FREE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL - activities at your - LIVING THE LIST - Club Wyndham South Pacific
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travel | ownership | lifestyle SOUTH PACIFIC ISSUE 6 - 2022 FREE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL Over 100 free activities at your resorts LIVING THE LIST Create special moments with loved ones
contents ISSUE 6 | 2022 features I NSPI R AT IO N 04 Living the List By Angie Christofis After the lockdowns of the past two years, priorities have shifted. For many, quality time is high on the list. We’ve rounded up some simple experiences close to your resorts to help you create special moments with loved ones. 20 24 Your Travel Club Deals Free Exciting international and domestic deals Activities and offers from your for All Travel Club team. Create memorable experiences with over 100 free activities at your resorts for you and the entire family. 2 CLUB WYNDHAM || IIssssuuee66| 2022 CLUBWYNDHAM | 2022
ENHANCED LIFESTYLE OFFERS Barry Robinson As I write this foreword, it is wonderful to see travel As hasI write this foreword, well and and reflect truly returned backinternational and more over the past 30 two years, it is wonderful to see travel markets are opening. Our teams are enjoying is finally returning and more international markets are opening. helping you with your travel plans with plenty of tripsthe During being bookedand lockdowns for restrictions holidays in Fiji, New we experienced, Zealand, things we Thailand, once took Europe andwere for granted further afield not suddenly in 30 | Lifestyle by North America. possible. For many of us, forced separations shifted Wyndham our Onepriorities. Spending of the many quality time advantages withan of being loved onesin owner became Club high on the Wyndham list. Pacific is the opportunities South With the enhanced Lifestyle Offers it Oneprovides to take of the many family andoffriends advantages being anonowner holidayin Club benefit, learn how with you. Your Wyndham Southclub resorts Pacific give is the you room to opportunities it provides members can enjoy spread out but to take family and more importantly, friends on holidayspace to Your with you. instant discounts connect. Over club resorts givethe youpast roomtwoto years spreadweouthave but, more and cashback offers worked to enhance importantly, space tothese spaces connect. Overeven more, the past twobyyears from over 4,500 adding we haveaworked host oftofree activities enhance and these better spaces dining even more, brands. Also, read experiences. by adding a hostOnofpage 24, we listand free activities outbetter somedining of the 31 about some changes many resort activities now available to you. experiences. to the Lifestyle Your club clubdestinations destinationsoffer offer a range a range of exciting of exciting tiered benefits attractions but,sometimes, attractions but, sometimes, thethe best best holiday holiday memories program. memories we have areare of the of the ‘littlelittle things, things,’ like like taking taking a ride a bike bike INSIGHTS ride withfamily, with the the family, buildingbuilding sand castles, sand castles, enjoyingsharing fish and fish and chips chips by the by the beach beach or or enjoying anenjoying ice cream. anOn icepage 5, cream. we haveOn page 5, rounded upwe some have rounded simple, up some yet meaningful COMMUNITY 22 | Resort News simple, yet meaningful family-friendly activities that family-friendly you can enjoy activities close to 23 that you your canOn resorts. experience page 24, we close to your list out someresorts. of the many 35 | Connect with From new apartments free resortcontinued We have activities now available to expand theforclub youbyto enjoy adding while Your Club and exciting on holiday. new apartments and villas. On page 22, learn refurbishments, Learn how to make the more We about have the new continued toinventory expand theadded club byand the new adding check out all that’s most of your ownership refurbishments apartments happening and villas. at your On page resorts. 22, learn moreAs we about new at your club with Owner Information grow, the newweinventory are always looking added for ways and the to introduce refurbishments resorts! sessions you can join sustainableatinnovation. happening your resorts.OnAspage 27, you we grow andcanadd new from the comforts of 23 | Meet Phillip read about offerings, wethe aremany alwaysways we for looking have been ways proudly to introduce your home. Blain, General Manager Club 22 making changes sustainable resort for the innovation. collection Onbetter across page 27, yourread you can clubabout the many ways wefrom have bamboo key changes been making swipes tofor the Wyndham pump across better bathroom youramenities club resortand much more. collection. 26 | Now on Ballarat Instagram knowmany We know manyofofyouyoulove lovetoto stay stay connected connected with your Get to know fellow with via club your theclub via the ‘owners ‘owners only’ Facebook only’group. Facebook And did you Be inspired by travel owner, and the new group.your know Didclub you also know your now hasclub alsoown its very nowInstagram has its ideas and see new General Manager of very own page? JustInstagram search forpage? Just search Club Wyndham for Pacific South Club destinations to visit on Club Wyndham Ballarat! Wyndham to follow us South Pacific and on Instagram, to follow us on keep up Instagram. to date with all your club’s Instagram You can that’s share your happening holiday in your club.snaps Be surebytoposting share your page. to the Facebook holiday page ortousing snaps by posting the hashtag the Facebook page or #WynHolidays using the hashtag to#WynHolidays be featured. to be featured on Instagram. As always, your club magazine is a bumper issue, jamalways, As packed with your news. club Enjoy the magazine read andissue, is a bumper untiljam next time, packed withhappy holidays! club news! Enjoy the read and until next Editor Creative Director Club Wyndham time, happy holidays! ANGIE LARNA HOWARD Magazine is CHRISTOFIS produced for Club Graphic Designer Wyndham South CLUB WYNDHAM Editorial Contributors ROSE TOLENTINO SOUTH PACIFIC Pacific owners CHRIS LOGAN PATRICIA OCSO MAGAZINE JOSEPH GAN ©2022 Wyndham DENNIS AMATA Destinations Asia Pacific. All rights Barry Robinson ISSU E 6 | 2022 Barry PresidentRobinson and Managing Director reserved. President andOperations, International Managing Director Wyndham Destinations International Operations, Wyndham Vacation Clubs I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 3
Living THE list I f t h e l a st two year s have taug ht us any thing , it is a d eep er u n d ers tand ing o f what is m o st imp o r tant. Dur ing lo ckd ow n s, we l ea r n ed we c o uld sur v ive skip p ing tr ip s to the hair d r esser. M a ny o f u s cho se to simp ly em br ac e the g r ey. We fo und we coul d en d u re c o nstant sho r tages o f lo o p ap er and emp ty sup er m arke t s h elves . We g o t sav v y and we ad ap ted . T he hardest aspect of the last two years, was being kept apart from those we love. No matter how many Facetime calls we While we still want to tick off our bucket lists, and get to those far flung places, most of us now have another list, one filled with far set up, it was never as good as connecting in simpler things and yet profoundly important. real life. Many of us have missed important That list is all about spending quality time moments and milestones. In some cases, years with family, loved ones and creating ways of of precious time have been lost. connecting. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 5
