I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020

Page created by Frederick Buchanan
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
Hi-Noble              THIRD Quarter 2020

  September 26, 2020        april 12-16 2021    July 4,-8, 2021

Emporia Peanut Parade      Chief Rabban Trip   imperial session
   Photos PAGE 31            Flyer PAGE 32       flyer PAGE 1

I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
2                                                                                  Khedive Hi-Noble

                                       David Swoope

                                    Senior Sales Executive

                      WELCOME NOBLES!
                  I am very proud to be associated with Beach Ford.
    Please call or come by and see me for details on the X-Plan Buying Program!
  Through the new Ford Partner Recognition Program, all current dues-paying Shriners and all
   employess and retirees of Shrine Temples, Shriners International and Shriners Hospitals for
Children in the U.S. and Canada are eligible for a substantial discount on a new purchase or lease
of a Ford Motor Company vehicle. By taking advantage of this exclusive program, also known as
     the X-Plan, you could save hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars on your next vehicle!

    www.beach4rd.com - www.barton4rd.com - 2717 Virginia Beach Blvd. Virginia Beach, VA 23452

     CALL: (757) 486-2717 or (757)-539-1595
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                                               1

    JULY 4–8, 2021

    HOUSTON, HERE WE COME                                                   And no matter what your age, the Space Center Houston is a
    The 147th Imperial Session of Shriners International will take          not-to-be-missed destination. Visitors can discover the exciting
    place in Houston, Texas, July 4–8, 2021. All nobles, ladies and their   potential future and remarkable past of America’s human
    families are invited to join Imperial Sir Jim Smith and Lady Alice      spaceflight program, set among the largest collection of
    for the fraternity’s biggest event of the year.                         space artifacts in the southwestern United States. Families can
                                                                            explore the red planet in the new Mission Mars exhibit, take the
                                                                            NASA Tram Tour for a behind-the-scenes look at human space
                                                                            exploration and visit Historic Mission Control, from which NASA
                                                                            led Gemini and Apollo missions.

                                                                            GEORGE R. BROWN CONVENTION CENTER
                                                                            The 2021 Imperial Session will be held at the George R. Brown
                                                                            Convention Center, which is conveniently located in the dining,
                                                                            entertainment and arts district called Avenida Houston. In
                                                                            addition, it is connected by skywalk to the Marriott Marquis
                                                                            Houston, our headquarters hotel.

                                                                            Avenida Houston will take your Houston experience to the next
    EXPERIENCE SPACE CITY                                                   level. Shriners and their families can experience cuisine from
    Houston received its nickname in 1967 because of its connection         around the world, relax in the Texas-shaped lazy river at the
    to NASA space programs. The United States’ fourth-largest city,         Marriott Marquis, delight in live music on Avenida Plaza and
    Houston is brimming with opportunity, excitement, culture and           enjoy fantastic views of downtown Houston.
    history, and considers itself the Culinary and Cultural Capital of
    the South. With more than 10,000 restaurants, world-class theater       WE HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE
    groups, diverse culture and artistic expression, there is something     The 2021 Imperial Session will be one of fun and fellowship.
    for each of you to experience and enjoy in Houston. Join your           Imperial Sir Jim Smith, his Lady Alice and the Ben Hur Shriners
    fraternity brothers and their families in exploring this unique city.   look forward to hosting our Shriners, families and friends in
                                                                            Houston. Come enjoy Space City with us while celebrating
    FUN FOR FAMILIES                                                        the fun, fellowship and philanthropy that makes Shriners
    The Children’s Museum of Houston features 90,000 square feet of         International the greatest fraternity in the world.
    interactive and bilingual exhibitions in the areas of science and
    technology, history and culture, health and human development           Learn more at imperialsession.com
    and the arts. Exhibits offer experiences for kids – from running
    their own city and compiling their own TV news reports to making
                                                                               IMPERIAL SESSION 2022
    their own gadgets in the Invention Convention.
                                                                               July 3-7, Minneapolis, Minnesota
                                                                               It’s not too early to plan to join Imperial Sir Bill Bailey and
    Another memorable destination for the family is the Houston
                                                                               Lady Debby in Minneapolis! They look forward to celebrating
    Museum of Natural Science. This extremely kid-friendly museum
                                                                               the 150th anniversary of Shriners International and the 100th
    features a paleontology hall towering with prehistoric creatures,
                                                                               anniversary of Shriners Hospitals for Children® with you.
    a planetarium, a 3D IMAX theater, a magnificent butterfly exhibit,
    plus more than a dozen permanent exhibit areas.

    © 2020 Shriners International        OSJUN20T1IS
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
2                                         Khedive Hi-Noble

    Khedive Golf Classic - September 24, 2020
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                           3

                                        In This Issue
Features                                 Units & Clubs                     Ads
25 - Ask Leroy                           22 - Autos                        Inside Front Cover - Beach Ford
06- Assistant Rabban                     25 - Band                         11 - Chesapeake Shrine Club
10 - Black Camel
                                         14 - Camaros                      05 - Creekmore Hardware
12 - Calendar 10/2020-1/2021
                                         14 - Hillbillies                  06- Franklin Shrine Club
05 - Chief Rabban
32 - Chief Rabban Trip                   26 - Drum & Bugle Corps           07 - Hoggard-Eure Associate
09 - Donation Form                       16 - Knights of Mecca             15 - Janet Barringer
31 - Emporia Parade Photos               24 - Mini 18 Wheelers             Inside Back Page - Kyro Builders
07 - High Priest & Prophet               24 - Motor Corps                  08 - Ramsey Equipment Co.
28 - Hi-Noble Boosters
                                         15 - Provost Guard                11 - Ron Clark - Century 21
11 - Hospital Trips Report
                                         16 - Ritualistic Divan            06 - Suffolk Shrine Club
01 - Imperial Session 2021
10 - Million Dollar Club Donations       17 - Scooter Patrol               07 - Toras Chaim Bingo
10 - Million Dollar Club Form            23 - Suffolk Shrine Club          15 - Vergara’s Renovations
08 - Oriental Guide                      22 - Tidewater Shrine Club        05 - Virginia Beach Shrine Club
04 - Potentate’s Message                 23 - Virginia Beach Shrine Club   21 - Williamsburg Shrine Club
08 - Recorder’s Desk
                                         20 - Yacht Club                   21 - Yacht Club
27 - Re-elected President Jerry Gantt
21 - Uniformed Units Director
18 - Upcoming Birthdays
09 - WebFez
17 - Zulekia Court #35

                Khedive Business Meeting
                      SATURDAY-DECEMBER 5
                   7AM BREAKFAST 8AM MEETING
                                        WEAR YOUR FEZ
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
4                                                                                                      Khedive Hi-Noble

                            Potentate’s Message
                                                 Bill Hoggard
      obles, I hope this finds all of you                                           the other Units had shown up. We
      in good health. Well another few                                              have a couple parades in December.
      months have passed without                                                    Units please support them. We have
having events where we all can get                                                  committed to the Cape Charles parade
together. It sure been tough not seeing                                             on Sat. December 5 time will be either
all you Nobles and having fun.                                                      3 or 4 pm. Please support this Parade.
    We had a business meeting and                                                   Cape Charles has been good to us.
elected a new High Priest and Prophet                                                  As you know MASA and SASA
Noble Leon Stocks. Welcome to the                                                   spring and fall were canceled. Zoom
Divan.                                                                              meetings have been held and officers
    Our Unit and Clubs have started                                                 have been elected and installed. MASA
having their meetings, still meeting all                                            Spring will be held April 22-25, Fall
restrictions. We still have not been able                                           at VA. Beach September 9- 12, SASA
to have fundraising, means no money                                                 Spring at Louisville KY, March 24-27,
to use for projects or have events, with                                            Fall at Myrtle Beach September 16-19
that being said we have canceled the                                                2021.
Fall Festival. We are still having the                                                 Nobles this has been a year to end
Sportsman’s Raffle, it is self-supporting (SELL TICKETS)      all years. I hope no one has to go through this again. Our
and we are going to have a Ceremonial, Christmas Tree         Temple and Nobles will get through this and come back
Lighting and Children’s Christmas party are still scheduled   strong. For me it has been hard to see this just go by and
at this time.                                                 do nothing, it has been emotionally and bad health wise but
    We were able to hold our Golf Tournament on Sept. 24.     all of us are going to be alright. One of the bright spots was
I want to thank every one that played and all our sponsors,   the Potentates Ball the decorating committee and all the
especially Bass Pro, Beach Ford, Buddy Huskey, Froggies,      Nobles and Ladies did a great job, IT WAS SPECTACULAR.
Kellam Mechanical and Advanced Auto and all our hole          THANKS Lady Marion Loved it.
sponsors. I want to thank the golf committee and the              One last thought MEMBERSHIP your Temple needs new
sorority Ladies for all your work to make this happen. We     members and the only way we can get them is YOU, Nobles
had a successful tournament.                                  talk to your Masonic Brothers. WE NEED NEW MEMBERS!!!
    Khedive Divan and Units participated in the Emporia           Yours in the faith
Peanut Parade, we had a great showing of Units, I wish            Bill Hoggard - Potentate

