Functions & Events For more information email or call us on +64 9 972 0218 - Savor Group

Page created by Ethel Bell
Functions & Events For more information email or call us on +64 9 972 0218 - Savor Group
Functions & Events
For more information email or
call us on +64 9 972 0218
Functions & Events For more information email or call us on +64 9 972 0218 - Savor Group

     Bar Non Solo has fabulous views over Takutai Square and
     through the brasserie to the Waitematā Harbour.

     Bringing Non Solo Pizza to the city with the best Italian
     cuisine, Bar Non Solo is ideal for cocktail parties, corporate
     events, small gatherings and casual celebrations.
     We can tailor events for group of up to 150 guests.

     Seafarers Building                      Capacity
     52 Tyler Street
                                             Bar Non Solo cocktails      150
     Level 2, Britomart
     Auckland 1010                           Bar Non Solo West Terrace   40

Savor Group      Events 2021                                            p. 09 972 0218
Functions & Events For more information email or call us on +64 9 972 0218 - Savor Group
Sample Canapé Packages
Recommended For 1 - 1½ Hours Food Service                                              Recommended For 2+ Hours Of Food Service
PACKAGE 1     $41 per person —                                                         PACKAGE 4   $63 Per Person —
              please choose 6 canapés                                                              Please choose 3 canapés, 4 substantial bites
PACKAGE 2     $43.50 per person —                                                                  and 2 walk & fork
              please choose 3 canapés and 3 substantial bites
PACKAGE 3     $50 per person —
              please choose 3 substantial bites and 2 walk & fork

Canapés                                               Substantial Bites                                            Walk & Fork
WHIPPED RICOTTA & TRUFFLE HONEY                       GRILLED OCTOPUS SKEWER                                       RIGATONI
on crostini                                                                                                        Pasta pomodoro
                                                      LAMB AND OLIVE SKEWERS
POTATO & LEMON CROQUETTES                                                                                          BUCATINI
                                                      CALAMARI FRITTI
Preserved lemon yoghurt                                                                                            Crab, chili, garlic, oregano
                                                      PIZZA BITES
SAGE ANCHOVY FRITTER                                                                                               PAPPAREDELLE
                                                      Please choose one of the below
Lemon aioli                                                                                                        Wagyu & pork bolognese
                                                      - MARGHERITA TOMATO, FIOR DI LATTE,
                                                        PARMESAN, BASIL
Bresola, parmesan
                                                      - SPICY SALAMI TOMATO, FIOR DI LATTE,
Smoked caciocauallo, parsley
Please choose one of the below
                                                                                                                                                            Sample menu

Savor Group      Events 2021                                                                     p. 09 972 0218
Functions & Events For more information email or call us on +64 9 972 0218 - Savor Group
Bookings Form
Please read the conditions on the following page.
By signing this form and returning it you are agreeing to the
terms and conditions of holding your event at Bar Non Solo.

Booking Details                                                                           Contact Details

FUNCTION DATE                                                                             CONTACT NAME

COMPANY/CLIENT NAME                                                                       MOBILE NUMBER

EVENT T YPE/PURPOSE                                                                       LANDLINE NUMBER

NUMBER OF GUESTS                                                                          EMAIL ADDRESS

AGREED MINIMUM SPEND                                                                      POSTAL ADDRESS
The minimum spend covers food and beverage charges. All other agreed costs incurred       NAME OF LEGAL ENTIT Y FOR INVOICING
(such as extra security, DJ & AV hire etc) are additional and to be paid by the client.
                                                                                          EMAIL ADDRESS FOR INVOICING
                                                                                          PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER (IF REQUIRED)




Credit Card Details

NAME ON CARD                                                                              T HE AGREEMENT HAS BEEN EXECU TED ON                OF

CARD NUMBER                                                                               SIGNED FOR & ON BEHALF
CARD EXPIRY DATE                                                                          OF SAVOR GROUP LTD

CARD CV V NUMBER                                                                          SIGNED BY (THE CLIENT)
We will use this card only with your specific consent or as per the
terms and conditions set out on the following page.