T he moments we crave most are those which create indelible memories in our minds. Often, they are w h a t' s o n little things, like getting an ice cream y o u r l i s t? with the grandkids after a day at the beach, or taking in the cool crisp air from the lookout of the mountain you love to climb. Sharing these kinds of moments with those who are special to us is no Exploring tidal longer something we take for granted. rockpools with the kids No matter how big or small the activity might be, if its time spent together, it Going f ishing is time well spent. Your club resorts offer many ways to connect. Beyond swimming in the resort pool, playing a Stopping for an ice cream hit of tennis and immersing in all the fun free activities on offer, we’ve rounded after a fun f illed day up some of the highlights close to your resorts to help you ‘live the list.’ Riding bikes together Hearing their giggles as they play in the pool Chasing waterfalls Sharing f ish and chips on the beach A picnic in the park Celebrating together The hardest aspect of the last two years, was being kept apart from those e ove w l I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 7
the best picnic areas Ki r ra H i l l Lookou t S t a y: Club Wyn dha m Kir r a Bea ch A stone’s throw from Club Wyndham Kirra Beach is one of the Gold Coast's most scenic spots to enjoy a barbecue or picnic. Kirra Hill offers a wonderful outlook, which on clear days extends all the way north to Main Beach and south to Snapper Rocks. This is one of the best spots for catching the sunrise and sunset on the Gold Coast. With two electric barbecues and tables under a shelter, it's also a great spot for whale watching during their annual migration, between June to October. Cascade Gardens, Hobart Stay: Club Wyndh am Sev en Mile B each A short 10-minute drive out of Hobart’s CBD is Cascade Gardens, which is located just one minute away from the world-famous Cascade Brewery. This historical site offers plenty to see and do and features tree-lined gardens, picnic tables, walking tracks, facilities and barbeque amenities. Grab your picnic blankets and some nibbles and soak up the serenity. 8 CLUB WYNDHAM || I s s u e 6 | 2022 CLUBWYNDHAM
K i n g s Pa r k, Pe r t h Stay: Club Wyndh am Perth Club Wyndham Perth offers free picnic baskets and rugs so you can set up at nearby Kings Park! A beautiful setting for a day spent in the sunshine, Kings Park and Botanic Garden offers many locations ideal for rolling out a rug in the parklands. All visitors are welcome to use the free, electric barbecues. To r quay Fo r e s h o r e Stay: Club Wyndh am To rquay Right opposite your club resort in Torquay, the foreshore offers plenty of parkland, playgrounds and picnic tables with gorgeous ocean views. Indulge in fish and chips on the beach or bring your own supplies for a barbecue while the kids explore the playgrounds. Anywhere from Fisherman's Beach on Zeally Bay (or Fisho's, as known by the locals) round to the front beach is ideal for relaxing outdoors with loved ones. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 9
ice bes t pla c es fo r O ne sc o o p , two sc o o p s, c o ne o r a c up , ther e’ s no th i n g quite like sto p p ing fo r an ic e c r eam af ter a r elax i n g cream d ay sp ent o n ho lid ay ! W hether y o u c r ave c r eamy ge l ato, a d o uble sc o o p sund ae o r a simp le ic e c r eam c o ne, your c l ub r eso r t d estinatio ns o f fer the sweetest cho ic e o f i ce c ream er ies o n the p lanet! Simmo s Ic e Crea m er y, Dun sb orou gh S t a y : C l u b Wyn dha m Dun s b or ough Established in 1993, Simmos was the first ever ice creamery in Western Australia’s South West, and has firmly become a beloved institution. Simmos at Dunsborough offers a traditional Irish ice-cream and has temptations for the most discerning aficionados with over 60 award winning flavours. There is also a playground and an all-weather 18 hole mini-golf course on site! Gel a to R u m b a , Ca l ou ndr a S t a y : C l u b Wyn dha m Golden Bea ch Gelato Rumba is the perfect place to pop in for a sweet treat during your Golden Beach stay. Ride the free resort bikes along the esplanade to Caloundra and reward yourself at end of the ride with gelato! With fresh gelato made on site, Gelato Rumba caters to everyone and always has a variety of dairy free sorbets that taste so creamy you won't believe they are dairy free! They also have nut, egg and gluten free options. 10 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Va n D i e me n ’ s L an d C r e a me r y, H o b a r t These lists are all about Stay: Club Wyndh am Sev en Mi l e B e ach spending quality time Van Diemen’s Land Creamery was created by with family, loved ones a Tasmanian dairy farming family, using fresh milk from their farm. Today, this waterfront and creating ways oF ice-creamery at Constitution Dock in Hobart connecTing. offers all the classic favourites plus some creative and uniquely Tasmanian flavours like Whiskey, Tasmanian Peanut Butter, Lavender, plus Pepperberry and Leatherwood Honey. Pidapipó, Melbourne Stay: Club Wyndh am Melbo ur n e If you take your gelato seriously, and you like the idea of flowing Nutella fountains, head to Pidapipó. The owner has attended a gelato university (yes, it is really a thing). Having also worked at an array of Italia’s finest gelatarias, her passion and expertise can be tasted with every mouthful. There are three locations in Melbourne, on Lygon Street, Chapel Street and another, just one block from Club Wyndham Melbourne on Degraves St, in the CBD. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 11
f ish the best & chips O n e o f l i fe’ s s i mp l es t p l ea s u res i s t h row i n g d own a p i c n i c b l a n ket i n a p a rk t o u nw ra p a p i p i n g h o t s erve o f fr es h c o o ked f i s h a n d ch i p s . J u s t t a k i n g i n t h e d el i c i o u s a r o m a s h a s t h e p ower t o t r a n s p o r t u s b a ck t o h a l c y o n day s , o f i d y l l i c fa m i ly h o l i d ay s s pe n t a t t h e b ea ch . Yo u r S ou t h Pa c i f i c c l u b res o r t s a r e po s i t i o n ed n ea r s o m e o f t h e f in es t f i s h a n d ch i p p eri es o n the pla n et . H ere’ s j u s t a few o f our favo u ri t es . Life doesn,t need to be full of big moments, just Real ones. Fish Mongers, Manly Stay: Club Wyndh am Sy d n e y Why not make a day of your fish and chip adventure? From Club Wyndham Sydney head to Circular Quay, catch the ferry to Manly to Fish Mongers for some of the finest fish and chips going. Enjoy a stroll along Manly Beach, then catch the ferry back to the city to your base at Club Wyndham Sydney. 12 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
