Club Management Guide - CHAMPION CLUBS City of Cockburn
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CHAMPION CLUBS Club Management Guide City of Cockburn Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Welcome Champion Club Overview Club Management Guide Champion Clubs is a Club Development initiative Welcome to the inaugural Champion Club’s funded by the Department of Sport and Recreation, Management Guide. This guide is just one of in partnership with the City’s of Cockburn, Melville the resources created by the City of Cockburn to and Fremantle. assist our sporting clubs and their hard working The Club Development program is about volunteers. Each club has its own story to tell, empowering clubs to become flourishing and self- but there are many characteristics that are shared sustainable entities. The program aims to assist amongst all sports clubs, regardless of the sport clubs to create healthy, welcoming and inclusive played. Healthy, successful clubs are generally sporting environments to increase participation those that are proactive, organised, communicate by gaining and re-engaging members. The health and promote regularly, have structured policies benefits of participating in sports clubs have and procedures that cover all topics from sun been well documented. As such the program not protection to conflict management and importantly only aims to empower clubs, but in turn hopes they value and reward their members. These to improve the health of those in the community clubs are not always the clubs with the teams that through the social and physical benefits of belonging win championships, but they do almost always to a sports club. have a positive and welcoming feel. This guide aims to address club management challenges relevant to all sporting clubs, draw on best practices that clubs have implemented and found to be successful and provide innovative ideas and advice for your club. For more information on any of the topics presented please contact your Club Development Officer, 9411 3676 or email The Champion Club Program has been developed around the following Champion Club attributes: C - Communication H - Healthy Clubs A - Administration M - Marketing P - Planning I - Inclusion O - Opportunities N - Network of Support CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 1 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Contents Welcome 1 Communication 2 Healthy Clubs 4 Administration 6 Marketing 8 Planning 10 Inclusion 12 Opportunities 14 Network of Support 16 Club Resource Guide 18 City of Cockburn Opportunities 22 External Sponsorship Opportunities 24 Cockburn Population Forecast 28 Know Your Recreation Team 29 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Communication Communicate to Members - and then communicate again! You may have been involved in sport for many Clubs Online - Department of Sport and Recreation Clubs Online is a new place for clubs in Creative Communication Social media is all the rage, and is more than just a place to re- years, but don’t assume that everyone has. Western Australia to interact, share ideas and connect with friends. More and New members, and even old may not actually find help for anything club related. Located more businesses are joining the understand much about your club. Recent on the Department of Sport and Recreation’s social networking revolution to research has highlighted many misunderstandings website under the Clubs advertise, increase awareness about sports clubs. For example, it’s common for Online link, this custom made website for and communicate with their Making the Most of Committee Meetings members to think club committees are paid to run clubs offers the following useful resources: members. If your committee meetings run overtime, are sports clubs (you may scoff, but it’s true)! dominated by a few people and resolve little – then Find a Club - list your club’s details Facebook - with more than 500 million take action. Meetings should be a key vehicle for Communicate thoroughly and openly on club Club events calendar members (8 million of which are running the club, but all too often they waste time news, operations (e.g. Wet Weather Plans, Code of Volunteer exchange - linking volunteers Australian) there are so many reasons why and achieve little. Conducts etc.) and contentious issues (e.g. where with clubs your sports club should have an active Facebook. member fees go, discipline). This will ensure there Club resources and templates A Facebook page is a great opportunity to create The ‘essentials’ for effective meetings: are no misunderstandings. It’s easy to criticise Blogs on club issues conversation around your club, promote events, 1. Planning is a must-do; make sure you have a when you don’t know. For example it is common Forum discussions update fans with news and run competitions. clear agenda that is preset and adhered to. for members to complain that fees are ‘too high’, or Case studies and latest news Remember, once you get to 25 ‘Likes’ claim your ‘a rip off’. Give members and prospective members Clubs Online also offers your club the username, i.e. for all of 2. The meeting should begin and end on time. a breakdown of fees so they know where the costs opportunity to create its very own website your promotion. 3. Minutes must be recorded. Keep it simple and are coming from. A simple act such as this can that is free of charge and simple to use. Twitter - Create an account and make concise; a who, what, when, where and how increase member’s confidence in your club. Local Government Club Development Officers sure you use a simple username, one structure will ensure the important details are Plan - Ask yourself, what do our members need to and State Sporting Association Development that will be easy to promote, i.e. twitter. recorded, whilst minimising the ‘waffle’. know and how will we tell them? The plan doesn’t Officers will be using Clubs Online to upload com/yourclub. Follow all of your supporters, your 4. The Chairperson is there to facilitate rather than have to be complicated, jot it down on a piece of resources, contribute to forum discussions sponsors and locals in general; eventually your dominate. They should leave the meeting as paper. and create blogs. numbers will grow. Start ‘tweeting’ all club news soon as possible after it is closed and if there including who’s playing on the weekend, details Target your members - Stay committed to your is a break, should remove themselves from on an event, links to website pages and your communication plan and create methods of discussion so it remains unofficial. Facebook page. communication that are creative and that will 5. Keep meetings short and simple (no more reach your targeted demographic. Email Newsletter - An email newsletter can be than an hour). This will encourage people to one of the cheapest and most effective forms come back and stay interested. Less people will Ongoing - The truth is you can probably never communicate enough. Be consistent. If you have a Club Best Practice of communication. Your email newsletter can attend if it is too much of a time commitment. keep players, friends and families, members and newsletter; make sure you continue to produce it, Lakes Junior Football Club has worked if you have a Facebook