FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019

Page created by Leslie Robertson
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Compliance Committee
   21 August 2019
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
FSI Compliance Committee meeting
21 August 2019

• Opening and welcome

• Attendance & Apologies

• Competition Law Caveat
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Competition Law Caveat
     Competition Law Disclaimer: To be read at the beginning of industry association meetings

1.     The CGC and its stakeholders recognise that industry associations perform functions which are
       legitimate and which promote the competitiveness of the industry as a whole.             However,
       membership of an industry association or work group may tempt the stakeholders meeting under
       its auspices to collude together and to co-ordinate their action.     Accordingly, care must be
       exercised to ensure that this meeting is not used as a vehicle for collusion between its

2.     All activities of this work group must be carefully measured against the prevailing competition law
       in South Africa. The CGC and its stakeholders recognize the need to exercise extreme care to
       avoid any violation or raise the suspicion of a possible violation of competition law and under no
       circumstances will attempts be made to guide the independent market behaviour of its
       stakeholders and will encourage individual stakeholders to make business decisions on their own
       and without consultation with their competitors.

       2.1. To this end any discussions regarding increasing, decreasing or standardising current or
            future prices, pricing procedures, discounts, credit terms or rebates, what constitutes a fair
            profit level; and allocating markets, refusals to deal with customers or suppliers shall be
            scrupulously avoided at all times.

      This meeting is aware of the contents of the full disclaimer and agree to abide fully by its
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Administration
                Service - Collect - Grow
                                           June – August 2019          Anchor   Regular

                                           Current member base             28             58

                                           New Members                     0              5

                                           Membership Cancellations        0              1

                                           Collections (Outstanding)       5              3

FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Nutrition Pillar
Goal: Good health and well-being for all South Africans
Rationale: To partner with the DoH in helping reduce NCDs
How: Improved health and wellness through food via HFOIIs
1. Provide a platform for high-level engagement on HFOII as a means of creating alignment between DoH and member companies

•     High level engagements between CEOs and DDG Health took place on 19 March & 29 April
•     As part of the above, provide feedback to DoH on matters arising out of engagements as a means of creating alignment
      between DoH and member companies
•     Completed templates submitted to DoH regarding their requests for feedback on 3 June 2019

2. CGCSA funding the design of a high level report outlining high level progress; aim to be complete in November 2019

3. Engage stakeholders relating to HFOII work

•     Call with WWF to discuss synergies if any on 15 April 2019
•     Meeting with HEALA to discuss synergies if any on 4 June 2019
•     To set up meeting with DoBE to discuss synergies if any

4. One-on-one engagements between member companies and DoH Directorate Nutrition regarding progress on HFOII

•     5 September 2019 (QSR sector), 13 November 2019 (Manufacturer / retailer sector)
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Nutrition Pillar
Goal: Good health and well-being for all South Africans
Rationale: To partner with the DoH in helping reduce NCDs
How: Improved health and wellness through food via HFOIIs

School nutrition education programmes

•    Request by the Department to join efforts to take school nutrition education initiatives to scale

•    Information received included
     •     3 school feeding schemes
     •     4 nutrition education programmes

•    Way forward?
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Nutrition Pillar
Goal: Good health and well-being for all South Africans
Rationale: To partner with the DoH in helping reduce NCDs
How: Improved health and wellness through food via compliance to sodium reduction regulations

1. Engagements on technical issues faced by companies regarding sodium reduction regulations

•   Packaging run out issues faced by members ahead of 30 June 2019 deadline
•   Engagement with DoH Directorate Food Control and NCDs to find a solution to ensure that
    packaging is not written off and product is not wasted
•   Members provided with guidance from the DoH on ways to manage this issue

2. Members have assurance that laboratories can provide accurate sodium test results

• Variances in sodium results obtained from laboratories
• Engagement with NMISA to set up a sodium proficiency testing scheme to address potential causes
  of variances
• Members have a list of laboratories that participated in PT scheme
• Member queries relating to interpretation & implementation of these regulations provided on
  ongoing basis, amendments circulated
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Nutrition Pillar
Goal: Good health and well-being for all South Africans
Rationale: To partner with the DoH in helping reduce NCDs
How: Improved health and wellness through food via review of key nutrition-related
topics and identification of best practices

1.   Nutrition TWG calls relating to key nutrition-related matters taking place to
     identify any actions that need to be taken on a proactive basis

•    Non-sugar sweeteners on 5 July 2019
•    Front of pack labelling on 2 August 2019
•    Nutrient profiling on 8 August 2019
•    Marketing to children on 16 August 2019
•    Nutrition and health claims on 23 August 2019
•    Trans fats on 30 August 2019
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Quality Pillar
Goal: Improved Total Quality Management Systems
Rationale: To progress quality audits from being compliance driven to addressing operation risk
relating to quality
How: Form a FSI Quality TWG that includes experts from member companies

1.   Assist members in enhancing their total quality management and assurance with minimal

•    Call for volunteers to form part of this group sent out twice
•    Small group has been established
•    Awaiting feedback on suitable date for a call to identify priority projects outlined in the FSI
     strategic goals document

2.   Accomplishments to date

•    Legal Metrology workshop held at the end of 2018
•    Halaal engagements with certifying bodies and Western Cape government held to provide
     members with a way forward in terms of alignment of Halaal requirements
•    An Illict trade workshop was scheduled by the CGRI unit for August 2019 but has been
FSI Compliance Committee Meeting 21 August 2019
Business of the Day: Food Waste
       SA Government has committed to
      Sustainable Development Goal 12.3

“By 2030 halve per capita global food waste at
the retail and consumer level, and reduce food
  losses along production and supply chains
         including post-harvest losses”
Sustainability - Food Waste
     CGCSA –Secretariat (Temp)

             Advocacy Goal
       Responsible Food Production

    Reduce impact on environment; use
resources efficiently and reduce food waste
Journey so far……….