        Potentate Bill at the Emporia Peanut Festival Parade

    The Pote with the Drum & Bugle Corps                                  The Pote with the Camaros
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                    5

          Chief Rabban
                     Mark Cook                                    VIRGINIA BEACH
                                                                   SHRINE CLUB
                                                                    Gus & Georges Restaurant
                                                                     4312 Virginia Beach Blvd
                                                                     Virginia Beach, VA 23452
                                                                      Granville W. White
                                                                   Meets 2nd Friday Each Month
                                                                  Social 6:00 PM Dinner 7:00 PM
                                                                  All Nobles and Ladies are Invited

      ovid-19 election for President. Me as incoming
      Potentate of Khedive Shrine Center, these have all
      been headlines and worthy news items. One of these               HOME OF
facts may have a little spin, welcome to 2020. We have had
to plan and live in a manner totally new and unprecedented.          BANNER SALES
    Trying to plan for "Fun in 21" has been difficult at best,
but we are members of a fraternity that has planned and
survived for centuries and will persevere. Masons believe in
a supreme being, and with that faith we know there will be a
tomorrow different than yesterday but one to anticipate and
enjoy. Find joy in knowing that Covid and the election will
pass and our great country will again be the United States
                                                                   CREEKMORE HARDWARE
of America under God. Remember also that as Potentate I
am passing through and our fraternity will survive.
                                                                         1303 BAINBRIDGE BLVD.
    As I have tried to plan for "our" year there have been far
more unknowns then in past years. Trying to bare that in
                                                                         CHESAPEAKE, VA 23324
                                                                           LAWN AND
mind, there are going to be some changes. I want "Fun in
21" to be just that. We are going to have an overnight bus
trip to Greenville Shrine Hospital if it reopens for tours. Our
Potentate's trip will be during the week following Easter to
Dollywood in Tennessee. We will enjoy a bus trip and five
days of fun and music. Some of you will remember Pote
                                                                        GARDEN SUPPLIES
Elwood's trip, I personally picked the bus line this time. We
will have a May Celebration Ball. Our Rodeo, Sportsman's
                                                                           ► Paint
Raffle and Golf Tournament will continue in 21. Something
new will be a 50/50 Raffle, 2000 tickets at $20 each. The
                                                                           ► Hardware
one winner will take home $20,000.
    Stay tuned for more, it is GREAT to be a Shriner.
                                                                           ► Plumbing

    “Trying to plan for "Fun in 21" has been difficult at
     best, but we are members of a fraternity that has
  planned and survived for centuries and will persevere.”
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
6                                                                                                          Khedive Hi-Noble

                                   Assistant Rabban
                                                 Scott Foxwell
      s we head into the election this                                                    Last month, I was wondering
      November, I began to think how                                                  about age in our Shrine. Our top-
      diverse we are as a society and                                                 notch Recorder promptly sent me the
as a fraternity. In our Shrine, we come                                               information I was seeking, an age
from many different areas of Eastern                                                  breakdown for our membership. We
Virginia. Many of us are close to our                                                 are as young as 20 and as old as 108!
Temple, geographically, and several of                                                In fact, we have eight members in their
you are in the more "remote" areas. We                                                twenties and six members over 100. As
are lucky that we can drive to almost all                                             you might expect, the preponderance
of our areas in an hour and a half. When                                              of our members tend to be older. We
we look at the area that our neighboring                                              have 100 members in their nineties;
Temples, Acca in Richmond and Sudan                                                   331 in their eighties; and 485 in their
in New Bern, have to cover, we are quite                                              seventies. At the other end of the
fortunate.                                                                            spectrum, there are only 42 members
   We group ourselves in the Shrine                                                   in their thirties [half my age]; double
Clubs and we are thankful that those                                                  that, 87 in their forties; double that,
clubs are strong and offer a way for Nobles living a distance   168 in their fifties. In their sixties are 313 Nobles. We are
from the Temple to gather, fellowship, and be inspired          diverse! But, when you realize that 1129 out of 1540 are in
to work for our philanthropy, The Shriner's Hospitals for       their 60s, 70s, and 80s, we are not diverse enough.
Children. It is a pleasure to visit with you on the Eastern        I do not have the data on how many live where, which
Shore, Tidewater, Williamsburg, Peninsula, Franklin and         might be an interesting exploration for another time. In spite
Suffolk, which makes the travel tolerable. Yes, the Shrine      of our age, where we live, how long we have been members,
Clubs that are close by are great, too, but not such a          what lodge we belong to, or any other descriptive factor,
challenge to get to!                                            we continue to celebrate our differences and revel in our
   We also group ourselves in units that cater to our           similarities. After all, we are all Nobles of the Mystic Shrine!
interests and talents. How lucky we are to have many               Robert Scott Foxwell
strong units. Several are growing. Many of our units could
use more members, and everyone could use more active

         Franklin                                                           Suffolk
        Shrine Club                                                       Shrine Club
                                                                           Meets Each Fourth
                                                                           Wednesday Night
              Meets 2nd Monday                                        500 Elizabeth St., Suffolk, VA
               of Each Month                                              Our club is available
          Kenneth Gay - President
                                                                             call us for date!
       Hunter March - Vice President
      Kevin Insull - Secretary/Treasurer                              757-923-1913
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                     7

                           High Priest & Prophet
                                               J. Leon Stocks
      obles, I would like to express my                                         the Winter season and hopefully things
      sincere appreciation to everyone                                          will allow us to carry on as usual. I
      for their support in my election                                          sincerely hope that all Units will be able
as High Priest and Prophet. It is an                                            to participate and help us to show our
honor to be elected to serve Khedive                                            support and strength once again.
as a Divan Member.                                                                 As I travel throughout Virginia as
   As we look ahead and plan for                                                your High Priest and Prophet I hope and
the future, let us remember that we                                             pray that I will represent Khedive Shrine
became Shriners to help kids. COVID                                             and its Nobles in a manner becoming to
19 has made all of us wonder what is                                            our great organization.
next. Many of the events for this year                                             Please let me know if your Unit or
have been canceled and future events                                            Club has an event that you would like
are in jeopardy.                                                                me to attend and support. I need to be
   As we begin to meet again as Units                                           able to plan my calendar and include
and Nobles we must be cautious for ourselves and those        your events.
we care about. Preventing the spread of this terrible virus      As we move forward, we must be cautious, brave and
and protecting others is our top priority. However, we must   energetic that as we go forward we will be better and
continue to support our Temple, our hospitals and our kids.   stronger. The future is our new beginning.
Transporting our kids is changing daily and our drivers          May God bless each of you and I hope to see you on the
must be flexible. We are organizing several parades for       streets and in our Temple.

      “As I travel throughout Virginia as your High Priest and Prophet I hope and pray that I will represent
                Khedive Shrine and its Nobles in a manner becoming to our great organization.”