page; continually update it. supporters, and even past players updated as hard to implement and continually to the clubs activities. This will provide valuable There is no point using communication mediums produce a monthly newsletter for their that become obsolete or that members aren’t aware promotion for membership, events and more. Once members. Karen Satterthwaite, Club your email database increases, you may be able to of. Be committed to informing your members and Secretary said “the newsletter aims your club will be better for it. sell it as another sponsorship property. to keep our members in touch, both players and parents; it keeps them up to YouTube - Create your own YouTube date with events and people in regards channel and start uploading videos to our district. It also provides them with including match highlights, player important information and Committee interviews and more. By uploading club videos contact details.” you give supporters the opportunity to be engaging with your club when they’re at work, at home or The club distributes the newsletter as browsing on their mobile phone. well as pinning it on the club notice board which is displayed outside of the club rooms so everyone has the opportunity to see it. 2 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 3 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Healthy Clubs Liquor Licencing-Rights and Responsibilities Play by the Rules Alcohol has become a large part of sports The Play by the Rules website is an culture, but it is also an area that needs to be excellent resource for clubs, providing well managed. There are a number of legal information on how to achieve a safe, requirements to having alcohol in your club, ethical and fair sporting environment. including having a liquor licence. The Department The website uses interactive scenarios of Racing, Gaming and Liquor (DRGL) has three Healthy Club Checklist types of licences that may be eligible to clubs: to help clubs discover effective and fair practices when dealing with a number of Club (Full) Licences - This type of licence allows ‘difficult’ issues clubs can be faced with. Use this checklist as a guide to assessing your Sports Safety club’s current practices across a range of health liquor to be supplied to a member, or guest in the We conduct regular safety inspections of The website gives an overview of issues. This checklist can also help with your company of a member, for consumption on and off playing areas and equipment. discrimination and child protection laws club’s regular policy review. the premises. For example a Yacht or Bowling Club. Warm up, stretching and cool down sessions across Australia and illustrates your club’s Smoking are conducted at all training and competition Club Restricted Licence - These differ in that a rights and responsibilities under these laws. Smoking is not allowed in any indoor areas of sessions. club restricted licence does not permit the sale of For more information or to access the club. Water is provided in individual bottles for packaged liquor, and the licensee only has access their free online training visit All functions held at our club are smoke free. participants. to the premises during certain hours of the day. We have designated some areas outdoors as Members, coaches, officials and players are Furthermore the City of Cockburn requires clubs smoke free. given the opportunity to complete seminars, with those type of licence to have a Full Lease No cigarettes are sold on our premises. workshops or SMA accredited courses in sports Agreement on their facility. Appropriate no smoking signage is displayed in injury prevention and treatment. Occasional Licences - This type of licence is our club. The use of protective equipment is promoted applicable for ‘occasional’ events where alcohol is and encouraged for all age groups and to be sold or is included in ticket prices. Alcohol & Other Drugs mandatory for certain age groups. Low strength and non-alcoholic beverages are at Did you Know? a cheaper price than full strength drinks. Healthy Eating Recently the DRLG have stipulated that ‘Small Water is readily available. Healthy food alternatives are available to our Occasional Functions’ are exempt from requiring No alcohol is served to patrons under the age of members and spectators. a liquor licence provided the serving of liquor 18 years or to intoxicated patrons. Healthy food choices are cheaper than less is ancillary to the purpose of the function and: No alcohol is used for prizes/awards. healthy foods. Use of illicit & performance-enhancing drugs are Safe food handling and preparation procedures The total number of attendees does not exceed not tolerated. are followed. 100 and the service of liquor is limited to The use and administration of medications is 2 hours; or The Healthy Club Checklist was provided by monitored and controlled. Sports Medicine Australia. For more Healthy Club The total number of attendees does not exceed information please visit 75 and the service of liquor is limited to 4 hours. Sun Protection We have increased the amount of permanent The function must commence after 6am and and portable shade at our club. finish by 10pm on the same day. We have rescheduled as many of our events as Visit for more information. possible to avoid the peak UV period of Please be aware that all licence applications 10am to 3pm. are subject to council approval so please We provide/sell or make available sunscreen to contact your Recreation Development members and participants. Officer before applying for any type of We have introduced wide brimmed hats as an licence or prior to the sale of any liquor additional choice for members and participants. on the sporting premises. 4 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 5 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Administration Child Safe Environments All sporting clubs are subject to the Children’s Setting the Standards Having policies and procedures regarding behaviour including actions that your club will Protection Act (1993). The Working with Children allow and prohibit is important to ensure a high (WWC) Check aims to increase the safety of children in our community by helping to prevent level of behaviour standards within your club Club Best Practice environment. Furthermore having set ground rules people who have a criminal history that indicates can be useful as they give the team leader a point Cockburn Netball Club has worked that they might harm children, from working of reference when evaluating and dealing hard to create in-depth guides featuring Risk Management with them. The WWC Check is administered by the Working with Children Screening Unit of the with conflict. things such as Codes of Conduct, Checklist Department of Child Protection. Your club should have a Code of Conduct for administrators, coaches, officials, players and Working With Children guidelines and Complaints Procedures. This guide is The WWC Legislation applies to many people who parents. They outline the agreed standard of issued to committee members, coaches What is risk management? A risk management work with children including; self employed, paid behaviour for everyone. Check with your national and other officials within the club and document is a