C h a r i s Se a fo o d s , Labrador Stay: Club Wyndh am Sur fers Parad i se Club Wyndh am Cro wn To wers A favourite among the locals on the Gold Coast, at Charis you can pick up some fish and chips, crumbed calamari, or a bag of freshly caught prawns from the huge array of fresh seafood on offer. Throw down a blanket or grab a table and sit down to eat in the park adjacent. It is a favourite with the seagulls too, so guard your chips. If you are holidaying with kids, try to time your trip to see the Pelican feeding, which happens every day at 1.30pm. Take swimmers and floaties for the gentle ocean pool out front. There is also a wonderful playground in the park. Aus s i e B o b ’ s , Sh o a l B ay Stay: Club Wyndh am Sh o al B ay A classic ‘old school’ fish and chip shop, Aussie Bob’s may not have a fancy shopfront, but it has earned a reputation for serving up some of the best fish and chips in town. The chefs have over 50 years of experience between them, and they like to spice up their menu with weekly and holiday specials, such as fresh prawns and oysters. A one-minute walk from Club Wyndham Shoal Bay, be sure to grab yourself the perfect parcel of tasty treats to enjoy on the pretty Shoal Bay foreshore. Sandb a r, Ca l ou ndra S t a y: Club W yn dha m Golden Bea ch Sandbar is the perfect place to get your fish and chips fix when holidaying at Golden Beach. Be sure to try out the fisherman’s basket for one, which comes complete with chips, a whiting bite, fish croquettes, and cod. Dine in, overlooking Bulcock Beach, where a great list of wines, beers and cocktails make the perfect accompaniment to your meal with a view. Or, take away and enjoy a picnic in the parklands opposite, or on the beach itself. I sI s u 2022| |CLUB s ue e66| |2022 CLUBWYNDHAM WYNDHAM 13
outlooks the best W he t h er y o u ’ ve ea r n ed i t w i th a d ay lo ng hike, o r simp ly p ulled u p i n t h e c a r, t h ere’ s n o t h i ng like a lo f ty o utlo o k to lif t y o ur s pir it s . Yo u r c l u b res o r t s a re p o sitio ned c lo se to so m e o f the best v ie ws in t h e w o rl d . H ere we’ ve l i sted a d iver se r ange o f r ewar d ing s ce nic g ra n d eu r, t h a t w i l l s h i f t y o ur p er sp ec tive, insp ir e and e xcit e y o u . Sp r i n g b r o o k Na t i o n a l Pa r k, Go l d C o a s t Hinterland Stay: Club Wyndh am Kir ra B each Club Wyndh am Sur fers Paradise Cool ancient rainforest and spectacular waterfalls await at World Heritage-listed Springbrook National Park, which is under one hour’s drive from your club resorts on the Gold Coast. The Purlingbrook Falls circuit walk takes you down into a lush rainforest gorge and suspension bridge to view the falls from below. Allow two hours to complete this walk, as there are 265 steps. Two other spectacular Springbrook lookouts can be accessed without the hike. The 'Best of All' look out is a five-minute easy, paved walk, and is home to a grove of ancient Antarctic Beech trees, estimated to be around 2,000 years old. On a clear day, you can see all the way to Byron Bay. 'The Canyon' lookout can be accessed straight from the car park and delivers awe inspiring vistas of the entire Gold Coast. 14 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Hea r t R eef , Forest Sky Pier, Whitsun da y s Coffs Coast S t a y : C l u b W y n d h a m Air lie Bea ch Whitsundays Hinterland Stay: Club Wyndham Cof fs Harbour You will need to take to the skies for A 20-minute drive from your Coffs this view. Heart Reef, in the Great Harbour club resorts will take you Barrier Reef, Whitsundays, is a to the spectacular Forest Sky Pier! stunning formation of coral that has Suspended 310 metres above Coffs naturally formed into the shape of a Harbour, it projects above the heart. Many tour companies offer a rainforest and offers expansive views scenic flight over Heart Reef along encompassing Coffs Harbour and the with other gorgeous highlights of the marina, Solitary Islands Marine Park, Whitsundays, including Whitehaven surrounding mountain ranges and the Beach and Hill Inlet. The skies above coastline far away. On a clear day you Heart Reef have set the scene for many can see 100 kilometres to the south. proposals of love over the years. If you Adjacent to the Forest Sky Pier, a fully- plan on making a sweeping romantic accessible picnic shelter is the ideal spot gesture, be sure to let your pilot know to enjoy lunch or a cuppa with a view. your plans. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 15
theRe,s nothing like a loFty outlook to lift your spirits and shiFt your perspective R oy s Pea k , Fl a g s t a f f H i l l , Po r t D o ug l a s Wa na k a Stay: Club Wyndh am Po r t D o ug las St a y: Club Wyn dha m Wa n a k a When in Port Douglas, an unmissable outlook is Flagstaff Hill. It Roy’s Peak in Wānaka is without is located at the top of Island Point Road and serves up spectacular a doubt one of New Zealand’s 360-degree views of the Coral Sea and Low Isles, all the way to Snapper best outlooks, affording incredible Island and the Daintree Rainforest. The lookout is a short drive from the views over beautiful, blue Lake main shopping strip of Port Douglas, Macrossan Street, and has ample Wānaka and the snowy, white parking, making it highly accessible. mountain caps of Aspiring National Park. It is a strenuous full-day walk, which requires a good fitness level and takes most people around 6 to 7 hours to finish. You can be sure this makes it all the more rewarding when you reach the awe-inpsiring 1,578m summit! 16 CLUB WYNDHAM || I s s u e 6 | 2022 CLUBWYNDHAM
the best family Fun expeRiences I f you are gathered with loved ones and want to make some unforgettable lifelong memories, your club destinations feature wonder ful attractions that all the family will enjoy. F rom theme park s to snow park s and animal encounters, we’ve rounded up some of the region’s most memorable and fun family experiences. Gol d Coa s t T he m e Pa rk s St a y: Club Wyn dha m Kir r a Bea ch Clu b Wyn dha m Sur fer s Pa r a dis e Clu b Wyn dha m Cr own Tower s The Gold Coast is home to the southern hemisphere's biggest collection of over 95 thrill rides, slides, show and animal experiences. Choose from Dreamworld, Wet'N'Wild, Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World and more! Can’t choose? Get a multi park pass! From cute and cuddly animal encounters to spine tingling thrill rides, there really is something for everyone. Little children will love Sea World’s interactive touch tanks and The Wiggles at Dreamworld, while there are plenty of small gentle rides at both these parks to keep your tiny tot happy. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 17
Go on a Snow H ol i day wit h the Fa mi ly ! S t ay : C l u b W y n d h a m Res or t Din n er Pla i n , Mt H ot h a m , A u str a lia C l ub W y n d h a m Wa n a ka , New Zea la n d With more snow than Switzerland, Australia offers wonderful skiing terrain, but uniquely, you can ski among the snow gum trees, while spotting kangaroos and wombats! Mt Hotham offers terrain as challenging as the US or Europe, but caters just as equally for children and absolute beginners. Whether it is your first-time seeing snow or you are seasoned on the slopes, you can be sure taking a snow trip with loved ones will stay in the memory banks for a lifetime. The mountains in Wānaka, New Zealand, are home to four ski resorts, each with incredibly diverse terrain. Cardrona Alpine Resort and Treble Cone Ski Area are easily accessed (carrying chains is required) and you will find ski and snowboard runs for the whole family. Snow Farm is New Zealand’s only cross-country facility with dogsledding, snowshoeing, tubing and more. You may need to arrange transport to this area in heavy snow. Finally, Soho Basin by Amisfield delivers a once-in-a-lifetime catskiing experience with a luxurious paired-wine lunch. HHOLIDAYS olidays are are an an opportunity bask opportunity toto bask ininThe LiTTle tthinGs TheLiTTle hinGs ThaT ThaT we we missedininthethepast missed pastTwo years Two years 18 CLUB WYNDHAM || I s s u e 6 | 2022 CLUBWYNDHAM
