donna Batch                                Adrian & Claire Lynch                    Jackie Beck
Phil & Valerie Bonee                   Brien & Eileen Beakey                            Jackson Marvel                           Eugene & Kimberly Becker
Bradley, Foster & Sargent, Inc.        Belinda Blanchfield                              Chris Masters                            Tom Belden
Brooklawn Country Club                 Michael Boyce                                    Mary Maurer                              Dave & Denise Benoit
Lawrence Buchalter                     Don & Jackie Brant                               Matthew McAndrew                         Robert & Donna Benzinger

                                                                                                        The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 13
Marie Bernatchez                       Andrew Esocoff                       Gale Lemieux                         Mike & Jennifer Sabatino          Parker Boal & Sandy Mirable
Craig Berthiaume                       Eversource Energy Foundation, Inc.   Roger & Florence Liddell             David & Betsy Sams                Debbi Bochniak
David & Phylis Beveridge               Steven Feltman                       Steve Lima                           Sanofi US Services, Inc.          Don & Jackie Boisvert
Bluepoint Leadership                   Virginia Ferlan & Timothy Machon     Fritz Link                           Anne Santa-Donato                 Anthony Bonelli
    Development, Inc.                  Michael & Julie Fischman             Peter Lisi                           Mary Sargent                      Andrew Bonetti
Deborah Boldry                         Dee Flanagan                         Tong & Rita Liu                      Bob & Kathy Saunders              Michael & Barbara Bourque
Peter Borkoski                         Lisa Foster                          Alison Loop                          Frank & Annamaria Schroll         Larry Bowman & Margaret Dillon
Jordan Boss                            Barry Frank                          Peggy Lorence                        Dave Schupp                       Don Boyce
Jim & Beverly Boyle                    Gerry Freedman & Kristin King        Walter & Phyllis Lowell              Everett Seyler Jr.                Bruce & Cheryl Boyea
Ed & Joanne Brazalovich                Katie French                         Michele Macauda                      The Shulansky Foundation, Inc.    Deborah Boynton & John Stephenson
John Brett                             Robert & Charlotte Friedland         Maddock Douglas, Inc.                Paul Silvergleid                  Maria Bronson
Mark Brett                             Avery Gaddis                         Steve Madison                        Carol Smith                       Michele & Kevin Brophy
Jeff Broadbent                         Deb Galasso & Jeff Scheckwitz        Phillip & Joyce Mahoney              Justin Smith                      Seamus Brown
Peter Brown                            Heather Garvin                       Gary & Donna-Jo Malbin               Howard Sobel                      Bernhard Bruder
Carol Flaton & Sandra Buergi           Robert & Gloria Gery                 Susan Malick                         Bill Souza                        Tim & Diana Bunt
Butcher & Company, LLC                 Tony Giorgio                         David Mandelbaum                     The Stanwich Club                 Rachel Burgess
Charles Caffray                        Bob & Lee Goode                      Janet Marchand                       Wendy Stapleton                   Jo Buttress
David Cahill                           Marc & Sheryl Green                  David Marks & Ann Sagalyn            Kristin Stephens                  Kevin & Sue Canavan
Jacquelyn & George Cahill              Jim Greenfield                       Fran Marrello                        Charlie & Roseann Stepnowski      Joe Caputa
Laura Cahill & Bill Hemphill           Oz Griebel                           Catherine Mathews                    Barbara Stevens                   Joseph Carlisle
Jim & Pat Calhoun                      Joel & Beth Grieco                   Gary & Erika Matt                    Eilish Stewart                    Jason Caruso
Molly Calhoun                          Hall’s Market, Inc.                  Kevin May                            Gerry & Blair Stratford           Richard Cassin
Ben & Julie Campbell                   Roger & Ann Hanlon                   Paul McCary                          Darrel Strickland                 Marie Castricum
Gabe Carr-Harris                       Tom Hantke                           David & Courtney McDavid             Anne Sweeney                      Lorenzo Cervantes