document prepared to assess employees and volunteers or unpaid people. There and/or state sporting body first. If they don’t have is also available on their club website possible risks and create response plans to mitigate are a number of people who do not require a WWC codes for you to adopt, establish your own. along with their Club Constitution. these risks, it does not have to be complex. Check because they are exempt. The following are The following checklist is paramount for an While having a Code of Conduct is great, it will Furthermore the club ensures a the most common exemptions: become almost useless if it sits on the shelf ‘Code of Conduct’ is sent to all players effective risk management plan, which is needed Volunteers and students on unpaid placement, gathering dust. You can’t enforce rules that and parents with their registration letter to ensure a safe sporting environment for your under 18 years of age. people don’t know exist. So get it out there! at the start of the season. members. Employers of children and people who work Attach the relevant Code of Conduct to 1. Appoint a risk manager to be responsible for alongside children as fellow employees unless membership/registration forms and require all aspects of the risk management process. otherwise doing child related work. members to sign the code as part of the 2. Identify ‘key’ people (i.e. head coach, event Parents volunteering in connection with their registration process. manager, and finance director) who will be child’s activity may be exempt (this exemption Include the Codes of Conduct on your involved in managing risk. does not apply to parents volunteering in club website. 3. Identify risks – what can happen; connection with overnight camps). Write an article in your newsletter about why and how? So once you’ve identified that a person is in child appropriate behaviour, focusing attention on 4. Analyse risks. related work, you should request the person to the Codes of Conduct. 5. Evaluate risks. show or obtain a WWC Check. Application forms Attach the Codes of Conduct to your club’s 6. Design a risk elimination and reduction plan. are available at authorised Australia Post outlets. notice board. 7. Implement the plan. For more information go to For more information please visit 8. Communicate the strategies to all appropriate levels of the club. 9. Ensure the board addresses risk management periodically as a meeting agenda item. 10. Monitor and review strategies at least annually and report to the board through the risk manager. For a comprehensive overview of risk management, including a sample risk management plan, visit 6 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 7 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Marketing Remember, a sponsorship relationship is mutually beneficial. Be creative with the sponsorship proposal and clearly state everything that you can offer them: Advertising space on signage, t-shirts, website etc. Invitation to events and/or priority seating. Finding a Sponsor Opening an event, presenting uniforms or In the competing market for finances, sponsorship awards. has become a viable avenue for funding to assist Display their logo on programs, newsletters, your club. But finding and enticing a sponsor is a invitations or uniforms (be creative). difficult task! Below are a number of hints that may The right to set up a stall or information at games. help your club when seeking sponsorship. Public acknowledgment at all games and events. Finding a sponsor: Get your club out there! 1. Pick a company that has some relevance to Understanding what people want Marketing is about getting your club out there. Why do people play sports? What are the barriers? Take advantage of these free marketing your team. It is important to understand what drives people opportunities through the Department of Sport 2. Do your research: Find out about your sponsor, toward or away from sports participation when you and Recreation and the City of Cockburn. what they do and who runs them. are trying to market your club. According to the 3. Create a link: Find something in common Australian Bureau of Statistics the highest rated The Department of Sport and Recreation between the business and your club, whether reasons for participating in sports are health and The Department of Sport and Recreation ‘Find Cockburn Libraries’ it be the family focus or community focus. fitness, enjoyment, well being and social/family a club’ is a free online search device for people Community Information Shared values can be an attraction for the reasons, with the barriers being time, cost and searching prospective clubs in their area. transportation. The Cockburn Libraries’ sponsor. Visit for Community Information Service is 4. Don’t be afraid to use your contacts. DO YOUR RESEARCH on your demographic and more information. a free and easy to use service for residents put this into your marketing plan! If health and who wish to access information about clubs, 5. Be professional: Even if you know the sponsor, fitness is a driver, promote your club as another community groups, not-for-profit, government and make sure you still compose a formal letter way to stay fit and healthy. Be creative with your other organisations relevant to the residents of the and proposal for each sponsor to ensure marketing and if you have the research to back it City of Cockburn. they see what they are going to get out of the up-it will make your marketing more effective! sponsorship relationship. City of Cockburn-Community Development You can access this free service online via the 6. Sell, sell, sell! Be creative: Your club isn’t just Cockburn Community Portal Library’s website at a ‘sports club’ but your club is ‘encouraging offers free websites and webmail. social and physical wellbeing within the Remember! Online promotions on the Cockburn or in person at any of the Cockburn Libraries. For community’. Don’t be afraid to oversell. more information, or to get your club or organisation Many organisations focus on attracting Community Portal Facebook. onto the database call 9411 3553. 7. Keep the sponsor updated: Send photos with new members and forget about retaining Cockburn Community Group News their logo, update them on numbers at games and valuing the members they currently (stories in the June & December and let them know the success of your team. have. The most important marketing Cockburn Soundings) Champion Clubs This will encourage continued support and plan is to develop a plan with strategies to improve the basic services the club Cockburn Community Signs – Champion Clubs have their own they can use the pictures in their marketing. presently provides. access to signage at 10 key Champion Clubs Calendar on locations across Cockburn. the City of Cockburn website. This is the most cost effective marketing Promote your clubs registration days, events or big strategy and can be more effective in the For more information visit games to the public via this free online calendar. long term. Contact your Club Development Officer with details For a sample marketing plan please visit or contact or for more information. 