H a r t l e y ’ s C r o c o di le Ad ve n t ur e s , Po r t D o ug l a s Stay: Club Wyndh am Po r t D ou g l as Club Wyndh am Cair ns For an unforgettable day spent immersed in Australia’s unique animal kingdom, Hartley’s Crocodile Adventures will stay in the memory banks for a lifetime. Located just 25 minutes south of Port Douglas and 40 minutes from Cairns, in this unique park you can take a boat ride down Hartley’s Lagoon to see giant saltwater crocs leap high out of the water to gulp down meat fed from a pole. You can also meet other local wildlife, such as lizards, cassowaries, snakes and different kinds of amphibians! Hartley’s is accredited by Ecotourism Australia and the Zoological Association of Australasia. To take your experience to the next level, book in for a premium animal encounter. Ta ke a Q ua d b i ke To ur o f t h e St o ckt o n Sa n d D un e s Stay: Club Wyndh am Po r t Steph ens | Club Wyndh am Sh o al B ay When holidaying at Port Stephens or Shoal Bay take the family on the ultimate adventure of a quad bike tour of Stockton Sand Dunes and learn about the region’s rich indigenous heritage. Sand Dune Adventures offers visitors an immersive 'Cultural Quad Bike Riding' experience like no other. You will traverse the majestic and traditional landscape of the Worimi Sand Dunes – the largest coastal moving sand mass in the Southern Hemisphere. Kids as young as eight years old can ride their own quad bike, making it a thrilling experience for the whole family. I sI s u 2022| |CLUB s ue e66| |2022 CLUBWYNDHAM WYNDHAM 19
EXCLUSIVE TRAVEL CLUB DEALS THESE UNFORGETTABLE HOLIDAYS ARE AVAILABLE TO BOOK BY 31 JULY 2022, UNLESS SOLD OUT PRIOR. INTERNATIONAL EUROPE RIVER COUNTRY ROADS OF CRUISE SWITZERLAND 15 Days Amsterdam to Budapest 14 Day Premium Tour From AU $ 5,495* per person twin share From AU $ 6,625* per person twin share ROCKIES AND NYC, NIAGARA & GLACIERS OF WASHINGTON D.C ALBERTA 8 Day Guided Tour 8 DAY PREMIUM TOUR From AU $ 4,720* per person twin share From AU $ 1,995* per person twin share MAJESTIC JAPAN VIETNAM & CAMBODIA LUXURY GOLD RIVER CRUISE 11 Day Tour in Style 8 Day Mekong Cruise From AU $ 11,699* per person twin share From AU $ 1,895* per person twin share * Terms & Conditions: Offers subject to availability at time of booking. Featured rates are valid for sale until 31 July 2022, unless sold out prior. Standard Travel Club Terms and Conditions apply (view at Rates are per person, twin share in Australian Dollars. Please enquire for rates based on your specific requirements. EUROPE RIVER CRUISE: Featured price is based on a cruise sailing MAJESTIC JAPAN LUXURY GOLD: Featured rate is based on tour NYC, NIAGARA & WASHINGTON D.C: Featured price is based on from Amsterdam on 10 November 2023, and travelling in a Category departing Tokyo on 7 May 2023. Savings are based on the published tour departing Washington on 8 July 2023 E stateroom. brochure price for this tour. VIETNAM & CAMBODIA RIVER CRUISE: Featured rate is based ROCKIES AND GLACIERS OF ALBERTA (Insight): Featured price COUNTRY ROADS OF SWITZERLAND: Featured price is based on tour departing Ho Chi Minh City on 22 August 2023. is based on 7 May 2023 tour departure. Savings are based on the on 9 April 2023 tour departure. Savings are based on the published published brochure price for this tour. brochure price for this tour. 20 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Call (AU) 1300 850 160 (OPTION 2) (NZ) 0800 850 160 | (FJ) 008 003 263 or email AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND GHAN EXPEDITION INDIAN PACIFIC EXCLUSIVE EXCLUSIVE 4 Day Rail Holiday 3 Day Rail Holiday From AU $ 4,199* per person twin share From AU $ 3,350* per person twin share KIMBERLEY NEW YEAR NEW EXPEDITION CRUISE ZEALAND CRUISE 10 Day Small Ship Cruise 14 Day Cruise from Brisbane From AU $ 11,755* per person twin share From AU $ 3,219* per person twin share SOUTHERN DRIFT NEW ZEALAND LUXURY GOLD RAIL ADVENTURE 12 Day Luxury Tour 15 DAY TOUR From AU $ 9,385* per person twin share From AU $ 5,679* per person twin share * Terms & Conditions: Offers subject to availability at time of booking. Featured rates are valid for sale until 31 July 2022, unless sold out prior. Standard Travel Club Terms and Conditions apply (view at Rates are per person, twin share in Australian Dollars. Please enquire for rates based on your specific requirements. GHAN EXPEDITION EXCLUSIVE: Featured rate is valid for SOUTHERN DRIFT LUXURY GOLD: Featured rate is based on NEW YEAR ZEALAND CRUISE: Cruise departs Brisbane on departure from Darwin on 23 September 2023 travelling in a gold 13 March 2023 departure. 28 December 2023. Featured rate is based on an inside twin cabin. (category IF) stateroom and is based on a Princess Saver fare. INDIAN PACIFIC EXCLUSIVE: Featured rate is valid for departure KIMBERLEY EXPEDITION CRUISE: Featured rate is based on from Sydney on 25 October 2023 travelling in a gold twin cabin. NEW ZEALAND RAIL ADVENTURE: Featured rate is based on Standard Suite Forward from Broome to Darwin on 12 September 9 April 2023 departure. Rate is based on a capacity-controlled sale 2022. fare that can be withdrawn at any time without notice. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 21
Updates News & Deck added at Beaches Restaurant & Bar Updates B eaches Restaurant & Bar at Club Wyndham Seven Mile Beach now has a new deck, thanks to the resort’s maintenance team! the area so it can be utilised during the winter months. The deck can be used by diners at Beaches Restaurant What's & Bar and can seat up to 50 The deck and an open fire pit people during Live Music were constructed over a period on Sundays, where local of three months, while a large talent creates a chilled-out grass area was also cleared for happening environment for owners and bean bag seating. The resort guests. also installed some heaters in in your Club The start of the project New Inventory added to Club Wyndham South Pacific The finished deck T wenty-one new apartments and villas at four different Australian resorts have been Club Wyndham Flynns Beach • 3 x 2-bedroom Grand Garden villas • 5 x 3-bedroom Grand Garden villas added to Club Wyndham South Pacific during the first half of Club Wyndham Airlie Beach this year. This new inventory is • 3 x 2-bedroom Deluxe apartments reflected in the totals shown in • 2 x 2-bedroom Deluxe apartments this magazine on pages 28 and 29. • 1 x 2-bedroom Grand apartment The new apartments and villas are: Club Wyndham Phillip Island • 2 x 3-bedroom Deluxe villas Open fire pit Club Wyndham Coffs Harbour • 1 x 2-bedroom Deluxe villa • 1 x 3-bedroom Deluxe • 2 x 3-bedroom Grand villas apartment Club Wyndham Phillip Island 3-bedroom Deluxe villa Live music on Sunday 22 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
