Fum d'estampa press spring-summer 2022 - Fum d'Estampa Press Ltd. www.fumdestampa.com London-Barcelona - Fum d'Estampa Press

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Fum d'estampa press spring-summer 2022 - Fum d'Estampa Press Ltd. www.fumdestampa.com London-Barcelona - Fum d'Estampa Press
fum d’estampa press
  spring-summer 2022

    Fum d’Estampa Press Ltd.   PR – alice@fumdestampa.com
      www.fumdestampa.com      Twitter – @fumdestampa
          London-Barcelona     Instagram – @fumdestampa
Fum d'estampa press spring-summer 2022 - Fum d'Estampa Press Ltd. www.fumdestampa.com London-Barcelona - Fum d'Estampa Press
f u m d’estampa pres s
                                                      spring-summer 2022

                                                      2022 is a big year for Fum d’Estampa Press, and it
                                                      sees a number of important changes. One of these
                                                      is that we are modifying our design for this year.
                                                      Whilst keeping the tile design and maintaining the
                                                      striking overall look of our titles, this is intended
                                                      to make our covers cleaner and easier to identify.
                                                      What hasn’t changed is our commitment to bring-
                                                      ing you the very best in literature in translation in
                                                      editions that are both beautiful and inspiring.

                                                      In this Spring-Summer catalogue, we are publishing
                                                      some of the most exciting voices – both past and
                                                      present – in Catalan literature, and our collection
                                                      includes novels, a collection of short stories, and
                                                      essays written by seven of the hottest voices in the
                                                      Catalan language right now. We continue to pro-
                                                      mote our translators as much as possible, and our
                                                      collection features some of the most accomplished
                                                      translators working at the moment.
       UK distribution: Booksource.net
     UK sales: jim@signaturebooksuk.com
 EU distribution and sales: elva@arcobaleno.es        We hope you enjoy this first taste of what is to come
  US distribution and sales: The University of        in 2022.
Massachussets Press / Chicago Distribution Centre

        Info: books@fumdestampa.com
    PR & Marketing: alice@fumdestampa.com
Fum d'estampa press spring-summer 2022 - Fum d'Estampa Press Ltd. www.fumdestampa.com London-Barcelona - Fum d'Estampa Press
WILDER WINDS                                                                                           THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS
                                                 Author: Bel Olid                                                                                                  Essayists: Raül Garrigasait, Jordi Graupera, Oriol
                                                 Translator: Laura McGloughlin                                                                                     Ponsatí-Murlà, Marina Porras, Anna Punsoda, Adrià
                                                                                                                                                                   Pujol, Oriol Quintana
                                                 Fiction - short stories                                                                                           Translator: Mara Faye Lethem
                                                 Published: 15/1/2022
                                                 Format: Flapped Paperback, 120 pages                                                                              Essay
                                                 Rights: Worldwide                                                                                                 Published: 15/3/2022
                                                 ISBN: 978-1-913744-03-8                                                                                           Format: Flapped Paperback, 402 pages
                                                 Price: £10.99                                                                                                     Rights: Worldwide
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN: 978-1-913744-04-5
                                                 UK distribution: Booksource.net                                                                                   Price: £12.99
                                                 UK sales: jim@signaturebooksuk.com
                                                 EU distribution and sales: elva@arcobaleno.es                                                                     UK distribution: Booksource.net
                                                 US distribution and sales: The University of                                                                      UK sales: jim@signaturebooksuk.com
                                                 Massachussets Press / Chicago Distribution Centre                                                                 EU distribution and sales: elva@arcobaleno.es
                                                                                                                                                                   US distribution and sales: The University of
                                                 PR & Marketing: alice@fumdestampa.com                                                                             Massachussets Press / Chicago Distribution Centre

                                                                                                                                                                   PR & Marketing: alice@fumdestampa.com

In Wilder Winds, writer and translator Bel Olid presents a stunning collection of short stories that draw      The Seven Deadly Sins is an ambitious project bringing together seven of the most exciting, vibrant voices
on notions of individual freedom, abuses of power, ingrained social violence, life on the outskirts of soci-   in Catalan literature to write seven essays on what are perhaps the most enigmatic – and least understood
ety, and inevitable differences. Alongside these she places small acts of kindness capable of changing the     – aspects of religion and morality. Drawing on many different sources, the essayists tell each sin’s story
world and making it a better place. Like a flower that stubbornly grows and blooms in the cracks of the        and origin in their own unique way to produce a collection that is frequently hilarious while always enter-
pavement. Olid’s work seeks out beauty without renouncing truth, and never avoids conflict or intimacy.        taining and informative. In Mara Faye Lethem’s stunning translation, these are essays that can be enjoyed
Wilder Winds creates scenes and fragile, yet hardy characters that will stay with the reader for years to      as part of a whole or individually.
                                                                                                               ‘(This collection) acts like a multi-use Swiss Army Penknife, and is perfect for accessing the hidden facets
‘Bel Olid tells you the most terrible things in the most beautiful way.’ -Marta Rojals                         of the human condition.’ -Joan Burdeus, Núvol

‘Charming and comforting on the one hand; like a vast abyss of violence and danger, it is stimulating and      ‘The Seven Deadly Sins is full of sayings, legends, stories told around fires, music, literature, and art. ... This
disturbing on the other.’ -Júlia Sentís, Núvol                                                                 project, an important reflection and projection of talents, is a great idea.’ -Marc Puig i Guàrdia, El Món