                                                                       VISIT US ONLINE
                                                                  Pay Dues - Get Latest Updates
I-Noble THIRD Quarter 2020 - September 26, 2020
8                                                                                                        Khedive Hi-Noble

        Oriental Guide                                              Recorder’s Desk
                   John Brown                                                     Wayne Kelly

N                                                              G
      obles, Lady Donna and I are hoping all of you are well          reetings Nobles ~ This year has really flown by and
      and as are we slowly and cautiously emerging from               the warm summer has moved on and I am sure we will
      your protective bubbles. We hope you and your family            be glad to experience some cooler weather.
are healthy and able to start going cautiously about your         At the time I am writing this our Governor has relaxed
normal activities.Your Blue Lodges and Shrine Units and        some of the COVID-19 restrictions. Let us hope that we‘ll
Clubs are resuming meetings and look forward to seeing         begin to see more activity at your Shrine Center.
you at the events remaining this year. There are still some       Nobles, I ask each of you to please purchase, and sell,
cancelations so check the Temple website to see what is        our Sportsman’s Raffle tickets. There are great prizes and
currently on the schedule. Looking forward to seeing you       fun to be had at this event on October 17th.
in the near future. Continue to be safe and above all be          Also, Nobles, if you know any member who has not paid
happy.                                                         his dues for 2020 talk to him about paying now. 142 Nobles
   Fraternally and Respectfully,                               have not paid those dues. The Temple has dues outstanding
   John D. Brown                                               that total $20,677.00 as of September 14, 2020.
                                                                  I look forward to seeing you around.
     www.ramseyequipment.com                                      If there is anything that I can do for you, please feel free
                                                               to contact me or stop by and ask.
                                        (757) 424-9090            Es Selamu Aleikum,
                                     (757) 621-1654 Cell          Wayne Kelly
                                     (757) 523-4740 Fax
                                                                    Shriners Hospitals for Children
    Ramsey Equipment Co.
                                                                  facebook                            twitter
               Sales & Service
                                                                  www.facebook.com/                   www.twitter.com/
      Automotive Equipment Disbributors                           shrinershospitalsforchildren        shrinershosp
              Joe Ramsey - President                              shrinersinternational               shriners
                                                                  shrinegame                          shrinersopen
                                                                  shrinershospitalsopen               shrine_game
               1128 S. Military Highway
                Chesapeake, VA 23320                              flickr                              youtube
                                                                  www.flickr.com/                     www.youtube.com/
                                                                  shrinershospitals                   shrinershospitals
                                                                  shrinersinternational               shrinegame
Larry Awbrey               Frederick Golgart   Terry Mann         David Adams          Robert Gorsuch
             Raymond Kustush            Stephen Light       Ronald Mundy       Phillip D'albertis   Allen Haiby
             Russell Mitchell           Eric Milligan       Nicholas Wieder    Larry Bass           Ronald Wilcox
             Dickie Simpson                                                    Gregory Giles

Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                                   9

                As a noble, one of your top
                priorities should always be
                continued education about our
                fraternity. Many fraternal
                communications are disseminated
                each year for a multitude of
                purposes — including operational
                and legislative updates,
                membership resources,
                philanthropic breakthroughs, dues
                notices and fraternal relations.
                But, a communication is only as
                effective as the contact
                information for its intended
                target audience.

                Have you logged in WebFez to
                                                                      Log in to WebFez TODAY
                update your noble profile?
                Updating your contact
                                                                    to create your noble profile
                information is one of the most
                specific and useful ways that you,
                                                                     and provide/update your
                as a member of our great
                fraternity, can assist your leaders
                                                                    contact information on file.
                in maintaining effective
                communications at all levels of
                the organization.

                                                                                                    shrinersinternational.org   13

          Khedive Shrine Center, 645 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake, VA 23320
   Donation in honor of____________________________________________________________
   Donation in memory of__________________________________________________________
   Khedive Shrine Transportation Fund $____________________
   Khedive Shrine Building Fund		     $____________________
   Khedive Shrine Center			           $____________________
   Shriners Hospitals for Children		  $____________________
   $100 Million Dollar Club			         100.00
   *Given by:
   City_____________________________ State______________ Zip_______________________
   Phone #_______________________________________________________________________

   *Please acknowledge my gift to:
   City_____________________________ State______________ Zip________________________
10                                                                       Khedive Hi-Noble

           Black Camel
                                            Please Enroll Me As a Member
                                            of the 100 Million Dollar Club

        The deepest sympathy of the
      Illustrious Potentate, Divan and
        Nobles of Khedive Shrine is
     extended to the family and friends.
                                           _____I previously made a Will leaving a
       Duke D. Allen           7/27/2020   Bequest (of $100 or more) to the SHRINERS
                                           HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN Endowment
       Chaarles E. Elks, Jr.   7/27/2020   Fund.
       Earl J. Gray, Jr.       7/29/2020   _____I Have added a provision in my Will
                                           leaving a Bequest (of $100 or more) to the
       Ralph W. Ward, Sr.      8/12/2020   SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN
                                           Endowment Fund.
       Dudley B. Lewis Jr.     8/19/2020
                                           _____I prefer to make a cash donation
       Salvador A. Dizon       8/31/2020   at this time (of $100 or more).

                                           Make your check payable to:
                                           SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN
       100 Million Dollar Club
                                           Signed _____________________________________
                                           Temple ____________________________________



                                           State______________________ Zip_____________

                                           Please have the membership certificate read:
                   Carlton Gill
                  Richard Gray
                 Travis Twiford
                                           Please return to:
                 Joshua Gooch              KHEDIVE SHRINE CENTER
                                           645 Woodlake Drive
                James A. Casper            Chesapeake, VA 23320
Third Quarter 2020                                                                     11

                          Hospital Trips Report
                           Nancy Lane - Travel Coordinator
                        VAN      SELF DRIVE   AIRWING     COMMERCIAL     TOTALS/MONTH
                     Trips/Pts    Trips/Pts   Trips/Pts     Trips/Pts     Trips Patients

   January           4      4     0     0     0     0       0      0        4     4

   February          5      5     0     0     0     0       2     2         7     7
   March             3      3     0     0     0     0       0     0         3     3
   April             0     0      1     1     0     0       1     2         2     3
   May               0     0      3     3     0     0       0     0         3     3
   June              2      2     4     4     0     0       1     1         7     7
   July              4      4     1     1     0     0       1     1         6     6
   August            4      4     0     0     0     0       0     0         4     4

    YTD              22    22     9     9     0     0       5     6        36     37

                                                    Shrine Club
                     Top Producers
                                               Dedicated to Helping Orthopedic Children
  Ron Clark - Associate Broker
            GRI, Certified Military
            Residential Specialist
                                                   Social                  Dinner
   7dayrealtor.com 4                              6:00 PM                 7:00 PM
           Office: 757.456.9500
            Fax: 757.490.1394                      Alan Brown        Joe Ramsey
           Direct: 757.754.8498                     President    Secretary/Treasurer

             7dayrealtor@gmail.com                www.chesapeakeshrineclub.org
12                                                                                                              Khedive Hi-Noble

                                                    October 2020
     SUNDAY         MONDAY              TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY                  THURSDAY             FRIDAY        SATURDAY
                                                                                 1                   2              3

4               5                      6                7                        8                   9              10
                Mini 18 Wheelers       Band             Williamsburg SC                              Virginia
                Khedive Carts          Color Guard                                                   Beach SC
                Drum & Bugle           Motor Patrol
                                       Golf Club

11              12                     13               14                       15                  16             17
                Arab Patrol            Band             Provost Guard            Tidewater SC                       SPORTSMAN’S
                Autos, Scooters        Fire Brigade                                                                 RAFFLE
                Drum & Bugle           Golf Club
                Franklin SC
18              19                     20               21                       22                  23             24
                Chesapeake SC          Band             Ritualistic Divan        PE EXAM             PE EXAM        PE EXAM
                Drum & Bugle           Clowns           Swashbucklers
                                       Yacht Club
                                       Golf Club
25              26                     27               28                       29                  30             31
                Eastern Shore SC       Band             Suffolk SC
                Drum & Bugle           Motor Corps      Hillbillies
                Peninsula SC           Portsmouth SC    Legion of Honor
                Camaros                Golf Club

                                                November 2020
      SUNDAY            MONDAY              TUESDAY           WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY        FRIDAY        SATURDAY
1                   2                    3                   4                        5              6                  7
                    Mini 18 Wheelers     Band                Williamsburg SC                         KHEDIVE            KHEDIVE
                    Khedive Carts        Color Guard                                                 FALL               FALL
                    Drum & Bugle         Motor Patrol                                                CEREMONIAL         CEREMONIAL
                                         Golf Club