Joan Carter                            Patti Haran                          Brian McGlone                        Warren Sweet                      Rusty Chandler
Laura & Timothy Casale                 Harper & Whitfield                   Tom & Anne McKeon                    Carol Swift                       Stephen Chenard
Mary Caudill                           Richard Harris                       John & Pam Meehan                    Robert Tedoldi                    Sam Cherian
Gerrianne & Roger Celinski             Ross & Susie Hatch                   Gifford Miller                       Kevin Tierney                     Tommaso Chiodo
John Ceneri                            Kim Healey & John McCreight          Karsten Moller                       Patrick Torre                     Nathan Churchill
Angela Chambers                        Richard & Linda Hedden               Mark Morgano                         Triple Stitch Sportswear          William & Mary Connolly
Jim Iorio & Audrey Chan                Al & Kathy Herzog                    Linda Morrissey                      United Way of Southington, Inc.   Catherine Connor
Alex & Linda Chapman                   Robert Hetherington                  Sarah & Chris Mouta                  Jackie Vacheron                   Bill & Jeanne Conrad
Eric & Karen Christensen               Linda Ho & Kathleen Sweeney          Paul Mozzicato                       Brian & Frances VanLinda          Rosa Cooper
George & Maureen Collins               Lisa Hoberman                        Adam & Kristen Mucinskas             John Vitale                       Brian Cosker Jr
James & Margaret Collins               Joe Hoffman                          Joe & Mary Mullarkey                 Elizabeth Walker                  Brendan Coyle
Skip Conn                              Bill & Ann Holm                      Michael & Martha Nesbitt             Lara Walsh                        CT Association of Golf Course
Michael & Linda Connors                Len Horvath                          Karen Noccioletti                    William Weigel                        Superintendents
Judith Cook                            Cynthia Huge                         Sylvia Nolan                         Thomas Welch                      Shirley Damato
Vito Costantiello                      Dennis & Dawnmarie Hunter            JoAnn Norris                         Wheeler Park Golf Club, Inc.      Lina D’Angelo
Gerald Costello                        James Hurley                         Avra Novarr                          Whitney Farms Men’s Club          Eric & Pat Daniels
Earle & Mary Cote                      Indian Hill Country Club             The Sylvia & Leo Novarr Fund         Kimberly Wilson                   Lynette Darken
Bruce & Kathryn Cowen                  Bob & Susan Izard                    Joanna Nunzianto                     Joanne Wilson                     Cathy Davis
Mary Crary                             Sophia Jia                           Thomas & Teresa O’Neil               Peter Young                       Dave DeBassio
Lisa Davenport                         Brian & Denise Johnston              Ellie Owens                          The Eric & Jessica Zachs Family   Basil & Anna Deligeorges
Tyler & Paige Davis                    Kate Jollie                          Mary Pagnam                              Foundation                    John Derek & Kathy Reid
McKenzie & Jen DeJoseph                George Karfiol                       Tim & Jane Pagnam                    Sandy Schultz & Sarah Zelhart     Tom Deupree
Claire DeJoseph                        Lloyd & Karen Karkos                 Debra Palmer & Jeffrey Plocharczyk   Al Zemaitis                       Francis Devaney
Jeanne DeLoe                           Tom & Ginny Kelly                    Barbara & David Panico               Michael Zimmerman                 Jon Diakanwa
Christopher Derham                     Peter Kessen                         John Parks                                                             Vincent DiBattista
James & Mary Devine                    Treacy Kirkpatrick                   Francis Pearson                      Confidence Level                  Erika Dobson
Howie Dickenman                        Carla Klein                          John & Christine Pearson             $1- $99                           Chaweewan Donohue
John Dierkes                           The Koch Ellis Fund                  Eva Pecorin                          Taggart Adams                     Kari Dooley
Derek Dillon                           Ronald & Maria Kornacki              Beth Peelle                          Susan Agonis                      Laura Doyle
