Page created by Jerome Paul
FRANCESCA LIBERATORE (Rome,1983) graduates at CentralSaintMartins in 2007 and immediately
starts work for some of the world's most celebrated design houses including Viktor&Rolf-Amesterdam,
JeanPaulGaultier-Paris and Brioni woman.
In 2009 Liberatore steps out on her own and launches her namesake label winning Italy's prestigious
Next Generation competition promoted by Camera Nazionale della Moda Italiana and earning runways
show during MilanFashionWeek. Francesca Liberatore, both the creative director, and the collection
are an immediate hit. The following years she shows in some of the world's most celebrated cities and
venues, Paris, London, Canton, Saint Petersburg, Minsk, Warsow, thanks to special capsules and
important international partnership projects, including Moulin Rouge Paris, Saga Furs, Swarovski, Nafa,
Lineapelle and more. Her work have been installed in exclusive venues, in Museo Della Triennale so
as in Museo della Permanente in Milan and Edieuropa Gallery in Rome.
In the years Francesca shares her unique experience, know-how and style teaching in Italy and abroad
in the best fashion and design schools from Milan to New York, as a teacher (Accademia Belle Arti,
Naba, Marist University) and as and international expert for the United Nations- Giordania, Vietnam,
Perù, Armenia, Pakistan, Cuba.
Passion and determination drive the key of her success, upholding the name of Made in Italy overseas.
In 2014 Francesca Liberatore wins the DHL Exported Award, a direct link to an important partnership
with IMG Fashion, that brings her to permanently show her collections during the New York Fashion
Week. Since September 2014 to date, she officially showed on the most exclusive NY catwalk venues,
Lincoln Center Salon, The Moyniahn Station at the Dock Skylight and Gallery 1 at Clarkson Square.
On February 2018, after significant seven seasons at the NYFW, and with new self awareness, she
came back to Milan MFW and, in the same year, she celebrate 10 years of carrier with her first book
published by Silvana Editoriale, followed by the successful collaboration with Arena and FIN for the
Olympics of Tokyo ss2020, where Liberatore signs the training swimsuits of the Italian National Swim
Team and the costume for the game of the Italian National Syncronized Swim Team.
Date of birth:   22/08/1983          Nationality:   Italian      Languages:

                                                                 English: Very good Speaking, Writing, Reading
                                                                 French: Very good Speaking, Writing, Reading
                                                                 Italian: Mother tongue

contact details:+39 3313761987   SHOWROOM: Via del Vantaggio 7, 00186 Roma


     2003 – 2007                    BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear
                                    Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London
     2005 – 2006                    PLACEMENT YEAR Diploma in Professional Studies
                                    Third year of BA (Hons) Fashion Design Womenswear
                                    Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London
     2002 – 2003                    Fashion Folio
                                    Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design, London
     1997 – 2002                    Liceo Classico Statale E. Q. Visconti, Roma

Country of work experience:

     2014 - now                    New York
     2014                          Yerevan - Armenia
     2014 - now                    Rome - Italy
     2013                          Lima – Peru
     2012 - now                    China – Guanghzou – Harbin – Beijing - Shangai
     2007 - now                    Milan - Italy;
     2006 - now                    Paris - France;
     2012                          Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi - Vietnam
     2011 - 2012                    Amman - Jordan
     2005                          Amsterdam - Netherland;
     2003 - 2007                   London - England;

Employment records:

     Since: 2009                    Employer: FRANCESCA LIBERATORE srls
                                    Position held: Creative Director at FRANCESCA LIBERATORE

                                    AW 2020/21 Womanswear show collection MilanFashionWeek
                                    22 nd February 2019, TheSpaceCinema Piazza Duomo, Sala1

                                    SS 2020 Womanswear show collection MilanFashionWeek
                                    18 th September 2018, Bagni Misteriosi, TeatroParenti

                                 AW 2019/20 Womanswear show collection MilanFashionWeek
                                 22 nd February 2018, Palazzo Reale Scalone Arengario

                                    SS 2019 Womanswear show collection MilanFashionWeek
                                    23 rd September 2018, Palazzo Reale Scalone Arengario

                                    AW 2018/19 Womanswear show collection MilanFashionWeek
                                    24 th February2018, Padiglione Visconti

                                    SS2018 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
10 th September2017, Galley1 at Skylight at Clarkson sq

                                   AW 2017/18 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                  11 th February2017, Galley1 at Skylight at Clarkson sq