8 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 9 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Planning Seven Essentials of a Good Business Plan Vision - Without a vision, your club or Contingencies - Account for the risks your club or association will have no focus. association might face and work out contingency Commitment - Be committed to the vision, plans. A SWOT analysis will determine a club or otherwise your club or association is unlikely to association’s threats and weaknesses. Succession Planning succeed. Change - Any major changes affecting your Succession planning is vital to the continuity of club or association should be indicated in the Timelines - Create timelines showing when your club. If the workload falls to only one or two business plan. A local school closing could impact particular targets or milestones will be achieved. people, the quality and fortunes of the club can on membership numbers at a netball club or quickly decline when those people leave. Objectives - Avoid a long list of objectives as it is association. A good plan will incorporate measures A Succession Plan will ensure that if someone probably not realistic and will make it difficult for to prepare for this change so that member numbers steps down, another person can step into you to achieve. remain stable or increase. their shoes and pick up where they left off. Reporting - Focus on performance and trends that The following Seven Essentials of a Good Business Organisations that plan for smooth transitions of help determine change. Reports on membership Plan was provided by leadership positions are less likely to experience numbers over the past few years, volunteer disruptions to their business. This ensures that commitment, methods of fundraising provide an when the time for a changeover comes, it can be overview of past and present club or managed with minimum disruption. Club Best Practice association operations. Keys to a good Succession Plan: South Fremantle Women’s Football Club Having job descriptions so that current makes sure that each committee member volunteers know what they should be doing, is given a file with a job description of their and what might be expected of new volunteers. portfolio and a USB. From there, they are Having a business or strategic plan so that responsible for compiling a ‘how to’ guide anyone who is new to a committee can find out for the various tasks that they have to exactly what the future priorities are. undertake in their roles and any relevant Having a policies and procedures manual so documents to be saved to the USB. that volunteers know how everything should be The President of the club, Sally Allomes done. explains that “each year the file is passed on to the next person who undertakes that Remember! role and they can add to it. This way, new Before conducting any type of plan for your club, committee members have some info on it is important to know where you are now and how things were done and are not how you got there. A useful way to assess left floundering”. where your club is, is through a SWOT analysis. Cockburn Cricket Club has also found the This means looking at your clubs Strengths, importance of having detailed position Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. descriptions for times of handover. Joe Covic, the President of the club explained SWOT Matrix “when I first started I had minimal Strengths Weaknesses handover which created extra work and e.g. Good location e.g. Poor marketing confusion. Because of this, the club has implemented a player-club handbook, Opportunities Threats which covers all important e.g. New schools being e.g. New competition topics and has greatly assisted built nearby our club in those times of transition”. 10 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 11 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Inclusion How Inclusive Disability Services Commission - Local Area Coordination Local Area Coordination has been supporting West is Your Club? Australians with disability since 1988. Local Area Coordinators (LACs) have local knowledge and can Use this checklist as a guide to assessing how help people with disability plan for and achieve a inclusive your club is. This checklist can also help with good life. Provision of information and advocacy your club’s regular policy review. Contact your Club Sport for Everyone Development Officer if you would like to go through and assisting people to plan, organise and access Every participant in sport, regardless of the role, your clubs results or would like assistance in the supports and services are important parts of the has a right to be treated with respect, dignity and implementation of inclusive policies. Is everyone treated equally and with respect, role. LACs work with family members and others fairness and to participate in an environment that is regardless of age, gender, race and ability? involved in supporting people with disability, helping enjoyable and safe. Harassment, abuse and other Memberships to further strengthen their caring role. In addition, Is it clear to everyone that offensive comments or forms of inappropriate behaviour in sport deny Is everyone welcome to join - is your club LACs work to help make local communities more jokes about race or religion will not be allowed? participants these rights. The Equal Opportunity membership open to all people, regardless of age, inclusive and welcoming. This is achieved through gender, race and ability? Are club/committee members trained to include education, advocacy and partnerships with local Act (1984) refers to policies and plans put in place people of different age, gender, race and ability? to ensure that no person is discriminated against Do you actually invite people of different age, community members, businesses, government and gender, race and ability to join your club? Can your club adapt or modify club activities to non-government organisations. on the basis of gender, sexuality, marital status, Is it easy to find out about your club? suit different needs? pregnancy, race, age or physical or intellectual LAC support is available to people with intellectual, impairment. Does your club encourage feedback from club physical, sensory, neurological and/or cognitive Is it easy to join your club? members? disabilities who are under the age of 65. Each Make sure your club is in compliance with Equal Do you offer flexible payment options? Opportunity Legislation. Not only does being LAC works with between 50 and 65 people with Is your club membership and are club activities Females inclusive broaden your membership base, it also disability, providing support which is personalised, affordable for a range of people? Are there opportunities for women or girls to will help to make your club a diverse and vibrant flexible and responsive. Do you help people fill out membership forms if participate? place to be a part of. they have difficulty understanding the information? To locate the Local Area Coordinator for your area go Is there enough lighting to ensure club facilities Do you make new members feel welcome? to the your Local Support Directory at like car parks are safe? or Do staff, volunteers and members offer advice Are there separate female change rooms and contact the LAC Area Manager (Cockburn) and support about the club to new and existing facilities? on 6399 7001. members? Is the club