Fran Doherty                           Peter & Cathy Kostecki               Bob & Joan Penney                    Leslie Aldrich                    Stacey Durand
Celia Dondes & Robert Kerzner          Cathleen Kowalski                    Franklin Perry                       Patricia Allen                    Scot Edman
Betsy Donovan                          Peter Krzyzek                        Al & Katherine Petitpas              Garrett Anderson                  Brandon Ellison
David & Holly Dupont                   Kristen LaPointe                     Brian Phelps                         Kevin Anderson & Tara Griffin     Jennifer Enright
Ray Embury                             Kevin & Ann Lawlor                   Wayne Pierson                        Wyatt Anderson                    Anne & Chuck Erickson
Caroline Emery                         Rick Lawson                          Ted Pisk                             Joseph Auletta                    Dennis Estevez
Ilona & Mike Emmerth                   Jason Lazzaris                       John Pless                           Mark & Helaine Babbage            Tom Euvard
                                                                            Joe & Sandy Plourde                  Sarah Babineau                    Thomas & Kathleen Fahey
                                                                            Mark & Diane Powers                  Maureen Baker                     Michael Fappiano
With special appreciation for                                               Hushang & Karen Rastkhane            Martin Baltus                     Doris Ferner
the following scholarships:                                                 Mike Reddy                           John Bannon                       Nancy Ferraro
Andrew K. Dwyer Foundation Scholarship                                      Stephen Repka                        John Barlow                       AJ Fezza
Daniel Novarr Scholarship                                                   Thomas Riley                         Jake Bartley                      Julia Finneran
David Epstein Scholarship                                                   Sarah Roberson                       Judy Battaglia                    Richard & Beverly Fonner
Donald E.Vacheron Scholarship                                               Mark & Rebecca Rodbourn              Rick Beatty                       Gary & Jerilyn Fortier
Aetna Retirees Scholarship in honor of H. Grant Thomas and Roger Lawson     Eric & Elise Rose                    Roger Beaudry                     Austin French
19 Iron Scholarship (Downey Family Foundation)                              Peter Roth                           Raymond Bell                      Jeannine French
Walking for Kids Foundation Scholarship                                     Susan Rubin                          Anjanette Belmonte                Betty Ann Fusco
William P. Lyons Scholarship                                                Bryan Ruck                           Deirdre & Steven Bennett          Ralph Gagliardi
The Mazumdar Family Scholarship                                             Richard Ruglio                       Paul & Jennifer Berlin            Tino Galluzzo
                                                                            Tricia Russ                          Robin Bernier                     Glendaly Garcia
                                                                            Betsy Russell                                                          Mary & Anthony Garofalo

14 • The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018
Sean Gavin                        John Mason
Brian George                      Paul McClain
Juan Gonzalez                     Stan & Linda McFarland
Stacy Greiss                      Barry McLaughlin
Keith Griffin                     Walter McNeill
Kenneth Guggenheim                Tim & Kristin Mendola
Mary Harris                       Irwin Meslin
John Harrison                     Bill & Judy Miko
Sara & Joseph Hart                Christy Miller
Ned Harvey                        Chris Minar
John Haverkampf
Helena Hawkshawe
Brett Hayes
                                  Joey Lee Miranda
                                  Touch Moffett
                                  John Moore
                                                                     “Good Golfers.
Lousie Healey
Suzanne Heise
Rick Hekeler
                                  Tai Moran
                                  Mark & Kim Moriarty
                                  Luis Moyano
                                                                     Better People.”