8                   9                    10                  11                       12             13                 14
                    Arab Patrol          Band                Provost Guard                           Virginia
                    Autos, Scooters      Fire Brigade                                                Beach SC
                    Drum & Bugle         Golf Club                                                            Zulekia FEZtival
                    Franklin SC                                                                             Of Trees 13th-15th
15                  16                   17                  18                       19             20                 21
                    Chesapeake SC        Band                Ritualistic Divan        Tidewater SC                      Acca Pote's
                    Drum & Bugle         Clowns              Swashbucklers                                              Ball and Fall
 Zulekia FEZtival                        Yacht Club                                                                     Ceremonial
     Of Trees                            Golf Club
22                  23                   24                  25                       26             27                 28
KHEDIVE             Eastern Shore SC     Band                Suffolk SC
CHRISTMAS           Drum & Bugle         Motor Corps         Hillbillies              HAPPY
TREE LIGHTING       Peninsula SC         Portsmouth SC       Legion of Honor          THANKSGIVING
& POTLUCK           Camaros
29                  30
                    Drum & Bugle
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                              13

                                              December 2020
        SUNDAY              MONDAY            TUESDAY            WEDNESDAY           THURSDAY            FRIDAY        SATURDAY
                                            1                   2                    3               4              5
                                            Band                Williamsburg SC                                     KHEDIVE
                                            Color Guard
                                            Motor Patrol
                                                                                                                    Motor Corps
6                       7                   8                   9                    10              11             12
Hillbillies             Mini 18 Wheelers    Band                Provost Guard                                       Swashbucklers
                                                                                     STAG PARTY
Christmas               Khedive Carts       Fire Brigade                                                            Christmas
& Installation          Drum & Bugle
13                      14                  15                  16                   17              18             19
Virginia                Arab Patrol         Band                Ritualistic Divan                                   Scooter Patrol
Beach SC                Autos, Scooters     Clowns              Swashbucklers                                       Christmas
Christmas               Drum & Bugle        Yacht Club
                        Franklin SC         Christmas
20                    21                    22            23                         24              25        26
1-3PM CHILDREN'S                            Band          Suffolk SC                                 MERRY
                      Chesapeake SC
CHRISTMAS PARTY                             Portsmouth SC Hillbillies                                CHRISTMAS
3-4 CHIEF RABBAN TRIP Drum & Bugle                        Legion of Honor                            OFFICE
                                                                                     CLOSED          CLOSED
Cabiri Christmas
27                      28                  29                  30                   31
                        Eastern Shore SC    Band
                        Drum & Bugle                                                 OFFICE
                        Peninsula SC                                                 CLOSED

                                                   January 2021
     SUNDAY          MONDAY               TUESDAY          WEDNESDAY THURSDAY                       FRIDAY          SATURDAY
                                                                                               1             2
                                                                                               HAPPY         Kazim Installation
                                                                                               NEW YEAR
                                                                                               OFFICE CLOSED
3                4                  5                      6                   7               8                  9
Acca             Mini 18 Wheelers   Band                                                                          Kena Installation
                                                           Williamsburg SC
Installation     Khedive Carts      Color Guard
                 Drum & Bugle

10               11                 12                     13                  14              15                 16
                 Franklin SC        Band                   Provost Guard                       Virginia           9AM KHEDIVE
                 Arab Patrol        Fire Brigade                                               Beach SC           ELECTION AND
                 Autos, Scooters                                                                                  INSTALLATION
                 Drum & Bugle
17               18                 19                     20                  21              22                 23
1PM MEMORIAL     Chesapeake         Band, Clowns           Ritualistic Divan                                      UNITS & CLUBS
                                                                               Scottish Rite
SERVICE          SC OV              Yacht Club                                                                    ORIENTATION
                                                           Swashbucklers       Meeting
2PM OFFICIAL     Drum & Bugle
24               25                 26                     27                  28              29                 30
                 Eastern Shore      Band                   Suffolk SC and
31               SC OV              Motor Corps            Portsmouth OV
                 Drum & Bugle       Portsmouth SC          Hillbillies
                 Camaros                                   Legion of Honor
14                                                                                                         Khedive Hi-Noble

                                                                               Captain Mark Guyer

   Khedive Hillbillies
           Director Chester Butler

       he Khedive Hillbillie Unit is doing fine, so far this year.
       The Covid-19 has kept us from meeting in person, but
       we still managed to talk to each other.
    We held a real meeting in August.It was nice to see

everyone that showed up.                                                   obles and Ladies, I hope this finds you healthy
    By the time this edition comes out, we will have held                  and safe, as we are now rapidly approaching the
our September meeting and participated in the Emporia                      final days of summer. The Camaro Unit has been
Parade.                                                              busy in spite of the ongoing challenges we’ve all had to
    We are planning on participating in the Christmas                endure while the pandemic seems to drag on with what
parades this year.                                                   feels like no end in sight. The membership has been
    The schedule for the Shrine Center and the unit is               active in looking for ways to continue improving and
constantly changing. As it does, I will keep y’all informed          growing the unit and getting the message out there. I
by email.                                                            think it would be an understatement to say we never
    If, you do not participate then you do not know what you         thought we’d see things like we’ve seen over the last
are missing. Let’s continue to have fun and show everyone            several months. We must stay focused on the greater
that We are the #1 Unit in the Shrine Center.                        good and continue to do the work we’ve set out to do,
    Remember, the Hillbillie Unit meets on the 4th Wednesday         and above all, stay positive and look out for our fellow
of the Month. We eat at 6:00 pm and meet at 7:00 pm.                 man. Congratulations to the Camaro’s very own J.
    Hope to see Y’all at the meetings and activities as the          Leon Stocks on his election to the Divan as High Priest
year goes on.                                                        and Prophet. We are confident that Noble Leon will
    Chester Butler                                                   represent Khedive in this positon as proficiently and
    Director 2020                                                    devoted as he has been in all of his previous stations.
                                                                        We are excited to announce that we have absorbed
                                                                     the former Corvette Unit and will be expanding our
     HI-NOBLE BOOSTER                                                membership as a result of this endeavor. As such,
                                                                     we have an amazing opportunity to offer interested
                                                                     prospective members an easy way to join our ranks
  Name __________________________________                            and be a part of this fast growing unit. Maybe I am
                                                                     biased, but I feel like this is the premier unit in the
  Address_________________________________                           temple and we are going to do our level best to keep
                                                                     this momentum moving in the right direction. This
                                                                     is contemporaneous in keeping with the Potentate’s
                                                                     theme for 2020, “Together We’re Great.”
                                                                        Stay tuned for more exciting developments! We are
  State_________________ Zip_______________                          eager and ready to get back to the fun and fellowship,
                                                                     and most importantly doing what we all are committed
 Please return to:                                                   to do, which is raising awareness and support for our
 KHEDIVE SHRINE CENTER                           $10                 fabulous philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children.
 645 Woodlake Drive                              YEAR
 Chesapeake, VA 23320
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                    15

                                      Provost Guard
                                     Past Captain Wesley King
      he Provost Guard, like most units                                          (which I have taken the liberty to insert
      and clubs, has been silent for                                             Shriners or Shrine in place of Masons
      the majority of the third quarter.                                         or Freemasonry) had two paragraphs
We were able to meet in June and                                                 that struck home with me and I quote
July with a good number of members                                               “Never forget there are people relying
present.Provost did provide security                                             on us as Shriners to show them the
for the August business meeting and                                              way; we must be the hope they need.
election of the Hi Priest and Prophet                                            We ARE the hope we need.
as required by Imperial. Our own Leon                                               The fire to act as a Shriner should
Stocks was elected and has hit the                                               be burning with a fervency like never
ground running.Provost is extremely                                              before in all of us - burning so bright
proud to have Leon in line to lead our                                           that all can see the light, the hope
Temple and will be supported to the                                              and the good. Teach and practice the
fullest by the Unit.It should be noted                                           disciplines of Shrinedom for a greater
that following Leon is Provost Member                                            tomorrow.”
John Brown which will continue the                                                  We are the light and hope for the
Guards strong support for the Divan                                              families and children of our Temple and
and Temple.                                                                      we must never take that responsibility
    As we progress thru the restrictions                                         lightly. Our Masonic obligations keep
of COVID, political unrest, fear of the unknown future, the   us grounded in our responsibility to others.
apparent disregard of law and order by some factions,            Hopefully by the next edition we will have activities to
and the impacts created by these difficulties on families     report and the Temple will once again be thriving.
, governments (local, state and national) let’s not abandon      Provost meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month and
who we are and what we represent.                             are always looking for good Shriners to join and enjoy the
    The Past Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the          family atmosphere of the unit.
Grand Lodge of Indiana in an article concerning Masonry          Wesley King