Savor Group        Events 2021                                                                 p. 09 972 0218
The Fine Print

Confirmation                                     security, decoration or other ancillary            reasonable control of the parties. In the event   Dietary requirements and allergies must be
                                                 services does not contribute to the minimum        of such a force majeure, the parties shall        advised directly to the Function Coordinator
On receipt of a signed booking form we will      spend amount.                                      agree to amend or cancel the Agreement and        no less than 2 weeks prior to the event date
issue you a deposit invoice for the value of     Bar Non Solo accepts cash, credit card and         all deposits shall be refunded. Savor Group       with guest name and severity of requirement.
the agreed minimum spend. The deposit            bank transfer payments. A 2.25% surcharge          Ltd will not be liable for any damages caused     The Bar Non Solo kitchen and equipment
invoice must be paid within 7 days of the        will be applied to credit card transactions.       as a result of cancellation.                      used within may contain traces of nuts, egg,
invoice date. If the event date is within 7                                                                                                           dairy, gluten, and other known allergens.
days of the date of the deposit invoice,                                                                                                              Although all care is taken to ensure these
payment must be received within 24 hours.        Cancellations or changes                           Wet weather contingency policy                    items are contained, we cannot guarantee
A booking is only confirmed once payment                                                                                                              that all dietary requirements will be met.
                                                 Events cancelled with 15 days or more notice       If your function or event cannot be held in
of your deposit has been received and                                                                                                                 Whilst we understand the serious implications
                                                 (excluding the day of the event), are eligible     the outdoor space in which it was planned
funds cleared. If payment is not received, we                                                                                                         of reactions to allergens and will endeavour
                                                 for a full refund of the                           due to adverse weather conditions, it will be     not to cross contaminate food, Bar Non Solo
reserve the right to cancel the booking.         deposit paid.                                      moved to an internal area within the same         will not accept responsibility or liability for an
                                                 Events cancelled with 7 to 14 days notice          venue.                                            adverse reaction to our food by any guest.
Payment and costs                                (excluding the day of the event), will be                                                            Food and beverage selection needs to be
                                                 charged a cancellation fee equal to the            Other things                                      finalised 7 days prior to the date of your
All pre-agreed costs for food, security,         deposit paid.                                                                                        event. We cannot guarantee selections made
decoration hirage or other ancillary services                                                       Any breakage or damage caused by function
                                                 Events cancelled with less than 7                                                                    with less than 7 days notice.
must be paid for prior to                                                                           guests to the premises including equipment
                                                 days’ notice (excluding the day of the event),
the event.                                                                                          and chattels will be on-charged to the client.
                                                 will be charged the agreed ‘minimum’ spend.
The final payment is to be made at the           If your event is unable to be held due to          We comply with all New Zealand regulations
conclusion of the event or within 48 hours       government restrictions (such as COVID-19          regarding intoxication and guest safety and
after the event (by prior arrangement). We       restrictions), we will retain your deposit until   we want all your guests to have a great time.
reserve the right to charge the credit card      you are able to reschedule the event for
details provided on the booking form if full                                                        We will liaise with you if we feel guest
                                                 a future available date. A full refund of the      behaviour is of concern.
payment is not made within 48 hours after        deposit paid is only available if the event is
the event.                                       cancelled with 15 days or more notice as per       Our wine list and menus change from time to
Where the agreed minimum spend is                the above conditions.                              time. If any item you have chosen becomes
not met, the balance will be recorded                                                               unavailable or changes price we will assist
                                                 We will request your final guest numbers 7
as a ‘venue hire’ charge. This charge is                                                            you to select an alternative.
                                                 days prior to your event. This is the number
not refundable.                                  you will be charged for.                           Only food and beverage purchased at Bar           BY SIGNING BELOW , YOU AGREE
Events that exceed the agreed set times                                                             Non Solo may be consumed at Bar Non Solo
                                                 Neither the client or Savor Group Ltd (trading                                                       TO THE ABOVE TS & CS
may be charged an extra $500 plus GST per        as Bar Non Solo) shall be responsible to the       and such food and beverage must not be
hour or part hour where applicable, only if an   other for any changes to the agreed event          removed from the premises.
extension is possible.                                                                                                                                SIGNED BY
                                                 requirements should the changes be a result        Decorations not supplied by Bar Non Solo or
Expenditure on food and beverage                 of any statute, governmental regulation or         one of our partners must be approved by the
contributes to the minimum spend                 any act of god, fire, natural disaster, damage     Function Coordinator prior to the day of the
requirements. Expenditure on entertainment,      to the venue or other causes beyond the            event.                                            DATE

Savor Group        Events 2021                                                                                                p. 09 972 0218
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