Denise Hendrick                   Brayan Murillo
Richard & Irmtraud Hermanson      Peter & Linda Murphy
John Higgins                      Jen Nagel
                                                                Susan Sheehan                  The First Tee of                    Jordan Paige Food Enterprises
                                                                Ewa Sidwa                                                          Rob Kimball
Tyler Ho                          Manjoe Nair                   Bob & Sharon Smith
                                                                                               Connecticut                         Kramer Portraits
Kim Hrapchak                      Tracey Naples                 Burke Smith                    would like to                       Joe LaCava
David Hubbard                     Arthur & Reba Nassau          Marilou Soltis                 thank the following                 Lake of Isles
Taneisha Hylton                   Kim Noble
Diana Iannucci                    Norhals Group, LLC
                                                                Tom & Cindy Spinelli           individuals,                        Lake Waramaug Country Club
                                                                Michael & Lisa Stefano                                             Mary Laughlin
Sid Isenberg                      Alexander Norris              Marie Stehle
                                                                                               organizations and                   Liberty National Golf Club
Michael & Linda Jainchilo         Michael O’Brien               Brian & Christine Sullivan     businesses who                      Rodney Loesch
Steven Jenkins                    Anne & James O’Dell           John Sullivan                  donated products                    Longford’s Ice Cream
Debra Jennett                     Thomas & MaryLouise O’Keefe
Janice Jerman                     Susan Olson
                                                                Peter Swiatek                  and services in 2018:               Madison Art Cinemas
                                                                Rose Swiatkiewicz              Back East Brewing Company           Marcia Selden Catering
Cheryl Johnston                   The Open Hearth               David & Lisa Szewczul                                              Mason Street Strength & Fitness
Peter Joyce                       Kelly Orazietti                                              Beverly Baker
                                                                David Tam                      Black Hog Brewing Co.               Max Restaurant Group
Sean Kallaugher                   Oriole Branch, No. 176        Lillian Tanski                                                     Ted May
The Kane Family                   Colby O’Rourke                                               The Blind Brook Club
                                                                Althea Taylor                  Bonda Restaurant                    Moffly Media
Janet Kean                        Adrian Pace                   Mike & Meghan Taylor                                               Mohegan Sun
Ryan Keating                      Sebastian Pandolfo                                           Broken Shed Vodka
                                                                Sabrina & Gregory Tedeschi     Brooklawn Country Club              Henry Moniz
Kyle Keelan                       Debra Pasquale                Greg Thomas                                                        New Britain Museum of American
Kerri Kelshall-Ward               Bhavesh Patel                                                Ed Budd
                                                                William Thorpe                 Gabe Carr-Harris                        Art
Lillian Kezerian                  Bill & Jen Pennoyer           Caroline Tighe                                                     New Haven Country Club
Thomas Kim                        Susan Persa                                                  Matt & Holly Cassin
                                                                William Tingley                Connecticut Science Center          The North House
Bardya Kimyachi                   Bill & Christine Petit        Louise Tolbert                                                     Olives and Oil
Michael Klasfeld                  Elizabeth Phongsat                                           Country Club of New Canaan
                                                                Lisa Torvik                    Craig’s Fine Jewelry                Michelle Palmer
Suzie Kocchi                      Anthony Pietroniro            TPC River Highlands                                                Chef Jeff Perez
Eugene Koster & Gabriela Nosari   Eddie Pomales                                                Delamar West Hartford
                                                                    Ladies League              DISH Restaurant Group               Playhouse on Park
Nancy Kotchko                     Lara Poulios                  Travelers Community                                                QBE Shootout
Mary Kowalewski                   Allyson Power                                                Downtown Golf
                                                                    Connections                Duvig Brewing Co.                   Richter Park Golf Course
Saravanan Krishnan                Alan & Arlene Powers          Victoria Triano                                                    RISE Brewing
Mary Krusch                       Paul & Cynthia Prete                                         Ellington Ridge Country Club
                                                                Peter & Paula Tripp            Seth Greenberg and ESPN             Roger Sherman Inn
Bob & Kathleen Kulig              Bill Pursell                  Jeff Varesio                                                       Marshall Ruben
Jeff Kuryluk                      Pete Putzel                                                  Fairview Country Club
                                                                Jason Vega                     Fairview Farm Country Club          Saltwater Farm Vineyard
Jeffrey LaBonte                   Samuel & Caroline Raj         Paul Velezis                                                       Rory & Kathryn Shaw
Stephen Laccone                   Claudia Ravin                                                First & Last Tavern (Avon)
                                                                Bill & Jean Vitalis            First & Last Tavern (Glastonbury)   Silver Spring Country Club
Kelly & Steven Lackner            Daniel Rayner                 Gwendolyn Walker                                                   Silvermine Golf Club
Sarah Lampo                       Mary Jo Rett                                                 Fleming’s Steakhouse
                                                                Gill Wall                      Fox Hopyard Golf Club               Stamford Museum &
Thomas Lane                       Thom & Pam Rice               Joseph & Carol Waxman                                                  Nature Center
Steve Langlois                    James Richetelli                                             Foxwoods Resort Casino
                                                                Cari Webber                    Frank Pepe’s Development Co.        Stony Creek Brewery
Steve & Nancy LaPointe            Jim Ristas                    Steven & Barbara Weiss                                             The Course at Yale
Paul & Ilona Laporte              Rita Rivera                                                  Gallo Ristorante
                                                                James & Linda Welch            Gillette Ridge Golf Club            Theaterworks
Susan Larson                      Jim & Amy Robinson            Randy & Tanya Wingate                                              Thimble Island Brewing Co.