flexible about uniforms? Are women Do senior members of the club look after new welcome to wear extra clothing, or cover their Club Best Practice members? heads, for example? Bibra Lake Junior Football Club Fair Go For All Policies and Processes has an excellent strategy to increase Are training sessions and times suitable for people Does the club have policies and processes KidSport membership and make their club more using public transport? in the following areas? The KidSport Program (formerly know as the Youth inclusive. Players are encouraged Is the club physically easy to get into – with ramps, Active Program) helps young people play sport by Harassment and discrimination. providing up to $200 for club registration fees. to bring in old boots for use by other wide doors, accessible change rooms? Child protection. The program is for young people from low income players who need them and may not Are your signs easy to read? Codes of conduct. families who live in the City of Cockburn. Make be able to afford new ones. This is a Does the club provide activities for people to Working with Children Legislation. sure your club is registered so your members (and fantastic way to encourage everyone socialise and make friends? potential members) are eligible for this grant! to be able to participate, because Equitable volunteer/staff selection process. financial constraints have been found Member Protection Policy. Application forms are available online at the to be one of the greatest reported City of Cockburn website This ‘How inclusive is your club’ checklist was or from the City of barriers to participating in provided by the Department of Sport and Recreation Cockburn Administration Centre. organised sport. Western Australia ( To see if your club is registered, or for more information contact your Recreation Development Officer at or phone 9411 3654. 12 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 13 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Opportunities Minor Capital Works The City of Cockburn owns a range of facilities throughout the city that are utilised and managed Creating Pathways According to the Department of Sport and Recreation, many players discontinue playing during the transition by local sporting clubs who play an important role from junior to senior sport. Therefore to prevent losing in keeping our local community active. The Minor players over this period, it is vital to create links between Club Best Practice Capital Works Grant (MCWG) reflects the Council’s juniors and seniors (whether the same club or different). Cockburn Cougars Softball Club commitment to supporting local sporting clubs by Creating the Links recognizes the importance of creating Junior Travel Assistance contributing to minor capital works projects carried Run club social events for both junior and senior links between their junior and senior The Cockburn Junior Travel Assistance program out on Council owned property. The purpose of players. players. President of the club Matt (JTA) helps young local athletes by providing providing funding for these projects is to support Encourage senior coaches to regularly attend junior Smith admits “this can be challenging financial assistance for travel to state or sporting clubs to undertake the timely development games. as the kids play early morning and national competitions. and upgrading of infrastructure with the aim to seniors play in the afternoon. So the The program has quarterly application rounds each increase community participation in sport and Encourage junior players to volunteer at senior club has implemented an Annual Big year (March, June, September and December) for recreation. games and vice versa. Breakfast. We cook up a big brekkie young residents in the City of Cockburn who have The MCWG will only be open to incorporated Encourage senior players to assist with coaching and charge players a small amount, been selected to represent Western Australia sporting clubs that are based or are operating within junior teams. with all the proceeds going towards or Australia. the City of Cockburn under a lease or seasonal Make junior training times immediately precede the fundraising for the club”. The Sports Equipment Grant licence on Council owned property and are servicing senior training. club encourages all senior players to The City of Cockburn offers financial assistance to a significant number of local residents. come and support the junior players. If different clubs, encourage networking of presidents. clubs to purchase new or replace essential club These three application forms are available “The kids are really excited to see the sports equipment through the Sports Equipment Distribute retention letters to all 17’s players at the seniors there supporting them and it online at or conclusion of the season, giving them details for Grant (SEG). The program is open all year round contact for goes a long way toward but no retrospective funding will be provided. senior team/club contacts. bringing the club together more information. For more information please contact your Club Develop promotional information that can be and making everyone Development Officer. distributed to junior players and their parents about feel included”. the importance of long term involvement in sport. The Community Sport and Recreation Facility Fund The Department of Sport and Recreation Community Sport and Recreation Facility Fund (CSRFF) is available to clubs for projects that increase participation in sport and recreation through the development or enhancement of sporting and recreational facilities. The CSRFF will contribute a maximum of one third towards the total project cost. The three levels of funding include: Funding Level Total Project Value Closing Date Examples of Projects Small Grants $7,500 - $150,000 January and • Floodlighting (between $2,500-$50,000) August • New cricket wickets • Backing nets • Court resurfacing or upgrades Annual Grants $150,000 - $499,000 September • Pavilion upgrades (between $50,000-$166,666) • Floodlighting • Synthetic pitches Forward Planning Grants $500,00 - $12m By Negotiation • Major swimming pool (between $166,667-$4m) construction • Multipurpose leisure centre Please contact the Recreation Services Coordinator on 9411 3438 to discuss your project before commencing the application process. 