I’m Philip Blain, the General Manager of Club Wyndham Ballarat. I joined the resort in October last year, and If you would like to explore the local region, have enjoyed meeting and accommodating I grew up in Victoria’s Western Districts and fellow club owners. A Club Wyndham South know the region very well, so please don't Pacific owner myself, managing the unique hesitate to ask me for recommendations. and historic Club Wyndham Ballarat is proving to be very rewarding. Within the town of Ballarat are many historical sightseeing opportunities. Visit The resort is a heritage-listed mansion, Sovereign Hill, where you can experience built in 1878 and seamlessly integrates an the excitement of Australia’s great old-world design with modern amenities 1850s gold rush. Walk through history at to ensure you enjoy a wonderful holiday The Art Gallery of Ballarat, Australia’s experience. oldest regional gallery with a remarkably comprehensive collection of works from Our team has continuously improved and colonial to contemporary periods. maintained the onsite facilities, such as the tennis courts, indoor heated pool and spa, If you want to have quality time with the and games room. The chapel is now open family, I recommend Lake Wendouree, a again, so I recommend you visit and immerse perfect place for picnics and strolls. For in its rich history. The chapel was built in 1913 nature and animal lovers, check out Ballarat and features beautiful stained-glass windows Wildlife Park, where you can get up close and stonework. and personal with native Australian wildlife and other unique species. There is a wide array of free activities to enjoy at the resort. We have a gold sluice for I am proud of our amazing team for making onsite gold panning. Mountain bikes, e-bikes, the resort a comfortable and memorable canoes, pedal boats, standup paddleboards, place for your holiday. and fishing rods are also available for free use. We cannot wait to welcome you again. I hope to see you soon! Log in to Club Wyndham TV via your owner website or to watch Resort Manager Spotlights on each of your Club resorts! I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 23
Free Activities We often find joy in the little things. These may be going on a bike ride with your family, seeing your kids play in the pool or watching the sunset with your partner. Here at Club Wyndham South Pacific, we believe that appreciating little things in life brings us joy. Your club resorts are where those cherished moments can happen. Now you can create memorable experiences with over 100 FREE activities to choose from across your Club Wyndham South Pacific resorts! Here is just a sample of what's on offer! Share your holiday photos! Tag us at #WynHolidays for the chance to be featured in the magazine or on our social channels. *See page 36 for terms of use of your images. 24 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Fancy a game of tennis with the family? Cruise the resort grounds in style at Club Wyndham Torquay and Club Club Wyndham Phillip Island, with Wyndham Golden Beach have tennis pedal karts suitable for the whole courts for your enjoyment. A basketball family. The resort has converted court is also available at Club Wyndham a walking trail into a mini Dinner Plain and Club Wyndham Grand Prix track as a nod to Dunsborough. Phillip Island’s own world- famous circuit. Club Wyndham Seven Mile Beach has an engaging activity to learn more about sustainability. Every Wednesday, owners can join an eco-tour with Ra, the resort’s Maintenance Manager, where he shares his extensive expertise on flora and fauna found within the resort. Kids of all ages have a much bigger playground with exciting activities on offer. The games room at Club Wyndham Coffs Harbour is equipped with video game consoles, game machines and board Mountain bikes and e-bikes for exploring games. Kids’ scooters are also available the great outdoors are available at Club at Club Wyndham Dunsborough. Over Wyndham Flynns Beach, Club Wyndham in Fiji, the Raluve Kids Club at Club Ballarat and Club Wyndham Port Douglas. Wyndham Denarau Island features a recently upgraded playground. Ride the waves with surfboards available at Wyndham Surfers Paradise and Club Wyndham Kirra Beach. Kayaks and stand up paddle boards can also be used for free at Club Wyndham Denarau Island, Club Wyndham Shoal Bay and Club Wyndham Golden Beach. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 25
Your Club Is Now On Instagram… Not on holidays right now? You can still live vicariously through others’ holidays on the Club Wyndham South Pacific Instagram page! Scroll through the latest pictures from fellow owners on holiday, images and information about your Club Wyndham South Pacific resorts and the latest content from Club Wyndham TV. In true Instagram style, it’s a light look at club life and all it has to offer! • Be inspired with travel ideas • Check out destinations you haven’t visited • Admire your resorts through the eyes of others @ouradven • Keep up-to-date with the new videos from Club Wyndham TV terousdays 0x @kassx Share your holiday photos! Tag us at #WynHolidays for the chance to be featured in the magazine or on our social channels. *See page 36 for terms of use of your images. 26 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Changes for the Better. Kinder to the Appelles Apothecary & Lab Environment. products feature in the Grand and INTRODUCING Presidential Apartments From a digital in-room experience to the introduction of sleek bulk Your New dispenser-amenities, you may have noticed that a sustainable lens Eco-Friendly Range is being placed across every touchpoint of a club resort stay. 3 Sustainable bamboo key cards 3 No balloons used for celebrations have replaced plastic entry swipes across the resort portfolio of Bathroom 3 A digital in-room experience, has 3 Bio packaging and eco straws are used at all food and beverage outlets Amenities eliminated the majority of plastic and paper collateral 3 Furniture recycling program We know you will love your new range of club resort in place with every resort bathroom products, which are as good for the 3 Bulk bathroom pump dispensers refurbishment planet as they are for your skin! instead of offering have replaced small single-use small, single-use plastic bathroom amenities, bottles 3 Energy efficient lighting and water resorts across Australia and New Zealand are saving initiatives switching to using ‘full-sized’ bottles that are fitted 3 Vegetable gardens and compost collection at selected resorts 3 Sustainably sourced suppliers with tamperproof pump dispensers, and will be fixed to the wall. 3 Endemic tree planting program at 3 Resort participation in litter Club Wyndham Wanaka collection days and Earth Hour This means that the small amenities are not simply thrown away after being partially used, resulting in less 3 Free-range eggs are sourcced for all 3 Star rating reviews on all appliances wastage of the amenity itself and the plastic that would club food and beverage outlets have been used to hold it. 3 Greywater system for garden Prija products have been selected for standard and irrigation at Club Wyndham deluxe apartments. Made from the highest quality Seven Mile Beach natural ingredients, they are renowned for their warm, intoxicating fragrances. The formulas are free of any animal products, GMOs, Petrolatum, BHT and Phenoxyethanol and the packaging is made from 100% recycled PET and 100% recycled paper. The Appelles range that will feature in Grand and Presidential apartments combines native botanical extracts, pure essential oils and vitamins. All packaging is environmentally friendly and recyclable. Formulations Bamboo Room Key Cards Bulk bathroom pump dispensers are all paraben free and not tested on animals. This luxury range leaves the skin feeling invigorated and fresh with a subtle and beautiful lingering fragrance. We have already had many owners express how much they are loving the Prija and Apelles products. Upon check-out, although the in-room bottles will stay in the apartment, new products can now be purchased at resort reception or at The Club Wyndham team cleans up beaches in Queensland's Whitsundays region.