‘Simple, everyday descriptions transport the reader to places and moments, producing sensations that we
can all relate to ... an excellent read.’ -Nosaltresllegim.cat

                        Bel Olid is a writer and        Laura McGloughlin is                                   Raül Garrigasait, Jordi Graupera, Oriol Pon-                Born in New York, Mara
                        translator living and           an Irish translator living                             satí-Murlà, Marina Porras, Anna Punsoda, Adrià              Faye Lethem is a writer
                        working in Catalonia.           and working in London.                                 Pujol, and Oriol Quintana are seven of the most             and literary translator
                        They are president of the       Having translated many                                 promising and exciting new voices in Catalan                from Catalan and Span-
                        Catalan Writers’ Associa-       works by both Catalan                                  literature. Coming from various backgrounds,                ish. She has translated
                        tion and in 2017 stood for      and Spanish writers, in                                these seven award-winning writers encapsulate               many different titles into
                        the Catalan parliament as       2012 she appeared as a                                 the vibrant social and cultural movement that is            English, and her trans-
                        a representative of the         panellist for New Spanish                              the current literature scene in Catalonia.                  lations have appeared in
                        CUP party.                      Books.                                                                                                             numerous publications.
Fum d'estampa press spring-summer 2022 - Fum d'Estampa Press Ltd. www.fumdestampa.com London-Barcelona - Fum d'Estampa Press
GO ODBYE, R AMONA                                                                                                        WILD HORSES
                                                 Author: Montserrat Roig                                                                                          Author: Jordi Cussà
                                                 Translators: Megan Berkobien & Maria Cristina Hall                                                               Translator: Tiago Miller

                                                 Fiction                                                                                                          Fiction
                                                 Published: 15/5/2022                                                                                             Published: 15/7/2022
                                                 Format: Flapped Paperback, 120 pages                                                                             Format: Flapped Paperback, 304 pages
                                                 Rights: Worldwide                                                                                                Rights: Worldwide
                                                 ISBN: 978-1-913744-18-2                                                                                          ISBN: 978-1-913744-05-2
                                                 Price: £10.99                                                                                                    Price: £11.99

                                                 UK distribution: Booksource.net                                                                                  UK distribution: Booksource.net
                                                 UK sales: jim@signaturebooksuk.com                                                                               UK sales: jim@signaturebooksuk.com
                                                 EU distribution and sales: elva@arcobaleno.es                                                                    EU distribution and sales: elva@arcobaleno.es
                                                 US distribution and sales: The University of                                                                     US distribution and sales: The University of
                                                 Massachussets Press / Chicago Distribution Centre                                                                Massachussets Press / Chicago Distribution Centre

                                                 PR & Marketing: alice@fumdestampa.com                                                                            PR & Marketing: alice@fumdestampa.com

Monserrat Roig’s first novel, Goodbye, Ramona is a powerhouse story told through the point of view of          Wild Horses is a brutally powerful, unflinching account of the heroin epidemic that swept across Catalo-
three generations of women from the same family. Opening with scenes of a pregnant woman looking for           nia in the 1980s. The novel, told from a variety of points of view, tells the story of a group of friends as they
her husband after a bombing, Goodbye, Ramona explores the role of family, women’s relationships with           buy, sell, and consume heroin and other drugs in their home town. Wild Horses is a kaleidoscope of voices,
men, the influence the weight of history and events out of their control have on them, and the silence in      stories, song lyrics and heartbreakingly all-too-real characters. It is a true classic of modern story-telling
which they live their lives. Goodbye, Ramona is an historical and social mosaic seen through the lives and     that is both shocking and captivating at the same time.
experiences of the female characters.
                                                                                                               ‘The brutal, powerful story of a lost generation. Wild Horses is a unique, incomparable narrative collage.’
‘In two decades of incredible, inspirational writing, Montserrat Roig left an indelible mark on Catalan        -Jaume Huch, journalist
literature that is finally being brought to the international community.’
—Jordi Nopca, author of Come On Up                                                                             ‘Wild Horses is a smack across both the face and the soul. It submerges you in its suffocating, hostile, un-
                                                                                                               friendly literature. A tale of harshness, friendship and survival in crumbling surroundings brought to us
‘Montserrat Roig is one of the writers of contemporary Catalan literature with the furthest global reach in    through a choir of voices.’ -Pep Espelt, founding director of Konvent
terms of European letters.’ —Teresa Amiguet, La Vanguardia

‘Montserrat Roig is the first total female writer in the history of Catalan literature.’ —Marta Pessarrodona

                        Montserrat Roig was             Megan Berkobien & Ma-                                                           Having lived through              Tiago Miller is a writer
                        a novelist, short sto-          ria Cristina Hall are writ-                                                     the heroin epidemic that          and translator living and
                        ry writer, investigative        ers and translators from                                                        scourged Catalonia in the         working in Lleida, Cata-
                        journalist and feminist         Catalan and Spanish. Of-                                                        1980s, Jordi Cussà turned         lonia. In addition to his
                        activist, described by the      ten working together, they                                                      his talents to writing            translations of Catalan
                        poet Marta Pessarrodona         have had translations and                                                       plays and, later, novels.         literature, he contributes
                        as the ‘first female total      pieces of work published                                                        He is considered one of           articles on Catalan culture
                        writer Catalan literature       in various international                                                        20th century Catalonia’s          and language to various
                        has had.’                       publications.                                                                   most important writers.           publications.
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