Frühlingsfest 2020 February 22 Vanderbilt University

Page created by Rodney Payne
Frühlingsfest 2020
                                         February 22
                                     Vanderbilt University

General Requirements:
● All participating students must currently be enrolled in a German course or for those on block
  scheduling have completed a German course this school year.
● Students from any course level are welcome to participate in all events. Experienced speakers, as
  defined by the criteria below, are eligible to participate in all events except the Goethe Bowl and the
  Gilbert Language Bowl.
      An experienced speaker is a student who:
              a) Has spent more than 2 months in a German-speaking country since the age of 6; OR
              b) Has attended school in a German-speaking country in which instruction was given in
              the German language (Participation in a short-term GAPP exchange is NOT regarded as
              "school attendance"); OR
              c) Comes from a household in which at least one person speaks German more than 10%
              of the time or conducts usual conversation in German.
● Students whose native language is German and exchange students are welcome to attend and
  participate in the following events: Kuchenschlacht, Art Contest, and other activities such as the
  Schnitzeljagd and Fußball.

General Information
Registration Fee: $5 per student participant. Teachers and chaperones do not pay the registration fee.
Lunch Fee (optional, see below): $5 per person
Registration: Please send in registration information by Friday, January 31 to . Use the registration form at the end of this document. Should
participation numbers change before the event, you need only pay for the students who actually attend.
Please contact us for late registration after January 31.

Please plan to pay on the day of the event. Make registration checks payable to TN-AATG. Make
lunch checks payable to Vanderbilt University.

General Schedule:
Check-in begins at 8:30 am, welcome is 9:30 am. Competitions will take place from 10 am – 11:45 am.
A lunch break will be from 11:45-12:45. The program of competitions will continue at 12:45 and end at
2:45. A short awards ceremony will follow at 3 pm. The goal is to complete the event before 4 pm.
Multiple events will occur at the same time. All events will take place in Furman Hall and it will be easy
for students to move from one event to the next.

Lunch will be catered (sandwiches) and will cost $5 per student. Alternately, students may bring their
own packed lunches and opt out of the catered lunch.
Frühlingsfest Events
Below are short descriptions of all festival events. More detailed information about the day’s
schedule will be available by early February.

Pre-festival Logo Contest:
Limit of 5 entries per school. Entries from student designers only, please.
Please do not use any copyrighted materials in your designs.
Logo can have max. 2 colors and must include the words “Frühlingsfest 2020”
Teachers: E-mail submissions to Silke Schade ( by January 31st. Please
include school name, instructor’s name, name(s) of designer(s), and an attached file or link to file.

Team Events:
Goethe Bowl:
In this pub-quiz-style contest, teams answer questions about German culture. Questions cover history,
art, geography, famous figures, politics, industry, daily life, customs, etc.

Each team has 3-4 students.
Each school may enter as many teams as they wish.
The two competition categories are Levels I/II and Levels III/IV.

General procedure for the Goethe bowl:
   ● A trivia question will be announced from the podium.
   ● Teams will have 2 minutes to decide on the correct answer.
   ● Each team will bring a slip of paper with their answer written on it to the front of the room
      before the next question is announced.
   ● After all questions have been answered, points will be tallied for all teams.
   ● Phones are not allowed.

Ortrun Gilbert Language Bowl:
The Gilbert Bowl is named in honor of Ortrun Gilbert, the first president of Tennessee AATG. In this
College-Bowl-style quiz, questions about the German language are featured, i.e. grammar, vocabulary,
reading comprehension, etc. Most questions are multiple choice.

Each team has 3 students
Each school may enter 2 teams per level.
The two competition categories are Levels I/II and Levels III/IV.

General procedure for the Gilbert bowl:
   ● Students on each team have 15 seconds to signal for a chance to answer. The team that signaled
      has 10 seconds to answer. If this answer is incorrect, the other teams have 10 seconds to answer
      or pass.
   ● One point is awarded for each correct answer.
   ● Up to 3 teams will compete in preliminary rounds. The championship round will have 2 teams.
Video/media contest:

Each school may have 3 video/media entries.
The two competition categories are Level I/II and Level III/IV

Videos must be between 1-5 minutes. They must be performed in German. Please submit the level and
the tentative title of your video with your registration. Videos will be judged on:
    a. German content               b. pronunciation           c. originality
    d. expression                   e. delivery                f. appropriateness of props, plot

Skits/Musical Performance:

Each group can include up to 5 students.
Each school may have 3 groups total.
The two competition categories are Level I/II and Level III/IV

Skits or musical performances must be between 1-5 minutes. Skits and songs must be performed in
German. Small portable props are permitted. For groups performing a song, you must bring the song on
a CD or other portable media device (phone, iPod, etc.). Please submit the level and the tentative title of
your skit with your registration. Skits/Music will be judged on:
    a. German content              b. pronunciation           c. originality
    d. expression                  e. delivery                f. appropriateness of props, plot

Spelling Bee:

Each team has 4 students.
3 teams total per school.
The two competition categories are Levels I/II (beginner) and Level III/IV (advanced).