               Next Hi-Noble Deadline - 4th Qtr - November 16, 2020
                     Send Input To: khedive.shrine@aol.com

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16                                                                                                        Khedive Hi-Noble

     Ritualistic Divan
              Director Jim Clark

                                                                     Knights of Mecca
                                                                              Secretary Ed Meise

H                                                                 W
                                                                          ell it looks like our September 29th meeting will be
      ello to all from the KRD. We miss all of you. We are                cancelled. Since we hold our meetings in various
      looking forward to the time when we can all get                     eating establishments, and at this writing none
      together again. It has been a tough go for all of us.       could be found, President Dink Pope has cancelled this
Not only dealing with this covid-19 mess, but struggling          event. Our next meeting will be the Annual Installation of
to get through the brutal summer season, which brought            Officers and Party in conjunction with the Chesapeake
so much record heat and humidity. Not to mention record           Shrine Club on December 21st. That is subject to change
high electric utility bills.                                      if events dictate a cancellation.Our incoming President
   Not much going on with the KRD. We had our first               is Granville (GW) White. We are looking for volunteers for
meeting, since January, this past August. During this             the office of Vice President. If you have any suggestions,
meeting, we decided to cancel our fall fundraiser which           please call me @757 6352927
was scheduled for October 24th. This was a huge                      We have sent $100 to the Khedive Golf Classic and
disappointment for all of us. We rocked it last year and we       President Dink Pope authorized a $200 disbursement to
were really looking forward to this year’s event.                 Khedive General Fund to help out where needed. Stay safe
   Back in mid-August (cannot remember the exact date),           and wear masks were required.
a few of us KRD members spent the day out at the Bass
Pro Shops assisting Dave McClellan with the selling of
Sportsman’s Raffle tickets.Thank you to Nobles Larry
Grimstead and Paul Sawyer Jr. for joining me out there.
                                                                          KHEDIVE HI-NOBLE
If my memory serves me correct, we sold 23 tickets from                Black & White Advertising Rates
9:00 am to 3:00 pm. Next time you see Dave, give him a
pat on the back. As Chairman of the Sportsman’s Raffle, he           FULL PAGE - $600 - 1 year for 4 quarters
carries a huge responsibility. It is time consuming, tiring,
frustrating and I am sure, mentally draining. Thank You              HALF PAGE - $400 - 1 year for 4 quarters
Dave for your effort.
   The KRD is doing its part with ticket sales. To date                1/4 PAGE - $220 - 1 year for 4 quarters
we have sold 185 tickets. High Nobles in our unit for the
most ticket sales are Jason Hoggard with 80 sold, and Jim              1/8 PAGE - $140 - 1 year for 4 quarters
Bowen with 40 sold. We can sell more if we can get our
                                                                      1/16 PAGE - $100 - 1 year for 4 quarters
hands on more tickets.
   Thank you, Illustrious Sir Bill and your faithful Divan, for
your leadership during this difficult time.
                                                                      ANNUAL RATES FOR FOUR ISSUES
   Prayers to you and Lady Marion from all of us in the                   Contact Khedive Office
Khedive Ritualistic Divan.                                                    757-420-4510
   Faithfully,                                                             admin@khedive.net
   Jim Clark
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                       17

       Scooter Patrol
                                                                 6-11PM Installation and Christmas party at Khedive Shrine
                                                                 Center, and many others. Please check the temple calendar
                                                                 for these events. Of course, we will be gearing up for a new
                                                                 term in the near future so stay tuned for details.
      1st Lt. Michael Johnstone                                     Please keep our members, their families, and our
                                                                 sweethearts in your thoughts and prayers. As always,
                                                                 please check on each other and offer help as needed. I
                                                                 would like to end with a quote by the icon of kindness for
                                                                 the ages, Mr. Rogers: "How great it is when we come to
                                                                 know that times of disappointment can be followed by joy."
                                                                    The Scooter Patrol Unit meets on the second Monday
                                                                 of each month in the Scooter Unit room. 6:00PM Social
                                                                 .Please come out and join us. All are welcome to attend.
                                                                    Yours in faith,
                                                                    Michael Johnstone
                                                                    1st Lieutenant

         elcome to the third quarter of 2020. Our children are
         heading off the college to begin their educational
         journey or to return to their studies as several
                                                                    Zulekia Court #35
colleges and universities are experiencing high numbers                        Upcoming Events
of active COVID cases. Our local public schools will begin
soon virtually to start while evaluating how to safely return                 Pageantry Poinsettia Sale
to in classroom instruction. We continue to struggle to                      October 1st – November 13th
find balance in our lives with working at home, monitoring                  Pickup Monday, November 16th
class assignments, and family time. The Back-to-School                      Cheryl Valeriano 757-748-5482
of today is very different than that of any past years.
    The Dog Days of Summer have passed with the Labor Day                     Patrol Bar B Q Take Out
holiday now behind us. Our focus is shifting to the smells                      Sunday, October 25th
of fall such as pumpkin spice, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The                   Lady Luann Smith 757-373-7460
changing of the season brings with it the changing of the                        Clowns Craft Show
green leaves to brown, yellow, orange, red, and auburn.                   Sunday, December 6th 11AM – 4PM
    We have faced many obstacles this year and continue                   Lady Sandy Littman 757-472-9849
to struggle to cope with these challenges. The pandemic
affects our daily lives and continues to have a significant                   Court Christmas Party
impact on what were once our normal activities. Political                    Wednesday, December 16th
and social unrest linger with little or no resolve.                     Lady Melissa LeCompte 757-483-7037
    Our symbolic lodges, shrine center, and other masonic
                                                                           Zukie Line Dancer’s Chili Bash
bodies are making efforts to determine how and when to
                                                                               Friday, January 22, 2021
safely reopen for regular activities. Our units and clubs have
started meeting and actively following the temple guidelines
                                                                          Capt. Jan Lockwood 757-651-4383
to ensure our members are safe. The temple has several                        Pageantry Fashion Show
activities scheduled like the Golf Classic on September                      Saturday, February 13, 2021
24th, Emporia Parade September 26th, Sportsman’s Raffle                     Cheryl Valeriano 757-748-5482
on October 17th from 12-5 p.m., December 19th from
18                                                                                    Khedive Hi-Noble

 N N N N N N NOVEMBER                       - DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS N                 N