Melinda Lauderdale                Frank & Nancy Roche                                          Golf Pro Delivered
                                                                Ed & Kathy Winslow             GOLFTEC West Hartford               TPC Boston
Matthew Lawson                    David Rock                    Heidi Winslow                                                      TPC Jasna Polana
Brian Lee                         David Rosenberg                                              Richard Gordon
                                                                Paul Winterhalder              Gouveia Vineyards                   TPC Potomac at Avenel Farm
Steven Leibitz                    Dave & Virginia Rutz          Sally Wlodarski                                                    TPC River Highlands
Diane Leja                        Williiam Sales                                               Bill Gray
                                                                Janice Wolf                    Greenwich Country Club              Trump National Golf Club
Tom & Wendy Lincoln               Robert & Marybeth Salvato     Meleta Woodard                                                     Charles & Margot Tusa
Brooke Loening                    Don & Shirley Sanders                                        Hartford Flavor Company
                                                                Linda Woods                    Hartford Golf Club                  Two Roads Brewing Company
Renee Lomax                       Wael Sayej                    Abigail Zandri                                                     UConn Athletics
William & Maria Lombardi          Johnny Scafidi                                               Hartford Police Department
                                                                Nicole Zawrotny                Hartford Restaurant Group           Val’s Wines
Sarah Lucian                      Al & Marie Scharf             Lynne Zeoli                                                        Vineyard Vines
Loren & Jeff Luddy                Kenneth & Edith Schechter                                    Hartford Symphony Orchestra
                                                                Ann Zubretsky                  Herd Restaurant                     Wampanoag Country Club
Diane & Larry Lukaszewski         Bob Schnurr                   Peter & Karen Zummo                                                Warner Theatre
Irene Luria                       Dennis Scinto                                                Hop Meadow Country Club
                                                                                               Hopkins Vineyard                    Waypoint Spirits
Ernest Marcel                     SCNS Sports Foods                                                                                Wee Burn Country Club
Christopher Marchese              Ted & Ellen See                                              Bob Cleaver and iHeartMedia
                                                                                               Innis Arden Golf Club               Bob Gelb and WFAN Radio
Carol Martin                      David & Sandy Sergio                                                                             Wolffer Estate Vineyard
Oscar Martinez                    Jill Shea                                                    J. Timothy’s Tavern

                                                                                             The First Tee of Connecticut • Annual Repor t 2018 • 15
                                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE

                                                                                           PERMIT #1847
                                                                                           HARTFORD, CT

           55 Golf Club Road
        Cromwell, CT 06416
        Office: 860-882-1660
           Fax: 860-788-6612

DESIGN: Joy Taylor, WHMedia, Inc. PHOTOGRAPHY: Kay Bagwell, Bob Capazzo, and Jay Sloves.
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