14 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 15 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Network A position description also outlines how the role fits in with relation to the broader goals of the organisation. Recognise When volunteers are recruited to your organisation Publicly acknowledge their efforts at an of Support Before recruiting volunteers think about: How many do we really need? it makes the utmost sense to make every effort to retain them. It is a costly proposition to recruit and train replacement volunteers. Moreover, the time event or through club publications. Nominate them for local, state and federal volunteer awards. How long do we need them for? lost in recruiting replacement volunteers can result Provide them with vouchers or discounts at When do we need them? in lengthy periods where an organisation may not a sponsor’s business. Why do People Volunteer? be able to deliver the additional quality of service What training will they need to complete the that a volunteer may bring to the organisation. Hold a volunteers’ function; provide them Almost two thirds of those who became involved tasks we have identified for them? with a meal. in volunteering in the last 10 years were asked One important way of encouraging your volunteers by someone (35%) or did so because they knew What support will they require? Establish an honour board. to remain with your organisation is to give them someone involved (29%). adequate recognition. To be effective, recognition Write reference letters for them (to assist with Communicate employment prospects). They were rarely recruited by the media with only should be both consistent and ongoing. Make sure you keep your volunteers in the loop. Fund their training and/or accreditation in 5% doing so as a response to a media report or Organise an orientation/induction so they can get to Be creative, it doesn’t have to be costly, but it will an advertisement. connection with club related activities. know how your club runs, its main goals and what ensure volunteers feel valued and they will be more likely to continue to support your club. Name an event or award after them. The top reason for volunteering was; helping is expected of them. Hold meetings with them over others or the community (57%), followed by the course of the year to check how they are going Provide them with replica premiership medals, Some ideas for recognition are: personal satisfaction (44%) and to do something with everything and see if they could use any further flags, and cups. Discount their fees. Provide them with club shirts or caps or any worthwhile (36%). assistance. Give them Seasonal or Life Membership (after other club marked paraphernalia. Become a Volunteer Friendly Club! exceptional club service). Plan Present them with good service certificates. People always say they want more volunteers. However, before recruiting volunteers it is important to plan. How are you going to recruit them? Once recruited plan for their arrival. Then plan how you are going to keep them. Be Specific According to a Volunteering Australia Survey, volunteers without job descriptions were more likely to report feeling unsupported in their work, Volunteer Resource Centre inadequately trained and without opportunities The Cockburn Volunteer Resource Centre to participate in decisions that affect them and supports volunteering in and around Cockburn. their work. They were more likely to experience The centre can offer clubs: uncertainty, conflict or confusion between paid Assistance with sourcing volunteers; workers and volunteers in their organisation. Despite Advice on volunteer management issues; the advantages of written position descriptions, and the National Survey of Volunteers conducted by Volunteering Australia in 2006 revealed that 42% Volunteer recognition opportunities, including the Very Important Volunteer of volunteers surveyed did not have written position program & the City of Cockburn’s descriptions for their roles. Inspirational Volunteer Awards. A good position description clarifies the For more information: responsibilities and support arrangements for a volunteer. It helps volunteers to be clear about what Tel: 9411 3490 is expected of them and feel confident in their role. Email: Web: 16 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 17 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Club Resource Topic Club Resources Organisation Department of Sport and Brief Want to develop a free club Services The Clubs Online website provides Guide Recreation website? Is your club interested a medium where clubs can upload Promotional in improving its management their details, create their own website, opportunities, and practises? Striving to make your contribute to blogs and forums, and accreditation courses. club strong off the field? Want to access club resources and templates. expand your advertising medium? Accreditation courses for coaches and 9492 9700 Looking to develop your coaches officials are also available. and officials? Community Resources Our Community Does your club need risk Our Community is a social enterprise Topic Organisation Brief Services management advice? Are there that provides advice and tools for not-for- insurance, training, marketing, profit community groups. Abuse-Alcohol Australian Drug Foundation Would you like to create a positive The Good Sports accreditation program is an or technology questions you and Drug image of your club when it comes initiative of the Australian Drug Foundation. need answered? Good Sports program (03) 9320 6800 to managing alcohol responsibly? It assists sporting clubs to manage alcohol By joining the good sports responsibly, reduce alcohol related problems and program and participating in promote a responsible attitude towards alcohol in Coaching and Officiating State Sporting Associations Would your coaches or officials Seek advice from your State Sporting accreditation courses, your club a safe environment for all. 1300 883 817 will be closer to addressing anti- Courses like to expand their knowledge? Association in regards to courses being social behaviour. Do you have new members run in your area. wanting to become more Abuse-Child Department of Child Protection Has a club coach noticed that Department of Child Protection can assist clubs involved? one of their players has been who are concerned for the safety and well being of Criminal Record Checking Working With Children Check Unsure as to who in your The Working with Children (Criminal abused at home? Not sure how their players. – Working with Children club requires a Working with Record Checking) Act 2004 was 9222 2555 to proceed? Check Children Check? introduced to ensure a consistent and 9223 1111 (after hours) 6217 8100 high standard of checking for certain people who work with children. Abuse-Child Play by the Rules Need information to help you deal Play by the Rules provides information and online Criminal Record WA Police Want volunteers to get a police The Department for Communities with issues and concerns about learning for community sport and recreation Checking – National clearance? Is there a volunteer together with the Western Australia Discrimination, discrimination and harassment? clubs. It shows how to prevent and deal with Police Clearance driving the team bus to and from Police, run a program providing WA harassment Looking for ways to silence the discrimination, harassment and child abuse; and 9222 1111 games? organisations with a National Police and member sideline loudmouth? Ensure the develop inclusive and welcoming environments Check for their volunteers at a protection. Department for Communities safety of junior members? Deal for participation. reduced fee. with the team bully? Alcohol and liquor Department of Racing, Gaming Wanting to sell alcohol at your Clubs wanting to sell alcohol need to apply to the 6217 8500 Licensing and Liquor club events, training sessions or Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor for a game days? Club, Club-Restricted or Occasional Liquor License. First Aid St John Ambulance Australia Does your club want to train St John Ambulance Australia provides your members in First Aid? training opportunities for club members in a variety of courses. Clubs can 9425 1888 9334 1222 purchase first aid equipment and request attendance at events. Alcohol Training Clubs WA Does your club serve alcohol? If Clubs WA provide the Responsible Service of First Aid – Sports Medicine Australia Does your Club wish to learn Sports Medicine Australia delivers your club is considering serving Alcohol Accreditation course needed to comply how to treat its players for injuries professional courses in sports first Sport Specific alcohol then your club is required with the Liquor Control Act (1988). sustained? Intending to train aid and sports training, as well as to have a qualified bar manager a volunteer to manage sports educational resources for coaches, on site. injuries this season? trainers and participants. 