David L Monell P.P.         11/1    George W Ganter            11/12   Winfred D Escalante		    11/23
Stephen L Morris            11/2    Martin P Bull		            11/12   James L Harrell III		    11/24
Robert E Braswell           11/2    Joseph C Harcum            11/13   Conrado O Calpito		      11/24
Aubrey Lewis		              11/3    Charles E Elks Jr.         11/13   Clyde R Dixon Jr.			     11/24
Leonard T Newbern           11/3    Paul G Neal		              11/13   Wayne T Fager		          11/24
Bobby E Bedsaul             11/3    Oscar M Obsuna P.P.        11/13   Jeffrey B Hague			       11/24
James A Casper		            11/4    Robert C Ike Jr.		         11/13   Wesley A Gibson			11/25
Joseph G Malesky            11/4    Paul H Doughtie            11/13   Cecil M Doughtie P.P.		  11/25
William K Cole		            11/4    Edner B Rull		             11/13   Philip J Taylor Sr.		    11/25
Ronald H Williams           11/4    Joseph Logan		             11/14   Anthony M Demarco		      11/25
Jerry L Wilson		            11/4    Charles W Bland            11/14   John Knox III		          11/26
Edward J Sumrell            11/4    Gary P Blanchard		         11/14   Roy L Crawford		         11/26
Bernard A Kemp              11/5    David E Neal		             11/14   Conrado Salugado		       11/26
Charles F Higginbotham IV   11/5    Kevin M Sorbello		         11/15   Joseph Russo Jr.			11/26
Edward G Leggett Jr.        11/6    Paul G Neal Jr.		          11/15   David T Clark		          11/26
Charles F Edwards           11/6    Richard J Rudibaugh		      11/16   Michael R Versic			11/26
Thomas W Coleman            11/6    Warren D Collins Jr.		     11/16   Gordon M Hunt			11/27
Gregory C Muir		            11/6    Jimmy W Wagner		           11/16   William T Kemp			11/27
Paul A Downing        		    11/6    Jeremy S Mitchell          11/16   Jack C Laursen		         11/28
John L Lucas		              11/7    Frederick C Johnson		      11/17   Glen A Nelson Sr		       11/28
Ottie D Grimstead           11/7    Robert E Horton		          11/17   Arthur G Gandy			        11/28
Otis S Meekins Jr.          11/7    Michael A Pelletier		      11/17   Robert N Collins Sr.		   11/28
John C Tinker		             11/7    George C Lyon Jr		         11/18   Keith S Barber			11/28
John W Springer             11/7    Mitchell S Cohen		         11/18   Stephen T Alcox			11/28
John M Meditz Jr.           11/7    Joseph G Sanderlin Jr.		   11/19   Howard E Kangas		        11/29
Benjamin T Tendilla         11/7    Bryan A Miles		            11/19   Richard G Underdown P.P. 11/29
Freddie M Veraque           11/8    Stephen C Vierrether		     11/20   William M Holland		      11/29
Ted Villanueva		            11/8    Marion G Pine Jr.		        11/20   Michael W Dunston		      11/29
Michael T Tolbert           11/8    Emmett M Pate Jr		         11/20   Layton Rice			11/30
Robert W Sipe		             11/9    Khalil M Habr		            11/20   Wayne Clark			11/30
David S Liebman             11/9    John C Jobe		              11/20   John R Tiller III			     12/1
Jimmy B Jones		             11/9    Stanley H Whitley		        11/21   Gary R Moore			12/1
Charles D Parr		            11/9    James R Prevette		         11/22   Ronald W Clark			12/1
Steven G Owen			            11/9    David L Holcombe Sr.		     11/22   William E Combs		        12/2
Frank Wine Jr.		            11/10   Albert N Williams		        11/22   Wilson D Widgeon		       12/2
James H Hobday Jr.		        11/10   James E Canterbury P.P.    11/22   Charles O Taylor			12/2
George F Roberts Jr.		      11/10   George M Barlow		          11/22   Percy E Whitley Jr.		    12/2
Richard L Taylor			         11/10   Roger S Pederson		         11/22   Alton Lee C Anders Jr		  12/2
Lloyd F Holbrook III		      11/10   Rick L Mercer		            11/22   L David Foxwell			       12/3
Charles W Bradford Jr       11/11   Christopher M Savvides     11/22   Reino Juhani Lindroos		  12/3
James T Allen		             11/11   John E Barnes		            11/23   Timothy P Wolf			12/3
Third Quarter 2020                                                                            19

 N N N N N N NOVEMBER                   - DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS N               N

John C Lopez			12/3               Howard L Sawyer		      12/13   John J Waterfield Jr.		    12/24
Thomas E Heath		          12/4    Charles G Ryan			12/14         William J Barkley		        12/24
Robert L Thompson		       12/4    Russell F Jeffries		   12/14   George A Hollingsworth III 12/24
Lawrence W Crocker		      12/4    Alex B Bengtson		      12/14   Lawrence L Joyner Jr.		    12/24
Albert R Fletcher Jr.		   12/4    Cesar B Gelle			12/15          Gene Glasco Sr.			12/25
James R Clark			12/4              Charles N Groover		    12/15   Joe D Templeton		          12/25
Arnold G Daguro		         12/4    John B Hallmark		      12/16   Wayne T Sherman		          12/25
Lars C Thompson		         12/4    Jerry M Hughes			12/16         Adam N Foxwell			          12/25
Raymond N Mountford		     12/5    James O Kiphart		      12/17   James W Brown			12/26
John F Slavnik Jr.		      12/5    John M Horn			12/17            Barry G Slaughter		        12/26
Robert H DeFord Jr.		     12/5    James E Hudgins Jr		   12/17   Frederick A Evans		        12/26
Walter L Fenska Jr.		     12/5    William M Harvey		     12/17   Vernon G Lee			12/26
Kenneth J Hardison		      12/5    Edwin L Lane			        12/17   Stephen M Suratos		        12/26
William F Roady Jr.		     12/5    Robert C Klepper		     12/17   Otis S Childress Jr		      12/27
Wayne P Rogers			         12/6    Benjamin W Headley		   12/17   James R Hoggard		          12/27
Lawrence L Sutton		       12/6    Martin D Meyer			12/18         Jack Edward Logan		        12/27
Hansford B Floyd		        12/6    Robert L Parker			     12/18   Walter L Riggs			          12/27
Joseph R McLaughlin Jr.		 12/6    Richard L Parker		     12/18   Albert E Liverman Sr.		    12/28
John A Morgan Jr.		       12/6    Terry N Cutrer			12/18         Frank M Kelly			12/28
James S Witcher		         12/7    Harold G Farrell			12/19       Ray A Wingfield			12/28
Thomas E Clark			12/7             Jack R Howell			       12/19   Harvey W Payne II		        12/28
Watkins S Perley II		     12/8    William E Irving			    12/19   Kevin L Dawkins			         12/28
Danny R Strickland		      12/9    William E Barnett		    12/19   Donald Glen			12/28
Joseph B Ramsey		         12/9    James E Jones Jr		     12/19   David W Decook			12/29
Christopher J Huss		      12/9    Troy D Ramsey			       12/19   Granville W White		        12/29
Jack M Kennedy		          12/10   Reynaldo B Rull			     12/19   John W Gaut			12/30
Raymond E Hall Jr., P.P		 12/10   Bobby D Ashe			12/20           Warren L Aleck			12/30
Wayne D Franklin		        12/10   Felix E Stephens Jr.		 12/20   Jonathan B Hoggard		       12/30
Robert L Arrington		      12/10   Charles D Lawrence		   12/20   J L Sparkman			12/31
Randall L Bittner		       12/10   Rodney L Bonniville		  12/20   Lloyd C Riggs Jr.			12/31
Danilo M Obsuna		         12/11   James N Kelly			       12/21   Ernest L Hargrove Jr.		    12/31
Maple T Barrett			12/12           Jerry W Snow			12/21           Wm S Hudgins Jr.		         12/31
Barton D Holland III		    12/12   Keith S Webb			12/21           David L Norton			          12/31
John W Presto			12/12             William Kemp Jr.		     12/21   Charles F Consolvo		       12/31
Thomas H Melling Sr.		    12/12   David Furman			12/22           Thomas W Lane Jr.		        12/31
Roland H Satchell		       12/12   Stanley Earl Griffin		 12/22   Scott P Pillath			         12/31
Oliver G Smith			12/12            Manuel B Vergara		     12/22   William P Harris			        12/31
Andrew J Waters		         12/12   Gary B Litchfield		    12/22
H. Boyd Foxwell			        12/13   Kenneth W Gay			12/23
George T Stagg P.P.		     12/13   Jack B Harris			       12/23
William B Rawls			        12/13   Page S Neale Jr			12/23
20                                                                                                  Khedive Hi-Noble

                                          Yacht Club
                                     Commodore Gil Clyburn

     he summer season is quickly                                                   Saturday, we walked the trails
     coming to a close with fall                                                   of Windsor Castle Park to the
     weather creeping in. Though                                                   Smithfield Farmers Market and
the weather was generally nice                                                     then down Main Street for some
throughout the summer, cruising                                                    lunch and much needed ice cream
as a group for the Yacht Club was                                                  as it was quite warm. We were
very minimal due to a number of                                                    able to enjoy dockside festivities
circumstances including COVID-19,                                                  each night though the threat of rain
which forced the cancellation of the                                               loomed in the distance. Dinner and
MAASYC rendezvous, members'                                                        Sunday Brunch at Smithfield Station
health conditions, and yacht repairs                                               were delicious as usual as was the
to name a few.                                                                     hospitality they always extend to us.
   Our annual Potentate's Cruise                                                      We are a family-oriented club and
was held the weekend of August 7-9 at Smithfield Station.   welcome all Nobles and their first mates to join our group
While attendance was low, we still had a wonderful time     on any of our activities either by watercraft or land yacht.
honoring our Potentate, Illustrious Sir Bill Hoggard.          May you have fair winds and following seas.