Your Club Rooms Your Club Rooms AS AT by Resort and Room Category MAY 2022 REGION NAME STUDIO/ 1-BED 2-BED 3-BED 4-BED TOTAL HOTEL Club Wyndham Airlie Beach - 16 13 2 - 31 Whitsundays Club Wyndham Cairns - - 17 12 - 29 Club Wyndham Crown Towers - 10 - - - 10 - 46 14 - - 60 QUEENSLAND Club Wyndham Golden Beach Club Wyndham Kirra Beach - 14 71 13 - 98 Club Wyndham Marcoola Beach 10 1 10 3 - 24 Club Wyndham Port Douglas 16 35 37 - - 88 Club Wyndham Surfers Paradise - 50 27 - - 77 Club Wyndham Coffs Harbour - 14 40 6 - 60 Club Wyndham Coffs Harbour 3 3 9 - - 15 Terraces Club Wyndham Flynns Beach 8 20 40 22 - 90 NEW SOUTH Club Wyndham Pokolbin Hill 6 6 9 - - 21 WALES Club Wyndham Port Macquarie - - 11 - - 11 Club Wyndham Port Stephens - - 15 - - 15 Club Wyndham Shoal Bay 12 29 14 1 - 56 Club Wyndham Sydney 21 84 15 - - 120 Club Wyndham Ballarat 6 13 17 3 - 39 Club Wyndham Dinner Plain 13 5 10 13 4 45 Mt Hotham VICTORIA Club Wyndham Lakes Entrance Club Wyndham Melbourne 4 11 4 22 4 50 - 2 - - 12 85 Club Wyndham Phillip Island 15 - 64 48 - 127 Club Wyndham Torquay 27 24 15 - - 66 32 6 44 - - 82 WESTERN Club Wyndham Dunsborough AUSTRALIA Club Wyndham Perth 18 2 1 - - 21 TASMANIA Club Wyndham Seven Mile Beach - 10 35 15 1 61 FIJI Club Wyndham Denarau Island - 34 93 28 - 155 - - 8 10 - 18 NEW Club Wyndham Rotorua ZEALAND Club Wyndham Wanaka 32 16 14 5 1 68 INDONESIA Club Wyndham Dreamland Bali 18 12 9 - - 39 THAILAND Club Wyndham Sea Pearl Phuket 14 7 13 1 - 35 Club Wyndham Bali Hai - 3 10 - - 13 *HAWAII, USA Club Wyndham Ka 'Eo Kai - - 18 - - 18 Club Wyndham Kona - - 9 - - 9 GERMANY Club Wyndham Bavaria 2 1 - - - 3 ITALY Club Wyndham Tuscany 1 2 - - - 3 FRANCE Club Wyndham Normandy 4 15 15 1 - 35 *NOTE: the Club does not own apartments – only “weeks” – in the above room types within the resorts in Hawaii. 28 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
CLUB WYNDHAM PHILLIP ISLAND CLUB WYNDHAM COFFS HARBOUR CLUB WYNDHAM AIRLIE BEACH WHITSUNDAYS CLUB WYNDHAM FLYNNS BEACH Club Wyndham South Pacific’s The arrangement enables This inventory is displayed inventory in Japan is structured Club Wyndham South separately as Japanese in a different way. Club Wyndham Pacific owners to utilise apartments do not South Pacific owns points in the a broader range of traditionally conform to Sundance Resort Club. Through room types (subject to one, two or three-bedroom the club’s ownership of points availability) for a lower formats, but are large Grand within Sundance Resort Club, financial commitment rooms with multiple beds. owners can access all Sundance’s to the club than if the Some apartments offer 16 resorts and apartments in inventory was purchased raised Western-style Totals Japan. These resorts are also directly. Bookings at some bedding, while others offer utilised by Club Wyndham Asia resorts need to be made futon-style bedding that is members and, of course, through Owner Services. customary in Japan. Sundance Resort Club owners. ROOM NUMBER JAPAN 2 3 4 5 SLEEPS 6 7 8 10 TOTAL CATEGORY (EXCLUDING OF ROOMS Club Wyndham Sundance JAPAN) - - 2 - - 12 - - 14 Resort Naeba STUDIO/HOTEL 273 Club Wyndham Sundance - 4 1 12 - - - - 17 Resort Atami 1-BEDROOM 504 Club Wyndham Sundance 1 3 - 6 - - - 1 11 Resort Izu-Kogen 2-BEDROOM 771 Club Wyndham Sundance - 1 4 5 - - - - 10 3-BEDROOM 185 Resort Izu-Kogen Annex Club Wyndham Sundance 3 2 1 8 - - - 1 15 4-BEDROOM 6 Resort Hakone-Gora Club Wyndham Sundance GRAND TOTAL 1,739 Resort Hakone-Miyagino - 2 2 4 1 - 1 - 10 Club Wyndham Sundance - - - 13 8 - - 2 23 Resort Kawaguchiko Club Wyndham Sundance - 7 - 3 - - - - 10 Resort Yamanakako 44.34% 10.64% Club Wyndham Sundance - 1 6 7 - - - - 14 Resort Tateshina 0.35% Club Wyndham Sundance 4 7 2 - 1 - - - 14 15.70% Resort Karuizawa 28.98% Club Wyndham Sundance - 1 6 - - - - - 7 Resort Kusatsu Club Wyndham Sundance - 3 5 - - - - - 8 Lake Resort Club Wyndham Sundance - 2 - 4 - 1 - - 7 Resort Nasu STUDIO/HOTEL Club Wyndham Sundance - 10 3 5 - - - - 18 1-BEDROOM Resort Onjuku 2-BEDROOM Club Wyndham Sundance - 5 - 3 - - - - 8 3-BEDROOM Resort Katsuura-East 4-BEDROOM Club Wyndham Sundance - - - 5 - - - - 5 Resort Awa-Kamogawa TOTAL 8 48 32 75 10 13 1 4 191 I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 29
SHOP N OW ! RECEIVE INSTANT DISCOUNTS AND GET CASHBACK FOR SHOPPING ON- CASHBACK OFFERS LINE AT YOUR FAVOURITE STORE Booking a holiday or need a new wardrobe? Time for a new Earn cashback every time you buy with participating computer or to fill the fridge? Lifestyle by Wyndham now retailers in-store and online. The earned cashback points features thousands of new offers to make your life easier! can be used towards further products or digital gift cards. Shop at hundreds of retailers including travel, tech, fashion, The enhanced Lifestyle Offers benefit* provides members food and more! access to discounts and cashback offers from over 4,500 brands you know and trust. These new offers are available through the Lifestyle by Wyndham Offers benefit*, which any Club Wyndham New discounts and offers cover: South Pacific owner can access for free by visiting • Gift cards Lifestyle Offers are distinct from • Online shopping offers the Lifestyle tiered benefits program, which members pay • Retail shops to access. • Local boutiques • Cafes and restaurants • Technology Log into Lifestyle by Wyndham • Travel and start saving today! • Home and lifestyle *Terms & Conditions: To receive this offer you must be a Lifestyle by Wyndham member. Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific Pty Ltd trading as Lifestyle by Wyndham assumes no liability for the contents, terms and conditions or cancellations, refunds and returns guidelines and regulations set by any third party retail supplier you may transact with when redirected from the Lifestyle by Wyndham website. Visit our FAQs to learn more about shopping discounts 30CLUB 30 CLUB WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022 WYNDHAM | I s s u e 6 | 2022
