Golf at one of the most - exclusive courses in North America! G LF TOURNAME - Trillium Health Partners Foundation

Page created by Ellen Walsh
Golf at one of the most - exclusive courses in North America! G LF TOURNAME - Trillium Health Partners Foundation
                          IUM HEALTH PARTN
                     TRILL                ERS

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 Golf at one of the most
 exclusive courses in North America!
         Thursday, October 1, 2020
        Redtail Golf Course, Port Stanley, ON

In support of Cardiac Health at Trillium Health Partners
Golf at one of the most - exclusive courses in North America! G LF TOURNAME - Trillium Health Partners Foundation
Join us for an exclusive opportunity to golf at Redtail Golf Course. Registrants will begin their
day with a delicious lunch, followed by teeing-off on its stellar course. This tournament is
limited to 15 teams.

As you can appreciate, the full impact and duration of the COVID-19 pandemic is impossible
to predict. We will still be playing, but under new COVID-safe rules and conditions (to be
shared closer to the date). More to come!

11:30 a.m.    Lunch
12:30 p.m.    Shotgun start
 6:00 p.m.    Dinner & Presentation* (format to be determined)

*Suit jackets required for dinner

Redtail holds approximately 3,000 rounds played by its 80 members and their guests each year,
compared to the typical golf course which can hold up to 25,000 rounds. This course is so exclusive
that only clients and friends of the owners are able to golf there!

It is a popular golf destination for celebrities, including:
       • Michael Douglas and wife, Catherine Zeta Zones;
       • Bill Murray;
       • Sean Connery;
       • Sports stars like Wayne Gretzky, Mike Weir and Nick Price; and
       • Several well-respected business leaders and politicians.
Golf at one of the most - exclusive courses in North America! G LF TOURNAME - Trillium Health Partners Foundation
Delivery Quality Cardiac Care
The Cardiac Health program at Trillium Health Partners is one of the largest cardiac centres in Ontario, and we
continue to enhance the way we care for our community’s growing population by introducing innovative new

As the only Regional Cardiac Centre between Toronto and Hamilton, Trillium Health Partners serves 2.2 million
people in Mississauga, west Toronto, and the regions of Halton and Peel. Our hospital treats almost 1,500
patients with congestive heart failure each year, and coordinates care for more than 1,400 cardiac surgeries and
20,000 outpatient visits.

A population prone to heart disease

Because our diverse and growing community is predisposed to heart disease, the demand for specialized
cardiac surgeries and procedures is greater than it’s ever been before. By participating in our Redtail for Trillium
Health Partners Golf Tournament, as a player or sponsor, you are supporting the best possible cardiac care for
patients and their families in our community.

Enhancing patient experiences

The advancements we have made in reducing the time it takes to treat a heart attack has made Trillium Health
Partners a top performer in Ontario for heart health. Thank you for participating in this golf tournament to support
advanced cardiac care for an increasing number of people in our community.
Dinner Sponsor: $25,000
 • Dinner Sponsor exclusivity
 • Registration of one team
 • Signage at the event, including exclusive hole signage
 • Corporate logo on event promotional materials
 • Corporate logo on Trillium Health Partners Foundation’s website with a link to your website
 • Corporate logo on Thank You signage at the event
 • Recognition on the Foundation’s Donor Wall
 • Preferred seating for dinner
 • Appreciation award presented at the event

Eagle Sponsor: $15,000
 Sponsor your choice of Registration, Golf Cart, Closest to the Pin, Welcome Gift, Lunch, or
 Longest Drive
 • Signage at the event, including exclusive signage at sponsor-related location
 • Registration of one team
 • Corporate logo on event promotional materials
 • Corporate logo on Trillium Health Partners Foundation’s website with a link to your website
 • Corporate logo on Thank You signage at the event
 • Recognition on the Foundation’s Donor Wall
 • Appreciation award presented at the event

Birdie Sponsor: $10,000
 • Registration of one team
 • Exclusive hole signage
 • Personalized certificate of support

Exclusive Hole Sponsor: $3,000
 • Exclusive hole signage
 • Personalized certificate of support
Company: ___________________________________________________________________
     Contact: _____________________________________________________________________
     Address: _____________________________________________________________________
     City: __________________________ Prov.: ____________ Postal code: ________________
     Phone: __________________________ email: ______________________________________

     YES, we would like to attend:
            q Team registration: $8,000			                                           q Twosome registration: $5,500
     YES, we would like to sponsor:
      q $25,000 Dinner Sponsor
      q $15,000 Eagle Sponsor (select one or more)
     		    q Golf Cart         q Closest to the Pin      q        Longest Drive
           q Welcome Gift		 q Lunch
      q $10,000 Birdie Sponsor
      q $3,000 Exclusive Hole Sponsor
      q Team prize                         q       Cash donation $ _______________

     Payment options:
            q Enclosed is my cheque payable to Trillium Health Partners Foundation
            q Charge my credit card:  q      Visa      q       MC q          Amex
                  Amount: ____________________ Name on card: ___________________________
                  Card no.: ________________________________ Exp. date: ___________________
            q Please invoice
     Trillium Health Partners Foundation (THPF), respects your privacy and protects your personal information in compliance with THPF’s
     Privacy Policy available at: If you would like to be removed from our contact list, please call us
     at 905-848-7580 x 2991 or send an email to

     Charitable Registration Number: BN 119 245 678 - RR0001

     Thank you for your consideration!
     For more information or to make a donation,
     please contact Lida Klemmensen at 905-848-7580 x 2991
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