                                       SS 2017 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                       9 thSeptember2016, The Dock at Skylight at Moynihan Station
                                       Double show 5pm and 6pm in partnership with IMG and Marist University

                                    AW 2016/17 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                    12 th February2016, The Dock at Skylight at Moynihan Station

                                    SS 2016 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                    12 thSeptember2015, The Dock at Skylight at Moynihan Station

          New York Fashion Week Womanswear Show Collection Winner of DHLExported SS2015; AW 2015/16

                                    AW 2015/16 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                    18 thFebruary2015, 'Salon' Licoln Center

                                   SS 2015 Womanswear show collection New York Fashion Week
                                   8 thSeptember2014, 'Salon'Licoln Center

                                                    Milan Fashion Week Womanswear Show Collections
           AW2010/11; SS2011; AW2011/12; SS2012; AW2012/13; PE2013; AW2013/14; PE2014; AW2014/15

                     AW 2014/15 Womanswear show collection Milan Fashion Week 24th February 2014, MMD

                       SS 2014 Womanswear Show collection Milan Fashion Week 23rd September 2013, MMD
                                                                                      Sponsors: Swarovski Elements, Puntoseta.

                    AW 2013/14 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 26th February 2013, MMD
                                                             Sponsors: Saga Furs, Puntoseta, Moulin Rouge, Swarovski Elements

                      SS 2013 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 25th September 2012, MMD
                                                                                          Sponsor: Puntoseta, Universo Plastico

                    AW 2012/13 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 28th February 2012, MMD
                                 Sponsors: Swarovski Elements, Saga Furs, Canali Pellicce, Fureco, GianmarcoPuma, Melissa

                       SS2012 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 27th September 2011, MMD
Sponsors: Swarovski Elements, Puntoseta

                          AW 2011/12 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 1st March 2011, MMD
                                            Sponsors: Moulin Rouge, Swarovski Elements, Puntoseta,Saga Furs,Fureco, VivaItalia

                     SS2011 Womanswear Show Collection Milan Fashion Week 22nd September 2010,MMD
                                                              Sponsors: MoulinRouge Paris,Svarowski,Puntoseta,GiammarcoPuma

                                          Winner for the NEXT GENERATION-4Edition 2009 (sala Spiga)
                     AW 2010/11 Womansear Show Collection MilanFashionWeek 24thFebruary 2010, MMD
                                                                                          Sponsors: Puntoseta, Melissa,Svarowski

Special collaborations:

    In: 2019                        Employer: Arena (Waterinstinct)
                                    Position held: Fashion Designer

                                    - Exclusive capsule collection of swimsuit Arena by Francesca Liberatore
                                    wore and presented by Italian National Artistic Swim Team
                                    during Milan Fashion Week SS2020
                                    - Partnership with Arena and FIN for the Olympics Tokyo 2020 designing
                                    the training official swimcostume of the Italian National Swim Team
                                    - Official swimsuite for the Olympic Games of Tokyo 2020 of the Italian
                                    National artistic team

    Since: 2009                     Employer: Moulin Rouge Paris
                                    Position held: Fashion projects

                                    Responsible Fashion projects at Moulin Rouge Paris since 2009
                                    Graphics, special items and capsule collections of t-shirt and foulard
                                    Moulin Rouge by Francesca Liberatore

    In: 2018                        Employer: DESIGNOW, NYC
                                    Position held: Creative Director, LimitedEdition capsule collection
                                    Designow by Francesca Liberatore

    In: 2017                        Employer: FURMEYE, Shanghai
                                    Position held: Fur Designer/Creative director of exclusive collections –
                                    Furmeye by Francesca Liberatore

    In: 2013 and in:2015            Employer: SAGA Furs, Copenaghen
                                    Position held: Fur Designer - Saga by Francesca Liberatore

                                    Fur Designer of Capsule collection for SagaFurs Copenhagen (2013)
                                    Design a Fur collection for chinese market using, improving and translating Saga new
                                    techniques of fox, mink and mix fox/mink, defining a strong image, mood, client, trend.
                                    Capsule collection for SagaFurs with exclusive show in Beijin (sept 2015)