1300 640 616 9285 8033 Bank Accounts Local Bank Branches Does your club have problems Some banks have community grants and Inclusion Inclusion WA Would your coaches like Inclusion WA is a dynamic organisation with tracking payments? Is sponsorship available. Be sure to ask what your assistance in addressing the dedicated to enriching the lives of all there a cash flow problem? Is bank can offer you when setting up an account. challenges related to inclusion? people, including CaLD, indigenous there only one signatory needed Always have at least two cheque signatories. Would your club like to be and people with disability, by for cheques? more involved? facilitating inclusion in sport. 18 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 19 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Club Resource Guide Topic Organisation Brief Services Topic Organisation Brief Services Incorporation Department of Commerce Is it time to amend your clubs Clubs can submit an application to Tax, GST and Australian Taxation Office Does your clubs treasurer need The Australian Taxation Office provides constitution? Starting up a the Department of Commerce to either ABN to clarify a taxation issue? guides on tax basics for non-profit new club? Consider becoming amend its Constitution or become Want to apply for an Australian organisations, capital gains tax, fringe 1300 136 237 incorporated and give your club incorporated under Associations 13 28 66 Business Number (ABN)? Want benefits tax, gifts and fundraising, authority to enter into Incorporations Act 1987. to seek advice in establishing GST, income tax, record keeping and formal agreements. financial processes? volunteers. Insurance State Sporting Associations Need insurance for your club? Seek insurance for members through Volunteers Volunteering WA Want the latest ideas on Volunteering WA provide a range of Looking for insurance to cover your State Sporting Association. This effectively managing volunteers? resources, volunteer referral service, public liability, players, officials insurance is recommended in providing Trying to organise enough volunteer management practise, and committee members? the most suitable cover for your club as 9482 4333 volunteers to help out at training, training, workshops, forums, regular it is customised to your sport. on the committee, run the E-newsletters, bulletins and more. canteen, or at games? Insurance Local Community Insurance Services Need insurance for you club? Local Community Insurance Services Volunteers Go Volunteer Looking for volunteers for your Go Volunteer assists clubs in finding Struggling to get appropriate is an insurance provider established club? Interested in matching your individuals within their area who have insurance cover for your members, to manage the needs of clubs and volunteers to your club’s needs? expressed an interest in volunteering. committee and directors? community groups within Australia. 1300 853 800 (03) 9820 4100 Membership Active After-School Communities (AASC) Is your club looking to recruit new The AASC program is a springboard junior members? Would you like for club growth. It involves affiliating to reward unpaid volunteers in your club and coaches to local coaching roles? Would you like schools to deliver fun programs with new equipment and access to the aim of joining school children up 6389 7003 free courses? with your club. Post Office Box Australia Post Is your mail getting lost or sent to Your club has the opportunity to utilise a previous committee member? an Australian Post Office Box to ensure Would you like your mail to be your mail remains secured. 13 13 18 safe and provide a professional business address? Promotion Community News (Cockburn Gazette) Want to promote your club The Cockburn Gazette and the throughout the City of Cockburn City Herald are distributed Cockburn? Have a registration throughout the City of Cockburn. 6330 9100 day coming up? Did you have Clubs can promote themselves premiership success? through paid advertising or through Cockburn City Herald free publicity stories. 9430 7749 Sports Department of Sport and Recreation Need to mark out your pitch This guide provides information on Dimensions for the start of the season? playing surfaces, goal posts, run-off, This website offers information fencing, lighting, field of play, nets, etc. 9492 9700 regarding the designing of, and marking out for a range of sports. 20 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 21 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
City Of Cockburn Opportunities Opportunity Contact Summary of Eligibility Closing Opportunity Contact Summary of Eligibility Closing Available For Dates Available For Dates Bus Hire Subsidy The subsidising of the City of Cockburn Incorporated sport clubs can Open all year. Minor Capital Development and minor City of Cockburn Incorporated sporting clubs Open all year. hire of external buses apply for reimbursement of bus Works Grant upgrading of infrastructure. based in the City of Cockburn City of Cockburn (not owned by the City of hire fees, $100/month up to a may apply. The council will Cockburn). maximum of $500/year. City of Cockburn match club contribution on a 1:1 9411 3444 basis up to $4000/project. Cockburn Promotion of your club City of Cockburn Incorporated sporting clubs At least 2 9411 3444 Soundings throughout the City of based in the City of Cockburn months prior Cockburn every two may apply for articles to being Sponsorships Financial contribution for a City of Cockburn Individuals and Incorporated End of March City of Cockburn months. to be published. published. specific project, activity sporting clubs can apply for up and end of 9411 3444 City of Cockburn or event. communitygrants@cockburn. to $2000 September. Community Free website, group email, City of Cockburn Incorporated sporting clubs Open all year. Information Portal resources and information. based in the City of Cockburn 9411 3444 may apply. City of Cockburn Sports Equipment Financial assistance to City of Cockburn Incorporated and not-for-profit Open all year. 9411 3444 Grant purchase new or replace sporting clubs based in the City of However, no essential club sports Cockburn may apply. The council retrospective Community Signs Free promotion of City of Cockburn Not-for-profit organisations can Open all year. City of Cockburn meetings, events and use a Community Sign on a equipment. will match club contribution on a funding will City of Cockburn activities. communitydevelopment@ temporary basis at any of the 1:1 basis up to $1000/year. be provided. 