Changes to the Lifestyle Tiered Benefits Program BENEFIT ENHANCEMENT - WYNDHAM REWARDS EXCHANGE The exchange rate for Wyndham Rewards points has been lifted from 4.5 points to 5 points for Lifestyle Platinum, and from 4.5 to 5.5 points for 100 Club, per Club Wyndham South Pacific credit. This exchange rate applied to exchange transactions from 1 June 2022 forward. All other elements of the program, including vacation credit validity, housekeeping token requirements and administration fees remain the same. DOWNLOAD THE LIFESTYLE APP FOR FREE. I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 31
G i v ing Si ck Ch i l d re n a Psychological Boost This year Wishes by Wyndham has partnered with Supertee. For the second and third quarter of this year Wishes by Wyndham is partnering with Supertee. It is amazing charity to support as many people don’t realise the impact a Supertee has on the children that wear them. A Supertee is a medical garment specially designed to replace hospital gowns and give kids a psychological boost. Keep an eye out for the upcoming Wishes by Wyndham raffle and Donation Day as all proceeds will be provided to Supertee. Making Australia a Safer Place for Children In the back half of 2022 and start of 2023, Wishes by Wyndham will be partnering with the Daniel Morcombe Foundation (DMF). This charity educates children and young people about how to stay safe in physical and online environments and support young victims of crime. With your donation, DMF can educate children, schools, and families to recognise signs of harm, react safely, and report to adults who can help stop the abuse. Wishes by Wyndham Limited ABN 21 605 252 051 is a registered charity with The Australian Charities and Not-for-Profits Commission and has partnered with charities supporting children’s welfare.
YOUR ULTIMATE SOURCE OF TRAVEL INSPIRATION TV Club Wyndham South Pacific resort videos Destination showcases Itinerary ideas And much more! For exclusive content, including owner information videos and exclusive deals visit I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 33
Book Ahead & Save With Our Book Our Vacation Vacation Centre Centre 14Nights 14 Nights 25 Nights 25 Nights 7 Nights 7 Nights 10 Nights 10 Nights Colours and sounds South Pacific Greek Isles & Japan: Osaka, Nagoya, Colours and sounds South Pacific Greek Isles & Japan: Osaka, Nagoya, Busan & Beppu of New Zealand Crossing Turquoise Coast of New Zealand Crossing Turquoise Coast Busan & Beppu Round trip from Brisbane Sydney to Vancouver Istanbul to Athens Round trip from Tokyo Round trip from Brisbane Sydney to Vancouver Istanbul to Athens Round trip from Tokyo Departing in January 2024 Departing in April 2023 Departing in November 2022 Departing in November 2022 Departing Oceanviewin (OB) January 2024 Twin Share Departing in April Inside (MM) Twin2023 Share Departing Balcony (V2)in Novemver Twin Share2022 Departing Balcony (BF)in November Twin Share2022 Oceanview (OB)Princess onboard Coral Twin Share Inside (MM) onboard Twin Share Noordam Balcony onboard(V2) Twin Share Seabourn Encore Balcony onboard(BF) Twin Share Norwegian Sun onboard Coral Princess onboard Noordam onboard Seabourn Encore onboard Norwegian Sun Highlights:Fjordland National Park, Highlights: Mare, Lifou, Lautoka, Highlights: Istanbul, Myrina, Highlights: Tokyo, Nagoya, Highlights:Fjordland Dunedin, Christchurch,National Park, Wellington, Highlights: Mare, Savusavu, Pago Lifou, Pago, Lautoka,the Crossing Highlights: Cesme, Bodrum, Istanbul, Myrina, Phodes, Thira,Cesme, Highlights: Osaka, Beppu, Tokyo, cruiseNagoya, KanmonOsaka, Napier,Christchurch, Dunedin, Tauranga, Auckland Wellington, Napier, Equator, Honolulu, Savusavu, Nawiliwili, Pago Pago, Crossing the Spetsai, Piraeus Bodrum, Phodes, Thira, Spetsai, Piraeus Strait, Busan, Beppu, cruise Kanmon Strait, Busan, Tauranga, Auckland Equator, Honolulu, Nawiliwili, Lahaina Nagasaki, Kagoshima, Mount Fuji Now from Now from Now from Now from Now from + 10,000* $2,989pp Now from + 10,000* $4,909pp Now from + 10,000* $5,949pp Now from + 10,000* $3,145pp $2,989pp + 10,000* Credits $4,909pp + 10,000* Credits $5,949pp + 10,000* Credits $3,145pp + 10,000* Credits Credits Credits Credits Credits Quote DCSVCK2 Quote DCEFH62 Quote DCHWQOS Quote DCNRJ4M Quote DCSVCK2 Quote DCEFH62 Quote DCHWQOS Quote DCNRJ4M VIP PRIORITY SERVICE VIP PRIORITY SERVICE Call our VIP Priority Service on: AU 1300 723 199 or NZ 0800 699 012 Call our VIP Priority Service on:AU 1300 723 199 or NZ 0800 699 012 We have travel specialists ready to assist you with your holiday choice and booking We have travel specialists readyOr to email assistus you with your holiday choice and booking at Or email us at *Terms and conditions apply and are located at Offers are subject to availability. Prices are applicable for Lifestyle Platinum member level and redemption *Terms of up to 10,000 and conditions apply andLifestyle Qualified are located at Credit excluding any travel to/from Offersdeparture points are subject and expressed to availability. in Australian Prices exclude alldollars. Contact departure travel to/from our consultants point.for pricing Prices arefor correct at any otherofLifestyle the time tierAll printing. level. Lifestyle deals by Wyndham are based is provided on the Lifestyle by Wyndham Platinum Destinations member level Asia Pacific and redemption ACN of up 090 083 to 10,000 613 asQualified Lifestyle the Developer of All Credits. theoffers Club Wyndham are open toSouth Pacific. Lifestyle Bronze Please see for further details. All travel is facilitated through ‘Our Vacation Centre’ ABN No: 54 105 542 176, ATAS Number: A11156, A proud Members and above – ask your consultant for your tier level credit pricing. Lifestyle by Wyndham is provided by Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific ACN 090 083 613 as the member of The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA)Call our VIP Priority Service on: AU 1300 723 199 or NZ 0800 699 012 Developer of the Club Wyndham South Pacific. Please see for further details. All travel is facilitated through ‘Our Vacation Centre’ ABN No: 54 105 542 176, ATAS Number: A11156, A proud member of The Australian Federation of Travel Agents (AFTA)Call our VIP Priority Service on: AU 1300 723 199 or NZ 0800 699 012