    From 2012 to 2014              Employer: NAFA, Canda/China/Korea
                                   Position held: Fur Designer and Creative Director of capsule collections
                                   Creative director for Nafa exclusive collection
                                   (NAFA by Francesca Liberatore),Canada
                                   Exclusive collection of Black Nafa 2012
                                   Exclusive collection for Guifuren 2013
                                   (Guifuren by Francesca Liberatore)
                                   Show Collection Harbin, China 6th Nov 2012
Exclusive collection Northern Light 2013 (by Francesca Liberatore)
                            Show Collection Beijn, Shangai, Hong Kong, Athens, Moscow
                            Exclusive collection for NAFA 2014 in Seoul
                            (Yoonjin Fur Fashion by Francesca Liberatore)
                            Exclusive collection 2014/15 for private client China

    In : 2016               Employer: Ivy Oxford
                            Position held: Consultant - Creative Direction
                            Menswear Sport Collection AW2016/17

    From: 2013 to: 2014     Employer: Private client Lebanon/Dubai worldwide export
                            Position held: Creative Director for Nolamisù Children wear collection

                            Designing a childrenswear collection NOLAMISù
                            september 2014 SS 2015 collection
                            Pitti Bimbo January 2014 AW 2014/15

    From 2007 to 2008       Employer: Brioni Womanswear
                            Position held: Fashion Designer Womanswear

                            Head Womanswer Designer at Brioni
                            Pre-collection A-I 08/09
                            Milan show Collection A-I 08/09
                            Pre-collection S-S 09
                            Milan show Collection P-E 09

    In: 2006                Employer: Jean Paul Gaultier Paris
                            Position held: Assistant Designer

                            designs development, sketches, technical drawings, illustrations, print and
                            fabric developments, prototypes, researches and concepts, fittings,
                            backstage; for the lines:
                 Gaultier Haute couture and prèt-à-porter, Famme, Homme, Puissance2, Soleil, Maille
                            - haute couture S/S 06
                            - man’s collection A/W 06/07
                            - prèt à porter A/W 06/07
                            - haute couture A/W 06/07
                            - man’s collection S/S 07
                            - prêt à porter S/S 07
                            Madonna costumes Confessions tour
                            Joaquin Cortez’s costumes tour
                            Greek singer’s costume Eurovision06

    In: 2005                Employer: Viktor&Rolf Amsterdam
                            Position held: Assistant Designer

                            Viktor&Rolf Womanswear, Monsieur;
                            during collection S/S 06
                            preparation collection A/W06/07

    In: 2004                Employer: Franco Ciambella
                            Position held: Assistant Designer

                            Ciambella Wedding Dress and Couture;
                            during Alta Roma collection A/W 04/05


   Since:2018                Employer: Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan
                             Position held: Professor of Fashion Design
In: 2017                   Employer: Academy of Fine Arts of Macerata
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design – faculty member
                               AA: 2017/18
                               Courses: Fashion design 1 e 2 – collection

    Since: 2007                Employer: Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design
                               Since 2018: Faculty Member
                                             Course Leader
                                             Coordinator of Fashion Design Courses

                               Fashion Teacher in the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera, Milan
    AA: 2007/08; 08/09; 09/10; 10/11; 11/12; 12/13; 13/14; 14/15; 15/16; 16/17; 18/19; 2019/20
                               Courses: Fashion design – collection final year master course
                                         Representation technics – first year master course

    From: 2013 To: 2016        Employer: Academy of Fine Arts, Rome
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design

                               Fashion Teacher in Accademy of Fine Arts, Rome
                               AA: 2013/14; 2014/15; 2015/16
                               Course: Fashion Design - master course

    Since: 2013                Employer: NABA, Milan
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design

                               Fashion Teacher in NABA New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan
                               AA: 2013/14; 2014/15; 2015/16; 2016/17; 2017/18; 2018/19; 2019/20
                               Course: Fashion Design Collection English - final year
                                       Fashion Design Collection English - second year
                                       Industrial Accessory – second year
                                       Fashion Design English - summer courses

    From: 2008 To: 2013        Employer: IED Moda Lab, Milan
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design

                               Fashion Teacher in European Institute of Design, Milan
                               A.A.2008/09; 2009/10; 2010/11; 2011/12; 2012/13
                               Courses: FashionDesign1
                                        Personal design italian and english
                                        Personal design urbanwear and accessorizes
                                        MA Personal design english; MA FashionDesign1
                               Courses in partnership with Westminster University London
                               Life drawing level 4; Fashion Illustration level 5; Fashion drawings

    In: 2014                   Employer: Accademia di Costume e Moda, Rome
                               Position held: Professor of Fashion Design

                               Fashion Teacher in Accademy of Costumes and Fashion, Rome
                               AA 2013/14
                               Seminary: Fashion illustrations
                                         Fashion Illustrations Accessory - master course