                                                 April 2019     •  Stakeholder database 400 people
•   Need for collaboration
•   Research on Gap                                             • Workshop the VA and Business Plan
    analysis                 • Develop the voluntary            • Alignment of the VA and Business Plan
                               agreement & business plan          and Operation Phakisa waste
•   Connecting and             document
    Partnering with                                               management
    different stakeholders   • Connected with stakeholders      • Establish the a special purpose vehicle
                             • Highlighted the top 5 possible     (PBO)
                               commitments                      • Information leaflet
         October 2018                                                                        July 2019
Who and how have we engaged with stakeholders?
   Current database of over 400 individuals, which has grown exponentially since our initial dialogues and continues to do so

Government     Primary       Food              Formal retail   Hospitality, food   Food               Waste           Trade            Civil society /    Private service   Academia /       Other
               agriculture   manufacturers /                   service & tourism   redistribution /   management /    Associations/    NGOs               providers /       Research
                             processors                                            charity            solution        Membership                          specialists       Institutions
                                                                                                      providers       Organisations

DALRRD         Tru Cape      Clover            Massmart        Bidfood             Food for Us        Agri-protein    CGCSA            African Circular   Carbon            CSIR             Abbott
DBE            Core Fruit    Core Fruit        Pick n Pay      Fair Trade          Food Forward       Bokashin Bran   NBI              economy            Calculated        Rhodes           AFRAP
DEA                          DANONE            Shoprite        Tourism             SA                 Interwaste      Organics         network            Circular Vision   Univerity        Aspirata
DEA                          Distell           Checkers        KFC                 Nosh Food                          Recycling        SA-EU              IQ Logistica      The              COE
                             Famous Brands     Spar            Nandos              Rescue                             Association of   Green Cape         Mérieux           Sustainability   CPG Global
                             Food Masters      Woolwoths       Restaurant          SA Harvest                         South Africa     Smaack Makers      NutriSciences     Institute        Entecom
DEFF                         SA                                Association of                                         SALGA            Women and          Pinpoint          Tshwane          FANRPAN
DoH                          I&J                               SA                                                     South African    Youth in           Traceability      University of    FOOD FOCUS
DPME                         Kellogs                           Spur                                                   Chamber of       Agriculture        Solutions         Technology       Greenedge
DPME                         Mars                                                                                     Baking           WRAP Global        Werksmans         University of    Greenhome
DSD                          Nestle                                                                                                    WWF                                  KwaZulu Natal    Kerry
DST                          Parmalat                                                                                                                                       University of    Mediware
DTI                          Pepsico                                                                                                                                        Pretoria         NCC
GCIS                         Pioneer Foods                                                                                                                                  University of    NWPG
StatsSA                      RCL Foods                                                                                                                                      Western Cape     READ
                             Tiger Brands                                                                                                                                                    SACB
W Cape
                             SA                                                                                                                                                              SNKE -
City of Cape                 Unilever                                                                                                                                                        Agriculture
Town                                                                                                                                                                                         Development
Ethekwinii                                                                                                                                                                                   Willowton
Other EU                                                                                                                                                                                     group
Leaflet - Side A
Leaflet – Side B
Proposed working groups
 1. Reporting, monitoring &    4. Whole chain & sub-sector led working groups (e.g. dairy,
         evaluation                                 fresh product)

   2. Primary agriculture      5. Hospitality, food service     7. Non-edible food waste
        (incl. export)                 & tourism                     management

 3. Food access, nutrition &
                               6. ‘Informal’ food sector6                   ?
Preliminary thinking – Measure, Target, Act
Year 1 - Measure and target

• Signatories to measure their food waste / surplus and identify ‘hot spots’ to develop a baseline

• Signatories to be supported with methodology and training on how to measure and report

• Support delivery of Project Phakisa

• Identify and connect with other key stakeholders e.g. farmers

Year 2- 4 – Act and measure

• Signatories to work towards achieving agreed upon percentage reduction in food waste / surplus

• Signatories to set annual targets based on evidence gathered
Next Steps
• Finalisation of the Voluntary Agreement, Business
  Plan, Funding & Governance ( Before ANY Launch)

• Seek additional funding – Reporting Protocols &
  Templates workshop & development

• Developing Signatory pack for the signatories

• Prioritizing and establish Technical Working Groups

• Application for funding for the Phase 2
Business of the Day: Food Safety Pillar

 Goal: Improved National Food Safety Systems

  Rationale: To address the gap that exists between
   the various government departments responsible
     for ensuring food safety and the food industry
Business of the Day: Food Safety Pillar
 Technical Working Group – 6 June 2019
      ✓ HACCP Compliance (SANAS
      ✓ Microbiological
      ✓ Processed meat
        ❑ (EC- Extension/ Implementation clarity
      ✓ Hygiene Regulations
Laboratory Capacity – Tests
Which laboratory tests are you having challenges with conducting     How can laboratories assist you?
                                                                     Laboratories can advertise better on tests they do, it is difficult to find
Taurine, Pot Sorbate, Lactose (
Date Marking
How long
                after BB                   Liability/
                 Date?                   Responsibility

Best Suitable
                           Measures to
General/additions to agenda

 1. Processed Meat
Hygiene Regulations

• Janusz Luterek
• Date of next meeting: 19 February 2020
• Wrap up and close
Thank you


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