CONNECT WITH YOUR CLUB Your Owner Information Team is delighted to continue offering live virtual group training sessions in 2022. The live sessions provide you an extraordinary way to remain associated with your club and understand how to make the most of your ownership, all from the comfort of your home. EMMA SHELDRICK RACHEL ROSE TOP OWNER INFORMATION SESSIONS TO HELP YOU LIVE YOUR BUCKET LIST: Understanding Connect with RCI Travel Exchange Your Ownership A session dedicated to RCl and A popular benefit which Need some assistance with how to make the most of your allows Lifestyle Gold, Lifestyle maximising your ownership? exchange benefit. Platinum and 100 Club This session will give you an members to travel further overview of how to best utilise Lifestyle by Wyndham – through curated travel your ownership. Dedicated Tier Sessions packages available to book Learn more ways to use your using Lifestyle Qualified Wyndham Rewards Lifestyle Qualified Credits and Credits. Travel Exchange Want to explore further with enhance your travel experiences packages are provided and Wyndham Rewards? Discover through Lifestyle by Wyndham. serviced by a third-party exciting travel opportunities For Lifestyle Bronze, Silver, holiday provider, Our Vacation with your Wyndham Rewards Gold, Platinum and 100 Club Centre, who will be co-hosting membership. Enjoy fantastic tiers, you can take advantage of the session to provide all the benefits such as earning points, dedicated sessions and learn information you need. redemption options and an more about the benefits exchange program for Lifestyle associated with each tier. Silver members and above. PLUS MANY MORE EXCITING NEW TOPICS Visit our website to check session times and book - Let us know what topic you would like by emailing us at I s s u e 6 | 2022 | CLUB WYNDHAM 35
#WYNDHAM @clubwyndhamholidayassistance AU: 1300 850 160 NZ: 0800 850 160 FJ: 00 800 32 63 HOLIDAYS @clubwyndhamsouthpacific Intl: +61 7 5512 8021 © 2022 Wyndham Destinations Asia Liability: Although Wyndham Vacation *TERMS AND CONDITIONS – • communication material Pacific Pty Ltd. All rights reserved. Issue Clubs South Pacific Ltd as responsible USER GENERATED CONTENT • miscellaneous material 6, 2022. Club Wyndham Magazine is entity of Club Wyndham South Pacific (#WynHolidays) published by Wyndham Destinations Asia makes every effort to ensure that it only When Wyndham posts your content, Pacific Pty Ltd ACN 090 083 613 for Club arranges the services of professional Wyndham Destinations Asia Pacific we will credit your social media profile Wyndham South Pacific owners. While and safe activity operators for its owners Pty Ltd does not claim any ownership username and/or handle, and where every effort is made to ensure accuracy and guests, Wyndham Vacation Clubs rights to your photos, reviews or other applicable we will link through to your of information, Wyndham Destinations South Pacific accepts no liability for Wyndham-related content. However, website and/or social media profile. Asia Pacific cannot be held responsible any loss, injury or damage that a guest by replying #WynHolidays you hereby grant to us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, By replying #WynHolidays, you’re for changes that may occur after or owner may sustain from whatever consenting to these terms and conditions, press date or for incorrect information cause, including activity operator’s worldwide, revocable, non-transferable, perpetual license to use, modify, delete and confirming that you are over the age provided. Reproduction of any part of own negligence. Owners and guests of 18. You are also acknowledging that you this publication without written consent participate in any activity/tour at their from, add to, publicly display and/ or reproduce your content on any are granting a license to Wyndham over is prohibited. All prices in Club Wyndham own risk and release, and discharge your intellectual property rights in your Magazine are in Australian dollars unless and indemnify Wyndham Destinations marketing or advertising platform that is directly or indirectly controlled by, or is photos and/or content and Wyndham otherwise stated. Asia Pacific Pty Ltd and its subsidiaries is permitted to use all content without and all other associated entities and under common control with, Wyndham CONTACT DETAILS Destinations Asia Pacific or any licensor, infringing upon those rights (including third personnel from and against all liability party property rights) or any third party. Send your mail, photos and feedback in relation to any loss or injury that advertising agency, contractor or other to: or PO they may sustain, whether caused designee (all collectively referred to in Decide you don’t want us to continue Box 7493, Gold Coast MC, QLD 9726, by an activity operator’s negligence this consent as “Wyndham”). using your content for promotional Australia Club Wyndham South Pacific or otherwise. Please note that any purposes? Please contact us via Marketing and advertising platforms Tel: AU 1300 850 160, packages advertised in conjunction with include, but are not limited to: and let us NZ 0800 850 160, FJ 008 003 263, a stay at Club Wyndham South Pacific know that you no longer want us to use international +61 7 5512 8021 resorts (Club Wyndham Packages) will • social media channels including your content. be subject to the normal Club Guidelines Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Email: Twitter etc Your privacy is important to us. For full and Regulations covering issues such as • email communications details on how we will collect, disclose booking requirements, season, size of the • websites or use any personal information, please apartment chosen, days of the week you For contact details of our respective • blog posts see our Privacy Notice at https:// holiday and length of stay. departments, refer to the back cover • banners of your Resort Directory or online at • print material • sales material
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