Inernational teaching/role:

    In: 2018                   Employer: UNIDO, Vienna/Cuba
                               Position held: International expert of Fashion Design

                               Avana Summit
                               Project about women empowerment and industrial development

    In: 2017                   Employer: UNIDO, Vienna/Pakistan
                               Position held: International expert of Fashion Design
Lahore and Karachi Expo Pakistan
                                   Project about women empowerment and industrial development

     Since: 2017                   Employer: Marist University, NY
                                   Position held: International Designer

                                   International Professor guest lecture in fashion design classes
                                   Judge of final year work and Silver Needle show Award

     In: 2015                      Employer: SagaFurs, Finland
                                   Position held: International Designer

                                   Fashion Designer with show in Beijing and Senior Lecture with conferences
                                   in partnership with BIFIT University Beijing

     In: 2015                      Employer: NABA, Milan /Bilgi University, Istanbul
                                   Position held: International professor of Fashion Design

                                   Fashion Trainer for fashion design courses Bilgi University, Istanbul
                                   in partnership with NABA New Accademy of Fine Arts,Milan

     In: 2014                      Employer: UNIDO, Vienna/Armenia
                                   Position held: International expert of Fashion Design

                                   Fashion international expert for UNIDO, Armenia (Yerevan)
                                   The project aims to improve the market knowladge and creative process of local textile and
                                   clothing        enterprises and single designers in regional and international markets. More
                                   specifically, the project aims to build local technical capacity to support SME development and
                                   modernization to position Armenian products as high- end design goods. It is important that they
                                   acquire knowledge and skills in innovative fashion design and garment process, product
                                   marketing, competitiveness building and export promotion.

     In: 2013                     Employer: UNIDO, Rome/Peru
                                  Position held: International expert of Fashion Design

                                  Fashion international expert for UNIDO, Peru (Lima)
                                  Trainer expert for Fashion Design Process
                                  Seminar in the Ministry of Industry and Production in Lima
                                  President of Gamarra Concourse
                                  The project aimed at assisting the Ministry of Industry and Production to implement fashion
                                  development, including for those that may have an export orientation, and enterprise upgrading, at
                                  a pilot level, in four selected sectors: woman wear, menswear, children wear, sport wear. The
                                  mission contributed to judge the capacity of Peruvian factories taking part to the Gamarra
                                  concourse and advise them in order to match with international businesses.

     In: 2012                     Employer: UNIDO, Vienna/ Vietnam
                                  Position held: International expert of Fashion Design

                                  FashionTrainer UNIDO, Vietnam University (HoChiMinhCity and Hanoi)
                                  Trainer expert for Fashion Design Process
                                  The whole mission aimed to familiarizing the participants, through the design process, to create
                                  and develop a prêt-à-porter collection for women, starting from general inspiration to the final
                                  planning of production, understanding the reality of industry and client expectations. So as on
                                  stimulating and involving more personal, selective and critical aspects regarding: garments
                                  analysis, styling choices in order to capture trendy inspiration, collection balance, ability to
                                  organize and design a prêt-à-porter collection matching the worldwide criteria.

     From 2011 to 2012             Employer: NABA New Academy of Fine Arts, Milan /GSC, Amman
                                   Position held: International expert of Fashion Design

                                  Fashion Trainer GSC(GarmentDesignTrainingServicesCenter) Jordain
                                  in collaboration with NABA New Accademy of Fine Arts,Milan
                                  Trainer expert ‘Creation of a prèt à porter Collection (part1 and 2)’
                                  and ‘System of Fashion and new tendences’

Recent shows, exhibitions and prizes:

 -   MAY 2019 Booksigning and talk in Rome at Università LaSapienza, Aula I, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
with Cinzia Capalbo ( Preside della Facoltà), Livia Crispolti (docente e moderatrice), Giuseppe di Piazza (Corriere della Sera),
    Elisabetta Pinacci (manager Saga)
- MAY 2019 Special exhibition and book signing in NYC Francesca Liberatore in DESIGNOW studio
- FEB 2019 Book signing in Rome with FAI at Sala Trevi Cicus Caprarius
- NOV 2019 Book signing in Milan in the Superstudio of Lineapelle,
    with Fulvia Bacchi (president of Lineapelle and Unic) and Alberto Nobis (CEO of DHL Europe)