9411 3444 ten locations. 9411 3444 Volunteer Resource The VRC offers information, City of Cockburn Incorporated and not-for-profit Open all year. Centre resources, training and sporting clubs based in the City of Community Sport Upgrades to facilities. City of Cockburn Incorporated sporting clubs First Friday advice, and use of a Cockburn may access the VRC. and Recreation may seek sponsorship for in March, City of Cockburn i.e. synthetic playing computer, internet, scanner Facilities Fund infrastructure upgrades to and the first surfaces, floodlights and and photocopier, etc. facilities. There are three types Friday in 9411 3490 Department clubrooms. of grants – small, annual and August every of Sport and 9411 3444 forward planning. Sponsorship year. Recreation in partnership with Department of Sport and Recreation is available up to one third of total project cost. local governments 9492 9700 Community Trailer Hire of a trailer full of Friends of the Community Incorporated, not-for-profit At least 1 event equipment such as groups can apply for the free week prior City of Cockburn chairs, tables, barbecues & hire of the trailer and the to event. bunting. 9411 3444 equipment enclosed. Junior Travel Financial assistance for Athletes under 18, travelling 1st Friday of: Assistance young local athletes to more than 100km and selected travel to state or national by the State or National Sporting March City of Cockburn competitions. body may receive up to $400 9411 3444 June annually. September December KidSport Assistance for eligible City of Cockburn Low socio-economic status Open all year. families to subsidise fees to families are eligible to receive DSR in partnership join a sport and up to $200 annually for each with local recreation club. of their children aged between governments 5 - 18 years. 9411 3444 22 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB CLUBMANAGEMENT MANAGEMENTGUIDE GUIDE 23 23 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
Name of Organisation Sponsorship Contact Summary of Eligibility Closing Date available for External Sponsorship Community Volunteer Grants Recruiting, retaining or up-skilling new and Department of Sport and Recreation Grants up to $2000 are available to incorporated 1st May each year Opportunities existing volunteers not-for-profit sport and Department of Sport and within sport and active active recreation clubs. Recreation recreation clubs. volunteer-grants 9492 9700 KidSport Assistance for eligible City of Cockburn Low socio-economic Open all year. families to subsidise status families are eligible Department of Sport and fees to join a sport and to receive up to $200 Recreation in partnership recreation club. kidsport annually for each of their with local governments children aged between 5 - 18 years. 9411 3654 Name of Organisation Sponsorship Contact Summary of Eligibility Closing Date available for Sports Leadership Grants Programs for Australian Sports Commission Both female individuals Around May for Women coaches, officials and and incorporated sport and each year. Active After School Purchase of sporting Australian Sports Commission Incorporated sporting clubs Open all year. administrators. i.e. recreation clubs may apply Communities (AASC) equipment, costs who register with the AASC Australian Sports course fees, presenter for a one off grant of up Commission associated with and utilise the program for fees, presenter travel, to $5,000 and $10,000 Australian Sports running targeted promotion of their junior participant travel costs. (02) 6214 1111 respectively. Australian Commission sign on events, sport memberships. Up to $5000 citizens or permanent specific accreditation 6389 7003 is available depending on residents aged 18 years or courses. level of involvement. more can apply. Thank A Volunteer Grant Community Department for Communities Community organisations Around Multicultural Youth Deliver sustainable Australian Sports Commission Incorporated sport and Around April organisations to host are eligible to apply but it is November Sports Partnership sport participation recreation clubs can apply for each year. Department for Thank A Volunteer Day recommended that a range each year. Communities (Dec 5) events. of community groups be Program programs for youth grants of between $5000 6551 8413 (under 30 years) from participation/all_cultures and $50000. involved in the event. Australian Sports a CaLD background. Commission (02) 6214 1996 Volunteer Grants Fund Small equipment Department of Families, Housing, Incorporated sport and Around June items that will Community Services & Indigenous recreation clubs may each year. Sport Incentive Program Australian Sports Australian Sports Foundation Financially viable incorporated Open all year. FaHCSIA assist volunteers in Affairs (FaHCSIA) apply for equipment grants Foundation provides sport and recreation clubs performing their tasks. of between $1000 and Australian Sports eligible clubs with the can apply if undertaking Foundation $5000 each. opportunity to raise facility development, facility i.e. laptops, equipment funds for capital feasibility study, equipment, 1800 183 374 works projects. (02) 6214 7868 team travel, hosting a major sporting event or for sport development. Health Promotion Programs that aim to Healthway Grants are offered to At least four Project Grant increase individual incorporated organisations calendar knowledge and skills, and community groups months prior to Healthway change behaviour, to run or trial innovative project start. Community Participation Programs that Department of Sport and Grants between $1000 and Open all year. and environments to health promotion programs: Funding increase physical Recreation $5000 are available to sport improve health. 9476 7000 Health Promotion over activity among low and recreation community $5000 Grant Department of Sport participation groups, organisations/clubs. and Recreation particularly indigenous participation-funding and CaLD. 9492 9700 Health Promotion under $5000 Grant Sport Sponsorship Delivery of a program Healthway Incorporated sport and At least four Community Sport and Upgrades to facilities. Department of Sport and Incorporated sport and First Friday Program or event involving recreation clubs are eligible calendar Recreation Facilities Recreation recreation clubs may seek in March, recognised sport or for: Health Promotion months prior to Fund i.e. synthetic sponsorship for basic and the first Healthway recreation initiatives under $5000 Sponsorship project start. playing surfaces and infrastructure upgrades to Friday in that have physical Department of Sport and clubrooms. sport and recreation facilities. August 9476 7000 Health Promotion $5000 - 9492 9700 activity as the Recreation There are three types of grants every year. $50000 Sponsorship primary focus. City of Cockburn – small, annual and forward Health Promotion over planning. Sponsorship is $50000 Sponsorship 9411 3654 available up to one third of the total project cost. 24 CITY OF COCKBURN / CHAMPION CLUBS CLUB MANAGEMENT GUIDE 25 Document Set ID: 5956360 Version: 1, Version Date: 27/04/2017
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