                             Khedive Yacht Club Annual Potentate’s Cruise
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                     21

         Two Great Things
      Come Together When You
         Are a Member of

        KHEDIVE                                     Director of
       YACHT CLUB                                 Uniformed Units
     For Information Call Secretary                       Richard Quintilone

                                                llustrious Sir, Illustrious Sirs, Members of the Divan and
         Ray Clyburn 567-3590                   Nobles. I wish to Congratulate Leon Stocks for being
                                                elected High Priest & Prophet. This is the year of the
                                             unexpected. We are more than half way through the Shrine

                                             year and due to the elections within the Divan my year
                                             started early. I am looking forward to the challenges as
                                             your Director of Uniformed Units.

        Shrine Club                               We are gearing up for the Emporia Peanut festival
                                             Parade in September to shake off the parade cobwebs.
                                             Christmas Parades are also planned.
    Our WSC meets the First Wednesday             Please note that all of our activities must follow Temple
                                             health guidelines. A majority of our Nobles are 60 plus and
   of the Month at the Center Street Grill
                                             that puts them at the seriously high risk age group.
         in New Town Williamsburg                 We may not be putting our happy feet on the street but
                                             our obligation to our Shrine Children continues.I would
         You are warmly                      like to thank everyone in Transportation: Nancy Lane,

      invited to be with us!!                Cliff Atkinson, Leon Stocks, and Joe Harris for continued
                                             dedication in keeping the Vans operational and the
                                             Hospital trips moving. We have continued to take trips
    Social 6:00 PM - Dinner 7:00 PM          following all the proper protocol. Please consider visiting a
                                             Shriners Hospital to see firsthand the results of your hard
             Allen Stephenson                work. I plan to visit every Unit to invite them to join the
         allen.stephenson@cox.net            Roadrunners Club and recruit new drivers.
             (757) 567-9797                       Again Nobles, please support the Sportsman Raffle;
                                             this is our major fundraising event this year. And consider
          Secretary Greg Johnson             supporting the units that may plan a fundraising effort.
                                             Remember to utilize the temple website to keep everyone
            (757) 784-4615                   informed.
             gregj83@cox.net                      Fraternally,
                                                  Richard Quintilone, DOU 2021
22                                                                                                  Khedive Hi-Noble

        Khedive Autos                                                   Tidewater
            Captain Dave Clark
                                                                        Shrine Club
      obles of Khedive, the Autos are looking forward to
      parading in the town of Emporia VA on September
      26th at 11:00am. This will be the first time ever        President Charles Thompson
doing a parade there in fact it will be our first parade of           oble Brothers;The days are getting shorter, the
the year. That being said we are not 100 percent sure that            sun is setting as many of you are driving home
will happen given the crazy year we’ve had so far. Will just          and for those of us who have been home bound
have to wait and see what happens. Speaking of first time      it's which John Wayne movie are we going to see for
parades, last year our unit did the Smithfield Christmas       the umpteenth time tonight. Well the secretary has
parade and that was a really good one. Had lunch after the     raffle tickets to sell and we are going to have another
parade at Anna’s Pizza in Smithfield, and that was enjoyed     Board Meeting without any meal and pony up our
by all.                                                        contributions for the Plaque program which support
   The Autos wish that each of you and your family stay        the Shrine Hospitals.
healthy and safe as we continue down the road to ridden            It is the time to elect officers for next year and
our country of this Virus. Any Noble wishing to join and       begin preparations for the Christmas party and what
ride with us we meet the 2nd Monday of each Month Unit         shall we give our ladies for their support for us and
wing at the Shrine Center. Social @ 6:00 pm and meeting        the children who are deserving our help and care.
at 7:00 pm.                                                    Our finances are above water and the secretary
                                                               and treasurer are doing a good job as usual. Next
                                                               year one of our members is slated to be the next
                                                               Potentate and we are all behind him and wish him
                                                               well. As one can see and hear some business have
                                                               bit the dust and some have struggled along with our
                                                               help by continuing our meetings in their facilities
                                                               as our membership has lagged because of the
                                                               pandemic. Therefore follow the governors plans and
                                                               wear your mask and keep the space needed between
                                                               each of us. Hopefully by this time next year we will
                                                               not remember the hardships we struggled thru and
                                                               business will be as usual. So prepare to eat some
                                                               turkey, stuffing and pies and giving of presents to
                                                               your friends and love ones as the year winds down
                                                               and end.
                                                                   Seasons greetings to all.
                                                                   Chuck Thompson
                                                                   President Tidewater Shrine Club


                                                                     PAY YOUR 2021
                                                                      DUES ONLINE
        Smithfield Christmas Parade                                      PAYMENTS LINK
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                       23

                                 Suffolk Shrine Club
                                        President Kevin Dawkins

      t has been a tough year for all the units and clubs with   same. We are having our meetings which are held
      the Covid-19 pandemic. I am sure everyone already          the 4th Wednesday of every month. Our cooking crew
      knows the temple has had to cancel most of our             continues to put out excellrnt meals at our meetings. So
    fundraisers.                                                 come out and join us for a great meal, fun and fellowship,
        At the Suffolk Shrine Club Joint Meeting with Sudan      our club is located at 500 Elizabeth Street in Suffolk Va.
    we made a $500.00 donation to the genral fund, we            Our club is also available to rent, so when your planning
    would like to challenge all units and clubs to do the        your next event give us a call.

        Virginia Beach
         Shrine Club
        2nd VP/Richard Quintilone

  llustrious Sir, Illustrious Sirs, Members of the Divan and
  Nobles. Greetings one and all: Due to the emergency
  guidelines, we struggled through summer into fall as
school starts somewhere.
    October 9 will be Past Presidents night, November
6 is the Election of Officers and Units & Club Night, and
December 13 is the Installation of officers at our Fantastic
Christmas Party.
    The Virginia Beach Shrine Club meets at Gus & George’s
Spaghetti and Steak house on VA Beach Blvd the second
Friday of each month. Join us for Fellowship and dinner
6:00 P.M. Meeting 7:00. The Virginia Beach Shrine Club is
always searching for a central location to meet and eat.
    Our Ladies Are Always Welcome.
24                                                                                                      Khedive Hi-Noble

     Mini 18 Wheelers                                                     Motor Corps
        Captain Mike Johansen                                   2nd Lieutenant Dennis McEwen

G                                                              T
      reetings Nobles, our members and I are not practically         he summer season has passed with yet again
      enjoying participating in any parades in Virginia this         little activity for all KSC units. The Motor Corps did
      year due to unprecedented circumstances. I hope                however finally meet in person for the first time in
you and your families are safe and well. As I surveyed         months. It was great to see a good turnout and we had
my parade equipment I found my unit still decorated            some much-needed Unit camaraderie for an evening.
for the Saint Patrick’s Day parade. My float charger has       During the meeting, discussions were had for any fall and
maintained my battery, my tires were under inflated and        winter season parade options. With any positive news on
the enclosed trailer atmosphere smelled a little stale and     the pandemic front and public interaction, we actually may
in need of a change. I couldn’t help but wonder if the rest    be able to parade again in 2020. That would be super.
of our membership is experiencing these same conditions            The other topic discussed was The Sportsman’s
in our Masonic lives. Reach out to our compatriots, family     Raffle. As one of the only Temple events and fundraising
and friends.Offer well wishes and lift up their spirits as     initiatives we are able to have in 2020, I urge all Units and
many of us may not have recognized that our internal state     members to sell as many tickets as possible. We really do
of mind is also in need of a change?                           have to make this a huge event for KSC to carry us through
   This is the time of the year when we survey our units       this year.
prosperity. Pay our membership dues and contribute to the          On a unit front, we want to give a loud shout-out to
wellbeing and maintenance of our Temple in Chesapeake,         Charlie Edwards on his 50 Years as a Shriner. That’s one
Virginia if we are to continue our efforts to support Shrine   great accomplishment and we’re proud he is part of the
charitable activities.                                         Motor Corps team. Congrats Charlie! Short and sweet,
   As always we still gather together on the first Monday      and without much to deliver, I do hope everyone is safe
of each month at seven o’clock in the Chesapeake Khedive       and well and relishing in your quality time with family. Until
Shrine Temple meeting room even though we will be              next edition... All the best and yours in faith,
maintaining social distancing.                                     Dennis McEwen