Beginner and advanced vocabulary lists will be posted on the Frühlingsfest website in January. Two
teams will compete against each other, and the winning team will advance to the next round. One
student from the first team (determined by a coin toss) will spell the first word. A correct answer will
award the team one point. If the student misspells the word, the word will go to the next groupmate in
line and so on and then on to the other team. Each team takes turns spelling words. Each round should
not last more than 10 minutes.

Schnitzeljagd (Scavenger Hunt):

Each team has 2 students. Students complete the Schnitzeljagd by following the clues below and taking
selfies or collecting the information they find at the locations visited.

Each team has 5 students.
Schools may have up to 2 teams.

Teams will play short games and advance through a single-elimination tournament. There will be
awards for the Fußball competition, however scores in this competition will not contribute to a school’s
overall points. No cleats are allowed.

Individual Events:

Kuchenschlacht (Baking):

All entries must have been baked by individual(s) registered for the Frühlingsfest. Entries must not
require refrigeration. Judging is based on appearance and taste. Entries will be shared just before the
award ceremony unless otherwise indicated on the accompanying note card.

All entries must be accompanied by a 3x5 card stating:
1) Item                2) Baker(s)         3) School/Teacher

Baking categories:
1. Savory (breads, etc.)             2. Sweet (Torten, Cookies, etc.)

Art displays must be clearly related to a German-speaking country and must be made by individual(s)
registered for the Frühlingsfest. Inappropriate content matter, e.g. focus on symbols, personages, etc. of
the Third Reich, is not acceptable.
All entries must be accompanied by a 3x5 card stating:
1) Title                      2) Artist(s)               3) School/Teacher

Art Categories:
    1. 2-D: Poster (22" x 28" only) and Paintings/Drawings (i.e., pen & ink, charcoal, oil, watercolor)
    2. 3-D: Replicas, Models, Sculpture, Woodcarving, etc.

Poetry / Recitation:
The three competition categories are determined by the difficulty of the poem (poems will be listed on
the website in January).
Maximum of 8 participants per school

Contestants will deliver a poem chosen from the 3 options provided. Students will be able to have the
poem in hand; however, points will be awarded for memorization. The performance will be judged in
these areas:
a) pronunciation       b) fluency     c) interpretation      d) degree of memorization

No visuals or props are allowed to enhance the poem/text except for gestures and clothing (optional).

Extemporaneous Speaking Contest:

The three competition categories are Level I, Level II, and Levels III/IV
Up to 8 students total per school.

Level I and Level II. Students will draw a card from the judges' table. They have 45 seconds to collect
their thoughts before addressing the topic for one minute (Level I) or 90 seconds (Level II). No
dictionary or outside help is permitted. Topics are Familie und Freunde, Haus/Wohnung und Wohnort,
Schulleben, Sport und Freizeit, Essen, Kleidung und Wetter, Hausarbeiten.

Level III/IV. Students will draw a card from the judges' table. They have 1 minute to prepare, during
which time they may make notes, if desired. No dictionary or outside help is permitted. Then they will
address the topic for 2 minutes. Topics are Ferien und Reisen, Gesundheit, Beruf und Zukunft, Feste und

Criteria for Judging:
a) Clarity and fluency b) Grammatical accuracy c) Range of vocabulary d) Creativity and liveliness

Level I and II Questions
   1. Erzähle, wo du wohnst (Staat, Ort, Straße) und wie dein Haus und dein Zimmer aussehen.
   2. Erzähle etwas über deine Familie und deine Freunde (Personen, Name, Alter, Aussehen,
   3. Was machst du gern in deiner Freizeit (Hobbies, Interessen, Spiel, Sport und Spaß)?
   4. Erzähle etwas über dein Schulleben (Stundenplan, Fächer, Lehrer, Noten).
   5. Was isst und trinkst du gern? Wohin gehst du am liebsten essen und warum?
   6. Erzähle etwas über einen Job, den du machst, oder über Hausarbeiten, bei denen du hilfst.
   7. Was für Kleidung trägst du am liebsten im Sommer und im Winter, an Wochentagen und am

Level III/IV Questions
   1. Erzähle etwas über eine interessante Ferienreise, die du einmal gemacht hast (Fahrt oder Flug,
       Ort, Übernachtung, Sehenswürdigkeiten, Besuche, Tätigkeiten) [Conversational Past]
   2. Was ist wichtig, um gesund zu bleiben? Was tust du, um gesund zu leben? Warst du einmal
       krank oder verletzt? [Reflexive Verbs]
   3. Erzähle etwas über deinen Traumberuf, dein Traumhaus und deine Traumfamilie. [Subjunctive II
       if possible]
   4. Erzähle etwas über Feste und Feiertage, die du sehr gerne hast und erkläre, warum dir diese Tage
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