-   International Speaker – Fashion designer at MedaWeek 2017
    Mediterranean Meeting of Economic Leaders Barcelona organized by Unido (22nd Nov 2017)
- International Expert – fashion designer and government guest for Expo Pakistan 2017
- Special Guest in Abudabhi eco sustainable Fashion Experience (30th Mar- 4th Apr)
- Exhibition of garments “A-Z Il nuovo Vocabolario della Moda Italiana” - MUSEO TRIENNALE Milano
  (23rdNov15- Mar16 )
- Belarus Fashion Week (2Fashion Show 23rd October 2015)
    Winner for New York market showing during New York Fashion Week in sept 2014 and feb 2015
    DHL presentation in Milan Fashion Week with special event sept 2014
-   Warsaw Fashion Weekend (Fashion Show 6th apr 2013) Soho Factory
-   Connected4Climate campain 2013 of Banca Mondiale with t-shirt by Francesca Liberatore
 - Exhibition Cortina Fashion Week (7thdic 2012)
    Exhibition in ‘Palazzo del Comune di Cortina d’Ampezzo’ (dic 2012-mar 2013)
 - Capsule Leather Collection for LINEAPELLE 2013/14 shows in:
    Paris, Milan, London, Tokyo, Canton, NY
 - Unicef Campain 2012 “vogliamo Zero” t-shirt by Francesca Liberatore
 - Berlino fashion Week with CNMI(Fashion Show 7 july 2012), Brandebourg Tor
 - Ukranian Fashion Week with CNMI(Fashion Show 14th october 2011),Mytstestky Arsenal, Kiev
 - Presentation of collection SS 2012 to press - Loggia dei Mercanti: Mercedes-Benz (25thfeb2012)
 - Exhibition of garments: guest of Stuart Waitzmar for VogueFashionNightOut Rome, (15thSept11)
 - Exhibition of drawing and garments: “Punti di Stile di Francesca Liberatore”
    Galleria Edieuropa, Roma (Altaroma: 8th-11th july 2011)
 - Fashion show in San Petersburg: final gala of Festival NICE Italian Cinema (12thMarch 2011)
 - Presentation of collection AW 2011/12 to press
    Loggia dei Mercanti: Mercedes-Benz, Canon, Testanera (24th, 26th feb 2011)
 - Special Guest “The Hot House” in Fiera Milano Prèt-à-porter (25th -28th feb 2011)
 - Exhibition of garments and paintings: “Francesca Liberatore”
    Museo Permanente Milano ( 3th -13th feb 2011)
 - Special Guest “The Hot House” in Fiera Milano Prèt-à-porter (24th -28th sept 2010)
 - Exhibition Collision, 5 outfits sponsored by Tricotchic
   Fiera Milano Prèt-à-porter (24th -28th sept 2010)
 - Chosen by Camera Nazionale Moda Italiana for NUDE
   sept 2010, feb 2011, sept 2011, feb 2012, sept 2012, feb 2013
 - Winner for the NEXT GENERATION-4Edition 2009
 - Exhibition of works, Milan fashion week, sponsored and selected byVogue
   (VOGUE TALENTS milanofieracity 25th – 29th sept 2009): Vogue Sept 09
 - Winner for the Colin Barnes Award 2007
 - Winner for the Nina de York Scholarship Award 2007
 - Press Show of Central Saint Martins, BA(Honours)Fashion -Tuesday29thMay07, YorkHall, Old Ford Road, BethnalGreen, London
 - Winner for the Queens Scholarship Award 2005
 - Winner for The London Institute Price 2005 “best work”
 - Winner for the event (December 2004) sponsored by L’Oréal for 50 years of L’Oréal Professional in collaboration with V&A
 Museum and fallowing fashion show in the Raphael Hall of the Museum (25 thApril2005).
- Exhibition of illustrations: England Noise festival 2008 (selected and marked with excellent by Deans of Arts:
- Fashion show representing Milan for a couture night:Movida, 8-9 Agrall street, London (28 th june 2007 h21)
- Public exhibition of final year work Central Saint Martins: 107-109 Charing Cross Road, London (15 th – 22nd june 2007)
- Show for Degree Collection in Central Saint Martins: 107-109 Charing Cross Road, London (17 th may 2007).
- Exhibition of fashion illustrations: “DIRECTION 07 exhibition”, LathabyGallery, CSM CollegeOfArtAndDesign,(22nd jan-17thmar07)
- Exhibition of garments and drawings for a night dedicated to art, fashion, music,art: Cultural Association ‘Universo Plastico’
Francesca Liberatore
Showroom via del vantaggio 7, 00186 Roma
         cell +39 3313761987
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