                    November 6-7, 2020
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                               25

                                                                Khedive Band
                                                                 Secretary Kevin Gilbert
                                                             he fall edition of the HI-NOBLE usually gives the Nobles
                                                             of the Khedive Shrine a review of our performances
      Things that David and I do on a daily, monthly         and fundraisers for the year. Unfortunately, due to the
   and weekly basis: Check the building for new        pandemic and the COVID 19 virus we have been unable
   leaks and clean the restrooms, refilling paper      to rehearse or perform for much of 2020. We have been
   towels, toilet paper and hand soap as necessary.    keeping our “chops” up during our time at home practicing
   Pull trash from offices and vacuum carpets.         on our own waiting to be able to perform once again after
   Order paper towels, toilet paper, etc. and pickup   the restrictions are lifted.
   cleaning supplies when needed. We set up for           In the interim, we have some welcome news. The
   Bingo and take it down when other Renters are       Temple made some much needed improvements to the
   coming in. Show building to perspective Renters,    band room. We now have new carpet, fresh paint, and
   help Renters with any questions and be present      new ceiling tiles.This will certainly make playing in the
   for their whole event, including the after event    remodeled spa enjoyable. We will hold a business meeting
   cleaning. Also work with the Units & Clubs with     in July to make plans for the remainder of the year.
   things they have going on, receive orders sent      Hopefully, we will again be able to perform later in the year.
   to the building by whomever and help with              If you played an instrument in high school or college and
   questions from outside contractors when they        would like to see if you still have what it takes we can find
   are called. The occasional paint project and spot   a spot for you regardless of your level of play in our band.
   bug spraying the building and doorways fills our    We rehearse most every Tuesday at the Shrine center from
   days.                                               7:30-9:30 pm (once the COVID 19 restrictions on social
      Please let me or David know if you see any       distancing are relaxed more fully). Even if you don’t play
   safety issues we need to address.                   an instrument but would like to be in an active unit we are
      Please be safe, wear your mask, wash your        always in need of “roadies” to handle our equipment trailer,
   hands and keep the distancing. We have many         drive the float truck and keep us organized at events. We
   older Nobles that depend on us to do so.            enjoy good music and great fellowship wherever we play.
                                                       If you are interested in joining us, please contact Pat
       If you have a Ask Leroy question you would      McVicker or Kevin Gilbert and we’ll provide answers to
   like answered for the next issue of the Hi-Noble    any questions you may have for the band. We are one of
   please send your questions to khedive.shrine@       the Khedive Shrines oldest units formed in 1915 and for
   aol.com.                                            good reason. Come sit in on a practice most any Tuesday
                                                       evening in the band room at the Shrine center or even
                                                       come by just for a listen. Our door is always open.
                                                          For more information, please give me a call at (757)
                                                       339-1986 or Pat McVicker at (757) 420-0391.
                                                          Respectfully submitted,
                                                          Kevin Gilbert
                                                          Secretary, Khedive Band
26                                                                                                    Khedive Hi-Noble

             Khedive Drum and Bugle Corps
                                             By: Darren Lehm

      s the Drum and Bugle Corps                                                        Hosiitals!!! The heart and soul of
      Bids Adieu to our lackluster                                                      the Shrine!!!
      summer, I began to think of                                                          Well “The Beat of Khedive”
all the missed opportunities for                                                        is here and will continue to be
fun, laughter, and fellowship to                                                        here to support our temple and
be had, but most importantly the                                                        hospitals and hopefully we will
impact to our great philanthropy                                                        have our first parade of 2020
not to be seen, heard, and talked                                                       under our cummerbunds by the
about. To most, Shriners are                                                            time this goes to print. The Corps
known for our vibrantly, high                                                           has been practicing and meeting
spirited, colorful parades. Along                                                       as normal, ha…kinda as normal
with a distinctive red hat; some of whom know it to be        and should be well rested to march on.
our Fez. To some others, Shriners are known for Shriners         Please keep all our first responders and military forces
Hospitals for Children, which is why we parade and            in your thoughts and prays. Remember….It’s still great to
donate time for a multitude of other functions, all for our   be a Shriner.

                              From Greenville Hospital
 Tip of the Fez to Khedive
 Shriners Roadrunners
 who dropped off a huge
 donation of new toys
 and handmade quilts at
 Greenville Shriners Hospital.
 It felt like Christmas to
 receive a donation this large
 from one group! Thank you
 Khedive Shriners and all
 who supported this immense
                                                              Khedive Roadrunners Left to Right:
 surprise donation!                                           High Priest & Prophet Leon Stocks
                                                                        and Joe Harris
Third Quarter 2020                                                                                                             27

     Jerry Gantt Re-elected President of Our Philanthropy
     Jerry G. Gantt of Lincolnton, North Carolina, was
     re-elected President of Shriners Hospitals for
     Children® in Tampa, Florida, on July 11, 2020. As
     president, he also serves as Chairman of the Board
     of Trustees. Gantt is currently serving his 16th year
     as a member of the Board of Directors for Shriners
     Hospitals for Children. He served as Imperial
     Potentate in 2015-2016.

     An Able Leader
     As Chairman of the Board, Gantt will continue to guide
     our health care system, Shriners Hospitals for Children,
     toward a more efficient and effective care model that
     meets both the needs of today’s patients and families
     and the expectations of the health care industry. Long-
     range plans also include creating Centers of Excellence
     that will offer care for all four of our major service lines
     and developing many more access points to our health
     care system by establishing more local affiliations and
                                                                    including Budget, Building and Equipment, Public
     collaborative efforts, as well as expanding outreach
                                                                    Relations and Strategic Planning. He has also served as
     efforts. In addition, Gantt is determined to work with
                                                                    Liaison Officer to seven Shriners Hospitals.
     the leadership teams to ensure that all our resources,
     including beds and buildings, are used wisely, effectively
                                                                    As Imperial Potentate in 2015-2016, he worked to
     and efficiently. Implementing these changes will allow
                                                                    strengthen the relationship between headquarters’ staff,
     Shriners Hospitals to effectively reach more kids in more
                                                                    the Boards of Governors, the national Joint Boards and
     places, and offer our unique brand of life-changing health
                                                                    the temple Divans.
     care to as many children as possible, regardless of where
     they live.
                                                                    Facing the Future
                                                                    While the 2020-2021 Imperial year is starting under
     Gantt has proven his ability to work well with all types
                                                                    difficult circumstances, as the pandemic continues to
     of people and balance different viewpoints, which
                                                                    rage throughout the world, Gantt is confident of the
     will continue to help him successfully lead Shriners
                                                                    future of our organizations.
     Hospitals during a time of significant changes and
     unexpected crises.
                                                                      “We are people of hope. Although we are unsure
                                                                      of some aspects of the future, we are continuing to
     A Little Background
                                                                      prepare Shriners Hospitals for Children for its second
     Gantt became a Mason in response to the organization’s
                                                                      100 years, and implement our strategic plans to
     compassion and concern for others, especially orphaned
                                                                      restructure and streamline our health care system to
     children. He was raised a Master Mason in 1971 and
                                                                      meet the needs of the future, and the expectations
     quickly learned of another organization that helped
                                                                      of both our patients and families and the health care
     children. He became a member of Oasis Shriners in
                                                                      industry,” said Gantt.
     Charlotte, North Carolina, in 1972. In 1980, he joined
     Arabia Shriners in Houston, Texas, where he held
                                                                      “Our shared determination, commitment and
     numerous offices, including being chairman of the
                                                                      compassion will see us through this crisis, and on to
     Five-Year Planning Committee and serving as Potentate
                                                                      an even stronger future. We remain dedicated to the
     in 2002.
                                                                      mission of Shriners Hospitals for Children, and we
                                                                      continue to look to better days ahead, and the end of
     In 1993, he was appointed to the Board of Governors of
                                                                      the pandemic.”
     Shriners Hospitals for Children — Houston, a position
     he held for 10 years, serving as Chairman in 2002 and
     2003. In 2005, he was elected to the Imperial Line as
     Imperial Outer Guard. As a member of the national Board
     of Directors, he has served on virtually every committee,
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